anatomy written test 24 1 2011

1. Hepatogastric ligament

Forms one portion of the lesser omentum

Extends from the greater curvature of the stomach to the porta hepatis

Its lower margin is formed by the ligamentum teres hepatis

Forms the dorsal wall of the omental bursa

No statement is correct

2. The anterior chamber of the eye:

Is the space between the iris and the cornea

The aqueous humor is drained off at the iridocorneal angle

Is larger than the posterior chamber

Communicates with the posterior chamber throught the pupil

All statements are correct

3. Sebaceous glands:

Are most numerous in the palms and soles

Produces sebum into hair follicles

Do not occur in the face and scalp

In the puberty their secretory acitivity decreases

All statements are corrects

4. Choose an incorrect statement:

The submandibular triangle is bordered by the mandible and two bellies of the digastric muscle
The submandibular triangle contains the segment of the facial artery

The submandibular triangle contains the submandibular gland

The submandibular triangle contains the submandibular lymph nodes

Borders of the submandibular triangle are formed by the mandible, posterior belly of the digastric and superior belly of the omohyoid muscles

5. Arches of the foot

The medial longitudinal arch is lower than the lateral longitudinal arch

The transverse arch of the foot is formed by the talus, calcaneus and naivicular bone

Dynamic supports involved in maintaining the arches include active intrinsic muscles of foot and some long muscles extending into foot

The medial longitudinal arch is composed of the calcaneus, cuboid and lateral two metatarsals

No answer is correct

6. Choose an incorrect statement:

The humerotricipital (quadrangular) forarmen is bordered by the humerus, teres major and teres minor muscles and long head of the triceps

The posterior circumflex humeral artery passes thriugh the humerotricipital (quadrangukar) forarmen

The axillary nerve passes through the humerotricipital (quadrangular) forarmen

The circumflex scapular artery passes through the humerotricipital (quadrangular) forarmen

The humerotricipital (quadrangular) forarmen is in the posterior wall of the axilla.

7. Uterine tube

Infundibulum is between the uterine horn and ampulla

Fertilization of the oocyte usually ocuurs in the isthmus

Is located intraperitoneally

Ovarian fimbra is attached to the inferior pole of the ovary

No statement is correct

8. There is not located at the posterior mediastinum:

Hemiazygos accessory vein

Thoracic duct



No statement is correct

9. Which statement is correct?

Sternohyoid muscle has its origin on the manubrium of sternum and medial end of clavicle

Omohyoid muscle has the superior and inferior bellies

Stylohyoid muscle accompanies posterior belly of the digastric muscle

Posterior belly of the digastric muscle has innervation from the facial nerve

All these statements are correct

10. Ductus thoracicus

Begins bellow the diaphragm at the level of the L4

Runs through the diaphragm together with the inferior vena cava

Conveys the lymph from the entire body to the left venous angle

Receives the ductus thoracicus dexter before its end

No statement is correct

11. Porto-caval anastomosis does not include

Mucosa in lower esophagus

Mucosa in paraumbilical region

Mucosa in rectum

Mucosa in lower stomach

No statement is correct

12. Left coronary artery

Supplies only the left half of the heart

Is a branch of the arch of the aorta

Arises from the left aortic sinus

Is a branch of the coronary sinus

No statement is correct

13. Which statement is correct?


Olecranon is located in radius

Wrist contains 8 bones

Capitulum of humerus articulates with ulna

No statement is correct

14.The medial lemniscus is a part of

The vestibular pathway

The auditory pathway

The taste pathway

The sensory pathway

No answer is correct

15. The ductus deferens

Continue from rete testis


Opens into urinary bladder at posterioinferior angle below the ureter

No answer is correct

16. the urinary bladder

The apex

The fundus

The neck in male internal urethral orifice

No answer is correct


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