ang list(1)

Dear Ann,

How are you? I'm O.K. Thanks for your letter. I like reading your letters, too.

My brother has a new phone number. It's 6656377.

You ask me about Tina's children in your letter. Tina's son, Oskar is a student. He goes to high school in the center of Gdynia. Oskar likes playing football. He trains on Monday afternoons and on Friday evenings. He plays for Arka Gdynia. Oskar likes writing poetry, too. Tina's daughter, Agata is a student, too. She studies architecture at Politechnika Gdańska, in Gdańsk. She likes playing tennis in her free time. Agata lives in Gdynia. She leaves home at seven o'clock every day. She comes home at half past six p.m. Agata and Oskar like going out with their friends on Saturday evenings. They often go to disco at weekens. They don't like going to church on Sundays. They both hate cleaning home. Tina's son, Artur is nine years old. He goes to primary school in Pogórze. He learn very well, but he sometimes is lazy. Artur loves playing computer games. He learns English on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.

We now live in a block of flats. Our flat is big and nice, but it is very expensive. We can relax here. We often go for a walk to the forest. We go swimming to the swimming pool in Oksywie twice a week. My wife and I like playing bridge with friends from time to time. We sometimes go to the cinema in the evenings.

Please write me about your family.

See you soon.

Mirosław Draus


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