ang list z paryża(1)

21 Uranowa Street,

Gdynia 81-160,

19th Mai 2000.

Dear Andrzej,

How are you? I'm fine. I've got some great news! I won a lot of money, and I'm going on holiday. I'm spending two weeks of August in the beautiful city of Paris.

I'm driving there on Saturday afternoon, 5th August. First I'm going to the Eiffel Tower. I'm going to see the spectacular view of the city. Then I'm going to visit the Notre Dame Cathedral. It's one of the most famous Cathedral in the world. I'm also going to spend a day at the Louvre. There are a lot of wonderful paintings and statues. I'm going on a boat trip on the Seine and take some photographs. Everyday I'm going to the Left Bank to have a cap of coffee and a croissant. I'm going to book a table at Maxim's to taste some delicious French dishes in the evenings. Of course I'm going to visit Versailles to walk around the palace and its beautiful gardens.

What about you. Please write to me .




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