LIST ang

Zawrzyj w nim następujące informacje:

-przeproś, że nie odbierzesz go z dworca/lotniska, podając powód

-doradź, jakim środkiem transportu dojedzie do Twojego domu i podaj czas podróży

-zaproponuj przynajmniej dwie formy spędzania czasu podczas pobytu kolegi w Polsce

-poradź, jakie ubrania i sprzęt powinien ze sobą zabrać

Dear John,

Thank you for your last letter. I am very sorry I haven't written for such a long time, but I was very busy. Sorry, but I can't pick you up from the airport, because I will have a very important exam this day. I am afraid I won't pass it. You may come to my house by bus. You must leave the airport and the bus stop is on the left. You will be going for 20 minutes.

I have a good idea. When you come, we will go at the swimmingpool, for a walk to the zoo and we will go to the 3D cinema. There i fantastic! I hope that you will like it. I'm planning a meeting with my friends - you must know them. Please, don't forget to take with you a bikini and coat, because the weather is changable!

Looking forward to seeing you



Hi Max.
I'm so sory but i can't get u up from the airport becouse my car is broken and my sister is ill. The best way to get from airport to my hous is going by bus. You need to get into bus number 19(podstaw numer autobusu) and than leave it on Pulawskiego (podstaw ulice) street. When you will be here in Poland we can do to Krakow to see the Sukiennice or if u want we can go to Warsaw to see Lazienki. Better take warm clothes becouse now it's very cold in poland. 
See you soon.
Twoje Imie :D 

Tłumaczenie jezeli Ci potrzebne.
Czesc Max.
Przepraszam ale nie moge Cie odebrac z lotniska poniewaz moj samochod jest zepsuty a moja siostra jest chora. Najlepsza droga aby dostac sie z lotniska do mojego domu jest autobus. Musisz wsiac w autobus numer 19 i wysiasc na ulicy Pulawskiego. Gdy bedziesz w Polsce mozemy pojechac do Krakowa aby ogladnac sukiennice albo do Warszawy zeby ogladnac Lazienki. lepiej wez cieple ubrania poniewaz teraz w polsce jest zimno.


Hi Pete!

I'm so sorry but I can't get you up from airport.I hope that you won't be angry with me.My car is spoiled. You should get a Taxi. My house is on street Long 264. From airport to my house is about one hour of riding.When you will reach to my house we will go to my favourite restaurant.If you want we can go for a walk. Not far from my house is a huge shopping centre.We can go for shopping-I know that you like it. Here in [nazwa Twojego miasta] is cold. So you should take with you sweatshirts and a jacket.Take your camera-we can make some photos. I hope you will be here fast.

Love [twoje imie]
See you then.

Hej Pete!
Przepraszam ale nie moge odebrac Cie z lotniska.Mam nadzieje ze nie bedziesz na mnie zly.Moj samochod jest zepsuty.Powinienes jechac taksówką.Moj dom znajduje sie na ulicy Long[długiej] 264. Z lotniska do mojego domu jedzie sie okolo godziny.Kiedy dotrzesz do mojego domu pojdziemy do mojej ulubionej restauracji.Jezeli chcesz mozemy pospacerowac.Nie daleko od mojego domu jest wielkie centrum handlowe.Mozemy isc na zakupy-wiem ze to lubisz.Here in[nazwa miasta] jest zimno.Wiec powinienes wziasc swetry i kurtke.Wez swoja kamere/aparat-mozemy zrobic kilka zdjec.Mam nazieje ze bedziesz szybko

Pozdrawiam [imie]
Do zobaczenia

Hello XXX!
Sorry I havent written for so long. I was very busy. Im very glad that you are coming. I just cant wait to see you. Unfortunetly I can't pick you up from the airport, because I have to visit my grandma, she is in hospital. So I have to go from the airport to my home alone. But its simple, you have to go to bus. Take bus number 34, I have to get out, at Gorczynska Street. My adrees is Gorczynska 23, its small house, at the end of the street. Whole trip will take you about 15 minutes. 
If you want we can go to the swimming pool. I know that you are perfect swimmer. also we can go to the zoo, we have new animals there. After that we go go on some party with my friend.
I have some advice, take a lots of t shirts, because in Poland is very hot. Also you can take swimming suit, and tent, because we are going on camp. I waiting for you in Poland . see you soon.



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