list ang(1)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am wrting to express my opinion connected with the article published in the last edition of your newspaper. I represent a group of students from one of the college in Fordham.

Our class want ot make a commment concern creating new car park in Fordham. Moreover we have decided to ask inhabitants of our town how often they go into Greendale Park and spend their free time there. Results of our survey show that a guarter of questioned people is every day in the park, over fifty percent used it last week and only twenty-twohave never been there.

In addition, council's project is a reason of a public discussion about lack of parking places and other aspects connecting with this matter. Greendale Park is very importantfor Forgham society. People who live in our town have many possibilities of spanding their leasure time there. For parents this park is a place where their children can play sefely. Even grandparents think that it is kids-friendly. In others inhabitants opinion it emanates an atmosphere of deep peace and that is way they like to go there for having a lunch. Also it is substantial for sport's outdoor infrastructure. For example people who practise tennis can play there much cheaper than in private courts.

On the other hand Fordham's inhabitants suggest to find another solution of problem of parking. New car park is necessary but it might be located somewhere else. In town there are some industry areas which can be used instead of Greendale Park.

In our point of view it is very good that the council want to solve problem of parking. Unfortunately we can not agree with the opinion that the park is useless and unnecessary.

We are gratefulythat your newspaper wrote about this matter. Fordham's society shouldbe informed about projects which will change our town. We are looking foward for next article.

Yours faithfully XYZ

Winiarska Monika


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