Using English Articles (#13), by Easy English
Using English Articles (#13)
When Not
to Use Articles
In general, do not use articles before names not this: but this:
*He believes in the God. He believes in God.
not this:
*The Hawai'ian goddess of
The Hawai'ian goddess of
Do not use articles before the names of not this: but this:
*John is majoring in the Biology. John is majoring in Biology.
not this:
*Ruth has a Master's degree in
Ruth has a Master's degree in C.I.S.
Do not use articles before the names of sports: not this: but this:
*The boxing is a violent sport. Boxing is a violent sport.
not this:
*The hurling is an unusual sport
Hurling is an unusual sport which
Do not use articles before the names not this:
*The Christmas is an important
Christmas is an important
not this:
*In the U.S., the Independence
In the U.S., Independence
Do not use articles before abstract nouns: not this:
*The patience is a quality which
Patience is a quality which he
not this:
*The knowledge and the wisdom
Knowledge and wisdom are
not this:
*Is it possible to have both the
Is it possible to have both
Look at this sentence: "The Hawai'ian goddess of fire is named Pele."
In this sentence, goddess is a general noun, but
Pele is, however, a name. For that reason,
Look at this sentence:
"Ruth has a Master's degree in C.I.S.
In this sentence, degree is a general noun;
C.I.S. (Computer Information Systems)
Compare these two sentences:
"In the U.S., Independence Day is celebrated
"In the U.S., Independence Day is celebrated
Do you understand why the is used before