PitBull4 spec

Each UnitID can have 0..* frames, not just 0..1

classification: what kind of frame something is, also what settings it adheres to. e.g. player, party, raid, target, partypet
singleton: a frame that is not part of a larger whole, e.g. player, pet, target, targettarget
member: a frame that is part of a larget whole, e.g. raid1, party2pet
supergroup: a set of members, e.g. raid, partypet
group: a specific set of members, e.g. raid group 1, party members. All supergroups are made up of 1 or more groups.
wacky: Whether a unit frame receives standard Blizzard events for UNIT_HEALTH and such. player, target, pet, focus, mouseover, party, partypet, and raid receive such events.

List of classifications:
- player
- target (alias of playertarget)
- pet
- focus
- mouseover
- party
- partypet
- raid
- raidpet
- maintank
- mainassist
- target+ for the above

- player
- target (alias of playertarget)
- pet
- focus
- mouseover
- target+ for the above

- party
- partypet
- raid
- raidpet
- maintank
- mainassist
- target+ for the above

Configuration mode: show the possible frames for a specific situation, allow for placement, mostly
Contextual profiles:
- solo (possibly with a pet)
- party (or 5-man raid)
- 10-man raid
- 25-man raid
- 40-man raid

each module has a type

Module types:
status_bar: provides functions to provide details on a status bar.
custom: different from above

status_bar layout options:
size: how tall/wide a bar is
reverse: whether it's reversed
deficit: whether it's showing its deficit
alpha: alpha value of the whole bar
background_alpha: alpha value of the bg
position: numeric position relative to other bars on the same side
side: left, center, or right


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