Wayne Ross Dating Beautiful Women Made Easy (website)

Dating Beautiful Women...Made Easy
Do You Want Women To Pick You Up?
Easily Get 10 To 15 Dates A Month Using My Unique Reverse Approach
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Will Today Be The Day Women Finally Find You
out how Wayne
Irresistible? It's Easy Once You Discover The
background and
experience can
help you succeed
Ingeniously Simple Secrets Of An Ohio Man.
in meeting any
REVEALED: How A Short, Ugly, Balding Nerd Can Get You
At Least 10 To 15 Dates Each And Every Month - Guaranteed.
Sign up for your
Dear Friend,
free online
newsletter now.
You'll get tips and
In the next 5 minutes you are going to find out how to easily meet, attract, and date more
tricks on how to
women than all your friends combined...no matter what you look like.
meet women -
absolutely free.
But before I do, let me tell you a little about myself.
First name
Your email
Some of you know me. For those of you who don't, my name is Wayne Ross and I love
women. I'm the author of 3 books on meeting and dating women that are sold all over the
world. I have been described by the world famous "Symphony Press" as an expert on the match
Send it!
game, yet I look like a nerd.
I guarantee not to
sell or give away
I'm an average looking guy (at best) with a small pot belly and no way in the world could attract
your address to
women on looks alone. Women would take one look at me and go the other way. For years, I
any third party.
lived in seclusion and unhappiness because I could not meet women.
"...a complete washout with women"
But today I have dozens of beautiful women and meet more and more each and every day. My
"I read through
looks have not changed at all. I have just discovered the secrets of meeting and dating
the information
beautiful women.
in your book
and started
using the seven
magic words.
Free Tips | FAQ's | Guarantee | Testimonials | Members | Join Now | About Wayne | Contact
At first I was
skeptical that I
could walk up
to any woman,
say seven You Can Become A Ladies Man Too!
words, and she
would call me
I've helped thousands of men become experts on meeting and dating women. Here's your
within a couple
chance to become a sexual superman too. With the help of a friend, Andrew Hermsen, I've
days. But I
gave it a try. gotten all my books online - ready to read right now today. I put together the ultimate
I've been using
collection on meeting and dating women for you. Here's what you get:
this technique
for 3 months
now and I've
met (and dated)
42 beautiful
http://www.pickupmagic.com/?hop=edeninc.meetwomen (1 of 7) [4/2/2002 7:15:27 PM]
Dating Beautiful Women...Made Easy
women. Thanks
Joe. S.
"Thank you,
thank you,
thank you.
You saved my
life. Your
letter #2
The Secrets Of Attracting Beautiful Women ($19.95)
changed me
from a sexual
The Complete Guide To Handling Women ($34.95)
dud to a sexual
superman. I
could never
The Complete Guide To Attracting Women ($34.95)
satisfy a
woman before I
My very own series of "confidential letters" ($100.00)
used the
techniques you
talked about in
Penis Enlargement Manual (Sells like crazy for $49.95) (Time Limited)
letter #2 and
women are now
Sex Secrets Manual - Amaze Your Partner In The Sack!
wild about me.
I can't believe it.
The "e"
The 'Silver' Mystery Bonus ($39.00)
technique you
talk about
"...the most amazing information ever published."
literally has
women begging
me to make
In these books I'll show you step-by-step:
love to them. I
'm so happy
and I owe it all
How to use the NC Technique on any woman and she will call you asking for a date.
to you, thanks
again Wayne."
Use the seven magic words to meet girls anywhere and everywhere.
Joe T.
How to meet dozens of pretty girls every month using the 1-5-10 method.
See More...
Terriffic places to meet women where they outnumber men 10 to 1.
How to get good-looking girls to beg you for dates (yes beg!).
The big mistake men make that guarantees rejection. Make this mistake and you don't
stand a chance.
The "D" technique: One of the most valuable methods, and my personal favorite, on
winning women to come along in decades. Use with caution.
How to avoid the tragic mistake nearly all men make when they first meet a woman.
How to get any woman you want.
How to have dozens of girls crazy about you!
How to get the woman you want from another man (even if she's in love).
http://www.pickupmagic.com/?hop=edeninc.meetwomen (2 of 7) [4/2/2002 7:15:27 PM]
Dating Beautiful Women...Made Easy
Why most men lose a woman after the first date...and how to avoid it!
The most important thing you can give a girl. Give her this and you'll have her loyalty and
love forever.
Using Psychology on good looking women to have them going wild over you.
What to say in the first sixty seconds to win a woman over.
How to talk to women and hold their interest. Easy 1-2-3 method showing you what to
Why it's easier to date a sexy-looking woman rather than a homely one!
and much, much more!
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My Own Confidential Letters
I have prepared a series of "confidential letters" that will knock your socks off. These letters were
only available to my newsletter subscribers for the price of $100.00 (one hundred dollars) and
are now available to you!
My series of "confidential letters" you will receive are:
Letter #1: Overcome Rejection - You will never again fear being turned down. The
secret method to overcome rejection once and for all.
Letter #2: How to make love to a woman so she keeps coming back for more and more
(even beg!). Be "that guy" that ladies gossip about in the bathroom!
Letter #3: Become a master of conversation with women by using the OEQ technique.
With this technique you will never again fear talking to any woman, no matter how
Letter #4: How to meet dozens of women using the supply and demand law.
- -
Letter #5: How to get nearly any beautiful woman to go out with you by saying a few
simple words. I promise if you say these words to the next beautiful woman you want to
take out, she will most definitely go out with you.
Letter #6: How Bill, a bald and ugly guy with an average income, gets dozens of women
to fall in love with him. You can too by the same techniques.
Letter #7: "Ask the question" - You need to know this!
Letter #8: Meet 10 to 15 women a month. You won't believe you never thought of this
and tried it! It's so easy!
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Dating Beautiful Women...Made Easy
Become a sexual superman and an expert at talking to women just by following the advice in my
confidential letters. When you master the "c" and "h" techniques as described in letter #2 you
will have dozens of women wanting to make love to you. This is a powerful method...use with
The above mentioned "confidential letters" are worth their weight in gold. You get them all for
free just by joining today!
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Free Bonuses
(Offer Good Until April 2, 2002)
"Free Consultation" - This is probably the most valuable bonus that may be worth
thousands to you. You will have free unlimited consultation for six months from the day
you become a member. Yep, that's right. I'm giving you my home phone number so you
can call me up anytime! Another well known author of the same type of material charges
$250.00 an hour for his advice...and he is one of my customers. This bonus is very
valuable to you because I have spent over 20 years in talking to and understanding
women...and hundreds of female friends will help me give you any advice you may need.
"The 'Silver' Bonus" - Ken Silver is giving away his $97 product free to all PickupMagic
members for a limited time. I can't tell you what it is but to say this product has changed
my life would be an understatement. Thanks again Ken.
Penis Enlargement Manual - I've worked out a deal with a website to give away the whole
manual to you absolutely free of charge for a limited time.
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Time Sensitive Offer
With all the information in this package and all the updated information being put into the
members site I can't keep the price at only $39.99. After Tuesday, April 2, 2002 the price is
going up to $69.99.
I'm updating the members-only private website with all new information. As a loyal member
you'll get all the new information free, but it's only free to members until April 2, 2002.
"...you'll get all the new information free!"
I can't tell you what is being put into the site...but those who become a member before the
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Dating Beautiful Women...Made Easy
deadline will get all the new updates free!
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Don't Miss Out!
Join right now and become an expert at meeting and handling beautiful women. Don't let all the
other guys walk away with the sexy, beautiful women.
I am the only author on information on beautiful women that relies on the woman's point of view.
Before I write about anything I ask my hundreds of female friends if the information I write about
works...and it's not finalized until they all agree.
"...an expert in the match game"
Don't rely on other authors of books on meeting and dating women just because they think they
know what works. You must go directly to the source and I do by having beautiful women read
everything I write and getting their advice. So you can be assured what I am telling you really
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Here's everything you get by joining right now:
The Secrets Of Attracting Beautiful Women
The Complete Guide To Handling Women
The Complete Guide To Attracting Women
My very own series of "confidential letters."
Penis Enlargement Manual (Time Limited)
Great Methods (Sample: Free Tip Of The Week)
Unlimited access to the members-only private website (Everything is in HTML format so
everyone can view the information...even WebTV users).
My personal phone number. You can call me anytime I'm home.
Six months unlimited consultation. If you have a problem and need personal help you can
call my home phone number anytime. I'll ask hundreds of my female friends your problem
and get back to you with a solution.
Mystery Bonus from Ken Silver. A $97 value.
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Dating Beautiful Women...Made Easy
Instant Delivery (All The Books Are Ready To Read - No Waiting)
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Just US$39.99 for the 3 books, my own confidential letters, free bonus reports, and
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If you don't feel comfortable using your credit card or don't have access to a credit
card email me at wayne@pickupmagic.com and I'll send you other options.
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Free Tips From Wayne Ross
Do You Want Women To Pick You UP?
Easily Get 10 To 15 Dates A Month Using My Unique Reverse Approach
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Free New Book!
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out how Wayne Sign up for your free online newsletter now. I have a FREE new book coming out loaded with
techniques, yours absolutely free as a subscriber. You'll receive tips and methods on how to
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meet and maintain women - at no charge.
experience can
help you succeed
in meeting any
Just enter your information below and you'll receive an email immediately with a tip.
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You'll get tips and
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meet women -
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
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out how Wayne It sounds too good to be true. Do your books really work?
background and
My books work 100% as stated. I've been researching women for over a
experience can
help you succeed
decade interviewing thousands of women. I don't put anything into my books
in meeting any
unless all the women agree it's great.
Who is Andrew Hermsen and how does he belong to the site?
Andrew runs the technical (webmaster) portion of the site. He maintains
everything and alerts me to news on the site. I run the updating of the
Sign up for your
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members site with new information and provide consultation to the members.
newsletter now.
You'll get tips and
tricks on how to How do I know this website isn't a scam?
meet women -
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I run all my orders through Clickbank/Keynetics who is certified in the Better
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Business Bureau. Clickbank offers fully secure servers for ordering over the
internet and I've dealt with thousands of orders without any problems.
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You have my word you will be more than satisfied with my books like over 99%
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any third party.
I don't have a credit card or don't want to use mine on the internet.
Though ordering through my site is completely secure and safe some people
are still bothered by placing their information online. But that's no problem. E-
mail me at wayne@pickupmagic.com for information on other ordering
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Frequently Asked Questions
Click HERE to order on my secure server
Just US$39.95 for the 3 books, my own confidential letters, free bonus
reports, and six months unlimited personal consultation from me. All
available to you instantly through digital delivery. Offer only good until
Midnight on Tuesday, April 2.
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My Personal Guarantee To You
out how Wayne
background and
Are you as excited as I am about this? But hold on - you say you're a sensible sort
experience can
help you succeed
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in meeting any
Maybe you think you're going to get a rubber chicken instead of quality
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Maybe this is the first time you're buying by credit card, and you are a little nervous.
(Don't be - see the next section for reassurement). Let me make this clear to you...
Sign up for your
free online
newsletter now. If you're not happy with your purchase - you get all your money back.
You'll get tips and
tricks on how to
meet women - I can give this guarantee with confidence...because I know this is the greatest
absolutely free.
deal I have ever seen. Check out the information and use the techniques for a
month. If you aren't happy with the results you get all your money back -
First name
straight away.
Your email
Look, I make my full-time living creating and selling manuals on meeting and dating
women over the internet, so my material HAS to be superb.
Send it!
And I like to sleep soundly at night too.
I guarantee not to
sell or give away
So I'm determined you'll be getting excellence and great value.
your address to
any third party.
"...it either works or you get your money back."
Click Here To Join
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What Others Say
Click here to find
(addresses available upon request)
out how Wayne
"I read through the information in your book and started using the seven magic words. At first I was
background and
skeptical that I could walk up to any woman, say seven words, and she would call me within a
experience can
help you succeed
couple days. But I gave it a try. I've been using this technique for 3 months now and I've met (and
in meeting any
dated) 42 beautiful women. Thanks again."
Chad S.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. You saved my life. Your confidential letter #2 changed me from
a sexual dud to a sexual superman. I could never satisfy a woman before I used the techniques
Sign up for your
you talked about in letter #2 and women are now wild about me. I can't believe it. The "e"
free online
technique you talk about literally has women begging me to make love to them. I 'm so happy and I
newsletter now.
owe it all to you, thanks again Wayne."
You'll get tips and
tricks on how to
meet women -
Joe T.
absolutely free.
First name
"I spent nearly a thousand dollars on books on meeting women. None of them can compare
Your email to Wayne's manual, 'Secrets of Attracting Beautiful Women.' I've met more girls in one
month using Wayne's techniques than I've met in years using other methods. Join me. Use
Wayne's methods and you'll be surrounded by beautiful girls."
Send it!
Ryan G.
I guarantee not to
sell or give away
your address to
"I could never talk to women. I would freeze whenever I treid to approach a woman and talk
any third party.
to her. I would always clam up ay time I got near a sexy woman. Your 'OEQ' technique
really made me a master of conversation with women. I'm never at a loss for words with
beautiful women. Thanks Wayne."
Jim L.
"Wayne, thanks for your confidential letter #5. I wanted to go out with this sexy girl that
works at the bank I go to. I asked her out many times before but she always turned me down.
When I read letter #5 on how to get any girl to go out with you I knew I had to try. I used the
exact words you said to use when I asked her out again and guess what? This time she said
yes. Thanks again."
Brian B.
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About Wayne Ross
Do You Want Women To Pick You UP?
Easily Get 10 To 15 Dates A Month Using My Unique Reverse Approach
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Click here to find
out how Wayne
About Wayne Ross
background and
experience can
I think that the best way to start is to tell you a little about myself and inform you why you should
help you succeed
listen to me. After all you should have faith and confidence in my methods. I want to make you a
in meeting any
true ladies man, an envy of all other guys who will beg you for your secrets of attracting women.
This will happen to you if you follow my advice.
Nearly a dozen years ago I was divorced, thrown into the singles world, and totally unprepared for
living the singles life. I was 30 years old at the time and had no idea on how to meet and date
beautiful girls. For nearly five years I visited singles bars nearly every week, sometimes three and
four times a week. I never met a girl in a bar. I tried, I really tried. I went up to hundreds of girls
Sign up for your
free online
during that time and was rejected by nearly all of them. A few would dance with me but that s about
newsletter now.
all. None would give me their phone number or want to date me. I was completely unhappy and
You'll get tips and
miserable and quite willing to admit defeat.
tricks on how to
meet women -
absolutely free.
Someone told me about personal ads and how they helped him to meet women. I decided to try
too. I gave up the bar scene and devoted 100% to the personal ads. I met many girls through the
First name
personals and even wrote two manuals about them. You may have one or both of them. For five
years I never went to a bar and stayed with personal ads.
Your email
But after a period of a time I missed the dancing and music of the bar scene. I knew that many very
good-looking girls went to the singles bars. I decided to try again, after all I met many girls through
Send it!
personals and I should have more confidence that would help me in the singles bars. I would try the
following Friday night.
I guarantee not to
sell or give away
your address to
That Friday night I went to the Holiday Inn, a place I knew would be filled with sexy looking girls. I
any third party.
was right! There were all kinds of pretty women all over the place. But a strange thing took place.
My feet froze to the floor. I could not gather enough courage to even approach one girl. I was a
complete washout in a bar. I stayed nearly all night, holding up the wall and staring at all the
beautiful women that were there. I went home completely miserable that night.
I decided to try again the next night. This time I would ask some of the girls to dance, one or two
had to say yes. After a couple drinks I got a little braver and asked ten girls to dance that night.
Every one of them said no. I was shocked. I went into the rest room and looked into the mirror. I
saw a 42 year-old balding man with a pot belly. The women must have laughed at me when I asked
them to dance. I felt worse than I had ever felt in my entire life and went home dejected and
After a few days I stopped feeling sorry for myself and knew there had to be a way for average
looking guys to meet good looking girls in bars. I was determined to find out. I owed it to myself and
also to the many guys who wrote to me pleading to tell them how to meet the beauties they saw
weekly in the bars.
With these methods it will matter very little what you look like because when you use any of the
methods you will come across to a woman as being unique, interesting, curious and confident. You
http://www.pickupmagic.com/about.html (1 of 2) [4/2/2002 7:19:03 PM]
About Wayne Ross
will be the kind of man any woman would want to meet and date. You will not be common. You will
be different.
Almost every woman I talked to was only willing to settle for the man she was presently dating
because no other unique guy was around. It is so easy to meet a lot of beautiful girls when you are
able to be "different" than most guys.
That's my job - to make you completely different than most guys. Every time I write a new manual
on meeting women you will be the first to know. My goal is to make you the ladies man you were
meant to be. It's about time someone stood up for the average guy.
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Affiliate Program
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Free Tip Of The Week
Free Tip Of The Week
Take a look in the mirror. Can you make it on your looks alone? I
can't. Therefore it's mandatory to rely on something other than your
looks in order to meet sexy women in the singles bars. You must
become appealing to her. You must reverse the normal procedure. By
doing this you will be able to select and attract the really beautiful girls
and become truly appealing to them.
I want to pound this idea into your mind. To attract women you must
reverse the original situation. In the beginning you are attracted to
her. You want to meet her. Your opening maneuver should be to turn
the tables so that now she is attracted to you, and wants to meet you.
This might seem difficult to you but it is very easy, You can
accomplish this by arranging her first thoughts of you to be, "He is
arranged this, she will be very pleased to meet you and get to know
With my methods it will matter very little what you look like because
when you use any of the methods you will come across to a woman
as being unique, interesting, and confident. You will be the kind of
man any woman would want to meet and date.
You will not be common. You will be different.
Almost every woman I talked to was only willing to settle for the man
she was presently dating because no other unique guy was around. It
is so easy to meet a lot of beautiful girls when you are able to be
"different" than most guys. That is my job, to make you completely
different than most guys. My goal is to make you and me the ladies
men we were meant to be.
This is a great verbal approach method. This technique worked on 70
out of the 75 girls it was tried on. A 93% success rate.
Here is how it works:
If I see a girl I would like to meet I will be extremely careful not to put
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her in an embarrassing situation. I will do my best to contact her
without anyone in the bar being aware of it. I do not ask any direct
questions such as asking if I can sit down or if I can buy her a drink.
This may make her very uncomfortable by calling for an answer that
she is not prepared to give.
I walk to her table and look directly into her eyes. Looking around will
only make her think I'm nervous or uncertain. As soon as I reach the
chair next to her I begin speaking. This is what I say to her:
I want to say three things:
1. I doubt that you will be alone very long; you're too pretty.
2. If you are alone my theory is correct; most men are duds.
3. I'd like to know you ... if only for ten minutes.
Now I'm going back to my table to stare at my watch and cross my
fingers for one minute. If during that time you do nothing I'll come
back and sit down. Or, during that time you can shake your head,
very gently, NO."
Without giving her a chance to say a word I go back to my seat. On
the first seventy-five girls I tried this on, seventy allowed me to return.
They said nothing during the one minute. That's the same as inviting
me back to their table. The other five shook their head no.
The 5 that shook their head no were doing it discreetly from a
disctance too so I didn't have to worry about fear of rejection and
public humility.
When the 70 girls didn't do anything for a minute I'd go over to the
table and hit it off. This was nice because anybody that saw me
approach this time and sit down would think that I was hitting on her.
What does this do?:
1) You don't have to worry about rejection once sitting down (she
already accepted you by not shaking her head).
2) All the other ladies who saw the pick up realized that you were
successful. Women want what other women have (or can't get). If
you find out this girls a dud, you can leave the table and more women
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will be interested in you as a result. It's a win/win situation.
My friend, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
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