Just Good Friends

Just Good Friends - Section I

By Marks

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Section I, Next Section

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Chapter I

Posted on Saturday, 23 January 1999

Fitzwilliam Darcy sat relaxed in the library at Rosings.

His Aunt, and Cousin Anne had mercifully left him alone, and his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam was off making his annual walk around the park.

Darcy's thoughts drifted, as they had been more and more lately, to the inhabitant of the nearby Parsonage at Hunsford, one Miss Elizabeth Bennet.

He had known her for several months, and had become more and more attracted to her. Not that it could come to anything: her connections and family were simply unsuitable. But as he reflected on her, he realised that she had made a profound difference to his outlook on life, a difference that made him now think of her with a great deal of gratitude and affection that he told himself was brotherly.

For you see, Fitzwilliam Darcy, in possession of a fortune of two hundred thousand pounds and an income of ten thousand a year, was always mindful of the need to marry and produce an heir. In his youth, he had eagerly sought the company of women in the hope of finding that special person, a soulmate, someone his equal, who could share his hopes and dreams and interests, whom he would love, and be loved by in turn. He had been inspired by the classics, imagining himself to be one hero or another, falling in love with the woman the fates had chosen for him and living happy with her. Where was his Euridyce, his Helen of Troy?

But it was not to be. Day by day, year by year, ever so slowly, his hopes and dreams slipped away. The women of his acquaintance were either greedy, grasping, self serving, or like his cousin Anne, uninterested, and pushed into his path by scheming mothers. They had ground down his hopes and filled him with total disgust: and though his mind told him that to think meanly of half the world's inhabitants was illogical and stupid, the daily evidence from his Aunt, his Cousin Anne and the Miss Bingleys of his society was incontrovertible.

Thus Darcy had, over the years, been reduced to an unwilling acceptance of the fact that he would have to marry his cousin out of duty, and that this year he would have to make his approach to Lady Catherine for permission to marry her and get it over with.

However, Miss Elizabeth Bennet had changed all that. She had given him back his hope. Here was one woman, intelligent, with a quick playful mind, not afraid to confront him. She was frank and honest, and he had to admit it, very handsome. If one such woman existed, even though not available to him because of circumstances, then there must be others. Thus there was hope, and Elizabeth Bennet, in giving him hope, had given him life. His redemption he counted from the day he had observed her fine eyes after she had walked three miles in the mud to see her sick sister at Netherfield. From that time, the dark blanket of depression that had descended on him over the years had been lifted. In saving him from a loveless marriage, she had literally saved his life. He felt he owed her an immense debt of gratitude that he must repay. He realised that he wanted her as a friend.

His musings were interrupted by the entrance of Colonel Fitzwilliam returning from his "Grand Tour."

"Darcy, I must have a word with you. I think I may have committed a major faux pas, I am glad we are in private, as I should inform you straight away. Generally, I am very discreet..." Started the Colonel.

"Major Colonel, in private, generally? You have been in the army too long." Interrupted Darcy with a raised eyebrow.

The Colonel grimaced. "That was bathetic! Now stop interrupting and listen to me. Do you remember telling me about your friend Bingley and how you saved him from an unfortunate alliance?"

Darcy, now serious, said that he did.

"Well, I met Miss Bennet on my walk today, and in the course of conversation, I mentioned your efforts on Bingley's behalf. From her reaction, I realised that all was not well. I suspect that there is more to the story than meets the eye."

Darcy let out a long breath. "Well Colonel, perhaps I should have told you some more of the story. You see, the lady concerned was Miss Bennet's sister. I would imagine that I am now persona non grata. I should imagine my popularity would equal that of a cockroach in a ballroom."

"Darcy, I am most sincerely sorry. I had no idea." Said the Colonel.

"It is not your fault, it is mine. I should have at least sworn you to secrecy. But no matter, it is out now." He paused. "I must speak with Miss Bennet and face the music." This was not the way to promote a friendship, he thought, angry at himself for not thinking of this possibility.

The party from Hunsford was expected later on, and he would try to make his peace with Miss Bennet some time during the evening.

Thus drifted on the day.

As the time for dinner drew near, he waited by the window in anticipation of their arrival. He saw the party approach without Miss Bennet however.

"Colonel, Miss Bennet is not with the party. Can you account for it?"

The Colonel frowned in thought for a minute. "You know, Darcy. The instant, we talked of Bingley and her sister, she complained of a headache. It would not surprise me if that were the reason."

"In that case," Said Darcy decisively. "I am off to the Parsonage." Will you make my excuses to Lady Catherine please Colonel?"

With that Darcy slipped out the back door and made his way to Hunsford.

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Chapter II

Posted on Sunday, 24 January 1999

Darcy strode purposefully toward the Parsonage.

He knew that because of the matter of Miss Bennet's sister, he would not be well received, but that alone would not deflect him from his purpose.

Miss Bennet had helped him enormously, and he had to repay her. He also had decided that he wanted her as a friend, so whatever it took to draw the poison that had soured things between them, he was determined to do. His sense of justice told him that since his happiness was her doing, and her unhappiness was his, it was he that had to make amends. If that meant him suffering her anger, so be it!

With that he knocked on the door and was admitted to Miss Bennet's presence by the maid.

He looked at her grimly. She was pale, and had obviously been crying. He suppressed an impulse to go to her to try to comfort her. Apart from the impropriety, she would probably have him thrown out of the parsonage, given what he knew of her feelings.

"Miss Bennet, we have known each other for some months now. I have to say that of all the women of my acquaintance, you are the one that I respect and admire the most. You have all the qualities and accomplishments that someone could wish for in a friend, and I would hope one day to be counted as a friend of yours." He paused. "In fact, if your own family situation were different, I might even have considered seeking your hand in marriage, although I realise that your feelings do not reflect mine."

"You are quite right in that last Mr. Darcy" was the solitary reply.

Darcy was a little nettled. He wanted to get whatever it was that was at the root of her dislike of him out in the open. Obviously, he had not pushed her hard enough to get at the truth. 'Dammit,' he thought, 'this game of "ladies and gentlemen" is so dishonest. Well, I shall have to push a little harder. Forgive me Miss Bennet,' he thought to himself.

"I might wonder why there was such little attempt at civility in your reply." He said.

Her eyes flashed in anger. "Aha" he thought "I think that has done it."

"How civil do you think I should be to a man that has been the means of ruining, perhaps forever, the happiness of a most beloved sister? I have every reason in the world to think ill of you. No motive can excuse the unjust and ungenerous part you acted there."

She paused, and saw with no slight indignation that he was listening with an air which proved him wholly unmoved by any feeling of remorse.

"Can you deny that you have done it?" she repeated.

With assumed tranquillity he then replied, "I have no wish to deny that I did everything in my power to separate my friend from your sister."

"But it is not merely this affair," she continued, "on which my dislike is founded. Long before it had taken place, my opinion of you was decided. Your character was unfolded in the recital which I received many months ago from Mr. Wickham. On this subject, what can you have to say? In what imaginary act of friendship can you defend yourself? Or under what misrepresentation can you here impose upon others? Do you deny that Mr. Wickham had been promised a living by your father, and when the living became vacant, you refused to give it to him?"

"I shall not attempt to deny that either." Retorted Darcy.

"And yet you talk to me of friendship Mr. Darcy, as if all of this were unimportant. I find that incredible, and especially in a man who has expressed a degree of pride in his understanding. What on earth can friendship mean to you?" continued Elizabeth with energy.

"Well Miss Bennet, perhaps I should set my sights a little lower, and instead of asking for friendship, I should ask for justice. The charges that you have laid at my feet are serious indeed, and if true would, I believe, justify your hatred. I merely ask that I be allowed to explain my actions in regard to Bingley and Wickham, although I should not mention them both in the same breath."

Miss Bennet folded her arms saying, "I should not wish to deny you the justice you have requested Mr. Darcy, but I must confess that I cannot imagine anything you could say that would change my opinion of you."

Darcy inclined his head in acknowledgment.

"Perhaps we should speak of Bingley and your sister. But please let me explain something at the outset." He paused to collect his thoughts. "Miss Bennet," he continued at last. "Despite your opinion of me, I hold the opinion that people should only marry out of the feelings of deepest love and devotion for each other; anything less is a terrible tragedy. I saw in Bingley those feelings for your sister, and would have been happy for him if she had returned them, but I saw no evidence of that, and I did observe her closely. She certainly was friendly and polite, but gave no indication of any attachment. So is it an indication of malice on my part that I wished to preserve my friend from a loveless marriage?"

"It seems to me to be an act of insufferable presumption on your part, Mr. Darcy." Retorted Elizabeth with some scorn.

"Indeed? And what if the position had been reversed? What if your sister had revealed herself to the whole world as being in love with Bingley, but he gave no sign of any attachment? What would your advice to her be? To continue to chase him, despite the lack of encouragement, perhaps? Would you have her risk at best humiliation, and at worst a loveless marriage? Well Miss Bennet, would you have your sister in a loveless marriage, merely because it was a good social match?"

"But that is not the case in this instance Mr. Darcy! My sister truly loves...loved Mr. Bingley, and you separated them!" She shot accusingly.

"Yes" replied Darcy with a sigh, "but surely you can see that what was done was done with the best of intentions, and with the welfare of my friend at heart. I am merely trying to point out that if you had been in my situation, you would have advised your sister in the same way as I advised Bingley. What is more, Miss Bennet, now that I am aware of your sister's true feelings, I can tell Bingley. That is, if I have your permission?"

Elizabeth Bennet now looked a little unsure of herself.. "You mean to say that you would inform Mr. Bingley of how my sister feels?" She said almost as if she could not have believed her ears.

"As soon as I possibly can. I believe that your sister is still in London?"

"Yes, yes, in Gracechurch Street, for the next three to four weeks, I am to join her there in a fortnight." Elizabeth said distractedly. Could it be possible that she was wrong about this man? 'No.' She thought. 'What about Wickham?'

"The other matter, Miss Bennet, is much easier to explain. George Wickham and I grew up together as boys, and he was a favorite of my father, and indeed he was promised a living. However, being of the same age, I was able to know things about Mr. Wickham and his vices that he was able to conceal from my father. I too engaged in this concealment of things that would have pained my father. In memory of my father I probably also would have given Wickham the living, even though I knew that he was most unsuitable for religious life. It was therefore fortunate that on my father's death, Wickham himself came to me, renouncing any interest in the rectorship of Kimpton, and instead asking for and receiving the sum of three thousand pounds to study for the law. I think you would agree Miss Bennet that such a sum would ensure a comfortable living to a man under articles, and would leave enough money for him to purchase a partnership in an attorney's office, in a place such as Meryton perhaps? Or do you think that such a situation is disgraceful?"

Darcy was well aware of Elizabeth's uncle's profession, and felt a mischievous twinge of delight in her discomfiture.

Elizabeth flushed slightly with embarrassment. "No, Mr. Darcy, if what you have said is true, I can hardly accuse you of malice toward Mr. Wickham."

"Miss Bennet, I am sorry to pain you, but there is more to this story that I should add." Darcy pressed home his advantage. "It was only a short time later, when Mr. Wickham again approached me. The study of the law had not been successful, and all the money had been spent or lost, I know not how, but I can imagine. He then requested that I give him the living that he had previously refused. I now had no compunction in turning him away. I shall leave you with all this to think about, but there is one more thing I should like to say, and that is when I first came into Hertfordshire, there was a family matter that had caused me great distress, and I had allowed it to affect my behaviour there. I recall at the Meryton Assembly hall making a particularly intemperate comment about you. I deeply regret my behaviour, and the comment. In any of that, I can offer no justification, and merely ask for you forgiveness, as undeserved as it may be."

Darcy reflected ruefully on the cruelty of the fates, who now made him painfully aware that Miss Bennet was indeed handsome enough to tempt him, yet put her out of his reach. No, he owed it to his family to marry within his own social circle.

Elizabeth struggled with all this new information that threatened to overturn all her previous opinions, not only of Mr. Darcy, but also of Mr. Wickham. She did not trust herself to speak.

Mr. Darcy excused himself, and let himself out of the parsonage. As he walked away, he felt something approaching confidence in his performance. At the very least, he had prevented Miss Bennet from making any mistakes in the direction of Mr. Wickham. That scoundrel could not hurt her now.

Elizabeth spent the next hour going over and over the things that Darcy had said to her, until she heard the carriage approaching that carried Mr. and Mrs. Collins. Not wishing to face the inquiries of her friend in her present state, Elizabeth retired for the night.

She did not get much sleep, however. She tossed and turned thinking about Darcy and Wickham, and her sister and Bingley, and even when she dozed off lightly, it seemed that Darcy's face was before her. It was only when the cock crowed, that she eventually got to sleep.

Later that morning when she finally awoke, her thoughts were much more ordered. She had had to admit to herself that Darcy was right and that she had misjudged him: she could not hate him any more. More to the point, she felt a little ashamed of her accusations of the previous evening, and her conscience pricked her into an intention to at least apologise to the man. As for friendship, well, perhaps.

After breakfast, she headed out into the park to seek Darcy on some of those pathways where they had previously come upon each other. On those occasions, his presence had been unwelcome, but today, when she wanted to see him, frustratingly, he was nowhere to be found. "Just like a man," she thought, "never there when you want them." She wandered for hours, thinking of the past day's events, and finally, despairing of meeting up with him, she returned to the parsonage. There she was informed that the gentlemen had visited earlier to take their leave, both waiting for over an hour in vain to see her before they departed for London.

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Chapter III

Posted on Monday, 25 January 1999

Darcy had been in London for only a few hours. Nonetheless, he was now waiting on his friend Charles Bingley to pass on the news about Miss Jane Bennet that he had gleaned from her sister in Kent.

He could have visited even earlier, but a desire to avoid Mr. Bingley's sister Caroline, did affect his timetable somewhat.

He was admitted to Bingley's study, and after completing the usual niceties, broached the subject of his meeting with Miss Elizabeth Bennet in Kent.

"You know Charles, Miss Elizabeth informed me that her sister Jane has lately been in London, although I must admit that is something I have been aware of for some time." Charles looked at him and frowned. Darcy continued, "However, since I was previously convinced of Miss Bennet's indifference to you, I did not see it as necessary to mention it. But, only yesterday, her sister gave me very specifically to believe that Jane actually returned your feelings of last year. If that is the case, and it seems to be so, I should be very wrong to conceal Miss Bennet's presence in town. Miss Elizabeth has informed me that she will be here for another three weeks."

Charles looked at him uncomprehending, as if trying to grasp the import of what he was saying. "You mean to say she loves me?"

"Well, her sister says so, I hardly think there would be a better authority on the matter, save the lady herself and that, only you can ask of her."

"And she is in town, now, this instant?" Bingley was suddenly very intent.

"So I believe."

"Then I must visit her straight away. When Caroline gets back, I shall get her to call on the Gardiners, with some excuse to have me along, so I can be introduced to them, and then I can invite them round for a dinner party." Bingley's mind was racing ahead.

Darcy looked at his friend and his new found enthusiasm. "Well, since you are making plans, I shall get out of your way, and wish you luck."

Bingley looked at him with heartfelt gratitude, "Darcy, you are a true friend, a true friend."

"Even though I had not told you of Miss Bennet's presence in town before now?"

"Darcy, if as you say, you were convinced of her indifference, I could not blame you. Your promptness in correcting the matter once you heard to the contrary, shows that your motives were well intentioned. How could I be angry over that?"

With that, Darcy smiled in relief, and took his leave.

As he arrived home, something occurred to him that might make things difficult. He called his butler. "Greeley, I wish you to make some inquiries of the servants of the family at this address in Cheapside. Oh, and I am expecting Mr. Bingley in the next hour or two. Please show him straight through to the library when he arrives."

Indeed, two hours later, Charles Bingley stormed into Darcy's library, angrier than his friend had ever seen him before.

"She refused me!" He shouted. "She refused me! How dare she! I shall cut off her supply of orange dye! I'll cut off her feathers so they look like they came from a rooster, I'll...! That...! That...! Grrr!"

Darcy regarded his friend calmly. "Settle down old friend, whatever is the matter?" 'As if I don't know,' he thought.

"Caroline refuses point blank to visit Miss Bennet. She declares her social calendar is full for the next month, and can't possibly see her before then. Dammit man! I was very close to calling her a liar, I was so angry. But now what can I do? I cannot, as a single man, visit Miss Bennet at her uncle's house, when I am not introduced to them, it would appear most improper."

"Well, I think I may be able to help you. However, you must promise me that you will not reprimand your sister over her social calendar. If it is full for the next month, so be it. We must therefore exclude her from any social events that we have planned in that time. Do I have your word that she will not be attending any social engagements with us over the next month?"

"Darcy, you have my word and hand on it, and I must admit, you are a lot more charitable toward my sister than she deserves. Now what is your plan?"

They shook hands, one in expectation of a resolution to his problem, the other relieved at the assured absence of Miss Bingley for the next month.

Darcy rang for the Butler. "Greeley, do you have the information that I requested earlier?"

"Yes sir, I do."

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Chapter IV

Posted on Tuesday, 26 January 1999

Elizabeth closed the letter she had just received from Jane with a sigh. She had written of the antics of their youngest cousin, Thomas Gardiner, aged two and one half years. She wrote of a young boy, 'full of spirits' and 'lively' and 'boisterous.' Elizabeth smiled; that was typical of Jane's good nature. Mrs. Gardiner would simply have used the epithet 'naughty.' The letter was just like all the others she had received in those months since Jane had been in London. It related events of the days and weeks, and had the hallmarks of Jane's good nature, but there was something dispirited about it. Elizabeth's thoughts turned to her conversation with Darcy the day before, and wondered if indeed he would use his influence on his friend Bingley. She sighed and put the letter away with all the others.

Back in London at Darcy's house, Greeley the butler, placed a slip of paper in Darcy's hands and moved as if to leave. Darcy motioned him to stay by the door, and then smiling, addressed Bingley. "Well Charles, I shall expect you here tomorrow at 9.30 sharp, in your best morning dress. We shall attempt to meet with your Miss Bennet."

"Attempt?" Said Bingley doubtfully.

"Charles, I do not know if my plan will succeed on the first attempt, but if you are patient, it will succeed eventually. Go home, get a good night's rest and come here refreshed tomorrow morning. Oh, before you go! My information here is that Miss Bennet has no gentlemen calling on her. Now be off with you!"

Bingley knew from his friend's tone of voice that he would get no further information, and that his best course of action would be to do as he was told. He reluctantly took his leave, leaving Darcy alone with Greeley.

"Greeley" said Darcy. "If Miss Bingley calls at any time in the next four weeks, I am not at home. Make sure that all the servants understand."

"Very well, sir. It shall be as you wish." With that Greeley withdrew.

Darcy lounged back in his chair with a smile from ear to ear. Four weeks without Caroline, and no chance of insulting his friend over the matter. Ahh! Heaven! Darcy made a mental note; thanks to Miss Elizabeth Bennet's information at Hunsford, he was free of Caroline for a time. 'I shall put that on the list of favours owed to Miss Bennet.' He thought.

Charles Bingley arrived home in a considerably better mood than he had left it. He dined well, and was polite to Caroline. Later that night after he retired, he slept well, dreaming of the charms of Miss Bennet and his hopes of a renewal of their acquaintance.

The next morning was Sunday. He had his breakfast early and was dressed and ready to leave, when he was accosted by his sister.

"Charles, where are you going dressed up like that? It is too early for church."

"I am going out with Darcy this morning." He replied cheerfully.

"Ooh! Can I come too?" Simpered Caroline without thinking.

Charles frowned, "I thought your calendar was completely filled for four weeks. If you have time free this morning, we could always visit Miss Bennet."

Miss Bingley realised her danger. "Oh, Silly me! You are right Charles, I do have another engagement. It must have slipped my mind."

"Very well Caroline, I shall see you sometime later today after your 'other engagement'." Said Charles curtly, not in the least convinced of her sincerity. "I have told Darcy of your 'engagements' for the next four weeks, and that you will not be able to see him for that time."

He then headed off to Darcy's house. Had he looked backward, he would have noticed that his sister had turned a deep shade of purple, nicely complementing her orange dress.

Out the front of Darcy's, the carriage was already waiting with Darcy inside. "Get in Charles! We're off to Cheapside!" The carriage took off.

"But how? We just can't visit like this." Said a confused Bingley.

"Just listen! Here is the plan. My man Greeley found out from the Gardiner's servants that the Gardiners and Miss Bennet walk to church every Sunday at nine, and return on the dot of ten thirty. We shall wait a little way down the street, and as soon as they appear, we shall drive past: and naturally, since we are both acquainted with Miss Bennet, we can acknowledge her as if it were a chance meeting, with no question of impropriety."

"But how do we explain our presence in that part of town?" Said Bingley.

"Oh ye of little faith!" Said Darcy. "We tell the truth of course. We are on our way to meet an acquaintance, are we not? The Gardiners and Miss Bennet will no doubt take that to mean someone other than themselves. We should perhaps not disabuse them of that notion."

It was now ten fifteen, and the carriage was about one hundred and fifty yards from the Gardiner's house.

"I see them! I see them! There they are!" Cried Bingley.

Darcy strained his eyes, and sure enough in the distance, he could just discern two ladies and a gentleman with some children approaching. He knocked on the roof of the carriage, and it proceeded slowly down Gracechurch Street till they were almost abreast of the Gardiners. Darcy stopped the coach and dismounted, followed by Bingley.

"Good heavens, I do declare it is Miss Bennet! We were on our way, hoping to meet an acquaintance when we saw you from the carriage." He addressed the party and bowed. Bingley did likewise.

"Miss Bennet, this is indeed a fortunate meeting, I have just returned from Kent, and have dined a number of times with your sister Elizabeth and the Collinses." He paused and looked at the Gardiners. "I would be honoured if you would introduce us to your friends."

Jane had become quite embarrassed by Bingley's presence, a development not unnoticed by Madelaine Gardiner. However, she managed to make the introductions, and the obvious acquaintance with the family through both sisters seemed to satisfy Mr. Gardiner. Mrs. Gardiner was a little more reserved and said, "Mr. Bingley, I recall your sisters visiting a few months ago, but they have not called back since."

Bingley, unaware to this point that his sisters had in fact visited Miss Bennet without telling him, pursed his lips for a second before replying. "They had not told me of that. However, I know that Caroline has an extremely hectic social life. She told me just yesterday that her calendar was booked solid for the next four weeks. Indeed were it not for a previous engagement, she would have been with us today. Had I known that they had visited your family, I would have insisted on coming along. I remember my time in Hertfordshire as being one of the happiest of my life." He looked significantly at Jane on uttering these last words. The look was not lost on Madelaine Gardiner, and she gave her husband's arm a slight squeeze.

Mr. Gardiner obliged by saying, "Would you be able to spare the time to take tea with us? You will not be late for your engagement this morning will you?"

"Oh no, Mr. Gardiner, not at all, we are not expected. We were relying somewhat on chance for our meeting this morning." Said Darcy. "A little delay is of no significance at all."

"In that case, our house is only a few minutes away." With that, they all headed down the street.

As they approached the door, Mr. Gardiner said, "I should warn you that our son Thomas is but two and one half years old, and can be a bit of a handful."

As if on cue, when the door opened, a small tousled haired cyclone hurled himself at them "Mama, Papa, Jane," and sensing the presence of strangers looked suspiciously up at Darcy and then Bingley. "I'm Thomas Gardiner, who are you?"

Darcy bent down and whispered loudly, "I am Fitzwilliam Darcy, and this is my friend Charles Bingley, we both know your cousin." He pointed to Jane.

At this reference to his favourite cousin, an enthusiastic smile broke out on Thomas' face. He turned to Charles and asked loudly, "Do you like Jane?" Jane blushed scarlet, and Bingley had a face of a similar hue.

"I cannot think of anyone who would not like Miss Bennet." He replied diplomatically.

"Don't call her that, call her JANE!" insisted Thomas with his hand on his hips. Mrs. Gardiner thought it time to intervene. She picked him up saying, "That is quite enough. When you are older, you must speak to people properly, and please use the word 'please'. Please excuse him gentlemen." Thomas squirmed in her grasp.

He looked at Bingley and said, "But Jane said she lov..bljggdhgley" A maternal hand quickly covered his mouth, stifling further revelations.

"What on earth has Thomas got around his mouth?" Mrs. Gardiner asked of the housekeeper who was standing by the door to receive them.

The housekeeper looked at Thomas's soiled lips and exclaimed. "Ooh! Emma Elizabeth Ann, the new maid from Australia has been feeding him that new wonder food they have there. I think it's called 'Vegemite'. It must be healthy, it tastes so vile."

"Yum! Yum!" Said Thomas, "I really love it." Mrs. Gardiner noted with relief that this 'Vegemite' concoction had completely diverted Thomas from his inquisition of Mr. Bingley and Jane.

They all proceeded inside. Charles Bingley in particular was quite in the mood to excuse Thomas for his apparent bad manners. Absent-mindedly, he wondered what sort of present a two and one half year old would like for Christmas.

Miss Bennet, absolutely mortified at the young scamp's indiscretion, could scarcely look at anyone, but absent-mindedly wondered what a particular gentleman might like from her for Christmas.

Darcy was trying to remember what he was like at two and one half years of age. Absent-mindedly he wondered what Miss Elizabeth Bennet might like him to give her for Christmas.

The Gardiner children were giggling behind their hands, absent-mindedly wondering what they were to get for Christmas.

Far away in Kent, Miss Elizabeth Bennet contemplated Mr. Darcy, and wondered absent-mindedly if he would have forgiven her her accusations by Christmas.

At the Bingley home, Caroline wondered absent-mindedly.

Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, not the least bit absent minded, looked intrigued by it all, not even thinking of Christmas, since it was eight months away.

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Chapter V

Posted on Wednesday, 27 January 1999

While the children went upstairs to play, the adults retired to the parlour for tea. They passed the allotted time pleasantly enough for the Gardiners and Darcy to decide that Jane and Bingley were well back on the road to romance. Things passed so well indeed, that the Gardiners extended an invitation to dine with them in a week.

On the way out, Darcy had an inspiration. "Mr. Gardiner, do you like fishing, sir?"

Mr. Gardiner beamed. ('Aha!' Thought Darcy.) "Why indeed I do, when I get the chance of it."

"Well." Said Darcy. "Bingley is visiting my estate in Derbyshire later this year, and is in need of rods and tackle, perhaps we might discuss it one night?" 'And,' thought Darcy, 'perhaps Miss Bennet might just be there, and perhaps Bingley just might see her...perhaps.'

"Oh yes, splendid! splendid! Would Tuesday night be too soon?" Ventured Mr. Gardiner eagerly.

Just as eagerly, Bingley broke in: "Why no, we have no fixed engagements on that night, and I do need some advice on that particular sport."

With that, they took their leave.

In the carriage back to Darcy's house, Bingley could scarcely contain himself. "Tuesday night and next Sunday. Oh Darcy, you do not know how happy I am."

Darcy looked at his friend with amusement. "Charles, looking at your agitation, I can gauge precisely how happy you are." Then, slyly, he added, "I wonder how your sisters shall take the news?"

"Well Darcy, I am not only mindful of my undertaking to you, but I am also extremely miffed about their behaviour. I have no intention of telling them anything until I am quite ready. Certainly I haven't considered including them in our visits to the Gardiners." He hesitated. "You don't think I am being unreasonable, do you?"

"No Bingley, in fact I think you are being quite charitable." 'Not the least being toward me.' Thought Darcy.

Two days later, two separate letters arrived in Kent from Gracechurch Street.

The first was from Jane. Elizabeth was surprised indeed at the cheerfulness of the information therein. Surprised that is, until she espied the last paragraph.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to mention that Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy met us by chance in Cheapside. Our aunt and uncle have invited them round to visit. On my first meeting with the gentlemen, I felt a little awkward, but now I am confident that I can meet with Mr. Bingley as just good friends.

Your dearest sister,


"Oh Jane!" Cried Elizabeth out loud. "Yes, yes! Just good friends." She could not resist laughing as she turned to the next letter, which was from her aunt.

Gracechurch St.
26th April.

My dearest Niece,

I shall not repeat those details of our daily lives that I feel sure your sister has already informed you about. Rather, I should dwell on those matters that I am sure she will not reveal.

Sunday last, we were most surprised by a chance (so it would seem) meeting with two gentlemen who claimed acquaintance with both Jane and you. One of the gentlemen was Mr. Bingley, of whom we have spoken, and who seemed to regard Jane with a decided degree of attachment. The other gentleman was a Mr. Darcy, Bingley's friend.

I am happy to report that Bingley and Jane seem to be getting on very well indeed. For that I am relieved, since seeing her for the last months as unhappy as she had been, was telling on my own spirits. I should also say that much as your mother is sometimes charged with exaggeration in these matters, I can only agree with her that it is only a matter of time before they will become engaged.

That, however, cannot occur till Jane is back at Longbourn with her family, and they are aware of Bingley's renewal of his addresses. It would also be good if there were a young woman of a suitable age here in London who could accompany Jane, if Mr. Bingley were to ask her to go on outings. So I urge you to come to London as soon as you are able. You and Jane can then go back together when you judge the time to be right. (That is when Bingley has pursued Jane sufficiently for her to catch him).

On another matter, there is something that puzzles me greatly.

From your own account, and that of Wickham, I would have supposed Mr. Darcy to be a most unpleasant man who would not even dream of dirtying the wheels of his carriage in Cheapside, let alone demean himself by acknowledging the likes of our family. But this is not the case at all. He was all ease and friendliness with us, and with little Thomas, if you could believe anyone outside the family could get on with that young rascal. (He managed to let all the chickens out of the coop again today! That is twice this week!)

I must admit I have a sneaking regard for Mr. Darcy. There is something pleasing in his countenance when he smiles. On making his acquaintance, I have great difficulty in reconciling the bad accounts I have had, with my own impressions which are quite to the contrary. If he has any fault, I believe it is a tendency for mischief. I suspect strongly that at age two and one half, Mr. Darcy would have been a match in that respect for our little villain Thomas.

Since you have seen him further in Kent, I would be grateful for any light you could shed on this mystery.

For my own part, I hope you will not be angry with me, but Mr. Darcy is a man with whom I believe you could be good friends.

Yours &c
Madelaine Gardiner

It just so happened that Elizabeth was not angry with her Aunt. Given the developments with Jane, the advice in the last sentence seemed quite reasonable. Indeed they could be good friends, just good friends mind you. As for a return to London; the cases were almost packed.

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Chapter VI

Posted on Friday, 29 January 1999

It was Tuesday night, and as the coach trundled toward Gracechurch Street, Charles Bingley was having an attack of uncertainty. His companion looked the picture of confidence, and Bingley almost felt resentful of his calm. 'You don't have to face what I have to tonight Darcy, this is most unfair!' He thought.

His normally happy disposition had been a little perturbed earlier in the evening by his sister who had demanded to know where he was going, and with whom. He had obliged her by telling her that he was going to dinner with Darcy, but refused to tell her anything more. Bingley was one of the minority of elder brothers that disliked teasing their sisters, so her reaction of fury and petulance upset him somewhat. It was only the remembrance of her dealings with Jane that steeled his resolve.

His thought of Jane brought him back to the present. Were his clothes satisfactory? Was his hair combed properly, was his cravat in order, his shirt pressed neatly enough, had he left some food on his face? His discomfiture was relieved only by the arrival of the carriage in Gracechurch Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner and Jane greeted them, and over pre-dinner sherries, Darcy engaged his hosts in conversation, while Bingley, you will probably be surprised to hear, spoke mostly to Jane. Darcy was gratified that the Gardiners were a couple of considerable taste and understanding, so he was almost sorry when the butler summoned them to dinner.

They took their places, and started on the soup course.

Mrs. Gardiner lead the conversation. "Mr. Darcy, I have heard but little about you from my nieces. What part of the country do you come from?"

"From Derbyshire, Ma'am. I have an estate there called 'Pemberley', and as soon as my business ends here, I hope to go there for the remainder of the Summer."

Mrs. Gardiner looked surprised. "Well, that is a coincidence, I grew up in the Village of Lambton as a girl."

"Heavens, said Darcy, "That is but five miles from Pemberley."

They chatted amiably about the virtues of Derbyshire over the meat courses and the removes. Finally, Mrs. Gardiner broached the subject of Kent, asking Darcy how he found it.

"Well, Mrs. Gardiner, my only reason for visiting, is that my Aunt resides at Rosings Park, and family duty calls me."

"Ah yes." Replied Mrs. Gardiner, "Elizabeth has written to us of your Aunt." She smiled at her husband.

At that moment, the pudding course arrived, with a spicy aroma wafting in before.

"The recipe is something that Jane suggested, I hope you will like it." Said Mr. Gardiner, with a slight smile at Jane's blushes.

"It smells delicious," Bingley immediately piped up. "I love pudding!"

"What is it?" Said Darcy.

Bingley beamed with pleasure. "Miss Bennet, how did you know that this was my favourite?"

"In truth, Sir, I did not. It just happens that I like 'Spotted Dick' for dessert more than any other." Said Miss Bennet.

With that, they tucked into their fruity pud.

Darcy, remembering the thread of the earlier conversation, asked Mrs. Gardiner about Elizabeth's letters about Lady Catherine.

Mrs. Gardiner knitted her brow for an instant, as if trying to remember the details. "Her description of Lady Catherine was of a woman who interested herself in the affairs of her tenants, and who liked to be useful. She also apparently is a very strong willed Lady."

Darcy laughed. "Strong willed she is indeed! Miss Bennet is most diplomatic in her description though."

Mr. Gardiner looked at Darcy with a smile, "If Elizabeth had been a man, I feel sure that she would have entered Parliament. When she visited here as a girl, she used to sneak down early in the morning to read the newspapers ahead of me. I would also say that she is even today more informed than most men on the affairs of the world. Lizzy is no fool."

"Let us just say that I have no reason to argue with you on Miss Bennet's powers of understanding." Said Darcy with feeling. "But if Miss Bennet were to be a member of Parliament, then Lady Catherine would be Prime Minister. She has a ruthlessness that Miss Bennet has not. She is an iron lady, who frankly speaking, has many of the leadership qualities that some of the previous incumbents of the Prime Ministership have sadly lacked."

"Well Darcy, the ladies don't even have the vote, so I would not anticipate Lady Catherine, or an 'Iron Lady' like her, becoming Prime Minister for the next hundred and seventy years or so. Well, gentlemen, shall we retire to talk of fishing?" Mr. Gardiner rose to leave the table.

The Gentlemen then retired to Mr. Gardiner's den with the port bottle and the fishing anecdotes.

An hour later, they rejoined the ladies. Darcy, having thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Gardiner's after dinner witticisms and fishing tales was in a very good mood. Bingley, having spent most of the dinner chatting to Jane, was hardly in a worse one, and Mr. Gardiner, having secured an invitation to fish at Pemberley later in the year, thought the expense of the port well worth it.

As they were about to leave, Mrs. Gardiner said, "Well, gentlemen, we are looking forward to having you to dinner on Sunday night. There will, however, be an addition to the party. Elizabeth will be here from Kent. I think I shall let her choose the pudding on that occasion."

With that, the gentlemen made their offers of thanks and departed.

As they sat in the carriage, both were lost in thought. Bingley of Jane, and how famously they were getting on, and Darcy trying to think of when he had spent a happier evening in the last six or seven years. If Mr. Gardiner could come to Pemberley later in the year with his wife, Darcy anticipated a very stimulating summer indeed.

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Chapter VII

Posted on Saturday, 30 January 1999

It was Sunday evening and the carriage bearing Bingley and Darcy arrived at the Gardiners' on the stroke of seven.

They were met at the door by the butler, and by young Thomas who attached himself firmly to Darcy's leg, and no amount of coaxing by the aging servant could dislodge him. Bingley looked on, shaking his head.

"Well," Said Darcy, "I see I shall have to proceed as is."

With that he pretended to limp around the lobby with Thomas firmly attached doing a barnacle impression, much to the confusion of the butler, and the delight of young Thomas.

Darcy bade the butler take them to the Gardiners. "Mrs. Gardiner will know what to do, I feel sure."

As he limped after the butler, he affected the accent of a country yokel. "Oi me rheumatics are playin' up, an oi can 'ardly moove me legs wiv this growt on em," he directed at a gurglingly appreciative Thomas.

He looked up, and was more than a little mortified to see the fine eyes of Miss Elizabeth Bennet laughing at the sight of him.

"Ah, Miss Bennet," he mumbled in embarrassment, hoping that she had not seen or heard him. His hope was vain.

Miss Bennet said archly, "I see the elocution lessons that your parents provided were not wasted on you Mr. Darcy!"

Her further comments were stopped by Thomas shrieking "Lizzybet!!!" detaching himself from Darcy, and much to the confusion of Elizabeth, attaching himself firmly to her leg with the same vice like grip that had imprisoned Darcy.

Darcy grinned in triumph. "Ah, Lizzybet, now for your elocution lesson. Please say after me, 'Oi me rheumatics are playin up...' and start walking!" With that, he bowed as a gentleman should, indicating as etiquette demanded, that Miss Bennet should precede Bingley and himself.

Elizabeth bit her lips and limped, with Thomas attached, into the parlour.

Mrs. Gardiner quickly disengaged her son with the expertise bred of several children. Messrs. Darcy and Bingley, pretended not to notice once in the presence of the Gardiners and Jane, but Elizabeth knew that this was not the last time she was going to be called Lizzybet.

They had their sherries and started the meal much as on the previous Tuesday night, but with Elizabeth present, the conversation was even livelier at the end of the table with Darcy, Elizabeth and the Gardiners. As usual, Jane and Charles were talking so quietly, that no one else could hear.

Finally it was the pudding course.

Darcy addressed Elizabeth. "Miss Bennet. Mrs. Gardiner informed us last Tuesday night that you were to choose the pudding recipe tonight."

"Yes indeed sir, but there was a problem. My favourite pudding is the same as Jane's which you apparently had on Tuesday. My Aunt, however said she wouldn't like me to give you 'spotted dick' again. So you will have to be satisfied with muffin pudding."

"Oh Miss Bennet," whispered Darcy, "My very favourite pudding! Oohhhh!"

Miss Bennet looked in surprise as Darcy's eyes misted over.

"That is the very thing to satisfy me at this moment. Mmmmm!"

Down at Jane and Bingley's end of the table, the story was much the same, with the elder Miss Bennet also noting Bingley's apparent weakness for dessert.

With pudding over, the gentlemen then retired as usual with their bottle of port.

With the gentlemen departed, Mrs. Gardiner observed to her two nieces, "Before I married, my mother gave me some advice. It was in two parts: first 'you always catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar,' and second 'A husband who has his fill of pudding at home will never stray.' I think you both saw the gentlemen go light-headed over the muffin pud. I need not elaborate."

"But Aunt Gardiner," laughed Elizabeth, "We are not about to marry!"

"Are you not?" said Mrs. Gardiner with mock gravity.

"Well, Mr. Darcy and I are friends, I think, and Jane should answer for herself, though I think you are not far off the mark in her case."

"Lizzy! Please do not tease me so, or I shall arrange for Thomas to greet you again next time Mr. Darcy arrives."

Later that evening, as the Gentlemen were to depart, Darcy addressed Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner. "I would be honoured if you would join me for dinner sometime. Would Wednesday be convenient?"

Mr. Gardiner replied, "Unfortunately, my wife and I have another engagement,...." Mr. Gardiner hesitated as he felt his wife squeeze his arm, "...but that engagement can be changed, so my wife and I are glad to accept your invitation."

Darcy smiled and bowed. "Naturally, the invitation extends to your nieces, and I should add that my sister Georgiana will be there, she is most anxious to meet you all."

The carriage arrived, Bingley said his good-byes, and so did Darcy with the little alteration that his good-bye to Elizabeth sounded suspiciously like 'Bye! Bye! Lizzybet'.

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Chapter VIII

Posted on Monday, 1 February 1999

Jane and Elizabeth retired to their bedroom following the meal.

Elizabeth had been most surprised by Darcy, for though her past judgment of the man had been shown to be wrong, she could not shake off the feeling of how strange it was to see him playing with Thomas of all people, or joking with her uncle and aunt as if he had known them for years. Yet she had to admit that she had been diverted by his conversation and there was something else, a feeling that she could not describe. It definitely wasn't love or affection, she mulled over in her head, it was more like a comforting easiness in his presence, as though that is where she belonged. Elizabeth shook her head, almost as if to clear it of that farcical notion. They were not meant for each other, they were worlds apart.

Freeing herself of such confusion for the moment, Elizabeth observed her sister. Jane, always quiet, now seemed a little more withdrawn than she should, considering how well the evening had gone.

"A penny for your thoughts, Jane." She said softly. "You seem to be making very good headway with Mr. Bingley."

Jane looked at her. "Oh do you think so Lizzy? After what has happened, how can I be sure?"

"Dearest Jane, he is as attentive as ever. But this time, it seems that Mr. Darcy approves, and his sisters are absent. Whatever can go wrong now?"

"Well Lizzy, do you remember Caroline's letter."

Elizabeth's countenance darkened. She certainly did remember that piece of literary mischief, and not with any pleasantness either.

Jane continued. "Miss Bingley wrote of her hopes for Miss Darcy and Cha.., I mean Mr. Bingley, and we are to visit Miss Darcy this Wednesday. I am not sure if I can face her."

"Why ever not?" Cried Elizabeth in astonishment. "Surely you cannot credit it after the attention that Mr. Bingley has lately been showing you?"

"But what if you are wrong? What if he is merely wishing to be friends with me? I could not again go through what I have over the last months." Tears started streaming down her cheeks. "Lizzy, I don't want to lose him."

Elizabeth embraced her sister to comfort her and to staunch the flow of tears.

"And yet there is more Lizzy. I can bear Miss Darcy no ill will. She has done nothing of malice toward me. How can I face her if I am the source of her dashed expectations? Should I be responsible for her misery? How could I put her through what I have suffered?"

"Jane, in truth I do not know what to say to that. All I know is that it is Mr. Bingley's decision to make. He alone will decide who he marries, and for my part, I think that will be you. In any case, we only have Caroline's opinion on the matter, and you know how much regard I hold that in."

With that they both climbed into their beds for sleep.

The next morning, they were surprised to receive a call from Messrs. Darcy and Bingley. Mr. Gardiner was away on business, but Mrs. Gardiner and the two sisters received them politely.

After the niceties were dispensed with, Bingley spoke up.

"It is a fine day, I wonder if you ladies would like to accompany us as we take a turn around Hyde Park in my carriage?"

Mrs. Gardiner demurred. "My duties around the house will not allow me to go out this morning. But I see no harm if Jane and Elizabeth would like to accompany you."

Thus it was half an hour later that the four "good friends" were moving slowly round the Park, observing London society, and taking in the oasis of green in a rather grubby city.

As good manners dictated, the gentlemen were facing the rear of the coach, so in the distance, Elizabeth was able to see something that they could not. An apparition in orange. Orange gown, orange turban, orange feathers and a dainty orange parasol. Caroline Bingley! And she had seen them.

As they almost drew abreast, Elizabeth could see Miss Bingley looking expectantly at the carriage and its occupants.

"Good Heavens! Would you look at that!" She cried, pointing to the opposite side of the road to Caroline.

Three heads swiveled away from where they might otherwise have seen Miss Bingley.

"Look! Isn't that a Lady riding her horse astride instead of side-saddle? There, over by the lake."

As she said this, Elizabeth looked at the rapidly disappearing Caroline and gave a wicked little wave that the others did not see, so engrossed they were in the sight of the lady riding astride.

Well, they almost all did not see.

Darcy turned his head back before the others and said. "I am most obliged to you for that diversion Miss Bennet." Addressing his friend, he said, "I think we have circumnavigated this stretch of the countryside long enough now. Perhaps we can go back to back to my house for tea. I think we might have some storms coming up."

Bingley looked up at the clear blue April sky in puzzlement, but having no objection to taking tea with the ladies, merely nodded his assent.

They arrived at Darcy's just before eleven, and went straight to the parlour.

Darcy addressed them. "My sister Georgiana is at home, I wonder if I might introduce her to you."

The sisters agreed, and then waited as Darcy went to summon his sister.

Darcy and his sister were on their way back to the parlour, and were just passing the entrance hallway, when a terrible commotion erupted at the door.

"Let me in you simpleton, Let me in! I wish to speak with Mr. Darcy!"

The doorman pulled a bell to summon Greeley the butler, but stood his ground. "I am sorry Miss Bingley, Mr. Darcy is out." Georgiana looked at her brother in surprise.

"Well then, I demand to see Miss Darcy!"

Darcy's heart sank. He had forgotten to inform Georgiana of his reasons for not admitting Miss Bingley, and even if he had the time to explain to her, it would be too late to relay that message to the doorman.

"I am sorry Miss Bingley, but Miss Darcy is also out." Said the doorman. Darcy could not believe his ears.

"Well, came a menacing hiss from the other side of the door, when will they be back?"

"I have no idea Miss Bingley. I am most dreadfully sorry!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" Stormed the voice. "You most certainly will be if you do not let me in this minute, you lying toad. When I am mistress of this house, you will pay for your insolence, now let me in!"

Darcy went red with anger. 'Insolence, indeed!' he thought.

Greeley came past the two Darcys at speed and relieved the doorman, who moved out of the firing line as pale as a sheet.

Within seconds the door was closed, and Greeley apologised for the disturbance before disappearing into that limbo that butlers seemed to inhabit.

Darcy went up to the doorman, only just in control of himself. "Well done, my man! And just so that there can be no misunderstanding, Miss Bingley will never be mistress of this house! Ever!" He gave the still quaking man some coins and walked back to join his sister.

"Georgiana." Said Darcy in puzzlement after he had calmed down. "How is it that you are not 'at home' to Miss Bingley?"

"Well, Fitzwilliam, do you recall that we have a new serving maid?" Said Georgiana.

Darcy's brow furrowed, trying to recall the girl. "Do you mean that Dutch girl Lotte?"

"Why yes, she's the one. Miss Bingley was extremely unpleasant to her, for no reason at all. I did not say anything at the time, but I felt her behaviour was so bad that I had to explain to Lotte that not all of our visitors were so rude, and that in fact some of Miss Bingley's relatives were quite pleasant. I am happy to say that Lotte took it in good part, even joking that Miss Bingley's father must have liked animals, saying he had obviously had a very special friendship with a duck at some time. I'm glad Lotte is so understanding.

After that incident, I told Greeley that I was not 'at home' to Miss Bingley, whenever you were not at home. I hope you are not angry at me Fitzwilliam?"

"Angry?" Darcy laughed and hugged his sister, much to her surprise. "I have a confession, little sister. At the moment, I too am not 'at home' to Miss Bingley, but you must allow me to explain myself later. Our guests await."

With that, brother and sister proceeded to the parlour.

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Chapter IX

Posted on Wednesday, 3 February 1999

As Darcy and his sister made their way to the parlour, Darcy sensed his sister becoming more and more uneasy. She was lagging behind him, almost as if she were trying to hide herself in his shadow.

He smiled reassuringly at her, knowing of her shyness.

"You know Georgiana, there are only two of them. One of them, Miss Jane Bennet is especially friendly with Charles, so you can hardly fear her, and Elizabeth Bennet, her sister, is a friend of mine, so she will not harm you either."

Georgiana looked at her brother curiously. "You have mentioned this Miss Elizabeth Bennet but seldom before, yet you say she is a friend? I should like to have an explanation Fitzwilliam."

Darcy smiled. "We are just good friends. That is all!"

Georgiana inclined her head, unwilling to contradict her brother, as they were at the parlour door. But now she was just a little curious about Miss Elizabeth Bennet, and it was this curiosity that lessened her fears over the meeting.

At the entry of the Darcys, the others in the parlour rose and made their bows and curtseys as manners dictated.

Elizabeth quickly sized up the situation, and noted with satisfaction that Miss Darcy and Mr. Bingley, while friendly, were not attached in any way. She also noted Miss Darcy's shyness, and her brother's unaffectedly tender concern for her.

Elizabeth, mindful of Darcy's revelation at Netherfield of Miss Darcy's musical talents, broached the subject of music. Miss Darcy, almost fearfully at first, replied with only few words, having had experience with Bingley's sisters. However, after ten minutes without a snide comment or anything like it from Miss Bennet, she started to open out. It suddenly occurred to her that perhaps, the Misses Bennet might actually share her interest in music, that perhaps instead of playing and singing alone, she might have someone interested to accompany her.

"Miss Bennet, would you and your sister like to see the music room?" Said Miss Darcy.

Darcy's eyebrows shot up in unaffected surprise.

Elizabeth looked at Jane, and said. "Well, of course, but what about the Gentlemen?"

Miss Darcy pursed her lips almost smiling. "The gentlemen have had the pleasure of you company all morning. I feel sure that they can endure the deprivation of it for the next ten minutes or so!"

Mr. Bingley did not look as though he totally agreed with this sentiment, but being inclined to be a good sport, did not protest, and the ladies departed.

After fifteen minutes had past, Bingley's patience started to wear thin. "I wonder what has happened to the Ladies? Perhaps we should seek them out."

"Why not Bingley? Let's go!"

Darcy left his seat and headed toward the music room with Bingley in hot pursuit. They stopped at the door to the music room. There was Georgiana at the pianoforte, Jane on the harp, and Elizabeth was singing a song that Darcy recognised as having been composed by Georgiana herself.

Bingley whispered under his breath. "She is an angel!" Darcy agreed, although the object of his attention was not the elder Miss Bennet.

"Ich weiss nicht was soll es bedeuten,
Dass ich so hungrig bin.
Ein Märchen aus alten Zeiten,
Das spricht vom Pudding--Unsinn!"

They listened in silence until the end of the performance, when much to the surprise of the Ladies who had not observed their presence, they applauded loudly.

"That was wonderful Georgiana." Said her brother. "What is it about?"

Georgiana smiled shyly. "I'm glad you liked it. It's about a group of German ladies who use their arts and allurements to take unwary men in."

"Oh indeed! I was most definitely taken in, but I must face my fate." Volunteered Bingley with a sly glance at Jane. Then he addressed his friend; "What about you Darcy, were you taken in?"

"My brother? Taken in? I think that most unlikely." Laughed Georgiana, mindful of what had just passed with Miss Bingley at the front door. She had seen how Miss Bingley's art had not had the least effect on her brother.

For his part, Darcy was glad of his sister's intervention, since looking at Elizabeth, he really would not have trusted himself to answer Bingley.

"Perhaps you will perform that piece on Wednesday night?" Said Darcy. "However, at the moment we have to return both Miss Bennets to Gracechurch Street. I should not like to have Mr. Gardiner coming around here wishing to fight a duel over the honour of two of his nieces, because they have overstayed."

With that, the gathering broke up, and Darcy and Bingley accompanied the sisters to their Uncle's house.

As they left the house, Charles Bingley recognised a familiar carriage, with a familiar face in the window. It was Caroline, and with a look that would strip paint from a wall. Fortunately, the others did not notice, and the trip to Cheapside was pleasant enough.

An hour or so later, Caroline Bingley burst into her brother's library absolutely livid with rage.

"Oh dear!" he said calmly. "Was your engagement this morning unpleasant?"

"Engagement! Engagement?" She fairly shrieked. "How Dare......."

"Well yes, Caroline." He interrupted without a smile, and with dangerously narrowed eyes. "You said that you had engagements that you said would prevent you from accompanying me to see Miss Bennet for four weeks. You did have an engagement didn't you?" He stood up and looked unsmilingly into his sister's face. She stood there gaping like a fish.

"Oh, and by the way Caroline. I have decided to go to Netherfield for a short time. I understand that your engagements will not allow you to accompany us."

"Us?" Whispered Caroline hoarsely.

"Why yes," answered Bingley. "I intend to invite Darcy." And on a mischievous inspiration added. "He seems to be getting on famously with Miss Eliza Bennet, you know. You may leave me in peace now Caroline."

Miss Bingley ignored this little 'hint.'

"And just what is it that you have planned for Netherfield, may I ask?" Now thoroughly alarmed by this latest information.

Bingley could scarcely now contain his annoyance. "Why Caroline, I intend to make an engagement of my own!"

With that he put his eyes down into the nearest book with an intensity that gave Caroline to believe that no further discussion was to be had.

As soon as his sister had left, Charles put the book down, went up to his desk, and started writing furiously.

Back at the Darcy's, Georgiana was talking to her brother.

"I really liked the Bennet sisters Fitzwilliam. You know, as much as I enjoy music, and singing and playing by myself. It is better with someone else, someone of my own age. I mean, you are very good to me, but I often wished that we had had another sister. Do you think it possible that we might see more of them?"

"Well," replied her brother with a sigh. "I should like to see more of them myself, but I don't know how it is possible."

Georgiana looked at her brother with such suspicion, that he suspected that she was growing up a little too fast for his comfort.

Author's Note: Zu allen Liebhaber der Lorelei Geschichte, ich bitte um Verzeihung.

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Chapter X

Posted on Friday, 5 February 1999

Mr. Bennet approached his good wife with an opened letter that had just arrived in the post.

"Mrs. Bennet, would you mind reading this, and tell me what you make of it?"

"Oh, put it down over there. I dare say I shall get to it in time." She grumbled.

"Well, my dear," continued her husband "When you have found time to read what Mr. Bingley has to say, I shall be in my library."

On hearing the word "Bingley" Mrs. Bennet threw down the work she was doing and raced to the table where her husband had placed the letter, snatched it up and started to read.

1st May

My Dear Mr.(BLOT) Bennet

I have been away from (BLOT) Hertfordshire for much longer than I have de(BLOT)sired. I am intending to come back to Netherfield Park in the next few weeks or so, and would very much wish to(BLOT) renew my acquaintance with your (BLOT)(BLOT)family.

I particularly desire, and seek your permission to a(BLOT)ress your eldest daughter. I assure you of the honourable nature of my (BLOT).

I trus(BLOT) tha(BLOT) all your family is well.

Yours (BLOT)&c

Charles (BLOT)ingley

Mrs. Bennet sped down the passage to her husband's den.

"Mr. Bennet! Mr. Bennet! You must write to him, you must!"

Mr. Bennet affected a degree of ignorance of his wife's intention. "Of what are you speaking my dear?"

"Oooh, you are most vexing! I am speaking of you writing to Mr. Bingley to give him permission to speak to Jane, at once!"

"Good heavens, I don't think it necessary nowadays. Most young people tend to ignore their parents. Why don't you write yourself? I am sure that is all the encouragement he would need."

"You know I cannot......OOOH! My poor nerves! Have you no compassion?" Mrs. Bennet disappeared with much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Mr. Bennet sighed as he reached for his quill and paper. He really wanted Lizzy back to share such precious moments.

Back in London, the Gardiners and the two sisters were at Darcy's along with Miss Darcy and Charles.

They had had their main courses, with only the pudding and the cheese courses to go.

Darcy was very pleased that Georgiana was getting on so well with the Bennets. She had even agreed to accompany Jane and Elizabeth in playing the piano and harp piece that had so delighted Charles and himself a few days ago.

"Well, Georgiana, since you are the hostess, what is for dessert?" Darcy addressed his sister.

"Tonight's pudding was suggested by Lotte the Dutch maid." Said Georgiana.

Darcy looked puzzled. "Which one was she? Ahhh!" his brow cleared as he remembered. "Isn't she the one with the white cap turned up at the sides, and doesn't she wear those wooden shoes? She was feeling a little homesick, wasn't she? I seem to recall her mumbling something about dikes."

His sister shook her head. 'Men!' she thought.

"Well?" Darcy continued impatiently.

"Ah, the pudding. Well, Lotte has chosen 'Portugese Banana Pudding', Pudim de Bananas they call it."

At the end of the pudding Georgiana asked whether anyone would like some cheese to finish.

A healthy young girl in a Dutch cap, and with a ball of Edam cheese under her arm, clip-clopped on her clogs toward the table with a smile on her face.

Darcy groaned. "I take it that this is Lotte?

Georgiana replied, "How clever of you," indicating that the girl serve Mrs. Gardiner first.

Lotte obligingly peeled off a piece of Edam, handed it to Mrs. Gardiner, and stood back to await her verdict.

Mrs. Gardiner smiled at Lotte as she tasted the cheese. "Ah yes, neither tart nor bitter, and with a pleasant taste."

Lotte looked a little uncertainly at Mrs. Gardiner, not sure whether that good lady was referring to her or to the cheese.

Noticing the girl's hesitation, Mrs. Gardiner said. "Do you speak English Lotte?" V e r y s l o w l y.

"Ja, ik spreek Engels, Mevrouw Gardiner." Just as s l o w l y back, came the reply to a confused Madelaine Gardiner.

The evening proceeded pleasantly thereafter. As they were waiting for the Gardiners' carriage, Darcy managed to get Elizabeth on her own. "Miss Bennet, Charles wishes to speak to your sister alone on a matter of importance before you both depart for Hertfordshire. Would you mind very much if I organise for us to walk somewhere together tomorrow where we can leave them in peace?"

Elizabeth smiled on hearing this news, and agreed readily. Darcy, for his part thought her expression exceedingly pretty, and resolved to see if he could provoke more such smiles.

The exchange was not lost on Georgiana.

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Chapter XI

Posted on Saturday, 6 February 1999

At precisely ten the next morning, two gentlemen arrived at the Gardiners' house in Cheapside.

Bingley was bright and cheerful, although his companion looked a little the worse for wear, a fact that Bingley put down to his friend having had an extra serving of dessert the night before. However, since Darcy was essential to his plans for the elder Miss Bennet, Bingley would have dragged him along comatose if need be.

They took tea with the Gardiners and spoke about trivialities for a short while, when Bingley suggested that they go into town and walk around the shops. The two Miss Bennets agreed, but Mrs. Gardiner declined the invitation, having been warned by Elizabeth of the purpose of the "Walk".

After ten minutes or so of walking together, Darcy and Elizabeth looked at each other. "I should like to see some Brussels lace Mr. Darcy, would you accompany me?" Said Elizabeth.

Jane looked a little alarmed, and made to accompany them, but Elizabeth said, "Jane, you said you wanted some ribbons. There is a little shop over the road. Why don't you go with Mr. Bingley?"

Bingley shot Elizabeth a grateful look and offered Jane his arm. It was fortunate that she did, for as she crossed the road, Elizabeth noted that she did not seem to be paying much attention to what was going on around her.

Elizabeth, observing them through the windows of the lace shop saw them in deep conversation on the footpath. "Well, Mr. Darcy" she said. "I wonder what it is they are saying?"

Darcy looked at the pair, and harumphed. "It looks as though he is saying a lot, and she is saying little."

Over the road, things were going well, if not a little nervously for Jane and Charles.

"Miss Bennet, I..er...have to tell you, that is I should tell you that I am planning to go back to Hertfordshire in the next couple of weeks. That is if your father..."

"My father?" said Miss Bennet.

"Well, yes. I wrote to your father two days ago, announcing my intention to return to Hertfordshire, and asking him if I might speak with you. But I do not wish to impose on you...I mean if you do not like me... He petered out."

"What would you speak with me about?" asked Jane, wanting to be sure of his meaning.

"Miss Bennet. From the first time I set eyes on you, I was in love with you. When I left Netherfield last November, it was to make arrangements to buy some jewelry for you, the sort of which a man could only give to a fiancée'." Jane went white at this. "However, I was persuaded that you did not return my feelings, so I stayed in London in misery, till Darcy told me that I may have been misled about how you felt toward me. Did you know that he organised for us to meet by chance?" Jane shook her head, pleasantly embarrassed by the turn of events. "If you return my feelings," Continued Bingley, "And if your father gives me permission to speak, then I shall follow you to Hertfordshire directly."

"Mr. Bingley, I do care for you, I do."

Bingley let out a huge sigh of relief. "Well we should say nothing to the world about this until I come to Hertfordshire. I hope your father responds soon, dearest Jane!"

Thus the last week that the Misses Bennet were to spend in London passed happily, with the lovers supremely happy, and the friends enjoying each others' company.

On the morning the ladies set out for Hertfordshire, the two gentlemen were there to see them off.

That was a pity really, because fate, in the form of Miss Bingley, would not have had a chance to intervene had Charles been at home to receive the mail.

But as it turned out, it was a vile tempered Caroline who paid off the express rider.

She looked at the letter, addressed to her brother, and carefully prized it open so as not to damage the envelope. She then started to read.

7th May

Dear Mr. Bingley,

I thank you for your letter of the first of May instant.

I advise that I have no objection to you speaking with my daughter Jane.

I beg to remain &c

E Bennet Esq.

Miss Bingley immediately sat down, and with a dexterity that announced that this was not her first attempt at this sort of thing, altered the "no" to "an" so that the line read:

I advise that I have an objection to you speaking with my daughter Jane.

Miss Bingley looked at the writing with a smirk, and placed a small blot to disguise the changed hand. She then resealed the letter with her own wax and ground her seal into the wax in such a way as to make it indistinguishable.

The letter was then left on her brother's desk.

When her brother returned home, she brightly announced that he had mail. She smiled as he almost ran to his study. It also came as no surprise to her that he immediately retired to his bedroom for the rest of the day.

She congratulated herself. "Now, Miss Bennet! What are you going to do about that? I see no trips to Hertfordshire from this household in the near future!"

Chapter XII

Posted on Tuesday, 9 February 1999

It was a whole week before Bingley did anything more than have his meals in his room. He would receive no-one.

'Still' thought Miss Bingley cheerfully, 'It's an ill wind that does nobody any good.' Darcy had noted his friend's change of mood with alarm, and that made him tolerate Caroline's presence. In fact, he was rather touched by her expressed concern for her brother, and this warming of feeling for her was just what Caroline was counting on.

In fact, it was two weeks further before Bingley would even face his friend, despite Darcy's daily inquiries.

Indeed, this meeting only happened because Caroline was out, and Darcy bullied the servants into admitting him to Bingley's room.

"Charles," said Darcy tentatively. "Something terrible has obviously happened. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Bingley faced his friend. He looked haggard and unkempt. He pulled a letter from his desk and shoved it a Darcy. "Read it! Read it, Darcy! Then put it in the fire, along with my hopes for happiness." He turned away, looking into the distance lifelessly.

Darcy read the letter. "Charles, there must be some mistake. Surely this cannot be?" He put the letter in his pocket absently.

Bingley turned on his friend almost bitterly, "Don't you think I haven't spent every waking hour trying to discern some other meaning. Her father will not give his permission for me to speak to her, and there's an end to it, to us! Curse!" He drew breath, as if willing himself to calm down. "Darcy, you asked if there is anything you can do."

"Anything, just ask it!"

"Well then, I want you to arrange the sale of Netherfield! I cannot go there to arrange it myself. If I were to see her again, knowing our love could never be, it would kill me."

Darcy looked stunned. He recollected himself and stood up. "It shall be as you wish. I shall go at once."

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At Longbourn, the mood was scarcely less grave. Bingley had assured Jane that he would follow her to Longbourn almost immediately, and the passage of two weeks without any news may well have been ascribed to some unforeseen delay, but for a letter from Miss Bingley to 'Dearest Jane' telling of her brother's intention not to go to Longbourn but to stay in London, and of course expressing her eternal regard for her dear friend.

Jane was distraught, and Elizabeth livid. She had no doubt that Miss Bingley was behind this, but had no way of confronting her.

Elizabeth took more time in her long rambles through the countryside trying to think of some way of solving the conundrum.

It was on one of these rambles that she suddenly came across Mr. Darcy, direct from his meeting with Bingley that morning.

Darcy and Elizabeth looked at each other, at first with surprise, then with hope.

The one wanting her sister's happiness, the other the same for his friend. Yet the rules of polite society compelled them to talk trivialities on and on for what seemed to both of them to be an age.

At length Elizabeth asked. "Is Mr. Bingley not with you?"

Darcy saw his opening, "Well, Miss Bennet, he is unlikely to show his face where he has been told he is unwelcome."

"Unwelcome?" Expostulated Elizabeth. "How on earth could he come to such a conclusion?"

Darcy reached into his pocket and brought out Mr. Bennet's letter. He handed it to Elizabeth, merely saying, "I think this may explain my friend's absence."

Elizabeth quickly read the letter, and a deep furrow creased her brow. "I do not understand how my father could have written this. But I do now understand Mr. Bingley's absence." She looked at Darcy who had now dismounted from his horse. "Sir, I think that we should at once go to my father for an explanation. Whatever his objection is, surely can be cleared up, and it should be soon for my sister's sake."

"And for the sake of my friend." Added Darcy. "Well then, Miss Bennet. May I accompany you home?"

Elizabeth nodded her assent, and they headed down the lane toward Longbourn.

They did not say much to each other. Darcy because silence was in his nature; Elizabeth because of her puzzlement over her father's strange letter.

At length they came to a brook. It was too wide to jump, and the stepping stones were submerged.

Elizabeth hesitated not, but sat down on the bank and started to undo her shoes.

"What on earth are you doing, Miss Bennet?" Said Darcy, not a little alarmed.

"Well sir, I must cross this stream. If I get my shoes wet, then the leather will shrink, and they will be ruined. So I shall take them off, step across the stones, wait for my feet to dry and put my shoes back on."

"Miss Bennet, surely you are not going to walk about the countryside with your feet naked are you?"

"Mr. Darcy, I expect that as a gentleman, you will avert your eyes lest you should swoon with desire, and as there is nobody else to see, I do not see what damage will be done. I think that sometimes you are too concerned with the proprieties!" Replied Elizabeth with energy tinged with a little indignation.

"Well, in that case, Miss Bennet, I assure you that I shall not even attempt to avert my eyes." Said Darcy mischievously. "You surely cannot now accuse me of overzealous concern with propriety?" Elizabeth reddened and stood up to confront her tormentor. "Besides," Darcy continued. "Waiting for your feet to dry on the other side will waste time. Surely you wish to clear the matter of this letter up as quickly as possible?"

Elizabeth placed her hands on her hips. "Well sir, what exactly do you have in mind?"

"This!" Said Darcy.

Mounting his horse, he swung down and lifted a protesting Elizabeth on to his saddle.

"Mr. Darcy!" She said. "This is most improper! I have never been this close to a man in my life!"

"Apart from your father, I presume." He replied dryly. "But it is you, Miss Bennet, who not one minute ago mocked the proprieties in favour of practicality. We can ride across the stream, and neither of us will get our feet wet; or naked for that matter," he added with a sly grin. "And when we get to the other side, we won't have to wait for our feet to dry. Gee up!"

As the horse moved forward, the sudden movement made Elizabeth cling hard to Darcy. The smell of her perfume, the hair in his face and the feel of her cheek close to his, made for a pleasant sensation in the man. For her part, though she would never admit it, his warmth and strength along with the enforced closeness did not disturb her in the way her sense of decency told her it should. In fact, both of them were a little regretful when the horse reached the other side of the brook, and it was time to dismount.

At length they reached Longbourn, where as luck would have it, Mrs. Bennet was confined to her room with the usual attack of nerves. Darcy then asked to see Mr. Bennet in company with Elizabeth.

Mr. Bennet was astonished, not only by Mr. Darcy's visit, but also by the fact that his second daughter who always had expressed an aversion to the man seemed to be on exceedingly good terms with him.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Mr. Darcy."

"Papa, may I answer for Mr. Darcy?"

Mr. Bennet assented with raised eyebrows.

"Mr. Darcy has a letter that you wrote to Mr. Bingley stating that you have an objection to him speaking to Jane. Apparently, Mr. Bingley is very upset, and would at least like you to make known your objection to him."

Mr. Bennet frowned. "May I see the letter?"

As he read it, he frowned even more. At length, he went to his desk, crossed out the an in the line I have an objection.... and replaced it with I have no objection... as he had originally written.

He handed it to Darcy saying. "There sir, I see that the original letter was somehow marred with a blot. However, you have seen me make the alteration, and my intention is clear is it not?"

"Indeed I have sir, and I am much obliged. Good day to you Mr. Bennet, and to you Miss Bennet."

With that, Darcy left, and the sound of horses hooves indicated that he was off somewhere in a hurry.

Mr. Bennet checked his daughter as she prepared to leave the library.

"Lizzy, I am most disappointed in you!"

Elizabeth turned to her father in puzzlement.

"When did you ever see me blot a letter like that, Lizzy? And for that matter, whenever did you see me seal a letter so ill that the seal was indecipherable?" Was her father's reproof.

Her father did not have to say any more. The suspicion that had been growing in her breast ever since Mr. Darcy had given her the letter, was now complete. 'Caroline Bingley!' She thought.

"Oh and Lizzy!"

"Yes Papa?"

"Pray remove those horse hairs from your petticoat before your mother sees them."

Elizabeth ran out of the room in embarrassment, to seek Jane to tell her the good news.

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It was well after dark when a lone horseman knocked on the door of Bingley's house, demanding to see the man.

"Darcy! What on earth is the meaning of this? It must be close to midnight!" Said a sleepy, grumpy and rather the worse for wear, Charles Bingley.

Darcy handed him the amended letter. Bingley looked at it uncomprehendingly for several minutes.

Finally, in exasperation Darcy asked. "Well?"

Bingley still was half asleep, and just kept looking.

"Bingley, I saw Mr. Bennet amend that letter to say that he would allow you to speak to his daughter. Now do you understand?"

All of a sudden, comprehension lit the face of his friend. He called for his butler to order his carriage for the morning.

"But Sir, Miss Bingley needs it to go visiting. She wishes to see Mr. Darcy tomorrow." Said the butler.

"I can help you there, Bingley, I shall not be in tomorrow, and neither will Georgiana, so you can save your sister the trouble."

"Oh and Charles, I suggest that before you go to Hertfordshire that you dress properly, have a shave and...," wrinkling his nose, "...a bath. I shall take my leave."

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Chapter XIII

Posted on Thursday, 11 February 1999

The next morning Fitzwilliam and Georgiana Darcy sat down to breakfast together.

Darcy was telling his sister of the letter and his meeting with Mr. Bennet. Mindful of his promise to Bingley that neither he nor Georgiana would be 'at home' to Miss Bingley, he made sure that Georgiana was informed.

"So, brother dear. How soon do you suppose it will be before Mr. Bingley makes his proposal?"

Darcy pulled out his fob watch and looked at it. It showed ten o'clock. "Well, I should imagine that another hour or so should do it. I think Bingley would have left no later than five this morning. I would expect a post either tomorrow late, or the day after tomorrow."

They continued with their breakfast, looking up at the faint sound of pounding at the front door, followed by silence. Darcy returned his attention to the newspaper after observing briefly that Caroline must have lowered her standards sufficiently to have taken a hack chaise.

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Two days later a letter from Hertfordshire greeted them at the breakfast table. Darcy teased his sister. "Perhaps I should take this to my study to read?"

Georgiana feigned disinterest, then pounced, grabbing the envelope and teased back. "Perhaps I should take this to my study!" She then opened the letter, even though it was addressed to her brother.

23rd May

Darcy! On receipt of this (BLOT) you may immediately send your (BLOT)tulations. Miss Bennet has accepted my (BLOT) of marriage, and we are now engaged to be (BLOT)ed. I have given her a (BLOT)ing, and we have set a date.

Yours &c
(BLOT)les Bingley

As she read this out, a familiar pounding was heard at the front door.

Darcy quickly addressed Greeley. "If that is Miss Bingley, we are at home. We will receive her in the drawing room."

"Very good sir." The man disappeared, and in a few moments led Miss Bingley to the drawing room.

"Ah, Mr. Darcy," she simpered, "I had thought that you had left town to scamper off like my foolish brother. Heaven knows what he is up to."

"Well Miss Bingley." Said Darcy. "I think we may be able to enlighten you." He drew Charles' letter out and read it aloud.

Georgiana was quietly glad that they had not received her in the dining room, as Miss Bingley's face would have turned the port into vinegar.

"Georgiana and I were about to send our congratulations to your brother. Georgiana has become quite friendly with both Miss Jane and Miss Elizabeth Bennet, so I imagine she will join you in passing on best wishes to the bride-to-be."

"Oh yes!" cooed Georgiana joining in on the game. "And do you not think, Miss Bingley, that one marriage leads to another? I do so like Miss Elizabeth Bennet." This was said with a significant look in her brother's direction. Darcy bore this with fortitude, but his sister detected traces of tears in his eyes as he desperately tried to suppress the urge to laugh at Miss Bingley's countenance. Georgiana quietly opined that perhaps all the milk in a two mile radius was now quietly curdling. "Would you like to join me in my room Miss Bingley? We could write to Jane together."

Miss Bingley's earlier cheerfulness had evaporated. She made her excuses and left immediately.

Georgiana remained for a few minutes after Miss Bingley's departure to see if her brother would cavil at her suggestion of a liaison between Miss Elizabeth Bennet and himself. However, as no objection seemed forthcoming, she announced her intention of calling on Mrs. Gardiner and then Lady Matlock to see if they had heard the news.

Now of course, there are those of you who might wonder why Georgiana would bother to pass on such news. After all, Madeleine Gardiner would hear it soon enough from Mrs. Bennet, and Lady Matlock hardly had an interest in it, one would have thought.

However, even though Georgiana was shy, it is not to be assumed that she was the least bit dim witted. In speaking to Lady Matlock of the Gardiners and the Bennet sisters, and telling that lady that Miss Elizabeth Bennet was apparently a good friend of her brother, she can hardly have been unaware that she would arouse a great deal of curiosity in the bosom of her noble Aunt.

It was therefore not long before Lady Matlock expressed a desire to be introduced to the Gardiners.

Naturally as a dutiful niece, Georgiana obliged her Aunt, and the introductions were made on one of Georgiana's frequent visits. It also happened that Lady Matlock and Mrs. Gardiner took an instant liking to each other, which of course meant that their husbands were also obliged to like each other, on pain of withdrawal of pudding privileges.

Thus over the next month or so when Georgiana announced to her brother that she was visiting Lady Matlock and Mrs. Gardiner, he was not really aware that the visits were simultaneous, nor that as a consequence of her friendship with Madeleine Gardiner, Lady Matlock was powerfully inclined to like Elizabeth Bennet. Of course, none of this was schemed up by Georgiana so that she would have a powerful ally in the execution of her plans for Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth. No, of course not. Foolish thought. Forget I even mentioned it.

In any case, Darcy himself was relieved that his sister was exerting herself socially, and with two excellent role models. He had lately become concerned that her interests had strayed from those considered proper for young ladies. Why just the other day, he had noticed her reading a copy of Macchiavelli's "The Prince."

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Chapter XIV

Posted on Monday, 15 February 1999

Elizabeth and Jane arrived late in the afternoon at Gracechurch Street. Their purpose in London was to purchase the necessary materials for Jane's wedding. They were fortunately not accompanied by their mother, as Mr. Bennet had suddenly become ill.

Jane almost canceled the trip, but Elizabeth, suspecting that her father's illness had more to do with keeping Mrs. Bennet from interfering with the shopping rather than anything else, persuaded her sister to come nonetheless.

As they were entering the house, Georgiana and Lady Matlock also arrived, quite fortuitously as it happened.

"Elizabeth! Jane! Georgiana!" were the various cries.

"I do so want both of you to meet my Aunt, Lady Matlock!" Said Georgiana.

The introductions were made and the ladies went inside. As Georgiana noted with satisfaction, Lady Matlock approved heartily of both the Bennet sisters, and invited them and the Gardiners to a Soiree' at Matlock House two evenings hence.

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Later that evening Georgiana approached her brother.

"Fitzwilliam, Lady Matlock has invited us to a soiree at her house on the day after tomorrow. I engaged for us both to go....."

Darcy rolled his eyes in mock horror. "A soiree'! Oh how fascinating!" He yawned in feigned boredom.

Georgiana put her hands on her hips. "Fitzwilliam! She is your favourite Aunt! However, if you would rather not go, that does not matter. I can go by myself, since it is a family function, and the only others there will be the Gardiners,...and Jane and Elizabeth Bennet."

This last information was delivered with studied unconcern, but Georgiana was gratified as her brother spoke up.

"Er, I would, of course be delighted to attend a soiree' with my favourite Aunt. I have no other engagements for that night."

"Well, brother dear, it is settled then."

With that, Georgiana turned away, so that her brother would not see the smug expression on her face.

'I really should take up fishing' she thought.

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At Matlock House, the evening went exceptionally well.

Lady Matlock observed to her friend Madelaine Gardiner that her nephew seemed to be much brighter than usual, and casually inquired if she could account for it. Madelaine smiled, and said that if she were a man, and thus permitted to wager, then she would imagine Darcy making an offer of marriage within six months.

"Madelaine! What the men don't know won't hurt them! I wager one bolt of Brussels lace that he will make an offer in three months."

Madelaine looked around to see that they were not overheard. "Done! One bolt of Brussels lace!" The ladies shook hands.

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As they settled in their carriage for the journey home, Georgiana said to her brother. "Well Fitzwilliam, that was an excellent evening, was it not?"

Her brother wore a smile of almost contentment. "Aah yes, indeed!"

"And you enjoyed Miss Bennet's company did you not?"

Fitzwilliam stiffened, suddenly discerning his sister's intent. "As I enjoy your company, or that of my Aunt and Uncle."

A year previously, that would have been warning enough for Georgiana to desist. However, under the influence of Elizabeth, Georgiana had already learned that her brother had hitherto undreamed of reserves of tolerance. She therefore pressed on.

"So you like her as much as your family do you?" She said sweetly.

Darcy saw little traps opening up before him everywhere, and eyed his sister warily, trying to decide on the best means of diverting her. After a little consideration, he thought the direct approach to be the best.

"Georgiana, I know exactly what you are getting at. You want me to marry Miss Bennet do you not?"

Georgiana looked at him for an instant. "Fitzwilliam, all I know is that I like her very much, and want to see more of her. I also know that when you are in her presence, you are transformed. You are happy, and so is she. Can you not see that? Is it so hard for you to consult your own feelings on this?"

"Georgiana, there are more than my own feelings to consult. There is such a gulf between Miss Bennet and myself. How would our family react. Surely you can see that the family would regard such a marriage as a disgrace?"

Georgiana smiled at her brother, as a cat smiles at a mouse in her power.

"Now let me see! Cousin Richard Fitzwilliam approves of her, Lord Matlock approves of her, Lady Matlock approves of her, I approve of her, of cousin Anne I cannot speak. That leaves only Aunt Catherine to disapprove, or perhaps our Uncle the judge. All this hardly adds up to familial disapproval, dear brother! I beg you please try to think up some better excuse. You will need far better reasons when Lady Matlock presses this particular point."

At this Georgiana pretended to look out the window of the coach, leaving a rather disconcerted elder brother to cogitate.

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Chapter XV

Posted on Saturday, 20 February 1999

Darcy retired that night in a very thoughtful mood indeed. His sister had spoken to him as she had never before, and he turned her advice over and over in his head.

She was right. The Darcy and Fitzwilliam families would, with few exceptions welcome Elizabeth. Indeed, the difficulties that Darcy had put in front of such a union, were now patently frivolous. Even the differences in their fortune that once he saw as a barrier, could not be seen that way any more. He had so much money that any fortune that a wife might bring by way of a dowry could make no material difference to his own circumstances. In fact the difference in their circumstances might be some inducement to her acceptance of him. 'Some small inducement' he thought wryly.

So what where his thoughts of Miss Elizabeth Bennet? What of the things that really were important?

He reflected on his feelings when they were together. He now felt at ease and relaxed in her presence. He admired her mind and understanding. The revelation over the past few months of her many interests outside of those expected of merely elegant ladies had truly captivated him. There was no doubt in his mind that she would make an excellent wife. Just as she was an excellent friend.

Yet what of his feelings? He liked her, he admired her, but did he love her?

Darcy also had to wrestle with other feelings, like the one that had consumed him when he had carried her over the stream seated so close to him on his horse. Yet should he ask her to marry him because of the advice of St. Paul? Should he ask Elizabeth to marry him merely because she was a good friend who he lusted after? She clearly wanted to marry for love. Did he love her?

Darcy sighed. He could not answer that one question. The only logical thing to do was continue as they were, despite the pressure that would now come from his own family. With that decision made, he fell asleep.

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The next day, Darcy announced his intention to visit his friend at Netherfield. He did not gull his sister who recognised it for the cowardice that it was. Thus separated from Elizabeth and from his own family, he would escape the need to make any decisions or face serious questioning.

As the countryside rolled past, Darcy managed to snatch a few moments' rest here and there. Now and then he would rouse himself and observe the Summer's activities. As they reached the outskirts of the village nearest to Meryton he observed something that made him stop the coach and alight.

A man in his thirties, thickset from indulgence had tied a young filly to a tree, and was thrashing at her with his riding crop. The horse, in trying to back away, had unfortunately twisted herself so that her bridle now restrained her head against the tree, and the man was whipping at her head unmercifully, screaming abuse.

"What on earth are you doing?" Shouted Darcy.

The man ceased his belabouring of the frightened horse, and faced Darcy. "And who the hell are you?" He snarled.

"My name is Fitzwilliam Darcy, and I am inquiring as to your reason for maltreating that animal." Darcy replied evenly.

"Maltreating this !@##@! Animal! Damn your impertinence, I've a good mind to..." with that he raised his riding crop and advanced on Darcy. This was a move that lasted only a very short while, as Darcy's coachman chose that moment to stand up in his place brandishing the coaching whip, and the footman dismounted with an ugly looking staff, and an even uglier look on his face to stand behind his master.

"Now," said Darcy, "Perhaps you might like to answer my question."

"And what if I don't? I suppose you'll set your thugs on me?"

Darcy sighed, "Of course not. I am a gentleman. However, as a considerate employer, I shall merely retire to my coach and allow my servants here a few free minutes of time to relieve themselves. Whether or not they wish to avail themselves of the opportunity to ask you for an explanation of your behaviour and your labeling them 'thugs', I cannot tell." Darcy moved back as if to enter his carriage.

"Wait!" came the somewhat nervous cry, as two unpleasantly angry-looking servants regarded him.

"The horse deserved a thrashing, I only bought her two days ago for eight guineas, and now she's gone lame."

Darcy looked at the man incredulously, "And you think beating her will cure the problem?"

The man was defiant. "She's mine to do with as I like, and I shall! You can't stay here all day."

"What is your name?" Asked Darcy.

The man at first looked as if he would not answer, but seeing the footman handling his club, he decided that discretion was the better part of valour and answered. "Mr. Brian Wilson to you!"

"Well Wilson, I'll make you an offer of eight guineas for the horse. You won't get even one guinea for a lame horse, so it's a fair bargain. Oh, but if you hit that horse again, the offer reduces by one guinea per stroke. So what's it to be? And please be mindful that my men are very sensitive, and may need satisfaction for your calling them thugs."

On cue both the coachman and the footman turned their attention again to Mr. Wilson.

"Very well, the @#$#!% useless thing is yours. Where's my money?"

Darcy went back to the coach and opened a small money bag. He counted out eight golden guineas and tossed them on the ground next to Mr. Wilson, who snatched them up, and without looking back, headed toward the village.

The three men then approached the distressed filly, and took some time to calm her down and loosen her from the tree. It was soon discovered that the reason for her 'lameness' was a very long nail in her hoof. The coachman opined that she would probably be all right with proper attention, and so Darcy ordered the footman to stay with the horse. With that he boarded the coach, and ordered the driver on to Netherfield to send a groom back to fetch the horse.

As the coach picked up speed, Darcy wondered why the coachman was so close to the verge of the road. It suddenly became apparent as Darcy caught sight of the corpulent Mr. Wilson take a leap into the bramble bushes to avoid being run over. As much as he tried, he somehow could not feel sorry for the man.

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Chapter XVI

Posted on Monday, 1 March 1999

Darcy and Bingley were relaxing with a glass of port after dinner at Netherfield on the day of Darcy's arrival in Hertfordshire.

They were both in good spirits. Charles as a result of Darcy's information about the good progress of Jane and Elizabeth's shopping trip and hence Jane's imminent return to Hertfordshire. Darcy's good mood was a result of finding from Bingley's farrier, that the filly that he had bought on the way from the man who had been maltreating her was only suffering a temporary lameness. Naturally, the excellent port had nothing to do with their good humour, both Darcy and Bingley would have been mortified at being described as "happy drunks".

"Well Charles, tell me the news from Hertfordshire!"

"Actually Darcy, I do have some good news. A friend of mine from the North has settled not twenty miles from here. His father and mine were in tra...." His voice petered out as he realised his blunder.

"In trade you mean, Charles?" Said Darcy imperiously.

"Yes, but I don't think it signifies. He is a good friend! As was his father to mine! Does it really matter to you Darcy?"

"Well, as far as I can see, the nobility of this kingdom at some stage or other, gained their lands and money from one of two sources; either trade, or theft. It seems only to remain to be decided how far back either of those two circumstances occurred. I should hardly condone theft, so trade it must be." This was done with a pompous tone, but with such a smile on his face that Bingley had to smile as well.

"I am glad to hear you say that Darcy, because I have invited him to visit tomorrow."

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The next morning Bingley and Darcy were out inspecting Darcy's new horse when the expected visitor arrived.

Bingley made the necessary introduction of Mr George Keith, and Darcy found himself in the smiling regard of a man of his own height and age.

Mr Keith had been in the district only a month or so, since the purchase of the estate of "Fairfield" and had spent much of the time in setting up his household.

"Is the rest of your family here?" Asked Darcy.

"My mother is in the North, and I have no other close family. However, Charles tells me that his fiancée has some unmarried sisters. If one of them has made Charles so happy, perhaps I should make their acquaintance."

Charles sent a sly look at Darcy that was not lost on Mr Keith.

"Mr Darcy, I hope I have not offended. You are not attached to one of these ladies are you?" He said with some concern.

"No, I am not, although I am good friends with Miss Elizabeth Bennet, the next youngest sister. However, I have not made any engagement, nor have I determined to. Yet, she is an exceptional woman." Darcy paused. The thought that there might be someone else for Elizabeth Bennet had not crossed his mind till this moment, and his feelings had a somewhat curious turn.

"In any case, their mother will, no doubt receive you warmly. She sees it as her duty to find suitable husbands for her daughters."

Mr Keith smile wryly. "Ah yes! I have spent the last four weeks avoiding such mamas in the neighbourhood of Fairfield. I had hoped that the size of my estate would not be known this far away, and I could pass unnoticed by society."

"Well, I am afraid that you have not come far enough." Said Bingley. "Mrs. Bennet has subjected me to the inquisition, and I am afraid that I did let slip that you were a gentleman of some means. And of course since she knows, the whole neighborhood knows. She is a sort of substitute for a local newspaper."

Darcy smiled at the look of alarm that crossed Mr Keith's face. "So, Mr Keith! Since you are the property of one of the unmarried daughters of the district now, you had best choose well!" At length he took pity and continued, "Actually, it is not that bad. I seem to have escaped the shackles of matrimony, so you may escape yet."

"But Darcy, that is only because Mrs. Bennet detests you and will not speak with you!" Cried Bingley.

"That my dear Charles is another blessing." Said Darcy with a laugh. "I think we should change the subject. If there were any ladies present, they would think that all that men do when they are on their own is gossip! What do you think of my new horse Mr Keith?"

Mr Keith ran his eye over the horse. "She is beautiful, and seems sweet natured. You would have to pay ten to twelve guineas for her up North." He suddenly saw the scars on her head from the beating administered by the previous owner and frowned questioningly at Darcy. Darcy related the circumstances of his acquiring her and his confrontation with Mr Wilson.

At the name Wilson, Mr Keith started and frowned. "Not a Brian Wilson, a slightly thick set man of our age?" he said sharply.

"Why yes," said Darcy. "Do you know him?"

"If it is the man I think it is, yes I do! He is an attorney who behaved infamously toward a friend of my late father, and enriched himself unjustly. My father unmasked him and recovered most of his friend's money. Mr Wilson found it necessary to depart. However, it seems that he is now in this district. At least this horse will not be exposed to his cruelty further."

A silence descended upon them, broken only when a message from the house told that the meal was ready.

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Later that night, Darcy thought of the day's events, and especially of Mr Keith. He felt a little strange, but he could only reflect to himself what he had told the man earlier. Even though he liked Elizabeth, he could not say that he loved her. Mr Keith seemed a very pleasant fellow, with a substantial fortune, and had shown some interest at the mention of Elizabeth. Perhaps, as a friend, he could help her there.

He took up pen and paper to write to his sister.

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In London a couple of days later, Georgiana Darcy read her brother's note with knitted brow.

She did not agree at all with her brother's assessment of Mr Keith. He seemed to her to be a person of no consequence, and definitely not good enough for Miss Elizabeth Bennet. A deep dislike of Mr Keith was forming in the bosom of Miss Darcy.

Suddenly a smirk crept over her face. 'Caroline!' She thought. 'I wonder if orange is a colour that Mr Keith appreciates. Perhaps if Miss Bingley were to attach herself to this upstart, and detach herself from my brother, then I would be killing two birds with one stone, or perhaps a few more for Caroline's hats.'

The next morning she called on Caroline who had on a beautiful orange gown with adorable orange slippers and a delightful orange bonnet.

Caroline greeted her rather sourly, given that her plans for Darcy had been thwarted for the last few weeks.

"Georgiana, I should like to help, but my brother has said that I cannot possibly visit for several weeks yet."

"Why ever not Miss Bingley?" Cried Georgiana, not expecting resistance from this quarter.

"Well, I told him, rather unwisely as it turned out, that I had engagements in town, so he has forbidden me to break those engagements to come to Netherfield."

"Well," smiled Georgiana "If I were one of those engagements, then it would not matter whether the engagement occurred in London or Netherfield now would it? You could call at Netherfield if I were accompanying you, could you not?"

"We leave tomorrow Georgiana dearest!" Said Miss Bingley, beaming.

Georgiana almost gagged with disgust, but she kept a smile on her face as she left.

As she rode home in her carriage, she thought 'Yes! Miss Bingley will do well enough for this Mr Keith!'

Perhaps Miss Darcy should have noted the old adage. When you sup with the Devil, be sure to use a long spoon!

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Chapter XVII

Posted on Tuesday, 2 March 1999

True to her word, Caroline Bingley arrived early at the Darcys' townhouse.

Equally true to hers, Georgiana was ready to go, however it should be said that she was not exactly eager at the prospect of spending some hours in a coach with Miss Bingley.

"Good morning Miss Bingley, you are looking well. Your outfit today is very well coordinated." Was the best that Miss Darcy's diplomacy could muster.

The journey proceeded as expected, but within the hour, Miss Darcy was on the point of dying of tedium. However, she was somewhat prepared.

"Miss Bingley, would you care for some refreshment? I have some fruit." Miss Darcy opened a package prepared by cook.

"Oh how delightful, Dearest Georgiana!" Gushed Miss Bingley. "Oranges!"

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A party of shooters consisting of Messrs Bennet, Bingley, Darcy and Keith wended its way back to Netherfield. They were all in high spirits, no doubt due to the heavy bags of game being borne by the servants.

"...Anyway, then, as the Actress said to the Bishop, you can put that thing...." Darcy's voice trailed off.

Bingley looked at him in surprise. "Is anything the matter?"

"Charles!" He groaned. "look over there!" He pointed to the house.

Three heads that hitherto had been attending to a piece of drollery about, er well never mind, swiveled to see a coach that had just drawn up, and two figures in front of it. One of those figures was in a colour that one hundred and seventy years later would be described as "Safety Orange".

"Caroline!" Groaned four voices in unison.

Darcy looked at Mr. Keith in astonishment. "Do you know the lady?"

"Indeed I do Mr. Darcy, since our fathers were friends. I have had a considerable exposure."

Bingley piped in, "Yes Darcy! Mr. Keith here was an object for Caroline before she met you!" This was accompanied with an evil grin.

"Ah!" Said Mr. Keith. "In that case, I shall have to express my outrage at her inconstancy. Silently, of course! That should leave the field open to you, eh Darcy?"

"But that is exactly what I had planned!" Expostulated Darcy.

Mr. Keith pressed home his advantage, addressing Mr. Bennet who was by now thoroughly enjoying himself. "Mr. Bennet, you have another daughter, I believe. Would you mind terribly if I express an interest in her in Miss Bingley's presence?"

"Oh by all means. I have several daughters, all silly, although I must admit Lizzy to be a little better than the rest. You can address them all! But I warn that if you trifle with Lizzy without her consent, it could be the worse for you! And you Darcy, do you wish to seek refuge behind the skirts of one or more of my daughters?"

"Mr. Bennet, your daughters have never looked more enticing than at this moment." Said Darcy with mock gallantry.

"I can assure you that Mrs. Bennet would be in raptures to hear you say it!"

With that they all laughed, and headed toward the orange glow in the west.

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Chapter XVIII

Posted on Wednesday, 3 March 1999

The gentlemen approached the ladies and made their bows.

Mr. Keith noted that Miss Darcy was rather handsome in a stern sort of way, however since his primary motive was to ward off any attentions that Miss Bingley might have toward him, he addressed himself to Her Orangeness.

"Miss Bingley. How good it is to see you. I trust that you are well?"

Mr. Keith noted that Miss Darcy's countenance softened a little on seeing him attend to Miss Bingley.

"Why very well sir," she gushed, " but the journey was so tedious. Except for dear Georgiana of course. And how has your stay in the countryside been? Have you found any of the local ladies to your liking?"

"Well, Miss Bingley. Your brother has found a treasure, or so he says any way. On his recommendation I am eager to meet her."

"Oh yes, Jane. Such a dear sweet girl! And she has a sister too, I'm sure you would just adore her."

Mr. Keith noticed that Miss Darcy up to this point was almost smiling, but on the last sentence, the smile turned just a little thin. Mr. Keith was neither slow on the uptake, nor one to pass up such an opportunity. "Well Miss Bingley, I hope you will introduce us as soon as she returns to Hertfordshire." The man was gratified to see that Miss Bingley was now not interested in himself.

Georgiana was barely containing her annoyance. This was not turning out as she had expected. This man was to form an attachment to Caroline to leave the way clear for her brother to woo Elizabeth, and now it seemed that Caroline was helping this upstart to cut her brother out. This was not to be borne!

Georgiana was brought out of her reverie by her brother addressing her. "Georgiana, are you all right? For a moment there, your expression looked exactly like Aunt Catherine's when she doesn't get her way. Have we upset you at all?"

Georgiana bit her tongue and made some polite reply, but she could not help but notice from the corner of her eye, that Mr. Keith appeared to be laughing at her. 'Insufferable man!'

On the other hand, Miss Bingley was more than satisfied with the proceedings so far. It looked as though that troublesome Miss Elizabeth Bennet might now be out of the way, by courtesy of Mr. Keith. Perhaps there was some chance of her becoming Mistress of Pemberley after all. 'Caroline Darcy! How well that sounds!'

Thus were the two ladies lost in their thoughts.

Charles, the obliging host invited the party inside. Mr. Bennet begged off claiming a slight indigestion, and withdrew.

The two ladies then went in. Caroline playing the hostess, cast a smug look at Darcy which increased Georgiana's bad mood immensely. But worse was to come, for if Mr. Keith had a fault, he was to display it now. As the two ladies proceeded into the house, he hummed a tune under his breath, but at a volume just loud enough for Georgiana to hear. It was an old nursery rhyme "Oranges and Lemons/Say the Bells of St Clemens." Those of you who have been following the story thus far cannot be mistaken as to his meaning, and Georgiana certainly was likewise not mistaken. Suffice it to say she was not pleased at being compared with that particular citrus, and the look she directed at Mr. Keith would have felled an ox.

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Chapter XIX

Posted on Saturday, 6 March 1999

Georgiana Darcy had just finished dressing, and was taking a few moments to reflect on the events of the past few weeks. All in all, it had turned out to be a disaster. Her plans for matching her brother with Miss Bennet were being spoiled at every turn. Her intention of diverting Mr. Keith from Elizabeth using Caroline and diverting Caroline from her brother using Mr. Keith seemed to be working in reverse! Added to that, her meeting with the rest of the Bennet family had not gone well. Mr. Bennet was tolerable, but Mrs. Bennet was so plainly rude to her brother. Yet there was something else, that had disturbed her more than anything. Apparently, the family was acquainted with Mr. Wickham, and though she was sure that no one in the neighbourhood knew of her own involvement with the man, it was a matter of great disturbance to her at every mention of his name.

Thinking of all this depressed her beyond belief. The only bright spots on the horizon were the arrival today of Elizabeth and Jane from London, and the fact that the odious Mr. Keith had left a week ago for his estate twenty miles away. This would leave the way open for her brother to renew his friendship with Miss Bennett. Indeed, there was to be a ball at the Meryton Assembly Hall four days hence, so surely her brother would dance a few with Elizabeth.

She made her way down to the breakfast room with these thoughts in her mind.

When she got there, she was met with the beaming faces of Caroline and Charles.

"Miss Darcy," began Caroline, "You will never guess the news! I was so fearing that there would be a shortage of gentlemen at the Ball four days hence, that I prevailed upon dear Charles to write to Mr. Keith inviting him to stay with us. He has accepted our invitation, and arrives today. I know he is anxious to meet Miss Bennet. Is that not wonderful news dearest Georgiana?"

Georgiana replied as politeness dictated, but her expression of pleasure at the prospect of furthering her acquaintance with Mr. Keith, really did strain the bounds of honesty. She thus applied herself with an earnestness she did not feel, to the meal before her.

As if to underline her feelings, the butler announced the arrival of Mr. Keith, just as the maid brought in the tripe. Miss Darcy lost her appetite.

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Meanwhile, at Longbourn, things were all a bustle.

Jane and Elizabeth had arrived and had been immediately pounced upon and peppered with all the latest gossip.

"Oh yes girls!" Said Mrs. Bennet. "There is a new gentleman in the neighbourhood. His name is Mr. Keith. He has six thousand a year, and is so handsome! Or so I am sure I would agree if I had seen him. And he is coming here today! What do you think of that? Also, my sister says that there is another gentleman, a Mr. Wilson, formerly an attorney like your uncle Phillips, who has made his fortune and settled here as well."

"And Lizzy, Lydia broke in over her mother, "I have been invited to go to Brighton with Colonel and Mrs. Foster, and Kitty hasn't." This last was followed by a scornful poke of her tongue at Kitty.

Kitty bore this with ill disguised annoyance, but added her own news of the ball in four days, noting that even if Lydia were a success at that assembly, it would do her no good, as she would depart for Brighton soon thereafter. The tongue signal was then returned to Lydia, with a 'nyah!"

Mr. Bennet folded his newspaper that he had just finished reading and addressed his two eldest daughters. "Welcome home to you both. As you see, nothing has changed!"

"What nonsense, Mr. Bennet!" Said his good wife. "Two eligible single men with fortunes coming into the neighbourhood is indeed a change. Whatever can you be thinking? In any case girls, Mr. Bingley and Mr. Keith will be here in two hours to visit"

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Two hours later indeed, the parlour at Longbourn was full to overflowing, although not quite as overflowing as Mrs. Bennet.

"Mr. Bingley, how good of you to come, and Miss Bingley, you are very very welcome! Mr. Darcy, Miss Darcy." She then added curtly.

With certain degree of diplomacy, Mr. Bingley introduced Mr. Keith as an old friend.

The company sat down to a lively discourse on the news from London and locally. Mrs. Bennet, not entirely insensible to the gentlemen present and her own daughters, sat Mr. Keith next to Elizabeth and Caroline next to Mr. Darcy, an action that simultaneously raised her stature in Miss Bingley's eyes and lowered it in Miss Darcy's.

Elizabeth took stock of the man that her mother was now so obviously pairing her with. He was handsome, and with a pleasant manner that spoke of a man who did not take himself too seriously. He spoke well, but seemed to value her opinions as well. Elizabeth was well pleased. Georgiana was not!

After an hour or so, Mr. Bingley suggested a ride into Meryton since their carriages were ready.

Mrs. Bennet again showed what could only be described as low animal cunning.

"What a splendid idea Mr. Bingley!" She started. "I think I shall come too!" A number of faces dropped at the prospect.

"Mr. Keith," She continued. "Have you seen much of the countryside around here?"

"Why no Ma'am." He replied gravely.

"In that case, I suggest you go in one carriage with your friend Charles and Jane. Lizzy can go with you and point out the scenes of interest on the way to Meryton. Miss Bingley, Miss Darcy and Mr. Darcy can travel together with me, and I can point out the scenes of interest to them from the other carriage." Mrs. Bennet chortled in triumph.

"What a splendid idea Mrs. Bennet," Said Caroline with a smirk. "Let us go immediately."

As they clip clopped along the road to Meryton, Miss Bingley could not resist announcing to Mrs. Bennet what a charming couple Mr. Keith and Miss Eliza made.

This had Georgiana fuming again, and her brother a little confused over his feelings. He liked Mr. Keith, he saw it as a good match for his friend Elizabeth, but something bothered him, something said to him that he would not like to see her married so soon.

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Chapter XX

Posted on Tuesday, 23 November 1999, at 4 : 08 p.m.

The two carriages halted in front of Mrs. Bennet's favourite shop in Meryton, and that good lady headed for the door with scarcely a backward glance. However, a loud "Come on girls!" was enough to ensure that the Gentlemen were to grit their teeth, Caroline Bingley smirk, and Jane and Lizzy die of mortification.

It would not have been so bad, except that the minute they entered the shop, Miss Bingley proclaimed loudly "Oh dear Georgiana! Just look at all the trinkets", followed by a whinnying giggle at her cleverness.

This was too much for the gentlemen, and in any case we all know that gentlemen are not constitutionally suited for shopping. They thus made their excuses and headed for the footpath outside the shop to wait for the ladies. That is all except for Charles Bingley who announced his intention to go to the saddlery to seek out a new bridle for his horse. The other gentlemen waved him off, and watched as he disappeared round the corner.

Bingley walked on for five minutes or so around the back of the shops looking for the saddler, and so did not see the red liveried high-perch phaeton bearing down on him from the direction of the inn. This was rather unfortunate, since the 'gentleman' in charge of the phaeton, having dined well on the superb ale at the inn did not see him either, until too late. The carriage caught Bingley on the leg and spun him round onto the kerb where his head hit the granite sett.

The driver of the phaeton, stopped. He looked at Bingley's crumpled inert body, looked around to see if anyone had noticed, shrugged his shoulders and set the equipage in motion again, soon disappearing from sight.

Mr. Darcy and Mr. Keith were still waiting outside the shop when a rather ragged young urchin ran up to them with the news of Bingley's accident.

Darcy immediately headed off, and Mr. Keith waited only long enough to give the boy a few coppers and request the postillion on his coach to fetch the local physician immediately.

By the time the physician arrived, a small crowd had gathered around the still unconscious Bingley, drawn more by the shrieks of Mrs. Bennet and Miss Bingley than anything else. Jane, Elizabeth and Georgiana could only look at each other in numb horror.

The physician quickly determined that there were a few cracked ribs and a broken leg which he proceeded to splint. However, he looked grave at Bingley's continued unconsciousness, and ordered him to be taken to bed immediately.

It was not till later that day at Netherfield that Bingley awoke. He opened his eyes painfully and winced as his leg, now set, moved a little.

"Ouch! What happened? Where am I?" He said with difficulty. "Miss Bennet! Mr. Keith! Where have you come from?"

The others at the bedside looked at each other in puzzlement. Finally Darcy spoke up. "Mr. Keith was with us today. Do you not remember?"

Bingley frowned. "The last thing I remember is you coming to the door and telling me to have a shave and a, er ... never mind before I went to Hertfordshire."

Darcy started. "But that was in London, and several weeks ago!"

Bingley looked around frowning. "This is Netherfield! How did I get here? What is going on?" He started to become agitated, and looked quite disturbed. The physician shooed the others out of the room and quickly administered a draught of laudanum. Bingley lapsed back into slumber.

Several minutes later, the physician came out of the sick room and addressed those present. "Is there anyone here related to the patient."

"I am his sister, perhaps we should talk!" Said Miss Bingley.

The physician drew her aside, and said quietly. "I recommend that the patient not be moved. Apart from the broken bones, he will probably regain his memory a little better if stimulated by these country surrounds and his local friends. I understand he has just become engaged, but he does not seem to remember that, so I recommend that his fiancée should attend him to help jog his memory."

"He does not remember being engaged?" Said Miss Bingley contemplatively. "Oh how positively awful! Yes, I understand what is to be done. Thank you my good man."

With that the physician withdrew.

The others then drew round Miss Bingley anxiously waiting for news.

Miss Bingley put on a serious face and said, "The physician has recommended that Charles immediately remove to London. Apparently he does not remember anything of his activities here, and the doctor says he should be taken to where his last memory was so as not to be disturbed in his mind. He does not even recall being engaged." To this she added, addressing Jane, "Although I am sure that being a gentleman, he will not back out of the engagement, even though he remembers naught of it."

Jane had been growing whiter by the moment and looked almost as if she were to faint. Her voice, when she spoke was with a tremor and could hardly be heard. "He..he does not remember asking? No...I suppose he cannot remember, if his last memory is of leaving London." She appeared almost in tears. "Then I must release him from his engagement...if he has no knowledge..." At this she faltered and almost ran out the door with Elizabeth hard on her heels.

For a minute there was silence followed by a loud scream from Mrs. Bennet. "Jane! Jane! Whatever can you be thinking? Oh no, now my eldest daughter is a jilt!! Somebody get my Vinaigrette! How my nerves are a-flutter!!!"

As if the news could not get worse, a servant arrived from Longbourn with further bad tidings.

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Chapter XXI

Posted on Thursday, 25 November 1999, at 4 : 19 p.m.

One of the menservants from Longbourn had arrived, wishing to pass a message to Mrs. Bennet.

"Well? What is it?" Asked Mrs. Bennet in a dither, as if the morning's happenings had not been too much for her already.

"Beg pardon Ma'am, but Mrs. Hill sends her compliments, and says that the Master has had a nasty turn and taken to his bed." The man had a wary look on his face that worried Elizabeth.

Mrs. Bennet wrung her hands, appearing not to know what to do until Elizabeth said, "Would one of you gentlemen allow us the use of your coach for the journey to Longbourn?"

Darcy opened his mouth as if to answer, but Caroline got in first. "By all means take our carriage. But make haste. If Mr. Bennet is ill, you should be with him, as I am with Charles."

As the Bennets left, Georgiana reflected uncharitably on how glad Caroline seemed to be at the removal of the Bennet sisters.

Caroline spoke up again. "I have organised for us all to remove to London tomorrow. Mr. Darcy, I shall need you in the carriage with Charles." Darcy bowed his head in agreement, and Caroline continued. "Mr. Keith, I hope I would not be imposing on you to take dear Georgiana in your carriage, as there will not be enough room in ours with Charles' leg having been set.

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The next morning, the carriages set out for London. For Charles it was a shocking trip, for even the relatively good roads from Hertfordshire to London contained enough ruts and potholes to render the pain from Charles broken ribs excruciating, and he passed out with the pain several times. Naturally Caroline gave all the appearances of sisterly concern that she could in the presence of Mr. Darcy.

In the other carriage, Georgiana was conversing with Mr. Keith. Her shyness made intercourse difficult, but her interest in her brother's affairs, and those of Miss Bennet goaded her on.

"How have you found Hertfordshire, Mr. Keith?"

'Excellent, Miss Darcy."

"And the Hertfordshire ladies, sir?"

They are indeed as delightful as their reputation has said they would be. Although the elder Miss Bennet's heart seems to be attached, so I should perhaps not venture there."

"Yes, I should imagine that as soon as Mr. Bingley recovers that he will journey back to Hertfordshire and renew his addresses." Georgiana reflected for a minute before continuing. "And Miss Elizabeth Bennet? What do you think of her, Mr. Keith?"

Mr. Keith regarded Miss Darcy seriously, but had she noticed, she would have seen the faintest twinkle in his eyes as he answered. "I believe that she would make an excellent wife. A man who could claim such a woman would be well off indeed. What is your opinion of her, Miss Darcy?"

For a minute, Georgiana was nettled by the question. Should she be honest about her friend and thereby encourage Mr. Keith? She thought for a while and answered. "Well, since she is my friend, I should be prejudiced in my answer, but I do think highly of her. In fact, I should like to see her marry my brother."

Mr. Keith raised an eyebrow in mild surprise. "Well, given her many fine qualities, your brother had better offer for her soon, or others may outpace him."

"Are you considering it yourself?" Georgiana's reply, though civil, had a hostile edge to it.

Mr. Keith's lips curved in a slight smile. "Well, I had not actually. But now that you have mentioned it, I suppose that I should consider it. I am indeed most obliged to you Miss Darcy. After all, I do have a substantial estate, no attachment, and a gentleman in that condition should marry. And as you cannot fail to have noticed, Miss Bennet is very clever."

"Oh, and do you find 'clever' ladies to your liking Mr. Keith?" Said Miss Darcy in surprise.

"Very much, Miss Darcy." Mr. Keith regarded Georgiana intently for an instant, as if something had occurred to him, and then shook his head. "In fact, if it were not for your being little more than a child yourself, Miss Darcy, I should prefer you to Miss Bennet. However, as that is not the case...perhaps we should change the subject."

With that, the carriage ride continued on to London without touching on any further subject of consequence. However, Miss Darcy harboured no good feelings toward the man, no matter how rich or handsome he might be. After a certain age, there is a dignity that a lady wishes to maintain, and Mr. Keith had trespassed over the limits of that dignity.

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The weeks passed, and while Charles was recovering slowly, it was not a happy time in London. While Caroline had no compunction in getting Charles into a carriage to get him to London, any suggestion that he should travel during his recuperation was bitterly opposed out of sisterly concern. At no time was that sisterly concern in more evidence than on the frequent visits of Mr. Darcy and his sister to see Charles. Indeed, Mr. Keith himself often made the journey himself to see his friend, although Caroline was glad that he stayed with the Darcys, as his encouragements to Charles to travel to Hertfordshire were not welcome. She was also glad that Mr. Keith and Miss Darcy seemed to argue with each other more often than not. She still harboured hopes of Charles marrying Miss Darcy.

Of the Bennets, little was heard. Since Mr. Bennet appeared to be recovering only slowly, all visits to London were out of the question, and even Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner could give little news.

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At Longbourn, Mr. Bennet's condition had stabilised, but no one was prepared to say if he would recover or not.

"Well Jane," said Elizabeth. "Father is not getting any worse. Perhaps in a couple of months we will be able to visit the Gardiners, and you will be able to meet Mr. Bingley again. Perhaps Mr. Bingley will visit when he is recovered."

"Do you think he would want to see me?" Said Jane.

"Well, the letters from Georgiana are encouraging. She says that he mentions you often."

"But Lizzy, I...I don't think I could face another disappointment. So please do not try to get my hopes up."

"Jane! He loves you. He asked you to marry him."

"And then he forgot." With that Jane headed for the house, although she knew there would be no comfort there with her mother in hysterics at the slightest opportunity.

Later that day as they were sitting in the drawing room, there was a ring at the front door bell. Kitty looked out, but could only see the red liveried high perch phaeton that their visitor had arrived in parked in the yard.

Mrs. Hill opened the door to the drawing room and announced, "Mr. Wilson Ma'am."

Mr. Wilson entered the room and greeted Mrs. Bennet with his concerns about the health of Mr. Bennet, and offered to help in any way he could.

Notwithstanding the charity of his offer, Elizabeth could not help feeling a little uneasy about the looks that the gentleman cast over both Jane and herself.

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Chapter XXII

Posted on Monday, 29 November 1999, at 1 : 55 a.m.

Some months have passed since Charles' accident, and he is now almost recovered

It had just turned ten thirty in the morning at the Portman Square residence of the Darcys, and the first morning visitors were the Bingleys. They were all seated taking tea in the drawing room and making polite conversation, mostly about Charles' recovery from his accident.

They were interrupted by Greeley the butler announcing the arrival of Mr Keith.

Georgiana smarting from previous verbal sparring with that gentleman, spoke up immediately. " You may inform Mr Keith that I am not at home!"

Greeley coughed discreetly and addressed Darcy. "Mr Keith particularly asked after Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy."

"Then you had better show him in." Said Darcy.

Georgiana reddened a little at her faux pas, and suddenly engaged Miss Bingley in conversation.

Mr Keith strode in, the curly brim beaver in his hand indicating that the stay was to be of short duration.

"Miss Bingley, Miss Darcy, gentlemen!" He said hurriedly.

"I have some news that may be of interest to you...the gentlemen at least. You may be aware that a certain Mr Wilson has taken an unusual degree of interest in the affairs of the Bennets at Longbourn these last couple of months. My own housekeeper is related by marriage to Mrs Hill, the Bennet's housekeeper, and through her I have gained some knowledge that has alarmed me, and may be of interest to you as friends of the Misses Bennet."

While Darcy and Bingley had hitherto been attending with politeness, they now craned forward in their seats at the sound of the magic words 'Misses Bennet'.

Mr Keith continued. "Apparently, the man has been insinuating himself into Mrs Bennet's good graces, and taking advantage of Mr Bennet's illness to make himself indispensable to that lady. He apparently is looking after their affairs, and even has arranged for his own physician to attend Mr Bennet rather than the local man. However, I have had it from my housekeeper last night that he intends to marry either Miss Bennet or Miss Elizabeth, and has so charmed Mrs Bennet that she will insist on whosoever he chooses accepting him. And since Mr Bennet is in no state to refuse, there it must end. I believe that today is the day he intends to make his addresses to the fortunate lady."

Darcy and Bingley both stood up.

Bingley spoke first. "I shall go there straight away. With any luck I shall be there just after mid-day. Come Caroline!"

Caroline put on her most patronising smile. "My dear brother, what can ever be possessing you? I shall stay here to complete this social call with Miss Darcy and her brother. There is no reason at all for ignoring the social niceties."

Darcy spoke up. "Unfortunately, Miss Bingley, I too am off to Hertfordshire, you will excuse me while I change!"

This was followed by Bingley's "Caroline, I am leaving immediately. You may accompany me and I will take you home, or you may stay here and take a hack chaise at your leisure."

"A hack chaise? Never! The humiliation! I am coming with you now brother dear. I beg you good day dear Georgiana, Mr Keith, Mr Darcy." They then left to take their carriage.

Darcy was about to leave the room, when he turned to his sister with a stricken look. "Georgiana, I just remembered. I was to take you to the theatre tonight. You had bought a new gown just for the occasion. What must I do?"

"Please brother, do not wait on my account. Go if you must! I think your business in Hertfordshire much more important." Said Georgiana.

Mr Keith spoke up at this point: "May I suggest Darcy that I be allowed to escort Miss Darcy to the theatre. It will be no trouble as we will not have to converse at all during the play, and in the intervals she may well meet some of her school friends, or some other girls of her acquaintance. She will be no trouble at all."

This speech found favour with Darcy who bounded out of the room saying, "Yes! Yes! Capital!"

Miss Darcy on the other hand, feeling all the dignity of her sixteen years, harboured no warm feelings for the man who had thus dismissed her as a 'girl'. However, in consideration of her brother's mission, she held her tongue and acquiesced.

Mr Keith then exited with a bow, and the words, "Till tonight then Miss Darcy, and I shall get you home early so that Nurse will not report you to your brother!" Then with an impish grin that showed he knew full well how insufferable he was, he was gone.

Miss Darcy sat rigidly for about half a minute holding her breath, before expelling it in one venomous syllable: "MEN!!"

After full two further minutes of brooding, her brow cleared, and an evil smile crossed her face. She pulled on the bell pull, and when Greeley entered, ordered a carriage, and a maid to bring down the box with the theatre gown for later that night, and within half an hour, the dress, the maid, and a mischievous expression headed for the address of the modiste who had made the gown.

Madame DeLoitte, if she was a little concerned at Miss Darcy's arrival and stated intention of having the gown altered, did not show it and offered her tea and cake. However, Georgiana came straight to the point. "Madam DeLoitte, I wonder if you might alter this gown in the bustline, to something a little lower in the neck. In fact, I wish it to be as low cut as is possible without making it vulgar."

"But Miss Darcy, you said that your brother was to accompany you. Do you think he would approve?"

"Well Madame, I doubt that he would, but he will not be escorting me tonight, I have another partner."

Madame DeLoitte positively beamed with understanding. "Ah! Miss Darcy, you wish to make an impression! I shall alter the dress so that with it, and with your figure, the man will suffer torments."

"That is precisely what I have in mind Madame. I don't want to have my escort thinking of me as a school girl."

"Not after tonight Miss Darcy, and never again, I assure you. Now let us get started! By the way, where is your brother?"

"I imagine he must be well on his way to Hertfordshire by now," said Miss Darcy.

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Darcy was now through the last turnpike on the way to Meryton and making good speed. He looked over his shoulder and grinned as he saw Bingley's vehicle bearing down. The man was driving like the devil. Darcy was happy at this sign of his friend's full recovery. Well, almost recovery, he thought, since Bingley still could not remember everything that had happened since he had left London to propose to Miss Bennet.

In twenty minutes they were past Meryton and almost at Longbourn. Bingley had caught up and was now following Darcy's curricle.

Soon enough, they came into the drive at Longbourn and dismounted.

Darcy merely tipped his hat to Bingley and headed for the door. Bingley started off after him, but came to a sudden halt. For on the other side of the drive was a red-liveried high-perch phaeton with its pair of horses in front.

Bingley looked hard, then harder as suddenly the memories crowded back on him. All of a sudden he recognised the phaeton as the one that had run him down, and just as quickly he remembered something else.

"Jane! Jane and I were engaged. I remember now." He went up to the phaeton, removed something and put it in the pocket of his cloak, then headed for the front door.

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Posted on Wednesday, 1 December 1999, at 1 : 53 a.m.

Darcy raced through the door at Longbourn and was met by Hill the housekeeper.

"Where is Miss Elizabeth?" He demanded tersely.

"Up...Upstairs in her room. Mr. Wilson is with her. Shall I announce you to the Mistress......" She trailed off as she saw him disappear up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. "No, I suppose I shan't." She murmured after him.

A minute later, Bingley arrived at the door and looked around.

"Up the stairs, and first door on the right I think you will find who you want sir." (Mrs. Hill was anything but slow witted).

Darcy paused at the top of the stairs unsure of the way to go until he heard a man's voice raised in anger, and that of a woman in indignant protest.

He headed for the door from which the commotion issued, and burst in. There was Mr. Wilson, with one hand on Elizabeth's throat, forcing her against the wall, the other raised as if to deliver a blow.

Wilson moved back in surprise at the interruption and glowered at Darcy. "What the hell do you think you are playing at by bursting in here uninvited?"

Darcy looked at Elizabeth and the reddening bruise where her assailant had held her throat. "Are you all right Miss Bennet?" He asked hoarsely.

She shook her head and started to speak. "Sir I..."

"Quiet woman, or it shall be the worse for you after I have dealt with this interfering ..." Wilson shouted at her.

He did not complete his sentence as Darcy's curricle whip cracked around his ears. Darcy moved to place himself between Elizabeth and Wilson.

"Now Mr. Wilson," said Darcy with a menacing calm. "Perhaps you might like to explain to me why I should not immediately fetch the local magistrate and have you imprisoned?"

Wilson curled his lips in contempt. "You forget Darcy, I am an attorney."

Darcy raised an eyebrow. "As I understand it, there are laws in this country against thugs assaulting women. I must admit that I was unaware that attorneys enjoyed immunity against prosecution for such crimes."

"Oh, we wish to get a little satirical do we Mr. Darcy? Well, for your information, there is no court in the land today that would convict a man of imposing a little discipline on his wife, and by the time this gets to court, Miss Elizabeth Bennet will be Mrs. Wilson and unable to testify against me." He let out a laugh. "You can't be here to protect her all the time, and for every time that you do interfere, I shall make sure she pays. Her mother is for this match, and sooner or later Miss Bennet will have to give way. So be off with you, Darcy!"

Darcy looked at Elizabeth who was white; whether with fear or anger, he knew not. With difficulty, Darcy reined in his anger, and with a degree of calm that he did not feel, replied: "Your opinion of English courts is unfortunately justified. However, you have made one rather stupid error. For you see, if Miss Bennet accepts my offer of marriage, then she will of course be free to testify against you Wilson. Perhaps there is another thing that is a little unsatisfactory about our courts today, and that is the penalties for even the most trivial offences are extremely harsh. Stealing a loaf of bread would end you up being transported to the penal colony of New South Wales for seven years of hard labour, floggings, mouldy maggoty bread and filthy water. So what do you think would be the penalty for assault on a lady such as Mrs. Darcy?"

Darcy paused to let this sink into the mind of the man before him. He looked at Elizabeth who seemed to be regaining some of her colour, then back to Wilson.

"Of course," continued Darcy. "I am a merciful sort of person who would rather you just left and didn't come back, but.." He turned to Elizabeth and forced a wink at her. "...You see, I think I would be one of those husbands who is totally ruled by his wife, and of course, if the future Mrs. Darcy were to suggest that I should have you hauled before a court...well, I am so weak and spineless that I would just have to obey her, and see you flogged."

Wilson was now the one who was pale. "I did not mean to...I was only..."

Darcy interrupted with a mock apologetic tone that was belied by his gaze. "And of course, If the future Mrs. Darcy insisted, I should have no choice in the matter whatever but to see if my Uncle the Judge could use his influence to ensure that you never graced these shores again. Transportation for life, I believe they call it."

Wilson was by now trembling, "Pray excuse me sir, there has been some terrible mistake, if I had known that Miss Bennet was your fiancée', I never would have dreamed..."

Darcy cut him off brusquely. "Look, I suggest very strongly, that it is Miss Bennet's pardon you should seek. One word from her is all it would take to have you in jail for the rest of your life. One word, Wilson! Your whole miserable existence in this country hangs on the thread of this Lady's mercy!" Hissed Darcy.

Wilson dropped to his knees before Elizabeth and started to bleat something.

"I think it is time you left Mr. Wilson. I do not expect you to return." was all she could trust herself to say.

With that, Wilson got up and walked toward the door with as much dignity as he could muster.

"Pardon me, Miss Bennet." Said Darcy. With that, he cracked the curricle whip and Wilson scurried through the portal.

"I trust you are unharmed Miss Bennet?" Said Darcy.

"I am now, thank you very much sir. Although I hope, when Mr. Wilson realises that you have not really offered to marry me, that he will not return." Said Elizabeth.

"Well actually Miss Bennet, that is something that I wish to talk to you..." At this point he was interrupted by a clamour outside. Darcy opened the window, and there below was Mr. Wilson grown brave with the distance now between them, brandishing his fists and announcing his intention to seek revenge!

Darcy gritted his teeth. "Miss Bennet, would you please excuse me? My patience with that man is exhausted." He headed for the doorway.

"Indeed I shall not excuse you Sir." Said Elizabeth. Darcy stopped short in surprise, eyebrows raised.

"I would ask you to turn around for a short time sir and face away from the window." Darcy hesitated.

"If you please, Mr. Darcy!" Elizabeth insisted.

Darcy turned away from the window, but as he turned, he could see Miss Bennet in the bedside mirror. She reached under the bed, pulled out an obviously full chamber pot, then hurled the noisome contents out of the window, and replaced it under the bed.

"You may now turn round, sir!" This was delivered with a firmness that convinced Darcy that Elizabeth now had her good humour back.

He looked out of the window to see Wilson, gaping like a fish, with a dripping, malodorous hat, and overcoat.

Darcy was joined at the window by a now smiling Elizabeth, and found himself pleasantly aroused by her nearness.

He spoke up again. "Now I was going to talk about marriage..." Again he was interrupted. This time the window to Jane's bedroom opened, and a red faced Jane looked out. She appeared not to see Darcy and Elizabeth, but had her gaze fixed on Brian Wilson.

"Heavens!" Said Elizabeth with not a little alarm. "Jane looks extremely angry. I have never in my life seen her as furious as that." She instinctively held on to Darcy who, you may be shocked to learn, did not object to her touch one little bit.

Darcy knitted his brow. "I cannot imagine what has caused her ire. In fact, since Bingley was right behind me, I should have imagined that she would have been happy rather than upset. I wonder what Bingley told her that has upset her so?" Darcy unconsciously (believe that and you'll believe anything) pulled Elizabeth toward him.

Suddenly, as they watched, from Jane's window issued a delicately coloured stream of liquid that hit Mr. Wilson in the face and caused him to reel back choking. This was fortunate for him, as the chamber pot had followed its contents. It missed his head, but caught him a terrible blow on the chest, causing him to fall into the mud.

Wilson, scrambled to his feet and ran to the red liveried high perch phaeton. He sprang into the seat, grabbed the reins and taking out his whip lashed at the heads of his horses. They took off at a gallop.

Unfortunately someone had removed the lynch pin, which meant that the horses and reins moved off at speed but the carriage stayed where it was. Wilson had a long walk in front of him to catch the horses.

Suddenly Bingley's head appeared from Jane's window. "I suppose you'll be wanting this!" With that the missing lynch pin of Wilson's phaeton described an arc in the air, and landed 'plop' in front of him.

Jane's window closed.

"Really Elizabeth!" Said Darcy. " The man ought to check his horses and carriage before setting off, do you not agree? Now what were we discussing before we were so rudely interrupted? Ah yes, the question of marriage..."

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Posted on Friday, 3 December 1999, at 3 : 12 p.m.

"Miss Bennet." Darcy started awkwardly. "Last April at Hunsford, I know we agreed to be friends, as indeed we have been. The thing is though, my feelings can no longer be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." He hesitated. "It is no longer possible for me to think of you as just a friend, I can only think of you as the woman I want to share my life with. Please Miss Bennet, would you do me the honour of consenting to be my wife?"

"Indeed I would Sir...mmKm;9mImmmmSm;9mmSmmmmmm!!!!" Was the only reply she managed to get out, as Darcy 'expressed himself on the occasion as sensibly and as warmly as a man violently in love can be supposed to do.'

It was thus they were discovered only a few minutes later by Mrs. Bennet who had been waiting in her own dressing room, and indeed was quite unaware of the unlamented exit of Mr. Wilson.

As her eyes focussed on the osculating couple by the window, she let out a shriek. "Lizzy, how could you be so vulgar?" But that was nothing to the shriek she let out when she realised that it was not Mr. Wilson who was embracing her second daughter, but Mr. Darcy!!!!! "What are you doing with my Lizzy? What have you done with that nice Mr. Wilson? Oh my poor nerves!"

Mr. Darcy did not immediately cease his attentions to Elizabeth, but when he realised that Mrs. Bennet was not going to leave them in peace, reluctantly released Miss Bennet and faced the outraged Matron.

"What am I doing to your Lizzy, Ma'am?" He frowned as if thinking for a reply. "Why I am compromising her utterly, of course. Did you not observe what we were doing?" He made a mock - tragic sigh. "So it appears that we will have to marry, or her reputation will be ruined, and I would hate to think that anyone would level an accusation of ungentlemanlike behaviour at my head. No, there is nothing else for it, we shall have to marry!"

Lizzy pursed her lips, making ill work of suppressing a smile. "Well Mr. Darcy, I don't think I have been utterly compromised."

"Indeed!" Came the reply. "But that is merely because your mother interrupted me before I had achieved my aim. However, with your permission, I shall rectify that omission right this instant!"

"Certainly Mr. DarcmmSmmmmmNmmmmmmOmmmmmmGmmmmmmm" Was all Elizabeth could manage.

This was a little problematic for Mrs. Bennet, for as mean of understanding as she was, she was not in general backward to credit what was for the advantage of her family, or that came in the shape of a lover to any of them. So for a while she just stood and fidgeted, until embarrassed by the sight in front of her that showed no signs of changing in the near future, she hurried toward the open door to Jane's room, only to be met by the sight of Bingley and Jane engaged in much the same activity as Darcy and Elizabeth (except a little more passionate, given Bingley's lightness of character and Jane's complaisance).

At this, she could only totter to her parlour muttering about the lapsed moral standards of the youth of today.

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This ends the story of Just Good Friends, but I am sure that some of the loose ends need to be tied up, if only to satisfy our curiosity.

You may think that at this point, that everybody (except Wilson) is relatively happy.

Unfortunately this is not so. Because of Mr. Bennet's illness, it was not possible for our friends to marry for another two months. This caused unhappiness in a number of ways. First of all, the gentlemen wishing to be married were tormented by their hormones for that extra time, Lady Sophia lost her wager over the bolt of Brussels lace, and they all had an extra two months of Mrs. Bennet's pre-wedding meddling. Even more, it was found that the 'physician' that Mr. Wilson had foisted on Mr. Bennet, had deliberately adopted a treatment regime, more likely to prolong the illness and harm the patient than cure him. It did occur to Lady Sophia, Darcy and Bingley that this endangerment of Mr. Bennet's life may have been deliberate, in order to further Wilson's designs on Elizabeth.

However, the three of them decided that they would not be vengeful. No, not at all. They merely agreed to hire a team of investigators, attorneys and bailiffs, to be vengeful on their behalf. These people were charged with relieving Wilson of his ill-gotten gains, discovering the identities of those that he had cheated over the years, and returning their money, or as much as could be found. Wilson was left with only the clothes he stood in, and a one way ticket to the Penal Colony of New South Wales, by courtesy of Darcy's Uncle the Judge.

At dinner one night at Longbourn, given by Mr. and Mrs. Bennet to mark the year since their daughters' marriage, Darcy and Bingley happened to mention Wilson's downfall. This led Mr. Bennet, now fully recovered, to observe with satisfaction, that vengeance was a dish best served cold....unlike pudding, which as we all know should be served warm to steaming hot and is exceedingly enjoyable on a cold night. This last observation was greeted by a little confusion by his good wife who had noted the thickening waistlines of her married daughters and had been advising them that they had obviously been having too much of the spotted dick and muff' pudd' (which as all esteemed readers of earlier chapters of this story will remember are rather tasty English country puddings favoured by the Bingleys and Darcys - those of you who are imagining some coarse innuendo here, may wash your mouths out with 'Pears' soap).

Georgiana and Mr. Keith came to an understanding after their night at the theatre caused some difficulty with his hormones, and her to catch a cold in the chest. They did marry eventually, and had a loving relationship and four delightful children. He never again made the mistake of trying to patronise her, although he did find that oil of camphor, rubbed in gently (after they married, I hasten to add for the readers of tender years), to be an excellent prophylactic for chest colds. He also found out that Georgiana's second name was Olga, but that is of no consequence to us.

The End

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