Audiokurspoczątkujący zad 2,should, be able to ćw

  1. Uzupełnij zdanie dodając should

  1. John (wash) his car.

  2. Susan (telephone) her mum.

  3. I (not/get up) yet.

  4. Sara (do) the washing.

  5. Mark (feed) the dogs.

  6. They (not/watch) TV.

  7. I and my brother (not/go) shopping.

  8. We (be) more careful.

  1. Wstaw can/should/shouldn't/must or musn't

  1. (can) I go out?

  2. (can) I sleep at my friend's house tonight?

  3. This dress is very short.You (shouldn't) wear it.

  4. You (mustn't) take drink on the plane.

  5. You (can't) talk during the exams.

  6. You (must) be quiet in a library.

  7. (can) I leave one hour earlier?

  8. Jill is a nice person.You (should) meet her.

  9. You (shouldn't) eat so much.

  10. You (can't) park your car here.

  11. Foreign languages are necessary.You (should) learn at least one.

  1. Przetłumacz na angielski

  1. Dzieci powinny zacząć odrabiać zadania domowe.

children should start do homework

  1. Powinieneś zjeść śniadanie.

you should eat breakfast

  1. Nie powinienieś pracować.

you shouldn't work

  1. Jak dużo biletów powinieneś kupić?

how many tickets should you buy?

  1. Jak dużo dzieci powinniśmy mieć?

how many children should we have?

  1. Ułóż pytania w odpowiedniej kolejności

look, work, another, I, this should, in, job, should, company , I, for

Should I look for another job?

Should I work in this company?

  1. Napisz 6 zdań z should i 6 z should not

  1. Przetłumacz na polski