CVS adj

Adjectives related to the parts of the cardiovascular system

myocardium - myocardial

endocardium - endocardial

pericardium - pericardial

atrium - atrial

ventricle - ventricular

septum - septal

valve - valvular

aorta - aortic

artery - arterial

vein - venous

capillary - capillary

heart - cardiac

circulate - circulatory

vessel -vascular; coronary

Definitions of the parts of the cardiovascular system

the cardiac muscle - myocardium

the lining of the heart cavity - endocardium

the membrane surrounding the heart - pericardium

either of the two upper chambers of the heart - atrium/pl. atria

either of the two lower chambers of the heart - ventricle

divides the atria from the ventricles - atrioventricular septum

a structure which allows the flow of blood in one direction only - valve

the valve between the left ventricle and the aorta - aortic valve

the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle (has two cusps) - mitral/bicuspid valve

the valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery - pulmonary valve

the valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle (has three cusps) - tricuspid valve

a blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart - artery

the main artery of the body - aorta

the arteries supplying blood to the heart - coronary arteries

the artery that conveys blood from the heart to the lungs for oxygenation - pulmonary artery

a blood vessel conveying blood towards the heart - vein

a vein carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium - pulmonary vein

either of the two main veins carrying deoxygenated blood from the other veins to the right atrium of the heart- vena cava/pl. venae cavae

an extremely narrow, hair-like, blood vessel - capillary


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