Fate and Destiny(1)

Fate and Destiny (Formerly Currently Untitled)

By Melissa

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Jump to new as of May 15, 1999
Jump to new as of May 23, 1999
Jump to new as of June 4, 1999

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Chapter 1 ~ July 1, 1998

Posted on Monday, 26 April 1999

8 years, that is how long I have known him. Him being Will Darcy. He was my best friend and my partner in crime for 3 years. I remember the first day I met him. It was our freshman year of high school and he was a transfer student from England. We both had homeroom together, and since there was no one between Bennet and Darcy, Mrs. Grant asked me to show him around. I agreed. I asked him for his schedule and he showed it to me. I was shocked; we had all the same classes. Anyway we started talking and I found out a lot about him. He lives at a great estate in Derbyshire, named Pemberley. He has a younger sister named Gina Anne Darcy, who stayed home. He is living with the Bingleys, who families have a long history together. Which is ironic because his best friend, Charlie is dating my sister Jane. He is 3 months older than I am, so we naturally get along fine. So we hang out together, do homework together, and just have fun together. We were and still are best friends.

We were best friends for about 3 years and we were very happy together. When suddenly bad news happen that separated us. His mother got sick and he had to return to England. I was very sad, I mean he was my best friend and I didn't want to lose him. It wasn't fair, I felt lost after he left.

Anyway as he was getting on the plane, we promised each other to write everyday and we did. That's how we kept in touch by letters and later e-mail. We would sometimes call to her each other's voices, but we couldn't talk long, so we thought it was best to write.

We told each other everything, about our families, lives, hopes. He told me that his mother got better and I was hoping that he would come back. But no, his parents thought it would be better that he remained in England. Oh well. I think we got to know each other much better through our letters.

Anyway back to me, I graduated high school in the spring of 94, and went to University of Florida to study history. I enjoyed reading it and learning about history, so I wanted to study it. I graduated in the spring of 98 at 21 years old with a major in European History. I wanted to teach it to others, so I would teach it at the college level.

Why am I writing this? Well it's because I am here in England and I was thinking about him. Charlie and Jane are getting married soon, and Charlie surprised us by bringing us to England for a few weeks. He also said that we are going to Pemberley to see Will and I can't wait. He will be 22 years old, the same as me, and I wonder what he looks like and how he is doing.

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Chapter 2 ~ July 4, 1998 HAPPY 4TH OF JULY AMERICA!

Posted on Wednesday, 28 April 1999

It's weird I would normally be celebrating the 4th of July, however we are in England. The country, which America won its independence, how ironic, is that.

Well today was the day. Today I saw Will for the first time in 5 years. Wow! He looks great; I mean tall, dark, and handsome. When we first arrived, he looked at me and said:

'Liz, is that you?'

'Yes, it is. How are you Will?'

'Fine and you?'

'Great, this is a lovely place.'

'Thanks,' he stepped closer. 'How about a hug for an old friend?'

'Sure,' I hugged him and wow; it was like sparks flew. It was totally weird.

'Will is this her?' I heard a girl's voice from behind us approach.

'Yeah, Gina this is Elizabeth Bennet. Liz this is my sister, Gina Darcy.'

'Please to meet you Gina,' I said hugging her. 'Will told me a lot about you.'

'And me about you Liz.'

She was very pretty. Just the way Will described her, tall, blond, and cool blue eyes. A very elegant young lady at 17 years old, she was also a little shy.

Anyway, as me and Will were talking, his parents walked over to us and the introductions were made. I like the, they seem like really nice people.

'Will talks about you a lot Liz. He was really lucky to make a friend like you.'

'Thank you Mrs. Darcy.'

We all finally went in and was given a brief tour of the house. After dinner, we were shown to our rooms. I said goodnight and began to unpack and get ready for bed, when a knock came at the door. It was Will. He then told me that being a history major that he would show me around tomorrow. I thanked him and as he was starting to leave he turned.

'I am glad that you are here Liz, I missed talking to you in person. Writing is and has been fun, but there is something about seeing you in person that is much better.'

'Thanks Will, I missed you too.' I walked over to him to hug him again. As I proceeded to kiss him on the cheek, as I did when he left, he turned his face and kissed me on the lips. At first I was shocked but then I started to kiss him back. Finally when we parted he said:

'Goodnight my Lizzy, sleep tight.'

'Goodnight my Will, don't let the bed bugs bite.'

He ginned and kissed me again, then left.

Wow! And double Wow! I mean I have dated other guys after Will left. But never have any of them kissed me like that. As I sit here writing, I can still feel the tingle of his kiss on my lips.

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Chapter 3 ~ July 5, 1998

Posted on Friday, 30 April 1999

Today was a very interesting day. I went down to breakfast, and afterward Will proceeded to show me the family portraits. I stopped suddenly at the picture of Fitzwilliam Darcy and his wife, Elizabeth of 18--. The similarities were very remarkable.

'You notice it to huh Liz.'

'What Will?'

"The similarities, and her maiden name was Bennet. Elizabeth Anne Bennet.'

'Really? Wow that's weird.'

He then proceeded to tell me about them. How they grew up together as best friends. How she lived under a false name. How the were separated for 6 years and reunited again.

'Just like us Will.'

'Yeah I know, definitely similar.'

We went on, but not before he kissed me again. Finally he said:

'I love you Liz. I have for a while, every since I met you. I guess it was love at first sight.'

'Oh really? Is that why you dated other girls and wrote me about them.'

'Well you wrote me about other guys that you dated, Elizabeth.' He said starting to get angry.

'I know, well shall we return to the others?' I said.

'Yeah I guess,' he looked both angry and hurt. And I finally decided to let him off the hook.

'I love you too, you jerk.'

He turned around and picked me up, spinning me around laughing. He then placed me on the ground and said:

'That wasn't funny! You had me really going, I thought that you didn't love me.'

'I know, I couldn't help it,' I said grinning at him. 'Race you back to the others.'

'Alright, but first,' he kissed me and then he said. 'Go!' and with that we both ran outside to where the others were.

'William George Darcy! What are you doing?'

'Sorry dad, but me and Liz were racing.'

'Sorry Mr. Darcy,' I said. 'It was my fault.'

'That's ok Liz, I haven't seen Will this happy in a long time. But seriously you two, no running in the house.'

'Yes sir.' We both said.

'Hey Liz.'

'Yea Gina.'

'Race you to the gazebo over there.' Gina pointed to the one she was talking about.

'Ok you are one.'

'Ready go!' She yelled and we both ran off towards the gazebo ignoring Will's pleas for us to wait.

'That was fun Liz, but I won.'

'Hey you don't need to rub it in Miss Darcy. After all I just beat your brother.'

'Yeah, well I tell you what. You are much better for him than Anne.'

'Anne?' I asked questionably.

'Oh! You mean he didn't tell you.' I shook my head. 'I thought he did, Ops!'

I was about to ask her when Will showed up.

'That wasn't fair. You didn't let me join.'

'To bad Will, it was just me and Liz.' Gina said smirking at him.

'Um there's Jane and Charlie, I am going over there to see what they are doing. I will talk to you both later and Gina.'

'Yea Liz'

"Race you again sometime.'

'You bet.'

I turned and walked away before Will could say anything. I walked over to where Jane and Charlie were standing and asked them what they were going to do for the day. They were going into town and I told them that I wanted to go too. And for the rest of the day I avoided Will.

My mind and heart were so upset for the rest of the day. I couldn't think, or concentrate on anything. All I kept wondering was-who is this Anne? What did Gina mean by that?

As I was heading for bed, Will stopped me before I went into my room.

'What's wrong Liz? You have been avoiding me the whole day.'

'It's nothing.'

'Nothing? No it's something, please tell me.'

'No not tonight, I want to go to bed. I will see you in the morning maybe. Ok?'

Yea sure Liz, fine good night. I love you.' He bent to kiss me, but I quickly ducked and went into my room, closing the door in his face.

I will find out tomorrow, I have to know. I love him and I deserve the truth. And I plan on getting it tomorrow.

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Chapter 4 ~ July 6, 1998

Posted on Saturday, 1 May 1999

Well today I got the truth and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

I met Will down at the gazebo and he asked me again what was wrong?

'Who is Anne, Will?' I decided to go straight to the problem.

'Anne? Oh Anne Kingston de Bourgh. She is my Aunt Catherine's goddaughter. Her parent died a few years back and Aunt Catherine took her in. she wants me to marry Anne. But I will not, and I won't because I am in love with you, my darling Liz.'

'Oh, from the way Gina said it, I thought... well never mind that.' I said turning away.

'No! No, Liz do not ever think that. I love you. You and no one else.' He said grabbing my arms to turn me around to look at him.

I looked up into his eyes and saw what he said. 'I love you Will, and I am sorry for the way I treated you yesterday.'

'Hey that's ok. Just don't do it often or else.'

'Or else what Will?' I said smirking at him.

'I will make you talk to me.'

'And how would you do that.'

'Oh by this.' He said bending down and kissing me.

When we parted I replied, 'well I will say that will definitely work.' He laughed and kissed me again. We remained like this until we heard voices. We turned and saw Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, Gina, Jane and Charlie.

'I was wondering what happen to you two.' Replied Mr. Darcy, 'but now I know.'

We both blushed.

'I take it you two love each other.'

'Yes mom, I love Liz and she loves me. I hope you are not angry.' Will said wrapping his arms around me and looking at him mother over my head. He is about a head taller so he rested his chin on my head.

'No dearest, I am happy for you and Liz. I kinda suspected something from the way you always talked about her.'

'But what of Anne and Aunt Catherine?'

'Well I know that you would never marry her sweetie. And as for my sister, she needs to realize that arranged marriages is something that they did years ago. Not now, especially with you Darcy men, I mean your father married for love and I hope that you will as well.'

'Yea, well I am hoping for that mom. However until then, thank you for understanding mom. I love you both.'

'And we love you my sweet boy.'

And with that we (Charlie, Jane, Gina, Will, and me) went horseback riding. We saw more and more of Pemberley and I loved it. England is a beautiful country.

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Chapter 5 ~ July 10, 1998

These past few days have been wonderful. I love it here and I love Will. I miss mom and dad, but it's still wonderful here.

Today was a curious day; Mrs. Darcy showed me Elizabeth Darcy's journals.

'I thought you might like to read them, they are very beautiful journals.'

'Thank you Mrs. Darcy.'

'Your welcome' and with that she left.

I picked up the first one entitled 'A Twist of Fate' and began to read it. Wow, it was beautiful. It's funny what she first thought of Mr. Darcy after not seeing him for after 6 years. I was shocked on how Mrs. Bennet treated her; I am glad that my mother is nothing like that.

I went on and read more, amazed that they eloped, and how they settled most of their arguments before they went to bed. I felt like I almost knew her, she was smart, witty, and very pretty. I read on about her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I cried when she wrote about losing her dear Liam. She loved him greatly, just as much as I love my Will. I wasn't surprised that she died a few months later. She couldn't live without him and her last words were:

'Life without love is not a life. I was truly blessed that I had a husband that adored me and me him. I was also blessed with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who loved me as well. I die happy, I am not sad because I know that I will be reunited with my Liam. And for future Darcy generations to come; I hope you read this and realize the only real reason to marry is for love. Not for anything else, never listen to what anything say, listen to your heart. Goodbye and all my love,
Elizabeth Anne Bennet Darcy.'

I was crying after that. It's amazing that 800-year-old journals could affect me so.

'Liz, honey what's wrong?' a soft voice came from behind me.

'Nothing Will, I was just reading Elizabeth Darcy's journals. They are really beautiful.'

'I know. I felt the same way when I read them.'

I stood up and wrapped my arms around him saying, 'I love you William George Darcy, always.'

'And I love you Elizabeth Emma Bennet, always.' He said lifting my chin to look me in the eyes. 'I see what she meant; it is a wonderful thing to love someone and be loved by that person.' With that he kissed me slowly and sweetly.
We then went downstairs to join the others for dinner. I thanked Mrs. Darcy again for letting me read them.

'You are welcome Liz. Her stories remind me of you and Will. Best friends separated for a period of time and when they are reunited they realize their friendship is more. They realize that they love each other much more than friends.'

I blushed and after dinner Gina and me played the piano for everyone. When I decided to retire for the evening Will walked me up to my room.

'Well tomorrow is going to be a interesting day.'

'Yeah how so Will?'

'Charlie's younger sister, Carol arrives tomorrow.'

'I see, and does she have this major crush on a certain Mr. Darcy.' I said smirking at him.

'How did you guess?'

'History has a way to repeat itself.'

He laughed and said, 'well there is only one lady I love and I am looking at her.'

'I love you too. Goodnight my Will.'

'Night my sweet Lizzy.' He kissed me and left.

Well I wonder what Carol Bingley is going to be like. I wonder if she is going to be like her ancestor, Miss Caroline Bingley. If so, I better watch my Will and myself.

I think that Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy was right; no life is complete without love. And I love my Will forever.

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Chapter 6 ~ July 11, 1998

Posted on Wednesday, 5 May 1999

Well today I met the most disagreeable snob in the world. No it's not Will, it is however my future sister-in-law, a Miss Carol Bingley. She is just as Mrs. Darcy described Caroline Bingley of her time-a SNOB. A MAJOR SNOB! She has the gall to call me a lousy American girl. What a b***, who does she think she is? After all her family lived in America also for a short time. She however, spent most of her life in England. Well la de da.

Will finally had enough and asked for me if I wanted to leave and I said yes. We then went horseback riding and spent the rest of the day avoiding her. Will then told me that he was going to tell her that he loved me and he never loved her.

The rest of the day went fine, Will told her and she behaved a little better. I also think that Charlie told her to behave or return home. I wish she would leave, I hate the way she looks and talks to Will.

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Chapter 7 ~ July 14, 1998

What a day this has been. Where do I begin? Lets see it all started when Will and me went horseback riding. It was hot and a sunny day, so Will took me to this lake, his lake as he says.

'No one comes here but me.' With that he took of his boots and shirt and dived into the lake.

'Will! What are you doing?' I yelled at him.

'Cooling off. Come on Liz, the water's great.' He then dived under.

I however, took of my boots and sat by the lake. There is no way I was going in. I then noticed that Will was no where to be seen. 'Will! Will, where are you?' I yelled nervously.

'I'm here honey and your going in,' he said from behind me.

'NO! No please Will don't!' I said screamed as he picked me up and threw me in.

'William George Darcy, that wasn't funny. Now please be a gentleman and help me out.'

He grinned and bent down to give me a hand, when I tugged him in.

'That was so predictable my dear.'

'Yea well I am not done yet dear.' I said and began to splash him and dunked his head under the water. We were then both laughing and having fun. Finally we both decided to get out and dry off.

'Ugh! I hate wet cloths and I am still mad at you William Darcy.'

'Ok, then if you are still mad then I know a way not to make you angry anymore.' He said smirking at me.

'Oh and how is that?'

'This way,' he bent down and started to kiss me.

'Ok you win,' and I kissed him back. When our kisses became more and more passionate; we both separated and looked at each other. I had to admit he looked really good wet.

'Are you sure about this Liz?'

'Yes, I love you and I want you to make love to me.' I said kissing him. 'Besides how else are we to get these cloths dry?'

He grinned at me and kissed me again. And by that seclude lake; Will and me made love. It was wonderful, at first I was scared but I trusted him. I never felt more complete and loved than I did at that moment.

Hours later when we woke, our cloths were dry and our bodies were tanned. We got dressed and headed back to the house.

'What are we going to say Will?'

'Well we could either tell them the truth or we could say that we went for a long ride to town and back.'

'For now I think the second choice will be better.'

'Ok then, here we are.'

There were only a few questions asked but I hope, no one suspected. Later on as I was heading to take a bath, Will followed me in to the bathroom.

'Will, what are you doing?'

'Taking a shower, want to join me?' he said with an innocent grin.

I just grinned and through all my words of caution to the wind and joined him.

Today was complete heaven; I am so happy and so in love with Will. Oh someone is knocking on the door I better go.

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Chapter 8 ~ July 15, 1998

Posted on Thursday, 13 May 1999

It has now been 15 days since we arrived in England and 11 days here at Pemberley. So much has happened. I love Will so much; he is my best friend, confidante, my lover, and now my fiancée. He proposed! Will proposed to me today.

Well let me start from last night, like I said there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it and it was Will. He kissed me, came in my room, and locked the door behind him.

'Will! What are you doing?' I asked him for the 3rd time in one day.

'Going to bed.'

'Yeah ok, just one problem. This is my room not yours.'

'I know, I want to sleep with you Liz. I want to hold you when I fall asleep and wake up with you in my arms. Please Liz.'

I was about to tell him no, when I looked into his eyes and I realized that is what I wanted to.


He grinned and picked me up and carried my to my bed. A while later, we feel contently into each other's arms.

'I love you Liz.' Will said sleepily.

'I love you Will,' and I feel asleep happy and content.

I woke up this morning and the first thing I realized is that I was laying on someone. I looked up and saw my sweet Will looking at me with a smile on his face.

'Good morning love,' he replied kissing me.

Yes, it definitely was a good morning.

We both got dressed and went down to join everyone at breakfast. Jane, Charles, and Gina grinned at us. Carol was obviously upset, I guess she doesn't like me and Will together. Oh well, I love him and he loves me. Mr. and Mrs. Darcy asked us to meet them outside after breakfast. Oh no I thought.

When we walked outside, Mrs. Darcy finally asked. 'How long have you two been lovers?'

'What?' we both said blushing and shocked.

'It doesn't take a genius to figure it out, especially when Will wasn't in his room this morning. So how long?'

'Since yesterday afternoon mom. We went swimming in my lake and...' Will trailed off.

'I though so.' Mr. Darcy replied looking at us both.

'Do you disapprove Father?' will finally asked his father.

'No son, you both are adults, you both are free to live your own lives, and we trust that.'

'Thank you dad, well Hun I guess no more sneaking around.' He grinned at me.

'Ha, ha very funny, like it was my idea anyway.' I replied sarcastically.

'No definitely not yours,' Will replied laughing.

'All right you two lovebirds. What now?' Mrs. Darcy replied laughing.

'Well mom, actually I was going to ask Liz that today.'

'Ask me what?' I said nervously.

'Will you marry me, Elizabeth?'

'Yes! Oh definitely yes!' I replied running into his arms and kissing him.

We parted at Mr. and Mrs. Darcys words, 'Congratulations you two.'

'Then we have your permission.'

'Yes, we knew this was coming son,' Mrs. Darcy started. 'I mean the way you two are around each other. It was only a matter of time and welcome to our family Liz.' Mr. Darcy finished.

'Thank you Mr. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy.' I replied hugging them both.

We then went back inside and told everyone the joyous news. Gina was over-joyed.

'This is great! You will be my sister, Yes!' She cried hugging me.

'Thanks Gina.'

'Hey Will now we will be brothers.'

'That's right Charlie.'

Carol however, was angry. 'How could you Will? How could you marry this little American tramp?'

'Carol that is enough!' Charlie yelled.

'I believe you have over stepped your boundary Miss Bingley. I will not have you insult my future daughter-in-law.' Mr. Darcy replied angry.

'Carol, I want you to pack your bags and return home at once. I do not want to see you sister until you have learned some manners. However, I want you to fist apologize to everyone.'

'Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, Gina, and Will, I am sorry for my outburst. Goodbye.' She turned to leave.

'And to Elizabeth also Carol,' Charlie said.

'NEVER!' and with that she walked out and left.

'Sorry Liz.'

'That's ok Charlie, I don't mind after all history does find its little ways to repeat itself.' I said grinning.

We all laughed and it was forgotten.

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Later on I called home and told mom and dad the good news. They were surprised and happy at the same time.

'Well honey if that's what you want to do.'

'Yeah dad, I love him so much.'

'Well I guess that I am losing my favorite child to England.'

'Oh dad! I don't know, I didn't think of that.' We talked some more and we hanged up.

I was troubled though, were are we going to live? As much as I love Will, I don't think that I can completely give up America and my life there.

I went to my room early, saying that I was tired. I said good night and came to my room. I sit here now thinking.
What are we going to do? I guess we need to talk about that. Oh speaking of Will, here he comes. Gotta go.

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Chapter 9 ~ July 19, 1998

Posted on Sunday, 23 May 1999

Today was an absolute horrible day. Will and I had our first HUGE fight. It was about where we were going to live.

Today Charlie said that we should think about heading back to the states.

I agreed, saying that I missed home and I got to decide where I am going to teach. I already got offers from UF and another from FSU. Let's see I can teach from the school from which I was taught from, or I can teach at my schools hated rival. I think I want to teach at UF, I love the school and Gainesville. Anyway when I said that, Will got a hurt look on his face and excused himself from the table and walked outside.

I followed him. 'Will, honey what's wrong?'

'Nothing, nothing at all Elizabeth.'

'Don't do that, don't start lying to me now Will Darcy. Please tell me, I love you.' I grabbed his hands and looked in his eyes.

'Oh and did you think about 'us'.'

'What do you mean?'

'I mean, I thought that since we became engaged that you...' he trailed off.

'You thought what? That I would give up America and teaching there to move to England.'

'Well yes. I mean you could teach part time if you want here in England. However you really wouldn't have to work.'

'WHAT!' I cried stepping away from him. 'Hey Will, in case you didn't realize it but we are in the 1990's actually we are almost in a new century, we are not in the 1890's. Women work, we don't just sit home. I am not going to throw away 4 years of a subject I love dearly to stay home and be your wife.' I said an angry tone.

'What?' Will said. 'Are you saying that you don't want to get married?'

'No, I am not saying that. All I am saying is that we need to talk about this.' I said in a calmer voice.

'This what Elizabeth?'

'You in England and me in America.'

'Jane and Charlie are thinking about moving here.' Will said in a matter of fact voice.

'Yes I know, but Will my parents, my family, and my life are in America.'

'What about me?' Will said with a hurt expression. 'What about my family?'

'I don't know. What if we were to live in the US for a school year, so I could teach and then we could spend the rest of the time here in England?

'NO! That is only 3 months, you except me to live 9 months in the US. What about you teaching only a semester and spending the rest here.'

'No that won't work. They want to hire me for full time- 2 semesters- either fall, spring, or summer.'

'Well I see we aren't going to agree on this. I don't understand Elizabeth you studied European history. Why can't you teach it here in Europe?'

'Because I was born and raised in the States and I love it there. And yes I do love it here, but I couldn't handle living here for a whole year, so far from home.'

'I feel the same way.'

'Well then maybe this isn't a good idea.'

'This what Liz?'

'Us, Will. When Jane and Charlie leave in 2 days I will be leaving also.' I said looking at his face.

'Fine, then good bye Elizabeth. Have a great life.' He said coldly and left.

Just then Mrs. Darcy walked out. I didn't say anything; I walked inside and told Jane and Charlie that I want to leave ASAP.

I then walked up to my room and cried and packed. As I was packing I glanced down at my engagement ring. I looked at it and really started to cry. Saying his name over and over again.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder expecting it to be Jane I said.

'I love him Jane more than life. However I love my work and that is what this trip is looking like a piece of history.' I then took of my ring and said, 'please give this to him Jane. I don't want to see the coldness in his eyes, it hurts to much.'

I turned to give it to 'Jane'.

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Chapter 9B

Posted on Thursday, 3 June 1999

It was Will; he was sitting there with tears in his eyes. I immediately sat up and turned away.

'No don't, don't look away love.' I was shocked at his soft gentle voice. 'I'm sorry Liz, I am so sorry. I guess I was pretty selfish. If you want to teach in America, I guess we can live there for a few months.'

'Really Will, but what about England.' I asked quietly.

'Hey it's ok. I can work with my father's company over there. They have an division in Gainesville, I guess my parents saw this coming for a while now.'

'But it will be form August till May.'

'I know, but we can spend Christmas here or with your parents.'

'No, we will spend Christmas here in England.' I said firmly.

'Then it's a deal, August till May in Florida, and May till August in England.' He said holding my hand.

'For now yes it's a deal.' He looked at me worriedly. 'Well maybe next year I will find a job teaching in England. After all I did study European History, as you reminded me.'

'Whatever makes you happy love.'

'I will be happy if I am with you. I realize that know. As I was sitting her crying, I realized that I am not happy unless I am with you. I love you dearly, so whatever we decide it will be fine with me. I don't care where I live as long as I can be with you.' I finished with tears in my eyes.

'And I am happy when I am with you.' And he kissed me and said, 'Love you Liz and don't ever take this off again.' He placed my ring back on my finger.

'Never, never again.' I replied and kissed with again.

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We didn't go back downstairs for a few hours.

'Is everything ok with you two.'

'Yeah everything's fine mom. It seems I will be living in America for a while.'

'How long?' Gina asked quietly.

'Just from August till May, so Liz can teach at UF.'

'Oh, then when are you two getting married?'

'I don't know mom. Not for a while however, this is Liz's first year teaching and she needs to concentrate on that.' Will said holding my hand.

'Then why are you going with her?' Gina asked.

'Because Gina, I want to be with her. We are going to find an apartment near the campus and try living together. If we don't kill each other, then we will decide on a wedding date.' He said with a grin.

''Kill each other?' Us never!' I said laughing at him.

'Hey Liz are you still coming back with us?'

'Yeah Jane. I need to write UF and accept and I also need to start hunting for an apartment for Will and me.' I said looking at him to see how he would react.

'Well then how about all of us go out and see a movie or something. Since this is our last night together.' Will said.

'That sounds great. What movie brother?'

'I know,' I said. 'How about '10 Things I Hate About You'? It looks like a good one.'

'Yeah, that one looks great. Let's go!' Gina said happily.

We then went to the movies and Mr. and Mrs. Darcy decided to stay home. The movie was great, it was and updated version of 'The Taming of the Shrew' and I loved it. The guys were so cute, well not as cute as Will. :) Well tomorrow we leave, without Will. He will be coming to Florida in a week. Until then I will hunt for an apartment for us. I think it will be interesting living with a man other than my father. I wonder what Carol would think. :)

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Chapter 10 ~ July 20, 1998

Today was a sad day. I cried when saying good bye to the Darcys. I will miss them terribly, especially Gina.

Will hugged and kissed me saying, 'I will see you in a week, beautiful.'

'Are you sure? You know you can stay home.'

'No I want to be with you. I love you Liz. Besides I got to get out and see the world sometime.'

'Ok, I love you too Will Darcy.' I said hugging him tightly.

'I love you, Lizzy Bennet.'

Then we heard the final boarding call, so we kissed and I left saying bye to them all.

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Today was also a tiring day. Because of the five hour time difference, it is earlier at home. I am so tired, I hate jet lag. However, it sure feels great to be in my own bed and in my own room.

I almost forgot how hot it is in Florida. But I love it here. The only thing that I am missing is being held by Will. I kinda got use to it. I can't wait till he comes, I can't wait till he is able to hold me in his arms for the rest of my life.

Mom and Dad are anxious to meet him again. They are happy that I found someone like him. Mom in a way is like Mrs. Darcy, knew that we were meant to be together.

'It was Fate and Destiny, my love. Your souls are joined forever. And I am happy that you found him again.'

I thanked her and went to my room. I sit here now thinking about what she said and I believe it to be true. As I am writing on this last page of my trip to England journal. I have decided to name it 'Fate and Destiny' for that it was Fate that brought me and Will back together and it's Destiny that will keep our souls together forever.

I will start my new journal when Will arrives next week. I will write about what it will be like living with a man other than my father, for the first time. Until then,


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