Język angielski zestaw 6

Język angielski - zestaw 6

I. Proszę uzupełnić kazdą lukę w tekście jednym słowem z podanej niżej listy. Wszystkie słowa podane są we właściwej formic.

although , buying, elderly, every, finished, free, hardly, however, keeps, nearly, of, off, put, rare, received, seldom, set. shelves, started, stays, textbooks


Book Aid International, a charity __ up in 1954, supplements the library resources __ schools and colleges in developing countries with the surpluses from UK publishers and Rotary clubs, libraries and schools.

It has changed a great deal since the early days. Then, a handful of mostly volunteers sorted and packed books. Today, about 1.5 million books come into its warehouse __ year. They are __ delivered by local Rotary clubs. There is no time to catalogue them, __, as the turnover is so quick.

General non-fiction and university __ go on the lower stacks, multiple copies and __ textbooks above. Most fiction __ in boxes on the pallets all around the warehouse. Then the librarians and their assistants try to match what is on the __ and in

the boxes with the requests which they have __ from their partner organisations. There are 34 of these, in 12 African countries, although Book Aid International sent books out to __ 60 countries last year. The charity has also __ to support local publishing. L700,000 will be spent over three years on training materials for publishers and on __ locally produced African books.

II. Proszę wstawić brakujące wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie.

There is no need to pay in advance.

You __ pay in advance.

'How do I operate the video?'

Could you tell me __?

People say that the Egyptian Pharaohs built the pyramids.

The Egyptian Pharaohs are said __ the pyramids.

All my friends strongly __ me to consult a lawyer.

__ general, men aren't as intuitive as women.

How long is it since you (leave) __ school?

They say the young actress is __ new Marilyn Monroe.

I am __ to my eyes in work today.

This car is terribly expensive, so, if I __ , I wouldn't buy it.

Jane __ Russian lessons for months and she doesn't even know the alphabet yet.

I apologise for my thoughtlessness.

I apologise for __ thoughtless.

I can't remember a winter with so much snow.

It's __ winter I can remember.

What do you think? Does this dress __ me or does it look awful?

I'll clean the house after they (leave) __

Perhaps she was feeling tired yesterday.

She __ tired yesterday.

I'd rather you (not/make) __ so much noise. I can hardly concentrate on my work.

Pam doesn't feel well enough to go out today, __, she doesn't have any money.

If only I (get) __ the work permit three weeks ago.

We finally managed to get the contract. We finally succeeded the __ contract.

Vivaldi (compose) __ a lot of sacred music, although this is not the genre he is generally known for.

Japanese girls are much (shy) __ than American.

It was foolish (spend) __ all your money.

There's nothing worse than (lose) __ your job.

Steve is the fastest driver of all.

No one else __ as he does.

Mr Thompson believes he (retire) __ by the year 2030.

Never (I/hear) __ such a ridiculous song.

How much time (need) __ to rebuild Iraq after the war?

No one knows why the police have taken Jim away. He __ something wrong.

They may never solve that problem.

That problem may __.

Everybody wishes you (drive) __ more carefully.

If you (swear) __ you wouldn't tell anyone, I would tell you the secret.

I need some advice __ exam techniques.

It is difficult to __ up with such rude behaviour.

Ken will be able to understand you as long as you (speak) __ slowly.

We don't have to climb any stairs as we live on the __ floor.

'No, I didn't cross the German border.

The man denied __ the German border.

'You are considering giving up the job, aren't you?'

I wondered __.

A customer __ a strong complaint yesterday.

We cannot afford (pay) __ such huge bills.

After the presentation there was a panel discussion to clarify certain issues.

After the presentation a panel discussion __ to clarify certain issues.

III. Proszę przetłumaczyć podane w nawiasach wyrażenia.

(Siedmiu studentów na dziesięciu) __ voted for Mr Smith as our new Rector.

I can't go to the theatre tonight as I'm expecting an important (rozmowa międzymiastowa) __.

Mike didn't attack Henry. It was (odwrotnie) __! Henry attacked Mike!

You can't (obwiniać się) __ for her death. It was just an accident.

It won't take long - your film (będzie wywołany) __ within an hour.

Although Anne was very tired she tried to keep her eyes (szeroko otwarte) __.

IV. Proszę uzupełnić luki wyrazami będącymi pochodnymi od slow podanych w nawiasie.

She tends to behave (predict) __ when tension is around.

(Enter) __ to this part of the zoo is strictly forbidden.

They are going to build a tower block on some (vacancy) __ land nearby.

The pencil is too blunt to be used; you need a pencil (sharp) __.

He passed the first (endure) __ test without any difficulties.

This French actor is virtually (know) __ abroad.

V. Proszę z podanych wyrazów utworzyć zdania, dodając niezbędne uzupełnienia (przedimki, przyimki, przymiotniki dzierżawcze). Pierwsze słowo jest początkiem zdania.

A lot/ public/ nowadays/ smoking/ do/ places/ ban


They/ at/ now/ five-star/ be/ expensive/ hotel/ must/ which/ stay

Read/ install/ in/ manual/ dishwasher/ order/ instruction

Paul/ another/ do/ beer/ should/ he/ but/ buy/ not

Lisa/ update/ report/ fortnight/ professional/by

How/ Thursday/ about/ be/ go/ museum/ if/ free/ admission/ charge?


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