Yesh Dear

Yesh Dear

Trick-or-treating had been good this year. So far, there had been lots of younger kids; the older ones would soon be making the rounds. William had not seen so many creative and downright cute costumes in years. Yet, it would have meant so much more to do the honors with Lizzy at his side. She had taught him to enjoy the pageantry of the holiday. She anticipated it every year. Fake spider webs and strangely colored lights began appearing in the house almost as soon as October broke. She shopped for just the right kinds of candy, getting all of the neighbor children's favorites.

Truth be told, she also bought her own favorites. A week or so before Halloween, she would empty all the candy into a big bowl and mix it together. Somehow, her favorites always seemed to evaporate before the big evening arrived. Will smiled knowingly every year and pretended not to notice.

That was part of what frustrated him about her new job. She loved it and he was certainly happy about that, but she had been pulling long hours lately and he missed her. Her voice had been full of tears on the phone today when she called to tell him she had to work late - yet again. His disappointment turned to annoyance as she had insisted on explaining, for the umpteenth time, about the two bowls of candy. He looked at the Post-It notes on each bowl, clearly labeled with a large number.
As if I needed further instruction.

Waiting for the next round of trick-or-treaters, he traded the empty bowl for the second one. Idly stirring the candy, he wondered if there were any caramels. In the very bottom, his fingers detected the unmistakable texture of a cellophane caramel wrapper.
She missed one! He pulled out what appeared to be an albino caramel; the candy itself was wrapped in a piece of paper. Curious, Will unfurled the paper. On the other side, Lizzy's compact, neat handwriting read, “I'm thinking about you. Come to me in the blue room when you're ready. I want you naked.”

Will wasted no time in turning out the lights and locking the door, shedding clothes as he climbed the stairs three at a time. The blue guestroom was in a wing of the house that they rarely used. He frowned as he turned the corner and saw that it was pitch black. “Lizzy?”

There was no answer.

He paused at the edge of the hall, the drafts of cold air unpleasant on his bare skin. “Lizzy are you there?”

Her amused voice came teasingly out of the darkness at the end of the hall. “You're early, Will. Certainly the second candy bowl can't be empty yet.”

“Your note didn't say it had to be empty. Just that I had to be ready.”

“How unfortunate that you should have such a good answer.” Her suppressed mirth was unmistakable to her husband.

Will paused a moment. “What
are you doing in the dark?” He fought his rising disappointment. “Am I too early?”

“Oh no, Will, I'm
very ready. Come on in whenever you are.”

He flipped the light switch, but nothing happened. “Lizzy? The hall light doesn't work.”

“I know, silly. Are you coming in here or will I be lonely all night?”

Light or no light, William was not about to miss this. He strode down the dark hall with renewed purpose. But hands unexpectedly grabbed him from behind and before he could react, a silk scarf was pulled across his face, cinching in his mouth as the gag was tied. “Lish-y?”

“Yes, dearest. Listen carefully, Will. Tonight you will speak only when spoken to. Do you understand?”


“Can you say the magic word to be immediately released?”


“That's close enough. Now, onwards stud.” He felt her hands push him further into the dark. He walked as she directed him, guided by the pressure from her small hands. By the time he crossed the threshold of the room, he could see nothing at all.

“Sit!” Her order was softened by the way she gingerly directed him to what felt like one of the barstools from downstairs. Elizabeth had obviously been into his favorite bag of toys; she was tying his hands together behind the backrest and his ankles to the stool's footrest.

Then she disappeared entirely. Seconds ticked by and there was no sound, no sensation. He was left bound, gagged, and wanting in the darkness. His senses, deprived of stimuli, screamed to him of his vulnerability and his arousal.

His eyes snapped shut automatically as a brilliant white light flared, blinding him. “Wha…?” He trailed off as his eyes adjusted and he took in the setting. The light had seemed bright after the pitch black, but it was just a pool that illuminated him, the stool, and the mirror directly in front of him - reflecting an endless number of increasingly smaller images of himself, tied up like a sacrificial offering. He looked behind him, spotting the second mirror. Turning back around, he studied his reflection in the mirror, taking guilty pleasure in it. He worked out for this body and it showed. Chest thrust out, biceps visible, his tight, sculpted abs leading down to an impressive erection; yes, very pleasing indeed.

How many times had Lizzy told him that he had an, “irresistible combination of vulnerability and overpowering physical strength,” when tied up? So this was what got her so excited. He felt himself respond strongly to the mere knowledge that she was looking at him right then, turned on by the knowledge that he could drive her crazy just sitting there. He searched the darkness for Lizzy.

She stepped between him and the lamp, her legs slightly apart, wearing nothing but one of his starched white oxfords, revealing the outline of the firm body that he adored more than any other -
Her shape.

She slowly circled him, nodding appreciatively. She studied him, raising an eyebrow. “I see that you are enjoying your evening so far.”

Will nodded vigorously. “Yesh.”

“Good.” He was glad that he was not expected to speak coherently as she mounted his lap, legs wrapped around his waist. His mind sped forward to the pleasure that awaited him as she hugged herself closely to his chest, her slight wiggling on his lap emphasizing his nearness to paradise.

"Mmmm," she purred in his ear, her attention glued to the thousand images of his bound body. “One William Darcy is breath-taking, but the vision of a thousand of you, tied up, naked, and awaiting my pleasure? That's heaven."

His eyes widened as she unbuttoned the top button of the shirt. The light illuminated only the two of them. Nothing beyond their endless reflections was visible. He saw her grin, clearly enjoying his appreciation of her plan. He was torn as to whether he was most excited to feel her wiggle on his lap or to watch the back of his shirt ride up and reveal tantalizing glimpses of her bottom. Multiplied a thousand times. But coherent thought was not an option for William as he tried to cope with the pleasurable stimuli she was providing.

He savored the feeling of her nibbling gently on his lower lip. He wanted to kiss her, to plunder her mouth, but the gag limited his ability to respond. He arms itched to crush her to him, to feel her tantalizing breasts crushed up against his chest. It was nigh on impossible to sit still as she whispered in his ear, telling him where she wanted to touch him. He badly wanted to respond in kind, as she well knew. The more he thought about what she said, the more excited he became. She snuck a hand between them to press him against her, gently massaging. He was mesmerized; spellbound by the sensations washing over him. He tried to moan his pleasure, but the gag muffled it.

“Did we have many trick-or-treaters tonight, Will?”

“Huuuh?” His mind refused to focus on her words when she was nuzzling his ear like that.

“Trick-or-treaters? Costumed children who come,” her tongue darted out to tease his favorite spot behind his ear, “to the door and ask for candy?” She pulled back, breaking contact to allow him to focus on answering. “Did we have many?”

He dragged his eyes away from the outline of her nipples under the shirt, looking at her with passion-drugged eyes. “Yesh.” He hoped she wouldn't ask too many questions before allowing him to sink back into a pleasant buzz of sensation. Knowing Lizzy, though, she had not gone to this much effort just to let him quickly get his rocks off.

Sure enough, she leaned back into him, whispering in his ear, “Were they cute?”


She wiggled again, applying pressure against his groin, and he moaned his approval. “You like that, huh?”

Can't she find a better use for that mouth?

She leaned back to unbutton a second button, revealing the valley between her breasts. Though displeased when the shirt failed to reveal any more, Will, enthralled by the prospects, eyed her chest. She leaned forward to brush her disappointingly clad chest across him twice.

“And did the Bingley children look very cute again this year?”

She unbuttoned another, revealing her breasts at last, and brushed her bare skin across his chest. His attention riveted on her perfect breasts, the ones he loved

Who knew who the Bingley children even were? Or if they were cute? Who the hell cared? “Yesh.”

She nibbled he way along his collarbone. “Are you paying attention to my questions?”


She moved against him again in a most delightful manner as she chuckled. “Will?”


She straightened, bringing her breasts level with his eyes. All he could think of was capturing one in his mouth.
Damn gag! “The Bingleys don't have any children.”

He stared at her nipple. The thought flitted through his mind that Lizzy had perfected the art of titillation. Maybe if he could get enough her breast in his mouth… Her hand redirected his gaze up to her face, eyebrow cocked. She was obviously expecting an answer. “Yesh.”

Her clear laugh startled him out of his contemplation of the pleasure that a fine pair of breasts in his face could give. “Yesh?” Whatever he had said, it obviously worked because she had a self-satisfied, happy smirk and - most importantly - she stopped asking him about other people.

He keenly felt the loss as she stood, pulling the shirt back over breasts. Though she only moved a few inches from him, it felt as she were a mile away. He was enthralled as she made a show of running her hands through her hair, the white shirt moving around her form, alternately giving suggestions of her darkened nipples and the triangle of dark hair in which his desperately desired release lay.

“Do you like what you see?”

Will nodded enthusiastically. “Yesh.”

“Would you like me to relieve your suffering now?”


“Too bad,” she caught his eye. “I'm going to relieve mine first.” His mind emptied at her knowing smirk. “While you watch.”

He stared as she exposed her nipples again, tweaking them to hardness. “I love it when you pinch me just like this.” He squirmed, attempting to get any part of himself close enough to touch her. She stopped him in place with a glare, eyebrow raised. He held her gaze as her mouth widened slowly into a seductive smile. She released the next to last button and snaked a hand inside the shirt, down between her legs.

“Mmmm.” He caught his breath as she slowly licked her lips. “That feels almost as good as you do inside of me.” His frustration grew as her eyes glazed over and she left without him. Desperate to go with her, envious of her hand's prized location, he began thrusting his hips in time with hers, wishing he were the one filling her. Her eyes fluttered closed. “Mmmm. Oh yes, I can hardly wait to feel your entire length.” His arousal tightened. He wanted so badly to feel her around him. She was only inches away! He knew she was close as her face contorted, making that little wrinkle between her eyes. Her moans spurred on his lust; he could
feel what it would be like to bury himself deep inside her. He watched in fascinated longing as the flat muscles of her stomach contracted.

William Darcy lost it. His momentary relief was overcome by a profound sense of disappointment. He wanted to feel her, damnit. He tested his bonds, only to find that he was well secured. He groaned his protest through the scarf and saw Lizzy smile a thousand wicked, satisfied smiles.

In disbelief, he felt himself aroused anew as she leisurely moved to release the final button. His eyes followed the shirt as it slid off her shoulders; he felt the impact in his gut when the shirt finally hit the floor. Slowly, she bent at the waist, allowing him to appreciate the thousand images of her inviting bottom in the mirror. Will, focused on the view, was blown away by the exquisite sensations as she licked him clean then took him in her warm mouth. His muffled groans of pleasure only seemed to spur her on. Tension built along his spine and he was soon hard again. Just when he was certain that he would come, she stopped and straightened to look at him with that same, wicked smile. He growled at her in frustration.

She leaned towards him to give him an openmouthed kiss; he could barely participate in it with the blasted gag. Will planned to burn it when this evening was over. Her tongue probed his mouth, he began thrusting his hips again, the only part his body free to express his burning need. His mind protested vigorously as he submitted to her stilling hands. Hope for his own release resurged as she carefully climbed back onto his lap. Grasping his shoulders, she stood on the metal ring footrest and teasingly brushed herself over him several times.

He watched in the mirror as a thousand Lizzys lowered themselves onto a thousand Wills, but felt only one warm embrace grounding him within his own body. He was beyond caring about anything but the pleasure her body was finally granting him. Heedless of the cautious pace she set, he thrust madly into her, forcing her to accept his rhythm. Driven by her cries, he took as much of her breast in his mouth as possible, teasing her nipple with the tip of his constrained tongue. He lost himself in the thousand images of her, head tossed back in abandon, riding him, unconcerned with anything other than her own gratification.

The world ceased to exist beyond where Elizabeth touched him. His tension spiraled as he impaled her deeply, thrusting up, forcing her to accept all of him and on his own terms. He felt a jolt run through him as she brought her head back forward, a knowing smile as she gazed deeply into his eyes. Never taking his eyes off of her, his world shrank to just the two of them. Lizzy's face took on a triumphant expression as he exploded, buried deep within her.

Lizzy clasped his cheek to her breast, as he rejoined her on the same planet, regaining the use of his senses. He inhaled the scent of their intermingled sweat as he listened to her fast heartbeat, strong and regular. As he slumped, she untied him and removed his gag. He felt the blood returning to his extremities under the influence of her gentle massage. He captured her, pulling her into his lap for a deep kiss. They sat together for few minutes, their energies expended. He stood on shaky legs, pulling her with him, and headed towards their own comfortable bed. As they walked arm in arm, a thought occurred to him.

“Lizzy, you took a big risk. What if I had given that invitation to one of the trick-or-treaters? How did you know that I'd notice it? How did you know that I'd eat a caramel?”

She smiled seductively at him, smugly saying, “Oh Will, I always know what you want.”


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