081118 NR 624 British forces see improvements in Kabul doc

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081118-NR-624-British forces see improvements in Kabul

International Security Assistance Force - Afghanistan

Committed to the security, reconstruction and extension of governance in Afghanistan


British forces see improvements in Kabul

KABUL, Afghanistan- (November 18) Members of ISAF's Force Protection Company conducted a foot patrol in Kabul Nov. 16 in order to establish a presence in the area and meet with local civilians.

The 4th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment, of the British Territorial Army is in charge of force protection for the headquarters base. The battalion soldiers are trained in the tactics and operations necessary to provide perimeter security, in addition to conducting foot patrols around the city.

“Out of all the tasks we perform here in Kabul, getting out and patrolling is what we enjoy the most because that's what we are, infantry soldiers,” said Delta Platoon's Second in Command Sergeant Major Tony Archer, from Middlesbrough.

The 4th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment is a reserve unit that was called to duty in May. The soldiers have been in Kabul for three months and have seen a variety of improvements in the city during their tour.

“People are friendlier; they get to know our faces, know who we are,” Lance Corporal Kenny Wilson of Kingston Upon Hill said. “Throughout the city there is development everywhere; there are new buildings getting built left, right and centre. There are new road surfaces being laid. Traffic lights, street lights, electricity, running water and sewage systems have improved in certain areas. Community spirit is a lot better. You see more people out, and more women getting involved in daily activities.”

The regiment's soldiers will be in Afghanistan for another three months, then will return home to their civilian jobs. Being a reserve unit, all members work part time for the service and have civilian jobs in their hometowns. The unit is comprised of school teachers, security guards, salesmen and a variety of other professions. Their various backgrounds and professional experiences help bring a wide breadth of knowledge to this deployment.

While performing foot patrols is tiring duty, many of the soldiers find it rewarding, especially when they interact with the children of the city.

“The kids on the street are fantastic,” Wilson said. “They'll run up to you and say hello, try to get sweets off you; they're just kids like everywhere else. They're just fantastic people.”

The soldiers of the 4th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment truly believe in what they are doing here in Afghanistan and have hope for the countries future.

“I love what I do,” said Wilson. “It's making a difference; it's the fighting the good fight.”

KABUL, Afghanistan--

Lance Corporal Mark Cowley of Castleford performs a foot patrol in Kabul, Nov. 16. (ISAF photo)


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Issued by Headquarters ISAF Public Affairs Office ◦ E-mail: pressoffice@hq.isaf.nato.int

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