41 Dont lie to me brother


Egyptian language confirms Sumerian records of the ancient Semitic family


When someone is telling you the truth the answer is short, precise; there is no sweat. `Where were you at seven?' `I was at the supermarket and here is the receipt'. But if you ask your brother: `Where were you last night?' and he tells you `I was at the supermarket and I saw my old friend from high school, then we had a couple of beers and time dragged on' that means he is lying. The more details he adds to his story the bigger the lie is and it means he has been doing some terrible things all night long.

A similar scenario has happened to Sumerian. If a scribe uses more than six hundred verb derivatives to convince the reader that the verb root is genuine and the language is legitimate he has overblown his endeavour of deception.

When people are lying their skin changes the colour, the hair stands up, the shoulders twitch and breath becomes heavy, sooner rather than later they will scratch their head, touch their nose, rub their ears and look askew on the floor. These are the telltale sings that somebody is lying to you big time. There is the other extreme of real psychopaths and murderers who lie to your face and they show no emotions at all. They can be discovered if you display to them gruesome and macabre pictures and they are not moved at all. They have gone the other way, they have become so skilled in hiding their feelings that basically they have no feelings at all.

Sumerian language shows all sorts of physical distress of a common liar. While it is pretending to be a language that came to us straight from heaven, Sumerian is sweating, coughing, even sometimes bleeding from its nose. The fact that Sumerians scribes tried so hard to hide the origin of their words is the basic argument that the entire language is an invented software, a mathematical language.

The people who immediately understood that Sumerian language was fake, were the scribes themselves, but not these scribes working for the Akkadian administration but those scribes in Ugarit, today modern Syria. They divided Sumerian ideogram phonetic values into typical trilateral syllabic ideograms whose first consonant represented a Semitic consonant. These scribes however failed to grasp the depth of the Sumerian deception because they believed all along that the original Sumerian language was genuine but like a crystal clear spring rushing towards a lake it collected dirt all the way. That is why those smart scribes did not touch the basic Sumerian vocabulary that dealt with the everyday language. They did not understand that even words for brother, sister were fake. These basic words had a Semitic origin. That means that the original author of Sumerian never shared his profound secret. That the language he invented did not come from heaven to us, but it came from his mind. This author is the first recorded evil mathematician and scientist and not the last.

The most amazing cognate of all Sumerian words is the name for [brother].

Sum. Ideogram


0x01 graphic


mun [SALT].


(see full listing)


sas [GRASS].

ses (sis)

ses [BIRD] (sesmušen).

ses [BITTER].


šeš [BIRD] (šešmušen).

šeš [BROTHER].

šeš [FISH] (šešku6).

šeš [OBJECT] (ĝeššeš).


Also: ah2, aha2, ahi, nan, siš, šas, šaš, šaş, še16, šes, šiš, šiş, šiz, zax(ŠEŠ), zahx(ŠEŠ).

We can clearly see that the name brother in Semitic language has derived from the cognate [ŠEŠ]. How do we know that? Sumerian scribes rightly so pointed out that [H] derived from [S], they are cognate sounds. It is a linguistic fact that every philologist knows, the shift s- > h- is universal in every language. That means that all Semitic languages have been Sumerised.

The name [brother] in all Semitic tongues is a phonetic derivative of a Sumerian cognate. This is a shocking fact. It means that a fake language was respected so much because of the fact it was written and used by the royal administration. It means that we will never know the way Semitic languages and Indo European languages looked like before they were written down.

They have been manipulated so much that the proto language has been lost forever. This is the most disturbing conclusion of all Sumerian studies. Like a person that has gone through plastic operation, like a person who has experienced organ transplantation to that degree that nothing is his, not even his thoughts, every Semitic tongue is left with a body language that does not resemble the original one.

We can gradually learn how modern languages have been surgically operated by the ancient scribes. These ancient surgeons have removed all major organs that evolution created during the ice ages. We are breathing with fake lungs, a fake heart is beating in our chest and our brain is not ours. This operation was completed in some deep laboratory in Mesopotamia. The gods that we worship have been installed in our brains and they wrecked its hard drive with their viruses. The brother whom we love is fake, our mother is called the house of the sky and our father is the impregnated god who gives birth from his rib.

Not only we believe these stories but we can even kill in the their behalf. Even the author of Sumerian could not have predicted the scale of distraction he created. He created Sumerian to boast his position among the Akkadian elite priests. What this author wrote down for personal gains and favours became the greatest nightmare of future generations because humans have a bad habit of believing anything that is written on mud, papyrus or paper. Like children who believe their tale characters to be true life figures, adults have the tendency to trust their fathers and take their stories literally.

The difference between a child and an adult is that kids have plastic swords and guns while adults work in germ laboratories, chemical depots, missile command and control centres and nuclear submarines. Their weapons are real and their inherited tales are not a joke.

This terrible handicap of adults can be explained by their desperation after memory loss. Adults remember absolutely nothing. They can't recall events that took place before they were born, prior to three generations. That is the reason why many primitive cultures don't even have number three in their language. They have just one and many. Even an ape can recognise the difference between one banana and many bananas. A lion can see one antelope and many antelopes. Our humanity is immediately lost the moment we remove our clothes and run naked into the savannah.

The human eye can't see the molecules and atoms, the same way readers can't see beyond Sumerian syllables and phonemes. In order to read these ideograms the reader must use a microscope and compare the pictogram molecules with other pictograms to understand their shape and function.

We have explained that the further you live from civilization the more immune you become to language manipulation. That is the case for a fantastic Semitic tongue GeЃez spoken in Ethiopia. The word brother in this tongue has derived from Semitic cognate for number two.

Proto-Semitic: *Vny-

Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology

Meaning: two

Akkadian: šinā

Ugaritic: n

Phoenician: šnm

Hebrew: šǝnayim

Arabic: ʔināni

Epigraphic South Arabian: ny

Mehri: ōni 'second', me-eny-ēt 'incisor tooth'

Jibbali: meenút 'incisor tooth'

Harsusi: ēnye 'second', me-enē-t 'incisor tooth'

Soqotri: mitníoh 'tooth'

In this Ethiopian remote language the noun brother meant the second, the other. The brother in Ethiopia was called [šen]. That is how I realized that Sumerian word for brother was an abbreviated Akkadian word for double {šinīšu } > Sum. [šeš] and that is the origin of the name brother in Sumerian.


šinā : [Numbers]  two

šinip : [Numbers]  two-thirds ;

šinīsu : [Numbers]  twice , two times

šittā : [Numbers]  two

šittān : [Numbers]   : two thirds ;

šunnāyya : [Numbers]  two each

šuššar : [Numbers]   : 216.000 , two hundred and sixteen thousand (=360x600) ;

Also: (issēn) ana šinīsu : in two ; šinā šunāia guggalīpi / šinā šunāia karrūni / šinā šunāia ēri- : two-humped ; šinip / šittān : two-thirds ; šunu ' īu : two-year old ;šunāia : each year , every year ; šaluššeni : two years ago ; ta ' ' umu : twofold ; ana šinīšu : de deux sortes ; šinā šalāš : a few , some ;

Clearly the author of Sumerian kept the origin of the name brother a secret and the fact that every civilized Semitic tongue has been using the Sumerian cognate means that the secret never left the laboratory of Semitic scribes. It was buried together with them.

We can clearly see that the primordial numeric system in Semitic before the explosion of Sumerian civilization was the same as the system of all other apemen who walked on two legs, the binary system.

Proto-Semitic: *šinn-

Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology

Meaning: tooth

Akkadian: šinnu OA on [CAD š3 48], [AHw 1242]

Eblaitic: si-nu-u[m], si-na-tum /šinnum/, /šinnātum/ [Kr 6-7, 8; Bl E No. 90]

Ugaritic: šn [Aist 311]

Hebrew: šēn [KB deutsch 1472]

Biblical Aramaic: šinnayin (du.) [KB deutsch 1793]

Judaic Aramaic: šinnā [Ja 1603]; šn, det. šännā [Sok 559].

    Cf. mǝšunnītā 'jaw' [Ja 850], likely derived after a participle pattern

Syrian Aramaic: šennā [Brock 789]

Mandaic Aramaic: šina [DM 789]

Arabic: sinn- [BK 1 1147]

Geʕez (Ethiopian): sǝnn

Tigrai (Tigriñña): sǝnni

Argobba: sǝn

Gafat: sǝnä [LGaf 231]

Harari: sǝn

East Ethiopic: SEL isn, WOL ǝsǝn, ZWY sǝn [LGur 549].

    The two first forms < *ʔi-sin-, with the prefix?

Gurage: CHA sǝn, EŽA MUH MSQ GOG SOD sǝnn, ENN END GYE šǝn [ibid.]

Jibbali: šnin [JJ 262]

Notes: Same meaning throughout SEM.

    Note that AMH sǝnn is from GEZ according to [LGz 504] (not in [K]).

    Cf. MSA ʕAbd-El-Kuri ŝáʕnhǝn 'dent' [SSL 4 89] with unexplained ŝ- if related and inserted -ʕ-.

    [Fron 45] (*šinn- 'dente'); [Holma 22]: AKK, HBR, SYR, ARB, GEZ; [KB deutsch 1472]: HBR, ARM, AKK, UGR, ARB, GEZ; [LGz 504]: GEZ, ETH, ARB, ARM, HBR, UGR, AKK

In Semitic and Indo European languages the concept of number [two] derived from the noun [tooth], or [to split the food into two parts]. That is the number of the ice age period. The other numbers were invented by the first settlers in Mesopotamia and from there they spread to the rest of the world. Wherever we meet people who can count up and above the binary system on every spot of the earth, that means that is the place where Semitic people have travelled so far because they are the first people who invented and used numbers higher than two.

Sumerian name for tooth is an Akkadism:


zu [SHARE] (18x: ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. ĝešzu2; zu2 "plow share; blade of the hoe; point (of a battering ram)" Akk. šinnu

zu [TOOTH] (176x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, unknown) wr. zu2 "tooth" Akk. šinnu

Random Sumerian words whose morphemes align with Akkadian word endings generated by the root [šeš = brother]. Sumerian words alone are meaningless but in a sentence they create the structure of Akkadian speech. This is the whole idea of the Sumerian script, suggesting Akkadian speech to the gods.




a-hu ki-ma a-hi


ana ah-hu-ti-šu2



But there is a new twist on the Sumerian story. It seems that Sumerian reflects a very early stage of development among Semitic languages, a stage that has been forgotten.

Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *sa/in-

Meaning: brother

Egyptian: sn 'brother' (pyr)

Western Chadic: *sVn- 'elder brother' 1, 'relatives, clan' 2

East Chadic: *sin- 'brother' 1, 'elder brother' 2, 'my brother' 3

Beḍauye (Beja): saan 'brother'

Central Cushitic (Agaw): *šan- 'brother'

Warazi (Dullay): *ʔa-šin- 'nephew'

Because Semitic languages have been engineered from top to bottom during their rapid economic expansion in the fertile crescent, the ancient structure of these languages has been totally erased from their vocabulary. Egyptian language and the other sisters of Afro Asiatic family actually preserved what Sumerian language had recorded from the very beginning of recorded history. This is the reason that number two in Semitic languages corresponds to the name brother in Sumerian and Egyptian languages.


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