Peppermint and Coffeebean Romances

Peppermint and Coffeebean Romances


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Section I, Next Section

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Chapter 1

Posted on Sunday, 24 March 2002

Mr. Darcy walked into the coffee shop and removed his coat. His tired eyes searched the shop until he found a nice seat by the window. After an entire afternoon of nonstop work, he was completely melancholy. Just a few days ago, he and his best friend, Charles Bingley, had come to Seattle on a business trip. They were assigned to stay there for a few months and work on a project. Out side, the rain poured down and cascaded down houses and buildings, drenching the windows, and causing a light plinking sound, floating through everyone's ears. The coffee shop was quiet, and peaceful. He was altogether happy to get out of the gloomy apartment, although initially, he had no idea where he was going to go. He then found himself at the steps of a coffee shop with no name, but the smell of rain and coffee drifted through the air. And now he was seated, waiting to order. He took a newspaper out of his briefcase, and began to read the stock section. His stocks were disappointedly low. He groaned with the low numbers printed on the page.

"Have a problem?" a voice asked. He quickly looked up, to see a girl standing there, notebook and pen in hand, looking at him. She had her dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, and an apron around her waist.

"Stocks," he replied.

"Oh. I don't own any myself, but I follow them a little. The markets at a bear right now. But I suggest Telecom if you want to invest nicely, and have the money to do it," she looked at him, and then out the window. Still raining, she sighed to her self.

"Why do you follow stocks if you don't own any?" Mr. Darcy asked intrigued.

"I hope to one day invest in them, when I get a little more money and my rent is safe and all," she smiled at him, "My name is Lizzy. Lizzy Bennet."

"Fitzwilliam Darcy," he shook her hand.

"Fitzwilliam? That's an interestingly original name,"

"Well, my parents were interestingly original people. New Yorkers at heart. My mom loved to read though, and she wanted to name me something interesting, with an old twist to it. My father loved the name William, so my mom added "Fitz" to it, and that's how I became Fitzwilliam. Although my friends usually call me William," he looked at her, and was suddenly surprised. He was never outgoing, so why was he talked to this girl like he had known her forever?

"Well, I personally like it. It gives you spunk,"

"Lizzy, I need you!" a voice from the back called.

"Excuse me," Elizabeth said, as she ran to the back of the shop.

Williams's eyes followed her. She was very pretty, with her dark brown eyes.

Suddenly, the little bell on the door rang, and another customer walked into the room. It was Charles Bingley.

"Darcy! Here you are!" He said, sitting in the booth seat across form Darcy.

"What are you doing here Charles?" Mr. Darcy asked.

"Oh well, probably the same as you I suppose. Bored. Work is stressful, as I'm sure you've noticed,"

"Oh, I have, I assure you,"

Suddenly, a blonde came out of the back and walked up to the two gentlemen.

"I'm sorry to keep you both waiting, can I take your order?" she asked sweetly.

Charles couldn't find the words to speak, but just sat, looking at her.

Darcy, on the other hand, was wondering where Lizzy had gone. He looked at the blonde, and began to order.

"Two tall double amercano's with no cream or sugar," Mr. Darcy replied.

"Please.." Charles squeaked out.

"Alright," the girl replied, "Ill be right back." She left, and went to make their coffee.

Darcy noticed they were the only two customers in the entire store.

Suddenly, Lizzy came back. Darcy scooted over, so she could sit down, which she did, happily.

"Thank you," she muttered.

"Who is the girl?" Charles asked, still looking at her.

"Oh, that's my sister, Jane," Lizzy replied. She then turned to Mr. Darcy.

"Looks like your friend is smitten with my sister," she laughed.

Darcy laughed, but Charles wasn't paying attention.

The three talked a little while. Lizzy was happy to make some new friends and not have to work, since no one came in, Darcy was happy to talk to someone other than Charles, and Charles was happy to become acquainted to the sister of the beautiful blonde.

A moment later, Jane came out with the two coffees.

"Two double amercano's, no cream, no sugar," Jane smiled, handing them the coffee.

"Jane, come sit and talk to these two gentlemen. They are apparently here on a business trip for a few months, and don't know a single soul in Seattle," Lizzy smiled at Charles, who was overjoyed that Lizzy would think of inviting her.

"Alright, I have nothing left to do, so I suppose I could take a little break," Jane sat down next to Charles, who looked at her with wide eyes. She blushed.

As Jane and Charles began a conversation bout the best places to visit when its sunny out, Lizzy and Darcy talked about whatever they could think of.

"Well, I went to college in Michigan, where I grew up, and then I moved here, moved in with Jane and two of our friends, and I've been working here and studying still," Lizzy sighed, playing with a straw. She twisted it, as she talked.

"What about you?" she asked, not looking at him, but intently focused on the straw.

"Well, I grew up in New York, but I went to school in Boston, and moved back to New York when I was done with school, where I've lived ever since, or at least until now. I live, actually, with my fiancée, but then our work sent Charles and I here, to Seattle,"

"And what about your fiancée?" Lizzy questioned. She looked at him suddenly, tossing the straw aside.

"Well, she's staying back in New York. I'm only living here for a few months," Mr. Darcy looked at his watch.

"Charles and I better be going, we still have some more work to do, it was very nice meeting you both," he shook the girls hands.

"Oh, wait, what time is it?" Lizzy asked, suddenly aware.

"4:30," Darcy replied.

"Oh great! Julian is going to kill me! Oh, I have to go, nice to meet you guys too, stop in again," she raced out the door and jumped into her car.

"That was interesting," Darcy replied, looking out the window as her car sped out of the parking lot.

Jane smiled at him, as she picked up the straw and wrapper off the table.

"Julian's her boyfriend, and he gets annoyed if she's late for a date," Jane tossed the garbage in the little basket.

"Yes, I know what that's like. Caroline has a fit if I'm late to anything," Darcy muttered. Charles was quiet the time that Darcy and Jane were talking.

"Caroline?" Jane asked.

"My fiancée,"

"Oh." Jane watched the two men leave, and went to the back to reflect on the past two hours of chat with Charles.

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A month and a week later

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Darcy sat at the counter, as Lizzy talked to him, her head in her hands.

"You know what? I wish I had learned ballet," Lizzy said, all of a sudden.

"Well, that came out of no where," Darcy said looking at her oddly. She looked dazed, with her head in the clouds.

"Lizzy?" He asked. She starred at the picture of a ballerina hanging on the wall.

"I mean, just to see a ballerina dance, its so cool," she smiled.

"Elizabeth, my dear, I believe I have lost you," Darcy said, sipping his coffee.

She smiled, and stood up.

"Well, I hope you find me soon, I wouldn't want to be lost for long," she left him sitting there, with a funny look on his face, as she served the next customer that came into the shop.

"What are you doing tonight, by the way?" Lizzy asked, when she came back around. She handed him a peppermint.

"Oh, I saved this for you, by the way, when I went to breakfast this morning,"

He unwrapped the peppermint and popped it into his mouth.

"Thanks," he muttered.

"So, are you busy?" she asked.

"Uh, no, I don't think so, I finished up most of today's work this morning," Darcy replied.

"Good. Why don't you and Charles come with Jane, Julian, and I to the movies tonight. I mean, you've met Julian occasionally, when he has come in, but I think it would be nice if you two got to know each other a little more," Lizzy wiped down the counter.

"I suppose going to a movie sounds fun, what did you have in mind?"

"Well, Julian wants to see 'Time For All", which I've already seen, but its good, so we should see it,"

Darcy looked at her skeptically.

" Isn't that a chick flick?" Darcy muttered.

"Oh common, William, sure you like those stupid Double Amercanos coffee, and your Mr. Business man, but cant you be a little sensitive? Just once? For me?" Elizabeth pleaded.

Darcy looked at her sternly again, with a hint of doubt.

"Pleeeeeeeeeease?" she whined, in a cute voice.

"Oh stop, you're so seductive with that little whiney voice Liz, I just don't think I could contain myself," Mr. Darcy played. He laughed when she put her hands on her hips and looked sternly at him.

"Fitzwilliam Darcy, why I never!" she pouted.

"Oh hush hush, I'll come, and so will Charles, if Jane comes. I'm sure of it. Now be a good girl and run along, you've got customers, and I've got to get ready,"

"Alright, thank you," she smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"That girl, I swear," he jokingly told himself.

He got into his car and drove to his apartment, which happened to be on the 14th floor.

It was already getting dark out, and it had begun to run while he was still at the coffee house.

He jingled his keys a bit, but the door wouldn't open. Finally he slammed his body against it, and it swung open.

No one is home, he thought.

Suddenly, Charles Bingley appeared in his boxers.

"Darcy!" he cried.

"Charles, what the...?"

Jane ran in suddenly in bra and underwear. She stopped dead in her tracks.

She quickly grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her.

"Mr. Darcy! Charles!" she cried and ran back in the other room.

"Charles, you devil!" Darcy laughed.

"Oh William, what do you know," Charles said, annoyed. He quickly ran in another room.

Darcy looked around, confused. He went to his room, changed, and came out.

"Charles, I hate to disturb you, but Lizzy wants us all to go to the movies tonight," he said, knocking on Charles door.

"William, go away," Jane called from inside.

"Oh common," Darcy moaned.

Jane came out in a pair of Charles shorts and one of his t-shirts. Charles came out of another room, fully clothed.

"Darcy, nothing happened between Jane and I," he sighed, as Jane moved past him.

"I'll meet you both at the movies," she said, leaving the apartment.

"What is going on?" Darcy asked, annoyed by now.

"Look, Jane and I were taking a stroll in the park, and it started to rain, so I took her back here to change into something warmer. The park is right across the street," Charles combed his hair back out of his face. It was still wet.

"Charles, why don't you just tell me the truth," Darcy said, leaning against the counter. He grabbed a coke out of the fridge.

"Darcy, you're impossible, I tell you, that is the truth!"

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," Darcy licked the drop of coke form his lips and opened the door.

"Lets go," he said, and the two went to join the other three at the movies.

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Darcy and Bingley met Julian, Jane, and Lizzy in front of the movie theater. Jane was buying tickets and Julian and Lizzy were talking, his arm draped around her shoulder.

"Here," Charles handed Jane some money for the tickets.

"Does William think we..?" Jane whispered.

"No, I told him the truth, don't worry,"


The five went in and got some snacks.

"I HAVE to get Junior Mints," Darcy sighed, as they stood in line. Julian hadn't said a word the whole time, but kept his arm around Lizzy.

"Are you serious?!" Lizzy gasped, " I LOVE those!"

"The creamy minty filling and the chocolaty outside, mmmmm" Darcy imitated. He loved making fun of Lizzy, and she loved making fun of him back.

"Don't get excited, William," Lizzy nudged. He ruffled her hair, but that only made Julian tighten.

" I don't know if I like you hanging out with this William guy," Julian muttered to Lizzy, as they were walking into the movie.

"Oh Julian, stop it, he has got a fiancée, and you and me are together," Lizzy said and gave his hand a squeeze.

They all sat down, Charles on the outside, then Jane, then Darcy, then Lizzy, and then Julian. The previews started, and Jane gasped that she wanted to see the movie they were previewing.

"Next weekend, you and me, baby," Charles laughed.

As the movie started, they all silently munched their popcorn and Junior mints and sipped their slurpies.

"Oh, this is where the mother dies," Lizzy cried. She grabbed Mr. Darcy's hand and started crying.

Julian, thankfully, didn't notice.

"Its ok, Lizzy, common now," Darcy whispered as she sobbed softly into his shoulder.

Suddenly, Darcy saw the heroine take her last breath and die in her bed, from cancer.

A tiny tear trickled down his cheek.

"You're crying!" Lizzy gasped.

"No, no, my eyes are watering," Darcy said, quickly wiping the tear from his eye.

"William!" she smiled.

"Elizabeth, be quiet!" he whispered.

She looked over at Julian, who had the same sullen face that he had when they first entered the theater, no emotion on his face at all. When the movie was over, they all came out, kind of dazed at the quality of the movie.

"That was good," Jane sighed, as Charles walked, their hands entwined.

"Indeed," Charles agreed.

Jane and Charles were happily off in their own little world, so, with Lizzy in the middle, the three others walked along.

"You know, my fiancée, Caroline, is coming in town next week. Perhaps we could have a double date," Darcy suggested.

"Great idea!" Julian spoke up. Perhaps this Caroline girl will take Darcy's mind of Lizzy and Lizzy won't be able to talk to him, so she'll talk to me, he thought.

"That is a great idea, perhaps to dinner," Lizzy skipped along.

"Oh, here William, I bought a packet of mints for you, and I brought some in my purse," Lizzy dug through her purse looking for the peppermints.

"Peppermints?" Julian asked.

"Well, I love peppermints," Darcy said, thanking Lizzy as she handed him the mints.

"Want one?" he asked them. They both agreed.

All of a sudden they heard a beeping.

"Oh, my beeper," Julian commented, "I've got to go love."

Julian kissed Lizzy and ran off to the parking lot.

"He's a doctor, and he sometimes has to run off, you know?" Lizzy said.

"He doesn't seem to like me much," Darcy said.

"I don't know, he's usually not that talkative. Its like he's searching for something he doesn't understand,"

"Oh," when they reached their cars, the girls drove home, and the guys back to their apartment.

"Lovely evening, Darcy, just lovely," Charles smiled.

When Darcy and Charles got home, Charles went straight to bed, to dream of his lovely maiden. Darcy sat at the table, thinking, contemplating, and wondering. Such a great friend he found in this Eliza Bennet. Funny, witty, beautiful, charming. Yet he missed something. Romance. He missed romance. Romance was what he truly needed. Caroline was back home, waiting for him to return so they could join in Holy matrimony. The waiting was intense, but at least he had Lizzy, Charles, and Jane to keep him company.

Why did he love her anyway? Caroline. Because she was pretty, affectionate, and would make a good wife. Right? Suddenly panic hit him. Why WAS he marrying her? He rushed to the phone. When she comes, my flame of passion for her will be re-kindled.

"Hello?" said someone with a groggy voice on the other end.

"I didn't mean to wake you," Darcy's panic voice showed through. He tried better to hide it, "I just wanted to talk to you."

"William?" the voice asked.

"Yes, Caroline, its me,"

"What's wrong?" she asked.

I've met this fun girl, and she has a boyfriend, and they spend a lot of time together, and after seeing them all lovey dovey, I thought of you.

That's what he wanted to say. But he didn't, of course

"Nothing," he said.

"Oh, by the way William, while we are talking, I've still be planning the wedding while you're partying in Washington, and I need some more money," Caroline said.

Darcy moaned.

"Alright, Ill wire it to you,"

"Good. Now I've got to get some sleep, or Ill look horrid tomorrow. Bye," She hung up the phone.

The line went dead. Darcy suddenly felt rather alone. He called Lizzy. It rang and rang, but no answer. He hung up.

When he had un-dressed down to his boxers, he crawled into bed, and snuggled up in the sheets.

Caroline will be here in a few days, he said to himself.

The stars shown through his window and he sighed to himself. Slowly, the moon and stars faded as he fell fast asleep, waiting the coming week. Soon Caroline would be here, and maybe make some sense of his jumbled up life.

Oh, but was he SADLY mistaken! He stood, impatiently rocking back and forth, waiting for his love to come out of the plane. Suddenly he saw her. She thrusted her bags into the hands of an n airport helper and raced to greet him. They kissed passionately.

"Oh Willie Willie Willie, how I've missed you!" She cried. Her whiney voice was more than he could stand.

"Ow," he said, putting his hand to his temples.

"What is it my dear William??" she asked.

He sat down in a chair, and removed some Advil from his briefcase.

"I suddenly have a headache," he popped two pills in, and swallowed them without water even.

"Oh, I just can't wait to see your apartment, and give some womanly advice for fixing it up," she said in her snobbish, deep voice.

"Uh, ok, common, the cars outside," he picked up her things and brought them to the trunk.

"Oh, be careful, I have my silky nightie in there," she said, raising her eyebrow with a smile.

Inside, Darcy groaned. He was male all the way around, that he would certainly admit. He saw a woman and sure, he thought things, but he was also raised with the Bible, and was rather against anything involving Caroline before marriage.

As they were driving down the highway, Caroline jabbered away about how gloomy it is in Washington, and how rude the flight attendants were, and what a hard time it was getting here, and how many people she saw in coach who looked like poor pathetic souls to say the least. She was incredibly glad she was sitting in first class, although the man next to her kept eyeing her, she said, which made her uncomfortable.

"We're going to meet some new friends I've made for coffee, by the way," Darcy said, when she stopped to breathe for a moment.

"New friends?" she asked, intrigued.

He pointed at the coffee house up ahead, and turned off into it.

"Lizzy!" he called, when they walked into the shop. It was rather full today, he noted.

"Lizzy? You met a girl?" Caroline looked at him, suddenly aware that she was standing before them. Although she wouldn't admit it, Caroline was disturbed at how pretty the girl actually was.

"Caroline Bingley, I presume? Nice to meet ya," Lizzy thrust out her hand in a perky sweet way.

Caroline eyed her with doubt, but took her hand nonetheless. Her handshake was incredibly weak though.

"I'm Elizabeth Bennet," Lizzy said.

"So it seems," Caroline said, snobbishly. Apparently she didn't realize Darcy gets very annoyed when Caroline is incredibly rude.

"Come now, Caroline, be nice. Lizzy and I are just friends," Darcy whispered, as Lizzy ran off to help a customer.

"Humph!" Caroline gestured to the door, "We're leaving."

"Ah, all right," he muttered as she grabbed his hand.

"Lizzy, we're..." he didn't finish because Caroline pulled him out so harshly.

"What are you doing talking with another girl, William?!" Caroline hissed.

"Oh, calm down, would you?" Darcy said impatiently. Caroline was certainly one to judge, he noticed, and it wasn't playful, like Lizzies. Caroline was hostile.

"You're seeing another girl behind my back!" Caroline sobbed.

"Caroline, I am not, you assume too much!" Darcy tried. She broke down and ran to hug him, in an almost sweet way, if it weren't Caroline.

"Promise me you'll never see her again!" Caroline cried. Darcy grabbed her by the shoulders.

"I won't, Lizzy is my friend, and I won't have you assuming and judging," Darcy said, firmly. She rustled out of his grasp and ran to the car. With a flick of her wrist, the keys were in and she was speeding out of the parking lot.

"Oh, great," Darcy said, standing there, looking completely oblivious.

"Lizzy?" Darcy questioned as he walked back into the coffee shop.

"Not now, William, I'm kind of busy," Lizzy grabbed a coffee sup, her arms full of trays.

"Need help?" Darcy asked, although he had no idea what he could do.

She stopped and looked at him.

"Uh, sure, here's a paper and pen, go grab their orders, will yaw?" Lizzy asked sweetly. She pointed to a table with a couple sitting at it, gazing into one another's eyes.

Darcy winced.

"Alright.." he grumbled. That last thing he wanted to see were two love birds.

After most everyone left and the place settled down a bit, Lizzy offered to take Darcy home after she heard about Caroline making off with his car.

He readily agreed, and the two set off to him apartment.

When they got there, there was no sign of Caroline or his car.

Lizzy made him promise if he needed anything, he just had to call, and she would leave her cell on at all times.

He thanked her, and started to get out of the car.

"Oh William," Lizzy said, tugging on his shirt before he got completely out.

"Yes?" he asked, sweetly.

"Thanks for all your help today," Lizzy kissed him playfully on the cheek.

He reddened.

"Anytime," he managed to mumble.

As he stumbled slowly up the stairs, he noticed nothing was different. When he came home, Charles was already in bed, so he decided to do the same.

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Chapter 2

Posted on Monday, 25 March 2002

Darcy bolted awake at the sound of the annoying telephone ringing. The telephone was across his bed on the other shelf, and he really didn't want to get up to get it.

"Charles! Get that!" he moaned, pushing the pillow of her head. No one answered it, but it finally stopped ringing. He sighed in peace, and snuggled back into the sheets.

But then, again, it started ringing again.

"Alright!" he cried, getting up. He flung the sheets off and grabbed the phone.

"Yes?!" he answered in a rather annoyed voice.

"William?" a voice on the other end sobbed.

"Lizzy, dear, what's wrong?" he asked, all annoyance and anger fleeting from him. Now worries took its place.

"Come over, would you?" she cried, barely able to control her sobs long enough to breath.

"Yes! Immediately!" Darcy exclaimed.

"Thanks," she hung up. He bounced out of the room with a t-shirt on, trying desperately to get his pants on while moving, hopping rather, on one foot, towards the door. He grabbed the phone and called a cab, and pushed his fingers through his unruly hair.

As soon as he got to the apartment, he raced up the steps and banged on the door.

"Elizabeth?!" he cried, still worried.

"He ... he just called me before I called you," Lizzy sobbed, throwing herself into Darcy's arms.

"Where's Jane? Didn't you call her?" Darcy asked, petting her hair softly, to calm her down.

"I..I tried ... no answer," Lizzy cried, grabbing a tissue.

Darcy held her a moment longer, and rocked her softly, as she wetted his shoulder with her tears.

"What's wrong, Lizzy?" he finally asked.

"Julian just called me ... he said he was lost, you know? He said he knew we weren't right for each other ... he said he found someone else.." she began to wail again.

"Its ok, shhhhh, its ok," he said, softly.

"You seem more like my mother than a big manly business exc." Lizzy finally managed to say.

Darcy had to laugh.

"I'm your friend, Liz, I don't want to see you get hurt," he smiled, and so did she.

Just then, the door burst open, and in came Julian and Caroline Bingley. They seemed rather perky, but in a weird way.

"Have you been drinking?" Darcy asked Caroline, looking at her oddly.

"Just a little," she laughed, holding onto Julian, her arm tightly around his waist.

Darcy cringed.

Lizzy burst into tears.

"So this is your new 'somebody'?" Lizzy sobbed.

Julian looked at her pitifully. Caroline's nose went into the air again.

"What are you two doing here, anyway?" Caroline asked, trying to stand perfectly straight.

"Well, naturally, when I heard Julian was seeing someone else, I had to come comfort her. Its what friends do," Darcy said, taking Lizzie's hand.

"Eh," Julian mumbled.

"You know what?" he finally asked.

Lizzy and Darcy looked at him.

"I'm glad I found Carlipoo. Liz, you commented more than once that I showed no emotion. Know why? Cuz I had to hide it! Last night, I was walking around the bar, thinking what I was going to do, knowing it wouldn't work between us, and then I saw Caroline sitting there, sobbing. I think I've always known I was bisexual, but as soon as I saw Caroline, I KNEW! She reminds me of both, I think, male and female. Don't ask me why..." he droned off. Both were sort of wobbling, but Julian kissed Caroline, in a weird sort of kiss that makes you want to actually vomit after seeing it.

"William, lets go, ok?" Lizzy whispered to them.

"Julian, I'm getting my stuff later," she said bravely, with her newfound courage.

"Hmm" he said, still kissing Caroline.

After that, Lizzy and Darcy were pretty much over their past lovers. Darcy realized he never really loved Caroline, but wanted more that his parents be happy with the girl he chose. They were best friends with Caroline and Charles parents for so long anyway. And Lizzy was still incredibly hurt, but knew Julian was never right for her in the first place. If he couldn't be himself around her, it certainly wasn't worth it.

"That was interesting," Darcy said, as they were driving back to Darcy's place.

"I'll say," Lizzy said, wiping her mascara of her cheek.

"You need a place to stay tonight," Darcy asked, checking his back mirror. He thought he saw Julian and Caroline. Guess not.

"Umm, sure, since I have no where else to go,"

"You can take my room, I'll sleep on the couch," Darcy said, turning into the parking lot.

"You sure?" Elizabeth grabbed one of the bags she had packed just before Darcy had gotten to her apartment.

"Yeah, of course, we've both had a hard morning, I think we ought to rent a movie," Darcy smiled.

"Could we maybe rent...My Girl?" Lizzy asked, in the sweetest voice she could muster.

"Ohhhhhh," Darcy groaned, "another chic flick?"

"Please????" she begged.

"Well, only if we can rent The Matrix," Darcy looked at her.

She pouted.

"A manly movie, eh? I should have known. Ok, we can get that too then," she smiled at him.

After Lizzy had dropped her things off in the apartment, they headed out to get some movies, popcorn, and candy. At Blockbuster, they both grabbed their movies. Two boxes of junior mints and two packages of popcorn were bought, along with Cookie Dough Ice Cream.

"I thought it would be a lot harder to get over him" Lizzy commented.

"Hmm, I think I'm certainly glad to get rid of Caroline, although Charles will probably be hurt. Speaking of Charles, I haven't seen him much lately,"

"Neither have I, or Jane," Lizzy said. They both let their minds wander, thinking where the two could possibly be.

Suddenly a little old lady moved up to them.

"You both make such a sweet couple," she smiled at them. They both blushed.

"We're not together," Lizzy squeaked.

"Oh." The old lady moved ahead into the other line.

"That was weird," Lizzy said looking at Darcy. He shrugged his shoulders.

When they got back to the apartment, Charles wasn't there again. Darcy searched his room, and found nothing.

"William?" Lizzy moved toward him as he was searching his closet.

"What?" he asked.

"I found a note," she sighed.

He took the note from her and read it aloud.

Dear William,

Jane and I have gone to the Bahamas. Ok, so we needed a little time off of work. Jane has never been, and I had a little extra vacation money. We didn't want you getting weird or suspicious or anything, so we didn't tell you. Have fun, we'll be back Thursday.

"Great," Lizzy sighed again.

"Eh, don't worry, we'll have fun tonight," Darcy grabbed some blankets and pillows from the closet, and put two T.V. dinners in the microwave.

"You're such a chef," Lizzy said, as she jumped on the couch. She was wearing her little pajamas with the monkeys on them, and her blue slippers.

"Well don't you look adorable?" Darcy teased, turning to look at her. She had taken her hair down and it bounced around her shoulders as she flopped on her stomach, with her feet in the air, watching the TV.

"Darcy, dressed in his regular boxer shorts and t-shirt, grabbed the T.V. dinners, and the two sat and ate while watching "Friends".

"Movie time?" Lizzy asked when the show was done.

"Movie time," Darcy said, grabbing the Matrix.

"Ah ah ah! We're watching My Girl!" Lizzy said, grabbing the movie from his hands.

"No way," Darcy said, tickling her. She shirked, and let go of the Matrix.

"OH, common, William!" she cried, as he began to put the movie in.

"What will you give me, if we watch My Girl first?" he asked, a hint of mischievousness in his eyes.

"A lap dance," Lizzy smirked.

"Really?" Darcy's eyes grew wide.

Lizzy laughed.

"I'll give you my love and support," she smiled.

"Eh, not as good as a lap dance,"

"Sorry. You're a good boy remember?"

"Yes, I almost forgot. Alright, alright, we can watch My Girl," Darcy said, giving in.

"Yes!!!" Lizzy shrieked again, hugging him.

"You're a sweetheart," she said to Darcy.

"A sap, more like," he mumbled, "and I'm going soft."

"At least your belly is," she poked him in the stomach.

"There is nothing soft about my belly!" he cried, "I work hard for my abs."

"That you do, Mr. Darcy, that you do," she smiled and turned off the lights.

When the movie was almost done, Lizzy was crawled up into a ball next to Darcy, grabbing his hand, and crying.

"I'm such a sap for this movie," she muttered.

"Well, when that kid dies, it is pretty sad," Darcy sighed. A little while longer, he sat up, to put the Matrix in, but noticed Lizzy was fast asleep.

He picked her up gently and set her in his bed.

"Night Elizabeth," he whispered, and went back to the couch.

The next morning, Darcy awoke to Lizzy hovering over him.

"Mornin' sleepy head!" she said, pulling back the covers.

It was 11:23A.M.

"Leave me alone, you wretched girl," he moaned.

"Ahhhh, no, thanks for askin' though. Get up, get up get, up!"

"Wait, what day is it?" he asked.


"Oh!" he got out of bed, and went to the kitchen.

"I have a surprise for you today," he said, smiling.

"Ah, you and your mischievousness, Mr. Darcy,"

"Hmm," he opened a coke.

"You're going to drink that in the morning?"

"Well, I'm thirsty," he said.

"Have I taught you nothing?" Elizabeth moved over to the coffee pot and poured him a cup.

"As black as your Amercano, no cream, no sugar," she said, handing him the cup.


"I have to go work for a little bit, but Ill be back soon enough for the surprise, ok?" Lizzy grabbed his keys.

"Uh, take my car," he mumbled as soon as she was out the door.

After work, Lizzy went to his apartment and knocked on the door. No answer. Again, she knocked. Again, no answer. Finally, she opened the door, and walked inside.

Loud music was coming from another room.

She walked in and stopped. William Darcy didn't see her. He was lifting weights.

"Hey hottie," Lizzy yelled over the music.

"Hmm?" he sat up from the weight, sweat dripping off him.

"You look like you need a shower," Lizzy laughed.

"I do," he said, turning down the music.

"Ahh," she said nodding her head.

"Let me get a shower, and then we can go," he said, pushing past her.

"Ok," she sat down and flipped on the TV.

When he came back out later, he was wearing a loose white shirt and nice pants. He looked like a character out of a fencing story.

"Mr. Handsome, I do declare!" Lizzy said, taking his arm.

"Shall we?" the two walked out the door, on their way to where ever Darcy was taking her.

As they were driving, Lizzy saw the movie theater pass by them, or rather they pass by the movie theater.

"We aren't going to a movie?" Lizzy asked.

"No," Mr. Darcy said.

"You brought your briefcase," Lizzy looked behind her at the back seat. It was filled with papers and coffee cups.

"Yes, well, I always take that thing with me," Darcy said, concentrating on the road.

"Oh." Lizzy looked at her lap.

"Here we are," William beamed.

In front of them was the theater.

"What? The theater?" Lizzy saw a sign, with a bright purple ballerina on it.

"The ballet! The ballet! You're taking me to the ballet?? Oh, William!" she jumped into his arms and hugged him tight.

"I thought you'd like it," he said, when he set her back down.

"Of course! I didn't even realize you were paying attention to me when I told you I wanted to watch ballet," she grasped his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Yes, well, mysteriousness is good, right?"


The two walked into the theater and took their seats, happily. Four pink ballerinas came out and did a pretty dance. Mr. Darcy, not much for ballet, decided to listen more to the music, rather than the dancers.

"This is Bach, I believe," he stated.

"You like Bach?" Lizzy whispered.

"Of course,"

After the ballet, the lights came back on, and the two left. Lizzy was dancing on the way back to the car, trying to imitate the ballet dancers.

"Catch me, William!" she cried, jumping into his arms.

He groaned at her weight.

"Hey, I saw you working out, you're supposed to be buff, remember?" Lizzy said, settling for him twirling around.

"Well, you must be eating something," he said, laughing.

She playfully jabbed him in the side.

"I'm just kidding, Liz, don't cry," he grabbed her arm before she had a chance to punch him.

"That was so much fun, William, thanks," she said, when they were back in the car.

"Oh, any time at all," William, said. He pulled a peppermint out of his pocket and ate it.

When they got back to the apartment, Lizzy confessed she was still rather tired, and went right to sleep. Darcy couldn't help think how much fun it was to be with Lizzy. His mind drifted all night, until the next morning, When Bingley and Jane returned.

0x01 graphic

Chapter 3

Posted on Wednesday, 17 April 2002

The two were still asleep when Jane and Bingley entered the apartment. They caught an early flight that morning, a very early flight, and purposely had not told Lizzy or Darcy what time they were returning, except that it was Thursday. Bingley unlocked the door and the two set their luggage down, looking around the room skeptically. Suddenly, from behind the couch, a weird sort of growl was heard. Mr. Bingley urged Jane to move back, while he looked to see what could be making the horrible noise. He peered slowly over the end of the couch, and laughed. Darcy was curled in a tight ball, snoring very loudly.

"It's just William," Bingley said to Jane, who had walked to his side.

"Shh, he looks tired," Jane whispered, starting back toward the luggage.

A very sleepy eyed girl walked out from William's room in a robe a tad bit big for her. She was groaning and rubbing her eyes.

"Jane? Charles?" she peered at them.

"Lizzy, what on earth are you doing here? Are you and William ...?" Jane stopped, looking back over at the snoring Mr. Darcy asleep on the couch.

"Charles, really, how do you sleep at night with his incessant snoring? It's like a horrible grizzly bear has fallen asleep in the living room!" Lizzy moved over to the counter and poured herself some coffee, ignoring Jane's shocked look, and her question.

Lizzy looked completely nonchalant about everything...but perhaps it was just because she hadn't had her morning cup of java, and was still very drowsy.

Suddenly Mr. Darcy chocked on one of his snores, and suddenly awoke himself, looking surprised for some reason.

"Charles? You're back?" William asked groggily.

"Go back to sleep, William," Lizzy said, looking at his red eyes.

She turned to look at Charles.

"You guys got back rather early. It must be," she paused, looking at the clock, "seven o' clock."

Jane looked to her lap, and smiled back up at Lizzy. She sat there thinking about how silly Lizzy looked. It wasn't anything new to Jane, who had lived with Lizzy for most of their lives, but Mr. Bingley looked hilariously surprised at Lizzie's huge robe, slippers, messy hair, and scowl. Apparently she wasn't ready to get up quite this early.

"Yes, well, we were going to surprise you, but I suppose you surprised us," Jane chuckled. Her expression was one of curiosity and mischievousness.

"Yeah, well," Lizzy mumbled to herself. She shuffled softly on the tile, moving slowly in her blue duckie slippers.

"I went by your apartment, to say 'hi', but when I got there, Julian told me to go away, and I heard some giggle in the background, I thought you should know," Jane sighed, suddenly aware of the bad news she had just revealed.. She looked at Lizzy, sadly, waiting for Lizzy's inevitable sobs.

"Caroline's giggles, I'm sure," Darcy mumbled from the couch. He slammed his face into the soft pillow, and groaned again.

"What?" Charles said, suddenly deciding to engage himself in the conversation.

"Its an incredibly long story," Lizzy poured Jane and Bingley a cup of coffee and sat down at the table, pulling her robe tightly around her, and feeling the cushiness of her poofy slippers.

"We've got plenty of time, I assure you," Charles sat down in a seat, and Jane took another. Darcy finally pulled himself from the couch, and sat down in the last chair.

"Well, it starts like this," she began. Jane and Bingley looked closely at Darcy, then to Lizzy, sitting back comfortably in her chair, and then to each other once more.

The story went on for about forty minutes, also including the curious questions from Jane and Charles. Lizzy, still talking and answering questions, made them all a breakfast of ham and eggs and, of course, coffee.

"So, Lizzy's living with us?" Charles asked Darcy, who was poking at his eggs.

Darcy had explained to Charles the situation Lizzy was in, with nowhere to really stay and all. There was no room at Jane's, and Julian had paid for the apartment (it was signed in his name), so the only place she had was here. Charles agreed it would be ... interesting ... to have a girl room mate, but it still wasn't regestering.

"That would be correct," Darcy mumbled an answer to his question. Charles was rather slow sometimes, he admitted to himself.

"Well, Lizzy, I couldn't possibly have you staying here alone with two incredibly rabid and hormone inflicted guys," Jane was standing now, helping Lizzy and also grabbing some orange juice. Charles looked up at her through once again shocked eyes. When the shock wore off, he chuckled to himself.

"Perhaps you should stay with us, too, Jane" Charles smiled, grabbing Jane by the waist and pulling her onto his lap. She laughed, and poured him a glass of juice.

"I don't know, Charles, if I can trust you," Jane looked at him doubtfully, rubbing his chin with delight. He had tiny whiskers growing in, and she thought it was hilariously cute.

"Why would you not be able to trust him?" Lizzy questioned, coming out of Williams's room, wearing shorts and a t-shirt. She shot Charles a glare, with both question and edge in her eyes, in which he smiled viciously.

"Well, before we left for the Bahamas, I made Charles promise nothing but kisses and cuddling," Jane blushed, "but he would sometimes try a little more. It was hard to keep him under control, but Charles is also a gentleman."

It was now Charles turn to blush, and he did, wildly.

"Oh come'on Jane, it would be fun, pillow fights and popcorn and maybe we could do our nails, just like when we were kids," Lizzy said, playfully ruffling her sister's hair.

"Oh no, Elizabeth Bennet, you girls can do that when Charles and I are far from the apartment. As much fun as girlie sleepovers sound, I've had quite enough of 'My Girl'," William looked annoyed, but then remembered, "and we still haven't watched the Matrix yet."

"Ooo, that's a good movie," Charles said, his eyes sparkling, "I like the girl in the red dress. Yowza!"

Jane playfully hit Charles upside the head, but hard enough to make him rub the back of his head, whining.

"But of course," he continued, "Jane is 10 million times hotter. A quadruple YOWOWOWZA!!! With three exclamation marks even," he looked up at Jane to see if she accepted his flattering apology.

"Good boy," she patted his head, and sat back down.

Lizzy shot Jane a smirk, and Jane smirked back, rubbing her hands through Charles hair, almost seductively. Charles closed his eyes, with great pleasure.

"You know I read somewhere that by giving a guy a head rub, its like giving them a motherly touch," Charles whispered, his eyes still closed.

"Perhaps," Jane smiled. Lizzy ruffled William's hair as well, but it didn't do much, considering that his hair was already incredibly messy from his restless sleep.

William, Charles, Lizzy, and Jane had all decided to take one more day off of work, to relax, mostly. Jane had agreed to stay with them all, and it was decided that Lizzy and Jane would stay in William's room, Mr. Darcy on the couch, and Charles in his own room.

The day was moving smoothly enough, Lizzy decided. She had taken a shower, which was extremely refreshing, and even began a very good book, which she enjoyed very much. It was called "The Curse of Chalion," which was extremely intelligent, and stimulated her mind extensively.

Jane decided that most of the day should be spent out on the balcony with Charles, discussing new things. That's all they ever did, besides kiss and cuddle. Talk. Two very big talkers. Of course they didn't talk much in front of anyone else, but when they were together, alone, they couldn't stop. There were so many things Jane wished to know about Charles, and so many things he wished to know about her.

Charles, who, as I said earlier, spent most of the day with Jane, also spent some time playing "golf" on his laptop, while Jane was taking a bubble bath. He did very well for not playing in awhile, and he actually enjoyed the electronic voice of birds on the green, and the swing of the club. Jane enjoyed the flickering candles in the bathroom and the soft tinkling of the bubbles.

"Technology these day," Charles chuckled to himself. He wasn't very much into the whole technology thing. That was more Darcy's field.

Darcy, on the other hand, wasn't as laid back as the other three. He decided that a walk would do him some good, and since it was a rarely sunny day (for Seattle of course), he decided it best to walk around the park.

He strolled along, hands in pockets, whistling softly to himself, and feeling happier than he had in a long, long time. The only thing that was missing was a girl.

Sure, Lizzy was great. Beautiful. Funny. Interesting. Smart. And so many more things.

But he wasn't sure if she even liked him like that, and he was having too much fun being her best friend.

Suddenly, walking along happily as he did, he noticed a girl sitting on the park bench, reading. A little poodle yapped at him, but he paid no attention.

She looked so peaceful sitting there, not making a sound, as the breeze blew by. It swayed the trees, and blew her hair. At his approach, she looked up intently. When she saw him, she put her bookmark in place and set the book down in her purse. She wasn't extremely gorgeous, but reminded him a lot of Elizabeth.

"Hello," she smiled sweetly.

"Hi," Mr. Darcy smiled too, "this seat taken?"

She scooted over as he took a seat on the bench.

"My name is Fitzwilliam Darcy," he put out his hand.

"Charlotte Lucas," she grazed his hand and shook it lightly.

"Oh, and my dog, Pinky," she tilted her head towards the dog, who began barking again.

"Uh, hi, Pinky," he attempted to pet his head, but the dog snarled.

"He's not very friendly, I admit. What are you doing in the park today, Mr. Darcy?" Charlotte asked, quizzically.

"Thinking, really," he said, taking a peppermint out of his pocket.

"Oh," Charlotte was apparently not one for many words.

"Would you like a peppermint?" Darcy asked, taking another one from his pocket.

"Thank you, no," she looked at him, and giggled.

"Are you single, Miss Lucas?" he asked, remembering that she had called him Mr. Darcy, not Fitzwilliam, and decided it would be safer to call her 'Miss Lucas'.

"Interesting question for a first meeting, but I am, indeed, Mr. Darcy. Why would that be of interest to you?" she blushed profusely.

As if she didn't know, he thought.

"Perhaps we could go to dinner one night this week? Or coffee?" Mr. Darcy stared into her eyes and saw something familiar. Those dark brown eyes.

"I would like that very much, sir, here is my number," she took a piece of paper out of her purse, and searched around for a pen, before finding one in the very bottom of her purse.

"I'll call you," he said, starting to stand.

"Leaving so soon?" Charlotte asked, disappointedly.

The dog started to yap again.

Darcy was startled. With her lack of words, it seemed she didn't really want him there.

"Oh, um, no, would you care to take a walk with me?" he held out his arm for her to take.

She did, and they walked along, with the little poodle yapping behind them.

"Really, Pinky, I thought you'd be better behaved!" Charlotte exclaimed, when she could tell Mr. Darcy was getting annoyed at the little buggers yaps.

She stood there looking at the dog, as if waiting for a reply. She's a little odd. Cute, but odd, Darcy thought.

"Its quite alright, come on, lets get going, I haven't been around this park before, and I'm anxious to look around," Mr. Darcy shuffled along, taking Charlotte with him, who wasn't ready for him to begin moving yet. The dog was suddenly yanked by her quick movement, causing the stubborn dog to be dragged by the collar. Darcy chuckled to himself at the surprised dogs expression.

"You haven't been to this park? How terribly unfortunate, Mr. Darcy!" Charlotte exclaimed, "come, I'll show you the best little fountain you shall ever see. Cute little thing," she smiled, and the two walked along and talked. They ended up spending a few hours at the park, buying two hot dogs along the way.

"I should probably be getting back to my apartment, good night Mr. Darcy," Charlotte released his arm, and walked to her tiny station wagon.

He nodded, and began walking back to his apartment, with Jane, Bingley, and Elizabeth waiting for him.

When he got there, Jane and Bingley were asleep on the couch. It, of course, folded out into a bed, so they were comfortably resting. They looked heavenly, really, so sweet and innocent looking, and so tired.

Lizzy suddenly emerged from the other room with two pillows and one very large blanket.

"Mr. Darcy. You've come back to us after all," Lizzy whispered. She picked up Charles head softly, and placed a pillow beneath it, and did the same to Jane. She then put the blanket over them both.

"Where am I gonna sleep?" Darcy questioned.

"On the floor," Lizzy mumbled. He looked at her, and realized the hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Charles's room?" he asked.

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner," she threw him a change of clothes, rather roughly.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked her, as she moved into William's room.

"Nothing!" she hissed, and almost slammed the door, before remembering Jane and Charles were asleep.

Darcy turned, and wondered what had gotten into her. Suddenly he remembered.

"Oh goodie," he sighed, "I've been through this with Georgiana. This should make for an interesting week."

Jane rolled over, expecting to hug a pillow, but got Charles rather instead.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, when she opened her eyes. Charles was propped up, with a huge grin on his face.

"I don't even want to know," she sighed, grabbing a pillow and hitting him the face. She turned around and laid her head back down on the pillow.

"Oh come now, Jane, nothing happened," Charles said. This was an on going conversation between the two. Always stuck in situations that looked like one thing, but were really another.

"Oh, yeah, ok, well, you startled me, and its early, so I couldn't remember," she said.

"Have the love birds awaken?" Lizzy asked, walking into the room. Jane shot her a look of embarrassment.

"We have," Jane said.. Charles wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"You guys are precious," Lizzy sighed, walking over to them. She sat down on the couch beside them, and starred, thinking of Julian for a moment.

"Thanks," Jane smiled, as Charles kissed her.

"Where's William?" Jane looked around.

"He came in after you guys had fallen asleep, and I think he's taking a shower," Elizabeth heard running water suddenly turn on.

"Oh, well, I should probably get ready for work," Jane said, grabbing her luggage that she had packed when she went back to her apartment.

"Good idea, I'll be in a little bit later, I do have a bit of a stomach ache," Lizzy gave Jane a look, which Jane understood immediately.

Jane went in the bathroom attached to Darcy's room(Darcy was of course occupying Charles shower, since the girls had now taken over Darcy's entire room and bathroom, filling it with powders, lipsticks, brushes, curling irons, crimpers, sparkles, perfumes, shadows, bobby-pins, clips, and lots and lots of pink!) and quickly changed, pulling her hair into bun, and slipping on her shoes.

"I'll tell Ms. Smith you'll be in late, unless you call and confirm otherwise," Jane said, grabbing for her purse.

"I'm going to go do my work in the coffee shop today," said Charles, coming out of his room, completely dressed in jeans and a nice shirt.

"I'll give you a ride," Jane smiled at him. They left, closing the door loudly behind them.

Lizzy decided to have tea in "her" room, and she was sure William wouldn't mind, so she made a cup. She took it in the room to sip, grabbing her book to read as well. She read for a few minutes, but decided that she really wanted some more tea, and since she had drank all in her cup, she would need to go to the kitchen to get some more.

She was looking at the floor, not really paying attention, when she heard William come out. She looked up and dropped her teacup, causing it to break and shatter in many different pieces.

Mr. Darcy was dripping wet, with nothing but a towel around his waist, and his wet hair slicked back. His hair looked wonderful all curly and wet, Elizabeth thought.

"Elizabeth! I had no idea you were here, I thought you had left with the others," he quickly grabbed a broom and helped her clean up, blushing and hurrying along, clumsily.

She was totally and utterly embarrassed beyond belief. He really was a very handsome guy. A very strong handsome guy. She shuddered, thinking about it.

"You shouldn't prance around in next to nothing, William, its just not right," she stated, her cheeks burning.

"I told you, I didn't know you were here, and I don't believe you were bothered by it," he smirked sarcastically.

Her face reddened even more.

The only thing she could think of was to stick her tongue out at him.

Darcy looked at her and laughed.

"Oh Lizzy," he smiled, "you're such a nut."

The next few days went by smoother, no handsome guys walking around the apartment, dripping wet. No blushing moody girls. It was rather peaceful.

After arriving from a date, Darcy threw his keys on the table and joined everyone, who were all watching a movie and eating popcorn.

Jane and Lizzy were starring intently at the TV, while Charles sat back, and greeted Darcy.

"You have to admit they look adorable in their pjs," Charles whispered to Darcy.

Darcy looked at them, and nodded his head in agreement.

"You guys, I just got done.." Darcy tried to say, but Lizzy whirled around and put her hands over his mouth. She smelled of vanilla. He rather enjoyed her fingers brushing against his lips.

"Hush! This is the good part," she said, frowning.

He grabbed her hands from his mouth and tickled her.

"Would you two stop flirting for one moment, the movies getting good," Charles playfully added, also frowning.

"We weren't flirting!" Lizzy argued.

"Uh huh," Jane mumbled, never moving her eyes from the screen.

"What was that?" Lizzy asked, not believing what her sister was suggesting.

"Nothing, I said watch the movie," she turned to look at Lizzy, and then back at the screen.

After the movie, and a box of junior mints, they all sat around on the couch, talking. Jane lay back in Charles's arms, as he was propped up against the couch. Lizzy lay sideways across the foot of the bed-couch, her head propped up against one hand. William sat on the left of Charles and Jane, tickling Lizzy's feet, and merely driving her crazy.

Lizzy kept unwrapping peppermints and junior mints, and lightly threw them at Darcy, who caught them in his mouth, gracefully.

After talking for a while, Darcy remembered what he was going to say earlier, when Lizzy had rudely interrupted him by putting her hands across his mouth. He later admitted he had even thought of biting her. He raised his eyebrows in amusement, but she quickly was screaming again as he ticked her feet. As you can tell, she is a very ticklish person.

"I met this girl, Charlotte. I went out on a date with her, and that's why I was late, but she really wants to meet you all, and invited us to go to club tomorrow evening," Darcy looked around at their faces, trying to decide if they looked interested or not. He wanted them to like her. She almost reminded him of Lizzy, just not as ... cocky?

"Sounds fun," Lizzy said, not particularly excited at the thought of Darcy and a girlfriend, but clubs were always interesting.

"Sure, count me in," Charles said, squeezing Jane's hand.

"Alright, I'll come along, " Jane agreed.

"Good good, now, I've got to get some sleep if we're gonna party tomorrow, and you all should too," Darcy said, shooing them off the couch. They decided he was right, and the girls left to their room, and Charles to his.

The next morning, Jane and Lizzy reluctantly went back to work, and Charles and Darcy did some of their own. They both realized they had been neglectful of their duties. I bet you're wondering what they do for work. Sadly, I'm not sure if they even know.

After a stressful few hours of rearranging data, checking stocks, selling and even buying through his online broker, and working rather hard, Darcy called it quits.

"Dinner should be nice, I'll make everyone something good before the club,"

While waiting for Jane and Lizzy to come home, he and Charles (for Charles wanted in on the dinner surprise), made string beans, linguini alfredo, steak, and some sodas to go with (they weren't big drinkers).

Lizzy and Jane appeared a short time after, dragging. Charles greeted Jane immediately, before they could see the food.

"It was so busy," Jane said, after he kissed her.

"No kidding," Lizzy sighed. Charles then let them through, and they both smiled.

"You guys!" the girls exclaimed, noticing the candles and everything.

"How cute!" Lizzy said kissing Darcy on the cheek.

He blushed, but pulled out her chair for her and bowed.

"This is great!" Jane exclaimed, tasting the steak and pasta.

The clock said almost eight, and after they ate, Darcy shooed the girls off to get ready. Jane and Lizzy had gone to Jane's house earlier to get some of their clothes for the club. When Lizzy moved out of Julian's place, she brought most of her stuff to Jane's, stuff she wasn't using.

Lizzy found her outfits, and so did Jane, and put them on. Lizzy wore a tight black skirt and a hot pink spaghetti strap blouse, with ruffles (hot pink and ruffles, don't ask me, but they were cute) and some hoop earrings. She crimped her brown hair, and decided to go with red lipstick and black boots that went to her knees. Charles saw her before Darcy, and even he said she looked absolutely stunning.

Jane looked as great as Lizzy also. She wore a baby blue dress, also spaghetti strap, and baby blue high heels. She had her hair pulled up with bobbie pins, but some curls escaped, and fell down, adding a sweet, yet sassy look to her.

"Come on girls, we're gonna be late!" Darcy called, tapping his watch. He was rather frantic, and wanted to leave. Charles was nervous too.

Suddenly, the girls emerged from the room, walking straight and tall, just like in a movie.

Darcy and Charles jaws dropped.

"Put your tongue back in your mouth, William," Lizzy said, moving by him, and out the open door, throwing the ends of her fingers in the air in a mocking and sassy way.

He was too shocked to make a sarcastic reply, but merely followed her out the door, silently. Charles was all over Jane before she had a chance to say anything.

"Charles, love, calm down," she gasped between a kiss.

"I've never seen anything more ravishing in my life, dearest Jane!"

"Jane! Come on!" Lizzy called from the hallway.

"Alright Lizzy," she tore herself away from Charles, and the two ran to catch up with Darcy and Lizzy, who were already in the elevator.

When they got to the Club, no one could hear anyone through the blasting music.

"This place is awesome!" Lizzy yelled over the music, as if she'd never been to one in her life.

"I can't believe Charlotte picked this place! She's so...quiet!" Darcy called.

Suddenly, a girl turned Darcy around and planted a kiss on him, extremely lightly. He was surprised, but finally saw Charlotte standing there, smiling again.

She looked cute, in her blue tank top and dark blue mini skirt. But not as gorgeous as Lizzy, even Darcy had to admit. And it was evident; by the way guys flocked around Elizabeth. Like seagulls, they were.

"These are my friends, Jane, Lizzy, and Charles," Darcy shouted, introducing them.

"Elizabeth? Jane? Bennet?" Charlotte asked, remembering.

"Charlotte? Is that you?" Lizzy cried. She jumped up and hugged her friend.

"That was interesting," Darcy mumbled, confused. He sat down at the table as the three girls chatted excitedly.

"This is my best friend from child hood, William!" Lizzy cried.

"Ah ha. That explains it," he muttered, still not excited, as both his date and best girl friend were talking wildly, and he was obviously not apart of the conversation.

After they had talked awhile, Darcy decided to take action.

"Would you like to dance, Charlotte?" he asked, after getting sick of sitting there, doing nothing.

"Would love to," she smiled, excepting his hand.

No matter, Lizzy thought to her self.

About seven guys began talking to Lizzy, and she laughed at all their attentiveness. A few tried to talk to Jane, but Bingley quickly deleted her from the conversations by asking her to dance. The music was slammin, the dancing was jammin, and the two couples had a great time. Even Lizzy had a blast, dancing with different guys, chatting with them, even getting many offers to buy her a drink. She declined them all, but with thanks. She admitted to herself she felt rather like hr younger, flirty sister Lydia.

Finally, after about four dances with Charlotte, he asked her if it would be all right if he asked Lizzy for a dance. She looked at him skeptically, but agreed.

"Lizzy, my one, true love," he said, looking into her eyes.

"Yes, William?" she asked, in an incredibly mushy and seductive way. The guys around Lizzy looked at her, horror in their eyes.

"Would you do me the honor of dancing with me, miss?" he asked, bowing.

"I would be most happy to, sir," she smiled, taking his hand.

When the dance began, she laughed.

"Did you see the look on those guys faces?" she asked loudly.

"Yeah, they couldn't believe how we were speaking. I guess were pros at that sort of rubbish, dontcha think?"

"Romantics, were are," Lizzy twirled around as they danced.

"Perhaps," he smiled, realizing that most of the guys were looking at them. Or rather Lizzy.

"I hope Charlotte doesn't mind me dancing with you," she looked at him.

"Not at all, don't you worry," Darcy said, wishing he could dance with her forever. No, sadly, he wasn't thinking anything romantic like that (ok, well, maybe a little), but he admitted she was very light on her feet, and fun to swing around.

After that, Lizzy went and asked Jane is she could borrow Charles for a moment. She agreed.

"Charles, would you like to dance with me?" Lizzy asked, twisting her hair, and looking at him sweetly as if she were incredibly shy.

"You're a tease, Liz. Sure," he looked over at Jane, who had accepted Mr. Darcy's invitation, and now they were all dancing on the floor.

"What do you think of Charlotte for Darcy?" Charles asked Lizzy while they were dancing.

"Well, I think she's great! Not necessarily for Darcy, but she's a good chic," Lizzy found Charles to be an even better dancer than Mr. Darcy.

"Why not for Darcy?" Charles asked, curiously. The song changed, but they kept dancing. Charles even dipped Lizzy, which Darcy noticed with much amusement.

"Well, she's REALLY shy, I mean, quiet and shy. And I know Darcy isn't her type, because she likes quiet guys too. Most of the guys she sees usually seem to be rather, well, lets say, intriguing."

Suddenly Lizzy looked over to see a funny man sitting next to Darcy.

"Come'on, lets go talk to them," she said, grabbing Charles arm. He followed her, along with about three other guys.

"Darcy, who's your friend?" Lizzy asked, not looking incredibly closely.

Darcy looked incredibly bored.

"This is Collins, as we've all called him. He's a great friend to my aunt, and my college friend," Darcy cringed at Collin's apparent excitement.

His jaw also dropped when he saw Lizzy.

"Oh, who's this?" he muttered to Darcy.

Darcy had to laugh. Did Collins not see all the other guys flocking around her? Like he stood a chance.

"Elizabeth Bennet," Darcy announced.

"LIZZY?! You look ravishing! So unlike you did those few years ago," Collins exclaimed loudly.

"Collins, hi," she smiled at him, but rather annoyed. She remembered when her parents had desperately tried to match her with him. That was an interesting bit of weirdness. She had avoided him ever since.

"What are you doing here?! Why, we were supposed to be married and everything.." he was cut of by Darcy.

"Married?!" Darcy exclaimed, not able to contain his smirk.

Lizzy explained the horrid story of the set up.

Suddenly Charlotte came back from the ladies room, and saw Collins sitting there, happily talking away.

As she approached, he stopped, to look at her. They looked at each other in a stare that could light a fire with its heat.

"Your ... friend?" Collins asked, astounded.

"My date, Charlotte, meet Mr. Collins,"

"Uh ... Hi," she muttered, unable to take her eyes off his bulging eyes and greasy looking hair. Oddly, she was extremely attracted to him. Extremely!

"Hello," he said in his most charming voice. It sounded more like a squeak.

They immediately went off dancing.

"Anything to get him out of here," Lizzy and Darcy sighed together. They looked at each other, and laughed at saying the same thing. Darcy hadn't really noticed that his date had took off.

Suddenly, Darcy's cell phone rang. He raced out side and opened it, where he could hear it.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hi, its Caroline, ,"

"What do you want?' Darcy asked, frustration building.

"Is your ...... refrigerator running?" Darcy could hear a man's voice on the other line too, trying to hold back laughter. It was obviously Julian's.

He hung up the phone, rather annoyed.

The phone rang again.

"Leave me alone, Caroline!" he shouted into the receiver.

"WHY FITZWILLIAM DARCY," the voice on the other side growled sternly.

"Mother?" he quivered.

"What are you doing, you rapscallion?" she demanded.

"Um, long story, mom, but you see, basically, Caroline and I broke up, thank heavens, and she just called me, and ... anyways, you called?"

"Yes, I want you to watch Georgiana for a few days, she'll be on a plane tomorrow,"

"Oh, that's unexpected," Darcy, said. His little sister was the world to him, but teenagers, especially girl teenagers, can be a pain sometimes.

"Yes, well, son, your father and I have to go do some paperwork about Pemberley and your fathers will, and we need someone to watch her. Plus, she's been missing her big brother anyway," the last hint got Darcy to agree, easily.

"Alright, I'll pick her up at, what time?" Darcy smiled. Perhaps he shouldn't worry.

"Around..9, I think. Anyhoo, darling, we all miss you and I'm sorry to hear about you and Caroline, I really am, and we MUST discuss matters further, but I've got to get going. Love you,"

"Love you too, mom,"

He hung up the phone and smiled. Georgiana was coming to visit.

0x01 graphic

Chapter 4

Posted on Friday, 24 May 2002

Fitzwilliam Darcy stood impatiently at gate five, waiting for his beloved sister to come out of the gate and into his new life.

'Everything here in Seattle is so much different than back home', he thought to himself.

Back home everyone had money and something about them that demanded immediate attention and utmost respect. No one would be seen in casual manner, everyone addressed everyone in the most highest regard. The houses in his neighborhood were named, the people in his neighborhood were class, and the children in his life were generally snobby. Everyone was perfect, or else you wouldn't be excepted. A sad state this left the poor Mr. Darcy in his youth, but eventually his boyish charms overtook everyone's dutiful attitudes, and he warmed the hearts of the entire neighborhood. Georgiana, sadly, was not so lucky. While Fitzwilliam could get away with murder, she was kept the closest of eye upon her. She had to be perfect, insisted the people. She was the most accomplished pianist for her age, she got straight A's in every subject, she wore the modest of clothing, far from what her friends wore. She wasn't the happy typical girl. She was the young lady kept under the microscope. Even subconsciously, Fitzwilliam tried his best to shelter her, and agreed full heartedly that she should stay in her uptight private school and do nothing but piano, tennis, violin, horseback riding, etc. While her friends had fun, Georgiana observed them from the window, while playing Mozart or Bach. A dreary existence from anyone's point of view, but it's the only life she ever really knew.

Fitzwilliam intended to keep it that way as well. This was going to a be very hard to have a life while Georgie was staying, but he resolved to keep a close eye on her, as she had always been watched, and that she shouldn't go anywhere without him. Was he ever wrong.

Georgiana shyly stepped out of the gate and moved towards her brother as the sweetest smile appeared on her angelic face. He took his sister in a tight embrace and quickly motioned for her to follow him to claim her baggage. Darcy wanted to greet his sister immediately, so he had a cab take him to the airport before Elizabeth got off work. Now Lizzy was off, and she had pulled up to the curb, ready to take the two Darcy's home.

"Georgiana, this is my good friend, Elizabeth Bennet," Mr. Darcy said, as the three struggled to pile Georgiana's trunks into the back of Lizzy's car.

"Lizzy, my sister, Georgiana," Darcy slammed the trunk closed and climbed into the drivers seat.

Lizzy gave him an annoyed look but he shrugged his shoulders and mumbled "What? Men are supposed to drive."

Lizzy flicked him in the back of the head.

"Oww," he said rubbing his head.

"Men and their pride," Lizzy chuckled.

Georgiana apparently heard Lizzy's soft chuckle, and laughed with her.

"Yes, I know all about their so called pride. Its nothing but arrogance and stupidity. I mean, I've read so many novels where the guy loves the girl so much, but his pride keeps him from telling her. Then he ends up doing something stupid, and the women always end up rectifying the situation. We wouldn't have to if they did things simpler. My boyfriend, Jasper-.." Georgiana quickly cut short, followed by an eerie silence.

Darcy quickly looked in the rearview mirror with a look of horror and annoyance.

"Boyfriend?" he asked in a deep voice, as if trying to sound stern. Lizzy laughed at the thought. She thought she heard a little 'eep' sound come from Georgiana.

"But William, he's just, and I'm 12, and he's so," Georgiana was then cut off by William.

"You are too young to have a boyfriend, Georgiana Darcy! Do mother and father know about this Jasper fellow?" Darcy was now apparently angry, but he tried incredibly hard to stifle it from showing.

How could his little sister even think of "dating" a boy at twelve years old?! Darcy's head swirled with thoughts of what he used to think of at twelve. Well, it really began about thirteen, but still. It annoyed him to think some perverted male was thinking of his beloved innocent sister any way that was inappropriate.

"Um, no," Georgiana whispered, but then she suddenly got panicked.

"William you can't tell them! They will be so mad! It's enough to have you angry at me!" her eyes widened and began to moisten with tears.

Darcy suddenly felt shameful. He couldn't be mad at Georgiana. How could he have shown so much anger. One problem Darcy hosted was anger.

"William, its none of my business, but she sounds innocent from what you told me of her, and I hardly think she would do anything.." Elizabeth looked back at Georgiana who was wiping her tears with a napkin out of the McDonalds bag in the back seat of the car.

"Elizabeth, she's twelve. She's my sister!" Darcy argued, not sure if he should be mad at Elizabeth for butting in, or happy that she took interest in his sister.

"Of course. As your sister, she wouldn't be less than perfectly innocent, right?" Elizabeth threw Darcy a wide and inviting grin, followed by a playful ruffle of his hair.

Georgiana stopped crying, to observe the playful pair.

When they finally reached the apartment, Darcy carried Georgiana's things up to the floor and set them down carefully.

"Georgiana, Elizabeth is one of my three roommates," Mr. Darcy said, looking around the apartment.

"Don't tell me you live with three girls, William," Georgiana smirked.

Darcy spun around to look at his sister, with a look of astonishment. Had she really said what she thought he said? Did she really smirk the way he thought she smirked? Did he just see a whole new side of Georgiana that he had never witnessed before?

Afraid and uneasy, he muttered,

"Two is quite enough," and looked at Elizabeth, who was trying drastically to keep herself from laughing out loud. The look on Darcy's face alone could have turned a whole room into an eruption of laughter. His eyes bulged, his lip quivered, and his eyebrow raised.

"Georgiana, my sister Jane and I would love another room mate, if you would like to stay there with us," Elizabeth offered, still replying Darcy's look in her mind.

Georgiana had let what was inside her out at a slip moment, and now felt good. She nodded at Elizabeth, and thanked her.

"There is a couch by the window, Georgiana. Set up your sleeping bag there, if you would," Mr. Darcy said ushering her to the girl's room.

"Alright William," Georgiana undid the bright pink sleeping bag and rolled it across the couch.

Suddenly the door opened and closed loudly from the front room.

"Darcy! Lizzy! We're home!" Charles called.

"Mr. Bingley is here too?" Georgiana said cluelessly.

"Georgiana!" Charles said, bursting into the room and hugging Georgiana tightly.

"How is the princess?" Charles asked, mockingly.

Georgiana always adored Charles Bingley. He entertained her with stories since she was incredibly little, and he always teased her, something no one did. Everyone thought she was fragile. Everyone though just because she was twelve, she couldn't do anything. Like a breakable doll.

It truly wasn't fair. Why, if Georgiana could be herself, she would have much more fun.

"Very well, sir," Georgiana said, bowing in a mock way as well. She teased him back, happily.

"Georgiana, would you like a peppermint?" Elizabeth asked, tossing her one of Williams.

"This is Jane, Elizabeth's sister. Jane, this is my sister, Georgiana," William made the introduction.

"Hello," Jane said sweetly.

Georgiana smiled a hello, but later told Darcy he liked how shy Jane was like herself, but at the same time joked along with the others. Darcy nodded in agreement, but then realized that's how Georgiana wished to be. It disturbed him greatly. After a dinner prepared by the girls, Darcy and Lizzy sat on the balcony, talking and sipping their tea.

"She's a sweet girl Lizzy, but I'm afraid she's going to try to grow up too fast. I mean, I did. I was learning about stocks at thirteen. My dad took me to his office regularly. I surprisingly only had about three girlfriends in high school. I was so busy most of the time," Darcy said, looking up into the sky, talking more to himself than Lizzy.

"Surprising," Lizzy said, with no emotion.

"Hey!" Darcy said, realizing what she meant.

"You really are wrapped up in work a lot though, William. Every morning you have to do your 'work'. I don't even know what you do, and why you have to do it here," Lizzy sighed and sipped her tea. She took a cracker from the plate on the middle of the small table. Everything was silent and peaceful.

"I didn't really HAVE to come here, but Charles and I wanted something different, really. I mean, we had to be here initially because a lot of customers were here, and in case I had to talk to them. But apparently they also sent this guy, Matthews, here, and they only really needed him. I couldn't get much work done with Caroline and my parents on my back all the time anyway. Its interesting when your parents demand that you succeed at work, but then insist that you are number one babysitter for your little sister and come to every family meeting, and come by Pemberley three times a week. The stress was literally killing me,"

"You never tell me anything, you know. If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have been at lost as to why you were here, which would have saved me the trouble of trying to understand,"

"Sorry, you never asked," William shrugged as he slowly unwrapped a peppermint.

"Oh, you would never guess what I got," Lizzy said, suddenly excited.

"What?" Darcy asked. They both were being completely sluggish, except for Lizzy's sudden burst of excitement.

"I got you something!" she ran in the house and came back with her purse.

She pulled out a small bag, containing peppermints.

Darcy took the bag and read it aloud.

"Coffee-flavored peppermints," he said, laughing.

"I thought you would like them," Lizzy smiled.

"Thanks Liz," he said, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek.

Lizzy blushed softly, but pulled her robe tightly over her nightgown, shyly.

"Could I take Georgiana to the space needle tomorrow?" Lizzy asked, opening the bag for Darcy.

"Oh, I don't know. I was planning for her to stay home, I don't know if I want her going out," William said protectively.

"Oh, come on William! She's twelve. What are you going to do? Keep her cooped up in an apartment all day? As long as she stays here? She'll be with me, I'll watch her," Elizabeth set her cup down and looked William squared in the eye.

"I don't know," William said, avoiding her eyes.

"William, I'm not taking her to a male strip club for goodness!" Lizzy whined.

"Well, THIS is good to know!" William said standing up and heading for the door.

Elizabeth grabbed his arm.

"William," she pushed out her lip and pouted.

Mr. Darcy enjoyed the touch of her hand to his arm, and how sweet she looked.

"Oh, alright," Mr. Darcy gave in.

"Did you say we were going to the space needle?" a voice came from the door.

"We're you listening to us?" Darcy starred at his sister, who stood looking at them in her pink pajamas and fuzzy slippers.

"A little," Georgiana looked sad.

"How much did you hear?!" Darcy asked, worrying that she heard Lizzy's strip club comment.

"Just about a space needle," Georgiana lied. What was she supposed to say? It was hard not to watch her brother talking to this lovely girl. Georgiana never liked Caroline much anyway.

Darcy doubted his sister, but sent her to bed. He said that, if she went right to sleep, Elizabeth could take her to the Space needle in the morning. She smiled and hugged her brother goodnight. She then looked to Lizzy.

"I know we'll have a great day tomorrow, Miss Bennet," Georgiana smiled happily.

"Call me Elizabeth, or Lizzy," Lizzy smiled.

William raised a curious eyebrow, but said nothing.

"Alright ... Elizabeth. Thank you for your proposal. I'll see you in the morrow," Georgiana spun around and shifted off to her sleeping bag.

"Does she always talk like that?" Elizabeth asked curiously.

"Since she was little. My parents, her teachers, and I have tried to educate her in the best way possible. We never sheltered her from knowing new words. She used to ask the meaning of what we said, and we told her. My sister is very intelligent," Mr. Darcy smiled widely, obviously proud. The little blonde curly headed girl was his pride and joy. His sister.

Of course they had tiny spats and disagreements, but they loved each other. Georgiana just wished Darcy would treat her just a little bit like a friend, rather than a daughter or some such.

Darcy babied her, and all she wanted was his respect and confidence. She wanted someone to talk to. The next morning that's just what she got. Elizabeth Bennet woke her up with a smile.

"Get up, Georgiana, the bacon is almost done, but the toast is ready, come eat."

Georgiana walked into the kitchen to find everyone eating. Jane was completely ready and reading the newspaper.

"I'm off to work," she smiled. She kissed Charles(new information to Georgie, apparently Charles and Jane were dating) and left.

Mr. Darcy, too, was dressed, and talking to Charles and Lizzy.

"I called Charlotte, and let her down easy. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now," he said, his mouth a little full.

"Oh, please, Darcy, she was smitten with that Collin's fellow," Charles jabbed. He knew Darcy really had no feelings for Charlotte anyway. He just wished it had been a little longer. It was good of Darcy to have someone to occupy his time.

Lizzy was dressed as well, and she was pouring coffee and serving bacon.

"Come, sit down," Elizabeth called as she saw Georgiana appear.

"Morning sleepyhead," Mr. Darcy said, not looking up from his newspaper.

"Morning everyone," she whispered. To be a child surrounded by adults is interesting, I assure you.

Everyone mumbled a good morning, but soon Jane had hurried off to work, Charles had followed, and Darcy had disappeared into the back to take a shower. Georgiana and Lizzy were the only ones left.

"So, Georgiana, tell me about this Jasper fellow," Lizzy sat down in a chair across from Georgiana and threw her hands drastically on the table.

"You won't tell William?" Georgiana asked cautiously. She was a tad skeptic around this new girl who apparently didn't know the rule of treating Georgiana as a child. Why, it was forbidden to treat her as a friend. That would be simply scandalous!

"Me? Of course not! William doesn't need to know. It will be between us girls," Lizzy poured Georgiana some more juice, and then looked at her.

"Spill," Elizabeth smiled, a very mischievous smile.

The smile was returned with another mischievous smile from the other.

"Well," Georgiana blushed, "He's about three inches taller than me, he plays football, loves to read, and write, he's got brown hair and green eyes, and oh, his SO sweet!" Georgiana took another bite of food, and looked up, somewhat reminiscing.

"Sweet? How?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, don't tell William, but he wrote me a poem. My very own poem!"

"How sweet! I wish I had a boyfriend who would write ME a poem!" Elizabeth suddenly turned to see Mr. Darcy standing there looking at her curiously.

"What was that?" My. Darcy raised his eyebrow again. Elizabeth shuddered with delight. She loved it when he did that!

"Nothing at all, William. Merely girl talk," Elizabeth smirked and stood up, faking a very elaborately haughty personage.

"What are you going to do today, anyway?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, I plan on working, and then, umm, maybe join Jane and Charles down at the coffee shop for a little java," Darcy picked up his briefcase.

"That's my little java king," Elizabeth said, "Be off with you!"

"As my fair queen wishes of me," Darcy bowed and exited the room, leaving a joyous Elizabeth and confused Georgiana.

"Your brother is certainly entertaining, Georgiana, you must admit,"

"Perhaps. He seems to like you well enough though," Georgiana washed off her dishes and headed for the bathroom.

"What do you mean by that?" Lizzy asked.

"Oh, nothing, you two are just adorable, that's all. I'm going to go take a shower, I'll be out in a few minutes," Georgiana left, leaving Lizzy stumped.

A little bit later, Elizabeth and Georgiana were walking down the streets, toward the Needle, talking happily of past boyfriends, and future boyfriends as well.

"I hope I find a guy soon," Elizabeth sighed, " I mean, the last one I had turned out to be bisexual. He was a jerk, though, I must say. A drunkard."

Suddenly the thought occurred to her that she was talking to a twelve-year old.

"Sorry, Georgiana! I forgot for a moment that you were so young. You act very mature,"

Georgiana smiled and nodded.

"I admit, I love your company, Lizzy. You don't make me feel like a child, as everyone else does. There are very few people that treat me almost like an equal. Jasper is one of them though," Georgiana took a small piece of paper out of her pocket.

"What's that?" Lizzy asked.

"A note from Jasper. He told me not to read it until today," Georgiana unfolded it, happily taking her time.

"What's it say?" Elizabeth asked. Georgiana chuckled at the excitement Elizabeth showed.

Dear Georgiana,

I'm going to miss you while you're gone. Can you call me? I know its long distance, but I'll accept the charge. Anything to talk to you. I hope Mrs. Sanders didn't see this note that I passed you. Don't forget, you aren't supposed to be reading this until the time we discussed, so if you are, stop now! J Its going to be hard not talking to you for a while. In our next game, I'll score a touch down for you. Could you write me? Well, I have to go, the bell just rang.


Elizabeth looked at Georgiana's smiling face.

"He said he's going to miss me!"

"He did!" Lizzy exclaimed.

"Oh, I miss him now!" Georgiana looked at the side walk.

"It's ok, you're going to go home soon anyway,"

"Yes, but then I won't get to see you! Or my brother! Or anyone!" Georgiana looked at a pigeon that flew past them.

"Of course you will. You can visit any time you like! My door is ALWAYS open," Lizzy ruffled Georgiana's curls, and Georgiana giggled.

"Thanks, Liz. I really needed a friend."

"Anytime at all! Oh, look, there it is," Elizabeth pointed ahead of them at a huge "building". It was basically an elevator leading up to a round, alien ship type, rotating disk attached to the top.

"We're going up it?" Georgiana exclaimed, as Elizabeth pulled her toward the doors.

"Of course, they have some rather good food up there!"

The two girls went to the top. When they got there, a host took them to their seats, handed them menu's, and promised them a waiter would be by shortly.

Georgiana had never seen anything like it. The entire restaurant was moving. Very very slowly. It rotated fully, giving the diner a full view of Seattle.

Georgiana sat close, and peered down at the ant-like people below.

"We're up so high!" she exclaimed as a waiter came by and poured them each a glass of ice water.

"Indeed, I rather like heights such as these. Very controlled, and safe," Elizabeth looked down, too.

"And what are these?" Georgiana asked, picking up one of the many sugar packets passing them. Considering that the entire restaurant was spinning slowly, one could write on a sugar packet, put t down on the ledge of the "window", and an hour later, could pick it back up, and it would be the exact one you put down.

"Monika Fisher, Phoenix, Arizona. Ducks rule!," Georgiana read, picking up a sugar packet, as she passed by them.

"I agree. But I like Frogs too, frogs are cool," Elizabeth commented.

"And don't forget fish," Georgiana piped up. The two laughed at their interesting conversation topic.

"Oh, here is another one," Elizabeth said, picking up a blue packet.

"It just says "Eby". Oh, no wait, here. It says "Eby. Yes, I am singing in the rain,"

Georgiana chuckled.

"I know there's a lot of rain here, but I've never known anyone to sing in it. Most people get rather annoyed at this rain, as I've heard," Georgiana saw a waiter walk towards them.

"Hello, ladies, what can I get for you?" a very handsome waiter asked.

"Hello, um, well, lets see, a garden salad for me, and for my friend?" Elizabeth looked at Georgiana.

"The same for me, please. With ranch," Georgiana closed her menu and smiled.

"That's all you want?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I was hoping, instead of eating a big lunch, we could save room for a hot dog in the park," Georgiana smiled.

"That's my girl! You're even beginning to think like a Seatleian,"

Elizabeth handed the menus to the waiter, and he left.

"Here," Georgiana picked up another packet. A fun game it was to read these silly little packets.

"Blakeley Browne, Potatoes don't last forever, but friends will always be there," Georgiana looked at Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked at Georgiana. At the exact same time, the two burst out laughing.

"Must be some weird code thing or something. A nickname for some guy or something," Elizabeth said. Georgiana nodded.

"Oh, and here's one. Thomas Agulara Jr., we will miss you dearly,"

"That is sad," a few moments passed, as the two thought about it. Finally an idea hit Georgiana.

"Can I write one, Lizzy?" Georgiana asked happily.

"Most certainly," Elizabeth said, finding a pen in the bottom of her purse.

Georgiana concentrated hard on making the sugar packet look just right.

"What's it say?" Elizabeth wondered, picking up another sugar packet.

Georgiana blushed.

"Georgiana Darcy, I love Jasper."

"Very nice," Elizabeth commented.

"Here, I wrote one. Elizabeth Bennet, Drink more coffee,"

Suddenly she pointed out the window. Below them was a large swimming pool with a Coke-A-cola sign on the bottom in bright red.

"Do you like Coke?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh, yes, I love it. Once, William was in a good mood, and let me have a sip of his. I'm not allowed to drink coke," Georgiana looked into her lap, rather sadly.

Elizabeth looked astonished.

"A girl deprived of Coke? Why, that's just not right! Would you allow me to help you break the rules?" Elizabeth had her devious look on her face.

"What do you mean?" Georgiana asked.

"Waiter! Excuse me, could I have two cokes please?" Elizabeth asked sweetly. The waiter smiled.

"Of course," he was off, and a minute later, was back with two bubbling, fizzy cokes.

"Are you sure? I mean, can I?" Georgiana looked at the soda with eyes of a young child about to open a Christmas present.

"Of course, drink up!" Elizabeth said, holding up her glass as a cheer.

"To a happy day in Seattle, and to our love life," Elizabeth laughed.

Georgiana hit her glass to Lizzy's and downed the coke.

"I've never seen anyone drink so quickly," Elizabeth said, " Are you ok?"

"I've never felt better!" Georgiana giggled. She could feel the caffeine bubbling within her.

The salads soon arrived, and thankfully, Georgiana was able to control her hyper ness.

"This is so much fun, Lizzy, thank you so much!"

"I admit, you are a fun companion as well!" Lizzy took a bite of her salad as dressing dribbled down her chin.

"Perhaps saving some for later?" Georgiana teased.

"But of course. I could always use some salad dressing," Elizabeth wiped her mouth, when the waiter suddenly walked by.

"Here is the check," the waiter smiled a flashy smile.

"Thank you," Elizabeth smiled back.

When he had left, Georgiana looked at her.

"You think he's cute, don't you?" Georgiana asked.

"Well, maybe," Elizabeth said, as if she had something to hide.

Lizzy opened the little black book to take out the check.

"What's this?" Lizzy asked, holding up a small piece of yellow paper.

'Your number?' was scrawled out in neat hand writing.

"Ooo, the waiter put that in here!" Lizzy gasped.

"Well? Give him your number!" Georgiana said impatiently.

"Oh, alright!" she wrote her number on the piece of paper, and shoved it, along with the check money and a nice tip, in the book.

The two then left the restaurant, but not before Lizzy winked at the waiter.

After the two had wandered through town a little, looking around at clothes, trying on things, looking at all sorts of souvenirs, they both walked up to the park.

"Two hotdogs, with everything," Elizabeth ordered. Georgiana nodded, as the hot dog stand man reached into his hot dog cart.

"Five dollars," the man said. Georgiana looked at his little red and white striped uniform, and little red hat. The man looked rather funny, but had a nice job. Who wouldn't like to stay out here in nature? Surrounded by the lovely park, instead of being cooped up in a huge house. The house was, indeed, lovely, but not if you see it every day, non-stop.

When they wandered in later, Darcy was up, reading.

"I thought you two would never be back," Darcy said, sternly, not looking up from his paper.

Elizabeth came over and sat on his lap, which caused him to, don't ask me why now, put his book down. She had certainly caught his attention.

"Elizabeth," he said, rather panicky, in a low voice.

"Oh hush William, Georgiana knows about my secret love. I love him, William. Its he I love. You are just a pawn in my game," Lizzy laughed a menacing laugh, as she threw her head back. She was very capable of an evil laugh, I assure you.

She tipped back, while her hands rested tight enough around his neck.

"What love do you speak of?" asked Darcy, curious.

"I'll leave you two alone, I'm going to go, umm, write," Georgiana hurried off to her room.

"No, you don't have to leave us," Darcy tried to say, but was too late, for Georgiana had already closed the door.

"Now it is only you and I, sir, alone, happily alone," Elizabeth smirked.

Darcy could tell Elizabeth was in a very playful mood, and decided to act upon it.

"Well, madam, I suppose we are. Yet, I find no reason to do anything about it, considering that I am just a pawn, in this illustrious game of yours," Mr. Darcy stood, slowly, giving Elizabeth enough time to get off his lap, and stand, in playful frustration.

"Did I say that sir? It was merely for the protection of your poor sisters ears! I merely wanted to save her the trouble of hearing a love story in the making, about to unfold before her eyes. I decided I must do something to stop it, before we had gone any further," Elizabeth wrapped her arms around William's neck again, although he did nothing to become closer to her, yet stood there, as stone.

"I don't believe you," William frowned.

"Oh, dear, kind sir. Don't you take the word of a lady?" Elizabeth asked, sweetly stroking his cheek.

"I don't believe I should," Darcy grabbed Elizabeth's wrist from his cheek, as Elizabeth drained in color, horrified.

"How could you be so?" she cried, throwing herself into a chair, sobbing un controllably. She buried her face in her hands. Darcy looked at her, sternly. Suddenly, Georgiana burst into the room.

"What on earth is going on? Why is Lizzy crying? William, what did you do?" Georgiana cried.

Suddenly, Lizzy looked up. No sign of emotion or tears on her face. Georgiana stared at her.

"Uh, William," Elizabeth looked to Darcy, who had a look of confusing on his face.

"Georgiana, we're not serious," William said, sitting down. Lizzy began laughing hysterically, thinking it funny that Georgiana believed them.

"I guess. William.. I guess we're good actors, eh?" Lizzy laughed. Darcy, too, began laughing

"You two are insufferable!" Georgiana said in exasperation. She flung her arms into the air with frustration.

"Oh, come now, Georgie, come sit down," Lizzy said, still laughing.

Georgiana sat next to Lizzy, with a pouty face about her.

"We're just silly, that's all, don't worry," Elizabeth said to Georgiana.

"You both are extremely convincing you know," Georgiana smiled.

"Why thank you," Lizzy motioned for William.

"Mr. Darcy, would you make us some hot coco? Please?" Elizabeth pouted.

"I suppose," William sighed.

"So, then, you probably didn't tell William about the waiter," Georgiana said as William handed her a cute mug with a big Mickey Mouse on the front.

"What?" William asked, sitting down across from them on the couch.

"I gave a waiter at the Needle my number," Elizabeth said, sipping the coco and starring at the tiny marshmallows floating around in her cup. Suddenly she pictured the tiny marshmallows floating around in the coco, smiling to themselves, as they relaxed and reclined, in their warm little Heaven.

"Hmmmm," Darcy said, also sipping some coco.

"He was cute too," Georgiana said softly.

"What?" Darcy asked, wretchedly. His little sister should stop growing up now. Just stop. Stay nine forever.

"She's right," Elizabeth laughed..

"I can't leave you two alone! ELIZABETH! You're corrupting my sister!" Darcy exclaimed, standing up. He was so upset, yet in an extremely funny way, that Elizabeth couldn't help but stifle a chuckle.

"William, the only thing corrupting me is being so sheltered," Georgiana spoke out.

"What on earth are you talking about, girl?" Darcy asked, looking at his sister.

"Breathe, William," Elizabeth said, standing and taking him by the shoulders.

"Sit down," she said firmly.

He didn't say anything, but obeyed.

"Listen to me, Darcy. Your sister and I had fun today. She's a great kid, and you have got to stop looking past that,"

"But I don't look past that, I know she's great,"

"Yes, but she doesn't know that you know," Elizabeth sat down next to Darcy. He looked at Georgiana. She sat there, tears rolling down her cheek. She was always very sensitive. But Lizzy was right! She was a great kid. And he didn't even give her any recognition for that.

"Georgie, you are a great girl, I'm sorry for being so sheltering. You should have a life. I'll talk to mom and dad," he said. Georgiana looked up, bright as could be. She practically jumped on Darcy, giving him huge bear hug.

"William, all I want is to be normal. Kids even think that I'm snotty, just because I'm not allowed to play with any of them, but maybe mom and dad will listen to you," she smiled so hard, and so wide, he was afraid she would wake up the next morning with her mouth hurting.

"I'm going to bed, thank you William! Thank you," Georgiana left the two once more, very happily.

"See, that wasn't so hard," Lizzy said, happily, as she watched Georgiana bounce off to her room.

"Thank you," William said, seriously.

"For what?" Elizabeth asked, confused.

"For helping me realize that my sister is still a person, and for being there for her. And for me."

"For you?"

"Yes, for me."

Just then, Darcy leaned over and kissed Elizabeth. The kiss wasn't a long kiss, with music playing in the background as petals magically dropped from the ceiling and doves flew about the air or anything. The kiss was actually rather interesting. Darcy acted on impulse. He had kind of realized he had liked Elizabeth so much when Georgiana and she had been gone the whole day. And now Elizabeth was helping solve a very long problem. Maybe it was just the playful act they had put on before. Maybe it was the fact that her brown hair was tumbling around her shoulders, and that her eyes were lit up with delight for Georgiana. Whatever it was, it made him kiss her.

She certainly hadn't expected it either. At first, she was somewhat, freaked out. But after a second or two, she relaxed, and the kiss became more of the magical fairytale kind.

When they parted, Darcy looked into her eyes, very deeply.

"Ah, m'lady. Sweet lady, you are indeed."

She looked into his brown pools, also known as eyes, and slowly put her hands on his arms, trembling just a moment. She looked at him, long and hard, smiling at his lips. His sweet, gentle lips. Suddenly, panic arose, and she stood up quickly, and raced into the bedroom. Darcy was so stunned, that he knew not what to do. He just put on his jacket, and walked down stairs to his car.

Jane and Charles were closing up the coffee shop when he got there, but he urged Jane to let him borrow Charles a moment.

"I kissed her," Darcy said frantically.

"Good show, Darcy! Good show!" Charles said merrily. He patted Darcy on the back.

"No, no, its not good. We kissed, and it was great, Charles, she's an amazing kisser, but as soon as we parted, she fled from the room into the bedroom. I was stunned, so I just came down here. What am I going to do?"

"Oh, Darcy, Jane and I both knew you liked each other. If you only knew how obvious it was," Charles chuckled, putting a chair upside down on the table.

"No, Charles, you don't get it! She rejected me, now what do I do?"

"I suppose you do nothing. Just wait," Charles shrugged his arms.

"Easier said than done, sir," Darcy sighed.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth hid in the bathroom, sorting out her feelings.

"He kissed me, girl, he kissed me! What does this mean? Can I possibly handle this? This is your best friend, Elizabeth! Aside from Jane, this man is your confidant, friend, companion. What could this kind of relationship do to you both? Could it work?" Elizabeth said on the floor, little tears trickling down her cheek. She was crying from frustration.

"Oh, but you like him so much, Lizzy!" she cried aloud. She quickly flung her hands over her mouth, looking around her.

"What on earth did I just say?" she asked herself.

"My subconscious is playing mind games with me again," Lizzy sighed to herself. Suddenly, she heard the door open, and then close. There were three sets of foot steps, and she could hear two going into the other room, as the third plopped himself down into a chair.

She decided she should talk to him.

Slowly she reveled herself from the room.

Darcy stood immediately.

"Elizabeth, I..." Darcy started to talk, but she pulled her hands up to her lips, and made a "hush" sign.

Then she moved toward him, all the while he was looking at her with utmost astonishment.

She then slowly kissed him, lightly. When she parted from his lips, he kept his eyes closed, not really sure of what just happened.

Suddenly the phone rang.

"Hello?" Lizzy answered.

"Hi, I'm not sure of her name, but I'm the waiter in the Needle today. My name is Robert," the man on the other line said.

"Hi, Robert," she said.

"I wanted to know if you, I'm assuming you're she, would like to go out with me next Saturday," Robert asked sweetly.

"I'm sorry, Robert, but I'm kind of taken. I just didn't know it when I gave you my number," she looked at Darcy sweetly.

"Oh, ok, sorry to bother you then," Robert said, a sound of rejection in his voice.

"No, not at all. Thanks for the offer,"

"Anytime, good bye," he hung up.

"Who was that?" Darcy asked, as Lizzy came and sat down next to him.

"Robert, from the Space Needle," she replied.

"He asked you out?"


"And you said?"

"I said, no, of course."

Suddenly, Darcy was struck. This girl, this amazing girl that he liked, was giving up all for him. How great! He had finally found the girl! Hw he just wanted to gather her in his arms and demand a kiss from her right there. But then he realized, this would mean commitment. And what if they broke up? To lose a friend would simply kill him. But it would kill him more if he lost that chance at a real love relationship. Wouldn't it? Being with Lizzy meant no more dating, besides her. What if she turned out like Caroline. Sweet, until you date her. Crazy to say it, but Caroline and Darcy had once been good friends. Until they started seeing each other.

'Maybe,' he thought,' I can just date her, not go steady.'

"Why?" asked Darcy, nonchalantly. This was the best way to go. No serious relationships.

"Because. Aren't we going out?"

"We kissed each other, an amazing kiss, but that's all," Darcy said.

"That's all?" Elizabeth looked at him, utterly hurt.

"Well, we can date other people, can't we? It was just a kiss, not something to ruin a friendship over or some such thing," Darcy mumbled.

Darcy knew not what he was saying, I promise you that. The thought of commitment struck him, and the thought of committing again, seemed like a Caroline trip all over again.

"Yes, um, of course," Lizzy mumbled. She began to cry here, softly. So Darcy hopefully wouldn't hear or see her.

Suddenly, the phone rang again.

"Hello?" she mumbled.

"Lizzy?" the voice asked.

"Who is this?"

"Julian," the voice practically whispered.

"Julian?" Elizabeth asked.

Darcy looked up, suddenly rather frightened.

"Elizabeth, I've been so stupid. I can't believe I would think of dumping you. Lizzy, I love you," Julian groveled.

Elizabeth looked at Darcy, and then thought.

"Can you pick me up in ten minutes?" Elizabeth asked.

"You bet, I'm on my way out now," Julian said.

"See ya soon," she clicked off the phone.

"Who? What?" Darcy asked impatiently.

Tears still streamed down Elizabeth's face.

"I'm just, um, going to go over to Julian's. He wants to talk to me," Elizabeth whispered. Darcy looked at her.

"You're not really going over to his house, Lizzy! You can't," .He looked at her, with tears forming slowly in his eyes. Why was he being so stupid?

'Tell her how you feel, you moron!' Darcy said to himself.

"Don't go," he said.

"You just said you weren't ready for a real relationship,"

"Elizabeth, he's not right for you, and you're not right for him," Darcy said, grabbing her hand.

She let him take her hand, and she stopped crying, but merely looked at him.

"He just wants to talk to me, William," she looked at him, pitied his frustrated and sad look.

Then she hugged him, opened the door, and left.

Chapter 5

Posted on Monday, 17 June 2002

As soon as Elizabeth closed the door, Darcy slumped back into the chair. Not to mention the utter despair he was feeling for himself, he was actually rather worried about Elizabeth. And rather annoyed at himself for his stupid lack of judgment. Ok, so he did like her, it was now obvious. More than just like. He loved her. But could he possibly admit it to anyone? He could barely even admit it to himself. Barely.

Caroline really did a number on him. He was terrified now of relationships. Sure, there were girls like Charlotte, who didn't mean anything, just a good time. But Lizzy was different. Julian did NOT deserve to be with Elizabeth. But what about Darcy himself? Did he deserve her?

That's the hard part. He didn't think so.

"I've behaved like an utter fool," he mumbled under his breath.

"H***, I AM an utter fool."

He looked at his watch, and then to the cabinet, where he managed to take out a wine glass and a nice big bottle of wine. There he remained, slumped in a chair, sipping his wine, and counting his woes.

While the poor man drank and drank, Elizabeth drove. She drove slowly, seeing through tear stained eyes. Julian's apartment was only a few more miles, and she could certainly make it. But no, she couldn't. She, on the spur of the moment, pulled into a gas station, and sat there, the car humming quietly. She wiped her eyes with her hands. Noticing her mascara was running badly, she quickly checked herself in her rear view mirror. Elizabeth decided to take a moment to reflect.

What was she doing? She didn't love Julian anymore, but Darcy had hurt her. How was she to trust him? With her? With anything?

She pounded her steering wheel with the thought of him. His insensitive self. His face flooded her mind, causing her to remember all the times they had stayed up late watching movies, or taken walks in the park. She smiled at the very thought of him taking off his coat and placing it over a puddle for her. A very non essential action, but very dear to her fun loving and romantic heart.

The best thing for her, she thought, was some food. Parking her car, she walked up to the small food mart near the station.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" the cashier lady asked. Elizabeth peered at the nametag on the woman's shirt, which read "Margaret", then up at the face. The woman was wearing bright pink lipstick, blue eye shadow, and looked to be in her late 50's. The woman smacked her gum loudly.

"Men trouble, I guess you could say," Elizabeth said, sniffing.

"Here," the woman handed her a tissue. The place was completely desolate, no one around at all.

After Elizabeth had received her change, she took her pint of ice cream, thanked the lady, and walked back to her car.

The ice cream, of course, reminded her even more of that stubborn Darcy. She started the car, driving once again towards Julian's.

Yet suddenly she swerved into a U turn, deciding she simply couldn't go back to Julian. No matter how idiotic Darcy was, she wouldn't suffer Julian just to torment Darcy. She made up her mind. Taking her cell phone, she called Julian.

"Julian, it's me. I can't come over," she said into the phone. The signs on the side of the road seemed to pass quickly as she watched the taillights of the truck ahead of her.

"Why not?" he asked, sounding very disappointed and angry. Even sounding a little drunk.

"I don't know, I just can't. I have to go.(she paused for a moment). Bye," she hung up the phone and threw it down into the passenger's seat. The phone rang again, but she didn't answer it. When she reached her destination, she was tired and her face incredibly wet. She had thought it over. She couldn't go back to the apartment right now. Therefore, she couldn't find Jane to talk to. All her friends were either out of town or wouldn't understand. She didn't have as many "friends" as you would think, considering that she usually saw right through people. She walked up the steps to the dark and shadowed house, and knocked softly on the door. No answer was heard. The tire swing in the front swung softly with the wind, and Lizzy knocked again, but still, no answer. Finally, after a moment or two, the door creaked open, and the lady inside peered out.

"Elizabeth Bennet, what on earth are you doing here at this time of night? I was quite disturbed to hear a rapping on the door, when I was sitting here, all happy. The baby is actually asleep for once," Elizabeth smiled as the woman opened the door wide enough to let the cold girl in.

"Mary, its horrible, and I don't know what to do. I know you live so far out here, but I need somewhere to stay. I can't go back to Darcy, he's a freaking emotional roller coaster. One minute he is kissing me, and the next, he doesn't think we should be a couple. I'm tired of "just dating". With Darcy, it's a lot more special. And Julian called me too. He wanted me to come over. But I can't. I don't know what to do," Elizabeth collapsed into Mary's arms, and held her tightly.

Mary moved her over to the couch.

"Sit down Lizzy, you shouldn't have drove for so long, and so late," Mary looked at her sister. Mary was younger than Elizabeth, but seemed to have everything going for her.

Being the "outcast" sister for so long, Mary had learned to deal with solitude. She often spent a lot of time alone you know. Yet, at such a young age, the girl had met a man who loved music and reading as much as she. A year later, the two were happily married, and now had a brand new baby girl, named Desserae.

"I know," Lizzy replied, accepting another tissue from Mary, who grabbed a pillow and blanket out of the closet for Lizzy.

"Lay down, Lizzy, I'll get you some tea," Mary said, leaving the room for a moment. Lizzy looked around, smiling at the china cabinet which included some of her mother's favorite china. She also looked at the stuffed animal bears sitting in the corner which were a present from Lizzy a few years ago for Mary's birthday.

"Here you are," Mary presented the tea, and took a seat next to Lizzy.

"Do you need something to sleep in?" Mary asked sweetly.

"Please. Mary, you are so different than we all thought you would turn out," Elizabeth said, sighing, talking somewhat to herself.

"What do you mean?" Mary asked, an inquisitive look appearing on her face.

"Well, we all thought you would be a punk rocker or some silly sort," Lizzy said quietly. Mary looked at her, her head tilted to the side. Elizabeth stared off into space, rather disturbingly.

"Hold on a moment, I'll go get you some of my pjs," Mary said, and left the room again. Lizzy decided she really didn't like to be alone.

Mary handed her the pajamas as soon as she came back, but just as she was about to sit down, the baby began crying.

"You get into your pjs and I'll go get the baby. I'll be right back," Mary left once more. Lizzy hopped into the cozy pajamas, and snuggled into the blanket. When Mary returned, her older sister was fast asleep. Mary smiled, kissed her on the forehead, and went back to her bedroom.

The next morning was interesting for both of the silly people we have come to know and love. I suppose I'll tell Darcy's morning first.

Darcy woke slowly. Very slowly. In fact, I even speculate as to weather he actually awoke at all, the way he moved about.

He apparently had a very severe hangover, because he threw up twice, and had to get a large packet of frozen peas to help his head ache. Jane and Charles had come in incredibly late, and Georgiana had fallen asleep much earlier. Darcy looked at the clock when he finally sat up from the couch. It was nearly 12:30.

Darcy walked over to the counter, either to get something to drink or some more Advil. A small note was left on the table, which read:


You were asleep, so we didn't bother to wake you. We've gone out to lunch, all three of us. Do you know where Elizabeth is? Jane said she didn't see her when she went to bed, nor when she got up. We saw Julian's number on the caller ID. Is she there? Call me.


Darcy pounded his fist on the table. So she apparently hadn't come back last night. I guess they weren't "just talking" after all. He pounded his fist again and slammed his forehead on the table, angrily. When he looked up, his vision was clouded by tears. He feel back on the couch, and somewhat cried himself asleep. Elizabeth's awaking was a bit more productive. She was waken by Mary's husband, Daniel. He was a very handsome man, and Elizabeth was almost jealous for awhile.

"Lizzy, wake up," he shook her. She turned over and looked at him through small slits in her half opened eyes.

"William?" she asked, tiredly.

"No, its Danny. Wake up Lizzy, Mary's got breakfast going, and I do believe Dessi wants to see you," Danny smiled, as Lizzy walked slowly into the kitchen, following him.

"There's that sleepyhead. Here, take Dessi, Liz, she wants you," Mary handed the playful brunette baby to Lizzy, who took her with careful hands. She rocked the sweet little girl, and laughed as the baby smiled widely and grabbed her finger.

"She's got a few teeth in here," Lizzy said, as Dessi chewed on the end of Elizabeth's finger. Mary nodded as she flipped over a pancake.

"Yeah, my girl is growing up," Danny said, taking the baby from Lizzy. Lizzy sat down in a chair, and looked at Mary.

"I was going to take in some of your problems but you feel asleep before I got back," Mary said, sitting across from Lizzy. Mary passed her a steaming cup of coffee, which Lizzy accepted gratefully.

"Sorry," Lizzy replied, sipping the coffee happily. The warm, dark, swirling coffee.

"Don't be. I was tired too. So tell me what is on your mind," Mary looked at her sister.

Daniel came over and put his hand on his wife's shoulder.

"A certain fellow named William perhaps?" Danny asked.

Elizabeth gave him a questioning look.

"You thought I was him when you woke up this morning," Danny said.

"Oh, well, I suppose he is on my mind, along with Julian. But mostly him. And I don't know why. Its not like we are in love or something. We aren't going out, we never have. It's just, he's being a jerk. We kissed, and he seemed to enjoy it, until he made the remark that we should maybe just date and see other people. The thing is, I don't want to see other people. I want to see him," Lizzy looked into the cup and sighed.

"Lizzy, you really got yourself into a fix," Mary commented. Daniel disappeared with Des into the living room, leaving Mary and Elizabeth alone.

"I've noticed," Lizzy sighed again.

"Well, what about this Julian fellow? Last you told me you loved him, and then you called and said it was off, and now you aren't sure?"

"He called me, just after Darcy kissed me. Just after Darcy told me he thought we should see other people,"

"And what did Julian want?"

"He wanted me to come over, which I said I would, in front of Darcy. William tried to stop me, but I didn't listen. I think I hurt William, and yet I'm mad, because he hurt me."

Elizabeth stood up and walked around the room, pacing rather.

"Elizabeth, I think you should go back and talk to Darcy. You know you want to, and I know you want to. Just talk to him. It's obvious that you don't like Julian, or love him, anymore,"

"Yes, I don't believe I do," Elizabeth paused and looked at her sister, seeming to remember something. Suddenly, a grin came over Liz's face.

"The funny thing is, Mary, he ran off with Darcy's fiancée,"

Here, Mary smiled, a very wide smile, that asked permission really to chuckle.

Elizabeth granted by laughing herself.

"You wouldn't mind if I used your phone, would you?" Elizabeth asked.

"Of course not," Mary said, handing her the cordless.

The first number she called was Jane.

"Janie?" Elizabeth asked, as the voice asked hello.

"Lizzy?" Jane questioned, "Where are you?"

"I'm at Mary's,"

"Oh, what on earth are you doing out there?" Jane said worriedly.

Elizabeth retold the story of the past night, ending with falling asleep on Mary's couch.

"Dear Elizabeth! My poor sister!" Jane exclaimed, wishing she could embrace her.

"I'm coming home soon, but I wanted to call you first. I'll be there in a few hours,"

"I'll be waiting. Darcy was asleep when we left, and he didn't look too good. Asleep, actually, in his clothes that he was wearing last night. He should probably still be asleep, knowing him,"

"Thanks, Jane. Love ya,"

"Love ya too,"



She hung up the phone, and dialed another number.

It rang and rang and rang.

"Either he's left or Darcy is still asleep," Elizabeth said out loud. Mary looked at her sister sympathetically.

"Go home, Lizzy," Mary said, looking into Elizabeth's sad eyes.

"Thank you Mar, you've really helped me out here," Elizabeth jumped up and hugged her sister.

"Anytime. You come up and visit us again. And bring Jane, ok?"

"Most defiantly," Elizabeth kissed her sister on the cheek and walked to the restroom, where she changed back into her clothes. She then took her keys and purse, and left.

Stepping down the steps rather quickly, she touched the small gold cross around her neck and smiled. She silently said a prayer, asking God to help her get through this. She certainly needed it. What a mess!

When she finally got home, she came inside and sat down, not knowing where she was going. As soon as she sat down, she heard a grunt, and a form rolled underneath her, as she fell unto the form's stomach. It grunted louder.

She pulled off the blanket to revel a very hung over Darcy.

"Elizabeth?" he questioned, realizing it was hers whose face loomed above his.

She looked at him sympathetically, then punched him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain.

"What did you do that for?" he asked, groaning.

"For you being such an pain and worry. And for getting drunk while your sister was here!"

"Georgiana was asleep, and you think I'M a pain and worry? At least I don't sleep over at guy's houses, who happen to be jerks anyway," Darcy launched. He was rather annoyed now, thinking for sure that Lizzy had slept with Julian, and that all was now lost.

"You don't even know what you're talking about, Fitzwilliam Darcy," she cried throwing her hands up.

"So what? You're back together now? Did you enjoy your night? Honestly, Elizabeth, I worried about you all night!"

The last part came out on complete accident, and he wished, as soon as he said it, that he could take it back.

Elizabeth raised her eyebrow and looked at him. He suddenly felt very small compared to her. She loomed over him, looking down and starring hard.

"Mr. Darcy, really! What is this? I mean, you say you don't want to do anything about this obvious chemistry we have, yet you can't contain yourself when I get called to go over to another man's house. Would you make your choice already?"

Darcy looked at her.

"Well, its too late now. You spent the night at his house," Darcy said.

"I SPENT THE NIGHT AT MY SISTERS. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?" she screamed, and ran out the door. Just as she stormed into the hallway, Jane, Charles, and Georgiana walked past her.

"Lizzy?" Jane asked.

"Jane, I am SO not happy right now. He keeps insinuating that I slept with Julian, and he keeps saying it's too late. I can't handle this!" Elizabeth broke free of Jane's hold on her arm, and walked in a steady pace to her car.

The three entered the apartment to find a disheveled Darcy, trying to piece once more, together, what had just happened.

"Jane, would you take Georgiana downstairs and get her an ice cream or something?" Charles asked his beloved, annoyed at Darcy.

"Certainly," Jane said quietly. Georgiana did not argue.

"I need to talk to him," Charles whispered, sternly. Jane nodded, and left with Georgiana.

"What have you done, Darcy?" Charles asked, his hands clutching into fists.

"I don't have a clue, Charles, I don't," Darcy said, running both hands through his hair in a melancholy way.

"Well, I just saw a very angry Elizabeth Bennet storm through the hallway, so you must have done something. She said something to Jane, but I didn't catch it," Charles looked at Darcy angrily.

"She came back home, and accidentally sat down on me, and woke me up. I made some comments about worrying about her, she said I was indecisive, I said it was too late, she yelled about me something about staying at her sisters, which I doubt, and then stormed out," Darcy replied.

Charles shook his head.

"First off, you old fool, you ARE indecisive. If you could only see the way she looks at you, and the way she likes you, you wouldn't be so da** indecisive. And she called Jane from Mary's house earlier. Mary IS her sister, Darcy, she wasn't making it up, and nothing is too late, especially considering that Lizzy doesn't even like Julian, according to Jane. Would you wake up and smell the coffee? Or those peppermints you and Elizabeth like so much? You are an absurd man, Fitzwilliam Darcy,"

"Everyone has been calling me by my full name today," Darcy mumbled, thinking to himself.

"What was that?" Charles asked.

"Nothing at all," Darcy looked at himself in the mirror suddenly.

"You're right Charles. I do. I love her, alright?"

Charles didn't seem at all surprised.

"You were in love with her since the moment you both met at the coffee shop, I'm sure of it," Charles replied, sighing.

Darcy ran out of the room and down stairs.

"Jane!" he called to her, seeing her and Georgiana in line for ice cream.

"Where did Elizabeth go?" he asked.

"I don't know, but I'm guessing the park," Jane said.

"Thanks," Darcy ran out to the streets and called a cab.

"To the park, please," he said to the driver. His anticipation was excruciating.

Finally, he threw a 20 to the driver, once they had gotten to the park, and left the cab. He searched around the park, calling to her. Finally, he saw her, hidden under a tree, behind a mound of grassy hill, right on the bank of the pond.

He moved up closely behind her, and saw her reflection in the water. She looked so serene, so beautiful. Her face looked melancholy, but her hair fell into her face, which gave her the illusion of a fairy or a princess. She seemed to be whispering to herself, but Darcy couldn't hear a word.

"I'm sorry," he said. She turned around, startled.

"I'm sorry that I didn't kiss you again last night. I'm sorry that I told you that I didn't want to be with you. I'm sorry that I let you run out last night. I'm sorry that I hurt you, and I'm sorry that I thought things about you that weren't true," Darcy said, standing there, his face awash with sadness.

She stood, ever so slowly, and walked to him.

She took his hand in hers. Looking down, she carefully entwined her fingers with his. She seemed content moving his hand, looking at theirs together. She then looked up into his brown eyes, and smiled. She smiled a smile that could have thrilled a person to their very soul, which is exactly what it did. Darcy was so overcome with emotion and excitement by the single smile, that he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. She was surprised, but not for long, as she gently kissed him. The moment seemed to last forever, yet it only lasted a moment. When they let go, a feeling of emptiness flooded both of them. Darcy was the one to fix that, kissing her again. He kissed her three times then, short kisses. She smiled widely, and even laughed, making it awfully hard to kiss her. He looked at her and she tilted her head back and laughed. Just a soft laugh, a joyous, happy laugh.

"Elizabeth, maybe this is short notice, or maybe I shouldn't say it. But its true, Lizzy. I love you," Darcy said, as they walked along the park path, hand in hand.

"I love you too William. I wish we would have done something about it sooner, though,"

"Well, we are together now. You wouldn't believe the torture you put me through last night. I was sure that at that very moment you were rushing into his arms, and he was kissing you. And I couldn't bear it," Darcy stopped walking, and pulled her to him, for another kiss. They began walking again.

"Mr. Darcy, you needn't worry. My mind was on you," They walked back to the apartment(it was only a few blocks), and up the stairs, right to apartment 2B.

Jane and Charles saw them walk in, arm around each others waists, and immediately were happy.

"Finally, you guys hooked up. Charles and I have been together for this long, simply waiting for you two, just so we could go on a double date," Jane laughed.

"Or dancing," Elizabeth added. Darcy dipped Lizzy there and kissed her.

Elizabeth blushed.

The rest of the day was spent talking on the porch. Elizabeth reveled a secret she had kept from everyone that afternoon. She had been secretly writing stories, and even had been working on a book. She had been selling her shorter stories to a publisher.

Darcy was elated to hear that her hero in her book reminded her, subconsciously, of him.

When it was around 9 o clock, Jane came out side after taking a shower, and suggested watching a movie.

The four unloaded unto the couch and situated themselves happily(the girls snuggled into the guy's arms), and they watched the movie and sat happily in peace.

A very peaceful, sweet, content night it was for all of them.

The next morning, Elizabeth yawned and stretched, happily. She and Jane were snuggled in William and Charles' arms, on the couch, where they had fallen asleep the night before. Lizzy looked up at the sleeping William, and laughed. She happily snuggled her head against his chest, and pulled the blankets up tighter, never wanting to leave his side. After a few moments, she felt a hand on her back. Feeling startled, she quickly looked up at Darcy, who was looking down at her with a wide grin on his face. She laughed, and pulled herself up to meet his eyes, where he ruthlessly squeezed her tight and kissed her.

Suddenly the two heard a moan, as Jane rolled over, and crushed Charles arm.

Darcy and Lizzy laughed as Charles quickly pulled Jane up to him.

"Morning hottie," Jane said to Charles, eyes still closed. Elizabeth looked at Jane for a moment, then looked at Darcy.

"I'll second that," she said to him, they both embracing in another kiss.

Jane smiled at the two, Charles as well.

"I'm glad they finally hooked up," he whispered to Jane.

She nodded, taking Charles hand.

"We're going to go make breakfast," Jane announced.

Darcy looked at Charles, who was rather confused. Charles just shrugged and let Jane pull him to the kitchen.

"I could just stay here for ever," Elizabeth said, wrapping her arms around his firm tummy. He lightly caressed her back.

"Did you like the movie last night, Lizzy?" Charles asked from the kitchen.

Elizabeth smiled mischievously.

"I wasn't watching the movie," she announced. Darcy laughed at this comment, and Charles actually turned red and blushed. Such an innocent guy.

"So what shall we do today, m'love?" Darcy asked the brunette cuddled next to him.

"Absolutely nothing. We aren't moving from this spot, I tell you,"

"We aren't, huh?" Darcy looked at her.

"Never," she replied, rather sternly.

Darcy reached down and starting tickling the poor helpless girl, who began screaming. Georgiana, Charles, and Jane all looked at them, utterly startled.

"I thought you would refrain yourself from tickling me," Lizzy said, huffing for breath.

"Now did I ever promise that? I don't believe I did," Darcy said, picking Lizzy up. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her to the kitchen and set her down in the chair.

"You guys are all hopeless," Georgiana said, sipping some orange juice.

"We're quite aware, thank you," Lizzy replied matter-o-factly.

The five of them ate a nice breakfast. The girls then, reluctantly, went off to work, where Elizabeth got a very stern lecture about missing so much work.

Georgiana and Charles were playing golf on his lap top most of the time, Charles happily showing her exactly how to pull the club back just enough to hit the ball as far as you need it to go. Georgiana was rather good at it, hitting the ball a few times, then watching Charles again.

Darcy sat at the desk, while Charles and Georgie were on the porch. He was writing some documentations and such, when he suddenly looked up at the mirror in front of him. He smirked as he noticed a red lipstick mark on the color of his shirt.

"That girl is going to be the end and the beginning of me, I promise you that," he said to himself in the mirror.

The day went by rather slowly, to tell the truth. It was a sunny day, altogether. A very rare, no cloudy sky passed the day by. It wasn't until later that day that everyone came home, and had a nice dinner. Georgiana was due to go home a few days later, but she was still enjoying her time with her older brother and his friends. Georgiana was, after Charles sent her off so he could do his work, in her room, writing. She loved writing, whether it was poems, letters, stories, diary entries, or whatever. She actually wrote to engage her mind and improve her handwriting, as well as keep herself busy, something she always seemed to be.

On that sunny afternoon, she was actually writing a diary entry. The entry went something like this:

Dearest Diary,

It's me again. I know I've been writing you a lot lately, but I've had a lot of time on my hands it seems. Since Elizabeth and Jane work, as do my brother and Charles, I have time to do whatever I want to do for the moment.

Well, it's happened, Diary. I did tell you it would. Elizabeth and William have become ... shall I say, an item? And they are the cutest couple you could ever see! Honestly! Well, Jane and Charles are pretty adorable as well, but William and Lizzy just seem so mischievous. He doesn't know that I watch them sometimes. Yes, I was peeking when they were watching that movie last night. Oh, wouldn't William simply kill me if he found out I was snooping! But I simply couldn't help it! They all thought I was in bed, but I mean, two couples, on a couch, watching a movie? I was curious!

Well, Jane and Charles were pretty sweet, mostly watching the movie, stealing a kiss or two. Is this a weird way to learn the fine art of dating? Sorry, I just thought about that. I mean, mom and dad won't let me watch or read or even converse on any topic coming close to boys or dating. But I'm a girl, for heaven sake! I just have to know what's going on here! Anyhoo, where was I? Oh yes, so Jane and Charles were being their sweet little selves, but I noticed Darcy and Lizzy were whispering and kissing most of the time. It was the cutest thing! William would whisper something to Lizzy, she would giggle, and he would kiss her. I hope that I can one day too, find the man of my dreams, and be perfectly content sitting on a couch with him, whispering.

Well, Diary, I must be off. I think Jane and Lizzy should be home soon, and they are going to take me out for dinner. Just us girls! I can't wait!

Love always,


Georgiana closed the fuzzy pink diary, replaced the fuzzy pink pen back in the holster in the side of the diary, and set the book back on the shelf. She giggled as she took a picture out of the back of the diary, and looked at it intently.

"Jasper, " she whispered. She then proceeded to kiss the picture repeatedly.

Just then, Elizabeth and Jane burst through the door, to find Georgiana embracing a 3 by 5 snapshot.

"Georgiana!" Lizzy laughed, "what on earth are you doing?"

Georgiana turned a bright red, but showed them the picture.

"Meet Jasper," she muttered.

Jane and Lizzy laughed again, but gave Georgiana a side hug.

"Come on, Georgie, get ready. Its time for a night on the town," Jane flung a ruffled blue blouse at Georgiana, which landed on her head.

"Thanks," Georgiana replied, pulling the shirt off her head, which also messed up her hair considerably.

Jane and Elizabeth proceeded to the closet, where they both found the outfits they were looking for. Deciding the best place for dinner was "The Dancing Frog", they decided a casual outfit would best fit the picture. Both wearing cozy blue jeans, Jane in a pink button down blouse and collar, and Lizzy in a red shirt with a scoop neck, the two went to the kitchen to ask how they looked.

Darcy embraced Elizabeth, his hands finding themselves comfortably around her waist. He looked her over and exclaimed that was, indeed, the most beautiful girl on the planet. He said this rather softly, as not wanting his dear little sister to hear. Of course Georgiana was the most beautiful little girl, but Elizabeth was stunning, in that eye bulging, red lipstick wearing, brown curls falling way.

She looked at him seductively, while taking his hand and squeezing it.

"We'll be back later. Call me if you need me," Lizzy said, noticing Georgiana in the doorway of the room.

"I always need you," William whispered, mischievously.

Elizabeth gave him a smile, but returned toward Georgiana, and ushered her out the front door, Jane following.

"So where are we partying tonight?" Georgiana asked innocently.

The other two laughed, but told her the Dancing Frog was good for good food and a fun time.

The girl's weren't stupid, though. They didn't take Georgiana to a dance club or anything. But the Dancing Frog did have some dancing, thus the name of course.

When they got there, they were seated at a booth, and watched as some people danced on the dance floor. It wasn't anything major dancing, but more like prom type music. The restaurant was obviously made for a younger crowd, but it wasn't trashy or loud.

"This place is awesome!" Georgiana cried as they looked at the menu.

A waitress came by and took their drink orders.

"I'll have a coke, what about you guys?" Elizabeth looked at the other too.

"Sprite," Jane replied.

"Shirley Temple, please. With extra cherries, if you don't mind," Georgiana said eagerly. The waitress smiled at the girls and confirmed there would, in fact, be extra cherries in her Shirley Temple.

"You guys are so cool! No one ever lets me actually have fun," Georgiana looked around the room.

"Well that's a pity, because you're obviously a party girl!" Jane laughed. The waitress came back with the drinks in hand.

"Do you know what you want?" she asked.

"Not yet, give us a few more seconds,"

They looked over the menu and decided.

"I'll have the broccoli pasta," Jane said, handing the waitress the menu.

"The garden burger," Elizabeth said.

"Umm, a BLT, please, " Georgiana kept looking out to the dancing crowd.

Suddenly a group of guys came over towards their booth.

"Hi," a tall, dark headed guy greeted.

"Hello," Elizabeth smiled sweetly at him.

"And what are you lovely ladies up to this fine evening?" one of them asked Jane.

"Well, lets see. We're eating dinner," Jane said. She said it sweetly enough, but Elizabeth could detect the hint of annoyance in her voice.

"That's awesome. Could we join you girls?" the tall one said.

"Well, we do have Georgiana with us," Jane said, looking at Georgie.

"Oh. We'll behave, we promise," they replied.

"Yeah, my little brother is here too," one said. Elizabeth saw that there were three of them, but the booths were rather large. Then she saw a younger one step forward.

"He's twelve, and his name is Matt,"

Jane looked at Lizzy, and Lizzy looked back to Jane. Neither noticed Georgiana's fixed stare at the young blonde headed boy.

"Well, alright," Elizabeth said reluctantly. She scooted over to let them in.

"We're merely looking for interesting conversation," one began.

"I'm Tom," the dark headed guy said. "that's Frank, and this is Peter. And Peter's brother, Mattie," Tom ruffled the younger boy's hair.

"Tom! Don't call me that!" The younger boy looked rather embarrassed.

Jane smiled at Lizzy.

"I'm Elizabeth," Lizzy began, "this is my sister, Jane, and my boyfriend's sister, Georgiana," Elizabeth smirked. The guys looked a little taken a back, but preceded to make conversation.

"So what do you gals do for fun?" Frank asked.

"Well, we both work at a coffee shop," Jane suggested.

"We like to read, watch movies a lot," Elizabeth laughed.

"What about you?" Matt piped up, looking at Georgiana.

She looked stunned that he would talk to her. She quickly blushed and smiled at him.

"Um, I like to horseback ride," she smiled sheepishly.

Tom, who was sitting next to Elizabeth, nudged her a little. She looked at him, as he pointed with his eyes towards Matt and Georgie, who were already in deep conversation.

"Love birds," Tom whispered to Lizzy.

"She has a boyfriend," Elizabeth half laughed, half whispered.

The girls' dinner came shortly after.

The girls looked at the guys.

"We already ate, don't worry about it," they replied, knowingly.

The girls ate, happily still in conversation. Peter and Frank really seemed entranced with Jane, who was smiling the whole time. She made it known how she knew Georgiana as well, Georgie being the sister of Elizabeth's boyfriend, who's a good friend of her boyfriend, Charles Bingley. The guys were disappointed, but it didn't stop them from having a grand chat with her.

"Would you like to dance?" Tom finally asked Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked at Jane, who thought for a moment, and then shrugged.

"Well, I suppose. But keep in mind its merely a dance, and I have a boyfriend," Elizabeth said sternly.

"It won't leave my mind for a second," he replied laughingly.

The two actually had a nice dance, Jane occasionally viewing them. It was apparent that Elizabeth obviously had something, or someone, else on her mind, but she danced as well as she usually did despite it all.

When the song was over, the two returned to their seats.

"It's getting a little late, boys. We better be going," Jane said looking at her watch. Elizabeth second the motion, thinking Tom was trying to get a little bit too friendly.

" But Matt and I are having such a nice time!" Georgiana pleaded.

"Come on, Georgie, your brother wants you home at a reasonable time," Elizabeth said, standing. She was actually wanting to get back home to see William, but of course wasn't going to say anything.

"Well, if you lovely ladies must leave us, at least let us exchange numbers?" Peter asked as the girls were about to leave.

Georgiana quickly pulled a sheet of paper out of a notebook in her purse.

"Anyone got a pen?" she asked politely. Matt nodded, and handed her one.

Jane wrote down the number reluctantly, and handed it to Peter.

"Here's my number," Georgiana smiled. She then whispered to Matt,

"My parents are rather ... uptight. If you call, just say you need help with your homework."

Matt nodded. The guys gave the girls their numbers, and the parties split, but not before Matt gave Georgiana a quick kiss on the cheek.

When the three girls were heading towards the car, Georgiana kept her hand to her face. It was very very pink.

"So he kissed ya, eh?" Elizabeth laughed, seeing Georgiana's delight and astonishment.

"Um, I think so," Georgie replied, or rather mumbled.

Then suddenly, it was like Georgiana had been struck with something.

"JASPER!" she cried. Jane put her hand to her forehead, knowing it was inevitable that Georgiana would remember her boyfriend sometime.

"Oh no no no no no no no no no! NO! This is SO not good!" Georgiana wailed.

"What's wrong?" Elizabeth asked, checking Georgie in her rearview mirror.

"Oh, he kissed me! I think I just cheated on Jasper!" Georgiana was close to sobbing now. Incredibly dramatic, you know?

"No, no, calm down hunny," Elizabeth said, handing her a tissue.

"Yes, calm down. You couldn't stop that boy from kissing you on the cheek. And there isn't anything wrong with having friends that are of the male gender," Jane added, patting Georgiana on the hand.

"Are you quite sure?" Georgiana asked, sniffing a little.

"Most positive," the girls assured her.

When they got back to the apartment, the guys were on the couch watching football.

"Hey girls, how was the night out?"

Georgiana exploded at the comment, and raced up to her brother.

"Oh William, we met the neatest guys! And they were so nice too!" she said excitedly.

Darcy raised his eyebrow, with a grin on his face.

"Guys?" he asked inquisitively.

Lizzy put her purse down and sat next to Darcy.

"Yes, but none as handsome as my suitor," Elizabeth laughed. Darcy leaned in and kissed her.

"Your suitor eh? And who is this scoundrel? I shall challenge him to a duel," William took her hand and furrowed his eyebrows in a frown.

"Oh, wouldn't that be an interesting site? A man fighting a duel with himself," Elizabeth smirked.

"Indeed?" Darcy lightened up, now, whispering to Elizabeth quietly.

"Come now, you two! Darcy, your sister is present! Get a room why don't you?" Charles said, rather hilariously. Jane laughed and rubbed his chin.

"Oh calm down, Mr. Bingley," she laughed, her golden hair swishing across her back as Charles pulled her to him romantically.

Georgiana blushed.

"I think I'm going to go write a letter to Jasper. I'll see you all in the morning,"

Georgiana backed out of the room quietly.

"We'll be in, in a little bit," Jane said before Georgiana left. Georgiana made no reply, but just smiled and went back into the room.

"Lets dance!" Elizabeth said suddenly, running to the stereo.

"Now?" Darcy asked, surprised by her burst of excitement.

"Yes, now," Elizabeth said pulling him to her.

Jane grabbed Charles, and attempted to dip him, but he fell, pulling her on top of him. They laughed and got back up, but kept dancing and moving to the beat.

Finally, after dancing and twirling and spinning and dipping for a few minutes, Jane and Elizabeth reluctantly shuffled off to their room, but not before a very nice good night kiss.

The next morning was a typical morning, just like any typical morning. It started with breakfast and coffee, and even an after coffee mint or two, and ended with kiss. Georgiana decided to sleep late. Elizabeth went to wake her up, but she begged Lizzy to let her stay in bed. Elizabeth explained that the four of them were going down to the Coffee shop, and they should be back later. Did she want to come?

She said she really needed to just sleep. So Elizabeth left her.

Jane wrote her a note, telling her where stuff was, incase she needed it, and their cell phones.

William was VERY reluctant to leave her, but finally gave in when Elizabeth suggested that they wouldn't be gone that long, and they were just right down the street.

The four headed out happily, and walked to the coffee shop.

Darcy commented that Elizabeth looked just like a French maid in the apron.

"I do, monsieur?" she asked in her little French accent.

"We we, huh huh huh, mademoiselle," he said, French like. The day was rather sweet. When customers were few, Elizabeth could seat herself happily next to Darcy, and he could take a break from his laptop and join her in a cup of coffee and a biscotti.

When customers were many, he typed away at his work, while Elizabeth ran around in her little apron, serving people and taking orders. The same went to Bingley, who worked opposite of Darcy in the booth in the corner.

The days past by much like this, until the day Georgiana had to leave. Of course, every day they went out to eat, or cooked a fantastic meal. Darcy was surprisingly a great chef. They partied, and Georgiana most of the time didn't even feel out of place. Sure she was younger, but everyone included her. It was great.

When she finally had to leave, there were of course tears. Mostly from Georgiana. Lizzy and Jane kind of cried too, being emotional girls. Darcy hugged his sister tightly, and she thanked him for an awesome week. Charles told her that he would most likely be coming back to see her soon, and he might even bring Jane. She smiled, and hugged Jane, who said that should defiantly come back soon. Elizabeth swung the girl around, and promised to write, since Georgie loved writing so much. She said her and Darcy would visit frequently. Darcy nodded, and watched as his sister entered the jet way and exited the gate.

"Come on, Mr. Darcy," Elizabeth smiled, putting her arm through his, and leading him down the airport hallway.

The four decided, since Georgiana had left, that they should go dancing. It sounded fun, club hopping and all that jazz.

They girls dressed a little different than usual this time. Elizabeth decked out in a long red skirt that looked a lot like a salsa skirt. She also wore a red blouse and red lipstick. Her hair was let down, and she wore her red high heels.

Jane was very nicely dressed in a long skirt as well. It was a little tighter, and it was orange. She had a white blouse on, that had bellbottom type arm sleeves. Her hair was pulled back in a braid, fashioned by none other than Lizzy herself.

"You girls look amazing!" Charles exclaimed. Darcy couldn't get his eyes off of Elizabeth.

"Last time we went dancing, I could dance with you, but I couldn't kiss you," Darcy said, putting his hand out for her to take.

"Sure you could've. I wouldn't have minded," Elizabeth took his hand, and the four walked to the car.

"Charles," Elizabeth said, looking behind her while they were in the car.

"Yeah Liz?" Charles asked.

"I have to tell you something, Charles," Elizabeth said with built up emotion.

"Yes, Elizabeth?" Charles asked, becoming a little bit frantic by the tone in her voice.

Darcy was wondering where this was going, but Jane knew her sister to well.

"Charles, I just want..." she paused.


"You ... to know..."

"What Lizzy?"


"What on earth are you trying to tell me, you horribly suspenseful woman?!" Charles cried. Darcy turned into the parking lot.

"Charles..." Lizzy whispered.

They all got out of the car, Elizabeth's eyes never leaving Mr. Bingley.

Suddenly Elizabeth grabbed Charles and pulled him close to her.

"Charles.." she breathed softly. He was astounded and didn't say anything. Jane, who was walking next to Darcy, quickly put her forehead on Darcy's shoulder, with a sigh.

"Charles, I want you to know that you are a better dancer than Darcy himself," Elizabeth finally exclaimed with a laugh. Darcy sighed, and so did Charles, who was VERY relieved.

"Hey!" Darcy exclaimed, grabbing Elizabeth and dipping her.

"I'll show you who's a better dancer!" Darcy cried, picking up Elizabeth. She shouted and began kicking softly.

"No, you bad bad man!" she said, as he carried her into the club.

The music was loud, once again, and they were actually very excited. Darcy finally set down Elizabeth, who had attracted attention with her flails.

"Alright, alright. You're my prisoner, now dance!" Darcy exclaimed, pulling Elizabeth onto the dance floor. Charles waved at them as they left, and he and Jane took a seat in the corner.

Darcy quickly spun Elizabeth and dipped her. She, being light on her feet, did this with great ease and grace. A few people stepped away from the dancing couple, and a few even stopped to watch.

"Since when did you get so good, Mr. Darcy?" Elizabeth inquired as they brushed bye one another.

"Since my partner is also my girlfriend, I feel much more at ease dancing with her, I suppose. Plus all those lessons at the academy when I was younger," Darcy replied.

The song then ended, and Darcy went back to his seat with Jane and Bingley, expecting Lizzy to follow him. Yet he turned around and noticed Elizabeth engaged in a conversation with a young man.

This is where our hero began to pout. Yes, pout. He sat down rather annoyed. Elizabeth noticed this and excused herself from the conversation.

"Excuse me, sir," she said to Darcy, putting on her innocent attitude.

Darcy looked up at her.

"Sir, is your name Campbell? Because you look mmm mmm good, " Elizabeth smiled sweetly.

A huge grin came across Darcy's face just then, as he looked at Elizabeth with her sweet smile, hands folded behind her.

"Are you coming on to me, Miss Bennet?" Darcy asked, sweetly as well.

"I might be, sir," she stood starring at him.

"Well, come here then," he said pulling her unto his lap. She smiled and kissed him.

For about an hour the four of them danced and talked. Charles and Elizabeth surprisingly danced a lot, seeing as how Jane and Darcy were rather big talkers.

Then a slow song came on.

"Charles, will you dance with me some more?" Elizabeth asked sweetly.

Charles looked over at Jane and Darcy who both got up and began to slow dance too. Why not, right?

"Well, alright," Charles said, taking Lizzy's hand. She rested her chin lightly on Charles shoulders as they rocked back and forth.

"Charles, I'm really glad you're my friend. And I think you and Jane are perfect for each other. You both are so sweet," Elizabeth muttered.


Charles smiled, and then continued, "You and Darcy are so free spirited. Me and Jane are shy," Charles was sort of talking to himself now.

"Nah, you guys are awesome," Lizzy said hugging Charles.

The song was just about to end, and Charles gave Elizabeth a kiss on the forehead. They then walked back to the table.

"Are you hitting on my woman?" Darcy said when they got back.

"I wouldn't dream of it," Charles said, taking Jane's hand.

Elizabeth sat next to Darcy and sort of snuggled up next to him.

Suddenly, a figure ran up to the table.

"Elizabeth! You're with this ... this ... this ... GUY?!" Everyone looked at the black silhouette, whose face was just revealed by the hanging lamp above the booth.

"Why, yes, Julian, I am. He doesn't cheat on me, and he doesn't make me feel crappy, like you did?" Elizabeth starred at the man in front of her. She put her hands on her hips, with a scowl on her face.

He just stood there, dumbfounded. Suddenly, he brought up his fist, and hit Darcy incredibly hard in the eye. Darcy suddenly got rather mad, stood up, clenched his fist, and knocked Julian over. Someone screamed, and Darcy stood there, quite mad.

"Go, get out of here, go!" Charles yelled as the four ran to get out before a bouncer came.

They jumped in the car, two big guys chasing them.

"Hit the gas!" Jane cried. They sped away quickly, laughing. Darcy and Lizzy were in the back seat, Darcy slumped over, Elizabeth inspecting his eye.

By the time Charles had floored it and was speeding down the street, Elizabeth and Jane were in a burst of laughter. They really couldn't contain themselves, swearing over and over that, although they'd had some interesting relationships in the past, the guys they were with now were certainly the most exciting.

Darcy moaned with pain as his eye swelled up and turned two beautiful shades of purple and blue.

"I think it makes you look rugged," Jane commented, as Darcy tried to look at his eye through Lizzy's compact mirror.

The four drove home in rather high spirits. All but Darcy of course. He was in pain.

When they got in the door, Elizabeth threw down her purse and keys and disappeared into the kitchen, opening and closing drawers and cupboards.

"Sit down," she ordered Darcy as he wandered in.

He obeyed silently. Jane and Charles had gone off to change into their nightclothes, while Elizabeth continued on her search. At last, she found the object of her obsession.

"A plastic baggie!" she announced, holding up the box. She seemed so triumphant in her succeeded quest that Darcy had to smile.

"Hold still," she ordered again, as she placed a bag of ice to his eye, and held it tight.

"Ah!" he whined, feeling the cold pressure. She told him to shhh, and to hold it on his eye.

"It will help the swelling to go down," she replied.

Suddenly, she disappeared into the bedroom. When Lizzy returned, she was carrying a book.

"A book of poems," she said, placing it on the table. "go get changed, and I'll read you some to take your mind of your eye."

Darcy had nothing better to do than simply obey her. He walked, carrying the bag of ice, into Charles bedroom(for Jane and Charles were in his, Jane showing Charles her scrap book made in junior high) and changed into his blue and white striped pajama pants and white t-shirt.

When he came out, Lizzy was in her big fruit t-shirt, scatters with cherries, watermelons, strawberries, and everything. It was her favorite t-shirt, being so colorful.

"Come," Lizzy said in an old movie seductress's voice, "sit by me." She rubbed a spot next to her on the couch, indicating she wanted him to take a seat next to her.

Darcy looked at her with suspicion, but sat next to her, and gently put the ice back on his eye.

"Good boy," Lizzy patted Darcy's head, but he grabbed her wrist instead.

"Nurse, what will you do to make me feel better?" he asked innocently. She eyed him, pulling the sheets up on the pull out bed/couch.

"I will read you a poem or two, you naughty boy. Now, listen," she demanded, opening the book.

"Ahem," she said, clearing her throat. Darcy wrapped his arm around her for a better and more comfortable position.

"This one is from an independent chic. I like her work, it kind of makes you think. It's called "With Both Hands".

Flames, they burn, through my independent mind,
My peers cause pain, but what are they to find?
Expectations of this girl, are highly overrated,
But then again, perhaps, she's completely jaded,
Just a girl like me, to tell you my life story,
Yet all the twisted facts, seem so completely gorey,
A flash of light, my mind, it reruns back,
A destined child of dream, pessimism there she lack,
Yet in a corrupt world we face, and it just seems no one understands,
Just let go our minds be free, and grasp life with both hands

By Michelle Hershea."

Elizabeth looked up at Darcy. His eyes were closed.

"Shall I go on?" she asked, taking the bag of ice from him and setting it on the coffee table.

He nodded silently, rather tiredly.

"Ok, here's another one,

Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough.

A.E Houseman.

Can Live On

A majority of people don't understand
the torment of my soul
The painstaking effort it takes to climb
a thorn ladder to reach my goals
Hate and agony is the plague of my brain
With fear tagging along
As I go through my day
Trying to live life like in the songs
Just when I think life is unbearable
Happiness is depleted and gone
I look into the eyes of a friend
And I can live on

By Alexander Greggon.

Oh, aren't these cute? I love poetry," Elizabeth was now rather lost in the world of poetry, and proceeded to read such poems from authors such as Shakespeare(this book of poetry had ALL SORTS of poetry) Emily Dickinson, modern poets of the time, just anything at all.

Darcy didn't make any reply at all to her reading, and when she glanced up, she realized he was fast asleep.

"Poor sweetheart," she said, kissing him lightly. She got out of the covers and pulled the sheets up neatly. Then the returned to her room to sleep.

The next morning, surprisingly, Darcy was at the kitchen table when Elizabeth came out. It was incredibly early in the morning, close to 6:15, but Elizabeth heard a stirring, and came to see who it was.

"What are you doing up so early?" she asked him when she saw him sitting there.

"My eye is hurting a bit," he replied. He had a bag of ice in his hand, returning it to his eye every moment or so.

"Hmm," she bent of her kissed both his eyelids.

Then she began singing. Please don't ask me why. But this, of course, is Lizzy whom we are talking about.

"I'd like to dance till, two o'clock, or sometimes dance till daaaawwwwwwnnn, or if the band could stand it, just go on, and on and ON!" Elizabeth spun round the kitchen, making quite a spectacle of herself.

"Just once!" she whisked by Darcy on her tiptoes, smiling widely.

"Just once!" she laughed and seated herself in his lap.

"Just once, just once! I'd like to be not evil, but, a little worldly wise! To be the kind of girl designed, to be kissed upon the eyes!"

Darcy looked at her. He then chuckled and kissed her upon the eyes, just as the lyrics suggested.

"Thank you, sir," she said, smiling. Just then, the phone rang.

Darcy stood to answer it, but Elizabeth beat him there.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hello. Is a there a Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy present?" the voice asked.

"Indeed, here he is," she handed the phone to William.

Darcy took the phone.

"Hello?" he asked. Elizabeth shrugged.

"Hello, Mr. Darcy?" the voice asked.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Darcy, but your parents have both been in a terrible car accident. I'm their lawyer, Jonathan Goldbloom. The doctors did everything they could, sir. Your parents didn't make it."

0x01 graphic

Chapter 6

Posted on Wednesday, 3 July 2002

Darcy hung up the phone slowly. He looked at Elizabeth, a bit in shock.

"What? What did he say?" Elizabeth asked, looking nothing short of worried.

Fitzwilliam couldn't open his mouth, he couldn't utter a word. He was in literal shock. He wouldn't dare move, for fear of collapsing to the floor. He wanted to scream, but couldn't.

Elizabeth, seeing the brown in his eyes turning green, from cause of tears, rushed to him. She came to him and wrapped her arms around him, and he grabbed her, fearfully and forcefully, holding her tightly, and crying into her soft brown hair. She just rubbed his back as they stood there, one feeling the most utmost pain for the loss of ones parent's, and the other, feeling the pain for her friend. As she held him, she heard his sobs, and felt his body shake, standing next to her. Silently, she led him over to the couch, not moving from his arms.

Elizabeth asked no questions, but held him. He finally let go of their embrace, tears streaming down his cheeks. She had never seen him like this before. What had caused this fit of utter despair? He stopped crying for a moment, looking into her eyes. She reached out and held his hands tightly, as if for dear life. He returned the pressure. Running her hands softly through his hair, she looked at him, waiting for him to reviled something to her.

Finally he whispered.

"Come ... here ... please?"

She faithfully obeyed, resting into his embrace on the couch. The two laid back, and he cried all the more. Elizabeth didn't know why he was crying, but she felt tears coming to her eyes as well. She stroked his hair softly, as he slowly calmed down. Finally he just cried tears, his mouth closed, thinking. His eyes were wide as he thought of his childhood. He remembered when his parents took him and Georgiana to the beach. They were both so young. He and his father would search for sand dollars(also known as tests), as his mother and sister sat on the beach and looked at all the pretty shells his sister had collected. He remember his father's arms wrapping around him while they played in the water. He remembered the big sand castle they made, which Georgiana accidentally knocked down when she ran to give William a hug. He remembered when they had sat on their towels, roasting marshmallows and singing campfire songs. The memories he had.

Suddenly he was brought back to the present, as he felt a hand on his chest, as a face leaned over him, blocking the over head light, and casting a shadow over his eyes. He opened them to reveal Elizabeth, looking at him. She quietly kissed him. He savored the kiss with all his emotion. It was soft, but after they released, he couldn't open his eyes, as he felt so entranced by her.

"Please," he muttered. She understood, and kissed him again. He finally, after about 30 minutes of sitting there, embracing her, told her what he knew.

"My parents," he chocked, "they're ... dead."

He began to sob again.

"Hush sh sh sh sh," she rubbed his chest lightly to calm him down.

They sat there for a long while. Elizabeth actually fell asleep.

Fitzwilliam's mind raced on, but when she woke back up, she sat up and he laid his head in her lap, where she proceeded to graze her fingers through his hair softly Just the feeling of her touch soothed him more than words. Soon he was asleep.

Charles and Jane slept in later. Jane came in first, noticing Darcy was asleep.

She also noticed they both had tear stained faces.

"What's wrong?" the observant girl asked. Elizabeth, noticing Jane was up, raced to her sister to hug her.

"What?" Jane asked, worried as always.

"William's parents died, he got a call this morning," Elizabeth managed to say. Jane looked absolutely horrified.

"Oh poor Darcy!" Jane cried, wanting to run and hug him. But she let the poor man sleep.

"Does Charles know? Is he up?" Jane questioned, looking around.

"No, I believe he is still in his room,"

"Who should tell him?"

Elizabeth looked at Jane, wondering what she was really thinking. Jane managed to seat herself in a cozy chair, while Elizabeth followed her example.

"Tell me what?" Charles questioned, yawning. The girls directed their attention to him immediately. Elizabeth starred at the wallpaper, trying hard not to look at either of them.

"Take a seat Charles, I know how much they meant to you as well," Elizabeth said, recalling all the times Charles and Darcy talked about their childhood together. She remembered how the Darcy's and the Bingley's were always such good friends.

"Love, Darcy's parents died," Jane said softly, taking his hand.

"What?" he asked, in a state of shock.

"Someone called this morning," Lizzy added, still starring at the wall. For some reason, the little tan pattern made the kitchen and her world seem a lot smoother.

"No ... I won't believe it," Charles looked angry. Jane looked at him sympathetically, as if she knew he would take it like this.

"Elizabeth, was it this Julian fellow? Perhaps he's been pranking ... or maybe Caroline. I know I shouldn't think ill of my sister, but really. They can't be dead. They were the sweetest people! Cautious too!"

"Charles, sit down," Jane said softly, not wanting him to waken Darcy.

Charles argued. Jane finally got up, took him by the shoulders, and physically insisted that he should sit down. She gave him a look to tell him he should heed her advice. The look in her eye was enough, and he sat down reluctantly.

"I don't know any details," Elizabeth sighed, placing her face in her hands. She heard a slight rustle over by the couch.

"Elizabeth?" Fitzwilliam called.

She got up and went to the couch.

"Please don't leave me," he whispered, and closed his eyes again, after she had taken his hand. Not once did she think he sounded or acted babyish. In fact, she thought that his crying made him more mature. She wanted to help him, and felt useless. His face looked drained, but she felt his forehead and then kissed it.

"You have a fever," she exclaimed, brushing the curls away from his face. He made no attempt to move. She could see small drops of sweat forming on his brow. He didn't look relaxed at all.

"Jane, will you please get me a wet, preferably cold, washcloth? And Charles, please get him something to drink. Like juice or something?"

"Its alright, William, its alright," she cooed into his ear, hugging and rocking him.

Jane came back with the cloth, which Elizabeth dabbed on Darcy's forehead. She rung the wash cloth into his hair, wetting it. She then smoothed it away from his face. He opened his eyes, and for the first time, smiled.

"Thank you Lizzy," he said softly, squeezing her hand.

Mr. Darcy, being painfully exhausted, wanted nothing more than to sit there with Elizabeth rocking him. He also thought to the moments when his mother would rock him, when he was sick. She used to smile down at him as he attempted not to cough. She would smooth his forehead with her hand, and gently lay him back in his rocket shaped bed. Then she would cover him up with his astronaut blankets, kiss him on the forehead, and turn off the lights. He used to fall asleep looking at his night light, which was in the shape of none other than...Saturn. A bright, red and blue planet nightlight.

He also remembered when he was younger, and it was late at night, sometimes raining, Georgiana would run into his room and hide in his bed with him, afraid of the lightning or the boogieman. Fitzwilliam Darcy, the mean boy, used to tease his sister about the boogieman, who liked to grab little girls by the hair and swallow them alive. Then, William would hold his sister, and tell her that there was no boogie man, or that mom and dad were there to protect her from anything. Then, on a weird parental sense, Mr. and Mrs. Darcy would come in and hug their children, and explain to Georgiana that everything was all right, and that they could both come out and get a glass of water if they were frightened, but that they needed to go to bed.

Elizabeth woke him up, just then, insisting that he drink something. He sat up as she handed him the glass of orange juice, which dribbled down his chin. She honestly couldn't help but giggle a bit. He looked at her, talking to her with his eyes. They sat for a moment in silent communication, neither speaking. Charles and Jane came over and sat with them, each giving Darcy a tight hug. Jane looked into his eyes, and rested her arms around his neck, while talking to him.

"Don't worry William, we're here," she said hugging him tightly.

Charles hugged him right away, tears streaming down both their cheeks.

"Come on, old man, don't cry," Charles said to Darcy, some what laughing.

"Me? You're crying too," Darcy said, hugging his best friend once more.

It seemed like Darcy was a little bit better.

"Oh, Georgiana!" he exclaimed suddenly. He tried to move, but nearly collapsed. His sister must be in terrible pain. He had to talk to her.

"Here," Elizabeth said, trying to hold him up a bit. He went to the phone slowly and dialed.

It rang and rang and rang. But no answer.

"I don't know what to do," Darcy said, burying his face in his hands. He sat down at a chair, and tried the phone again. Again, the same prevail.

Elizabeth put her hands on his shoulders, then bent down and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Darcy rubbed her arm with his hand in a loving motion.

"Thank you, you guys," Darcy said.

Later, when Elizabeth and Darcy were alone, on the balcony and talking, Darcy asked her what to do.

"What do you mean?" she asked quietly, taking a sip of wine. Both had been out on the balcony for an hour or two, just talking. Elizabeth felt sorry for Darcy, but really enjoyed the deep way he was talking with her.

"I mean, should I fly to Pemberley and find Georgiana and bring her back here to live with me? Or maybe I should wait it out, for someone to call me and tell me what to do. Or should I find another place for Georgie to stay?" Darcy began to get upset again, things reeling through his mind.

"William, love, calm down, we'll figure this all out later,"

"What do you think I should do, Elizabeth?" he asked her again.

She smiled at him,

"I guess, if I were you, I would go there tomorrow. But I don't know about Georgiana living with you. I figure you should probably just figure it out when you get there,"

"And will you come with me?" Darcy asked, looking at her intently.

"Of course," Lizzy smiled.

"Do you think Jane and Charles will also?"

"I wouldn't doubt it for a second,"

Darcy smiled at Elizabeth, and then tipped his head back, looking at the stars. You could barely see them, but they were there. The sounds of the night flooded past both of them, making them feel like they were honestly apart of the city.

"Elizabeth," Darcy muttered.

She looked at him, but he didn't take his eyes off the stars.

"My parents were so happy, Lizzy. They had such a perfect life. I want their perfect life, Elizabeth, I do," Lizzy didn't say anything, she just listened to Darcy.

He then turned and looked at her, all the while holding her hand.

"When I figure all this out, when all this pain and everything, when it really begins to lessen, do you think we could think about moving closer?" Elizabeth thought for a second, and gave him a questioning look. He didn't want to ruin anything, so he thought quickly and proceeded.

"Maybe talk about marriage..." Darcy looked into her eyes.

"William, its true we've known each other for awhile. And I love you, God knows its true. I don't know if you're really ready though, or if you will be any time soon,"

"I don't know if I will be either. But Elizabeth, I just love you so much,"

They were both silent. She quietly got up and walked over to his chair, where she sat on his lap and buried her face in his shoulder, her arms around his neck. She was silent. His eyes widened at her sudden movement, but slowly his hands found their place, holding her.

Darcy, for a split second, could think of nothing but Elizabeth Bennet. Love can erase everything, even if it's only for a moment. The wind began to blow, chilling them both.

"Lets go inside," she said, taking his hand, "You are a tad sick, don't forget."

"I won't, " Darcy said, slipping his arm around her waist. All four of them decided to get a good night sleep, so after a kiss or hug, they all went to bed. Elizabeth and Jane climbed into the king sized bed, and turned out the light. Elizabeth tried desperately to sleep, but she couldn't. After counting sheep backwards, and trying to think of something tiring, she got up and went to get a glass of water.

Quietly tiptoeing, as so not to wake William, Elizabeth crept into the kitchen. Knowing the layout well enough to find the cups in the dark, she felt her way around. She did this all very skillfully, and barely made a sound. As she put the water glass to the tap in on the fridge, she heard a stirring.

"Elizabeth? Is that you?" the voice from the couch asked. It sounded just awakened, but she figured he couldn't sleep well either.

"Yeah, William, I was just getting some water," she took her water glass and came and sat by him.

"I can't sleep," Darcy said as she sat down.

"That makes two of us," Lizzy replied, sipping some water. She laid back next to him, and took his hand.

"Its quiet, and peaceful," Darcy mumbled.

"I agree," Elizabeth put her head on his shoulder. The two laid like the for awhile, until they both fell asleep.

The next morning, before Elizabeth and Darcy awoke, Charles and Jane were up and making breakfast. Early in the morning there had been another phone call, asking Mr. Darcy to come to Derbyshire, Michigan and get his sister as soon as possible, and to take care of the will and other things that needed attention. Charles intercepted this call, and assured the speaker that Darcy, along with himself and their girlfriends, would be there as soon as they could. When he hung up, he explained the situation to Jane, and asked her to call the airport and find out if there were any tickets to go to Derbyshire that afternoon.

Jane was soon off the phone, and explained to Charles that there was in fact tickets to Derbyshire, and that the plane was leaving at 2:14, PM. Charles told her to buy four tickets. She called them back and bought the tickets.

A little while later, Elizabeth and Darcy woke up. Charles explained the dealings of the morning, and that he had bought four tickets. Darcy told Charles how obliged he was, and decided the day would be harder than he thought.. It was almost noon though, and they should really be off. The four rushed to pack. Elizabeth and Jane quickly through together two suitcases. They both, sadly, had to leave most of the regular necessities, like a blow-dryer and curling iron, because they had no time to pack.

Darcy was so happy to go see Georgiana again so soon, but told Charles it would be a very difficult day. Charles nodded in agreement. The four took a cab to the airport, and after a trip to the restroom and to grab some bagels, they were comfortably seated on air flight 204.

Jane was happily seated next to the window. Elizabeth was a little afraid of flying, as was Charles. Darcy needed leg room, therefore, Jane sat by the window, then Charles, then Elizabeth, and Darcy in the aisle seat. Since it was such a long flight, they showed the movie "Bridget Jones's Diary". Darcy and Elizabeth honestly held hands the entire trip, never letting go. Well, only when they had to eat, but that was it.

"So what are you thinking about?" Elizabeth asked Darcy, as he sat there with his eyes closed. She had been watching his a little while, as he sat up tall, feigning sleep. She knew he wasn't though, because it was obvious he was thinking deeply.

"Hmm, not much, really," Darcy mumbled quietly. Elizabeth turned to look at him. He looked down at her eyes starring up at him. She obviously didn't buy that. She put her hand to his cheek and smiled.

"Be creative," Elizabeth said, resting her head on his shoulder once more.

"Well, mostly thinking about meeting Georgiana. I don't like to see my sister cry, you know. And I'm thinking about my parents. How much I'm going to miss them. The last time I talked to mom was just the other day, I mean ... she called to talk, etc. I miss her. And dad too. I mean, I haven't even faced Georgiana. That will be literal hell. I can't stand it when she cries! It makes me cry even more," Darcy whispered the last few words, another tear sliding down his cheek. Lizzy reached up and wiped it with her sleeve, as she wrapped her arm around his.

They didn't talk much on the way there. Elizabeth tried to engage him in conversation, more than once, but he seemed distant and drawn back. When the plane arrived, they went to the luggage pick up and got their bags. Then they all got a cab, which drove them to Pemberley. Upon arriving, a young girl ran out of the house to greet them. Once excited and happy, this girl was torn down and sobbing. She cried with every emotion in her body, her wails shaking her violently. Darcy received her with very similar actions. He bent down and took the girl into his arms. She just held him tightly and sobbed. They both closed their eyes, trying to fight the pain.

Elizabeth couldn't stand to watch, and put her head into Jane's shoulder, who patted her softly. Elizabeth couldn't bear two people she loved to be in such agony. Charles came behind Elizabeth and Jane, and hugged them both with arms spread wide. Not one face was dry. Mrs. Reynolds later came out of the house, more somber than ever. Her hands neatly clasped, and her head bowed, she stood, waiting the new Master of Pemberley to enter his domain.

The young girl looked at her brother and cried,

"Wil-liam.. I'm so..glad to-see you," she hugged him tightly, almost smiling. He patted her back with such effort to smile. He had to be strong for Georgiana.

He suddenly stood and took Georgiana's hand, leading her into Pemberley. The others imitated his actions, following him slowly. Darcy wiped a tear, and suddenly look stern faced.

"Charles, you would like your regular room, of course?" Charles nodded.

"Jane can have the room next to yours," he turned and looked at Jane, "if you like."

"Very much so," she answered, following Charles up stairs.

"Elizabeth, if you would like, you could have the room next to Jane's. Its right across from mine," he gave a faint and forced smile. She looked at him sympathetically. Georgiana had stopped sobbing for a bit, and now stood looking up at her, while holding William's hand.

"Of course," Elizabeth returned the forced smile, and followed him up as well.

"This, and Charles room, are the best guest rooms in the house. If you need anything to eat, at any time, just ask. My room, as I said earlier, is right across the hall, so just come get me if you need something," Mr. Darcy looked tired as he held his sisters hand.

"I'll go unpack," Elizabeth suggested, noticing the two would probably prefer some alone time. She was right, as Darcy gave her a grateful smile. He and his sister made their way to the garden, as she opened the door to the room. It was most lovely. There was a crystal vase in the corner on a beautiful hand painted table. A full length mirror was stationed right next to the dresser. The curtains had been drawn, and the sun light poured in the gloomy house. She smiled at the teddy bear placed on the bed. The floral bed covering was neatly made, the floor nicely scrubbed, and everything was in place. It gave the room almost a Martha Stewart look ... perfect. Cozy. Flowery.

She placed her bag on the bed and started to unpack. Such a place it was. Such grandness about it. If she had visited it any other time, she would have been in complete shock over the vines growing up the side and the wrought iron gates. Such a Victorian look, just as she pictured her dream house. But the devastation of such a time as this caused her to focus more on the brother and sister's obvious unhappiness, rather than the splendor of the house itself.

A slight knock was heard on the door. She opened is carefully, reveling her sister.

"Jane," she smiled.

"Oh, Lizzy, this is miserable. I can't bear to watch their faces," Jane said, hugging her sister. Elizabeth returned the hug, and nodded.

"We'll have to bear it, for William's sake. We can't leave him,"

"I wouldn't dream of it. Charles was crying too. Oh, its just so ... so..." she couldn't finish her sentence.

"I'm going to take a nap, Jane. I'm so tired now,"

"Grand idea! Simply grand. I don't know if it was the flying or the crying which did me in worse," Jane smiled and hugged her sister again, squeezing her hand as she left. Elizabeth slowly closed the door, and removed her shoes. Falling on the bed, not at all lightly, she was quickly asleep, a fitful one to say the least. A few hours later, she was awaken by a handsome but dreary face above hers.

"Lizzy?" he asked gently. She sat up slowly.

"Lizzy, its almost time for dinner. Would you like to come down?" he asked. He could tell she had been crying too, and took it greatly to heart. She was so sensitive to his feelings even. She, yes she, was in pain for him.

"Yes," she took his hand as he helped her to her feet.

"Let me freshen up a bit," she said quietly. He smiled and left the room. She looked in the mirror. Her hair was a mess, and there were tear stains soaking her cheeks. She quickly washed her face, combed her hair, and put on her shoes. As she came down, she noted that everyone was there except Georgiana.

"She feel asleep when we were in the garden, so I carried her back to her room. I don't want to wake her, she's had a really rough day," Darcy said, as she descended the staircase.

She also noticed that Jane and Charles had changed, and she was still in her big t-shirt. She was a bit embarrassed, but Darcy obviously took no notice. She seated herself next to him.

They ate rather silent, no one trying much to enter a conversation. Darcy didn't notice Elizabeth much that evening. After dinner, Charles and Darcy engaged in a game of billiards, as Jane and Elizabeth inspected the library. A grand library it was too. The night went by quickly, and Jane and Lizzy were in bed sooner than usual. Sleeping, the girls paid no notice that Charles and William were up till four o'clock, talking. And crying a bit too.

The next morning they all ate, a little more conversation, but not much more. Georgiana talked awhile with Lizzy, but she wasn't in high sprits, as was expected. She often didn't come to meals, but had them taken to her. All she really wanted to do was stay in her room. Lizzy didn't blame her.

William acted much the same way. Incredibly distant. She wished she could console him, help him in some way. But he didn't give her time to try. A few days later, she was feeling more lonely than she had in a very long while. Jane and Charles had gone to visit Charles family, and Darcy, Georgiana, Mrs. Reynolds, and Elizabeth were all by themselves. Darcy was distant, Georgie was quiet, and Mrs. Reynolds, well, she never said anything anyway. She was as sweet as she could be, though. Very mournful looking. Elizabeth spent most of her time in the beautiful garden. It was more beautiful than anywhere she had ever been. With gorgeous blooming roses and talkative daisies(who just kept smiling at her), she felt the most at home there. It was the only place on the whole ground that wasn't gloomy. That, and the lake. The garden over looked the most beautiful lake, too. She just wanted to jump right in, but she had no bathing suit. Oh well, maybe another time, she thought. The days went by, and Darcy set out to settle matters of the will, estate papers, all sorts of things. He came back at night, to sleep, of course, but was gone most of the day. She had gotten two kisses since arriving, and the thoughts of those kisses were the only thing keeping her going..

One day, she walked along the lake edge, softly thinking to herself. She was humming a tune quite happily, even though she felt not so giddy inside. Her hair was undone, and was quite free. She was wearing a very delightful sun dress, and looked very pretty. She wanted to feel pretty even more than look it. Maybe even Darcy would notice her. But he hadn't. It brought her down that her boyfriend was being like this, but there wasn't anything she could do. He was mourning, she knew that. But if only he would kiss her ... just one more time.

Suddenly she heard a noise, and quickly hid behind a tree. She noticed Mr. Darcy was coming up the hill, completely soaked. He had apparently been swimming, but the scowl he wore on his face was enough to determine that the water hadn't helped calm his spirits. He came so very close to the tree she was hiding behind that she stepped back. She accidentally stepped on a branch, producing a cracking sound. He quickly adjusted his gaze at the tree, where he saw the slightest hint of her skirt. She saw his gaze follow to her skirt, and realized she was caught. She came out from behind the tree and looked at him. His cheeks turned bright red, as he mumbled hello, and walked quickly up the hill. She looked after him. Hello was the first thing he'd said in awhile.

That night, as she was in her bed, she heard him come in late. She snuck to his door, listening to him getting ready for bed. She wanted to talk to him, that's all. Or even just listen to him.

She heard him grumble something, and heard a shoe hit the floor. She took another step towards the door. No noise. Another shoe. His feet scuffed the wooden floor towards the door. Elizabeth jumped back, a bit alarmed. He opened the door with surprise on his face. She hadn't seen him since the episode at the lake, and he looked painfully embarrassed, not to mention hopelessly annoyed. He now looked so alarmed that she began to cry. Mostly from being startled, and seeing his angry face.

"Lizzy?" he stepped into the hallway. She backed up a bit.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong?" she went to open her door, but he took her by the wrist.

"Lizzy?" he questioned pathetically. She wasn't mad ... just a bit confused. He was more so.

"Nothing," she replied. She tugged her hand a bit, and he let go, looking more alarmed that she would shun herself from him.

"You're crying," he took a step forward. His brow was furrowed, and she saw the dark out line of his face. His black silhouette stood in the door way, as the light from his room hit her softly. He reached up to wipe her tear as she moved toward him slowly, her nightgown glistening in the light.

"I haven't talked to you, or seen you," she whispered. He nodded,

"This is simply maddening, Lizzy," he began. She looked closer and noticed there were dark rings around his eyes.

"I should say the same thing," she replied.

"I've been through hell, and its still progressing. They consider me the Master of Pemberley now. Can you believe it? I wasn't supposed to be the Master of Pemberley for awhile. Now I have the burden of making sure this house is in right care, that my sister is taken care of, everything. I thought I would just have fun being in my twenties, you know? I had to call work, they understood and let me off awhile," Elizabeth nodded her head. He was obviously upset, but she was happy to just hear him talk to her.

"But now there's so much paper work, so many things I must handle. I can't, Lizzy, I really can't! The stress of these past days, or weeks, or whatever they are. Look, I can't even keep track of the days now. And sleep is the worst, Elizabeth, I mean, for heaven sake, I see my parent's dieing every time I close my eyes! I just watch re-runs of that drunkard's car hitting my parent's car. And them toppling over that rail, their car smashing to pieces," The hallway was eerily silent.

He looked at her with such agony that her heart burst in two. She rushed to him, holding him more tightly than before. He did cried. Hard. He couldn't stop. She cried too. The re-runs in his mind were too much. The stress was too much. The thoughts of missing his parents were too much. He honestly couldn't handle it.

She took his hand and bid him follow her into his room. He did. The tears had stopped for the moment, and she thought it best that they talked more. He smiled and kissed her gently, and the two laid down, and talked a while, in the dark. They just sat quietly, Darcy's large arms wrapped around her. She felt so happy.

"Fitzwilliam, just talk to me, would you? Tell me what stresses you out. I want to hear it. I want you to be yourself, and I don't want this stress to hurt you as it has," she said softly, but sternly. He actually smiled at the concern.

"If I must, darling,"

"Oh and you must, dear," she smiled and kissed him again. He told her about the will, how the estate was left to him. He said he figured he would be moving back to Pemberley then. She looked up at him with alarm, and she could see the sadness in his eyes.

"I don't think I can take care of Georgiana the way she needs to be though," he said. "I think she might move in with Mrs. Reynolds, in a house not fifteen minutes from here. She said she loved Pemberley, but that she couldn't stand being in here. I, on the other hand, welcome back happy memories. I feel bad for her though. I wish she didn't have to suffer," he trailed off, just talking.

"I wish you didn't either," Elizabeth said sweetly. He squeezed her, and the two silently sat there in the dark., until they fell asleep.

The next morning, Elizabeth awoke early to the sun creeping in the window. She got up, careful not to wake William. The night before she didn't notice how beautiful his room was as well. Certainly one of the grandest rooms. It was rather large, which she also didn't notice before. She walked around, examining the large bookshelf to the right of the sleigh bed. It held a vast amount of literature. She noticed his selection varied from romance to war stories to mysteries, and anything else. The walls were a very dark forest green, with a brown trimming, making the room seem awfully dark. If it weren't for the large window that reached the floor, the room seemed the only light that would enter would be artificial. She heard him move and turned to look behind her. He had brought his hand up to whisk a dark curl from his face, and then brought it to the pillow beside him. His eyes closed softly, his lashes resting peacefully. She figured that he was at peace for the moment, in his dreams.

Suddenly, she saw his eye lids lift slowly, and his head turn towards her. She smiled at him, so sweet and tired looking. He looked actually rather embarrassed. He sat up, softly running his fingers through those curls.

"I don't want to cause any alarm," Elizabeth said, heading for the door.

"They won't be up for another hour at least, Lizzy. Come talk to me," he said so sweetly that she couldn't refuse. The two went to the balcony outside his room and gazed at the lake.

"Shall we take a dip?" he asked, laughing. She looked at him and realized he was serious.

"What if we get caught?" she asked, cautiously.

"Who cares if we do?" he asked, a mischievously look in his eyes.

She looked at him as he stood up. Suddenly he picked her up, and carried her down stairs. She had no idea what was going on.

"What are you doing William?" she asked, as he opened the door skillfully, while holding her. Suddenly, she realized he was heading straight for the lake.

"No no no no no! Fitzwilliam Darcy, you put me down this instant!" she cried persistently kicking her feet in the air. Nothing slowed him though, and soon she found herself in the murky water, gulping for air.

"You nerd!" she cried, coming out of the water. Thankfully it wasn't a white night gown she was in, but purple. It clung to her though, which made her rather un easy. He stood by the bank, laughing as her curls dripped in front of her eyes. They blazed with fury. She started to walk up the hill, mad like. He stopped laughing and watched her.

"Aww, Lizzy, I'm sorry, I was just havin some.." suddenly she spun around and launched forward with all her might, knocking him over and into the cold lake. He came up, sputtering. This time she was laughing hysterically.

"Take that, punk!" she cried, still laughing. At first he was mad, but then began laughing too. He quickly got out of the water, and pulled her back in with him. She didn't mind it this time. They splashed in the lake, and eventually fell onto the bank, exhausted.

"I haven't had that much fun in awhile," Darcy said. Elizabeth said nothing.

"Especially with the recent happenings," he said, gravely.

"Hmm," she rolled over and faced him, her hands tucked neatly under her cheek. He brushed a curl away from her face, and stood.

"Come on, lets go get dry, and then get some breakfast," the two walked hand in hand back to the house. He seemed much cheerier the rest of the day, and even Charles couldn't figure it out. No one had witnessed their lake escapade. Of course, there was a lot of times where William was rather sad. But Elizabeth made him smile now. He knew she was there for him. Even if he was moving back to Pemberley...

Chapter 7

Posted on Monday, 5 August 2002

The next few days seemed somewhat dreary, but Elizabeth, Jane, and Charles expressed the need to get home, and back to their work. William understood, but was extremely reluctant to let them go. Especially Elizabeth. The two had come out of the lake feeling giddy, childish, and even more so, in love. But the next few days took a toll on them. Each day they were reminded of the need for Lizzy to get back to her job, and for William to finish his work as well. Moving back to Pemberley meant he would be working in Derbyshire, MI, as well.

Would Charles stay in Seattle? The question was on Jane's mind often. It floated around and set a damper on her happy, love-cast thoughts. If Darcy was moving into Pemberley, and Georgiana would be near by, what was the point in Charles staying in Washington?

William and Charles both knew they couldn't stay in Seattle forever, anyway.

What would happen?

In fact, when she had awoken, in the early morning, Elizabeth went to her window, to notice Mr. Darcy sitting on the hill below. He looked dreadfully melancholy, and she wished to comfort him. But she dare not leave the house, or confront him, until she had to leave. She couldn't bring herself to it, or else she might never leave. It didn't sound so bad, but she knew she had to.

Apparently no one was in good spirits that day. Nor could anyone sleep any longer.

It was about 6:30 when she had come out of her room. She heard Jane rustling about in her own room, and Darcy was outside on the hill. Charles she hadn't heard of, until she went downstairs to the study. There she found him reading, tiredly.

"Charles," she said softly, noticing him there. He looked up from his book and gave her a weary smile.

"Lizzy," he set down his book, and invited her to take a seat next to him on the couch.

She took his invitation, and went further, resting her head on his shoulder.

He didn't mind, but realized she was incredibly gloomy as well.

"William is outside," Lizzy offered.

Charles nodded. "I saw him out there when I woke up, which was about an hour ago."

"You woke up at 5:30?" Lizzy looked at him, somewhat astonished. 5:30 was incredibly early for any of them.

"Well, I couldn't get any sleep," Charles answered, then sighed. She noticed the rings around his eyes.

"You're staying here then," Elizabeth sat up and looked at him squarely, frowning.

"Yes, I must. Darcy needs help getting this place under control. Plus we both need to work. I don't think Jane understands, but this is the best I can do. I can't stay in Seattle."

Suddenly Jane walked in. "I heard you both talking, so I came down," she smiled her best. She looked incredibly tired. She was still in her nightgown, and her blonde hair was messier than ever. She also wore bags under her eyes.

"You look tired," Elizabeth commented. Jane shot Lizzy a look.

"You do," Charles agreed. Jane shot Charles a look. He gave her a look with his puppy eyes, which immediately warmed her heart exceedingly. She came and sat on his lap, burying her face in his hair.

"I'm going to miss you," she mumbled. Lizzy stood to leave, and give them some privacy.

"You don't have to go," Jane said, looking up as she heard Lizzy open the door. Elizabeth saw tears running down Jane's cheeks.

"No, its alright," Elizabeth opened the door, and closed it softly behind her, feeling tears sliding down her own eyes. Things were obviously not going as she had hoped. When she finally got Darcy, his parents died. When she finally realized she was in love with Darcy, he said he had to move to Derbyshire. She really wanted a hug, come to think of it.

Lizzy went up stairs and packed some more things up. It only took her a few minutes, considering there wasn't much to pack. Georgiana was up as well, and asked Elizabeth if she could make her some pancakes, since Georgiana didn't really know how. Elizabeth smiled and announced that she would be delighted to. Georgiana even helped, pouring the peppermints into the batter. It's very good, peppermints in pancakes, I will admit. Yum, yum.

Elizabeth flipped the perfect little round pancakes in the pan, and onto a plate for Georgie. When she turned around, Darcy was staring at her. She blushed. Still in her nightgown, as well as Jane, she was standing there with a plate of peppermint pancakes and a silly look on her face. He looked just like Jane did, gloomy, pale, and restless. She expected she looked about the same.

"I was just making Georgiana some pancakes, perhaps you'd like some?"

Elizabeth offered. Darcy looked at the plate in her hands.

"What are those little things in the pancakes?" Darcy asked curiously. She smiled.

"Peppermints, of course," Lizzy smiled. Peppermints have always been a fascination for her, as you'll remember.

"Peppermints? How curiously creative," Darcy said, warming. He liked the idea of it.. peppermint pancakes. He chuckled.

"Here. I'll make you some," Elizabeth stirred up some more batter, as

Darcy watched her intently.

"You're a pretty good cook, Liz," he laughed, as she produced another batch of her pancakes.

"Why thank you, chef William," she smiled, remembering the feast he and

Charles had prepared for her and Jane a while ago.

Darcy was obviously incredibly hungry, and dug into the pancakes, not at all daintily. "Wow, these are REALLY good!" he said. Georgiana took the same delight.

"Thank you," Elizabeth smiled humbly. Lizzy sat down and ate some herself.

Then she excused herself and went to the study to check on Charles and Jane.

When she opened the door a crack, she found the two were sitting on the couch, reading something. She smiled, as Charles wiped a tear from Jane's cheek. Closing the door slowly, she turned around. Again, a mysterious Darcy was standing behind her. She walked over to him and gave him a huge hug, fulfilling her hug need. He wrapped his arms around her tightly.

A few hours later they were all loaded in the car. Driving to the airport, the four were completely silent. They unloaded the car silently, and walked to the gate silently.

As the four stood in front of the gate, the announcer came over the intercom. "Flight 106 boarding now."

"That's our flight," Jane said. She felt like getting into that plane would separate her and Charles forever, but there was nothing she could possibly do.

"I'll write you an email when I get home," Charles smiled.

"A nice, long, juicy one?" Jane asked, sadly. She tried her best to sound perky, but of course, it didn't work.

"Of course," Charles kissed Jane passionately, and Jane turned to Lizzy. Elizabeth and Darcy just stood, opposite of each other, hands in hands. They could only look at each other. Finally Jane nudged Lizzy.

"I'll call you tonight," Darcy said.

"Bye, William," Lizzy looked at him. She quickly gave him a peck on the lips, and walked into the gate. Jane followed.

Darcy and Charles rode home in silence. They both knew they couldn't give either girl up. The minute the two walked in the door, they headed towards the computer room.

"You can get on," Darcy said.

"You sure?" Charles asked, seating himself.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go in my room. Georgiana is at Mrs. Reynolds's, fixing up her new room there. I wish Georgie could stay here, but she really wants to move in with Mrs. Reynolds. And my aunt thinks that it just isn't suitable for a young girl like her to stay with me. Georgie really wants to stay though, probably because of Marcy, Mrs. Reynolds's daughter. She is around Georgiana's age. The two are best friends, I believe," Darcy realized he was somewhat rambling, and decided to take a nap on the couch in the other room.

Charles typed away quickly, wanting to get every thought in his head out into an email. Darcy noticed all the smiley faces he placed in his email. He wished he felt that smiley. William wandered into the living room and realized how empty it sounded. Feeling incredibly alone, he curled up on the couch, and fell asleep.

Elizabeth boarded that plane with tears streaming down her face. She could feel the mascara running, and she knew she looked like a wreck. As the two found their seats, both were rather shaken, simply awaiting the future. The plane started to tip upwards, and Lizzy smacked her gum a bit. It helps your ears not to pop. I don't believe Elizabeth or Jane were really worrying about their ears popping though. Something else clouded their minds.

Jane tried desperately not to think about a certain someone, and found herself lost in a magazine, looking over the newest celebrity fashions, even though she had absolutely no interest in them whatsoever. Lizzy thought she found comfort in the guy sitting next to her. His name was Robert, he was 26, and he enjoyed lacrosse. Elizabeth thought he was an interesting guy, but nothing could take her mind of the man she was leaving behind. She kept thinking of the way he looked, sitting out there, that very morning, on the hill. He had his knees bent, and his arms folded across his knees. He just stared out to the pond, eyes squinted. Oh he looked so.. so ... sexy. She shut her eyes a moment, just thinking.

"Umm, Elizabeth?" Robert looked at her, oddly.

"Oh, yes, of course, sorry, what were you saying?"

"Is something wrong? You keep spacing out, sort of." She looked at him.

"No, I just miss my boyfriend," Lizzy said quietly. Jane looked at her; her eyes telling Lizzy to please not mention boyfriends at the moment.

"Oh. You have a boyfriend?" Robert asked, feeling all of a sudden uncomfortable. He moved in his seat.

"Hmm," Lizzy looked up, "Oh, yes." Robert looked depressed. It was even more depressing.

"Um, excuse me," he said, standing and moving towards the bathroom in the back.

Jane laughed. Elizabeth looked at her, surprised.

"Well, I suppose that kinda ruined it for him,"

"I can't help if I'm in.." Lizzy stopped, looking at Jane.

"Whaaaaaa?" Jane pressed.

"Nothing, nothing." Jane looked at Elizabeth suspiciously, but didn't say anything, just closed her magazine, as well as her eyes, and tilted her head back. Robert returned. The rest of the flight was ... long.

Jane and Lizzy practically crawled off the airplane, they were so tired, and confused. Being up early made them tired, and their thoughts of the boys made them confused. Hailing a taxi, Jane and Elizabeth got home quickly, and fell onto the couch with exhaustion. Jane looked over at the laptop, which was propped open. She realized she had mail. What joy she felt! Jumping up and running to the computer, she quickly clicked on the mailbox. She had three letters from Charles. While Jane read over his endearing messages, Lizzy plopped herself on the bed, and didn't awaken until later, much like William.

A month went by, a very boring, and long month. The sisters barely left the house, only to work, and eat. Darcy, piled with paperwork, spent much of his time at home as well, or outside, swimming in the lake. Charles, being the man that he is, decided to keep his mind as busy as possible, and was taking classes at a college nearby, for the arts of cooking. He prepared a very interesting meal every week for Darcy, and that brightened their worlds a bit, but the loss of the girls stunned them deeply. They didn't imagine that the girls were having as hard a time as they.

Elizabeth walked into the room. She had tried to write some poetry earlier, but her mind wasn't working quite right. Then she tried sleeping, which she did for an hour or so, but when she awoke, she still felt dreadful. She tried to find peace and solitude in the living room, but she only heard the water come on in the other room, and a loud sigh escape from Jane into the air.

"William called for you, Lizzy," Jane said, hearing her sister stir. Lizzy snapped to attention.

"And you didn't wake me up?!" she cried, running to the phone.

"I offered to, but he said that you were probably tired, and he would call back later,"

"No, no, no! I'm never too tired to talk to him!" Lizzy desperately picked up the phone.

"You're calling him?" Jane asked, turning off the shower. She felt clean and refreshed on the outside, but she still wanted to see Charles sooo badly.

"Of course I am!" Lizzy said, dialing. As it rang and rang, she walked out unto the balcony.

"Hello, you have reached the Darcys'. We are not able to come to the phone right now, but please leave a message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.." Elizabeth hadn't expected the answering machine.

"Hi, um, William, its Lizzy ... just calling you back ... you know my number, love you, bye."

She hung up the phone quickly, and then just realized what she had said.

"Elizabeth Bennet, did I just hear what I thought I heard?" Jane asked, coming out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her head. She looked at her sister, with her hands on her waist.

"It slipped out," Lizzy said, her face turning red.

"Oh Lizzy, you love him!" Jane rushed to her sister with a hug.

"Well, of course I do. I've always loved him ... he's one of my very best friends."

"Oh Elizabeth, don't go into denial now!" Jane frowned. Her sister was so very stubborn!

"Dear sister ... it's not denial! I've never fallen in love you know. I mean, sure, Julian was like ... an obsession. But that wasn't love. And that George Wickham fellow ... you remember him? When I was 16. Oh that man makes me sooo angry! But that's totally beside the point ... I've never been in love, and I've only known William, oh, I don't know.. how long has it been ... a few months?"

"Sure. I suppose, but Lizzy, I watch how you look at him," Jane ruffled her hair with the towel, in attempt to dry it. She sat on the bed, watching Lizzy's face. Lizzy looked determined.

"I won't fall in love with a silly boy who lives in Michigan, Jane! You know long distance relationships never work! Its only time before he finds someone else, and then I've limited myself for nothing."

Lizzy walked in the closet and began to change. Jane didn't really know what exactly to say. She knew Elizabeth was madly in love with Fitzwilliam Darcy. It was quite obvious to anyone who observed them. And if she wasn't mistaken, he was quite smitten with her as well. The phone suddenly rang. Lizzy dashed out of the closet, and jumped on the bed, to pick up the phone. "Hello?" she asked, anxiously.

"Hi, this is Jim Farewell, from Maxwell's window panes and glass repair. I was calling to inform you of out great new deal.."

"I don't want anything! Stop calling me!" Lizzy slammed the phone down with annoyance.

"Solicitors?" Jane asked.

"YES!" Lizzy stomped back to the closet. The phone rang again.

"You get it Jane, I can't stand those people!" Lizzy cried dramatically. She flung her shirt over the door and proceeded to dress herself in the cutest of cute frog pajamas.

"Hello?" Jane answered sweetly, secretly hoping with all her might it would be Charles calling.

"Hi Jane, its William," Mr. Darcy said softly. She breathed a rather silent sigh.

"Hey William, I'll get Lizzy."

"Thanks." Jane turned to the closet.

"Elizabeth! Its for you!" she called. Lizzy walked out of the closet slowly.

"If it's anybody but him, I don't want to talk to them." Jane looked at her sister.

"You hear that?" Jane asked into the receiver.

"Yeah," Darcy chuckled.

"Well, honey, it is him, so take the phone." Jane tossed it to her sister.

"Hi Lizzy," William laughed, when Lizzy took the phone. Elizabeth turned red.

"Hey William, whats ... um ... up?" she was very excited, remember, but felt rather stupid to say the least.

"I got your message."

"You did?" Lizzy looked confused somewhat, but she sat down silently on the bed.

"I love you too, Elizabeth." Lizzy's eyes grew big.

"Um, I know," she replied. He looked at Charles confused. Charles was sitting next to him, smiling at Darcy's revelation.

"You do?" he asked, kinda surprised.

"Yeah. I mean, we are best friends and all."

"You know that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"I meant that I'm in love with you," he said, hoping she would reply positively.

"Oh." He felt a tear well up in his eye, but didn't cry. Heaven knows he wouldn't cry. Not now.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Um ... I gotta get up for work early so I gotta go," Lizzy said.

"Oh. Okay," Darcy felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest, and then, of course, very savagely shoved back down his throat.


"Bye." Elizabeth put the phone down slowly, and then slammed her head down on the pillow and cried.

"What, what, what?" Jane asked, hearing her sister's sobs.

"I'm a fool, Jane. I am. And I know it. I am sooo very aware of it."

"What happened?" Jane hugged her sister. She gently rocked her, listening, and being the comforting older sis that Jane was.

"He said he loved me. You know, like, he's in love with me. And I couldn't, I wouldn't say it back."

"Why, Lizzy?! You know you do! You know you love him!"

"I know I do too! But I can't, I told you, Jane, it just won't work.. I can't let myself be in love with him. I can't. And I can't.. I won't, lead him on, if we're both gonna get hurt."

"It seems to me you're already hurt ... not to mention what he's probably feeling at the moment.."

What was Fitzwilliam Darcy feeling, you would be asking yourself? Oh, you could only imagine! Darcy sat there, listening to the dial tone, which was humming in his ear. He couldn't bring himself to set the phone down. He was so sure she loved him. So very sure. So very. Charles immediately understood. Friends do seem to understand, you know. Charles went to the counter in the kitchen and took a bottle of wine from the fridge. Pouring two glasses, he brought them into the living room, in which Darcy was seated. He looked up, noticing Charles re-entering the room with the wine. He slowly put the phone down. Not saying a word, he downed the entire glass of wine immediately.

"Darcy, old fellow, don't be too down. I'll talk to Jane in the morning, perhaps she knows what's going on. I'm sure Elizabeth loves you."

"Are you? Well, that's certainly funny, I was sure of it myself, until just a few minutes ago," Darcy snapped with anger, then contained himself and apologized.

"Get some sleep," Charles said, patting Darcy on the back as he got up. He sighed with aggravation for his friend. "Tomorrow will be better," he tried to comfort him. Darcy mumbled something, and then waved unenthusiastically goodnight. The two parted into their rooms, Darcy taking the bottle of wine with him.

The next morning, rather early, the phone at the girls' apartment rang. Jane was snuggled happily in Charles's old room (Lizzy took Darcy's, and Jane moved into Charles's, both were cozy) as she heard the annoying ring. She wondered out loud who could be calling at ... what was it, 7:30, in the morning?


"Morning sunshine," the sweet voice on the end said happily. Immediately Jane was awake.

"Oh, morning Charles! How goes it?"

"Badly, Darcy is depressed again,"

"I can only imagine why. You know she loves him right?"

"Of course I do ... but she won't admit it, and he's very upset. He took the wine bottle in his room last night, and is still in there right now."

"Hmmm, it's early here,"

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you up.. I forgot the time difference again ... it's later here,"

"It's alright.. I suppose you should just let him sleep then? Poor William."

"Indeed. Why won't she say it Jane?" Jane sighed loudly.

"She loves him so much Charles, but you know how stubborn that girl is. She won't say it because he lives in Michigan, and she's here, in Washington. And she figures it will never work. Please don't tell Darcy that though, I mean, Elizabeth doesn't want him to know."

"Of course not. I won't. I wish I could reassure him though, such a pitiful man he is." Suddenly they both heard a sound, which sounded much like a "humph!" but softer.

"What was that?" Jane asked. They then heard a click.

"Charles, you there?"

"Yeah, sorry, I don't know what happened."

"Quite alright. So aside from the depressing soap opera story 'The Lives of William and Lizzy', what else is new?" As the two chatted away, William paced his room, distressed.

"Ah ha!" he exclaimed," I knew she loved me, I just knew it, I mean, she has to, I love her! But she's afraid to tell me ... because we don't live in the same state? If that's what it takes for her to say she loves me, I'll do something about it!" He ran to the phone and picked it up, but heard voices on the other end.. "Oh, sorry Charles. Didn't know you were on." Darcy hung up the phone, and realized he'd just lied. Of course he knew Charles was on. He had been listening earlier you know. Darcy is a sneaky guy when he has to be. For love's sake, of course. Taking out his cell phone, he called the airport. "A flight to Seattle, Washington?" Darcy asked.. He was given the information, and proceeded to pack his bags hastily. His flight left in an hour and a half.

Dear Charles,

Gone to rectify the situation, and perhaps improve my chances at a happy life


William scribbled the note with a blue pen, and placed it on the floor in front of Charles door. Why he felt the need to rush out without telling Charles, I don't think we'll ever know, but he did. And he was out the back door, and into a car so quickly, and with so much excitement, that he tripped three times.

As the plane took off, an hour and a half later, his nerves were fidgety and scared. His mind raced faster than he had ever thought possible. What did commitment really mean? Something many people didn't understand. Divorce rate was looming around 50%. It was tragic the family's falling apart. But could it be possible to hold a family together by just enough love, trust, and communication? Could it be possible to be this madly and deeply in love with a girl he had known, somewhere around a year? A couple months? Was he crazy to hop on a plane to Washington? And if she said she didn't love him still, oh what would he do then? Crawl in a corner and die, he supposed.

The waitress awoke him from his mindless rambling inside his head, offering him a Pepsi Twist. "Umm, thank you," he said quietly.

"Would you like a pillow sir, you look awfully tired." Tired? He laughed to himself. He had been up all night trying to understand the woman he loved. It's not possible, he decided. He just made do with what he could.

"Please," he answered her, thinking a nap couldn't hurt. But when she brought back the pillow, and he was in a sleeping position, he noticed he couldn't calm his brain down enough to even think about sleep.

The hours went by slowly, and all he wanted to do was get out and run to her, but he waited, as patiently as he could. Thank goodness the man sitting next to him was a businessman, either working away on his laptop, or asleep. William's eyes finally closed, and he began to fall asleep slowly.

Elizabeth sat in the tub, surrounded by bubbles. There were candles lit around the tub, and the lights were dimmed. It was a beautiful bathroom, decorated in gold and white. And of course assorted colors of candles, perfect for her pity party. And what a pity party it was! She had a pint of cookie dough ice cream in her left hand, a copy of "Jane Eyre" in her right, and haunting Enya music floating in the background, along with the slow drip of her bath's faucet.

"Why does this have to be so complicated?" she asked out loud. All morning she found herself walking around the apartment, wondering if she should call William, or e-mail him, or maybe go read, or take a walk in the park. Sad to say, she even contemplated calling Julian, but the idea was dismissed immediately. She rested her head back against the tub and closed her eyes.

Suddenly the door burst open, revealing an insane looking Mr. Darcy. He looked tired, yet awake, and nervous, yet enthusiastically impatient. She screamed and reached for her towel, wrapping it around her. He hadn't seen anything anyways, considering there were so many bubbles. And he was so driven, Jane couldn't even stop him.

"Fitzwilliam Darcy!" she cried, as he stood there, realizing she was in the bathtub. His face grew hot with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Elizabeth, I have to talk to you, I just have to," he said. She looked a little skeptical as Jane rushed in.

"I tried to stop him, but he's apparently determined," Jane winked.

"Jane, could I have a second with Lizzy?" Darcy said, not taking his eyes off Elizabeth's face. Jane nodded and closed the door. "Elizabeth, please," he kneeled by the tub," allow me to tell you how ardently I admire, and love you," he looked at her, took a breath, and proceeded. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Lizzy. You are the most amazing, vivacious, beautiful, intelligent, girl. You are everything I've ever dreamed of in a girl. I want to grow old with you, and sit on a porch swing as we watch our children play in the yard. And I want to take our grandchildren out for ice cream when it's hot. I want to hug you when it storms outside, and assure you when you worry. I want to kiss you when we're happy, and kiss you when we're sad. Elizabeth, I just can't picture my life any further without seeing you in it."

He dug into his pocket, pulling out a small dark green box. "Elizabeth Bennet, will you marry me?" he asked softly.

She looked at the ring with amazement, and then at Darcy. And then at the ring. She didn't know what to say. It was beautiful, but at that moment, the look in his eyes could awe anyone. The look of love. His brown eyes seemed to deepen. She could see the fear in his eyes if she said no, and the joy if the answer was yes.

"William, I, I'm sorry," she said, looking at him carefully. "I'm sorry I put you through so much pain, and I'm sorry if I ever doubted you. I love you so much as well! And I certainly wouldn't dream of picturing my life without you. I love you, and.." she smiled, "yes."

He jumped up, leaned over the bath, and kissed her. She reached for her robe, and slid it on, dropping the towel from underneath. She stepped out of the tub, his hand holding her. As soon as both feet were safely on the ground, he pulled her into him, ruthlessly. And then, as fireworks shot off outside, and the music played, two more souls were united. The ring fit perfectly, as did their lips together. Hand in hand, they walked out of the bathroom.

Jane stood up, as Lizzy flashed her ring. The sisters hugged happily.

"I just got off the phone with Charles, he's flying in tomorrow," Jane said after the congratulations were said. Lizzy smiled. "I haven't been honest, Lizzy," Jane said, looking disturbed.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Charles proposed to me a few days ago, over the phone. He said he couldn't wait any longer, he had too. In fact, he was planning to fly out earlier, except Darcy was depressed, and he didn't want to leave him." William laughed.

"Charles really is a great friend to me," he smiled, hugging Jane.

"A double wedding?" Elizabeth laughed.

"Of course!" Jane replied.

Exactly two months, seven days, and seven hours after that proposal, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, Charles Bingley, and Jane Bennet, stood at an altar, and changed their lives. Elizabeth and Jane held their bouquets tightly, with anticipation, waiting for the priest to say, "You may now kiss the bride". The time did come, and the grooms were only too glad to oblige him.

The reception was beautiful, outside, in a lovely garden, in Pemberley. Everyone was there. The bridesmaids, of course, were Kitty, Lydia, Charlotte, and Mary, all in beautiful pink dresses. Their mother was incredibly excited to marry off two daughters, and to such wealthy men too. Recalling the wedding ceremony, Lizzy smiled as she remembered her father in between his lovely daughters, both wrapped in white lace.

As the music played, Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, and Mr. and Mrs. Bingley danced away to a favorite Frank Sinatra song. Darcy looked into Elizabeth's eyes as he mouthed the words to the song. The two rocked back and forth to the slow beat. Lizzy placed her cheek against his chest, and dared not move. When the song was over, Elizabeth excused herself from his arms for a moment, and went to the bandstand. She whispered something in the conductor's ear, and suddenly the band started up a lively and happy song.

Darcy dipped and sprung Elizabeth around and around the floor, amazing all the on-lookers. The two were certainly enjoying themselves, and had to share their enjoyment, pulling Charles and Jane unto the floor with them. The two couples danced and danced, and didn't stop. Soon the party was over, and many people returned home. Mrs. Bennet was among the last to leave, but after kissing her daughters goodbye, and with a wink of mischievousness, she was off to her car.

"Well, Mr. Darcy," Elizabeth said, as the two walked into Pemberley, arm in arm.

"Yes, Mrs. Darcy?" William smiled. She liked the sound of that. Mrs. Darcy. She nestled into his shoulder with happiness.

"This has been a fun day, don't you agree?" Darcy laughed.

"A very fun day," he suddenly spun her around, and dipped her. As the two began walking up the staircase, Elizabeth began to get ... excited perhaps? Nervous, definitely. Here was the man she loved. Truly loved. She squeezed his hand, as he kissed her.

"I love you," they muttered, together.

Fitzwilliam slowly undressed, as his wife stood in the corner, watching him. The room was lit with glowing candles, and her heart raced, but her face showed no look of fright. Her hair tumbled across her shoulders, and she looked at him. He slowly climbed into their bed. She found his eyes were staring at hers. She came and sat by him, and snuggled herself in his strong arms.

"We're here, William," she said softly. He closed his eyes.

"Umhmm." The lights were off, and the room looked dark. He began to kiss her, and she returned the kiss with enthusiasm.

The night was long and short, the time was different than it had ever been, and the morning came softly. No bright sun in their window, but a dimmed light, not awaking either. Elizabeth stirred in his arms, a bit cold. She sat up, and realized the window was open. It had been open all night. She wrapped her robe tightly around her, and closed it, softly, so as not to disturb William. He looked so peaceful asleep. Looking at the clock, she noticed it was 6:30. And yet she realized she had all the time in the world. Kissing her sleeping prince, she laid back down, close to him, shut her eyes, and smiled.


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