Mary Gets A Makeover

Mary Gets A Makeover

Posted By: Cynthia
Date: Thursday, 15 January 2004, at 10:47 a.m.

***NOTE: If "My New Self" resembles any other REAL fashion makeover show, especially "What Not To Wear", then it is purely a coincidence. Most makeover shows are rip offs of each other, anyway***

This is a modern P&P story where Mrs. Bennet, so tired of Mary's geeky self, decides to surprise her with a makeover on a reality show like TLC/BBC's "What Not To Wear". Would Mrs. Bennet suceed? Would Mary like it? We shall see in this story.

Chapter 1

Margaret Bennet, a slightly plump woman in her late fifties was tired of the fact that her 24 year old daughter, Mary, spends more time in front of her computer composing new age music than going out with friends. A 20-something girl should be out having fun, she thought. Margaret was also upset at Mary's wardrobe. It was nothing but too-big pants, sweatshirts and t's. She didn't own anything "nice" except for a very plain black, shapeless dress that she would wear to dinners at nicer restaurants and other events that require her to dress up. Something HAD to be done, Margaret thought. So off she went to her computer and switched it on. She knew that the only way to make her daughter more presentable was to give her a full makeover, and the only way to do that, was to put her on a cable reality show (no way would she go network) called "My New Self". The victim gets a fashion advice, shopping spree, hair and make-up/skincare advice. This was something that her daughter desparately needed. So she emailed the show.


Dear Producers,

I have a 24 year old daughter who desparately needs your help. I desparately need her to have a boyfriend soon, and there is no way she can get one, even the geekiest of geeks looking the way she does right now. All she owns are sweatshirts, t shirts and big pants. Nothing to interest the boys. Please help me!



Two days later, she received a reply, indicating that they will be in her town next month. Margaret was excited. FINALLY, she though, Mary would be prettier. But getting Mary involved would be harder than she thought.

Chapter 2

The month came and went, and soon, the people from "My New Self" came knocking on the Bennets' door.

"Coming!!" yelled a high pitched screaching voice

"Hi! We're from 'My New Self'" said a good looking young man "I'm Rick, and this is my partner, Katie", pointing to the redhead next to him


"We'd like to see Mary's closet. She's not in, I hope"

Margaret led Rick and Katie to Mary's room, and showed them what she normally wore. The cameras went on, and they started filming.

"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" exclaimed Katie "What on EARTH is that?"

"A sweatshirt she's had since she was in high school. She loves it to bits"

"This girl really needs to get rid of this stuff. No wonder she doesn't have a boyfriend!"

Meanwhile, Mary had just got home. She entered her room, and saw her mom, Katie, Rick and the film crew.

"What on EARTH is going on? Who are you guys?"

"I'm Rick"

"and I'm Katie"

"We're from the tv show 'My New Self' and we're here to make you over"

"But I don't want a makeover!"

"Oh yes you do! Your mom..."

"MOM!! How could you do this to me?"

"Mary, you do know that you need to get out of your sweatshirts and big pants and get out of the house sometimes"

"I do get out. I was out."

"You were at the library"

"That's out"

"No, I mean out-out. A social life. Meet somebody. Meet a boy"


"Because you're 24 years old and you've never been on a single date"

It was harder than anyone thought. Will they succeed? Will Mary Bennet decide to be made over? Will she get a boyfriend? Stay tuned

Last time we saw Mary, she was in her room and shocked that her mother would allow the "My New Self" crew go through her closet. She still isn't convinced that she needs a makeover as she just doesn't feel that it was necessary ***NOTE*****Roots is an athletic/casualwear store from Canada. There are a few stores in the US as well. They designed uniforms for the Canadian, US and UK Olympic teams for the Salt Lake City Games in 2002

Chapter 2, continued...

"But MOM.....boys should like me for my brain, not my looks"

Before Margaret could answer, Katie intervened...

"Mary, do you know what first impressions are?"

Mary nodded

"Then you should spiff yourself up. Say your music suddenly takes off and you're meeting with record producers or publishers. Do you think they're going to produce your music if you look like a slob?"

"I don't look like a slob. Besides, I have 'professional clothes'"

"Show me"

Mary grabbed an ugly charcoal jacket and black pants.

"OK...Mary, here's the problem. It's charcoal and black."


"You just don't look coordinated. The charcoal is really dark, but it's not quite as dark as the black. It looks weeeeirrrddddd"

"That is why, Mary, you have to come shopping with Katie and myself. We'll help you get new clothes. Oh and Margaret, please don't forget to do something with Mary's clothes. Get them as far away from her as possible" Rick said, smiling at Margaret

He's a cute one, thought Margaret. She had wanted to ask him if he was single, but suddenly decided that it was a little on the tacky side. As much as she liked publicity, ending up in a supermarket tabloid just wasn't a good thing!

Mary continued to disagree with the "My New Self" crew, but she eventually agreed, though reluctantly, to Rick and Katie's mobile studio for a further consult.

Chapter 3

"This," said Katie "is an example of what you should wear if you were meeting with publishers or producers". The outfit Katie was pointing to was a trendy looking, a nice pink twinset with a knee length grey skirt and black over the knee high heeled boots.

"I can't wear that"


"Because, the boots are ummmmmm 'dirty'"

"Excse me?"

"It's wrong. I don't want boys to see me like this. Besides, that's what my sister Lydia wears. Boots like that got her into trouble."

"But does your sister wear it with a twinset and a knee length skirt?"

"Now there you go. When you wear these boots with something conservative, it isn't dirty. It's quite nice, actually"

"I see..but those boots have heels...I can't wear them"

"We'll give you lessons"


"'ll be fine. Don't worry"

"OK, time for outfit two, your fun outfit"

The second outfit was a cute little shell, jean jacket, a pair of khakis and sneakers.

"It's kind of nice" said Mary "But I think the top is so low cut"

"You don't have to get the exact top, Mary. Just get something you're comfortable with"

Mary didn't know what to say. She just reluctantly agreed and they moved on

"Your final outfit," Katie said, pointing to outfit number three, "is your going out outfit"

"But I have that black dress at home"

"Not anymore, you don't"

"Isn't that all a girl needs?"

"Yes, but your old dress was a good three sizes too big for you"

"I like it like that"

"It looks bad"

"No it doesn't"

"Yes it does"

Rick felt he had to intervene and stop the ladies' argument

"Ladies, please..." "Mary, please listen to what Katie has to say. It's for your own good"


The final outfit was gorgeous. It was a little black wrap dress with a pretty mauve wrap and cute little heels. She was told that she could wear a cardigan in place of the wrap if she were to wear it to a nicer day or afternoon affair. Mary had warmed up to the idea of looking nice, though she still favoured her "casual" outfit. It was the closest thing to what she normally wore. She had even agreed to try high heels. So off Rick, Katie and Mary went to the shops.

Chapter 4

"Wait, Katie, Rick,...where are you guys going?" cried Mary

"We're going to grab a snack. You know what to do, don't you?"

"Katie, I don't know"

"Yes you do. Don't worry, we'll be watching you, and if you look like you need help, we'll be there"


So off Mary went to shop. Her first stop, the GAP, was where she got her some of her casual stuff. She grabbed a few shell tops, tops that were NOT that low cut and tried them on.

"It's so tight" she said to the camera once she got out of the fitting room..."it looks like something Lydia wears"

She tried on another one, a pink t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Mary then walks out and does a Lydia-esque dance, almost mocking her (or at least what she thinks Lydia does on her "nights out") was definitely not something that she would buy. In the end, she picked out a patterned top and a pair of khakis. It was off to the next store.

Katie and Rick were actually surprised that Mary passed the nature/sporty stores without really glancing at them.

"She didn't go into Roots!!" said Rick

"I'm kind of surprised too. I was sooooooo worried that she'd go in"

Mary seemed to be doing a good job, until she got to the dressy clothes. She just didn't know what to do. She was confused. Katie and Rick KNEW that they had to help the poor girl. So off they went to see Mary.

"MARY!!!!!!!!!" cried the both of them

"Oh my gosh!!!!!!"

"You knew that we were going to come over, didn't you?" asked Rick

"Ummmmm....not really....Actually, I thought you guys would have come am I doing?" she asked Katie

"Not too bad. In fact, we're surprised that you bypassed the athletic stores. We're proud of you!"

Mary blushed. "So you're going to help me? I'm really confused about dresses"

"Of course!"

In the end, Mary and Katie picked out a dress that would work both during the day and in the evening. It was a deep red/burgundy colour, knee length. They also picked out a cute wrap and a cardigan to go with it. Next it was shoes. Mary ended up picking the exact shoes that she saw in the consult. She tried them on and nearly fell walking. Mary had never worn slim heels before.

"Slowly, Mary" said Katie. "Take your time"

"I don't know. They're so...high..."

"OK, why don't you try this? It's the same thing, with a slightly thicker heel"

Mary tried them. Amazingly, she didn't fall. The boots weren't all that bad, after all!

Chapter 5

Mary entered a room with two women, one petite and brunette and the other, tall and blonde. Mary assumed that they were the make-up artist and hairdresser

"Mary, this is your hair dresser, Ally", said Rick, pointing to a tall brunette "And this is Laura, the make-up artist"


"OK...we have to decide what to do with your hair. When was the last time you had it cut?"

"A year ago"

"Well, it's in desparate need to be cut. And that hair is much, much too long for your petite frame"


"And you're going to need some spice in your hair. This mousy brown just won't do"

"I don't want any weird stuff in my hair"

"Highlighting isn't weird. Most women do it"

"I don't. I'm not 'most women'"

"Oh you will be"





"Ok fine...but don't overdo it"

Ally pulled back Mary's hair and cut most of it off and continued to fix her hair. Mary wasn't facing the mirror, so she had no idea what Ally was doing to her. When she had finished, she spun Mary around. Mary now sported hair that was just above shoulder length. It also now had glowing light brown highlights.

"Ta-da! What do you think?"


Now it was off to Laura for the make-up

"You don't really wear make-up, do you? What do you have at home?"

"Nothing much. Just this lipstick and mascara"

"Hon, it's totally wrong for you. The mascara looks really old and the lipstick is a bad colour"

"I don't understand. The lipstick is red. Anyone can wear red. And I got the mascara about a year ago."

"Mary, it's true that every woman can wear red, but that doesn't mean that every woman can wear the SAME red. Also, mascara has to be changed every three months.

Mary was silent.

"Don't put too much stuff on me" she said sternly

"Mary, what I'm going to do is even out your skintone. Is that ok? You don't need to wear anything too heavy. A light foundation or tinted moisterizer would do just fine. I'm going to put some blush on to highlight your cheeks. Here, this is a nice pink colour. Your colours shouldn't be too deep, especially since you have lighter hair now As for your eyes, since you don't want to look too made up, I'll just use a bit of eyeliner, a little shadow...two colours, lighter one first, and then the darker one and some mascara. The mascara only has to go on the top lashes. There we go...Now for your lips. First outline them with this lip pencil, and then fill it in. Top it off with a pale gloss. Now...what do you think?"

" looks like I don't have anything on"

"That's the point. Do you like it?"

"I do, but what's the point if I look like I don't have anything on?"

"It looks more put together, for one thing"

Mary didn't know what to say. She actually looked OK, and she was wearing make-up. But she had to do it herself on a daily basis. She wasn't sure if she wanted to do that. Oh well, she thought, maybe I'll just keep this up until after she shows her clothes to Katie, Rick, her family and her friends...

Please stay tuned for Katie's, Rick's and Margaret's reactions to Mary, and perhaps even a shocking ending!

Last time we saw Mary, she had gone shopping, had her hair cut and highlighted and had her make-up done. Mary looks very, very different, perhaps even pretty. Now, it was time for her photo shoot. She has picked out an outfit for the actual reveal party and a few other outfits would be used for a shoot for FashionistaStation's quarterly magazine. The outfits used for the shoot were from her casual choices and her business/professional choices. A cute little twin-set and skirt and the outfit she bought at the GAP. The photographer was a skinny blond man who looked a lot like Carson Kresley from "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"

"Hi!" he said "I'm Sam. I'll be your photographer today."

"I'm Mary Bennet. I don't like fashion magazines"

"Why not?"

"Because they objectify and demean women into looking like this! I'm only doing this for my mother"

"But you look so pretty! I'm suuuuurrrreeeeee boys looooooove you!"

"I don't like boys."

"Girls then"

"I don't like girls either. I'd rather be at home with my computer. I love my computer."

"You can't marry a computer."

"I don't want to get married. My mother's the one who wants me to marry. She's crazy!"

The camera clicked.

"Now Mary, please turn a little to the left. Smile!! Yes!! GORGEOUS!"

More clicks.

"So," said Mary, "how long have you been shooting for FashionistaStation Quarterly?"


"Ok. Fine. FSQ"

"On and off for about five years."

"I see. And do you like shooting?"

"It can get busy, depending on the time of year."

"Hmmmmm really.."

"OK....turn a little to the left. No, just your head. Yes, that's right. Smile!...Yeah, busy. I do get to go to a few parties"

"I hate parties."

"You mean you've never gone to a party?"

"Nope, unless you count my sisters' weddings."

"How many sisters do you have....yes....that's right....turn just a tad bit to the right..."

"Four. Jane's the oldest, she's 32. Then comes Elizabeth, 28, I'm next, and then there's Katherine, who's a year younger than me at 23. We call her Katie. My youngest sister is Lydia. She's 22. She dropped out of school with half a semester to go and eloped with some musician guy. George Wickham."

"Your sister is LYDIA WICKHAM?"

"What, you know her?"

"Everyone knows Lydia!"

"What do you mean?"

"The entire....yes......that's good.....the entire industry knows her. I'm not sure if I should be telling you this, but a couple of years back, she tried to get me to take some pictures for her. I told her that I didn't do that kind of photography."

Mary was silent. She always knew that Lydia was a big Britney and Christina fan, down to the clothes, but she never knew that Lydia would ever pose nude. Sam continued to shoot, but Mary was kept quiet. She wasn't sure what to say, or even if she should tell her mother. Click! Click! Went the camera.

In a short time, the shoot was over. Mary thanked Sam and he told her that a copy of FSQ would arrive shortly. She would have a 2 year subscription to the magazine. Sam told Mary that if she didn't like fashion magazines, that her sisters could always read them. Mary then changed into her dressier outfit and went home. She'd be revealing her new look to her mother, Katie, Rick and a few surprise guests. She had no idea who they were.

MEANWHILE, back at the Bennet residence:

"Ohhhhhhhh I'm sooooo excited" cried Margaret to the camera. Then, she turned to her husband, who was reading the newspaper.

"Honey, are you excited? I mean, Mary'll be sooooo pretty!"


"But ANDY!!!!!!!!!! You promised to say something to the camera!"


"He's very shy. He barely looked at the camera at our wedding or at our daughters' weddings"

Soon, the guests began to arrive. Elizabeth and her husband, Will Darcy came with their newborn daughter Karen. Jane and Chuck came, as well as Katie and her boyfriend Mike. Will Collins came as well, but he blended in with the crowd. Lydia came as well, but without George. Lydia explained that George was out promoting his new CD and therefore couldn't make it. Also invited were people that Mary knew from high school and university. The cameras interviewed a few select people.

"I want to see Mary look like ME! ME! ME! ME!!!" said Lydia "Bleached blonde hair!!!!!!! Mini skirt!"

The camera panned away from her. That interview will go to the cutting room floor.

"Well, I hope she cuts her hair and gets good make-up" said a gorgeous blonde. It is Jane. "She needs it. Her look isn't professional, and no music promotion company would even take one look at her, no matter how 'out there' it is"

"Yes" said her brunette sister, Elizabeth "It's definitely time for her to change. I do hope that she throws out that five billion year old mascara. I'm surprised that she hasn't accquired an eye infection yet!"

"That's because she doesn't wear it!" said the blonde sister

Mary arrives at home and slowly unlocks the door.

"Hello????? Anyone home??"

"We're in the back!"

Mary and the rest of the camera crew walk to the kitchen and then out to the back yard. The guests cheer.

"My goodness!" says Margaret "You look WONDERFUL! Doesn't she everyone? My daughter is PRETTY!!! Now if we can find a young man for you. A young man of good fortune, then it would be wonderful. Ahh...let me introduce you to Jack. Jack?"


Mary awakes in her darkened room. It was only a dream. Mary went back to bed.

C'mon people, you didn't REALLY think Mary would go through with this, did you?


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