OPINION SIZESHAREAGECOLOURORIGINMATERIAL//peak/ botton// increase, rise, soar-gwałtownie, climb-wspinać, improve-ulepsz//decrease, fall, dip-obniżać, plunge-gwałt, tumble-spaść,slide-zniżkow,plummet-gwał, decline-opad,deteriorate-obniż, collapse-runąć,drop-zniżać //stay the same, maintaine//solid/ broken/ dotted//steadily-mocno, slightly-nieznacznie,significant =considerably-znacznie,sharply-ostro// will*decyzje podj.w tej chwili*oczekiwania*myśli*propoz*prośby*obietnice groźby*fakty z przyszł*be going to* plany*coś widać się stanie*shall*sugestie*oferty* prośby be+ing *tonight*this weekend//like,love,hate,want,need,realise,suppose,mean,understand,believe, contain, depend,seem,see,hear,smell,taste,look,feel//ON-na,IN-w,BEHIND-za,IN FRONT OF-przed, OPPOSITE-naprzeciwko, NEAR-blisko,NEXT TO-obok,BETWEEN-2 rzeczy,AMONG-dużo, UNDER-pod,ABOVE-nad, |
hard sell-sprzed.agresywna, soft sell-sprz.łagodna,mail shot-ulotki,impulse buying-impuls consumer awereness-świadomość, generic adv-rekl.ogólna, customer oriented selling-zorientow.na sprz., above the line promotion-duże w śr.masow.przek,classified ad-ogłosz. drobne, display ad-wyróżniająca forma, special display-nieduża np.wystawka, product endorsements-ze znaną osob// invest in,spend on,waste on,make from,save on,give to,borrow from,owe to// withdraw-zabierać, bank statement-wyciąg,overdraft-przekrocz konta,overdrawn-przekroczony stan,bank loan-pożyczka ,mortgage-zastaw hipoteczny, in bulk-dużo,haggle-targować się,receipt-kwit,fee-opłata,fare-opłata za przejzad,bargain-interes,worth-wart,rip-off-okraść,income tax-pod.doch, inheritance tax-podatek dziedz. excise duties-akcyza,value added tax,corporation tax,tax reabate-zniżka unemployment benefit-zasiłki,student grant-stypa,pension-renta // ambitious, energetic, patient, imaginative, active,hard-working,confrontational,competitive, challenging-wyzwania,collaborative, |
RETAILING provision of goods or services to the customer RETAIL OUTLET place where customers can purchase goods SUPERMARKETa large self-service shop selling food and drink MAIL ORDERa company sends goods by post from its house DOOR-TO-DOOR SALESan agent for the company sells the product to the customer at home CASH AND CARRYcustomers can buy from the manufacturer's warehouse CHECKOUT COUNTER the pay desk in a self-service shop BARCODEpattern of thick and thin lines that represents information TILL DISPLAYan electronic screen which shows you how much to pay STOCKall the goods a retail outlet keeps to sell to its customers A CASH- POINT a machine in the wall of a bank where you can take money out INCOME the money you receive each year from work, investments…A BANK LOAN a money which is lent to you by the bank THE COST OF LIVING what it costs to live in your countryTHE EXCHANGE RATE the value of one country's money against anotherA BANK ACCOUNT way of keeping your money in the bankA SAFE a metal box for keeping moneyTAX money that the government takes from your salaryUSPs UNIQUE SELLING POINTS the things that make product specialSTATUS your professional position JOB SECURITY no worry about losing your job AVAILABILITY OF LABOUR that is how easy or difficult it's to find workers LABOUR COSTS how much it costs to employ people |
verb |
noun |
adjective |
przyznawać |
to award |
award |
awarded |
wynajdować |
to invent |
invention |
invented |
rozwijać |
to develop |
development |
ulepszać |
innovate |
innovation |
współzawod |
compete |
competition |
competitive |
konfrontować |
confront |
confrontation |
confronted |
współpracow |
collaborate |
collaboration |
collaborating |
kontrolować |
control |
control |
controlling |
zachęcać |
encourage |
encouragement |
encouraging |
osiągać |
achieve |
achievement |
achieving |
ulepszać |
improve |
improvement |
improved |
rosnąć |
grow |
growth |
grown |
rosnąć |
increase |
increase |
increased |
rosnąć |
rise |
Rise |
risen |
spadać |
decrease |
decrease |
spadać |
drop |
drop |
dropping |
produkować |
manufacture |
manufactrurer |
manufactured |
działać |
operate |
operator |
operating |
planować |
plan |
planner |
planned |
programow |
programme |
programmer |
programmed |
odwiedzać |
visit |
visitor |
visited |
analizować |
analyse |
analyst |
analytical |
relacjonować |
report |
reporter |
reklamować |
advertise |
advertisement |
advertised |
random-przypadkowy, approach-zbliżać się,departament store-dom towarowy,cover-pokrywać, recognise-rozpoznawać,contain-zawierać,deduct-potrącać,dimension-rozmiar accurate-dokładny, collect call-rozmowa na koszt rozm.,appliance-urządzenie,bags of-cała masa, a bank loan-pożyczka,efficient-sprawny/wydajny,convert-przekształcać,faulty-wadliwy,allow-pozwalać,admit-przyjmować,encourage-zachęcić, charging-obciążony, require-żądać/wymagać,ordinary investors-zwykli inwestorzy, stunned-oszołomiony, afford-pozwalać sobie/dostarczać,consider-rozważać,confidence-zaufanie,considerations-okoliczności, effort-wysiłek, perks-dodatki do zarobków, move in- wprowadzać, przesuwać they say that/it is said that/ |