The Heir of Longbourn

The Heir of Longbourn

By Kendra Crispin

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Jump to new as of May 25, 2000
Jump to new as of May 29, 2000
Jump to new as of December 18, 2000

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Posted on Friday, 21 April 2000

Over eight and twenty years ago, Mr. Thomas Bennet of Hertfordshire met a Miss Frances Gardiner, also of Hertfordshire. Mr. Bennet was of a mind to get married, and as Miss Gardiner was a very handsome girl, he soon proposed to her.

*sigh* We all know what is to happen because of that action.

Soon Mr. Bennet realized that his new bride was not of an understanding or intelligent nature. She did not understand his humor or his teasing her, nor did she know when to hold her tongue. Frequently, she spoke in a shrill manner.

Ah, Dear Old Mrs. B... She could make someone go deaf with that voice!

When things did not go her way, she fancied herself nervous.

Well, we all know *that!*

She was also in the habit of spending more than she ought. Mr. Bennet had to curb his wife's spending habits very firmly. And so all of Mr. Bennet's hopes of domestic felicity were destroyed. His only comforts were his mother, Mrs. Robert Bennet, his three sisters - Anna, Rachel, and Grace - and the entertainment he could find in his wife's silly behavior.

For the comedic entertainment value she gave would have cost Mr. Bennet a fortune at the theatres!

His mother, whose name was Rose, could at times curb her daughter-in-law's habits, but not often.

After all, it's very difficult to get Mrs. Bennet Jr. to give way.

But he soon received more comfort. A year after his marriage, a son, Andrew, came into the world. Declared the handsomest boy ever seen, he was expected to be a credit to the family.

Five years after Andrew's birth, five sisters came one-by-one into the world. First came Jane, a golden angel to all who knew her. Two years later came Lizzy, the apple of her father's eye besides Andrew. Two more years later, Mary came into the world. Only a year later, Kitty followed, and finally, two years later, Lydia marked the last child Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennet would have.

And now you can learn what became of them all.

What became of Mr. Bennet's sisters, you ask? Anna was as unlucky as her brother in marriage. She was persuaded to marry a Mr. Collins, a distant cousin of the family. At the time he had seemed to be a good man, but he soon turned out to be a misery and illiterate man. Anna gave birth to a son, William, but she died soon after. A disagreement quickly came between the families, and Mr. Collins cut all ties to his late wife's family. None were terribly sorry to not have to deal with him, but they were worried to varying degrees about what would become of William.

If they had known then what he would become, do you think they would have kept up ties with their disagreeable relation?

Rachel and Grace were far more fortunate. The year her nephew William was born, Rachel married Sir John Edwards of Yorkshire. Sir John was an intelligent man with good humor and wit, and so he and Lady Edwards were very happy. Three children, Tom, Anna, and Rose, came into their household, making their lives complete.

Grace made an even more fortunate alliance. At the same time that Sir John was courting Rachel, the family's distant cousins, the Bennets of Greenwood in Devonshire, came to visit. Longbourn had come into the Bennet family when a lady-in-waiting of Queen Elizabeth, who had been given Longbourn, married the second son of the then Earl of Greenwood. Ties between the families had been weak, but the current Earl, Sir Christopher, chose to reconnect with the Longbourn cousins. He quickly became good friends with Sir John and Mr. Bennet, but Miss Grace caught his eye and later his heart. He had the good fortune to capture hers, and so they were married on the same day as her sister and Sir John. Five children were born to them, Adam, Henry, Grace, Andrea, and John.

Getting tired of all these family ties? Do not fret. I am moving on to other things.

All of those boys went to Cambridge at sixteen. After Andrew graduated, he felt a wish to increase his family's wealth. He chose to enter into business with his uncle, Mr. Gardiner. His uncle and his business partners all saw the young man's keen business sense and put it to good use. Soon the business was booming. Mr. Bennet invested some of his money in it, and saw a handsome profit. He found himself able to increase his daughter's fortunes to six thousand pounds each and double their dowries. Andrew promised himself that he too would increase his sisters' fortunes.

When Andrew was two and twenty, he was able to purchase a nice house in Gracechurch Street, where his uncle lived. After the house came into his possession, he went back to Hertfordshire to see his family. While there, he surprised nearly everyone by proposing marriage to his old friend Charlotte Lucas. Few had suspected an attachment between the two, and even fewer could believe that Andrew was in love with plain Charlotte. But he was, and despite all her professions about being unromantic, she gave up every one of them when she married Andrew. Most ladies who had met Andrew wailed in protest of his "not marrying one of them."

And he did nothing expect be himself. Not that his smashing good looks hurt.

Sir William and Lady Lucas were delighted with the match. Charlotte would be the Mistress of Longbourn one day, and Andrew's future wealth prospects were excellent. Charlotte's brothers were relieved that she would not end an old maid, and the girls were happy because her marriage allowed them to come out a year or two earlier than they had thought they would.

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Chapter 1 - Andrew and Charlotte's wedding

Posted on Friday, 19 May 2000

Five Years Ago

I cannot believe this, Charlotte Lucas thought to herself. I am to married in less than half an hour. To Andrew Bennet, of all people! Even though she had been engaged for over a month, she still felt like pinching herself to be sure she wasn't dreaming. Andrew Bennet, the most attractive man in all of Hertfordshire - and probably one of the handsomest men in all the land - loved her and wanted her for his wife.

Earning Charlotte the wrath of almost all of the single women and girls of Hertfordshire.

She was in her room, for the last time as Miss Lucas, waiting with her bridesmaids. Celeste, at seventeen and the maid of honor, would be Miss Lucas after today. Also in the room were Jane Bennet, not yet seventeen, Lizzy Bennet, barely fifteen and out, the two Miss Callaways - Samantha and Phoebe - and their elder sister, Kathryn, who had gotten married over two years earlier and was the matron of honor.

I do not need to describe Jane and Lizzy as we all know what they look like by heart. However, a description of the others is perhaps required.

Celeste had dark hair like her sister, but she had green eyes, a fairer complexion, and was the prettiest of the Lucas girls. Kathryn, with her red hair, sparkling dark blue eyes, semi-fair complexion, playful wit, and extensive intelligence, was spoken of as a flame that drew men in like moths. Samantha was a golden, blue-eyed beauty similar to her cousin Jane, but was considered not nearly as handsome. She was a quiet person, but had plenty of wit and intelligence, and was quite lively among those she knew well. Phoebe was by far the liveliest of the Callaway girls, with curly brown hair, gray-blue eyes, a complexion similar to Kathryn's, and a ready wit and intelligence.

The Callaways were a wealthy family of Hertfordshire and related to the Bennets because of Rose Bennet. She had been married to Mr. Walter Callaway before she had married Robert Bennet, and when Mr. Callaway died, leaving her with two sons and two daughters, she remarried after two years had passed. She loved her second husband as dearly as she loved her first, which set a standard for all of her children and grandchildren.

And now onto the important stuff: Charlotte's last moments as Miss Lucas!

"Are you nervous, Charlotte," asked Kathryn, who was one of the most perceptive ladies' in the group.

Charlotte sighed, "Yes, I am. I never thought that I would be able to marry for love because I am a plain girl. I always assumed that I would have to marry for comfort and material considerations. It is a shock that I have found someone as wonderful as Andrew."

And thank goodness! As several people have said, she didn't deserve what she got in the novel! It was grossly unfair!

Jane and Lizzy smiled. They had always known their brother to be among the best of men, and were very happy that he was marrying their good friend.

Kathryn, however, knew that Charlotte had not told her everything. "Is that all that is worrying you?" When Charlotte paused Kathryn had an idea of what was bothering her. "Is it about the wedding night?"

Oh, yes...that all-important topic...

Charlotte turned crimson, and the other girls blushed a bit as well. They all knew exactly what Kathryn meant. It took Charlotte a minute to compose herself enough to answer. "My...mother told me about it, but after she talked to me about it, I am a little uneasy about it."

You get the feeling that Lady Lucas' talk was similar to what Mrs. Bennet would be likely to give?

"Very well." Kathryn looked down to calm a blush of her own. "Let me say this much, Charlotte - and I suggest the rest of you listen carefully as well." Here she looked up again at Charlotte. "Most of society considers it as a...wifely duty." They heard her disdain towards that term. "However, you know that Andrew loves you and will never hurt you, and if you love your husband, then you shall never think of it as a duty. Do you understand me?"

Understanding washed over the faces of all the other girls in the room.

As it should!

Though Kathryn was three years Charlotte's junior, she was "the old hand" of the group as far as matters of marriage were concerned, as she had been married for over two years. Furthermore, her husband had defied the wishes of some of his family and friends to marry her, so the girls knew that there were truly good men in the world.

I sense you are all curious about the circumstances. Patience...that will be in a later chapter.

Charlotte took Kathryn's hand and squeezed it. "Thank you, Kathryn. You have set my mind at ease. If anyone would know the truth about that it is you."

"And I wish you and Andrew to be as happy as Tom and I am."

Celeste laughed. "My, we certainly have had a little muddle for some time. Jane and Lizzy's father is named Thomas, Sir John and Lady Edwards' eldest son is called Tom, Kathryn calls her husband Tom - although he can also be known as Lord Derby, thank goodness - and her son is called Thomas. And if I heard him correctly, Lord Derby has both an uncle and a cousin named Thomas." She laughed again.

Quite a lot of Tom's and Thomas', don't you think? I'm in a bit of a muddle, too. Lots of characters. But I'll keep track of who's who. I'm the authoress. (grins)

"It does make for interesting conversations," Lizzy archly observed. "Although to make them truly interesting we need to get that uncle and cousin of his into our group." Laughter and a general agreement to her statement followed. The laughter went a long way towards easing the rest of Charlotte's worries.

A good thing, too, because no bride wants to faint from worry on her wedding day!

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. Charlotte took a deep breath. "Come in," she called out. Her mother came in.

"Charlotte, it is time to go to the church."


"I am ready, Mother." As she spoke, Charlotte realized that it was true. She was on longer worried about the rest of the day. It would all turn out happily for all. Well, she thought with a small smile, for all except those who wanted Andrew to marry them.

Yes, there was no way those ladies would be pleased today. (grin)

The ladies gathered all the items they required for the day, and then left. Charlotte paused to take one last look at the room she had grown up in, the room that one of her brother William's children would one day grow up in. She sighed, thinking of all the fond memories the room held, before walking out to her future.

A much happier one than she usually gets. (cheers from the Dwiggies and the RoP'ers)

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Meanwhile, at the church, Andrew Bennet waited for the bridal party to arrive. With him was the rest of his family, the Gardiners, the Edwards', the rest of the Callaways, the Bennets of Greenwood, the Richardsons, the Phillips', the Gouldings, and other families of Hertfordshire and friends from London. Also present were Lord Derby and his twin children, Thomas and Katie.

Andrew passed the time by pacing the area next to the altar, under the eye of the Lucas' parson, and most of the male guests. After several minutes of watching his son pace, Mr. Bennet said, "You shall wear yourself out, Andy. I do not think Charlotte would want to be met by a completely tired groom." Andrew simply glared at his father.

He wasn't in a mood for his father's sarcastic humor.

Lord Derby, however, took pity on his cousin. "Cousin, your worries shall leave you after you and Charlotte exchange vows. Just take a few breaths to calm yourself. She shall be here any minute."

Yes, we don't want you to faint, either, Andrew!

Andrew paused and considered that. He remembered the day Kathryn and Lord Derby were married. His lordship's father had given him the same advice that day. He also recalled hearing about Kathryn's having been completely nervous about the whole day, worries that were only calmed by a talk with her mother. He nodded a thank-you, and his pacing slowed considerably.

Now he just had to work off the nervous energy.

Both of those two young men could be described as tall, fair, blue-eyed, and looking like a Greek god, but the similarities went no further then that. Both had short hair, but Andrew's hair was straight and Lord Derby's was curly. Andrew's eyes were a deep blue - similar to his grandmother, sister, and some of his cousins while Lord Derby's were a lighter yet more intense blue. His lordship's features were more softly defined while Andrew's were somewhat more sharply defined.

Yipee! I'm going to have to think twice about how I describe characters from now on! But I'm sure I've set a few ladies into drooling fits.

Suddenly, the rest of the group came in, with Fanny Bennet in the lead. "The Lucas' and the bridesmaids are here, Mr. Bennet! We must take our places. Oh, Andrew, straighten your jacket."

Well, we had to be graced with her presence sooner or later.

Mr. Bennet rolled his eyes at his wife's behavior, and his mother and son returned the gesture. The rest of guests quickly took their places. A few moments after, Lady Lucas led the rest of her children to their seats while her two eldest sons, William and Michael, went up to the alter as they were standing up for Andrew as Best Man and Groomsman.

Once everyone was in place, Sir William led Charlotte down the aisle. The young couple paid little attention to anything except each other. While Charlotte thought, He has never looked more handsome, Andrew was thinking, My dearest, you have never looked lovelier.

*sigh* The romantic sentimentality we all love.

The two barely remembered the ceremony after that. It went perfectly in the eyes of all who attended, and the reception afterwards was just as lovely. Finally, the newlywed couple left for London, and joyous farewells were exchanged, along with promises of visits.

If I tried to tell you everything that happened that day, I would go on for weeks, and I don't think you want me to do that. Not when there is so much to cover.

It was already dark when Andrew and Charlotte Bennet arrived in their London home. The servants Andrew had hired all greeted them, some of them had worked at Longbourn and went with Andrew when he purchased the house. Charlotte had first seen it when she and her parents went to London for wedding clothes, and she loved it. Now the task before her was to make it into a real home.

But we all know that Charlotte is an active, useful person, so she will have no trouble with that.

Andrew turned to his new wife, looking at her with infinite tenderness, and Charlotte felt her insides melt. "My dear, shall we...go to bed?" He was uncertain about how ready she was for this aspect of their marriage, particularly after the talk he had with his father, who urged him to be careful when broaching the subject to his new bride.

Mr. B. did not want his son to go through what he did in marriage.

"My love, I am more than ready." At his slightly surprised yet happy look, she said, "Kathryn set my mind at rest on the matter. Shall we?" Her husband's answer was to smile, pick her up into his arms, and carry her to their room. And so began their life together.

I think I just heard some of the Dwiggie ladies faint clean away. Or am I very much mistaken?

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Chapter 2

Posted on Thursday, 25 May 2000

The Present

Tired from a long day of work, Andrew Bennet collapsed into a chair in the library of his London house. It was April and spring was in the air, but business was busy and he had much work to do. He knew that it was not gentlemanly to slouch, but he was too tired to care.

Rest assured that he looked as handsome as ever.

It was a good time for the family. Through keen business sense, hard work, and some luck, he and Mr. Gardiner had built one of the best lines of trade in the land. People sought their advice on business deals.

And as Andrew had promised himself, he had increased his sisters' fortunes. His investments and his father's had allowed them to ensure that each girl got ten thousand pounds. Furthermore, their generous uncles Sir John and Sir Christopher had each put a legacy for each girl into their wills. Sir John put down two thousand for each, and Sir Christopher put down four thousand each. And all four men helped increase the dowries to a respectable level.

For now I shall let the reader decide what a "respectable level" means in this case.

None of his sisters' were married yet. He had thought that sweet Jane would have married by now, but he knew as well as most of his family did that she had just not met the right man yet. who has a similar disposition? Whom shall that be?

Lizzy had certainly not met the right man yet. None of the men whose intelligence equaled hers caught her fancy. She could not see any of them as more than a friend. She needs someone who will make an excellent sparring partner.

As one authoress had a character in another story say about Lizzy, "Whoever marries her is in for a ride."

Mary...well, she's become more of a lady in the past few years, but who would be a good match for her? Probably a clergyman, because she is still into Fordyce's Sermons. But who would be able to handle her ways? She is still in the habit of giving advice and lessons from books she has read. But at least she has become far better in conversations, playing, singing, and dancing.

Yes! There's at least that!

Kitty...I knew from when she was young that she would follow Lydia's example unless wrested from it. Jane and Lizzy took on the challenge of making her into a lady, and they have succeeded. Kitty is now very much like Lizzy, but with more of Jane's goodness. I do not know who will suit her.

Oh, I have an idea...

Lydia. Here he groaned. She takes far too much after Mama. At least Grandma and Father can keep her reasonably in line. Mrs. Bennet, Sr., Andrew, Jane, Lizzy, and even Kitty had pressed Mr. Bennet for a long time to curb Lydia's behavior as it would likely cause disgrace to their family. Finally, after some additional pressure from Mother Bennet - as she was also known - Mr. Bennet began restricting Lydia when her behavior went out of line. He did give her a great deal of leeway, but if she did cross the line, she could expect to not be allowed to stir out of the house for days.

Yay! Go Mr. B.! Go Mother B.!

Before his thoughts could go much further, he heard the sounds of his family approaching the library, and then heard the doors open, and a stampede entered.

Well, it always sounded like such, but he never minded. It was *his* little stampede after all.

"Papa!" Four of his children exclaimed that as they ran into the room. The fifth was in his mother's arms - having been woken up from sleeping by his siblings' noises, but he didn't cry - as she walked behind her brood.

Andy was the eldest at four and was the splitting image of his father. He had the same good-natured face and blond hair, although he had his mother's dark eyes. Edward, his twin brother, looked like his aunt Lizzy, but with his father's blue eyes.

It made for a very interesting appearance that was sure to attract the ladies' when he was grown. Whether he could compete with his brother in light of their father's effect on women is an issue that cannot be resolved at present.

The girls' were also twins, and were two years old. Little Charlotte, called Lottie by her family, looked like her mother, but had her father's eyes and was quite noticeably prettier. Rebeccah, called Becky, looked like her grandmother Bennet, but was already far better behaved. She had a very quiet manner, whereas the others were bolder. Although all of them were bundles of energy packed into small packages.

Which made child-proofing - if there was such a thing at the time - important!

The baby's name was Robbie, and he resembled both of his parents. He had his mother's hair, mouth and complexion, and his father's face, eyes, and disposition - as far as they could tell.

But as they are both so good at seeing what others' are about - and since they have four other children - how could they be wrong about their youngest?

After Charlotte walked in, Jane, Lizzy, and Kitty followed. They had already been in town for a month and were to spend another three months with their brother, sister-in-law, and nephews and nieces.

Partly to get away from their mother, who had been driving them up a wall with her adamant cries, "Find wealthy husbands, girls!"

By the time Kitty had walked in, the girls' were in their father's lap and the boys stood at either side of the chair's armrests. They asked their father many excited questions about how his day went, and their mother and aunts put in their own questions as well. But the children's interrogation of their father was interrupted by the housekeeper telling them that dinner was ready.

They all sat down after Charlotte had the nanny, Mrs. Smith, take the now sleeping Robbie to the nursery. The girls had been deemed just mature enough to join them, marking their first time at the dinner table.

Which Lottie and Becky were ecstatic over.

As they started eating, Andrew inquired as to how their day went. Charlotte spoke about what the children did - with them putting in a few words of their own, Jane spoke of the visit from Mrs. Gardiner, and Lizzy talked of plans for a shopping outing the next day.

Kitty had been given the task of telling Andrew of the news from family members. She told him about every bit of new information they had, saving the most important piece for last. "Oh, and Tom and Adam got married three days ago."

No, not to each other!

Andrew, who had been about to put a bite of meat into his mouth, put down his fork in shock. "What?!"

Charlotte nodded, "It is true. We had letters from Aunt Rachel and Aunt Grace today."

Kitty continued, knowing her brother wanted details. "They and their parents and siblings were visiting a family who is old friends of theirs. They are the Fitzwilliams of Matlock in Derbyshire."

Bet you thought they wouldn't appear for a while, did you guys?

"Matlock? That's Derby's mother's family," Andrew commented.

"And they, unlike his mother, Lady Elizabeth, and aunts Lady Anne and Lady Catherine, approved his marrying Kathryn," Lizzy observed.

You'll have to wait for more information about that.

"Anyway," Kitty resumed, "they were married at five three days ago. Tom married Lady Deborah, and Adam married Lady Cassandra. Both ladies are the daughters of the Earl and Countess of Matlock, whom we met at Derby and Kathryn's wedding. Remember them?"

"Yes. We all liked them very much. I'm sure Mama had hopes of Jane catching Viscount Avon's attention, but that was not to be." Andrew shot a teasing look at Jane, who just smiled and rolled her eyes.

"And since then, she has been hoping that Lizzy and I would catch Adam and Tom's attentions, and now that, too, will not be."

"Ah, but Jane, you and I never felt anything more than sisterly love for them, and they only held brotherly love for us. It would never have been even had it not been for Lady Deborah and Lady Cassandra."

And we all know that they both hold firm where they believe themselves to be right.

Andrew put the conversation back on course with, "When shall we see them?"

Kitty answered, "At the ball at Lord and Lady Northamptonshire's. The Matlocks will be there, as will the rest of our family in town."

Lydia will certainly be sore at missing the ball, don't you think?

"Good. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Charlotte, that Charles Bingley came to my office today."

"Oh? How is he? He is not quite three and twenty now, is he not?"

"He is, and he has quite matured these past four years. He and Jane would get along wonderfully now, just as they did when they knew each other briefly for Timothy and Clara's wedding."

Jane smiled, but she also blushed very slightly. "I remember him. He always been one of the most agreeable men of my acquaintance."

*Collective Bingley Brigade smile*

Kitty's smile was one filled with amusement. "What I remember was Clara's sisters. They - except for Louisa, the eldest - did not think that Clara should marry a man who worked in trade, even if he was a gentleman's son and heir. I shall never forget Crystal, Cynthia, or Caroline Bingley."

Who could forget such...ladies...?

Lizzy spoke up, "What I remember was how Crystal Bingley treated Kathryn. She acted as if she hated her. I remember that when I asked Kathryn about it she said that Miss Bingley had set her sights on Lord Derby and was furious to have lost to a girl who was 'so completely ill-suited to be a future duchess.'"

*collective Dwiggie and RoP'er thought:* *Great.* Duck-face has two sisters who are *just* as bad as she is.

Charlotte shook her head as she sipped her tea. "I beg to differ with her. Kathryn has won the respect and approval of the majority of society. The Miss Bingleys will be perfect wives for snobbish men - if they can find ones who will not care about them being daughters of a tradesman."

"Good luck to them," Andrew said.

Yep. They'll need it!

"Mama, Papa," Andy piped up, "Excuse me for interrupting, but may we move to a more interesting subject than the Feathered Witches?" Their parents and aunts enjoyed a hearty laugh over the children's name for the Miss Bingleys,

For it sometimes was an accurate name for them. (big smile)

and then changed the topic by asking them to talk about their day. This occupied them for nearly two hours before the children were sent to bed. The adults went to their own beds not long after.

Andrew was exhausted from work and from the last few hours, and Charlotte and the girls were exhausted from their day.

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Chapter 3 - The Northamptonshire townhouse ball

Posted on Sunday, 28 May 2000

The Bennet carriage arrived at the Northamptonshires townhouse to find many carriages in front of them. The balls' the Northamptonshires threw tended to have many guests and so the path to the house was usually crowded with carriages and - as the party was in it's early hours - people maneuvering to get into the house. Andrew and the ladies' were careful of where they stepped as they headed to the house.

Because one never knew where a horse had been!

As they came into the crowded house - with the windows open to let air into the hot rooms - they were greeted by their Graces, Sir Joshua and Lady Katrina Carey, and their daughter, Lady Susan. Also there to greet them was their son, Josh, the Marquis of Northampton - called North by his family, and his wife, Samantha - Lady Derby's sister - who was sometimes called Lady North due to her husband's nickname.

Bet you wondered what happened to her! And what about Phoebe, you ask? You'll see soon enough...

Because guests were still coming in, they had to wait to talk to their cousins until later. They had to move through the crowd for each of them to get a drink. Once they had their drinks, they were surprised by their newly married cousins and their families.

"Andrew," Adam exclaimed, "it is good to see that you and your family are all well. How are the children?"

"They are all very well. Lottie and Becky just started dining at the table with us."

Lady Bennet sighed. "Ah, I still think of them all as babies. Are they still as active as their brothers?"

Charlotte smiled, "Oh, yes. They tire me out everyday. But for now I have three of their aunts to help me with them." Noticing that the Fitzwilliams were with them, she asked, "Adam, Tom, would you reintroduce us to the Fitzwilliams? It has been a long time since I last saw them and I do not remember their names."

"Of course," Tom replied. "Lord Hugh and Lady Rebeccah Fitzwilliam, Lord and Lady Matlock..." He indicated to the oldest couple of the group. "The Honorable Thomas Fitzwilliam and Gwendelyn Fitzwilliam..." This time he motioned to the slightly younger couple. "Thomas Fitzwilliam, Viscount Avon... The Honorable Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam..."

(puts on ear-plugs and headphones to withstand **LOUD** screaming from the Colonel Hotpants fans) Hey, I find him hot too, but we need to conserve our screams for the next chapter of "Chasing Fitzwilliam!" Tabbi wouldn't like it if we made our voices hoarse! (note to RoP'ers:) That's a Dwiggie ladies' in-joke. (grin)

"George Fitzwilliam... Melissa Fitzwilliam...and Carolyn Fitzwilliam. And of course, my wife, Lady Deborah."

Adam took the hand of the other lady not completely familiar to the Bennets. "And my wife, Lady Cassandra." Greetings were exchanged after Adam and Tom introduced their cousins to their in-laws.

After some thinking, I've decided not to describe characters' appearances unless I need to.

Once that was over, Avon spoke to Kitty. "I remember when I first saw you. You are quite different from then."

Kitty faked a pout. "Of course! I was but ten years old then! I am not a child anymore!"

Avon's eyes widened, and it was clear to the others that he was interested in the "grown" Kitty Bennet.

I sense a very happy Shemelle lurking about. Where are you, you Kitty Bennet defender?

"Shall we discuss our observations of each other then as well as other topics while we dance the first two together, Miss Catherine?"

Kitty was quite surprised, but she was not displeased as he was a handsome and seemingly intelligent young man. "I would like that very much."

(covers ears again, this time because of excited screaming from Shemelle and other Kitty/Viscount Fitzwilliam fans) Okay, okay! Enough already! I'm getting a headache, and if that noise doesn't quiet down I won't be able to write any more chapters! None of you want that, do you? And I also have "A New Path" to work on as well! The ADB members wouldn't like it if I can't crank out more chapters for that story! So please have compassion for my poor ears!

She would have said more except a voice called out, "Andrew!" The party turned and saw Timothy and Clara Callaway approaching them, followed by Clara's brother, sisters, and brother-in-law.

*Collective Dwiggie and RoP'er thought:* Oh, boy. Here comes Duck-face and her sisters. How bad *will* they be?

"Timothy! It is good to see you, cousin." The two men shook hands heartily. "I see you and Clara brought the rest of her family along. Charles, how do you do?" Introductions were not required as the Bingleys and Hursts already knew the other members of the party. Although the Miss Bingleys barely gave a civil greeting to the Gracechurch Street Bennets. It was at first difficult to tell the Miss Bingleys apart as they all dressed in similar orange dresses, feathered hats, and plenty of jewels, but upon closer inspection, the Bennets noticed that Miss Bingley's hair was short and curly, Miss Cynthia's hair was straight and dark brown, and Miss Caroline's was straight and very dark. Other than that, they all looked almost identical.

Feeling a little crazed at the thought of three of them, eh? Me too.

"I am very well, Andrew. It is very good to see and some of your family again. I can see that your wife and sisters are well. Let me see if I remember who is who." He paused briefly as he looked at Jane. "Miss Jane Bennet? You have hardly changed since I last saw you."

(another collective Bingley Brigade smile)

Jane smiled softly at him. "As have you, sir."

Bingley continued, "If you are not otherwise engaged, may I be so bold as to claim the next two dances?"

All of Jane's family smiled as she blushed slightly, as she always did whenever she complimented by someone outside of the family. "I am not engaged, sir."

Before Bingley could utter a reply, Cynthia Bingley said to Avon, "Lord Avon, I believe you are dancing the first two dances with me." She bat her eyes at him in a most outrageous manner.

Ugh. Don't such "ladies" make you want to puke?

"I fear you are mistaken, Miss Cynthia. I am to dance the first two with Miss Catherine Bennet." At her stunned and angered look, he said, "Excuse me," and walked next to Kitty so he could talk to her until the summons for the first dance came.

Hee, hee! Strike one for the Feathered Witches Haters! Or do we wish to call ourselves by a different name?

Before the Miss Bingleys could say anything more, a commotion from the front of the room caught everyone's attention. Entering the room were the Marquis and Marchioness of Derby. They were greeting warmly by nearly everyone in the room, except for some of the prouder people, and two finely dressed ladies who gave them neutral looks and then looked away. Lord and Lady Derby just nodded and smiled at them - although Lord Derby's smile was a bit tighter than his wife's. Just as they made it to the Bennets and the others - along with Lord and Lady Northampton, two older men and a young man joined them. They knew the men to be Sir Owen Davenport, the Duke of Derbyshire - Lord Derby's father, and Sir George Darcy, the Earl of Pemberley. They did not recognize the younger man, although they knew he had to be Sir George's son as he had the same eyes, face, and hair.

(screams at the appearance of Darcy start, but are halted by my look of death) Thank you for your restraint, ladies.

Sir Owen and Sir George cheerfully greeted the group - in particular Lord and Lady Derby, but when they introduced Sir George's son as, "Viscount Fitzwilliam Darcy," the young man gave a stiff, proud bow and said not one word except to the Bingleys, his cousins, uncles, aunt, and father.

Causing inward laughing from the Bennets.

Then the musicians started playing, signaling that the first dance was about to begin. Bingley led Jane onto the dance floor, Avon led Kitty - with Miss Cynthia Bingley glaring at Kitty's back, and Adam and Tom led their wives to the dance floor. Lady Rebeccah spoke to Viscount Darcy, "Fitzwilliam, Miss Elizabeth Bennet does not have a partner for the first dances. How would you feel about claiming her for the next two dances?"

Lizzy was thinking about how agreeable it would be to dance with such a stiff, proud man when Darcy replied, "I am not in a mood to dance at present, Aunt. Excuse me."

As Darcy started to walk away, Sir George opened his mouth to call his son back, but Lizzy said, "It is all right, Sir George. It is no loss to me if your son does not care to dance with me. He is a little tall for my taste, anyway." Darcy, near enough to overhear, started at that, but walked away after staring at Lizzy in amazement briefly.

As we all know, no one outside of his family has ever laughed at him. This is new to him, yes?

Sir George gave a small smile at Lizzy and replied, "Well, I am glad to see that you are not affected by it. If you will all excuse me, I shall have a word with him on his pride." With a bow and a smile at everyone - although it was a bit tight towards the Miss Bingleys - he walked after his son.

Colonel Fitzwilliam turned to Lizzy and said, "Since my cousin did not have the sense to agree to dance with you, may I claim the first two with you?"

"Certainly." He then led her to join the others on the dance floor. The rest of the party conversed amongst each other, although the Miss Bingleys kept the conversations off of some topics.

And the Fitzwilliams and Sir Owen really wanted them to go away!

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A few hours later, the party was quite agreeable to the Bennets. Their other family members kept them from being without pleasant company, Mr. Bingley and Jane talked a great deal - when they were not dancing, and each did dance with a few others - Avon and Kitty were engaged in a debate over A Midsummer Night's Dream,

I can hear you smiling again, Shemelle. :-)

and Lizzy and the Colonel had their own lively debates. It was, however, apparent to the Bennets, the Edwards, and the rest of the group that while both enjoyed each other's company a great deal, there was not much chance of their ever being more than just friends.

(Breathers of relief from Colonel Hotpants fans - and all the Lizzy/Darcy fans.) I'm not one for Lizzy and the Colonel.

At one point, Lizzy was sitting by herself, watching others dance. She looked around and noticed that Viscount Darcy was standing near her, looking disdainfully at the dancing couples. Bingley suddenly came up to him, with Avon and Derby on his heels.

"Come, Darcy, I must have you dance. I hate to see you standing about in this stupid manner. Come, you had much better dance."

"I certainly shall not. You know that I display my skills at the art as little as possible."

He certainly could not say "At an assembly such as this? It would be insupportable," when he is at his uncle's house, could he?

Lizzy smiled in amusement while he continued to Bingley, "Your sisters and my cousins are engaged or in conversation at present, and it would be a punishment for me to stand up with any other women in the room."

"That is incorrect, Darcy," Derby contended. "It is a punishment for you to stand up with the Miss Bingleys. Do not lie on that score."

"I agree with him," Avon replied. "I cannot believe you, Darcy. This behavior of yours in turning away people you would enjoy knowing." Darcy did not reply to his cousins' statements, which made Lizzy smile all the more.

She was smiling at his lack of a response to his friends' complaints about him.

"I would not be as fastidious as you are for a kingdom," Bingley declared. "Upon my honor, I have never seen so many pleasant girls in my life, and several of them uncommonly pretty, eh," he said, looking at Jane Bennet, who sensed his gaze and gave him a smile.

Darcy finally responded. "You, Bingley, have been dancing with the only handsome new girl in the room."

Avon looked offended. "I object to that, Darcy. Miss Kitty is a handsome girl, perhaps not so much as her two sisters and her cousins, but she is still handsome and I will not allow you to speak of her as not being so." Lizzy felt very happy at that for Kitty's sake. I hope he stays like that towards her. Then I shall hopefully be calling him brother soon. They get along so well.

*Cheers from the Kitty/Viscount Fitzwilliam fans, led by the Kitty Bennet defender herself, Shemelle* "Go, Avon!

Bingley gave his response to Darcy's "observation." "Darcy, she is the most beautiful creature I ever beheld. But I agree with Avon; you should not speak of Miss Kitty as not being handsome." When Darcy did not reply, Bingley continued, "Look, look. There is her other sister. She is very pretty too, and I daresay, very agreeable. Do let my partner introduce you."

You see, he had left before Darcy slighted Lizzy. So he has no idea what's coming.

Darcy glanced at Lizzy, then said, "She is tolerable, I suppose, but she is not handsome enough to tempt me." Lizzy's eyes widened in astonishment at his second slight. But he was not finished. "Bingley, Avon, Derby, I am in no humor to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men. Go back to your partners. Enjoy their smiles. You are wasting your time with me."

Bingley and Avon just shook their heads in disapproval and walked away. Derby stepped closer and said, "With that attitude, cousin, you will never marry a woman who loves you,"

Yeah, Darcy! Wake up and smell the coffee! is what Derby is thinking. (pause) But it would be *such* a shame for a hunk like Darcy to not be able to marry a woman who loves him, wouldn't it? That's what we the fans are thinking.

and then went to his wife, frustration clear in his posture until a few words with Kathryn sent it away.

Lizzy stayed still for a moment. He thinks I will be hurt by his words. Well, she thought, a smile spreading across her face and a laugh growing inside, I shall have to disappoint him. She stood and walked past Darcy to her family - but not before tossing a laughing smile at him - to tell them what he had said and have them laugh with her at him.

Darcy was very surprised by her smile. She is laughing at me? Her earlier comment had encouraged his second slight of her, but it was almost as if she did not care for his opinion. Is it an act, or is it how she really feels, he asked himself as he heard laughter from members of her family. He looked back to where she was, standing with her sister-in-law, brother, the Derbys, and the Norths, telling them what he had said. Though he could not hear what she was saying, she was clearly imitating him as she repeated his words. Then Mrs. Bennet, Lady Northampton, and Lady Derby laughed with Miss Elizabeth. The men looked at each other, smiles on their faces, and then looked at him with their own laughing expressions. Darcy, not knowing what to do, moved away to another part of the room. I do not care about the opinions of Miss Elizabeth and her siblings.

But then why does it feel like it is not the truth?

The first sign of his feelings: denial. Always a good start towards the ultimate goal, isn't it?

Andrew and Charlotte, after Lizzy and the others had moved a little bit away started talking about what had happened. "Well," Andrew began, "we certainly do not care for his opinion, do we? Slighting Lizzy like that; what is he? Blind? Stupid? What?"

No, Andrew. Just too proud for his own good. (pauses) Well, I guess you could say he is a bit dense.

Charlotte smiled. "Oh, I think he might come to regret those words one day. The way he was looking at Lizzy was one of amazement. I doubt a girl has ever acted like that towards him, and the novelty of it will catch his interest. Perhaps he shall improve his behavior then."

"We shall see, my dear. We shall see." Then they returned their attention to watching their other sisters on the dance floor, clearly having a wonderful time.

Yes, Andrew. We *will* see about that...

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Chapter 4

Posted on Saturday, 16 December 2000

One more note (and please archive this note!): I neglected to mention that the dear Viscount Avon and Colonel Hotpants (Oops! I mean Colonel Stud... No, I meant... Colonel Fitzwilliam...) are identical twins. AND DON'T GET STARTED, LADIES! NO MORE SCREAMING UNTIL AFTER A CHAPTER IS DONE, YA HEAR?!

Charlotte's thought didn't become reality. Viscount Darcy's behavior did not improve in the weeks that followed. She and Andrew did notice him looking at Lizzy a great deal, and each wondered if they should suspect something. Lizzy remained unaware of their thoughts, but was aware that he looked at her frequently. She knew it had to be with disapproval, for what else could it be?

You'd be surprised, Lizzy. ;-)

Meanwhile, the other two couples were enjoying themselves. Jane and Bingley's temperaments were so similar that there were no real disagreements between them, although the differences in where they came from did produce some actual debates.

But not debates in the sense that some characters know well.

Kitty and Avon's discussions were lively, and at one gathering at the Bennets' house, Kitty was seen throwing a pillow at Avon over a comment regarding Oberon's making Titiana in love with an ass. His startled reaction was met with, "You earned it," and a woman's triumphant smile. The "wounded" man could only smile sheepishly with puppy eyes, which produced a shy smile from Kitty.

Oh, my... The love bug is loose.

For four weeks after the party at the Northamptonshires, the young people met frequently at parties and dinners. The problems between Lord Derby and his mother and Lady Pemberley meant that on a few occasions some people were not present.

At a gathering at the Pemberley townhouse, the Bennets had been introduced to Lady Georgiana Darcy. They were surprised at the difference between brother and sister. Lizzy, Jane, and Kitty were soon on a first name basis with Lady Georgiana, who asked to be called Georgie. Because of their discussions, two conflicting pictures of Lord Darcy were appearing. One of a proud, rich man who cared for little beyond close family and friends. The other of a kind, caring man who was uncomfortable around strangers. Jane believed the latter account, Kitty's time with Avon made her more inclined to believe the latter, but Lizzy did not know which to believe.

I like a confused Lizzy, don't you?

The ladies visited each other frequently, much to the chagrin of the Miss Bingleys. They tried to be at those meetings whenever possible, and they had three reasons for doing so. One, they wanted to get as much information as possible about Jane's relations so they could get Lord Darcy to help separate their brother and Miss Bennet if need be.

They were sorely upset about them being cousins of a future baronet and future earl, but pleased with their having a brother, cousin, and uncle in trade. That their fortune's were made from that way was something they purposely neglected to think about.

Two, that same information could be used to keep Lord Darcy away from Miss Eliza, as they called her, and Miss Kitty from Lord Avon. The former lord was looking at the former Miss Bennet far too often for Caroline's comfort, and the latter lord spent far too much time with the latter Miss Bennet for Cynthia's comfort.

But that was hindered by how much the Matlocks liked Kitty, and by Georgiana's liking to all three Bennet girls.

Third, they wanted to drive a wedge between Georgiana and the Miss Bennets. Whenever the former was not with the latter, all three Miss Bingleys made catty remarks about them.

This was not working because Georgie did not like the Miss Bingleys, and her family had given their approval of Jane, Lizzy, and Kitty. Also, her brother was speaking well of Lizzy, Charles spoke very well of Jane, and Avon spoke highly of Kitty. That gave them extra goodness in Georgie's eyes.

In short, nearly everyone was pleased or delighted with how things were turning out.

More so by the Bennets not telling Mrs. Bennet, Jr. about Jane and Kitty's suitors, and by the Fitzwilliams not telling Lady Cat about Avon and Kitty.

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The easy pattern of those four weeks was disrupted by an invitation from the Miss Bingleys to Jane. It came while the Bennets were having breakfast. Andrew asked Jane to read it aloud.

It had all the usual insincerities one can expect from the Duck-faces, so I'll spare you all from having to read it.

The invitation produced mixed reactions. Jane had been having trouble with the behavior of the Miss Bingleys. She wanted to believe that they were good, but their behavior towards those she cared about and liked - Lizzy, Kitty, and Kathryn, just to name a few - made her begin to think she should be on her guard around them. The rest all knew that of Charles Bingley's sisters, Louisa and Clara were the only ones who wanted Jane as a sister.

Still, Jane's reply was predicted, and yet it surprised her family. "I will accept, but I must be on my guard and not let any bad remarks make me uneasy."

She had no idea how happy that made her family.

Charlotte was about to comment on that when a servant entered. He carried a message for Kitty. It bore the seal of the Earl of Matlock.

"Ah, shall I soon be calling Lord Avon brother," Lizzy teased.

"You know that he has his own seal as a viscount," Kitty countered. "Besides, I would not accept him unless he asked in person." Then she blushed fiercely. Her family could not keep smiles off their faces. After a moment to recollect herself, Kitty said, "But that does not mean I would accept him if he were to ask soon."

She knew as well as they did that she was completely in love and would happily accept him. She didn't want them to call it an easy event.

Charlotte took pity on her. "Pray, Kitty, read the letter." Kitty did, and read the following:

Matlock Townhouse, 4 May, 1811

Dear Miss Catherine,

"I realize that this comes on a very short notice, but would you be able to come with us tonight to a ball at Lady -------'s? Our original companion was to be Georgiana as the rest of her family is at a dinner party, but she caught a mild cold yesterday and cannot attend. She did request that we find someone to enjoy the ball for her, and suggested you at almost the same moment I thought of you. Please send a response quickly to give your answer. If you cannot come, we will understand, but if you can come, we will pick you up at a quarter past five.

Yours, etc.
The Countess of Matlock

Kitty's first thought was how Lydia would be so envious of her being taken to a ball as the charge of an earl and countess. And she would also be envious of her getting the attentions of their heir.

She pitied her parents, grandmother, and other sister for what they would have to go through when they heard about this.

"Andrew, Charlotte, may I be excused from dinner tonight?"

Her brother and sisters smiled. "Of course," her brother replied. "I suggest you write the reply at once and then decide on your gown for tonight."

Kitty slapped her forehead. "Oh, lord! I am not sure I have something suitable to wear! My gowns are being cleaned today!"

No! We simply can't let her *NOT* go!

"Kitty," Charlotte began, "I have a solution for that problem. Would you please follow me after breakfast?" Kitty nodded - wondering what Charlotte meant, and the meal was finished soon after. Andrew left for his job, and Jane and Lizzy took charge of the children so Charlotte and Kitty could go to wherever Charlotte was taking Kitty.

Those two went up to the closet Charlotte used for storing gifts. She opened it and pulled out a box. "I was going to save this for your birthday in two weeks, but since I know you want to impress your Viscount Avon," she said, ignoring Kitty's mock glare, "I'll let you have it early."

Kitty opened the box, still in her sister's hands. When she took the lid off, she gasped. Inside was the prettiest green gown she had ever seen. She gently pulled it out, and found it was exactly her size. Her surprise did not end there. A navy-colored cape was also inside.

"I... They are so beautiful... I...Charlotte, I cannot accept this..."

"Yes, you can. You want to look beautiful for him, do you not?"

"I..." Kitty paused, and then gave up her facade. "Yes."

Charlotte looked at her sister's face, which was looking again at her new gown. "You love him." You know I am no fool, Kitty.

Kitty could sense her sister's thought. She sighed. "So much that it scares me."

"Do not let it prevent you from attaining happiness. I thought that my appearance would prevent me from getting a husband who would love me, and that the man I loved would never love me. Then Andrew came along and proved me wrong on both counts. And never let the words of Lydia or anyone else make you think that you are not worthy of happiness. Because you are."

She is so wise. I am lucky to have her for a sister. Kitty smiled. "Thank you. But what will I match this with?"

Charlotte smiled again. "First, let us look in your closet and jewelry box and see what you have. If you truly have nothing that properly goes with this, then I can find items that will." With an ecstatic Kitty trailing her, Charlotte headed for her sister's room.

What could I say there?

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Chapter 5 - The Bingley dinner and the --------- ball

Posted on Saturday, 16 December 2000

Kitty's response to Lady Matlock's letter was short and full of thanks. And much to her surprise, she did already have a few pieces of jewelry to match the gown. Charlotte then pulled out the last part of the surprise: matching shoes. She was nearly choked when her sister hugged her in gratitude.

Only a reminder that "your sister cannot breath under here" made Kitty let go with an embarrassed laugh.

Jane's response to Miss Bingley was kinder than she suspected was deserved, but it was still in the affirmative. She quickly chose an outfit, and left it alone until it was time to dress for the dinner, but not before noticing that it was likely to rain at least a little. She was glad that she was in town and not in the country. She knew her mother would insist that she ride on horseback instead of a carriage were she at home and the Bingleys residing in a neighboring house.

Perhaps Mrs. B should write a book: "Mrs. Bennet's Advice to Mothers on Catching Wealthy Husbands for Daughters."

Hmm.... That might make a great little piece!

Lizzy and Charlotte resigned themselves to spending some time together to bond. Andrew would have the children for the night after dinner.

He won't mind. Do not fret.

Andrew came home early that day to make sure Jane would be able to arrive on time. The carriage was soon taking Jane over to the Bingley house, where they knew that Charles Bingley was not at for dinner. He was over with a friend his unmarried sisters did not like.

Which meant he was a man in trade. :-)

The Matlocks arrived as Lady Matlock said they would. Andrew, Charlotte, and Lizzy did not fail to notice the blush that came on Kitty's face when she saw that Avon was in the carriage. His own, he explained, needed some work, but he was not displeased about going in his parents' carriage. It also allowed him to be in Kitty's company. The Colonel was also part of the party. Kitty was seated on the far side of the carriage, next to Lady Matlock, and Lord Matlock sat on the other side of his wife. Their sons sat across from them, and Avon sat as close to being across from Kitty as possible.

(Collective Kitty/Viscount Fitzwilliam Brigade sigh)

They went off without a hitch. A few moments into the ride, Lady Matlock suddenly said to her husband, "My dear, we did not tell them the news."

"Well, we can tell them when we bring Miss Catherine home. But you are right. It is not like us to forget."

Kitty's interest was caught. "What news? I am quite intrigued."

"As I would expect you to be, Miss Catherine," Lady Matlock replied. "But I shall tell you at once. We had a message from His Royal Highness, The Prince Regent today." That brought a look of wide-eyed astonishment to Kitty, but she was not prepared for the rest. "He had recommended that our station in life be elevated, and it is to happen. You are looking at the future Marquis and Marchioness of Matlock. Viscount Avon is to become the Earl of Avon, and Richard will become Lord Richard Fitzwilliam." At the slack-jaw appearance of her young companion, Lady Matlock smiled, "We've managed to keep those two parts of our titles for a long time. It's part of the Matlock heritage."

"Well, I... Congratulations." Oh, lord. Mamma will be in hysterics when she hears of this. I will never hear the end of it. Kitty managed not to grown over that.

"Are you well, Miss Bennet," the Colonel asked.

"Yes," she responded promptly. "It is all incredible to think about."

Yep! Lady Catherine Fitzwilliam, the Marchioness of Matlock. Nice ring to it, eh?

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While Kitty was absorbing the news that her prospective in-laws were about to move higher up the social ladder, Jane was bracing herself for her night. If Louisa and Clara are there, it will be a very enjoyable evening.

She repeated that like a mantra, trying to convince herself that it would be true.

When the carriage arrived at the Bingley house, Jane was led into the house by the butler. That was not an uncommon practice, and so she was not bothered by not being met by any of the sisters.

The butler opened the drawing room door, entered, and announced Jane's presence. Jane walked into the room.

And into the orange realm of the Duck-faces.

Jane was relieved to see Louisa Hurst and Clara Callaway with their sisters. Miss Bingley led the greetings. "Jane," she cooed with a voice that most would know was insincerity, "how do you do this evening?"

"I am quite well, thank you, Crystal."

They allowed themselves to be on a first-name basis so that they could get more information out of Jane to use against her and her sisters.

Cynthia and Caroline greeted Jane in the same way as their elder sister, but Louisa and Clara's welcomes were so warm that Jane could not deny the difference between their welcome and their sisters. Dinner was soon announced, and they moved to the dining room.

Jane quickly found the dinner mostly good, but there were a few dishes she found inedible. A discreet glance across the table allowed to see Louisa and Clara avoiding those same dishes Jane could barely touch. Still, she ate a little bit of them, believing that to be the right thing to do.

Ugh. You couldn't get me to eat something I thought was inedible. Jane really is an angel.

Soon, she found herself remembering why she was doubting the sincerity of the Miss Bingleys. The differences between their manners and their sisters' manners towards her were marked.

Do I need to explain? I think you can imagine what the Duckfaces are putting her through and how Mrs. Hurst and Mrs. Callaway, Jr. are trying to stop it.

Despite the kindness of her half-sister in law and friend, Jane was soon feeling a heavy heart. It was clear by the end of the dinner that she had been deceived. Mr. Bingley's unmarried sisters would not welcome her into their family. They were expecting Lady Georgiana Darcy to marry their brother, despite that there was no discernable regard between the two. In less than two hours after Jane arrived, Mrs. Hurst and Mrs. Callaway arranged for her to depart gracefully.

A few seconds after Jane had left the room, Louisa and Clara let their sisters have it.

"How can you three even think that Charles would marry Georgiana?! She is barely fifteen and a child," Louisa snapped.

"Furthermore," Clara added, barely keeping a level voice, "what makes you think that would make Lord Darcy and Lord Avon wish to marry you two," pointing at Cynthia and Caroline.

Caroline only glared at her sisters. "I am so disappointed in you two. You could have made far better matches, and yet you both chose men closely connected to or in trade! You are jealous that we have far finer prospects."

"What prospects," Clara snapped. "I see no men with actual wealth going after any of you. The ones who do are only interested in your fortunes!"

"Look who is talking, Caroline," Louisa warned. "You should remember that without trade you would not have fortunes to attract poor nobles. Any man of sense and reason" would never marry any of you. Your failed pursuit of Lord Derby, Crystal, and your treatment of Lady Derby have been a reason for laughter among the wealthy for years. Not to mention your pursuits of Lord Norfolk, Lord Avon, and Lord Darcy! If you think those men will marry you, then you have been drinking too much port!"

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Jane did not move quickly and overheard much of the confrontation. A few more nasty lines from the Miss Bingleys brought tears to Jane's eyes. My eyes are open, she thought mournfully. No matter who much I try to deny it, there is wickedness in the world.

*sigh* About time she understands that...

A wish to be going straight home made her quicken her step. She quickly exited the house, and did not look up from the ground. She had just barely made it to the bottom of the steps when she bumped into a man. She nearly fell, but he caught her.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, are you...?" His voice trailed off as he saw her face.

She was barely able to speak. "Mr. Bingley!"

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Totally unaware of her sister's shock outside of the Bingley townhouse, Kitty was having a delightful time at the ---------- ball. After recovering from the surprise in the carriage ride over, Kitty's humor returned and laughed at the stories told by the Colonel. Lady -------- seemed delighted with Kitty, and frequently talked to her. Better yet was the two dances with Lord Avon,

Whom she was coming close to calling by his given name. ;-)

and all the talks she had with him. It did not escape the notice of the ladies, gentlemen and lords that Viscount Avon was entranced by Miss Bennet. Many of the ladies were angry that a country girl was attracting such notice. The gentlemen and lords who were snobbish could not believe that the Matlocks would allow their heir to give so much attention to her.

(Lydia snorts) What a fine joke on them!

A few - men and women - thought she must be a special lady if he was so interested in her.

But a few others had other ideas...

Uh, oh! Here comes trouble...

Kitty had mostly declined offers from a number of would-be suitors in favor of being with Avon, but a few offers she had accepted because they were close friends of his lordship and wished to know the young lady who could be the next Lady Matlock. Those men were agreeable, and Kitty hoped to be on good terms with them.

But there were three men whom Kitty wished she could have avoided.

Mr. Taylor was the sort of man who could only be described as someone who should live with frogs for his whole life. His hands felt like slime, and the look in his eyes made her sick. He also nearly stepped on her gown a few times, and Kitty was too happy when the dance was over. She had tried to make it clear that she had no wish to be in his company again, but he followed her to the Matlock's table, where Lord Matlock scared him off.

Ugh. Hopefully we won't have to know anything else about THAT toad!

The second was not a man of slime, but he was not a man Kitty wished to know. He introduced himself as Mr. Henry Crawford, and because he had helped her by distracting Mr. Taylor - which allowed her to get to the table ahead of him - she had agreed to a dance. But soon he made her suspicious. There was a look in his eyes she did not trust, and his manner of flirting with her convinced her that he was not a man a woman of sense would marry. She made a polite but cold departure from the floor after that dance. He did not seem to like her dismissing him like that, but she soon noticed that he was paying attention to other ladies who were far more receptive. It reminded her of her father's belief that most men wanted a stupid wife. Or at least one without sense.

In the interests of maintaining a peace here, I won't comment on that one.

The third man came along half an hour latter. He was introduced to her by Lady -------. He was Viscount Michael Alexander, heir to the Dukedom of Norfolk, and at the urging of Lady --------, Kitty reluctantly agreed to a dance. Within less than a minute, Kitty was certain he was not trustworthy. The look in his eyes made her think his intentions were less than honorable.

(collective RoP'er/Dwiggie thought:) Ack! Get away from him, Kitty!

What nagged her was that she was certain she had seen him before, but she could not place him. She got away from him as quickly as possible, and, needing a little fresh air, went out onto a balcony.

After a few deep breathes, she tried to recall where she had seen that viscount's face. Several minutes of thought brought her no closer to an answer. She was about to turn to go back inside when she hear someone approach. She quickly faced the person, and paled. "Viscount Alexander."

The man smiled evilly. "I cannot say how delighted I am with you, Miss Bennet. Your good humor and encouragement -"

"Encouragement?! I did no such thing. You are a man who should never be given encouragement." As she spoke, Kitty looked for a way out, and was worried by how grim the situation looked. Then, realization hit her. "I remember you. You are that man who tried to force my cousin Kathryn to marry you. I remember seeing Lord Derby punch you unconscious when you tried to force yourself on Kathryn. Have you forgotten the words of her brother? 'If I catch you anywhere near my sisters or my cousins I will kill you.'"

Her words had no effect. "What point will there be in that? They will have to let me marry you. And they will not take away what is mine!

Give me a break, *%*^$^%!

I saw Kathryn Calloway long before Lord Derby did. Her parents did not understand what was best for her. I am heir to a dukedom, but I am also related to the Royal family! I could possibly make her into the future queen! The Davenports cannot say that, and she chooses their heir!"

"She choose him because he is an honorable man," Kitty nearly yelled, trying to attract attention from the inside. "How could you even think of doing what you did? Lady Kathryn Calloway is your aunt! How could you think of doing what you did to your cousin? Was it her large fortune? Did you want her for a possession? There is another difference between you and Lord Derby. He treats her as an equal and even his superior, but you think of women as possessions. Of course she will choose the man who treats her well."

The viscount scowled. "I was unlucky. He somehow outwitted me, and he and her family kept her sisters away from me. But I have always noticed that many of her cousins also have a lot of spark in them. And seeing how Avon has taken so much interest in you, I shall have you. Not him. I shall not let a Fitzwilliam keep a girl from me again."

He started to advance on her, and Kitty was about to scream when she heard, "Get away from her, you *^$*^%&$&!"


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