listening comprehension set 7

Listening comprehension set 7

Listening 7

  1. to contract anthrax

  2. injections

  3. to vaccinate/ vaccinations against sth

  4. to approve money transfer

  5. to reassure somebody

  6. adverse heath effects

  7. to reject a request

  8. a citizen

  9. to abandon

  10. to violate

  11. the unrest forced the president to withdraw plans for an income tax increase

  12. an attempt to restore calm

  13. dismantle weapons of mass destruction

  14. voluntary nuclear disarmament

  15. state-of-the nation address to parliament

  16. to win international acclaim for sth

  17. centerpiece

  18. allegations surfaced

  19. to bribe

  20. counterpart

  21. apology to the nation

  22. to admit

  23. with his approval

  24. to apologise for deep concern caused to public

Listening 18

  1. to persuade

  2. to confuse

  3. lay down arms

Listening 30

  1. germs

  2. a deadly legacy

  3. to fund major wars

  4. efforts to set up a certification scheme

  5. under pressure from

  6. dimond mined in rebel-held areas

  7. it is alleged that

  8. arrested on charges of involvment in illegal dimond mining

  9. the United Nation's general Assembly scheduled for

  10. to acccept legal restraints

  11. endorse model legislation

  12. to back calls for international law enforcement

  13. to violate laws

  14. put sb behind the bars

  15. to be commited to sth

  16. to impoverish

  17. impoverished (adj)

  18. the vast wealth of an industry

  19. to resist interference

Listening 31

  1. to praise sb for sth

  2. livestock

  3. civil war

  4. the Balkans are in dire need of foreign cash

  5. would-be investors

  6. a donor conference

  7. pledges amounting to …

  8. to aid

  9. to struggle to recover from

  10. to approve a law granting the rebels amnesty from prosecution

  11. a significant contribution to sth the lion share is earmarked for sth

  12. the implementation of specific proposals

  13. to devolve power to local authorities

  14. to flee/ fled

  15. restore the confidence of investors

  16. to boost the job markt


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