Listening comprehension set8(1)


Listening 8

  1. inaudible to human ear

  2. powerful events

  3. avalanches

  4. to verify the comprehensive test ban treaty

  5. to pledge

  6. cooperation over disarmamnet

  7. an outspoken opponent

  8. to strongly urge

  9. to show concrete committment

  10. trade unions

  11. to call for a general strike

  12. following clashes

  13. to demand resignation of sb

  14. to be forced to cancel plans

  15. an income tax increase

  16. following the unrest

  17. census

  18. determined by sth

  19. a vital snapshot of sth

  20. accuse sb of sth

  21. bulid up forces along the border

  22. in violation of …

  23. to violate

  24. worseining relations

  25. to resume

  26. resumption of a nuclear programme

  27. to impose immediate economic sanctions

Listening 23

  1. conceited

  2. inquisitive

  3. to find sb quilty

  4. to fail to do sth

  5. a retrial

Listening 36

  1. forced military service

  2. to approach/ they are typically approached by

  3. to threaten with going to jail

  4. to resist

  5. to give no opportunities to contact their families

  6. to handle guns

  7. to lay land mines

  8. to expand rapidly

  9. to commit increasing human rights abuses against civilians

  10. to resort to forced recruitment

  11. vulnerable to sth

  12. to withstand threats

  13. to intimidate

  14. intimidation

  15. children are easy prey for...

Listening 37

  1. go to the polls

  2. the rulling party

  3. a fourth successive term in office

  4. to have a narrow lead

  5. to gain ground

  6. to achieve/ achievements

  7. murder rate

  8. his campaign focused on

  9. security is tight ahead of today's vote

  10. to reduce the risk of intimidation

  11. attacks from rival factions

Listening 55

  1. to give sb some rules concering escorting convoys

  2. to give sb advice in case of difficulties

  3. if the failure is beyond repair

  4. communications must be manitained all the time

  5. to halt the convoy owing to some techical failures

  6. to assemble

  7. to become violent

  8. to prevent people from looting supplies

  9. to be obliged to follow procedures

  10. the threat of enemy attacks cannot be disregarded

  11. an ambush

  12. to occur

  13. to hesitate

  14. to be forced to stop the convoy

  15. to avoid engagement with aggressors


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