01 nora roberts the best mistake

Nora Roberts


The Best Mistake (Two of a Kind)



No one has opened. Coop glanced at the paper he held in his hand to make sure that got the correct address. All tallied, and as a neat one-storey cottage-style tudoriańskim in a pleasant, tree-lined neighborhood he really represents, vigorously knocked again.

The driveway was a car, not the latest combo, which would do well to cleaning and minor repairs. Someone is inside, he thought, Coop, frowning and looking at the windows on the first floor, where music was approaching - loud rock with a measured rhythm. He slipped a card into his pocket for a moment and looked around.

The house was carefully maintained, separated him from the road laurel bushes trimmed. Garden, which began blooming spring flowers, the colorful and yet so wild, so as not to look bored.

Coop may not be ranked among the special flower lovers, but he liked the right atmosphere.

For the driveway was a red child's tricycle. Coop on his views once he felt a little uncomfortable. Not particularly fond of children. It did not mean that they did not like. Just always seemed to him an alien, like visitors from a distant planet: handling the different language, had different cultural background. In addition, there were small and usually sticky.

The announcement was talking about peace, tranquility and a convenient distance from Baltimore. I was looking for something like this.

Again he knocked, but the only response was a deafening music that was coming from the window. Rock being disturbed. At least understand him. But he was not the man who waited too long before the closed door, so pulled the handle. When the door opened, he pushed it and entered the house. As is his custom, brushed dark hair from her forehead and looked around the living room very neat.

There was quite a mess here, and Coop, a bachelor, which most of his thirty-two years of his life in solitude, he was amazed at the sight. He often said to myself that it is not a stickler. I just thought that every thing has its place and thus easier to find. Apparently its possible host had on this subject quite a different view.

They lay there a toy that match standing in the driveway's bicycle, piles of magazines and newspapers and a small baseball cap with the letter O.

At least the kid has good taste, decided Coop.

Then passed a small wardrobe in an amazing combination of violet and green and a small room hastily converted into an office. Drawers were open were in the room, came an of these papers. In the kitchen utensils in the sink waiting for washing, and vivid drawings of a child's imagination with the richest adorned the refrigerator door.

He thought that perhaps it is good that no one opened the door.

He wondered whether the exit, or go to the top. Since we found here, you may want to explore the rest of the house. He went outside but to look at the surroundings. He pointed wooden stairs leading to the platform. He thought that the word is probably a private entrance, as mentioned in the announcement, and climbed the stairs.

The glass door was open, was coming from them deafening music. Coop smelled of fresh paint, who always liked, and went inside.

On the open space artfully combine kitchen with living room. The furniture was not new, but they shone. Terracotta is literally just washed because, in spite of the dominant smell of paint Coop felt aroma of pine-washing plant.

He felt a surge of hope and decided to locate the source of the deafening music. Headed into the apartment, looking at the road. Bathroom seemed to be as clean as the kitchen and, fortunately, just white. Next to the sink lay a book on home repairs, open to the chapter on hydraulics. Coop suspiciously turned the faucet. When I came out clean water, nodded with satisfaction.

On the other side of the corridor was a small room, ideal for a office. The announcement mentions three rooms.

Music led him to a sizeable front room, where there were enough space to accommodate his possessions. Walnut wood flooring, and in pretty good condition, was covered with rags. Everywhere permanent cans of paint, palette, brushes, rollers. On the ladder became a painter in large dungarees, with bare feet and waved vigorously brush the wall. Although men's hats and clothing workowatego, Coop immediately recognized in a woman painter.

She was tall, had a long and narrow feet stained with paint, nails and feet painted bright red color. She sang like the music, but terribly falsifying melody.

Coop tugged at the handle.

- Ma'am?

Still painting, and her hips moved in rhythm to music. Coop went through the rags, and J and tapped on the shoulder.

She screamed, jumped up and turned sharply. Despite the fact that Coop was fast, was unable to avoid the smacks on the cheek with a brush.

He swore and jumped back, but immediately stepped forward to catch it before it falls from the ladder. For a moment he saw a pale, triangular face, which was dominated by huge, surrounded by the eyes, long eyelashes, and smelled honeysuckle. But after the second moaned and bent to the waist, grabbing his stomach, in which he drove her elbow. She screamed something and Coop tried to catch my breath.

- Crazy lady? - Gasped and immediately raised his hand, covering his face, he grabbed a can to use it as a weapon. - If you throw it at me, I'm afraid that I will do you harm.

- What? - Screamed.

- I said that you do not throw. I came on the announcement.

- What? - Again, she cried. Her eyes were wide open and scared. Seemed capable of anything.

- Announcement, shit. - Still half-bent, Coop managed to find a portable tape recorder, and off it. - I came on the announcement - he repeated, in a sudden silence, his voice sounded very loud.

Big, brown eyes looked at him suspiciously.

- What kind of ads?

- About renting apartments. - He ran his hand over his cheek, looked at the paint and again cursed. - Damn.Apartments

- Really? - Do not take her eyes from it. She thought that it looks like a hard man. With those broad shoulders, slim but athletic build and long legs like a bully. His eyes, light green, almost transparent, did not seem friendly and the faded T-shirt with the word Baltimore Orioles and destroyed jeans nie imparted to him the seriousness. Concludes that have been able to escape it, and certainly it would be possible to outshout him. - Advertisements will not appear until tomorrow.

- Tomorrow? - Unshakeable, reached into his pocket for a card. - This is the correct address. Advertisements related to this apartment.

- It was not until tomorrow, will be published in a newspaper, so I have no idea how do you know about it. - Not allowed to beat up the scent.

- I work in the newspaper. - Carefully pulled the card in front of him. - As I was looking for apartments, I asked a colleague of Chapter notices that she held his hand on the pulse. - Again, he glanced at the paper. - Three bedroom apartment on the first floor, separate entrance, quiet neighborhood, close to the station.

- Right. - Do not change facial expressions.

Coop realized that she believes that such conduct colleague notices section is not very ethical. He grimaced.

- Look, you're right, a colleague should wait, unless reacted with an exaggerated sense of gratitude. I gave her tickets to the game, so decided that would do me a favor and forwarded this information a bit too early.

When he saw that her grip on the tin eased, he tried to smile.

- Knock on, and then I came here from the yard. Decided not to mention that before I walked through the house.

- The notice did not given an address.

- I work at a newspaper - he repeated.

Now, it could take a good look. Woman on the face there was something a friend. What a face! Prominent cheekbones, bright eyes and porcelain skin, they are only models for advertising creams for women. Had wide mouth with full lips and unusual. But at that moment her face was still cloudy.

- They gave me your address in the classified section - continued. - Since I had some free time, I thought that I come today and glance at the house.I can come back tomorrow, if for this reason, you feel better. But I'm here now, so ... - He shrugged. - Can you show your journalistic legitimacy.

He pulled out the document and welcomed stated that she closed her eyes to look at legitimacy.

- Compose a sports column. "The ball in play." My name is Cooper, J. McKinnon.

- Oh. - Nothing of that name was never mentioned. Nie used to read the sports sections. But she liked the man's smile. When this smile, do not associate her with thug. Streak of paint on his lean, tanned face looked so funny that almost rejoice and calmed her. - So, all right. I thought that over the next two days I will not have to show the apartment. I'm not ready. - Pulled out a can and then weaned her. - We continue to paint.

- I've noticed.

She laughed. It was a sonorous, slightly hoarse laugh that matched her low voice.

- I'm Zoe Fleming. - Kucnęła to wet the cloth with the solvent. She handed it to him, pointing gesture was unto his cheek.

- Thank you. - He rubbed his cheek with a cloth. - The notice stated: "From now on".

- I thought I have time tomorrow, after announcement was forthcoming until tomorrow. You live somewhere in the neighborhood?

No! I live in the center. I was looking for something spacious, with the atmosphere.

- It's a pretty big apartment. House was rebuilt about eight years ago. The owner's son gave the apartment, and when he died, the son sold it and moved to California. He wanted to write screenplays do sitcoms.

Coop went to the window in order to evaluate the view.

Zoe watched him and noted that nimbly moves, like a man who at all times to be on alert. When on it fell from a ladder, was a feeling that is a strong man. I have strong hands. And fast reflexes. Felt this could be useful here man.

- He wants to introduce you myself, Mr. McKinnon? - She thought with sadness that would prefer to have a family, preferably a child to play with Keenan.

- Sam. - He thought it was the right place. Will be nice to move out of the box, which was one of many in the block, and every now and smell the grass. And the smoke from the grill. - I can be introduced at the weekend?

Not even suspected this would be so easy. Bit her lip, when I thought about it. Had never rented the apartment, but because she was a tenant, so she thought that knows at this.

- Please rent for two months.

- Agreed.

- I reference.

- I'll give you a number to the administration that manages my building. You may also call the HR department in a newspaper. Do you have a lease agreement to sign?

She did not have. Borrowed a book from the library and wanted to photocopy the agreement tomorrow morning.

- I'll have it tomorrow. You do not want to see the rest of the apartment or to ask any questions? - For several days preparing for this situation.

- I saw it. Okay.

- Well. - It's a bit zbiło her off guard. - So unless I withdraw the ad.Suddenly he heard a strange noise, like a tramp like forcing an elephant. Zoe glanced at the open door and crouched down to catch a bullet, which they came.

Coop hugged the child and after a while realized that he was a boy. Miał shiny golden hair, red sneakers and jeans stained with an unidentified substance. He held a plastic box with a list of some apocalyptic battle and stained white sheet of paper at the edges.

- I drew the ocean - announced. - Sharks devoured millions of people.

- Terrible. - Zoe dutifully shook, then took the kiss.Pushed away from the child to enjoy drawing. - What are the big sharks - said, trying to distinguish people from the spot of spots depicting sharks.

- This monster sharks.Mutated sharks monsters. They have teeth.

- I see it.Keenan, Mr McKinnon, our new tenant.

Zoe Keenan took his leg and watched the stranger. His eyesight was heading for the stranger's face, when suddenly he saw his shirt and his face brightened.

- It's baseball.I will learn. My mother bought me a book and teach.

Book? Coop barely refrained from parsknięcia. As if you could learn from a book the greatest game invented by man. What a fool was the father of this boy?

- Great. - Coop was not going to say anything more.I always believed that you should not go into a conversation with people under the age of sixteen years.

Keenan, however, had other plans.

- If you lived here you will, that you will have to pay rent.Then pay off the mortgage and we'll go to Disneyland.

Who was this child? Accountant?

- Well, old man - laughed Zoe and ruffled his hair. - I can handle it alone.Go and collect their belongings.

- Is the coming week Beth play with me?

- Yes, come.And now run. In a moment I'll go down to you.

- Okay. - He went to the door, but stopped when he cried.It took just one look and raised her eyebrow, so he remembered. He glanced at the Coop and smiled, quickly and joyfully. - Good morning, sir.

A herd of elephants rushed again, and after a while, at the bottom of the door slammed.

- Always make a grand entrance - Zoe said, turning to the Coop. - The sense of dramatic situation is my mother.Is an actress, a very non-commercial. - Tilted his head and rested her bare foot on one of the steps of the ladder. - Do you have such a face as if you wanted to change my mind. Do you have a problem with the children?

- No. - The kid might not arouse his enthusiasm, but Coop is doubtful that was a problem.The boy probably will not come to him for a visit? And if, despite everything that happened, yet it could be immediately returned to his mother. - No, it's no problem, little is, um, very nice.

- Indeed it is nice.I'm not saying that it was an angel, but does not do the problems. If it caused you trouble, please let me know.

- Sure.I'll come tomorrow to sign a contract and bring a check for you. I'll take the keys too.

- Okay.

- Come at a particular time?For a moment he seemed confused.

- And what is tomorrow the day?

- Friday.

- Friday? - She closed her eyes and began to wonder. - I guess I work between ten and two. - She opened her eyes and smiled broadly. - Yes, I'm sure.Maybe after half past two?

- Okay.I was pleased to meet you, Mrs. Fleming. Shook his outstretched hand.

- Miss - said openly. - I'm not married.And because in a sense, we live together, please call me Zoe.


Nobody opened the door. Again? Coop glanced at his watch and saw that it is a quarter to a third party. Did not consider himself as a man obsessed time, but his life revolved around deadlines, so learned to respect time. This time it was in the driveway of the old station wagon, although it went into the yard Coop. Before he could climb the stairs to the apartment, someone stopped him cry coming from the side of the fence.

- Young man!Hello, young man!

In the neighboring yard appeared a woman wearing a flowered dress with a thatched roof with curly, dyed with henna hair surrounding the broad face. A woman ran to the fence. She looked like a rainbow, not only because of the bright hair and Hawaiian dress. Had a mouth painted red lipstick, pink cheeks and lavender eyes.

When I reached the fence, pressed his hand to upierścienioną broad shoulders.

- I'm not so young as it once was - she said. - My name is Finkieman.


- The Lord is this young man, who live upstairs? - Mrs Finkieman, born flirt, smoothed his curls. - Zoe did not say that you are so handsome.Knight?

- Yes - with care, "said Coop. - Miss Fleming was to meet with me.I guess it is not at home.

- All of Zoe, now here, now there. - Mrs. Finkleman lit up and leaned on the fence, as if preparing for a longer gossip. - He does several things at once.I brought up the same sweet boy. I will not know what I'd do without his Harry, when our children were born.

Coop was the first race reporter. His occupation and the fact that interested in his Miss Fleming, made the mood for conversation took.

- A father does not help at all?

- Do not see it here - snorted Mrs. Finkleman. - From what I know, washed up when he learned that Zoe is expecting a child.He left her penniless. Sam was then almost a child. I guess I never saw the boy. And this is such a sweet baby.

Coop decided that spoke of Keen.

- A nice kid.How old is she? Five, six?

- Only four.Is the cutest. Now grow some smarter kids. Learn faster. This baby is already in kindergarten. Any moment he comes home.

- Mama went after him?

- No, this week someone else is on call.I guess it was time for Alice Miller ... You see that white house with blue piping, almost at the end of the street? It's her house. She has a boy and a girl. Treasures. Younger, Steffie, is at the age of Keenan. A senior, Brad, are you just a kid ...

When she started talking about a small łobuziaku, decided it was time to end the conversation.

- Can you say to Miss Fleming, that I was?Leave the phone at which finds me when ...

- O God! - Mrs. Finkleman waved his hand. - But she talked.Almost forgot why I came here at all. Zoe called me and asked me to master came. Bogged down in a flower shop. He works there three times a week. This "Bouquet of Flowers", at Ellicott City. Nice place but expensive. I do not know why so many now wish to be daisies.

- Stuck - Coop reminded her - what next?

- Her zmienniczka had trouble with the car, so Zoe a little late.She said that you went straight to the kitchen, where the contract and left the keys.

- Okay.Thank you!

- No problem.Is a friendly neighborhood. There was always someone helping someone. I think Zoe did not tell me what do you do.

- I am a journalist.Compose a sports column for "Reportedly".

- Impossible!My Harry loves sports. I can not pull it from the TV when there is a match.

- And thanks to this country is so big.

Ms. Finkleman laughed and playfully tapped on the shoulder Cooper. Such pat posłałoby certainly weaker man to the ground.

- You are all the same.You may come at any time and talk with Harry about the sport. And if you ask me, it's not worth talking about nothing but baseball.

Coop, who already had to leave, suddenly beaming.

- I like your baseball? - He asked.

- Son, born in Baltimore. - She said it as if it explained everything. - Our boys this year will not give spots.You'll see.

- I can handle if they're going to work.They need only ...

Interrupted by a joyous hoot. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Keenan jumps out of the car and runs across the yard.

- Good morning, sir.Good morning, Mrs. Finkleman. Carly Myers, fall down and was blood everywhere. - His eyes glistened. - Lots of blood, and she cried and cried, yeah.

- He has of himself as a piercing shriek that Coopowi seemed that his eardrums burst.

- Then he got such a lovely slice, all in stars. - Keenan thought that perhaps we might lose a little blood for such a distinction. - Where is mom?

- My cosset. - Mrs. Finkleman bent to nip him on the cheek. - A little more work today.She said that you can sit with me, before returning home.

- Okay. - Keenan liked to visit a neighbor, because I always got a cookie, and Mrs. Finkleman rocked him on her lap. - Only I'll put a box of lunch.

- It's such a good boy - she cooed Mrs. Finkleman. - Only przyjdź immediately.Maybe that shall bring the nice man, so he could wait for your mom?

- Okay.

Zanim Coop managed retreat, Keenan grabbed his hand. I was right, he thought up Coop and grimaced. Boy's hands were sticky.

- We have cookies - Keenan told him, cleverly concluded that if it will play properly, it can get twice as many cookies as usual.

- Great.

- Sami baked them in a free evening. - Keenan looked at the Coop with hope. - They are really tasty.

- Do not doubt it. - Coop held the door before they had time to engage.

- Please. - Keenan pointed ceramic dish in the shape of a big yellow bird.

- They're here in the Big Bird.

- Well, well. - Since this seemed the best way to reassure the kid, Coop pulled a handful of biscuits.When I put them on the table, Keenan eyes grew big as saucers. He could not believe his luck.

- You can treat it. - Stuck a whole chocolate cake in his mouth and smiled broadly.

- This is delicious? - Coop shrugged and offered it too.After the first bite found that the kid is right. - It's better to go to a neighbor.

Keenan ate another cookie and clearly slow to exit.

- I have to wash the thermos, because when you do not, it stinks - he said.

- Okay. - Cooper sat down at the table to read the agreement, while the boy pulled a stool to the sink.

Keenan poured into a thermos flask washing-up liquid. When pointed out that Coop is not looking, he poured more of it. And more. Unscrewed the tap and giggled when the liquid will churned. Biting tongue, clogged sink and began to play in the dishwasher.

Coop totally forgot about it while reading the contract. She looked normal. Zoe has already signed both copies. He made his signature next to the left on the table and signed the check. He took the keys and he was about to put his contract in his pocket when he suddenly saw Keenan.

- Oh, God.

The boy was wet from head to toe. Soap bubbles adorn his face and hair. Under the stool managed to create quite a puddle.

- What are you doing?

Keenan looked at him over his shoulder.

- Nothing - he smiled innocently.

- See, water is everywhere. - Coop looked around in search of cloth.

- Everywhere - Keenan agreed and slapped his hands on the water surface.Rozchlapała immediately.

- Stop it!Jesus! Are not you should now be somewhere else? - He grabbed the dish towel and went to the boy when he suddenly landed on his face another geyser of water. - Listen, little ...

He heard a loud slam the front door. Like mother, like son, he thought.

- Keenan? - Cried Zoe. - I hope not to dorwałeś cakes.Coop glanced at the crumbs on the table and on the floor, floating in the water spilled.

- Oh, shit - he muttered.

- Oh shit - and he repeated Keenan smiled at him.He chuckled and happily jumped on the stool. - Hi, Mom.

Zoe, holding a big armful of irises, looked around the kitchen. With her son's dripping water as if from przemokniętego dog, kitchen looked as though it has passed through a small tornado. Tornado, which is the name of Keenan, she thought. The new tenant was wet, worried and charmingly embarrassed. As a boy caught with his hand in a jar of cookies, she thought, glancing at the many speakers crumbs.

- Again, you played in the dishwasher? - For peace of mind that surprised Coop, put down the flowers. - I am not sure if it right for you career.

Keenan fluttered long, wet eyelashes.

- He wanted biscuits - he said.

Coop was about to begin to explain, but only frowned.

- Certainly.Go to the room with washing machine and remove the wet clothing themselves.

- Okay. - He jumped off the stool, even more splashing water.He paused for a moment to kiss her mother, then disappeared behind the door.

- Sorry I'm late - Zoe said pulling out the plug from the sink, then went to the pantry after the vase.

Coop opened his eyes. He was about to begin to explain what's happened, when I suddenly realized that actually do not know.

- I signed the contract - he said simply.

- I see.Could you pour some water here? - She gave him a vase. - I have to go after the mop.

- Sure.

Coop thought that Zoe probably will beat the mop kid, and he felt sorry. However, the sounds coming from the room in which she disappeared, somehow were associated with corporal punishment. He heard a deep chuckle boy and his mother's laughter. He stood with a vase in his hands and wondered about all this.

- Stuck in a puddle - saw Zoe, when she returned from the mop and bucket.

- Indeed. - Coop looked at his wet shoes. - Here's a vase.

- Thank you. - First came the flowers. - I heard you've already got Mrs. Finkieman.

- News travels fast.

- Here, yes.

Kiedy handed him a towel to his face rubbed, smelled Zoe - much stronger and more fragrant than the scent of flowers. She was dressed in jeans and baggy T-shirt. He noticed that her hair has a weird shade, something between a brown ciemnoblond. It tied in a ponytail.

When eyebrows rose, he realized that he stares at her.

- Sorry.That is to say, sorry for the mess.

- He played with a dishwasher?

- Not really. - Could not return her smile, ignore the sudden interest.

Thought it was not bad to have a nice hostess, sharing her house, perhaps sometimes a meal. Or ...

- Mama! - In the doorway stood Keenan, naked as a Turkish saint. - I can not find pants.

- In the basket next to the washing machine - she said, without taking his eyes from the Coop.He forgot about the child and indulged in fantasies, not remembering that she is not alone.

Rattled the keys to a new apartment.

- I trochę boxes in the car - he said. - This afternoon I'll bring stuff.

- Sure. - Zoe thought that this is silly.Niemądrze shook her heart when she saw in his eyes interest. I felt foolish for disappointment when this interest disappeared when he said Keenan. - Need Help?

- No, I can handle it.I must now go to the game, so I bring the rest tomorrow. - He moved toward the door.

- Thanks.

- Welcome aboard, Mr. McKinnon.

- Coop - said at the exit. - Call me Coop.

Coop, she thought, and leaned on the stick of the mop. Renting a flat on top seemed like such a good idea. Additional money will solve some problems and may also bring some benefits. For example, they can go to Disneyland, so I wanted to Keenan.

Buying a home was a risk, but wanted her son grew up in a friendly neighborhood in a house with yard, and perhaps also with the dog when it will be a little older. The rent for the apartment reportedly fell this risk.

But it did not come to mind other risks, more personal. Did not realize how embarrassing it may be flat with the tenant, who is single and in addition absolutely divine man.

She laughed to himself. Dream on, Zoe, she thought. McKinnon J. Cooper is the same as everyone escaped, screaming at the sound of children's steps.

Załomotało something in the room with washing machine. She shook her head.

- Come on, sailor! - Cried out to Keenan. - Time to scrub the deck.


- Quite a good house, Coop.Pretty good. - Ben Robbins, a reporter from "Reportedly, drank beer and looked around the apartment Coop. - Not to me like when przywlekliśmy your junk here, but I see that it is not too bad.

There was a lot better than not bad, and Coop knew this perfectly well. Had everything he wanted. Reigned in the living room a long, low leather sofa in burgundy and a large TV, perfect for watching matches. Interior design complemented two brass lamps, old coffee table and destroyed by dozens of shoes that were based on it, and a large armchair.

The room was a tiny basket, throwing it to him, helped Coopowi better focus. It also became pinball machine, stand with two sticks baseball, tennis racket and hockey stick. A pair of old boxing gloves hanging on a wall, and place for recreation reigned table football game.

Coop did not call their furniture toys. It was a tool.

Window blinds chose not curtains. It found that the roller blind are more appropriate when a person feels like an afternoon nap.

The bedroom was only his bed, bedside table and another TV. Bedrooms serve to sleep, or - if lucky - to engage in any other sport.

But the most suited to him his office. Already he imagined as sitting in front of a TV or computer, engrossed in a game. Interceded in a strong swivel chair, worn, but sturdy desk, fax machine, two telephone lines and video - to be able to play the most controversial moments in the game.

With all these objects, photographs and memorabilia sport, he felt completely at home.

In his home.

- It's like the bar on the corner - said Ben and pulled a short, hairy legs. - Such a favorite.

Coop took this as a great compliment.

- Well here I feel.

- No wonder - Ben agreed to a bottle and toast. - It's a place where you can relax, be yourself.You know, since I lived with Sheila, everywhere come across some small, porcelain items and underwear hanging in the bathroom. Yesterday she came home with a new bedding flowers. With pink flowers. - He grimaced and drank a sip of beer. - Just like I slept in a meadow.

- "Oh that. - I welcome a free man, Coop rested his feet on the coffee table. - You wanted it.

- Yes, yes.Too much crazy about her. And she goes crazy for Oakland. There's a fan.

- On the occasion, said that selling Aces Remireza.

- Yes, yes, try a different barrel - Ben snorted.

- So they say. - Coop shrugged and gulped the beer. - Convert it to Dunbar, and this new field, Jackson.

- I think crazy.Remirez scored in last season's two hundred and eighty points.

- Two hundred and eighty five - corrected him Coop.

- Well, as far as the Dunbar?Two hundred and twenty or fewer?

- Two hundred and eighteen, but it is extremely fast.No one beat. Well, is not possible. It's a big, strong boy from the countryside, the fist is like loaves of bread. They need fresh blood. Most of the players has more than thirty.

They argued about baseball and completed their beer in accordance male harmony.

- I have to go to the game.

- Today?I thought that the Orioles are in Chicago tomorrow.

- They are. - Coop recorder into his pocket and a pencil. - I'm going to college for the match.They have some great tertiary base. I thought you glance at it, maybe interviews ...

- But the job. - Ben got up from his seat. - Going for home games, the Wheel szwendanie cloakroom.

- Yes, that's just a hard life. - He took Ben's arm, when they went outside. - How are you doing this article on the sterilization of animals?You have traveled all the hostels?

- Forgive yourself, Coop, the inappropriate jokes.

- Some of us gets a hostel, the other matches.This was the fate of the journalist.

He was a beautiful day. Sunny and brisk. Coop almost sense the smell of roasted nuts and hot dogs.

- When you will be chased for a bunch of sweaty guys, I'll be lying in bed with a woman - said Ben.

- Under a blanket of flowers.

- Yes, but she always says that it stimulates the flowers.And I can tell you that ... a boy! Oh boy ...

When Ben's square jaw dropped, Coop has turned. Then he opened his mouth wide and his tongue probably landed on his shoes.

She was wearing the shortest skirt think I've ever seen on a woman. Underneath was a pair of unusual length legs clad in mesh stockings. As we walked, swayed. But, as she had not sway if you put a black pin on impossibly high heels?

White corset revealed quite a fragment of the breast and the sight triggered a sharp tension with Cooper throughout the body.

Hair, several shades, was dissolved. Fell to her shoulders. He was associated with a wild roe deer breaking through the sun-lit forest.

She stopped and said something, but my mind off the Coop at the moment when his eyes rested on her legs.

- ... or already zadomowiłeś.

- A. .. - Blinked like a man who awoke from a coma. - What?

- I said that I had no chance to see if already zadomowiłeś.

- Yes. - Shut your mouth and decided to take a grip. - Sure.

- That's good.Keenan się sick, so I had a lot of work. I saw two days ago, and pull some stuff down the stairs.

- Dragging - repeated. - And so, Ben - he said abruptly, when a friend nudged him with his elbow.

- It's Ben.He helped me with my move.

- Hi, Ben.Jestem Zoe.

- Hey, Zoe - stupidly said Ben. - I'm Ben.

She smiled more. She knew that all of this outfit. Although she hated it, enjoyed it when she saw, as he acted on some of the representatives of the opposite sex.

- Also working in the newspaper?

- Yes, I am writing an article on the sterilization of animals.

- Really? - She was almost sorry for Ben, he trembled so much grdyka. - For sure I will read it.

- She smiled and looked at Coop heat.

- I am glad that I zadomowiłeś.Well, hi. I have to go to work.

- Going out? - Asked Coop. - In this outfit?

Her lips quivered.

- Usually, I put it, when children drop you from school, but I thought I was going there to work today.To the "Shadow." Is a waitress. I was pleased to meet you, Ben.

She went to the car. No, I think Coop, flowed toward him, slow, long strides. Both are still looking for her when she left the ramp and turned into the street.

- Your hostess - pious whispers said Ben. - It was your hostess.

- I think so.

Did not look so, when signing the contract. Beautiful? Maybe it was beautiful, but in a healthy, uneventful manner. Did not look so ... so ... He babbled. He remembered that after all is the mother of Zoe. For God's sake, should not look like this!

- She has a child.

- Yes?What kind?

- I think the human race.

- Come on.

- It's a boy - he said absently Coop. - Such growth. - He put his hand to a height less than a meter.

- Why have a baby, but it also has legs.This length. - Ben waved his hand at the height of his throat. - You have a divine force, Coop. My landlord has shoulders like a rugbysta and tattoo in the shape of a lizard. Your hostess looks like a model.

- She is the mother - "he muttered under his breath Coop.

- Well, I would gladly came to her milk and cookies.See you at work.

- For the time being. - Coop stood motionless and furrowed brow, staring at the empty street.Mothers should not look like, think again. Should look ... matczynie. Safely. Harmless. Took a deep breath and tightness in his belly disappeared.

He remembered that Zoe is not his mother.

* * *

At midnight, Zoe was not feeling longer legs. Hurt her back and had the impression that carries the burdens and not trays of drinks. Rejected the six proposals, two of which were so good-natured to her laugh, and a sufficiently offensive to the gentleman earned bruise on the foot, due to its sharp obcasom. Other proposals did not deviate from the norm, so they ignored.

It was a side effect of this work and did not worry them too much.

Bar owes its name to this, że reigned in the dim. Rooms are decorated in the style of the fifties, and the waitresses were dressed like old-fashioned, silly trollop.

But the tips were big, and customers - the majority - harmless.

- Two domestic wine, white, "Black Ruska and weak coffee. - Referral Order bartender, Zoe began rozmasowywać the arms.

She hoped that with no problem Beth Keenan was able to put to bed. The whole day felt bad - he had a terrible cold. Terribly awanturował morning, when I mentioned that he could go to school.

There's not for me, she thought. I've never tried to wriggle out from going to school. Now, at age twenty-five years bitterly regretted that neglected education. If she went to college, could learn something, to make a career. Unfortunately, she had only a high school diploma and could only give drinks to men who do not let your eyes off her breasts.

She was not, however, for women who grieve. She did what she did and she got the greatest reward for it. Keenan. In a few years wanted to save so much money to quit their jobs waitressing and save up for an evening course. When you have finished business courses, open your own florist and Keenan will not have to sit z caretakers.

She gave the drinks, took an order from another table and she thought with relief that in a few minutes it will break.

When she saw entering Coop, I immediately thought of Keen. Anxiety, however, gone as quickly as it appeared when Coop calmly looked around the premises. When their eyes met, nodded her head and began to squeeze between the densely set tables, walking toward her.

- I thought that I fall for a drink.

- This is the right place.Would you like to sit at the bar or at a table?

- At the table.Got a minute?

- For a moment I will have their fifteen.-Why?

- I would like to talk to you.

- Okay.What do you bring?

- Black coffee.

- Black coffee.Sit down.

He watched as she went to the bar and tried not to think about how attractive she looked. He did not come here to drink, but found that this nice woman does not fit into that dress ... He wanted to say, the decor.

Get a grip, Coop, he thought. He was too mature to long legs blunted his wits. He came here just to ask a few questions to get the full picture. So he earned a living and he was good at it. Similarly, he was good in breaking down games and finding the prime factors of small triumphs and small errors that affected the outcome.

- Today I have a busy evening. - Zoe has set two coffees on the table and sat down on a chair in front of Coop.Took a deep breath, then smiled at him. - The first time I sat for four hours.

- I work in a florist.

- Yes, I work at a florist, but only three times a week. - She removed her shoes ze swollen feet. - When approaching Mother's Day, Christmas or Easter, it's even more. - Drunk a sip of coffee very sweet. - It's a small florist and Fred, the owner, employs only two part-time helpers.This eliminates the need to pay social benefits.

- It's disgusting.

- But it's a good job.I like it. I also like Fred and Martha, his wife. I learned a lot about flowers and plants.

Someone threw a quarter in the playing enclosure. The room was filled with music. Coop leaned over the table, so Zoe could hear him. For a moment, he looked in her big brown eyes, has lost the thread.

- Do I have you ever seen? - He asked her.

- In the flat.

- No, I mean ... - He shook his head and left about it. - Well, why here?

- What why here?

- Why do you work here?She blinked, and her long eyelashes fluttered.

- For the money - she said.

- Somehow I do not look like someone who should be working in that bar.

- What? - Zoe did not know whether to laugh should or offend.She chose the former, it was rather a cheerful nature. - Do you have something against the waitresses?

- No where.The idea is that you're a mother.

- Yes.As proof that I have a son. - She laughed and rested her chin on complex hands.

- Do you think I should rather sit at home and bake cookies or make a shawl to knit?

- No. - He was ashamed that so I thought.

- But this outfit - gasped. - And how you look at all those men ...

- If a woman puts on something like this themselves, the men stare.I just stare - she added. - If you thus feel better, you know that I do not wear both at the meeting of the Parents.

With each moment felt more embarrassed.

- Look, it's not my business.I have a habit of simply asking questions. It seems to me that you could find something better. You have the flower shop and the money to rent an apartment ...

- And a mortgage, and a son who grows up every week with clothes and shoes for the car hire, shopping and bills from your doctor.

- Doctor?Will Keenan is sick?

Zoe rolled her eyes. Once you've started to get nervous, managed to disarm it.

No!Children aged Keenan always bring the school one way or other germs. They have from time to time to meet with the pediatrician, a dentist. It costs.

- Well, there's help.Benefits ... - "He stopped when he saw the anger in her eyes.

- She can earn a living and take care of your child.

- I did not want ...

- Maybe I do not study or special skills, but she can pay back my son and nothing was missing. - She slipped feet in high-heeled shoes and stood up. - Well we are doing and no nosy reporter is not telling me that I have to be a mother.Coffee on my bill, dork!

When she left the table, took a deep breath. Well you went, Coop, he thought. He wondered if the morning will give notice attached to the door of his apartment.


Nie kicked him. She thought about it, but concluded that the satisfaction that it brought to her, she could not compete with the rent. Besides already heard it all.

One of the reasons she moved here from New York, was that terribly tired of her family and friends zanudzili repeating it, as it should live. I raise a son.

In Baltimore, started all over again.

Have enough money to buy a three-room apartment and invest the rest. As happy and a lot of work, no time was unemployed. We regret Keenan gave to kindergarten. But he's happy with it. After her mother had inherited a talent for zaprzyjaźniania with people.

Now, two years after the move, had a house with a garden in this area, you've always wished for her son. I alone pay for it all.

Zoe switched the mower and began to cut the grass. His grass, she thought, and clenched her teeth.

Too many people told her that she is crazy, too young, he was wasting his life. Proved them wrong. Had a child, not got rid of it, and now doing anything to provide him a decent life. She and Keenan were not statistics. They were family.

Nobody had compassion on them, or offering of alms to them. She took everything, step by step. I had plans. Big, serious plans ...

Someone pat on the shoulder made me jumped up. As she turned her head and saw that he was standing behind her Coop, her hands clenched tighter on the handle of the mower.

- What?

- I want to apologize! - He shouted.When I stared at him without saying a word, leaned over and turned off the engine. - I wanted to apologize - he repeated. - Yesterday behaved inappropriately.

- Really?

- I'm addicted to sticks nose in the affairs of other people.

- Maybe you should, however, dominate. - She reached for the rope to start the mower again, but his hand closed on her hands.She stared at her for a moment. Had great hands, rough. She recalled that earlier, made a strong impression, an energetic man. And now his hand seemed to her some so delicate and mild.

For a long time not to touch the hand of man. She did not want to touch them.

- Sometimes the button the wrong buttons - continued Coop.He also stared at their hands, thinking how small it seems to them a hand. And what soft. - For a once or twice burst. - He smiled when she looked at him.

- It does not surprise me.

She did not answer his smile, but he sensed that softened. This morning I woke him roar of the mower. Kiedy looked out and saw that Zoe goes for her in baggy shorts, he wanted to go back to bed. But he thought that he must talk to her.

Just to reign in a truce, he thought. In the end was forced to live with her under one roof. In a certain sense.

- I did not mean to criticize you.Got me interested. And your son - he added quickly. - Why is your yesterday's outfit made it pressed the wrong buttons.

Zoe raised her eyebrows. Considered that this honest explanation.

- Well, well.Nothing terrible has happened. It went easier than expected. Coop stated that the move further.

- Look, I have to be at the game today.Why would you come with me? It's a beautiful day to play baseball.

She could not deny. Indeed, it was warm and sunny, blowing a nice, refreshing breeze. It should be accepted. There were worse ways to spend the afternoon than a trip to the match with an attractive man, who at all costs podlizać tried it.

- Maybe it would be nice, just that I have to work.But Keenan's sure to be pleased. - She watched as his jaw drops and she smiled broadly.

- Keenan?Do you want me it took?

- And so he has nothing to do.Some kids play in their backyards and allow him to run after the ball. But I never seen a real game, unless the television. - She smiled simplistic as though she wanted to burst out laughing. Unfortunately, she did not know what I mean Coop.

- I do not quite know the kids - he said, cautiously trying to withdraw.

- But you know the sport.It would be great if Keenan could see the first match in the company of an expert. What you leave?

- For ...In a few hours.

- Will prepare it.It's very nice of you. - When I did not move, leaned over and kissed his cheek. Then launched a mower and moved ahead.

Coop stood motionless as a tree when he went away. What the hell, the kid had to do all afternoon?

* * *

Bought popcorn, hot dogs and huge mugs of drinks. It found that Keenan will be food and there will be nothing said. On the way to Camden Yards kid jumped on the car seat, and when they arrived, wybałuszał eyes to everything.

Coop heard: "What?" and "How?" many times he lost count. Nervous as hell, sat on site for journalists along with his laptop.

- You can look through the window here - Keenan instructed. - I do not bother anybody, because we all work here.

- Okay. - Almost bursting from too much enthusiasm, Keenan squeezed harder your hot dog.

In places for journalists there were a lot of people, some came with computers, as Coop, the other with headphones. Many people smiled at him and nearly everybody greeted with Cooper. Keenan knew that Coop is important. Just like my mother asked, did not leave Coop or a step and asked for nothing, although the stands were selling very cool stuff. My mother gave him a whole five dollars and said she can buy a souvenir. But there were so many things that they do not know what to choose. Coop walked so fast that Keenan did not even have time to look at memorabilia.

But all this did not matter because he was a real match.

Wide-open eyes stared at the ground. Was greater than he imagined. He knew where the state pitcher, and recognize the database, but the rest was not sure.

On a large plate came pictures and words that he could not read. At the stadium was now more people than ever before seen.

When the players lined up for the pitch, Keenan looked at them with great admiration. Played the national anthem, so the boy got up, as he had been taught.

Coop looked at him and saw that boy standing with a hotdog in my hand and broad smile on his face. Suddenly he remembered his first game. When reminded myself how anxiously clutching his father's hand as his eyes tried to see everything at once, as his heart was full of joy.

When the players took the position, Coop leaned over and ruffled blond hair Keenan.

- Cool, huh? - He asked.

- Yes.I've never seen so many people. It's our players, right?

- Yes, those are ours.Will now that.

Keenan chuckled and leaned over to better see the first impact.

- Apply - repeated with admiration.

Contrary to expectations, Coop, not hovering, not moaned and never caused trouble. Coop accustomed to working in a noisy environment, so relentless questions the boy not really bother him. He thought that at least the kid has enough reason to ask.

In between rounds, Keenan, glancing over his shoulder Coop at the words that appeared on the computer screen. At one point zapaćkał sleeved mustard Coop. But that was not a terrible disaster.

Coop even felt proud when the announcer at one point he called Keenan and allowed him one round to sit on his lap.

Most children biegałaby around and demanded sweets. This child, however, really came here for the match.

- Why did not he run all the way?Why? - Keenan shifted from foot to foot. He had to go to the toilet, but do not want to lose a minute.

- Impact went to second base, so he had to get off the pitch - he explained Coop. - Drugobazowy caught the ball and slowed the field.

- Release the field - he repeated Keenan.

- After throwing Orioles have the advantage of one point.Given the sequence of pitchers, perhaps now someone will insert left-handed.

- Left-handed?

- A pitcher who throws with his left hand.Sure it will be Scully. - He looked at the boy and saw that Keenan holds a crutch. - A problem?

- Nooo.

- Let's go to the kib ... to the toilet. - Keenan took his hand and prayed that it was too late.Kiedy going into the toilet, it was announced that Scully goes on the pitch.

- Just like you said. - Coop Keenan looked at with admiration. - You are smarter than everyone.

Coop felt on his face there is a smile.

- Let's say that on this I know.

* * *

When they reached home, Keenan was wearing a new shirt Orioles, and a small baseball glove signed by the players holding the ball. In his other hand grasped the pennant, the swinging, climbing the stairs.

- Look!See what I arranged for Coop! - Shouted to my mother, who returned just a few moments earlier. - We went to the locker room with real players, and they signed me the ball. In memory!

- Let's see. - She took the ball and looked at her intently. - This is a unique souvenir, Keenan.

- Will keep it forever.I also got this shirt that they wear. I mitt. Fits.

- You betcha. - Zoe felt emotion. - Now look as if you were ready to play baseball.

- I played third base, because there ... because there ...

- Most happening - helped him Coop.

- Exactly.I can show you Finkiemanowi? I show him my ball?

- Sure.

- But I surprised. - Keenan turned and took his leg Coop. - Thank you, thank you, that I took.I really enjoyed it. We will go again sometime with my mom?

- Yes, I think.Sure. - Again, he felt awkward and Keenan patted on the head.

- Cool! - Keenan shook his leg and rushed to show off your treasures.

- He did not have to buy it all - she said Zoe. - It was enough that it took.

- It's nothing.Besides, did not ask for anything. - Coop stuck his hands in his pockets. - But I really wanted to know the players ... Well, one led to another.

- I know.I heard that our team won.

- Yes.One point. Wrócilibyśmy before, but I had to join the editorial board and leave a note.

- She only just got back. - On a whim came to him, embraced him and squeezed.Coop motionless hands in his pockets. - I owe you a favor. Podarowałeś him a wonderful day. He did not forget. - She moved up. - Me too.

- It's no big deal.Just a little shook after places for the press.

- This is something very big, especially since you framed it. - She laughed and shook her head quickly rejected the hair back. - This morning I looked through you, Coop.The idea behind a four-year attraction for the match at first, you just scared. But great job, really great. Anyway ... excuse me - said, when the phone rang. - Hello? Oh, hello. Hi, Stan. Tonight? But it's not my turn. - She sighed deeply and sat on the back seat. - Notification to you. No, Stan, do not tell you this now. I have to see if I manage to find a babysitter. And so an hour. Yes, I understand that you have a problem. Call you back.

- Any problems?

- Hmm ...Two waitresses ill. Missing people. - I twisted serial number. - Good morning, Mrs. Finkleman. Yes, I know. Great fun. Uhm. - Zoe Coop watched while Mrs. Finkleman explained to her how important is the man in the life of a little boy. - I'm sure you're right. I wondered if you are free tonight. Oh, actually, I forgot. No, it's important. Have fun.

Zoe hung up and wydęła mouth.

- It's the bingo night - said Coop. - Beth has a date.Maybe Alice ... - She reached for the phone, but she froze and shook her head.

- No, now expects to in-laws for dinner. - Her eyes suddenly gleamed. - You had no problems with Keenan, right?

- No - replied the Coop cautiously, aware of the next trap. - He was right.

- The state does not need me to nine.Keenan comes to bed at eight, so you will not have to do anything just pokręcisz here and watch TV.

- I have to spin while you work. - He retreated a step. - Me and the baby ...I have a babysitter? Listen ...

- I'll pay you.Beth gets two dollars per hour, but the increase rate.

- I do not want your money, Zoe.

- It's lovely. - She smiled, took his hand and shook it. - It's really very nice of you.If you could come around half past eight ...

- I did not say that ...

- You can help yourself to what you want.I'll bake cookies trochę if I have time. It is better to just call Stan, before it can escape the remnants of hair from the head. - She picked up the phone and smiled at the Coop. - Now I owe you two a favor.

- Yes, that's right. - He left before she could increase that number to three.


Over the next few hours Coop took up his weekly column, the heading "The ball in play." He thought that kid inspired him with new ideas. First visit to the field, the transmission of tradition, uniting people cheering, the sound of a stick, peanut shells ...

Coop decided it was a good column. He had no problems with his writing. He thought that, since the idea owes Keenan, it can at least turn a little at the bottom and eat it, while the boy will sleep.

Went down when Zoe came out of the kitchen.

She was not at all sure if Coop will come. She knew that framed him again, and although it is first amused, then felt guilty. But they came just in time, and was at the bottom of the stairs.

- Drove you into a corner ... - Began.

- Yes. - She looked so depressed that he had to smile. - You have the real talent.

She shrugged and returned the smile.

- Sometimes, audacity is the only way to settle some things, but I always feel bad about it.Really I baked cakes.

- I felt it at the top.

Strange, he thought, although she was wearing the same outfit waiter, did not look so stunning. Perhaps with the exception of the bow, found. His libido reacted at the sight of a black bow around the slender, white neck.

- Let me, if I do happen?

- Every time you ask someone a favor, I feel a sense of guilt - he explained. - It's nice of you, that Keenan took the match, especially since ...

- Especially since I invited you?

Again she shrugged. Again he looked at her in the typically male way, and her body could not react to this. She thought it would be better if he immediately explain their policies.

- I do not date from the men.Should you say it right away.

I barely refrained so as not to touch the bow hand. He wanted to pull it.


- Yes it's easier.Keenan does not interest them, or pretend that they are interested, so they could borrow me to bed. - Once the heels swayed and coughed, laughed. - Just do not see that I can view them through. You see, me and Keenan we constitute a team. As a sports journalist you should know what that means.

- Sure, I know.

- Anyway, podarowałeś he really a great day, and I feel as if I twisted your arm.

After a while, does not consider doing it on purpose. Faker could not have been so much sincerity in the face. Coop felt a little guilty, because I actually thought about it earlier, to enlist her to bed.

- He's already asleep, right?

- Yes.This day made him exhausted.

- So eat your cake and watch TV.No big deal.

And at this point she smiled happily, beautifully, which made me have dried in his throat.

- In addition to left my phone number just in case the club.Finklemanowie probably come home around eleven. Ms. Finkleman change you can come if you want.

- We'll see.

- Thank you, really thank you. - She withdrew to the kitchen to let him pass. - I finish work at the other.

- A lot of work.

- Tomorrow I'm free. - She grabbed her bag and looked around. - Make yourself at home, right?

- Sure.See you

Fell out of the house, and her incredibly sexy zastukały heels on the sidewalk. Coop took a deep breath and decided to make yourself comfortable. Lady's established rules of the game. Fun was excluded.

Miała siren voice, the face of beauty, body and legs of the goddess, who were able to tempt the most tolerant man, but deep in the heart was primarily a mother.

Coop sighed heavily and decided to console themselves with a plate of biscuits.

* * *

The storm began just before midnight. Coop took to heart the words of Zoe and felt like in her home. He pulled on her sofa, the pillows, and his feet rested on a coffee table. Dozed off during the course of watching an old movie about World War II, and regretted only that it did not bring the top two beers.

Zoe had only milk, juice and an unidentified green liquid.

Trochę pomyszkował the house - so his nature. The whole house in confusion, but I began to see in him a key. Certainly was not a pedant, but by the general lack of order of the house seemed to be comfortable, even cozy. Coop was not sure if it's intended result, or that cozy mess resulted from the fact that Zoe had two jobs and a young son.

Z borrowed books that were lying here and there, he learned that in my spare time reading about flowers, car repairs, taxes and management.

He could not help but think that this wonderful woman is terribly wasted, burying the guides and hopeless work part time.

But this was not his thing.

Lightning through the window fit the artillery on the TV screen. Coop considers that the whole child care is easy.

Then he heard a howl.

Nie howling commandos, he thought absently, especially during the hearing, with the Germans. He yawned, shook his neck, until something in her trzasnęło him, and noted Keenan.

The boy stood on the bottom of the stairs, dressed in Pajamas with Batman, and pressed them to their damaged stuffed dog. Tears ran down his face.

- Mama! - His voice was sharp, shrill. - Where's my mom?

- At work. - Coop straightened up on the sofa and looked at him helplessly. - Something wrong?

Suddenly a flash of lightning illuminated the room. Kiedy heard thunder, Keenan howled like a ghost, and landed on his knees Coop.

- I'm afraid!There are monsters! They want to kidnap me! I'm afraid!

- Hey ... - Coop awkwardly patted his head pressed to his chest. - It's just a storm.

- Monsters - sobbing Keenan. - I want to have ... your mom!

- But it ... - He was about to swear, but in time he restrained himself.Poor boy trembled. Coop instinctively to pet him. - You do not like a storm, eh?

Keenan could only turn his head and hid his face even more.

- Storms are like fireworks.Well, you know, such as the fourth of July, or when your team wins the championship. Sure they had up there a very important game and now celebrate.

- Monsters - repeated Keenan, but he calmed down enough that it might raise his head and look at the Coop. - Big, black creatures with sharp teeth.

- He trembled when thundered loudly.After his face again, tears began to pour. - They want to eat me.

- No. - Coop Patted boy's shoulder.

- You are too hard.

- Really?

- You betcha.If any of the monsters would come here and saw you, uciekłyby screaming. Do not get Coop and Keenan.

Small sniffed and rubbed his eyes with his fist.

- Really? - He repeated.

- Really. - Coop saw that the boy's lower lip trembled when lightning struck again. - It just had to be a champion kick - he added, Keenan and his mouth stretched in an uncertain smile.

- I can be here with you? - Asked the boy.

- Sure.I think so.

Keenan, an expert in such matters, sat comfortably on your lap Coop, rested his head on his chest and sighed.

* * *

Kiedy Zoe returned to the house shook with exhaustion. It was almost three in the morning, and she twenty hours have not slept, but something was still busy. It had simply wanted to collapse on the bed and fall asleep.

She saw them in the gray light still turned on the TV. They lay on the sofa, hugging a boy to man. Keenan matted hair lay in a broad, sunburnt hand Coop. At sight of something in her stirred.

Without taking his eyes from them, put down her purse and keys.

Her son seemed so small and so safe.

Put forward a foot from the shoes and went to the sofas in the same stockings. Gently touched the hair Coop before she pulled her son from his grasp. Keenan shuddered, then hugged to her.

- Mama.

- Yes, dear - "she whispered.Carrying it, she felt a man smell mixed with the scent of the boy.

- The future monsters, but it odstraszyliśmy.

- Well, of course.

- Coop said that the storm is fireworks.I like fireworks.

- I know. - She put him in bed, blanket, and improved his hair, then kissed him with soft cheeks. - A sleep now.

But he was already asleep. She looked at him for a while in low-light night light, then turned around and went down to the Coop.

He sat on the sofa and rubbed his eyes with his fists. Turned off the TV and sat humming on the back of sofas. She thought that any man who so freely with the child slept, he had the unfathomable possibilities.

For a moment I wondered how it would cuddle up to him.

- Woke him up a storm?

- Yes. - He had a hoarse voice, so he cleared his throat. - He was pretty scared.

- He said przegoniłeś monsters.

- It seemed to me that you need. - He raised his head to look at her.Her big, brown eyes were tired and smiling. A tiny change in the rhythm of the heartbeat suggested to him that he should go. Still lingered. - It's all right?

- Now, yes.A good father would be with you.

- Well ... - This made him uneasy.He got up and wondered what to say. - Probably not. But it was not no big deal.

- For me anyway. - Noted that he was embarrassed, even though he had no such intention. - Maybe tomorrow I'll fix you breakfast?

- What?

- Will repay you pancakes.Ms. Finkleman told me that you order lots of pizza and Chinese dishes, so I suppose that it does not cook. Do you like pancakes?

- And who does not?

- Well, let me know when you rise.Throws you a few. - She raised her hand and pushed her hair from her forehead. - Thank you, that helped me.

- No problem. - He took a step back, swore under his breath and turned to her. - Look, I just have to do it, you know?

Before she could react, he took her face in her hands and kissed on the lips of j ±.

A kiss was quick and light. Zoe felt a shiver running through the body.

Even when not raised, raised his head and looked at her. She stared at him, her eyes were serious and dark. He thought that he sees in them the same as I felt in the stomach area. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but he shook his head and kissed her again. Longer, deeper, until he felt that bend under her knees. Until he heard in her throat quiet moan of pleasure.

Her hands caught his shoulders, and then zatonęły in his hair. Steel so, locked in embrace.

One of them shook, maybe both. It did not matter if its taste pass into his mouth. He felt as if he had not yet managed to wake up, as if the dream drew him again and told him to forget about reality.

She also forgot about it. At that moment she knew only that her strong arms are holding someone tastes her mouth and her desires, so long dormant, and finally escaped to freedom.

Touch me. She wondered if this was said, whether those words circled lazily just after her head. And his hand, hard and sure, drove along her body and suppressed the fire.

She remembered how to burn, and remember what happens when the flame went out, and the man was left completely alone.

- Coop ... - Yes very eager for that to happen.Only this time was no longer young, reckless girl. Moreover, even had to think about someone. - Coop, no.

His lips again clung to her lips. However, managed to break away from her. He realized that he lacks the breath, like a man who had just hit his head against something hard.

- Now I should probably say I'm sorry.

- You do not need. - She shook her head. - I is not.

- That's good. - He clenched his hands on her shoulders, then put them in his pockets. - For me or not.I thought to do this since I first saw your feet.

She raised her eyebrows. Certainly misheard.

- What?

- Your feet.You were standing on a ladder and malowałaś. You had no shoes on their feet. You have incredibly sexy feet.

- Really? - Amazed her that once he felt tightness in the throat, and the next moment drove her to laugh. - Thank you.I guess ...

- I think I'll go.

- Yes, it would be better.

He nodded and walked to the door. This time, when he stopped, stiffened. But he just turned around and looked at her.

- Do not try to drag you to bed.But you need to know that you want. I thought you should know about it.

- I appreciate it - she said shakily.

When I closed the door behind him, felt that he has soft feet and sat on the couch. What am I supposed to do now? - She asked herself.


When Coop has pulled off at the end of the bed, there have south. He stumbled in the shower and nearly fell down before he opened his eyes. Wet and upset, wiped a towel, for a moment he wondered if a shave, but eventually abandoned that idea.

Thrust into the shorts and shirt, before he set off to the coffee machine. Pricked it, and then opened the door and allowed that the sun blinded him and orzeźwiło for good.

Zoe and Keenan were in the yard and laughing. My mother tried to teach her son bouncing ball with a stick. Coop thought that the kid is not too much luck, but great fun. He decided to retire before they go any notice, but could not deny myself rooting for.

- If that was, never will! - He cried, and two pairs of big brown eyes looked in his direction.

- Hey, Coop.See, I play baseball. - Delighted the audience Keenan waved a stick and hit him near his mother in his beard.

- Take care, champ - she said, and stepped back.

- Good morning! - She cried. - Care for your breakfast?

- Maybe.

Keenan again spun and came out so pathetically, że Coop muttered something under his breath. He thought that whirled like a little girl. Someone need to show this kid how to hold the stick, right? He went to Keenan and said:

- The tight squeeze.Zoe pulled eyebrows.

- The book you read ...

- The book! - He could not master, and swore:

- Some damn book! - A Keenan immediately repeated the curse. - Sorry - "said Coop, when Zoe threw him a severe look. - Look, you need to learn what books to draw from, and what to reject.You can not learn baseball from the book. And he turns off like a girl. - Knelt and improved hands Keenan.

Zoe already had a desire to listen to expert advice, but this last remark j ± angry.

- Excuse me?Perhaps you suggest that women are not suitable for sport?

- I did not say.Strike from the shoulder - Keenan instructed. Coop could be gruff, but he was not stupid. - There are lots of great lekkoatletek. Keep an eye on the ball, kid. - With one hand he took Keenan and lightly tossed the ball over. Stick hit her with a dull bang.

- I came!I came, really!

- How a pro. - Coop again looked at Zoe. - I thought you were doing pancakes ...

- I did ... and I will. - She sighed deeply. - I understand that you care about leadership.

- Well, I can not do pancakes, but you can not play baseball.Maybe we'll do it both in what we do best?

- You would have thought it was a remarkable ability to hit the ball a stupid stupid stick - she muttered, heading for the back door.

- But you do not you do that.

She stopped abruptly, turned around and blinked.

- Of course I know.

- For sure.Well, Keenan, try again.

- It's probably my turn. - Incensed Zoe took out a stick from the hands of his son.

- You'll find, Mom?Hit?

- Sure you can. - Stretched out his hand for the ball, which kept Coop.± j planted, spun and sent the ball on a stick fence surrounding the yard.

Coop snorted and smiled at her.

- Not bad for a girl.But anyone can hit such a ball.

- Keenan is too small for anything else than a plastic ball.

- No, I mean that when the same throws, that's for sure hit.

- Oh, really?

- Now I throw, Coop! - Shouted Keenan. - You catch.

- Sure, go ahead, kid.

Keenan's only the third time might send the ball into the surrounding Coop.

- I do not believe that zdołałabym bounce if you dropped me ... - Zoe and she raised her stick.

- Not bad, but you should trochę bring him home.That's right - he said and backed away. - Zoe, to hold the bat like a hammer. Perhaps you wanted to nail the nail? Note, I throw.

He threw the ball softly and bottom, but Zoe still have to grit your teeth, not to jump. Because it was her pride and respect for women of her son, hit really hard. Nobody was more surprised than her when she went. Coop caught the ball just before they broke his nose.

- Well. - Zoe Keenan gave a startled bat and otrzepała hands. - I'm going robić pancakes.

- But hard hit - Keenan said with admiration.

- Yes. - Coop watched as the door slammed behind Zoe. - Your mom is really ... anyone really, kid.

- Throw me, Coop?Throw?

- Sure.But first lets edit the attitude, okay? You look like a real player.

Kiedy Zoe rolled pancake in a frying pan last, looked out the window and saw her son swung a bat. The ball does not flew too far, but Coop pretended not managed to catch her and Keenan began dancing with joy.

- I did not give advice - said Coop, a boy jumped on his back. - Hey, kid, in baseball there is no łaskotek.Football season has ended. - He grabbed the boy and turned it down to the top.

Somewhere during the early afternoon of his ill-humor vanished.

* * *

By convention, began to spend some time with the boy. Nothing planned, just sometimes play in Berka of Keenan or showing him in his apartment, how to throw the ball to the basket. He assured himself that it is not tied to a small. But when I had some free time, and the boy wanted to meet him, what harm him? Quite nice to see those big eyes full of pious awe. It was nice to hear a loud shrill laugh, which broke Keenan, accounted for when something to his liking.

And if sometimes the boy came along with my mother, it was still enjoyable.

It is true that since then, the storm Coop saw a lot more than Zoe Keenan. Behaved in a friendly, but she did everything - or so it seemed Coopowi - not to stay with him alone.

It was necessary to do something about it, he thought, when I turned off the computer.

He picked up two small cars racing, one of the many things that Keenan had left in his room. Zoe already knew well enough that he knew that the toy will be a better seat than the beautiful roses.

Shaking toy cars in his hand, descended the stairs and knocked on the kitchen door.

Zoe just stayed in the room with washing machine. Put clothes, slammed the door and cried:

- Who's there?

- Coop.

She hesitated and started the washing machine.

- Go.Just come.

Dźwignęła wypranymi basket with things, not only because they had to, but also in defense, and went into the kitchen.

I really look good. I've tried not to think about its beauty. There are so damn manly, she thought, this slim, athletic body, muscle, dark, rough hair, and those wonderful light green eyes. Worried that her heart stops beating for a moment, when Coop sends her one of his cheeky smiles.

- Hi. - She put the basket on the kitchen table and immediately began to make socks.

- Hi. - The kitchen was messy, as always.He thought that it definitely could use her help. Besides smelling beautifully. - Keenan, left it on the mountain. - Coop cars put on the table. - I thought it would look for them.

- Thanks.

- Where is he?

- At school.

- Well, yes, yes. - Coop Keenan knew the lesson plan as well as the results of yesterday's matches. - We just came back z florist?

- Uhm.Interests are going better and better. We have a few weddings. In fact, over the next three weeks could work full time, but nothing that due to Keenan's schedule.

- How come? - Lazily stretched out his shirt in the trash.

- It's about those spring weddings.To the preparation you need a lot of people, so Fred asked whether some time could stay on all day.

- It's probably good, right?

- The school, which comes Keenan, rather than a nursery AcaDemon.A child may be in it, only a third. And next week falls my turn to child delivery services. In addition, Keenan promised and a few other kids that on Friday we will go to the pool. He really can not wait.

- Yes, he mentioned this to me. - Some twenty times, he recalled Coop.

- I can not disappoint him.

- Well, I'll take care of.

She looked at him. For a moment, socks still hung from her hand.

- What?

He could not believe it said. He stared at her for a moment, then shrugged.

- I said that I will handle this.It's no problem. When he comes back from school, can go with me wherever I'll just walk.

- Do not have a job? - Cocked his head.

- I guess I have, so they call it, because I pay for it. - He smiled when he realized that this idea does not cause anxiety in him. - Most of the articles I write at home, so it can accompany me when I go to a newspaper or an interview.Sure he does like it.

- For sure. - She narrowed her eyes.Why could not understand until the end of J. Cooper McKinnon? - But if you like it?

I do not quite know how to respond.

- Will you like it?Why not? Not really bothers me. She laughed, and again took the folding socks.

- Maybe not, but forgot about rozwożeniu children.

- I can drive.What is the problem drive and drive the cluster of kids?

- Even I Do not ask - she muttered. - Maybe this is something you should experience every adult man.Well, a swimming pool?

- I was captain of swim team in college.She looked at him.

- I thought you were playing baseball.Keenan spoke to me about it.

- Yes, I've played.In his final season, won two hundred and twelve points. Also played basketball, when one game is usually gaining about forty-two points. - Coop suddenly realized that it's showing off. As a callow teenager trying to impress the prettiest colleague from the class. He frowned, looking at the cars and began to move one of them on the table.

- Keenan said it perfectly imitate a car engine.

- Yes, one has that talent.

Zoe realized that he may be ashamed, and she wanted to hug him.

- Let me tell you.Why not start one day? Then decide whether you can carry on ...

His eyes glistened.

- I think I will cope with skinny kid and some of his colleagues.

- Okay.If you decide that you do not want this deal, I will not have pretensions, right?

- Agreed.When would you start?

- We're starting tomorrow.

- Okay. - And so it is found.It should move on to other matters. - What would you say to dinner?

Her eyes widened in amazement.

- Hmm.Sure. We had to eat chicken. Unless it fry.

- No. - He took a step forward, so Zoe się withdrew. - Can wyszlibyśmy for dinner?You and me.

- Well ... - Nice answer, she thought.Very compact. - Today I work.

- Well, tomorrow.

- You really are not dating.

- I've noticed.Before you run away then yes, Zoe?

- In front of you. - Bad at each other, she waved her hand in his direction, and the Coop grabbed her and pressed to his chest. - I do not want to go out on dates.Again, whatever you start. I have very good reasons.

- Once you have told me about them.

- He stretched out his hand, ran after her and pulled her hair eraser, which bound them.

- I guess you will not kiss me again ...

- Sure I will. - Lips touched her lips to prove it.Did not close your eyes when caressed her lower lip, examined her tongue, teased and seduced.

- You have amazing lips.

Ran out of breath. Kiedy he caught the air, almost nothing is seen. She wanted only that. It seemed that her life depends on the kiss Coop. It's unfair, she thought, was stunned when she began to give up the desire. It took too much time trying to convince myself. Certainly reacted in this way because for so long did not allow yourself to be a woman.

Under the influence of his touch like melted wax.

He had no idea that the touch of her slim body is so erotic to work for him. He was going to just kiss her, check them both, but his hands have reached further, caressing, examined.

Touch of hard, full palm prints on her bare skin made it sank to his knees.

- I think.

- Think later. - He pressed his lips to her neck.

It was wonderful, so wonderful that he again felt the pain. But she knew too well, due to take away this pain.

- Coop, we can not do that.

- Yes we can.Prove to you. She laughed, which sounded almost like a groan, and turned her head.

- I feel dizzy.You have to stop. Do you even have any idea what you do to me?

- Do not even started.Come up, come with me to the top, Zoe. I want to feel you by my side. I want to find in you.

- I want to. - Tremble, when the desire exploded like a bomb in it. - Coop, I think first.For years I was not with anyone.

His lips stopped, abruptly interrupting a rapid journey through her neck. He moved slowly to look at her. Zoe's eyes were misty, and his mouth swollen and full.

- With anyone?

- With nobody. - She swallowed and prayed about it, the reason to come back before they tear the clothes from it. - The last time before the birth of Keenan.I feel as if all of these desires have dried up in me ... are just as dry, withered leaves. But enough is entered by a match to them and then I do not know how to learn.

- I still love the father of her child - said cautiously Coop.

- No. - Roześmiałaby happen if she were not so shocked. - He has nothing in common.That is to say no, but ... I have to sit down. - She walked unsteadily to a chair. - I knew it would happen. I knew from the first moment in which you saw. There was nobody, because nobody wanted it. Because I had become my only Keenan. I have plans. - It sounded like an accusation. Her eyes darkened. - Damn, I have plans. I want to teach again. One day I'm going to open my own shop. - Her voice began to break, what he worried.

- Zoe ...

- Everything was going so well. - Do not gave a break. - I bought a house.I wanted Keenan had a house, own backyard, the neighbors. Everyone said I was crazy, that I never fail, that regret that I gave everything and I want to raise a child alone. But I do not regret anything. Keenan is the best thing I could have happen in your life. He did a good job. Keenan is a happy, smart, funny and wonderful. We are happy with your life and know that we may be even better. No one needed it. I O God, in love with you.

Hand which was raised to awkwardly patted her head, froze.

- What?

- What a mess.What a mess. - Pulled from the trash a small sock and rubbed her eyes. - Maybe the hormones. It's possible, you know. Because when I returned from work, and you slept with him on the sofa, it was so cute. And then he started kissing me and everything in me I went mad. And then you stand in the yard and you were so smart and masculine, Keenan've shown how to bounce that stupid ball. And then he ate pancakes and przyglądałeś me. I can barely breathe when you staring at me.

At some point in the speech no longer understand anything.

- Unless I missed something - he said.

- No, nothing is missed. - Pulled his nose, and again tried to get a grip. - After getting ahead of things straighten.You were nice to Keenan and honest with me. - She sighed and put a wet sock on his knees. - Believe me, I understand that only I am responsible for my feelings.

- Because he looked at her still so he could look like a man on a friendly dog that just threw him to the throat, she smiled.

- Sorry, Coop.I should not dump it all on your shoulders. I do not even know that it sits inside me.

This time it was withdrawn.

- Zoe, I like your son.It is impossible to dislike him. I like you. But ...

- There is no reason you to be justified.

- Now quiet, stood up. - Really.Anything from you I do not expect and I'm sorry that it has put you in confusion. But now I feel much better. - And, surprisingly, was true. - When you go to bed, we will understand each other.

- When ...

- But we both know it's going to happen - she said quietly. - Both this and the more we face it, than to live with this tension.Keenan wanted to spend the night at his friend. I'll take it.

- She laughed softly, seeing the expression on his face Coop.

- It's hard to be spontaneous when revolves around four year.I hope you do not mind planning the night together.

- No, that is, not ...God, Zoe.

- If you do not want or need some time to think, that's fine.He looked at her face and felt a familiar, greedy lust, and something completely new. Completely different.

- No, I want you.Whenever you want.

- How about Monday night?

- On Monday, I have two matches. - He could not believe that he was here and planned a night of wild passion, like a visit to the dentist.

- And on Wednesday?

- Wednesday suits me - he nodded. - Do you want somewhere to go?She thought it was very nice of him, he asked.

- There is no need. - She put her hand on his cheek. - I do not need flowers or candlelight.I will come on top shortly after the expedition Keenan.

- Okay.Okay. Well, you better get back to work.

- I still want to take tomorrow Keenan?

- Yes, no problem.Tell him to come upstairs. - Coop retreated toward the door, and Zoe started to make money again. - Well, I guess to see.

She listened, as entered on the stairs. That certainly was a mistake, she thought. But I have committed errors. Life becomes too mundane when you avoid all the wrong paths.


- Aim and goes! - Coop began to imitate the applause of the crowd, when Keenan threw the ball to the basket.

- I'll do it again!I can, right? - Perched on the shoulders of Coop, Keenan waved his feet shod w sneakers.

- Well, you've been fouled. - Coop picked up a small ball and handed it to Keenan. - This is a very important game, ten seconds left.Win an all or nothing. Do you understand?

- I understand!

- The crowd begins to whisper, when Fleming is preparing to throw ...Today he played great, but most important is that I throw. He stared at the basket. Gaze at the basket?

- I look - the language, "said Keenan between the teeth.

-'m Aiming at ... throws! - Coop grimaced when the rubber ball hit the rim, and then looked through squinting eyes, and falls into the net.

- The crowd goes wild! - Coop began to dance around the sofa, and Keenan pohukiwał and clapped.When Coop boy threw a pillow on the sofa, burst into a shrill little laugh, which always rozbawiał Coop. - You have a natural talent.

- Now you throw, Coop!Throw!

Coop dutifully threw the ball to the basket. It held that it was not the worst way to spend a rainy afternoon. And because he did not think about how to spend a rainy night today.

It was Wednesday.

- Okay, fun time.I have to finish column about athletic GA meetings.

- We go to the newspaper today?There is nice.

- No, not today.When I'm done, will send it by fax. And you look at the television. - Coop included remote control receiver, which then gave the boy.

- I can drink?

- Yes, I have a bit of juice, which has prepared you mom.Just do not make a mess, right?

- Okay.

When Coop went to his office, Keenan jumped off the sofa. He liked to sit with Coope after school. Always doing something nice, and Coop never asked if Keenan had washed his hands he did not say that if you eat too much cake, it will lose the mood for dinner.

But the most liked, when Coop go lift. He did it differently than my mother. Keenan liked my mom hugged him, stroked after a bath or a rocking when he was a bad dream. But Coop smelled differently, and was also different to the touch. And that's because Coop was my dad, not mom.

Keenan liked to pretend that Coop was his dad and came to the conclusion that if you do not do anything wrong, it may Coop does not go away and be with them?

The boy went into the kitchen and for a while struggling with a door refrigerator, but I finally managed to open it. He was proud that Coop drawings hung on them, which he gave. He looked inside, saw a pitcher of juice, which my mother bought for him. And green bottle, which he liked so Coop.

- P - I - W - O - read Keenan.He remembered how he asked Coop if he could pull a sip from the bottle, and the Coop told him that it was only when it will be an adult. But let him smell the beer and Keenan felt pleased that she had grown up and does not need to drink.

Today in the refrigerator has a new bottle, so Keenan frowned and tried to read the inscription.

- C - H - A - R - D - O - N. .. - Liter, however, was too much, so they stopped being interested.

He took the jug, grabbed it tightly and put on the floor. Humming under his breath, drew a chair to remove the cup from the cupboard. One day will be so high as Coop and will not have to stand on a chair. Leaned over and stood on tiptoe.

Na dull crash and a scream Coop suddenly jumped up and hit my knee on a desk. Scattered papers, when runs the office and ran into the kitchen.

Keenan is still off. A chair was overturned, spilled juice on the floor and the refrigerator door was open. Coop walked into a puddle and picked up the boy.

- It hurts you something?What you've done? - When the only response he heard sobbing, Keenan put on the table and started looking for blood. Already he imagined the deep wounds and broken bones.

- I fell. - Keenan began to drill in the arms of Coop.

- Okay, okay.You hit your head?

- No. - Keenan sniffed and waited for the kiss, which always receives when he hurt something. - I fell to the bottom. - Published by mouth. - Kiss.

- I've got you ... kiss?Come on, little, unless you're kidding. Boy's lips quivered, and tears ran down his cheek.

- You have to kiss you where it hurts.You either did not pass.

- Oh, God. - Flustered Coop ran his hand through his hair.He felt an incredible relief that the kid is not just tore, but if someone, anyone, knew what he would do now would never have survived. He turned hastily Keenan and smacked his lips from behind.

You just need to season it a little, add some lemon juice, wrap it in foil and bake in an oven for 20 minutes - it's a quick and tasty dish.

- Uhm. - Keenan wiped his eyes and stretched out his hands.

- Pick me?

- Yes. - I do not feel idiotic when the boy's arms encircled his neck. - Now you okay?

Keenan shook his head and rested it on his shoulder Coop.

- I did not want.I spilled all the juice.

- Nothing happened. - Coop almost unconsciously turned his head and hair lips musnął Keenan.Something stirred in him.

- You're not mad at me?Do not you go?

- No. - What happened to hell?Coop did not understand why some unexplained and unexpected emotions suddenly captured his heart. - No, not going anywhere.

- I love you - Keenan said with the simplicity of a child.

Coop closed his eyes and wondered how a grown man has to cope with her feelings for a four year old.

* * *

Well, everything was ready, she thought Zoe, standing at the foot of the stairs leading to the apartment Coop. It was enough to go upstairs, open the door and start an affair. She felt a lump in his stomach.

Do not be silly, she said to herself, and took the first step. The end was a normal woman, she had normal requirements. If her emotions will be willing to disclose, can handle it. When you do not want to no expectations, it is less likely to be hurt.

Ever had expectations, but zmądrzała.

It was a mere physical lust between two lonely, healthy people. She wanted to go back, but forced you to go further. Arrange everything. Her son spent the night at a friend today. Also took care of birth control - this time she could not repeat the previous error.

No regrets, she said to herself, when raised her hand to knock. She knew that they are useless.

He opened so quickly that almost jumped. For a moment they stood and just stared at each other.

She put her dress, one of those thin summer dresses, which make the men in the spirit of thanking the end of winter. Miała dissolved hair, which fell to the raspberry-striped dress and exposed, peach arms. She seemed nervous.

- Hi. - Looked at a cordless telephone that she held in her hand. - Expecting a phone?

- What?Oh. - She laughed with embarrassment. - No, I just want to have it on hand when Keenan was not home.

- It's in a colleague?

- Yes. - She came in and put the phone on the cabinet. - He was so excited, he was ... - She stopped when her shoe stuck to the floor.

- Probably not exactly clean the - he grimaced Coop. - We had a little mishap.

- Yes?

- Small took the jug, and almost led me to a heart attack.Fortunately, not hurt. Poured only a few liters of orange juice.

Kiedy replied, smiling, walked to the refrigerator. Why is raving?

- Want some wine?

- Happy. - He gets annoyed like me, she thought, and loved him for it. - Keenan is playing wonderfully in your company.I must now read the sports section to understand what he says.

- Yes, quick to learn.

- Like me - said, and took from him a glass of wine. - Ask me about baseball.A lot of this I know. - Drunk a sip of a glass and waved.

- I think the Orioles have won the match on Monday had changed in the second round of the pitcher.

- Really? - His lips twitched.

- Apparently, the former lost his enthusiasm.Even the commentator said so.

- So oglądałaś match.

- Watching the "Sesame Street."I'm trying to keep up with the interests Keenan. - She stopped when Coop and nawinął stretched out his hand to finger her hair band.

- He also likes the dinosaurs.

- I know.I borrowed some books from the library. Two times ... - Coop fingers wandered her arms. - Two times we were in a museum of natural history.

He put his glass and fell into his arms.

He kissed her as if he could not wait taste her lips. His reaction was swift, deep and desperate. Silent groan, which emerged from the throat Zoe made the muscles hardened Coop.

- I was not sure if you come.

- Me neither.I ...

- I can not think of anything except you - he said, taking j ± in his arms. - I do it slowly.

- Let's do it quickly - she whispered and pressed her lips to his neck, when he carried her into the bedroom.Zanim runęli on the bed, she thought about the ruling here in Sparta modesty and masculine colors and simple shapes of furniture.

None of them had no patience. Swept on the bed, moaning, panting, enjoying themselves.

Pure physicality of this situation, skin to skin, mouth to mouth, meant that Zoe zakręciło in the head. So she wanted to be touched, to feel a woman feel a man wearing hands, to feel that his mouth relish the skin.

Lost up. No nerves, no worries. And since the love you can enjoy even more fulfilling.

Embodied the dream of every man. Reacted strongly and spontaneously, and its activity fascinated him. And she was so beautiful. Her naked body seemed so slender, so perfect - could not believe her baby. In light of the setting sun her beauty was breathtaking. Wherever it touched, he saw joy in her eyes.

He watched as the eyes mist there, he felt her body condensed, and heard her muffled cry. He raised it and they barely caught my breath, until Zoe sat up and wrapped around it.

Clammy skin sliding on wet skin, thirsty thirsty lips sought paragraph. Swept back on the bed, groaning and trembling. Coop hands a moment later jailed her hands, his lips crushed her lips. He went into it, firmly and resolutely.

She felt wonderful piercing bliss. For a moment none of them are not moved, simply persisted in suspense, as if they stopped right on the edge.

And then they began to move quickly, wildly, until after some time, cross the border.

* * *

Coop thought that it did not go as I imagined. They lay on the bed, and Zoe hug to him. It grew dark, the room was full of shadows.

He thought that go into the bedroom after a certain period of time. Both of them were adults and knew what they met here, but I thought it all goes slower.

And then stood on the doorstep with a smile, and her eyes saw the frustration ... Never more did not want anyone or anything.

After all, he felt that Zoe deserves more than a hasty uproar, though satisfactory. But the night has just begun.

He moved his hand to attract her head and lips musnął temple.

- Are you okay?

- Uhmm. - She felt as if he done it with gold.She was amazed that her skin does not shine in the dark.

- I am a little hurried.

- No, everything was the right time.

He began to lead a finger along her arm. Again, it wanted to. Good God, too quickly regained fitness. A little bit of control, Coop, he commanded himself.

- You will be with me? - He asked.She opened her eyes and looked at him.

- Yes.

- I'll bring the wine.

- Okay. - She sighed, when I got out of bed.

She realized that she forgot how to behave after the fact. And before him, and during, she thought with a bitter smile. Although it acknowledged that he did it so bad it did not go.

She had no idea that so many hides in itself. Nor how much I wanted to be a woman again. But she did not know whether it will be able to fall in love again.

Moved under the crumpled sheets, and it will automatically covered her breasts, when Coop came back with wine and glasses.

Her view of the bed caused the sharp tension pierced his loins, and made his heart began to beat harder. He said nothing, just poured the wine, gave her a glass and sat down beside her.

- Why does no one have you been? - The moment you uttered these words, he regretted that the earlier a rusty knife can not cut off his tongue. - Sorry, it's not my business.

- Nothing happened.

Because I do not fall in love with anyone before you, she thought. She knew, however, that it does not want to hear. I also did not wanted him to answer this question.

- Sure you're interested in Keenan's father.

- It's not my thing - he repeated. - Sorry, this reporter in me ... such a professional bias.

- It's been a long time ago, centuries.I can tell about it. I grew up in New York. Did I mention to you that my mother is an actress? No! I was born in her second marriage. So far, she married five times.

- Five times?

Zoe giggled and drunk some wine.

- Clarice falls and changes men like other women changing hairstyles.With my father about five tough years, and then split in line. Clarice always dwells in peace. I have rarely seen his father, he moved to Hollywood. Mainly playing in commercials and backing voice. Anyway, my husband's mother had probably number four, when I learned in high school. Had some relationship with the Agency Model Towers. This is a large company.

- I heard about them.

- He hired me.Taken me a few photos. Liked ...

- Well - interrupted Coop. - I knew that somewhere I've seen your face.

- Five, six years ago, it was hard not to see. - She shrugged. - I did twenty covers in one month, a year after graduation.

- Cover of "Sports", I remember you were in a bathing suit.

- Do you have a good memory - she smiled. - It was six years ago.

He remembered the long, zapiaszczone legs, pretending to be a damp cloth with a red bathing suit and smiling, seductive face. Drank some wine.

- It just was a picture - he said.

- They did it for many tedious hours.Anyway, I earned a lot of money, has been written about me, I still went for receptions. On one of them I met Roberto.

- Roberto. - Coop grimaced at the sound of the name.

- Lorenzi.Tennis player. You may have heard of him.

- Lorenzi?Sure. Three years ago, won the French Open, and then was eliminated in the semifinals of Wimbledon. He has a bad reputation, he likes fast cars and seducing women. Over the last two years has gone up to twenty-fifth place. Poorly written about him in the spring, when he drank too much and hit a photographer ... - Coop suddenly stopped. - Lorenzi? He is the father of Keenan? But that's ...

- Womanizer? - Zoe suggested to him. - Disgusting, rich, spoiled selfish?I know this, but only now. Then I saw a wonderful, charming man who sent me roses and took me on a private jet to Monte Carlo for a romantic dinner by candlelight. I was stunned. He assured that he loves me, loves, honors, that he can not live without me. I believed him and we became lovers. Since it was my first man, I thought it would be the only one. Anyway, I did not realize that pretty quickly got tired of me. When I discovered I was pregnant, I immediately told him about this. At first I became angry, but for a moment did a very calm, very reasonable. He assumed that I would like abortion and offered to pay for everything, and even arrange for a doctor.

- Amazing.

- It was logical to assume - calmly said Zoe. - I did pursue a career in the profession, where nobody is going to wait until the model ceases to lose weight and suffer from morning sickness.He obviously had no intention of getting married with me and thought, quite rightly, that I know the rules of the game. I think they knew - she added quietly. - Only that something has changed when the doctor confirmed the pregnancy. Po disbelief, panic, and even momentary anger, suddenly I felt good. I realized that I wanted to give birth, and that doing the right thing. Gave up my job, moved out of New York and I read all the possible guides to raising children.

- And that's it?

- Of course not cared without a few scenes, some gloomy predictions, and several attacks of anger, but that's all.Roberto and I broke up ... perhaps not entirely in accord, but confirmed that he will stay away from me, and I'm away from it.

- You said Keenan?

- It's difficult. - And for that reason could never get rid of the guilt. - For now, I told him that his father had to leave and never come back.He is happy, so do not ask too many questions.

- And you?Are you happy?

- Yes. - She smiled and touched his cheek. - I am.Throughout his life, wanted to have a home, a family, something permanent. Keenan even before birth did not realize this case. He changed my life.

- So you do not want to come back and smile for the cameras?

No!Not a bit.

He put his hand on the neck and Zoe looked at her.

- What a face - he muttered.Even though he liked the idea that he would have her for myself.


Only someone with a strange and malicious sense of humor could come up with the idea of performing on-call by one of the parents at rozwożeniu children home from school. Since the Coop most of his life lived in cities, where access to employment can be public transport or rapid march, he never had anything to do with this kind of dyżurami. Neither adults nor children. He heard the rumors.

Quarrels, petty thefts, plunger coffee poured.

After a week as a driver rozwożącego children Coop had no doubt that the version for children is worse than the version of an adult. Much worse.

- Mr McKinnon, he pinched me again.Brad tweaks me again.

- Stop it, Brad.

- Carly stares at me.I told her to stop.

- Carly, do not look at Brad.

- I will vomit, Mr. McKinnon, I'll be sick.

- You will not.

And although Matthew Finney pretended that he chokes, which greatly amused the other children, Coop clenched his teeth and went ahead. Matt twice a day threatened to just throw up - so that he was allowed to sit in the front. After five terrible days Coop połapał Finally, although it does it is not silent.

Keenan, who for a whole week waiting for their turn to sit in front, turned around and started making silly faces at Matt. As a result, there was a small fight on kicks, turns, and then were screaming, giggling and elbowing.

- Keenan, turn around! - Growled Coop. - And ye be wyprostujcie.Stop it! If I have to stop the car ... - "He paused and shuddered. He spoke as his mother. Now he is scared that he would vomit. - Okay, first stop. Matt, run.

Fifteen minutes later, when the seat back was finally empty, Coop pulled onto the driveway and leaned his aching head on the steering wheel.

- I need a drink - he muttered.

- We have a lemonade - it said Keenan.

- Great. - He leaned over to unfasten the belt Keenan.He dreamed of a glass of vodka.

- We'll go soon to the swimming pool?

The prospect of forbidden bands of screaming children to the swimming pool during the next century, depressed Coop.

- Ask your mom.

Coop glanced into the back seat and came to the conclusion that it will not clean up after dzieciakach. Even earlier, during the week, made this mistake and found chewing gum on the rug, crumbs, and a mysterious green substance smeared on the back seat. In its current state, even po candy wrapper could tip the balance.

- Woohoo! - Mrs. Finkleman pulled flowery garden gloves and headed by a lawn decorated with flowers and jaskrawoniebieskich dress sandals. - How was the pool, my little one?

- Raced przytopił Carly and Brad, and she cried before Coop told him not to do it, but I refrained for twelve seconds breath.

- Oh, my God. - She laughed and pulled her hair Keenan. - Soon you will take part in the Olympics. - Her bright eyes fell on his face crumpled Coop. - You look a bit tired, Coop.Keenan, can you run and tell you Finklemanowi that you want a piece of cherry cake, baked that day?

- Sure! - A small hand grabbed Coop. - Want some?Will you join me?

Thank you!You go.

Ms. Finkleman giggled when Keenan ran and began to climb the stairs.

- Little angel.We'll have fun for a few hours or linger on us. Probably want to get a few minutes of peace.

- In the room with no door handles - muttered Coop. - How can anyone put up with children?

- It's easier to go when it is accompanied them from the beginning.Kiedy spend all night with a baby suffering from colic, there is nothing you have not moved. - She sighed. - Unless the scientific experiments. Scientific experiments always drove me crazy. And the first ride. - She shook her head at the memory. - It can finish human. - Beamed and patted him on the shoulder. - But the worry that you have a lot of time. Well you're doing. Harry and I talked about how it's great that in life, and Zoe Keenan man finally appeared. It's not about that, Zoe worked very hard. Brought up this sweet little boy, she worked two jobs and was a housewife. But it really does make me warm at heart, when you're playing with the little angel in the yard, and Zoe so happy at the sight. Lovely of you family. Now go take a nap. I'll see your little.

- I do not ...He does not ... - But she had already sailed away.

Family. He felt as though a bullet in the stomach miał snow. They were family. Oh no, he repeated, going home. That did not take into account. Sure I liked this kid. It was impossible to do not like it. I raged for his mother, but that did not make them family. Do NOT promise anything. Maybe he offered to spend some time with the boy, taught him to play baseball, threw him a few balls, but that did not become his father.

He went straight to the refrigerator, removed the cap from the bottle of beer and pulled a solid mouthful.

Sure, he liked the kid when he whirled around and really liked to stay in the company of his mother. Even gave him pleasure, when a woman in a swimming pool Keenan took his son and admired its beauty. But that does not mean that I wanted to think about family health insurance, or insurance policy for the boy.

He was alone. He liked solitude. This meant that he could come and go when he wanted, he could through the night to play poker or watch sports on television.

He liked to work in their own space - that's why usually posted in the house, not in the editorial "Reportedly". He hated it when people touch his things, he organized or planned departure time.

Family life - as remembered from childhood - rich in a variety of visits.

There is no question that changed his life and started a family.

So I made a mistake, he thought, he took beer and stretched out on the sofa. He devoted Zoe and her child too much time, too much attention. He did it willingly, but now realized that this gesture was misunderstood. Especially after he mentioned the love Zoe. Only once, he recalled. Zwaliłby gladly attributed this to women rozczulania.

However, if you do not withdraw now, they can make from it. He moved restlessly, when it occurred to him that he can begin to depend on them.

I guess it is time to once again become the only tenant.

* * *

Keenan dropped out of the house next door when his mother was parked in the driveway.

- Hi, Mom, hi!For twelve seconds breathe under water! Zoe jumped out of the car, grabbed him and spun twice in the air.

- Sure you have here gills. - Połaskotała him on the ribs. - Hello, Mrs. Finkleman.

- Hello.We spent a pleasant hour. When they returned, I ordered Coopowi a nap. I guess he had a rough day.

- Thank you. - Keenan kissed on the mouth and then he thought for a moment. - Mmm ...Did you eat cherries.

- Mr. Finkleman baked cake with cherries.They were very delicious.

- You betcha.You thanked?

- Uhm.Mart almost wyrzygał Coop in the car.

- Vomit - Zoe said, bringing her son home.

- Yes.It was my turn to sit in the front. I had fun, and Coop has helped me to fly without wings. He said that I am the champion.

- Because you are. - Dropped him into a chair.The prospect of preparing dinner, dressed in a waiter's outfit and serving drinks for six hours in a row after straightening scared. - Hug me - demanded, and clung to her son. - You are a master cuddle. Why not go with me to the kitchen and tell me what you did today, and I prepare dinner?

Half an hour later, when Zoe odcedzała noodle, draw with crayons and Keenan na exploded on the floor of the block, Coop heard footsteps upstairs. Her heart began to beat faster. This healthy, normal reaction made me smile. Well, look, thought, imagined that he would do no man impression on you.

Noodles left in the sink and walked to the back door, waiting, when it appears on the bottom of the stairs.


- How are you doing? - Key in his pocket rang.Why was such a radiant? Zoe smiled and although I was tired eyes, he saw in them shine.

- I had wanted to go to you on top.I thought that maybe you feel like for dinner after a hard day at the swimming pool. - Opened the door with netting and leaned to kiss him. Her smile faded somewhat when Coop stepped back. - We have a chicken and pasta.

Dinner smells almost as nice as she is. Coop looked into it - domestic scene, messy countertops, fresh flowers, steam rising from the pot, the child spread on the floor, pretty woman offering him food and kisses.

Typical trap.

- Thank you, but just leaving.

- I thought you were two hours into the match. - She laughed at the sight of his raised eyebrows.

- Last turn more attention to the sports event.Baltimore vs. Toronto.

- Right. - Attention!When a woman becomes interested in your hobby, will slam the door frame. - I have some things to do.

- I can go with you? - Keenan fell through the door and grab the Coop for the trouser leg. - I can go to the game?The most like to watch with you.

- I have too much work - he replied with irritation and saw how the lips trembled Keenan. - Look, is not only a game, it's also my job.

- Keenan. - Zoe put her hand on the arm of her son, make him pull, but it did not take her eyes off the Coop. - Have you forgotten that today comes to you, Beth?Right here and obejrzycie These effects together your favorite movie.

- But I want to ...

- Go Wash your hands before dinner.

- But ...

- Go now.

Boy's face troubled wzruszyłaby toughest monster. Shuffled, Keenan went to the kitchen.

- I can not take it with you anywhere ... - He began a little hostile Coop.

- Of course not.Is suffering from fatigue. And so I would not let him go. - "She hesitated, and regretted that he could not ignore your intuition. - Are you okay?

- Everything is as it should be! - Do not know why he cried.He did not know why he felt as if he stuck to the soles of something disgusting.

- I have my life, you know?I do not need any kids wskakujących on the back or your obiadków. I do not have to explain.

Her eyes got very cold, and his face calm and composed.

- Of course I do not.I appreciate you helping me the past two weeks. Let me know when I'll be able to repay.

- Listen, Zoe ...

- I need to put dinner on the table, otherwise I'm late for work. - She let that door shut between them się. - Have fun at the game.

She knew perfectly well how long he stood still, when I was bouncing around in the kitchen. She knew when he turned and walked away.

This is nothing unexpected, she remembered. Such a withdrawal was typical, even understandable. Coop may need several weeks to understand that he is not alone. That is part of couples, families finished with its duties, and customs problems.

So he wanted freedom from it.

Maybe even do not know, but it was the first stage of total withdrawal.

Zasnuły her eyes with tears, it hurt her heart. She took a handful and swallowed tears. She decided that at night you weep. Now, however, had to comfort the little boy.

When I came into the kitchen, kucnęła. Their eyes were on the same level.

- Have a good day fun with Coop, right?Keenan and potaknął sniffed.

- He would take you many places.You had a lot of fun and did a lot of new things.

- I know.

- You should be thankful, my son, and not complain that you can not have more.She straightened up, hoping that alone will be able to listen to their advice.


- A lot of time you spend here. - Ben leaned against the desk Coop.Phones were ringing all over the place and were knocking the keys on the keyboards of computers.

- Well? - Coop asked, not taking his eyes from the computer screen, where he wrote his weekly column.

- I will write in his apartment.You know, a great location. - He thought of Zoe. - And great views. Nie spędzałeś here so long, when you lived in downtown.

- I needed to change the environment.

- Well, yes. - Ben snorted and picked up the ball from the desk baseball Coop. - Trouble in paradise?

- I do not know what you mean.And I have a column to write.

- It's quite obvious that over the past few weeks have wychodziłeś from his landlady. - Flipped the ball from hand to hand. - When a guy attracts with each kid and buy a small baseball jerseys, it surely means that he wants to please his mother.

Coop eyes glistened.

- I like this kid, you know?I do not have to use four, to get a woman. The kid is cool.

- Hey, I have nothing against children.Maybe someday he'll try for no. What I mean is that when a woman is the offspring, the guy needs to play daddy, if he wants to get it.

- Who said anything I need to play to get the woman?

- I do not.But you could not play last week in the trash, because zabierałeś family to the Aquarium. - Ben winked and put the ball. - But they probably got a better prize than I do.

He jumped when the Coop tried to grab him by the throat.

- It's not like - Coop said through gritted teeth.

- Hey, calm down a little.I would not do such stupid comments, I know that you treat it seriously.

- I did not say that it is serious.I said it wrong.

- As you wish.

Coop blamed himself fell back into a chair. He and Ben teased each other in the women over five years. There is no reason to exaggerate, he thought. Or do a fool of yourself.

- Sorry.I have too much on the head.

- Do not worry.All you need is some fun. You'll come to poker tonight?

- Yes.

- Okay.The loss of money should improve your mood.

Something must, he thought Coop, back to staring at the screen. Over the last three days niewiele slept, ate and even less all the time changing his mind.

That's because he avoided the issue. Resorted instead to talk. If he wanted to bring life back to normalcy has returned, he had to confront the problem.

Off the computer.

* * *

Zoe thought that loneliness can be very good, especially when you have a free afternoon, and no customers, no contracts. This meant that there had to be a shop assistant, waitress, mother, could be just Zoe.

Sitting on the stairs behind the house, tried to understand how to install a new grill, which she bought. Keenan wanted to surprise the burger.

She liked the silence - its own kind of silence, which meant that the radio was coming from the kitchen music. She liked solitude - his kind of loneliness, which meant that at any moment be joined by Keenan, with open arms and sonorous voice.

She knew that the apartment upstairs is empty and tried not to think about. She tried not to think about the fact that in recent days Coop increasingly stayed away from home.

Foolishly thinking that is different than everyone else. He wanted her, took her, and now lost interest. Well, she wanted him too, so it could not dump the blame on him. Even if her heart suffered, it will pass. Previously, it had passed. She and Keenan will manage themselves. As always.

Screwdriver she slipped and struck her in the ankle. Cursed.

- What are you doing in hell?Enraged, she looked at Coop.

- I bake the cake.What do you think?

- Do not you make anything, if you will lose part of it. - Automatically leaned over to take care of everything.

Rebuffed his hand with a rubber grip screwdriver.

- You do not have anything for me to do.I'm not some poor, helpless woman which needs a man. Before you came, well I gave you advice.

Offended, put his hands in his pocket.

- Okay.Do it alone.

- I do it alone.I like to do it myself.

- Wonderful.And when you do fall apart, you could have been angry only to themselves.

- Right. - Blew, trying to move the sight of a strand of hair. - I can admit to the error. - She raised the key French and fastened the bolt.

- You'll be so hovering over me the whole afternoon?

- I want to talk to you.

- Well, talk.

A well-prepared for this. After all, he was a journalist.

- The fact that so I met with you and your little ...

- His name is Keenan - Zoe said through gritted teeth.

- I know his name.By that I shot here over the past week, I could be wrongly understood.

- Really? - Again, she looked up and hit the key a French palm.

- It's a great kid, it's easy to get used to it.I really like to spend time with him.

Though Zoe does not want softened. Understood that Coop really liked Keenan. What you all made it difficult.

- He also likes to spend time with you.It's good for him.

- Yes, from one side.On the other, I began to think that he ... that you ... we both can get a false impression. Well, you know, playing baseball or going with him to the match is a very enjoyable affair. I just do not want it to thought it was forever.

- I understand. - It was calm, even icily calm.Thanks be able to control the pain. - Are you afraid that will treat you like a father.

- Well, yes.As if.

- It's completely natural.But he spends too much time with Mr. Billy Bowers Finklemanem and across the street ...

- Finkleman could be his grandfather, a boy Bowersów is eighteen years old. - Coop stepped back and realized that in this lies his defense a little bit of jealousy. - In addition, they are not connected to you what is to me.

- Merge? - She raised her eyebrows. - And what unites us?

- Union - said tensely. - And how do you call yourself, what the hell?Dammit, I know that we slept together only once, but ...

- I am aware of this. - Carefully put down the key.Now, if rąbnęła him in the head with this key, satisfaction of not would take a long time.

- It's all turned out wrong - he said, furious with himself. - It sounded as if it did not matter.And had, Zoe, was. - And it's huge, I was afraid. Huge. - The idea is that ...

- Are you scared that I and Keenan wrobimy you in the family.That you wake up one morning and find that you're a dad, with his wife, a mortgage and a little boy who needs care.

- Yes.No! Something like that. - He realized that he plunged, and suddenly he did not know why this happens. - I wanted everything to be clear.

- Oh, and it is.Perfectly clear. - She rubbed her hands and knees watching him closely. - Do not worry, Coop. I was looking for a tenant, not a father for her child or husband for themselves. I slept with you because I wanted, and not that I considered this as a way to haul you in front of the altar.

- I was not on it. - Upset, ran his hand through his hair.Regardless of how you planned this scene, everything went wrong. - I wanted you. You still want. However, I know how much you brought him earlier. I do not want to hurt you, Zoe. Or small. I just do not want you thought slipped in to free space.

Anger has returned, the wave of anger broke the gaze. Zoe jumped to his feet before I even realized that moved.

- Keenan and I have no free space.We are a family, as real and complete as possible. - Dźgnęła it with a key in the chest. - The fact that there is no listed father, does not mean that we are less valuable.

- I did not want to do ...

- I'll tell you what you meant.You see a woman and a young boy and immediately think they prey on some big, strong man, so that their completed. Well, it's crap. If I needed a man, a long time I have it. And if I thought that Keenan needs a father because the father go happy, I would he found him. And besides - she went on, not letting him get to vote - if you think you're on top of some imaginary list, then you're wrong. Maybe I'm in love with you, but it is not enough. It's not just about me and you. Keenan is the most important. If you would like to Keenan's father, someone would have to be compassionate and patient, someone who would be willing to change your life, so it was a place for his son. So relax, Cooper. You are not compromised.

- Do not come here to quarrel with you.

- It's good, because I'm done.

He grabbed her arm before she could be reversed.

- But I do not.I intend to be honest with you, Zoe. I care about you, you know? To you both. I just do not want to make it all run out of control.

- What kind of control? - She replied. - You?It's probably not a problem, right? But can you hide anything in itself. Well, hide, Coop. Do not worry about me or about Keenan. Us nothing will. - Wyszarpnęła hand and sat down again. She took the instructions and is completely focused on it.

He wondered why he now felt as if it was rejected. He shook his head and took a step backwards.

- At least it explained itself.

- Exactly.

- I have a little time, if you want me to help you with that grill ...

- No, thank you.Sam do it. - She looked at him askance. - And make hamburgers. You can join us. Unless you are afraid that it would end of some compound.

Aims and ends, he thought bitterly.

- Thanks, but no.I already have plans. Maybe another time.

- Okay.You know where to find us.

* * *

Drunk. I did not insert, but I just got drunk. Kiedy scrambled with taxis and stumbling, walked towards the house, he knew that the morning will be hated. Now, however, have to concentrate on the present moment.

Leaned heavily on the front door leading into the apartment and waited for Zoe, porch until he stops to sway underfoot. Maybe acknowledged that he had finished with him, he thought dimly, but she was wrong. I was very wrong.

He thought of many things he had to tell her.

It was a very good time. He raised his fist and punched her in the door.

- Come out, Zoe! - Punched again. - I know you're there!He saw that the house lights up light, so never ceased to beat.

- Come on, come on.Open up!

- Coop? - On the other side of the door Zoe hastily tied bathrobe belt.Only twenty minutes ago she came back from the bar, and five minutes ago gone to bed. - It's the other morning. What do you want?

- I want to talk to you.Let me.

- We'll talk in the morning.

- You said that it was already morning.

When he began to crumble, opened the locks.

- Stop it!Keenan's wake. - Angry, she opened the door and suddenly fell on her osiemdziesięciokilkukilogramowy man. - Are you hurt? What happened? - Anxiety disappeared when sensed the smell of beer. - You're drunk.

- Probably yes. - It began erected, then lost in her scent. - God, how you smell nice.What do you wash them? - Ruffled her hair. - Smell like daisies.

- It really upiłeś - sighed. - Sit down.I'll make you coffee.

- I do not want coffee.It does not help sober up, only awakens. And I'm awake and I have something to say. - He pushed up and discovered that no such coordination, as he thought. - But I have to sit down. - I sat down heavily. - I hate to get drunk. I have not done that since junior league. I told you I was in junior league?

- No. - Embarrassment, not moved, just stared at him.

- In high school.Two years. I thought that I would be an outstanding player. But I was not, so I went to college and now I'm writing about those who succeeded.

- I'm sorry.

- No. - He waved his hand. - I like to write.I've always liked. I like to watch games and see all the little tragedies. If I played, przechodziłbym already retired. I'm almost thirty-three years. I'm too old for any game. - He looked at her and smiled. - You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. You know, little looks just like you. I look at it and see you. That's odd. All the time I see you. I make her, and suddenly ... wham! Your face is in my head. What do you think?

- I really do not know. - She wanted to get angry at him, I really wanted.But he was so stupidly drunk. - Maybe I'll take you to the top, Coop? I will put you to bed.

- I want you in my bed, Zoe.I want to love you. I want to touch you again. She also would like. Even so much. But now there are new rules.

- You said you wanted to talk to me.

- You know, what is your skin?I can not describe it, is so soft, smooth and warm. I started thinking about your skin, when I played poker today and get got drunk. I won. Took home a big pot with pocket sixes. I won more than two hundred fifty dollars.

- Congratulations.

- But I still think about you.You have here a little mole. - Almost put my finger in the eye, then ran his finger across to the corner policzku paragraph. - I kept thinking about this little pieprzyku, with your skin, for those big eyes and killer legs. I thought I would like to look at you and small, as I do sometimes at the top, when you do not see. You did not know, right?

- No - replied quietly. - I did not know.

- Well, you see. - He started strangely gesticulate.

- You cover so his hand through his hair.It made me moved.

- He shook his head. - "I was really moved.Keenan loves me, you know. He told me this. And you too.

- I know.

- And everything I said in the afternoon, I said seriously.

- I know. - She sighed and walked over to fix his shoelaces.

- Every word, Zoe.I put my life the way I wanted.

- Okay. - She took off his shoes and put his feet on the couch.

- So you can no longer sit in my head, and so he will not change anything.

- I'll remember this.

He fell asleep before he leaned over and kissed his cheek.


In the category kaców This was definitely one of the strongest. Coop did not have to even open your eyes, do not have to move, to find that out. Thundered in his head the whole orchestra.

He was not sure how he got into a home and to bed, but it bothered him that he does not remember. He thought, however, that will wait until it fully recovers sprawność mind.

Caution, even fear, opened his eyes. Just above him leaning a little face. He jerked his head, then groaned in pain.

- Good morning - said cheerfully Keenan. - Did you sleep with us?

- I do not know. - Coop put his hand to his forehead. - Where is mom?

- You make me lunch.She said that I can come and look at you, if you will not wake up. Did not wake you, right? I was really quiet.

- No. - Coop again closed his eyes and prayed for oblivion.

- Good to you?You have a temperature? - Keenan put a small, lightweight handle at Coop aching forehead. - Mom to help you. Always helps. - Keenan kissed his forehead. - It is better to you?

Hell, he thought Coop. Even the hangover had no chance against this kid.

- Yes, thank you.What time is it?

- Great tip on the top ten, and small for eight.You can sleep in my bed, until they recover, and you can play with my toys.

- Thank you. - Coop scored on a superhuman effort, and sat down.Kiedy zakręciło his head, held her hands. - Keenan, be a good friend and ask his mother for aspirin.

- Okay. - Departed, and the rumbling of his sneakers on the floor made me shudder Coop.

- Headache? - Zoe asked a moment later.Coop lifted his head. Zoe was still in a bathrobe.

Dressing-gown, who could remember of last night. He began to remind myself quite a lot.

- If you're yelling at me, you could do it later?

In response, handed him an aspirin and a glass filled with a reddish liquid.

- What is it?

- Cure the bartender Joe.Guarantees that it will help.

- Thanks.

Horn front thrust into the skull like a blunt knife Coop. When he tried to cope with the shock, Keenan returned to say goodbye.

- Hi, Mom, hi! - He kissed her, then turned to Coop. - Hi.When the door slammed shut behind him, Joe Coop swallowed medicine.

- Want some coffee? - Zoe drove tongue over his teeth and tried not to smile. - Some breakfast?

- You will not yell at me?

- But you came here drunk in the middle of the night?I fell asleep on my sofa? - She fell silent for a moment to digest it in you. - No, I'm not going to yell at you. I think you suffer enough anyway.

- I suffer, believe me. - He got up to follow her into the kitchen. - Not just physically.I feel like the last jerk.

- Because you have kept as jerk. - She poured him a cup of coffee and put it on the table. - The third husband of my mother had a weakness for bourbon.He vowed that the eggs the morning is a wonderful remedy. How do you prepare them?

- Why scrambled eggs? - He sat down at the table. - I'm sorry, Zoe.Sorry.

- For what? - Fixed back to him.

- For the fact that I was an idiot afternoon and at night even more.

- And, for that. - She threw the bacon into the pan and took a small bowl to stick to her eggs. - It's probably not the first nor the last time I behaved as a crock.

- Do not say ... - Stirred uneasily. - Keenan did not say that ...

- Upiłeś and bełkotałeś? - From półuśmieszkiem face glanced over his shoulder. - I told him I felt bad and laid there on the sofa.Quite close to the truth.

Thank you!I do not want to think ... You know. I do not have this a habit.

- You said it last night. - Turned the bacon and egg whisk slaughtered.He watched it slowly starting with bewilderment, had not intended to whip him a nose for the mess wrought in her life. He recalled yesterday afternoon, when he opposed him with pride and fury in his eyes. And that night a few weeks ago, when he fell asleep on her sofa - looked like when she pulled the boy from his arms and carried him to bed.

Dozens of other images flitted through his head, until finally merged into one. It is this. Zoe standing in the kitchen in a bathrobe, morning sun rejoicing in her hair, the smell of breakfast, filling the room.

How could he think that I do not want to? Just that.

And what could he do now that he already knew the truth?

- Food should help you. - She put a plate in front of him. - I have to prepare for work.

- Could ...Got some time?

- I think so. - She poured the coffee. - Begin until ten o'clock.Began to eat, and a variety of thoughts flew through his head.

- Very tasty.Thank you!

- Not at all. - Relied on the cabinet. - Want something else?

- Yes. - He ate some more, hoping that the eggs helps courage.Then he put down his fork. The ninth round, he thought, and already had done two Auty. - You. I want you. She smiled, cracked a half.

- Coop, I doubt that you should be in the form, and I really have to go to work, so ...

- No, I mean.I mean, I have, but not ... - He paused and took a deep breath. - I want you to marry me.

- What?

- I think it would be good for me to leave.It's a good idea. - Suddenly I realized that basically all the time the thought knocked him on the head. I really thought about it. - You could give up work waitress and go back to school. Or open a shop. Whatever. I think it should do.

- Really ... - As some twirled her in the head, put the coffee. - It's very generous of you, Coop, but I do not have to get married, to do these things.But anyway thank you.

- No? - He stared at her. - You give me trash?But you love me. You told me this. Twice.

- Well, now there will be three - she said quietly.

- Yes, I love you.No, do not marry you. And now I really do I need to get ready for work.

- Wait one more goddamn minute. - Forgot the hangover, pushed a chair from the table and stood up.

- What is this game?You love me, your kid behind me crazy, wonderful to us in bed together, even I can rozwozić kids from the neighborhood, but you do not come out for me?

- You're an idiot.You're a fool. Do you think that since there was fighting before I was in your bed, you all will like you want? And when do you want? Well, you're wrong. Indeed, you're a jerk.

He grimaced when she ran out of the kitchen. One to zero, he thought. And he did not even notice the roll.

But the game is not yet complete, he thought grimly.

* * *

Zoe until cooked, when he returned home from work. Of all the arrogant, inquisitive, focused only on the idiots J. Cooper, McKinnon was the worst. First, he taught her that marriage to him is a good idea, and then began to share the resulting benefits.

He thought that he is such an amazing opportunity.

One day he told her that had come out of your head any ideas on how to frame it in a relationship - just like him tried to pawn a trap. And the next day with compassion for her, and he offered his big, manly, a helping hand.

It should be her bite. Not once, never once told what they could give him what it felt, what he wanted. Not once did he mention that he could or would accept a child with another man as his own.

Abruptly opened the door and slammed it behind me. Somewhere he could put such a proposal!

- Mom!Hey, Mom! - Keenan ran into the living room and grabbed her hand. - Come on, come on. We have a surprise.

- What a surprise?What do you do at home, Keenan? You had to be at Finklemanów.

- Coop's here. - He pulled her hand tightly.

- We have a surprise.And mystery. You must come now.

- Well, I'm going. - Gathered strength and Keenan helped drag into the kitchen.Everywhere there were flowers, lots of flowers in vases, baskets, on tabletops, floors, window sills. Music was coming from the radio, some soft, romantic sonata. The table was set with crystal glasses, which he never saw the sun shone, a bottle of champagne in a silver cools the bucket. Nearby stood a Coop in wyprasowanej white shirt and black smart trousers.

- It's a surprise - he announced cheerfully Keenan.

- Everything is so nicely lined, so you liked it.Ms. Finkleman we borrowed glasses and plates. And Mr. Finkleman did his special chicken, because you can resist it.

- You can not resist it - Coop corrected him, without taking his eyes from Zoe. - You said you do not need flowers and candlelight, and I never took you for a date.I thought it you'll like it.

- Do you like it, Mom?Do you like it?

- Yes, it is very nice. - Kucnęła to kiss Keenan. - Thank you.

- I'm going to Finklemanów that you may have an affair.

- Come on, kid. - Coop picked up Keenan.

- Come, I'll walk you ...You had nothing to talk about it - he muttered, raising the boy from the house.

- What is romance?

- Later, I tell you.

Keenan took the hands of satisfied neck Coop.

- Can you tell my mother the secret ... that we all take a vow?

- These are my plans.

- I'll be live with us, you'll be my dad and be cool?

- There will be great.Is the perfect accompaniment. - He stopped next to the fence to kiss a boy. - I love you, Keenan.

- Okay. - Strong Coop hugged his neck. - Hi.


- Ju - hu! - The doors to the rear of the house came Mrs. Finkleman.She showed up Coopowi raised thumb and she let Keenan.

Kiedy Coop returned, Zoe was more or less the same place where it left. He was not sure if this is a good sign.

- Ready for the champagne?

- Coop, it's very nice of you, but ...

- Do you like flowers? - Nervous as hell, opened the bottle.

- They are wonderful, but ...

- I could not buy them where you work, because zepsułbym surprise.Keenan really helped me prepare. - He handed her a glass, and when I looked in another direction, he bent to kiss her. - Hi.

- Coop. - She had to wait until her heart stops beating so fast. - I know that you had to ask a lot of effort ...

- I should have done it already.But I did not know that I want.

- Oh, God. - She turned around and tried to get a grip. - This time it's you understood me wrong.Do not need traps. I do not have to have a romantic evening i. .. - She waved her hand, pointing out the candles - candle light.

- Of course, that you have.I, too, when I'm with you.

- Are trying to charm me - said uncertainly. - It's something new.

- You know what I am.This house is so constructed that actually live together for a month. People can get to know better just on the many social events. So you know what I am, even so in love in me.

Adopted the glass.

- We're clever.I told you that I am responsible for my feelings and it's true. Romantic dinner here will not change anything.

It looked like another point for her, but Coop did not intend to so easily give up.

- Well, I want to give you an enjoyable evening.What's wrong with that? I want scrambled eggs came out better than the hangover. - His voice rose dangerously, so I zreflektował and tried to calm down. - Damn, this is my first time, show a little tolerance. No, do not say anything, let me finish. Okay. You do not need me. - Took a deep breath.

- Do not want to, I took all that you and little me mowing the grass or by the stupid grill.What about my needs, Zoe?

She blinked and looked at him.

- Exactly.Do not you understand? After all, you gave me made it clear that they do not want and do not need any ties. And I already have ties.

- I gave you is clear? - He repeated.

- Did not give you anything it clear because I did not know.I did not want to know. I was afraid. Well, now. It's better you feel now? - He glanced at her. - I was afraid, because I need you. Because I see your face, hear your voice and smell your hair. I want you to be with me. I want to help you to mow the grass and put together a grill. I want you to need me again.

- Oh. - She closed her eyes. - I like it.

- Tell them that they will. - He took her hand and waited to open his eyes again. - This is my last throw, Zoe.

- Marry me.

- I ... - Yes.She wanted to say "yes." - It's not just about me, Coop.

- You think I do not want a little?God, open her eyes. I'm crazy about him. Fell in love with him, even before I fell in love with you. I want you to marry both his or her, then we can have one or two children. Already established that.

- Was said?Who found?

He swore, stepped back and shrugged his shoulders.

- Actually, I talked about this with a little.I figured I would try to inquire what he thinks about all this. - As he stood and just stared at him, he felt insecure and put his hands in his pockets. - It seemed to me that I should go wtajemniczyć in my plans, since it has to be my son.

- Your - muttered, staring in amazement at his glass.

- Since stanowicie team, I had to share this with him.Anyway, he is too. So we have a two to one.

- I understand.

- Why did not really know the responsibilities of his father, but I love a little.It's a good start.

Again she looked at him, looked him straight in the eye. She felt warm at heart.

- It's a good start.

- I love you. - His hands in his pockets się relaxed. - The first time I said this to women ... outside the mother.I love you, Zoe. Why do not you marry me and not do the little pleasures?

- It seems that I voted. - She raised her hand to his cheek.

- Does that mean "yes"?

- Definitely. - She laughed when he caught her in his arms. - Yes, Daddy.

- I like that word. - He approached his lips to her lips. - Even so much.


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