Intermediate Game

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Board Game

English is Fun

Is childhood more interesting than adulthood? How?

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Sorry, go back to the starting point.

Explain what an orange is and what it looks like.

Compare your parents' generation with your generation?

Are you superstitious? Why or why not?

Why do you think we are having fewer and fewer children?

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What are the qualities that a language teacher should have?

Why are some cultures at risk of dying out?

What leisure activities do you usually do?

What are the reasons behind global warming?

Who was the first president of the United States?

Have ever said yes while you actually did not mean it? Tell us more.

Have ever laughed until tears come out of your eyes?

Is your family a “democracy”? How do decisions get made?

What can't you resist the temptation to do?

Do you think compulsive shopping is a common problem?

Are you a smart shopper? How?

What are some reasons animals become extinct?

Do you think that loud music is rude?

Can you think of any benefits of music?

Can anyone be a rich person?

What is the last thing that you have just bought?

What will the time be after 105 minutes?

How can the world be a better place?

How many countries have you been to?

Do you have a regret about a decision you have made?

Describe your English teacher in no more than three words.

What is a thing that you don't like in your class?

Have you ever dated someone from other race or culture?

Tell us a short funny story that has happened to you.

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Start a sentence and finish it with the same word.

What is the difference between the king and monarch?

Name two animals that begin with the letter H.

Respond to the directions


What is the car that you would like to have one day?

Who are you more like? (Mention the name of a famous person)

What should parents do if their child starts to smoke?

What is the weather like today?

Do you ever do things that annoy other people?

Is life easier for people who are attractive?

Is there much migration in your country? What are the reasons?

People prefer the city to the country, do you agree?

Can you describe your hairstyle?

When was the last time you got dressed up? What did you wear?

What is the movie that you like the most?

What do you think makes a person beautiful?

What makes a successful friendship?

What do you like best about living in your country?

When did you last get very angry?

What do you know about Islam?

Why do you trust some news sources and not others?

Do you believe the stories about Bermuda Triangle?

Does TV do children more harm than good?

What should someone do to enjoy life?

What programs do you usually watch on TV?

What do you know about Yemen?

Is it useful to explore the past?


1) Throw the dice and answer the question.

2) If you can't answer the question, then you you go back to the square that you were in and wait for your next turn.

3) Two or more players can be on the same space.

Are you satisfied with your friends?

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