life events exercises

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  1. get pregnant

  2. buy a house

  3. study

  4. learn to drive

  5. be born

  6. work hard

  7. be successful

  8. retire

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with one of the verbs above in the right form.


My uncle Lucas ___________ born on 10th, February1925 in a small town in the north west of Spain. He was the second child in his family. When it __________ his birthday, his mother always made a big cake and my uncle loved blowing the candles. He _________ up very quickly and __________ going to school at the age of 5. He was a good student and ____________ very hard to pass his exams so he ______ usually successful and got excellent marks. Besides being a good student, Lucas was a nice boy and ___________ a lot of friends at school. As soon as he finished his secondary education he _________ to drive and got his driving license at the age of 19. By that time he was already at university. He studied economics. He _____________ at the age of 21. His parents were very proud of him. Lucas also liked going out with his friends. They ________ fun at the weekend and during the holidays. One summer he met my aunt Trini at a party of a friend of his. He __________ in love with her as soon as he saw her. It was love at first sight. They had been going out together for five years when they _____________ married. Lucas had a part time job and needed desperately to _________ a full time job. Luckily he soon got a very good job in a very important firm in the centre of town. One year after they had got married, my aunt _________ pregnant. Their first baby was a girl. They called her Marisa. They had four more children, one girl and three boys. My uncle had to ___________ very hard to ____________ money for his family. My aunt also worked as a secretary, but after having the second baby she left her job to take care of the children. It took them several years to _________ enough money to ________ a house. Lucas had a hobby. He liked writing short stories for children and one day he _________ a prize for one he had written whose title was “Lost in the Forest”.

My uncle __________ from work at the age of 65. One year later he and my aunt ______________ their 50th wedding anniversary. They ___________ to the States by ship.

My uncle __________ when he was 84. I feel sad that he is not with us any more. I'll never forget him. He was a good man and everybody loved him.

  1. earn money

  2. die

  3. graduate

  4. win a prize

  5. be your birthday

  6. find a job

  7. go to school

  8. fall in love

  1. grow up

  2. travel

  3. celebrate anniversary

  4. get married

  5. make friend

  6. have a family

  7. save money

  8. have fun

Match the words to the right pictures.


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