Something you consider very bad manners
The last time you had to speak in public
What you spent money on yesterday
A tacky present you have been given
A celebrity you really can't stand
A retired person you know who enjoys life more nowadays
An important national holiday /festival… and how it is celebrated
The biggest news story in your country right now
The last time you were shown some photographs
Your favourite drink when you go out
The best place to go for a day out in your area
Speak about a beggar or homeless person you know of
Something you are not allowed to do at home
Someone who is not your cup of tea
Something “odd” you keep in your pocket/wallet/handbag…
Two things you never leave home without. Why?
Do you usually wear a watch? How did you get the one you have now?
A person you know who has a tattoo
A person you know who has cheated in an exam
The most adventurous person in your family
An outlet store you have been to
Have you ever been to a demonstration?
The last time to spoke to a stranger
What's the first thing you would do if you were the country s Prime
Somebody you know who drives very badly or carelessly
A brand new thing you ve got
Something you have been doing for
the last two years
The last word you googled on the Internet
Something you don t have to do tomorrow and why
Something you might do soon
A person you should speak with. What about?
Something you shouldn't have done