Famous people
Read the notes about the biography of some famous people and match them with the pictures:
Correct the false statements as in the example:
Picasso composed many songs.
He didn't compose songs. He painted famous pictures.
Beethoven was born in spain.
Columbus died in the 15th century.
Columbus formulated the theory of relativity.
Albert Einstein was born in Spain.
Einstein discovered famous places.
Picasso died in 1955.
Einstein lived in the 16th century.
1.Born in Spain
Painted many famous pictures
Died in 1973
2.Born in Germany
Composed some famous simphonies
Died in 1827
3. Born in 1879, Germany
Loved Physics and Maths
Formulated the theory of relativity
Died in 1955
4. Lived in the 15th and 16th centuries
Loved the sea
Discovered the New World
Died in 1506