reading voc Moomin family



day•light /0x01 graphic
deIlaIt/ - światło dzienne, świt, brzask - the light that comes from the sun during the day

strip /strIp/ pasek, pas, pasmo, taśma, wstęga, szlak, listwa, pas startowy, komiks, strój piłkarza
1 a long narrow piece of paper, metal, cloth, etc.: a strip of material

2 a long narrow area of land, sea, etc.

wriggled - wywinięty
wrig•gle /0x01 graphic
rI0x01 graphic
l/ verb

wiercić się, kręcić się, zwijać się, wić się, wywijać się, prześlizgiwać się, przeciskać się, przepychać się
1 ~ (about / around) to twist and turn your body or part of it with quick short movements 0x01 graphic

2 [usually +adv. / prep.] to move somewhere by twisting and turning your body or part of it 0x01 graphic

dar•ing /0x01 graphic
de0x01 graphic
rI0x01 graphic
/ adj., noun - śmiałość, odwaga; śmiały, odważny
adj. - brave; willing to do dangerous or unusual things; involving danger or taking risks

noun - courage and the willingness to take risks

wash•ing /0x01 graphic
w0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
I0x01 graphic
; NAmE 0x01 graphic
w0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
; 0x01 graphic
w0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
/ noun - pranie, rzeczy do prania, mycie, przemywanie, płukanie
1 the act of cleaning sth using water and usually soap

2 (BrE) clothes, sheets, etc. that are waiting to be washed, being washed or have just been washed

wash /w0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
/ verb; myć, zmywać, (prze)prać, nieść z prądem, wymywać, obmywać; pranie, mycie się
1 to make sth/sb clean using water and usually soap 0x01 graphic
(of clothes, cloth, etc.) to be able to be washed without losing colour or being damaged

shore /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
(r)/ noun - brzeg, wybrzeże, podpora
1 the land along the edge of the sea or ocean, a lake or another large area of water

2 shores [pl.] a country, especially one with a coast

fuss /f0x01 graphic
s/ noun

zamieszanie (o), wrzawa, hałas, awantura, podniecenie; robić zamieszanie, podnosić wrzawę, podnosić hałas, histeryzować
1 unnecessary excitement, worry or activity

2 anger or complaints about sth, especially sth that is not important

calm sb/sth0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
down - uspokajać (się)

to become or make sb become calm

noun: 1 a quiet and peaceful time or situation; 2 a quiet and relaxed manner

wearily - ze znużeniem

weary /0x01 graphic
wI0x01 graphic
ri/ adj. (weari•er, weari•est)
1 very tired, especially after you have been working hard or doing sth for a long time

2 (literary) making you feel tired or bored
3 ~ of sth / of doing sth - no longer interested in or enthusiastic about sth

shrill /0x01 graphic
rIl/ verb - wydawać ostry/przenikliwy/przeszywający odgłos/dźwięk
1 to make an unpleasant high loud sound
2 to say sth in a loud, high voice

0x01 graphic
shriek - (za)wrzeszczeć, (za)piszczeć; wrzask, pisk, wybuch (śmiechu), okrzyk (przerażenia, radości)

sill /sIl/ noun - parapet, próg
1 = windowsill - a narrow shelf below a window, either inside or outside - parapet okienny (zewnętrzny)

2 a piece of metal that forms part of the frame of a vehicle below the doors

take a firm 0x01 graphic
line / 0x01 graphic
stand (on / against sth)

- to make your beliefs known and to try to make others follow them


shed roof - dach jednospadowy

shed /0x01 graphic
ed/ noun - szopa, buda, wiata, mały budynek
1 a small simple building, usually built of wood or metal, used for keeping things in

2 a large industrial building, used for working in or keeping equipment

swirl /sw0x01 graphic
l/ verb - wirować, kręcić się - to move around quickly in a circle; to make sth do this

remained - pozostawał

re•main /rI0x01 graphic
meIn/ verb - pozostawać
1 linking verb to continue to be sth; to be still in the same state or condition

2 to still be present after the other parts have been removed, used, etc.; to continue to exist

3 to still need to be done, said, or dealt with

4 to stay in the same place; to not leave

huddled adj.

hud•dle /0x01 graphic
h0x01 graphic
dl/ verb, noun - kurczyć się, gromadzić się, skupiać się
0x01 graphic
verb [v, usually + adv. / prep.] ~ (up)
1 (of people or animals) to gather closely together, usually because of cold or fear

2 to hold your arms and legs close to your body, usually because you are cold or frightened


shud•der /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
d0x01 graphic
(r)/ verb - drżeć, dygotać, wzdrygać się, trząść się
~ (with sth)| ~ (at sth) to shake because you are cold or frightened, or because of a strong feeling

ridge /rId0x01 graphic
/ noun - grzbiet (górski, dachu, nosa), pasmo gór/wzgórz, krawędź, grań

a narrow area of high land along the top of a line of hills; a high pointed area near the top of a mountain

screw 0x01 graphic
up (slang) -to do sth badly or spoil sth 0x01 graphic
mess up - zmiąć, zgnieść, (pot.) spieprzyć
0x01 graphic
screw sb0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
up (slang) to upset or confuse sb so much that they are not able to deal with problems in their life

roll out - rozwijać

(ewoluować) to evolve; (o sytuacji itp.) to develop, to unfold; (rosnąć) to grow up

glance /0x01 graphic
l0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
ns/ verb - to look quickly at sth/sb - spoglądać, rzucać okiem, zerkać, przeglądać

tin /tIn/ noun - puszka blaszana, pudełko blaszane
(also 0x01 graphic
tin 0x01 graphic
can) ~ (of sth) a metal container in which food and drink is sold; the contents of one of these containers
2 ~ (of sth) a metal container with a lid, in the shape of a cylinder, in which paint, glue, etc. is sold and stored; the contents of one of these containers

3 a metal container with a lid used for keeping food in: a biscuit / cake / cookie tin

chimneypiece - shelf that projects from wall above fireplace

chim•ney /0x01 graphic
t0x01 graphic
Imni/ noun - komin
a structure through which smoke or steam is carried up away from a fire, etc. and through the roof of a building; the part of this that is above the roof

screw /skru0x01 graphic
/ verb - wkręcać, przykręcać, łączyć śrubami, skręcać, wyciskać, (pot.) wyłudzać, wycyganiać, wyciągać
1 to fasten one thing to another or make sth tight with a screw or screws

2 to twist sth around in order to fasten it in place

3 to be attached by screwing

lid /lId/ noun - pokrywa, pokrywka, wieko, powieka
1 a cover over a container that can be removed or opened by turning it or lifting it

2 = eyelid

SYNONYMS: top, cork, cap, plug, stopper

put the lid on (activity, information) - nie dopuścić do (działania, przepływu informacji)

dive /daIv /d0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
v) verb - nurkować, zanurzać się
JUMP INTO WATER - to jump into water with your head and arms going in first

UNDERWATER - to swim underwater wearing breathing equipment, collecting or looking at things

MOVE / JUMP / FALL ~ (for sth) (informal) to move or jump quickly in a particular direction, especially to avoid sth, to try to catch a ball, etc.


mus•ing /0x01 graphic
mju0x01 graphic
zI0x01 graphic
/ noun - a period of thinking carefully about sth or telling people your thoughts about it

muse - rozmyślać (o), dumać, zastanawiać się

abode /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
b0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
d; NAmE 0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
bo0x01 graphic
d/ noun [usually sing.] (formal or humorous) the place where sb lives: homeless people of no fixed abode (= with no permanent home) 0x01 graphic
You are most welcome to my humble abode.—see also abide v., right of abode

abide /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
baId/ verb (abided, abided; abode, abode) - wytrzymywać, znosić, trwać, pozostawać

1 can't / couldn't ~ sb/sth to dislike sb/sth so much that you hate having to be with or deal with them 0x01 graphic
bear, stand

2 to stay or live in a place

auger /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
/ noun - świder - a tool for making holes in wood, that looks like a large corkscrew (korkociąg - a tool for pulling corks from bottles);

hand tool for boring holes, a long flexible steel coil for dislodging stoppages in curved pipes

see - widzieć - SYNONYMS: spot, catch, glimpse, clap/lay/set eyes on

see /si0x01 graphic
/ verb (saw /s0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
/ seen /si0x01 graphic
USE EYES - to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes; to have or use the power of sight
WATCH - to watch a game, television programme, performance, etc.
LOOK UP INFORMATION - to look at sth in order to find information
FIND OUT - to find out sth by looking, asking or waiting; to find out or decide sth by thinking or considering
MAKE SURE - to make sure that you do sth or that sth is done

saw - piła - a tool that has a long blade with sharp points (called teeth) along one of its edges. A saw is moved backwards and forwards by hand or driven by electricity and is used for cutting wood or metal.

-see also chainsaw, circular saw, fretsaw, hacksaw, handsaw, jigsaw

gather /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
(r)/ verb - zbierać (się), gromadzić (się),

1 to come together, or bring people together, in one place to form a group

2 ~ sth (together / up) to bring things together that have been spread around0x01 graphic
note at collect
COLLECT - to collect information from different sources; to collect plants, fruit, etc. from a wide area


en•chant•ed /In0x01 graphic
t0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
ntId; NAmE 0x01 graphic
t0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
ntId/ adj. oczarowany, zachwycony
1 placed under a spell (= magic words that have special powers)

2 filled with great pleasure 0x01 graphic

en•chant /In0x01 graphic
t0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
nt; NAmE 0x01 graphic
t0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
nt/ verb [vn] - oczarowywać, zachwycać
1 to attract sb strongly and make them feel very interested, excited, etc. 0x01 graphic
2 to place sb/sth under a magic spell (= magic words that have special powers) 0x01 graphic

dimly /0x01 graphic
dImli/ adv. - not very brightly or clearly - blado, słabo, mgliście, niewyraźnie

glimpse - verb - zobaczyć, ujrzeć, dostrzec, mignąć
1 to see sb/sth for a moment, but not very clearly 0x01 graphic
catch sight of, spot

2 to start to understand sth

slops [slops] - pomyje

slop /sl0x01 graphic
p/ - wylewać się (poza krawędź), przelewać, rozlewać, rozbryzgiwać; pomyje, ckliwy utwór, wywar
verb (-pp-)
1 (of a liquid) to move around in a container, often so that some liquid comes out over the edge

2 to make liquid or food come out of a container in an untidy way 0x01 graphic

1 waste food, sometimes fed to animals
2 liquid or partly liquid waste, for example urine or dirty water from baths

pail /peIl/, pail•ful /0x01 graphic
peIlf0x01 graphic
l/ noun - bucket, bucketful - wiadro, kubeł, objętość wiadra

bucket down - (BrE, informal) to rain heavily 0x01 graphic
pour - lać (o deszczu

emptied - opróżnił

empty /0x01 graphic
empti/ verb (emp•ties, empty•ing, emp•tied, emp•tied) - opróżniać, wylewać, usuwać
1 ~ sth (out / out of sth)| ~ sth (of sth) to remove everything that is in a container, etc.

2 ~ (out) to become empty
3 ~ sth (out) to take out the contents of sth and put them somewhere else
4 to make sure that everyone leaves a room, building, etc. 0x01 graphic

anxiously - .: to ask / look / wait anxiously - z obawą, z troską

anx•ious /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
k0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
s/ adj. - niespokojny, zaniepokojony, niepokojący
1 ~ (about sth)| ~ (for sb) feeling worried or nervous0x01 graphic
note at worried
2 causing anxiety; showing anxiety

3 ~ to do sth| ~ for sth| ~ for sb to do sth| ~ that ... wanting sth very much

thrill•ing /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
rIlI0x01 graphic
/ adj. exciting and enjoyable 0x01 graphic
note at exciting - podniecajęcy, ekscytujący

pan•try /0x01 graphic
p0x01 graphic
ntri/ noun (pl. -ies) - spiżarnia, pomieszczenie na naczynia/sztućce itp. (w restauracji), kredens

a cupboard/closet or small room in a house, used for storing food 0x01 graphic

speck /spek/ noun a very small spot; a small piece of dirt, etc.0x01 graphic
mark - plamka; szczypta, odrobina

plunge (into) /pl0x01 graphic
nd0x01 graphic
/ verb - padać, wpadać (w coś), nurkować, zanurzać (się) (gwałtownie)
1 to move or make sb/sth move suddenly forwards and/or downwards

2 (of prices, temperatures, etc.) to decrease suddenly and quickly 0x01 graphic
plummet -spadać, obniżać się, zmniejszać się

3 (of a road, surface, etc.) to slope down steeply

4 to move up and down suddenly and violently
0x01 graphic
plunge 0x01 graphic
into sth - to jump into sth, especially with force; to start doing sth in an enthusiastic way, especially without thinking carefully about what you are doing

0x01 graphic
plunge sth 0x01 graphic
into sth - to push sth quickly and with force into sth else

0x01 graphic
plunge 0x01 graphic
into sth = plunge in; to experience sth unpleasant
0x01 graphic
plunge sb/sth 0x01 graphic
into sth - to make sb/sth experience sth unpleasant

lo•gan•berry /0x01 graphic
l0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
nb0x01 graphic
ri/ noun (pl. -ies) - skrzyżowanie jeżyny z maliną

a soft dark red fruit, like a large raspberry, that grows on a bush

loaf /l0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
f/ noun (pl. loaves /l0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
vz/) - bochenki chleba

an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked in one piece

snatch /sn0x01 graphic
t0x01 graphic
/ verb- wyrywać (coś komuś), chwytać, zabierać, porywać, łapać (okazję), kraść
1 to take sth quickly and often rudely or roughly 0x01 graphic

2 to take sb/sth away from a person or place, especially by force; to steal sth 0x01 graphic

3 to take or get sth quickly, especially because you do not have much time

butter dish - maselniczka (na masło: a soft yellow food made from cream or milk, used in cooking and for spreading on bread)


wheat - pszenica

whiten /0x01 graphic
waItn/ - to become white or whiter; to make sth white or whiter - bieleć, wybielać, blednąć

swerve /sw0x01 graphic
v/ verb - skręcać gwałtownie w bok, zbaczać, odchylać się

to change direction suddenly, especially in order to avoid hitting sb/sth

chimney-piece - noun (BrE) a brick or stone structure that is built over a fireplace (komin,)

screw(ed) verb - wkręcać, przykręcać, łączyć śrubami, skręcać, wyciskać, (pot.) wyłudzać, wycyganiać, (wulg.) pieprzyć
1 to fasten one thing to another or make sth tight with a screw or screws

2 to twist sth around in order to fasten it in place
3 to be attached by screwing

5 ~ sb (for sth) (slang) to cheat sb, especially by making them pay too much money for sth

lid /lId/ noun - pokrywa, pokrywka, wieko, powieka
1 a cover over a container that can be removed or opened by turning it or lifting it

2 = eyelid

de•light•ed /dI0x01 graphic
laItId/ adj. - very pleased 0x01 graphic
note at glad - zachwycony, uradowany, ucieszony


chop /t0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
p; NAmE t0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
p/ (chopped) verb - rąbać, krajać, siekać, (pot.) zmniejszać, (pot.) zaoszczędzać; kotlet
1 ~ sth (up) (into sth) to cut sth into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife

2 to reduce sth by a large amount; to stop sth 0x01 graphic

3 to hit sb/sth with a short downward stroke or blow

trea•cle /0x01 graphic
tri0x01 graphic
kl/ noun [U] (BrE) - melasa, syrop
1 a thick black sweet sticky liquid produced when sugar is refined (= made pure), used in cooking
2 = golden syrup: a treacle tart

busied - (busies, busy•ing, busied, busied)

~ yourself (with sth)| ~ yourself (in / with) doing sth - to fill your time doing an activity or a task

busy /0x01 graphic
bIzi/ adj., verb - zajęty (osoba, telefon itp.), pracowity, zaabsorbowany, ruchliwy, aktywny
adj. (busier, busi•est)
DOING STH ~ (with sth/sb) having a lot to do; perhaps not free to do sth else because you are working on sth; ~ (doing sth) spending a lot of time on sth

hil•ari•ous /hI0x01 graphic
le0x01 graphic
ri0x01 graphic
s/ adj. extremely funny - rozśmieszający
hil•ari•ous•ly adv.: hilariously funny

splash - verb, noun - chlapać (na) (czymś), ochlapywać, bryzgać (na coś), rozbryzgiwać (coś dookoła), pryskać, rozchlapywać, rozpryskiwać, plamić, drukować wielkimi literami
1 (of liquid) to fall noisily onto a surface

2 ~ sth (on / onto / over sb/sth)| ~ sb/sth (with sth) to make sb/sth wet by making water, mud, etc. fall on them/it

3 to move through water making drops fly everywhere

drawing room - noun - salon

a room in a large house in which people relax and guests are entertained—compare living room

sub•side /s0x01 graphic
b0x01 graphic
saId/ verb - opadać, ubywać, zmniejszać się, osiadać, obniżać się
1 to become calmer or quieter

2 (of water) to go back to a normal level
3 (of land or a building) to sink to a lower level

wood /w0x01 graphic
d/ noun - drewno, las, lasek; drewniany
1 the hard material that the trunk and branches of a tree are made of; this material when it is used to build or make things with, or as a fuel

2 an area of trees, smaller than a forest

3 a heavy wooden ball used in the game of bowls

shed roof - dach jednospadowy

chirp /t0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
p/ verb - świergotać, szczebiotać, mówić wysokim głosem
1 (of small birds and some insects) to make short high sounds
2 to speak in a lively and cheerful way

pro•voke /pr0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
v0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
k/ verb - prowokować (kogoś do zrobienia czegoś), drażnić, podburzać, wywoływać, pobudzać
1 to cause a particular reaction or have a particular effect

2 ~ sb (into sth / into doing sth) to say or do sth that you know will annoy sb so that they react in an angry way 0x01 graphic
goad ~ on podjudzać, zachęcać, popędzać

dis•order /dIs0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
d0x01 graphic
(r)/ noun - nieporządek, bałagan, nieład, zamieszki, zamieszanie, niepokoje, zaburzenia, dolegliwość
1 an untidy state; a lack of order or organization 0x01 graphic
2 violent behaviour of large groups of people

3 an illness that causes a part of the body to stop functioning correctly -> disease

vehe•ment /0x01 graphic
vi0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
m0x01 graphic
nt/ adj. showing very strong feelings, especially anger 0x01 graphic
forceful - pełen siły, mocny, stanowczy

vehe•mence /m0x01 graphic
ns/ noun - gwałtowność, porywczość, zaciekłość, wybuchowość, pasja
vehe•ment•ly adv


beast /bi0x01 graphic
st/ noun - zwierzę, bestia, (pot.) problem
1 an animal, especially one that is large or dangerous, or one that is unusual

2 a person who is cruel and whose behaviour is uncontrolled 0x01 graphic
3 an unpleasant person or thing
4 a thing of a particular kind 0x01 graphic

eager /0x01 graphic
i0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
(r)/ adj. chętny (do), pragnący, ochoczy, gorliwy, ożywiony pragnieniem, zapalony; żądny

~ (for sth / to do sth) very interested and excited by sth that is going to happen or about sth that you want to do 0x01 graphic

eagerly adv. - ochoczo

flood - powódź, potok, masa (rzeczy), mnóstwo; zatapiać

LARGE NUMBER ~ (of sth) a very large number of things or people that appear at the same time

WATER - large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry
FILL WITH WATER -f a place floods or sth floods it, it becomes filled or covered with water
OF RIVER -to become so full that it spreads out onto the land around it
LARGE NUMBERS ~ in / into / out of sth to arrive or go somewhere in large numbers 0x01 graphic

~ sb/sth with sth to send sth somewhere in large numbers

OF FEELING / THOUGHT - to affect sb suddenly and strongly

wave /weIv/ noun, verb - machać, wymachiwać, falować, kołysać, powiewać, układać się w fale; fala, falowanie, machnięcie, pomachanie, przebieg

OF WATER - a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea, ocean, etc.
OF ACTIVITY / FEELING - a sudden increase in a particular activity or feeling
LARGE NUMBER - a large number of people or things suddenly moving or appearing somewhere

pools [pu:lz] - totalizator piłkarski

pool /pu0x01 graphic

basen (pływacki), sadzawka, kałuża, zbiornik wodny (otwarty), wspólny fundusz, pula, kartel, krąg, grupa, bilard;

gromadzić razem (ludzi, pieniądze, rzeczy itp.);
FOR SWIMMING = swimming pool
OF WATER - a small area of still water, especially one that has formed naturally
OF LIQUID / LIGHT ~ (of sth) a small amount of liquid or light lying on a surface
GROUP OF THINGS / PEOPLE ~ (of sth) a supply of things or money that is shared by a group of people and can be used when needed; ~ (of sth) a group of people available for work when needed: a pool of cheap labour

pail /peIl/, noun = bucket, bucketful - wiadro, kubeł, objętość wiadra

tea•cup /0x01 graphic
ti0x01 graphic
k0x01 graphic
p/ noun a cup in which tea is served - filiżanka do herbaty

poke 0x01 graphic
fun at sb/sth to say unkind things about sb/sth in order to make other people laugh at them 0x01 graphic
ridicule - zażartować z kogoś

eye•brow (s) /0x01 graphic
aIbra0x01 graphic
/ noun [usually pl.] the line of hair above the eye - brew, brwi

pon•der /0x01 graphic
p0x01 graphic
nd0x01 graphic
(r)/ verb ~ (about/on/over sth)

to think about sth carefully for a period of time 0x01 graphic
consider - rozmyślać (nad), rozważać, rozpatrywać, zastanawiać się

gale noun - bardzo silny wiatr, gwałtowny wiatr, wichura, lawina (śmiechu), wybuch
1 an extremely strong wind

2 gale(s) of laughter the sound of people laughing very loudly


vex•ation /vek0x01 graphic
seI0x01 graphic
n/ noun - strapienie, utrapienie, dokuczliwość
1 the state of feeling upset or annoyed
2 a thing that upsets or annoys you

squeak /skwi0x01 graphic
k/ verb - skrzypieć, piszczeć
1 to make a short high sound that is not very loud

2 to speak in a very high voice, especially when you are nervous or excited

cone /k0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
n/ noun - stożek, szyszka,
1 a solid or hollow object with a round flat base and sides that slope up to a point

2 a solid or hollow object that is shaped like a cone

5 the hard dry fruit of a pine or fir tree

taunt /t0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
nt/ verb - drażnić (kogoś czymś), drwić, kpić, naigrywać się, naśmiewać się, szydzić -

to try to make sb angry or upset by saying unkind things about them, laughing at their failures, etc.

vex /veks/ verb - to annoy or worry sb - irytować, rozdrażniać, (z)niecierpliwić, dokuczać, wyprowadzać z równowagi

im•pressed /Im0x01 graphic
prest/ adj. ~ (by / with sb/sth)

feeling admiration for sb/sth because you think they are particularly good, interesting, etc. - pod wrażeniem

im•press /Im0x01 graphic
pres/ verb - wywrzeć wrażenie
1 ~ sb (with sth/sb) if a person or thing impresses you, you feel admiration for them or it

2 ~ sth on / upon sb (formal) to make sb understand how important, serious etc. sth is by emphasizing it

3 ~ sth / itself on / upon sth (formal) to have a great effect on sth, especially sb's mind, imagination, etc.

verge /v0x01 graphic
d0x01 graphic
; NAmE v0x01 graphic
rd0x01 graphic
/ noun - skraj, brzeg, krawędź, pobocze
oun - a piece of grass at the edge of a path, road, etc.

0x01 graphic
on / to the verge of sth / of doing sth very near to the moment when sb does sth or sth happens: He was on the verge of tears.

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
verge on sth to be very close to an extreme state or condition 0x01 graphic
border on sth

be on the verge of - być na krawędzi czegoś, być bliskim (czegoś)

for sb's/sth's sake in order to help sb/sth or because you like sb/sth - ze względu na kogoś/coś

pine /paIn/ noun - sosna; sosnowy
1 (also 0x01 graphic
pine tree) a tall forest tree with leaves like needles. Pine trees are evergreen and grow in cool northern countries

2 (also pine•wood) the pale soft wood of the pine tree, used in making furniture, etc.

spruce /spru0x01 graphic
s/ noun - świerk
1 an evergreen forest tree with leaves like needles
2 the soft wood of the spruce, used, for example, in making paper

mum•ble /0x01 graphic
m0x01 graphic
mbl/ verb - mamrotać
to speak or say sth in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear 0x01 graphic
mutter - mruczeć, mamrotać

bit•ter•ly /0x01 graphic
bIt0x01 graphic
li/ adv. - silnie, głęboko, z całego serca, gorzko, zawzięcie
1 in a way that shows feelings of sadness or anger

2 (describing unpleasant or sad feelings) extremely: bitterly disappointed / ashamed
3 ~ cold very cold


mat•ter /0x01 graphic
m0x01 graphic
t0x01 graphic
(r)/ noun - sprawa, kwestia, substancja, materia, treść, temat, przedm
1 a subject or situation that you must consider or deal with 0x01 graphic
2 matters [pl.] the present situation, or the situation that you are talking about 0x01 graphic
3 the matter [sing.] ~ (with sb/sth) used (to ask) if sb is upset, unhappy, etc. or if there is a problem
4 [sing.] a situation that involves sth or depends on sth 0x01 graphic

de•ject•ed /dI0x01 graphic
d0x01 graphic
ektId/ adj. unhappy and disappointed 0x01 graphic
despondent - przygnębiony, zdeprymowany, osowiały

de•ject•ed•ly adv.

mean•while /0x01 graphic
mi0x01 graphic
nwaIl/ adv. - tymczasem, w międzyczasie
1 (also informal mean•time) while sth else is happening

2 (also informal mean•time) in the period of time between two times or two events

3 used to compare two aspects of a situation

aim /eIm/ verb

aimed ~ (at) celować (w coś/w kogoś), skierować (na/do), (wy)mierzyć
1 ~ (at doing sth)| ~ (at / for sth) to try or plan to achieve sth

2 be aimed at to have sth as an aim

3 ~ (sth) (at sb/sth)| ~ (for sb/sth) to point or direct a weapon, a shot, a kick, etc. at sb/sth

4 [usually passive] ~ sth at sb to say or do sth that is intended to influence or affect a particular person or group

res•cue /0x01 graphic
reskju0x01 graphic
/ verb - ratować (kogoś z czegoś), wybawiać, oswobadzać
~ sb/sth (from sth/sb) to save sb/sth from a dangerous or harmful situation 0x01 graphic
note at save

crane /kreIn/ verb - podnosić, wyciągać (szyję)

[v, usually + adv. / prep.] to lean or stretch over sth in order to see sth better; to stretch your neck

neck /nek/ noun - szyja, szyjka, kołnierz, półwysep
1 the part of the body between the head and the shoulders

2 the part of a piece of clothing that fits around the neck

thread•bare /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
redbe0x01 graphic
(r)/ adj. - wytarty, wyświechtany, podniszczony, oklepany (dowcip)
1 (of cloth, clothing, etc.) old and thin because it has been used a lot

2 (of an argument, excuse, etc.) that does not have much effect, especially because it has been used too much

good•ness /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
dn0x01 graphic
s/ noun - dobro, dobroć
1 the quality of being good 0x01 graphic
2 the part of sth that has a useful effect on sb/sth, especially sb's health


maid•en /0x01 graphic
meIdn/ noun - panna, dziewczyna, dziewica - a young girl or woman who is not married

lift /lIft/ verb - podnosić (ciężar, na duchu), unosić
RAISE ~ sb/sth (up) to raise sb/sth or be raised to a higher position or level
MOVE SB / STH - to take hold of sb/sth and move them/it to a different position

hoist /h0x01 graphic
Ist/ verb - podnosić, dźwigać, unosić
to raise or pull sth up to a higher position, often using ropes or special equipment

lean over - przechylać się (=to tilt*, to slope*)

lean /li0x01 graphic
n/ verb (leaned, leaned) (BrE also leant, leant /lent/)
1 to bend or move from a vertical position
2 ~ against / on sth to rest on or against sth for support

3 ~ sth against / on sth to make sth rest against sth in a sloping position

shout /0x01 graphic
a0x01 graphic
t/ verb - krzyczeć, wykrzykiwać, wrzeszczeć, drzeć się
1 ~ (sth) (at / to sb)| ~ (at sb to do sth) to say sth in a loud voice; to speak loudly/angrily to sb

2 ~ (out) to make a loud noise

SYNONYMS: yell, scream, cheer, cry, call

greet•ing /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
ri0x01 graphic
tI0x01 graphic
/ noun - powitanie, przywitanie, pozdrowienie
1 something that you say or do to greet sb

2 greetings [pl.] a message of good wishes for sb's health, happiness, etc.


suit•able /0x01 graphic
su0x01 graphic
t0x01 graphic
bl; BrE also 0x01 graphic
sju0x01 graphic
/ adj. odpowiedni (do), stosowny, należyty, odpowiadający, właściwy
~ (for sth/sb)| ~ (to do sth) right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion 0x01 graphic

float•ing /0x01 graphic
fl0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
tI0x01 graphic
/ adj. zmienny, płynny, niestabilny

not fixed permanently in one particular position or place

root /ru0x01 graphic
t/ noun - korzeń, korzonek
OF PLANT - the part of a plant that grows under the ground and absorbs water and minerals that it sends to the rest of the plant

reply /rI0x01 graphic
plaI/ verb (re•plies, re•ply•ing, re•plied, re•plied) ~ (to sb/sth) (with sth)
1 to say or write sth as an answer to sb/sth 0x01 graphic
2 ~ (to sth) (with sth) to do sth as a reaction to sth that sb has said or done

taste /teIst/ noun - smak, zmysł smaku
FLAVOUR - the particular quality that different foods and drinks have that allows you to recognize them when you put them in your mouth
SENSE - the sense you have that allows you to recognize different foods and drinks when you put them in your mouth
SMALL QUANTITY - a small quantity of food or drink that you try in order to see what it is like

messy /0x01 graphic
mesi/ adj. (mess•ier, messi•est) - brudny, lepki, zapaskudzony, niechlujny, obrzydliwy
1 dirty and/or untidy 0x01 graphic
2 making sb/sth dirty and/or untidy
3 (of a situation) unpleasant, confused or difficult to deal with

house•hold /0x01 graphic
ha0x01 graphic
sh0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
ld/ noun - all the people living together in a house - domownicy, rodzina, mieszkańcy domu, gospodarstwo domowe, prowadzenie domu

sul•len /0x01 graphic
s0x01 graphic
l0x01 graphic
n/ adj. (disapproving) - posępny, ponury
1 bad-tempered and not speaking, either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character

2 (literary) (of the sky or weather) dark and unpleasant

sullenly gloomily, in a way that shows ill humour; posępnie, ponuro.

put sb0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
off - zatrzymać się, aby ktoś mógł wysiąść/ PUT OFF - opóźniać, odkładać, odrzucać, odpływać
1 to cancel a meeting or an arrangement that you have made with sb

2 to make sb dislike sb/sth or not trust them/it

3 (also 0x01 graphic
put sb 0x01 graphic
off sth) to disturb sb who is trying to give all their attention to sth that they are doing

4 (of a vehicle or its driver) to stop in order to allow sb to leave

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
put sb 0x01 graphic
off sth/sb to make sb lose interest in or enthusiasm for sth/sb

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
put sth0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
off to change sth to a later time or date 0x01 graphic
postpone, delay

tree-trunk - pień drzewa

trunk /tr0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
k/ noun - pień (drzewa) - the thick main stem of a tree, that the branches grow from

glide /0x01 graphic
laId/ verb - szybowanie, sunięcie, ślizganie się; ślizgać się, sunąć, szybować
1 to move smoothly and quietly, especially as though it takes no effort

2 (of birds or aircraft) to fly using air currents, without the birds moving their wings or the aircraft using the engine

des•ert•ed /dI0x01 graphic
z0x01 graphic
tId/ adj. - opuszczony, bezludny
1 (of a place) with no people in it
2 left by a person or people who do not intend to return 0x01 graphic

cling /klI0x01 graphic
/ verb (clung, clung /kl0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
/) - (to) przylegać (do), przyczepić się, trzymać się kurczowo (czegoś/kogoś), przylegać, trwać przy
1 ~ (on) to sb/sth| ~ on / together to hold on tightly to sb/sth 0x01 graphic
2 ~ (to sth) to stick to sth

3 ~ (to sb) (usually disapproving) to stay close to sb, especially because you need them emotionally

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
cling 0x01 graphic
on to sth - to be unwilling to get rid of sth, or stop doing sth

aboard /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
b0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
d; NAmE 0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
b0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
rd/ adv., prep. on or onto a ship, plane, bus or train 0x01 graphic
on board - na pokładzie (statku, samolotu), wewnątrz

ver•anda (also ver•an•dah) /v0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
r0x01 graphic
nd0x01 graphic
/ noun - weranda
1 a platform with an open front and a roof, built onto the side of a house on the ground floor
2 (AustralE, NZE) a roof over the part of the street where people walk in front of a shop/store 0x01 graphic

roof /ru0x01 graphic
f/ noun - the structure that covers or forms the top of a building or vehicle

- dach, przekrycie dachowe, najwyższa część

cracked /kr0x01 graphic
kt/ adj. - porysowany, łamiący się (głos); (pot.) stuknięty
1 damaged with lines in its surface but not completely broken

2 (of sb's voice) sounding rough with sudden changes in how loud or high it is, because the person is upset
3 (informal) crazy

un•tidy /0x01 graphic
n0x01 graphic
taIdi/ adj. - niechlujny, zaniedbany, niestaranny, w nieładzie, nieposprzątany
1 not neat or well arranged; in a state of confusion
2 (of a person) not keeping things neat or well organized 0x01 graphic

apolo•get•ic /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
p0x01 graphic
l0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
d0x01 graphic
etIk/ adj. ~ (about / for sth) feeling or showing that you are sorry for doing sth wrong or for causing a problem - przepraszający, skruszony

apolo•get•ic•al•ly /0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
p0x01 graphic
l0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
d0x01 graphic
etIkli/ adv.

splen•did /0x01 graphic
splendId/ adj. - excellent; very good 0x01 graphic
great - wspaniały, znakomity, doskonały, okazały

blush /bl0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
/ verb - rumienić się, zaczerwienić się
1 ~ (with sth) (at sth) to become red in the face because you are embarrassed or ashamed 0x01 graphic
go red

2 [v to inf] to be ashamed or embarrassed about sth

fib /fIb/ noun (pot.) bujda, małe kłamstwo; kłamać
a statement that is not true; a lie about sth that is not important

shyly - nieśmiało

shy /0x01 graphic
aI/ adj., verb - nieśmiały, nerwowy, bojaźliwy, lękliwy, płochliwy, wstydliwy;

adj. (shyer, shy•est)
1 (of people) nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people 0x01 graphic

2 showing that sb is nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people


upside down - do góry nogami (overturned*)

faint /feInt/ adj. (faint•er, faint•est) - słaby, lekki, nieśmiały, omdlały;
1 that cannot be clearly seen, heard or smelt

2 very small; possible but unlikely 0x01 graphic

3 not enthusiastic
4 feeling weak and tired and likely to become unconscious

trickle /0x01 graphic
trIkl/ verb - kapać, ściekać, ciec (cienkim strumieniem), sączyć się
1 to flow, or to make sth flow, slowly in a thin stream

2 to go, or to make sth go, somewhere slowly or gradually

sternly = strictly

stern /st0x01 graphic
n/ adj., noun - surowy, srogi, ostry (w stosunku do innej osoby), wymagający, trudny

1 serious and often disapproving; expecting sb to obey you 0x01 graphic

2 serious and difficult

rip•ple /0x01 graphic
rIpl/ noun - falowanie, szmer, marszczenie się, poruszenie
1 a small wave on the surface of a liquid, especially water in a lake, etc.

2 a thing that looks or moves like a small wave
3 ~ of sth a sound that gradually becomes louder and then quieter again

4 ~ of sth a feeling that gradually spreads through a person or group of people

roll ~ over - przewracać się z boku na bok

roll /r0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
ll/ verb
1 to turn over and over and move in a particular direction; to make a round object do this

2 to turn over and over or round and round while remaining in the same place; to make sth do this

3 ~ (sb/sth) over (onto sth)| ~ (sb/sth) (over) onto sth to turn over to face a different direction; to make sb/sth do this
MAKE SOUND - to make a long continuous sound
MACHINE - when a machine rolls or sb rolls it, it operates

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
roll 0x01 graphic
over - to be easily defeated without even trying

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
roll sb0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
over - to defeat sb easily
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
roll sth0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
over - to allow money that sb owes to be paid back at a later date
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
roll sth0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
up to close sth by turning a handle

window-sill - parapet okienny (zewnętrzny)

break•er /0x01 graphic
breIk0x01 graphic
(r)/ noun - fala przybrzeżna, fala przybojowa, wyłącznik

a large wave covered with white bubbles that is moving towards land

drench /drent0x01 graphic
/ verb ~ sb/sth (in / with sth) to make sb/sth completely wet 0x01 graphic
soak 0x01 graphic
wet - zmoczyć, przemoczyć

car•pet /0x01 graphic
k0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
pIt/ noun - dywan
1 a thick woven material made of wool, etc. for covering floors or stairs
2 a piece of carpet used as a floor covering, especially when shaped to fit a room

3 ~ (of sth) a thick layer of sth on the ground

pocket /0x01 graphic
p0x01 graphic
kIt/ noun, verb - wkładać do kieszeni, przywłaszczać sobie
IN CLOTHING - a small piece of material like a small bag sewn into or onto a piece of clothing so that you can carry things in it
SMALL CONTAINER - a small bag or container fastened to sth so that you can put things in it, for example, in a car door or in a bag
1 to put sth into your pocket
2 to take or keep sth, especially an amount of money, that does not belong to you

3 to earn or win an amount of money

ex•claim /Ik0x01 graphic
skleIm/ verb - wykrzykiwać, zakrzykiwać, zawołać

to say sth suddenly and loudly, especially because of strong emotion or pain 0x01 graphic



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