reading voc Annabel Lee

Annabel Lee

king•dom /0x01 graphic
kI0x01 graphic
d0x01 graphic
m/ noun - królestwo - a country ruled by a king or queen

maid•en /0x01 graphic
meIdn/ noun - panna, dziewczyna, dziewica; dziewiczy - (literary) a young girl or woman who is not married

winged /wI0x01 graphic
d/ adj. - skrzydlaty, uskrzydlony - having wings 0x01 graphic

ser•aph /0x01 graphic
ser0x01 graphic
f/ noun - serafin - an angel of the highest rank

covered /0x01 graphic
k0x01 graphic
v0x01 graphic
d/ adj. - z przykrywką, z nakryciem
1 [not before noun] ~ in / with sth having a layer (warstwa) or amount of sth on it

2 having a roof over it

cover /0x01 graphic
k0x01 graphic
v0x01 graphic
(r)/ verb
HIDE / PROTECT ~ sth (with sth) to place sth over or in front of sth in order to hide or protect it 0x01 graphic
note at hide
SPREAD OVER SURFACE - to lie or spread over the surface of sth

blow 0x01 graphic
out - zdmuchiwać
1 if a flame, etc. blows out, it is put out by the wind, etc.

2 if an oil or gas well blows out, it sends out gas suddenly and with force

blow OF WIND - when the wind or a current of air blows, it is moving; when it blows, the wind is blowing

chill•ing /0x01 graphic
t0x01 graphic
IlI0x01 graphic
/ adj. - zimny, lodowaty - frightening, usually because it is connected with sth violent or cruel

high-0x01 graphic
born adj. (old-fashioned or formal) - wysoko urodzony

having parents who are members of the highest social class 0x01 graphic
aristocratic 0x01 graphic

kins•man /0x01 graphic
kInzm0x01 graphic
n/, kins•woman /0x01 graphic
kInzw0x01 graphic
m0x01 graphic
n/ krewny, krewniak - a relative

shut sb/sth 0x01 graphic
up (in sth) - zamykać w - to keep sb/sth in a place and prevent them from going anywhere

sep•ul•chre /0x01 graphic
seplk0x01 graphic
(r)/ noun (old use) - grób

a place for a dead body, either cut in rock or built of stone

envy /0x01 graphic
envi/ - zazdrościć; zazdrość
noun ~ (of sb)| ~ (at / of sth) the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as sb else;

the feeling of wanting sth that sb else has

verb (en•vies, envy•ing, en•vied, en•vied) - to wish you had the same qualities, possessions, opportunities, etc. as sb else

0x01 graphic
come 0x01 graphic
1 when the sun, moon or stars come out, they appear

2 to be shown clearly: Her best qualities come out in a crisis.
3 when words come out, they are spoken

0x01 graphic
come 0x01 graphic
out (of sth)
1 (of an object) to be removed from a place where it is fixed
2 (of dirt, a mark, etc.) to be removed from sth by washing or cleaning

0x01 graphic
come 0x01 graphic
out of sth [no passive] to develop from sth

wise /waIz/ adj. (wiser, wis•est) - mądry, rozsądny
1 (of people) able to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have

2 (of actions and behaviour) sensible; based on good judgement

demon /0x01 graphic
di0x01 graphic
m0x01 graphic
n/ noun - demon, diabeł
1 an evil spirit
2 something that causes a person to worry and makes them unhappy

3 a person who does sth very well or with a lot of energy


soul /s0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
l; NAmE so0x01 graphic
l/ noun - dusza, duch, natura, podświadomość, uosobienie
SPIRIT OF PERSON - the spiritual part of a person, believed to exist after death
SPIRITUAL / MORAL / ARTISTIC QUALITIES - the spiritual and moral qualities of humans in general 0x01 graphic

beam /bi0x01 graphic
m/ noun, verb - to produce a stream of light and/or heat

rozpromieniać się, emitować, promieniować, wysyłać;

belka, dźwigar, promień, wiązka, smuga, strumień;

bride /braId/ noun - panna młoda - a woman on her wedding day, or just before or just after it

tomb /tu0x01 graphic
m/ noun - grób, grobowiec - a large grave, especially one built of stone above or below the ground


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