Right or Wrong

Fol-low me, fol-low me, fol-low me

Come to my home.

I've been a-round the world

Where good and e-vil are right

I've seen the end of hope

Where good and e-vil are wrong

But now I will stop look-ing

For a new place to go

Some-bo-dy is wait-ing for me

Where right and wrong are love

You don't stop be-liev-ing

You can find a way on through

A-no-ther point of view

Where right and wrong are blue

Don't stop be-liev-ing

You can find a way on through

A-no-ther point of view

Where right and wrong are...

Fol-low me, fol-low me, fol-low me

Come to my home.

Come to my home.

I ne-ver close my eyes

'cause I'm a-fraid of the dark

I ne-ver stay a-lone

'cause I'd feel sad in my heart

But now I will stop look-ing

For a new place to go

Some-bo-dy is wait-ing for me

Where right and wrong are love

You don't stop be-liev-ing

You can find a way on through

A-no-ther point of view

Where right and wrong are blue

Don't stop be-liev-ing

You can find a way on through

A-no-ther point of view

Where right and wrong are...

Fol-low me, fol-low me, fol-low me

Come to my home.

Come to my home.

Right or wrong (wrong wrong wrong)


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