january 2011 uppersecondary students

Starting off

1. Discuss the question in groups of three or four.

What will you remember most about last year? Think about the following headings:

War Music Art Holidays Natural disasters Money and Business

Technology Politics Travel Sport

Before you read

1. You are going to read about Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. Before you read, make words using the letters of Facebook which are related to the website in some way. When finished, tell your partner what you wrote and why.

Student A Student B

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First reading

1. Read the text quickly and find six famous people's names.

1. M ___________ Z ___________ 2. C ___________ L ___________

3. Q ___________ E ___________ 4. A ___________ K ___________

5. A ___________ H ___________ 6. J ___________ S ___________

Second reading

1. Read the text again. Put sentences A-G in the correct gaps, 1-6, in the text. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use.

A. By the end of the year, they were regretting that decision.

B. Was Mark Zuckerberg really the person of 2010?

C. It was one of the most difficult decisions they had to make.

D. So, why was he chosen this year?

E. Groups of people have also won the award.

F. Now he is sharing the fame of his creation.

G. It is the person who has had the biggest effect on the world's news over the year.

Vocabulary 1

1. Match the words from the text to the correct definitions.

1. deserve

a. to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults

2. regret

b. to stay away from someone or something, or not use something

3. criticise

c. to officially suggest someone or something for an important position, duty, or prize

4. nominate

d. to have earned something by good or bad actions or behaviour

5. policy

e. causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussed

6. avoid

i. to feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it

7. controversial

f. a way of doing something that has been officially agreed and chosen by a political party, business, or other organization

Vocabulary 2

1. Find words related to those below in the text, including the missing sentences.

1. create (v) : ______________ (n - person) ____________ (n - thing)

2. success (n) : _______________ (adj)

3. famous (adj) : ________________ (n)

4. decide (v) : __________________ (n)

5. science (n) : ________________ (n - person, plural)

6. controversy (n) : _______________ (adj)

2. Complete the sentences with words from the two vocabulary exercises above.

1. Don't __________ my ideas before you've heard them.

2. Do you think I made the right __________ about leaving my job?

3. The government is deciding a new __________ for helping people without jobs.

4. __________ are trying to find a way to stop global warming.

5. Do you _____________ not going to university?

6. If you drive along Market Street, you can __________ the traffic in the town centre.

7. Choosing Qatar for the 2022 World Cup was a __________ decision which a lot of people disagreed with.

8. Who was the _________ of Photoshop?

9. The film was _________ for 8 Oscars but it only won three.

10. The film star enjoyed the money but he hated the _________, especially when people asked him for his autograph.


1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form; Past Simple or Present Perfect, active or passive.

1. Facebook (start) ____________ in 2004.

2. Why (he / choose) ___________ this year?

3. It (overtake)____________ My Space in 2008.

4. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh (become) ___________ the first person to fly across the Atlantic.

5. The film (give)____________ Zuckerberg `a face'.

6. Several women (win)____________ the award.

7. The title (change) ___________ in 1999.

8. It is given to the person who (have)__________ the biggest effect on the world's news over the year.

9. Since the Ayatollah's win, the magazine (change)__________ its policy.

10. By the end of the year (1927), they (regret)__________ their decision.

2. Check your answers in the text.

3. Match the sentences to the uses below.

1. Happened at a known, finished time in the past.

___1___, ______, ______, ______, ______

2. Happened during an unfinished time eg this week, today, this year etc

_______, ______

3. Happened at an unknown time in the past.


4. Happened in the past and has an effect on the present situation.


5. Happening between a point in the past and the present.



1. Work in pairs or small groups and answer the questions.

1. Are you on Facebook? Why / Why not?

2. Have you seen the film: The Social Network? If so, did you like it? If not, would you like to se it? Why / Why not?

3. Do you think Time Magazine made the right decision not to include controversial figures as `Person of the Year'? Why / Why not?

A magazine in your country is looking for ideas for a `person of the year' for 2010.

Think of ideas for the following categories.

  • Man of the year (from your country)

  • Woman of the year (from your country)

  • Man of the year (international)

  • Woman of the year (international)

  • Group of the year

Now, get together with three other students and compare your ideas. Try to come to an agreement on one person for each category and justify your decisions.

A magazine in your country is looking for ideas for a `person of the year' for 2010.

Think of ideas for the following categories.

  • Man of the year (from your country)

  • Woman of the year (from your country)

  • Man of the year (international)

  • Woman of the year (international)

  • Group of the year

Now, get together with three other students and compare your ideas. Try to come to an agreement on one person for each category and justify your decisions.

A magazine in your country is looking for ideas for a `person of the year' for 2010.

Think of ideas for the following categories.

  • Man of the year (from your country)

  • Woman of the year (from your country)

  • Man of the year (international)

  • Woman of the year (international)

  • Group of the year

Now, get together with three other students and compare your ideas. Try to come to an agreement on one person for each category and justify your decisions.

A magazine in your country is looking for ideas for a `person of the year' for 2010.

Think of ideas for the following categories.

  • Man of the year (from your country)

  • Woman of the year (from your country)

  • Man of the year (international)

  • Woman of the year (international)

  • Group of the year

Now, get together with three other students and compare your ideas. Try to come to an agreement on one person for each category and justify your decisions.

A magazine in your country is looking for ideas for a `person of the year' for 2010.

Think of ideas for the following categories.

  • Man of the year (from your country)

  • Woman of the year (from your country)

  • Man of the year (international)

  • Woman of the year (international)

  • Group of the year

Now, get together with three other students and compare your ideas. Try to come to an agreement on one person for each category and justify your decisions.

A magazine in your country is looking for ideas for a `person of the year' for 2010.

Think of ideas for the following categories.

  • Man of the year (from your country)

  • Woman of the year (from your country)

  • Man of the year (international)

  • Woman of the year (international)

  • Group of the year

Now, get together with three other students and compare your ideas. Try to come to an agreement on one person for each category and justify your decisions.

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The Time Magazine person of the year for 2010 was Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook. As Facebook started in 2004 and overtook MySpace as the world's most popular social networking site in 2008, some people might think that this award is two years too late. 1 ______ Maybe because no world leader has deserved the award but more likely because of the film `The Social Network' which has been very successful. Many people think it will win at least one Oscar and it has given Zuckerberg `a face'. Before this year, Facebook was famous but he wasn't. 2 _______.

So, what is this `Time Person of the Year' award? In 1927, Charles Lindbergh became the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. For some reason, Time Magazine did not put him on the cover of their magazine. 3 ______ They therefore wanted a reason to put him on the cover of the December issue of the magazine. As there wasn't much other news that month, they decided to put him there as `man of the year'. Several women have also won the award including Queen Elizabeth of the UK in 1952 but the title of the award was only changed to `person of the year' in 1999. 4 ______. These have included Hungarian Freedom Fighters in 1956, US Scientists in 1960 and `You' in 2006.

The last was to celebrate the fact that more and more people were using the internet to change the world through blogs and websites. The choice was criticised by many people, as was the decision, in 1979, to nominate the Ayatollah Khomeini. The reason for that choice was that the person chosen is not the nicest or best person in the world. 5 ______ . In 1938, this was Adolf Hitler and in 1939 and 1942, it was Joseph Stalin. However, since the Ayatollah won the award, the magazine has changed its policy and avoided choosing controversial people.

6 ________. What do you think?


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