Where Angels Fear To Tread

Where Angels Fear To Tread

By Elli

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Beginning, Section II

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Chapter 1a

Posted on Friday, 21 July 2000

This story is LOOSELY based upon the movie Fools Rush In.

Elizabeth checked her appearance one last time before dashing downstairs to meet Jane. Khaki shorts and a navy T-shirt were good enough, "It's only a picnic Lizzy" Jane had insisted. Seeing Jane that decided on a flirty little sundress Liz chuckled softly only a picnic uh huh. Sure Jane, you always dress like that for a picnic.

They were actually going to a barbecue at Charlie's new house. Charlie was Jane's boyfriend and he had just purchased the house to be closer to work, and to Jane Liz thought. Although Jane would be the last one to admit it.

The girls set off, both happy that the rest of the family was away or too ill to attend. There were times her sisters could be a bit much, and Mama, well she meant well...but Jane was nervous enough meeting Charlie's family and friends without Mama's hints, loud hints, that they should get married. She and Charlie barely knew each other. They had met at the university where they were both working in the admissions office and began dating only six months ago. Tonight Jane would meet his sisters and a brother-in-law for the first time.

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William was in a bad mood, a normal state for him lately. Everything was going wrong. George was back and Will was highly suspicious of George's motives for hanging around. He claimed he had turned his life around and that he missed his family. So far, George had done nothing except be friendly. That alone was enough to put Will on edge. Adding to his bad mood was thanks to Caroline and her announcing lately to everyone that they were getting married someday. I'd at least like to propose first he thought. Marriage to Caroline?? Well, there are worse prospects. I think.

He watched Charlie was pacing nervously, hoping everything went well today. Charlie had confided in him that he was considering marrying Jane if this meeting of the families went well. Charlie was positive he would never find anyone as wonderful as Jane. Will was afraid Charles was about to do something very foolish, he remembered meeting Jane last month. She was sweet, but quiet, and certainly not head over heels in love.

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Lizzy hoped to arrive at Charlie's a little after the party had already started. This way she and Jane could just slip in and mingle. However, Charlie must have been waiting by the door for them because as they walked up he flung it open and greeted them enthusiastically. Truthfully Charlie did everything enthusiastically. Jane had said that was one of his more endearing qualities. After kissing her until she blushed, Charlie took Jane by the arm and began to introduce her around.

Lizzy hung back a bit to watch the scene. Charlie was cute alright. Decent build, not too tall, not too short, good job, great smile, friendly.... Lizzy decided she particularly liked the way his blue eyes sparkled whenever he spoke to Jane. Well Jane, I think you've done very well falling for this one.

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Charlie's colonial style house was a good size, especially for one in that neighborhood. Elizabeth guessed it was probably a four bedroom, but the backyard was amazing. The double lot was full of old maples providing plenty of shade for hot guests. Near the house there were two long tables set up with food and drink. Charlie had obviously had the party catered -- No guy Elizabeth knew could cook that much food, and Charlie's sisters didn't look like they knew what a kitchen was. There was music and some couples were even dancing. When Jane became involved in a conversation with Charlie's sisters, Elizabeth went to get herself a glass of lemonade.

At the refreshment table two men were engaged in a heated discussion. It was impossible not to overhear them.

"George, I swear if you are trying to pull anything." He sounded threatening. The other man seemed unaffected. He just clapped his hand on the man's shoulder.

"Lighten up Will. God you are soo uptight. Have some fun, go meet a girl. It's a party for cryin' out loud."

"Yes, at Charlie's house. And I will not let YOU make a spectacle of yourself HERE."

"Oh, go dance. There ask the brunette behind you. She's really cute."

"George I'm not interested in dancing. I don't care what she looks like." Will was exasperated. Only George would try to get him interested in a girl in order to cover his own mischief.

George tried again. He dropped his voice so that Elizabeth couldn't hear him, "Come on Will, she looks like she's a lot of fun."

"Back off George. I'm in no mood for your games." Will growled and turned to go. "And don't be stupid." Will stormed away, leaving Elizabeth alone with the other man.

"I guess you heard all that huh?" he asked.

"Not all of it." She smiled at him. He was very handsome and the look he gave her made her smile even more.

"The name's George."

"Hi George, Elizabeth." she stuck out her hand; when he took it and kissed it she almost melted.

"I'm glad you didn't hear all of that. It wouldn't do for your ears to be subjected to such language." He hinted.

"Oh, thank you." she blushed and took a good look at George. His brown hair and green eyes were nicely set off by a dark tan and white polo shirt. She guessed he must work outside to get such a tan. Or he's totally vain and has nothing better to do than to lie out tanning.

"Mmmm. Elizabeth, would you care to dance?" George asked and led her to the floor.

Someone put on some slower music so George was able to hold her as they danced. Elizabeth liked his well toned arms and back. He whirled her around the floor effortlessly.

"You know I bribed someone to put on some slow music just so I could hold you." he whispered.

She laughed at his nonsense, "Well I'm honored you would go to such an effort just for me." Surely he doesn't expect me to believe that, he's just teasing. Although she did decide that George was a good dancer, definitely cute, and worth getting to know a little better.

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Chapter 1b

Posted on Monday, 24 July 2000

William watched George and the brunette dancing. He had noticed the brunette earlier, when George suggested she looked fun. At the time he shrugged it off. If she was stupid enough to fall for George's baloney why should he interfere? Another conquest for good old George. I'm not saving her neck. Let her learn the hard way what he's all about. Will thought cynically. After all I'm tired of always bailing him out just because he likes to 'have fun.' I will kill him if he tries to spike the lemonade, again. Will snort of disgust went unnoticed except for a nearby squirrel, who ran off. Although last year it was funny watching Caroline fall into the flowerbed and throw up. Will sighed and went to find Charles, he needed to talk to someone, maybe find a way to warn the brunette about her choice of company.

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After a dancing a while with George, Elizabeth said she was tired and thirsty. George trying to be a complete gentleman, led her to a chair and went to get her a drink. He returned quickly. Elizabeth took the proffered lemonade and drank it quickly. George offered to get her another. Anything to make you go away George. When he left Jane came over to Elizabeth.

"Lizzy there you are." Jane said.

"Just taking a breather Jane. Where's Charlie?" Elizabeth was glad to sit down. After two dances she had decided George might be good-looking but he had this was of staring at her when they danced that made her feel creepy.

"He's talking to William and Caroline."

"Who are William and Caroline?"

"Charlie's sister and his best friend. I think he and Caroline are also dating. Who are you dancing with?"


"AND???" Jane raised her eyebrows, "Give me details."

"Nothing to report. He's cute but sort of Collins creepy."

"Oh Elizabeth, surely he's not that bad." Jane laughed.

"You should have heard the lines he was trying to feed me! Only soap opera characters and Lydia fall for such nonsense as he was spouting."

"Perhaps you misunderstood him. Maybe he is just not good at small talk."

"On the contrary, he was very good at small talk. Every word out of his mouth was designed to flatter me into thinking he was wonderful. Trust me Jane, even you will not like him. Here he comes, you'll see." Elizabeth gestured as George returned with her drink. She introduced them. "Thank you George. Jane this is George."

"Hello." Jane smiled at him.

""Wellll, hello. A pleasure to meet you." George kissed he hand and gave her his most dazzling, if-this-doesn't-work-out-I'll-come-find-you smile.

"Nice to meet you George." Jane smiled back with her ice-princess-get-lost-you-slimy-toad-and-don't-come-back-you-loser smile. She gave Lizzy a knowing look, "I really must go find my DARLING Charlie."

Elizabeth smiled as Jane left and gave George her You-total-jerk-don't-you-dare-hit-on-my-sister-especially-while-I'm-sitting-right-here look of death, and excused herself to find the washroom.

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There was a line. Okay only one guy waiting, but still it was A LINE! ARGH! First George turns out to be a total sleaze and now there is a line! How could there be a line...she sighed. She was beginning to feel a headache, and she REALLY had to go...

Lizzy got in line behind the guy. One glance at him and she recognized him as 'Will.' the one who was talking to George earlier. "You're Will, right?"

Will glance fell on an average looking girl. Average hair, average height, average looks, average figure, average intelligence, nothing special. He was bored. "Hmmm?"

"You're name - it's Will right?"

"Yes." He stared at her, bored and suspicious.

"Relax, I heard someone mention your name earlier." Elizabeth laughed at his expression.


"I just wondered if I could go before you?"

"Before me?"

"To the BATHROOM. I really need to go..." DORK. Either this guy's an arrogant jerk or he is linguistically challenged she thought.

"Sure, go ahead." He smiled. Actually he was relieved this girl only wanted to cut in line. He had already been hit on six times this evening and that was without counting Caroline's incessant clinging.

She smiled back as the door opened, "Thanks."

Will stared at the closed door, Wow, what a cute smile. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she did hit on me.

As Elizabeth left the bathroom she thanked Will again. Will smiled back as he shut the door.

Okay, he's cute... she sighed, Probably already has a girlfriend. I think I'll go find Jane and eat some supper.

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Once outside, Elizabeth couldn't find Jane so she had to sit down and eat by herself. She found a spot at a picnic table in the back, the perfect spot for observing the crowd. She noticed Will and smiled at him as he saw her. His face froze as Caroline seized his arm and leaned on him. I knew he had to have a girlfriend. The good ones always do. That's Caroline, so he must be Charlie's friend. Jane said they were dating.

Elizabeth's admiration was interrupted by George.

"Hey babe, there you are." He smile was beginning to look like a leer to Elizabeth. She ignored him and continued eating. "Babe, what's the matter? We were getting along so well. Here I even brought you something to drink."

"Thanks George. I, um, really wasn't thirsty."

"Well, here take it anyway." He pushed the lemonade into her hands.

Elizabeth took it and set it down. George moved over and put his arm around her. Elizabeth moved away. George moved closer. Elizabeth fell off the end of the bench. She brushed off what little was left of her dignity, glared at George, and went to find Jane.

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At dinner Will saw George and the brunette from the bathroom again, only this time she looked mad. He choked on his laughter when she fell off the bench trying to get away. Maybe she's not as stupid as I thought. Oh, she's coming over here. She was smiling and approaching Charlie.

"Hi Charlie, have you seen Jane?"

"Umm, I think she's in the kitchen looking for bar-b-que sauce? Or something."

Elizabeth laughed, "Yep, that's Jane. She loves bbq sauce and sauerkraut on her bratwurst. Don't worry, that's her only failing."

Will thought she looked adorable when she laughed.

"Lizzy, what kind of mischief are you telling Charlie?" Jane asked as she arrived with her bratwurst.

To Will's amazement Lizzy assumed the most innocent expression, "Jane what ever makes you think that?"

"Don't feign innocence, you've got that look in your eye again."

Elizabeth laughed, "Well, there is that strange concoction you're eating." Jane rolled her eyes. "Actually I was really just trying to get away from that guy over there." She pointed discreetly to George.

Will glowered, "What's he done NOW?"

Elizabeth looked at him curiously. "You mean other than hit on Jane, me, and probably every other female in the room, human or not?"

"He's been a perfect gentleman to me." Caroline proclaimed. "Perhaps he just prefers a trashier sort of woman." She looked pointedly at Elizabeth and Jane.

Jane changed the subject. "Oh, Will have you met Lizzy?"

Liz smiled, Thank you, big sister. I'd hate to smear her blood all over Charlie's nice back yard. "We met before, but we weren't formally introduced," she laughed. "It's nice to meet you Will."

"Really?" Caroline's voice was saccharin, "and where did you meet?"

Will finally looked away from George. "The bathroom. Nice to meet you as well Lizzy."

"I'm sorry Jane, I'm developing a bit of a headache. Do you have any sinus medicine with you?" asked Elizabeth.

"It's in my purse Lizzy." Jane gestured toward the house. "I think I left it in one of the guest rooms."

"Liz if you need to lie down go ahead. There's several extra bedrooms upstairs." Charlie said.

"Thanks Charlie, Maybe I'll do that." and she went inside.

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Will was never sure what made him decide to follow her inside. At the time he thought he was just trying to escape Caroline's talons. Jane preferred to think it was fate that led Will to rescue Liz. What ever the reason it was indeed fortuitous that Will was inside the house to hear Elizabeth's muffled scream.

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Chapter 1c

Posted on Wednesday, 26 July 2000

Running to the guestroom Will found George embracing Elizabeth, trying to kiss her. George had turned his head at the sound of the door being flung open. Elizabeth, seizing the opportunity, kneed him but missed doing any good. It was enough though, it threw George off balance and Elizabeth was able to shove him away. In doing so, she lost her balance, stumbled and hit her head on a night stand.

Will quickly grabbed George by his shoulders to restrain him.

"Get out of here Will. This is just a lovers quarrel." George sneered.

"Lover's quarrel! I...We...you pig! You a filthy, disgusting, son of a one-eyed lame goat." Elizabeth yelled at him.

Will burst out laughing. Were on earth did she learn to say THAT? Later, Will would look back on this moment and realize it as the first time he ever saw how truly unique and wonderful Lizzy was. But for now he was more concerned with George.

George didn't think it was funny, and seeing Will laughing made what little reason he had flee. George swung at Will. Unfortunately for George, Will simply grabbed him and shoved him into the wall.

Elizabeth flinched. Oh, that's gonna leave a mark on the wall she thought. It did. There was a nice little dent where George's head proved that most every solid object has a breaking point.

Will dragged a dazed George downstairs and out the front door. "Get out George. And don't come back."

"You broke my head Darcy! You're gonna pay for this. I promise you, you'll pay!" He hollered as he got in his car and drove away.

Will turned back to see Elizabeth standing behind him. "You're bleeding! Are you all right?"

She smiled. "Yes, thank you. I'm fine. Just thoroughly ticked off."

"Come sit down." Will led her inside to a chair and went to get a towel for the blood. It looked as if she had cut her forehead right at the hairline so that's where Will pressed the towel. "Can I get you anything? Maybe some wine?"

"No, no wine." she laughed. "I'm already light headed. Wine would make me too tipsy." Will laughed in spite of himself. "But thank you for getting him out of here. I was a little scared that I wouldn't have been able to fight him off for much longer." Elizabeth looked into his eyes and got lost. Will stared back. I wonder if I could kiss her. Bad idea idiot.

"I think the bleeding's almost stopped" he said. She reached up and took the towel away from him "I'm fine. I think I'd like to go clean up a bit." As she stood up, Elizabeth felt dizzy. Suddenly she looked at Will and did a very ladylike swoon. Will caught her and sat her back down.

"Put your head between your knees. You are in no condition to get up just yet. Maybe I should take you to the hospital."

"No, I didn't hit my head that hard, head wounds always bleed a lot. I think I'll be fine." Elizabeth was shaking involuntarily. Will and was tender and gentle as he reached out to steady her hands. Elizabeth sat up and again looked into his eyes. Tears welled up in her eyes as the shock wore off. Will smiled as her rubbed her back to comfort her. After a few moments she pulled herself together and in a tremulous voice said, " I need to go find Jane. I want to go home."

"Sit here. I'll go get her."

When Will returned with Jane and Charlie, Elizabeth had stopped shaking and was no longer in danger of bursting into tears. "Lizzy, Thank God you're all right." Jane's hug brought fresh tears to her eyes.

"I'm fine Jane, just shaken up. If you don't mind, could you take me home? You can come back after you drop me off. I just don't feel very sociable right now."

"Of course Lizzy. Let's go." Jane stood up and pulled Lizzy to her feet. "Charlie, I am going to take Elizabeth home. I should be back in an hour or so."

"Elizabeth, " Will spoke up. "Would you allow me to drive you home?"

"No Will, that's really not necessary. Thank you. I can take her home." Jane smiled but there was a firmness in her demeanor that came from years of being in charge of many younger siblings. She knew how to stand firm against opposition.

"Please Jane," Will however also knew how to press his point and win an argument. "You want to stay with Charlie, and I'm not, I don't like big parties. Just ask Charlie about his Christmas party when I hid behind the tree most of the night." Charlie laughed in agreement and Will continued, "And it would make me feel better if I knew she was safe and that George hadn't followed her home."

"OH my. Would he do something, like that?" Jane was frightened.

Will tried to sound reassuring. "I doubt it. This is probably just my big brother instincts acting up." Truthfully Will was afraid that George would do exactly that. He had a feeling that George might try something stupid and this time Elizabeth might not be able to fight him off.

It was Elizabeth who ended the discussion. "Jane It's fine. Will can drive me home. Stay and enjoy the party." Elizabeth suddenly looked very small and fragile to everyone.

Will led her out to his car, holding her by the elbow in case she felt faint again. So he kept telling himself. Elizabeth was even more disconcerted by the feelings she had when Will touched her than by any faintness from her experience. Good Elizabeth, try explaining how you fainted at Will's touch instead of because of your head wound. That would a charming start to a relationship. RELATIONSHIP? What am I thinking. He's engaged. You just graduated college and are much too young for him. Just get a grip and go home.

She hugged Jane, "Thanks, I'll see you later." Turning to Charlie, "I'm sorry this happened Charlie."

"Lizzy, don't even think about it. I'M sorry this happened. You take care." Charles hugged her as she and Will left.

Jane and Charlie walked back to the house arm in arm, thinking it might be easier than they thought to set up Will and Lizzy. Charlie especially thought Will would be happier with Elizabeth than he seemed to be with Caroline. Much as he loved Caroline, she was difficult to be around. It would be nice to see Will happy. Neither noticed the black SUV following Will's car.

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Chapter 2

Posted on Sunday, 30 July 2000

Will and Elizabeth drove for several minutes in silence before one of them found some way to break the ice. Elizabeth spoke first. "Thanks for driving me home Will."

"My pleasure." He reached out an squeezed her hand.

She laughed, "Oh yes, I can see a great deal of pleasure leaving a party to escort me home."

"I think helping you is much nicer than any party." he said quietly.

She changed the subject. "You know that's twice you rescued me tonight."

"Twice?" Will looked puzzled.

"First the at bathroom and then George."

"I hardly think letting you pee is saving you." He smiled at her, and wondered how hard she'd hit him if he kissed her. He quickly removed his hand from hers and concentrated on the road. "And don't forget this car ride. That makes three. You owe me now."

I can't believe how cute he is when he smiles. I wish he'd just kiss me. Careful Elizabeth, he's got a girlfriend Elizabeth sighed. "Oh I do huh? Well, thanks. Anytime you need rescuing just let me know. I'll put on my super hero costume and try to even the score. OH, Here's my apartment. Turn here!"

Will pulled into the driveway of an old Empire Victorian. It was a grand three-story house. The previous owner had turned it into 3 apartments and the current owner was doing a lot to restore the woodwork, gingerbread and other little details that made the house stand out.

"I'll see you in and make sure everything's alright." Will said.

Elizabeth and Jane shared the third floor apartment. It's beautiful view made up for the long flight of stairs. Lizzy was impressed that Will made the walk without complaining or needing to catch his breath. The long walk had actually scared off a couple of Lizzy's would be boyfriends. Both boys preferred to wait in their cars for her to come down. She never did.

"Are you going right back or can I offer you some coffee." she said.

"I'll take the coffee."

Elizabeth put on some music, made the coffee, fed the cat, listened to the messages, and all that stuff a person does when they first get home. The cat ate and then jumped into Will's lap and sniffed around before falling asleep. Will relaxed and when Elizabeth joined him they found plenty of superficial nonsense to talk about.

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"Will you've been here over an hour. Don't you need to get back?"

"Probably, but I'm having a much better time just sitting here with you and the cat. I'm not much for social events."

"Really? Charlie seems to thrive on them."

"Ah yes, Charlie never met a party or a blonde he didn't like." Will noticed the look of alarm on her face. "Don't worry. I've never seen him this gone on anyone before. Jane has totally captured his heart."

Elizabeth relaxed. "Good. She's so gone on him that if he broke her heart I'd be forced to mutilate him, and I'm mild compared to what my brother's would do."

"How many brother's do you have?"

"Three. Well, two Mike and Shawn. Mike's 25 and Shawn and Jane are twins. Then there's Jeremy."


"He's my sister Mary's husband. They got married last year, after Jeremy, Jane, and Shawn all graduated from Meryton University. But he and Mary dated like 6 years, so he's been acting big brotherish for a long time. Mary's still in college."

"There's five kids in your family?"

"No, seven." She grinned, this information always shocked people.

"Seven?" Will's spit take was worthy of being filmed.

"Yep. I'm the perfect middle child. Three older, three younger. Why, how many are there in your family?"

"Just me and my sister. And she's only 16." Will was wiping off himself and wondering if he needed to apologize to the cat for spewing coffee on him, so Elizabeth's next question caught him off guard again.

"You're what? 30? 32? That's like having two only children."

"Actually I'm 27." Geez, Do I really look that old? Well, spitting on the cat probably didn't improve my appearance.

"Wow. You're younger than I thought. You seem old." she shrugged.

"Thanks. I'll just get my walker and go." Will groaned and made a big show of being stuck in the chair.

Elizabeth laughed. "I just meant, well most guys who are your age are flighty jerks or obsessed with their career and their toys. You seem more, down to earth."

"That's a compliment right?" She nodded. "Well, how old are you then?"

"I'm 23, Jane and Shawn are 24, Mike's 25." Seeing his expression Elizabeth laughed. "Yeah, after I was born my mom actually had 4 kids age 2 and under. Then Mary's 21, Cathy's 18, and Lydia 16."

"Your house must be rather noisy."

"OH you have no idea, we had one bathroom until I started high school. At that point my mom insisted that Dad pay to finished the one in he started before he left."

"He left?"

Elizabeth looked away quietly. "Yeah, he ditched us, moved to Canada and started over."

"Do you see him often?"

"Dad hasn't called or written since Jane and Shawn graduated from High School."

"But that's been..."

"A long time. Will let's talk about something else now, please." She smiled tensely. Will noticed a faint sadness in her expression. "Tell me about your parents."

"They died 5 years ago, just before I finished college."

"I'm sorry. That must have been hard. Are you raising your sister?"

Will didn't answer. He did not want to open up to her. He had this feeling that if he let her in, first he would cry and second he would never want to let her go.

"Will I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to pry." She said softly.

He looked up at her, mesmerized by her gentleness and strength. He smiled "You weren't. I'm not used to talking about personal things."

"Guess we're a bit alike in that area. At least I have Jane. Can't you talk to Caroline?"

"Talk with Caroline Bingley? Not unless it about something designer and expensive." he scoffed.

"Oh. I thought you and she were, close."

"No, we're not. We're not engaged or anything, you know. She tells people we are but, there's nothing there." For some reason it was really important to Will that Elizabeth know he was unattached. "I've never even asked her out."

"OH, really." Elizabeth searched for something to change the subject. She did not want to think that there might be a chance for her with Will. Suddenly she grinned mischievously. "Want some ice cream?"

"Ice cream?" How do we go from Caroline to ice cream?

"I missed dessert at Charlie's. Want to join me?" she darted into the kitchen, laughing at his confusion. "I've got Brownie Caramel or Cookie Dough..."

Minutes later, as Will and Elizabeth both settled down at the table with a bowl of Brownie Caramel ice cream, the phone rang.

"Hi Jane. No I'm fine...has it really...sorry. Yeah, Will's here. I guess we started talking and forgot about the time. ...No problem...I'll see you later. Yes, I'm sure I'm fine. We're eating ice cream...brownie Caramel...I can if I want to! Hey, you're not here to do anything about it big sister. ...Uh huh. Okay Bye Jane."

Elizabeth sat down shaking her head and laughing. "Jane says Hi and we are not to eat all of the ice cream. She was worried about us. You've been gone almost 3 hours."

"Should I go?" Will hoped she would say no. He wanted to stay an eat his ice cream.

"I don't think you need to rush back. Unless you need to get back..." She was hoping he wanted to stay.

"I see no reason to get back. It's not like I was really enjoying the party. I'm having a much better time talking with you," He looked into her eyes for a brief second and smiled, "and I want to finish my ice cream."

When Will smiled at her Elizabeth's stomach did little flip-flops which, while unfamiliar, were not entirely unpleasant. "Oh, I, um...I'm going to go change the music." She scurried out of the kitchen leaving a confused Will.

Why she so skittish? Doesn't she want me to stay? Maybe I should go talk to her.

Will called after her, "Elizabeth? Is something wrong?"

"No, no, not at all. I just thought we could have some different music. Do you like Faith Hill?" She called.

Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight
Dance across your face and I've
Never been this swept away

Will walked up directly behind her, "Why did...."

"Aaaaack!" she screamed, spun around, and held her hand to her heart. "You scared me."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." He stepped back.

Elizabeth instinctively laid her hand on his arm, "No, I just didn't realize you were right behind,...me." The look in his eyes made forget what she was trying to say and her stomach did flip-flops again.

All my thoughts seem to settle on the breeze
When I'm lying wrapped up in your arms
The whole world just fades away
The only thing I hear
Is the beating of your heart

He leaned into her slowly, cautiously, afraid if he stopped concentrating he would forget how to breathe. In the back of his mind Will wondered if perhaps he shouldn't do this...

He kissed her, gently, softly.

'Cause I can feel you breathe
It's washing over me
Suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove
Baby all we need is just to be

Abruptly he pulled away and asked, "Would you like to dance?"

Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way
That love's supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe

"Dance?" Why not kiss? she wondered Did I do something wrong?

"Well, I never got to dance with you at the party. Would you dance with me now?" I have to stop kissing you now, or I won't be able to stop at all.

"Dance...sure...that would be nice..." Since when has being asked to dance reduced me to babbling incoherence?

Will took her into his arms and they began to dance. Everything just felt right. He loved the feel of her hair as it gently brushed the back of his hand.

In a way I know my heart is waking up
As all the walls come tumbling down
I'm closer than I've ever felt before
And I know
And you know
There's no need for words right now

"Will?" She looked up.

He looked down into her shining eyes and kissed her again. Elizabeth sighed and reached up to caress the hair on his neck. Will closed his eyes, enjoying every moment of dancing with her in his arms. She leaves me breathless.

'Cause I can feel you breathe
It's washing over me
Suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove
Baby all we need is just to be

Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way
That love's supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe

He opened his eyes, "Lizzy?" This time she kissed him.

Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way
That love's supposed to be

I can feel you breathe
Just breathe

"Lizzy, I can't begin to tell you how amazing you are..." he whispered.

I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way

Elizabeth reached up and kissed him again.

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Chapter 3

Posted on Wednesday, 2 August 2000

Will stayed with Elizabeth that night, falling asleep with her wrapped in his embrace. Jane returned to the apartment sometime after midnight and quietly shut the door to Elizabeth's room before retiring to her own room.

Seeing Will and Elizabeth asleep in her bed surprised Jane. Jane worried and pondered this situation as she got ready for bed. She was devoted to her family and was especially close to Lizzy. Though she and Shawn were twins, it was Lizzy that Jane trusted and confided in.

Oh Lizzy, I hope you know what you're doing. Will a great guy but you just met him, do you really know him? Are you sure about this?

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Will and Elizabeth woke early, just after sunrise. It took each a moment to become fully aware of the other. At first there was just a delicious sense of contentment and love, and then exchanges of smiles and blushes and kisses and good mornings.

It was Elizabeth who suggested that he should go home. She needed to get ready for church, and perhaps it would be good if Will were gone when Jane woke up.

"I think it might shock Jane to find you here. I'd like to talk to her first. We're rather protective of each other." she explained as Will got dressed.

Will paused while getting dressed, and kissed her. "You're wonderful Elizabeth. Do you know how much I love you right now?" He ran his fingers through her hair, pulling gently on the tangles. She smiled at him.

"I love you too Will."

"I want to see you later today. Can I call you after church?"

"I'd like that." she snuggled into his embrace. "What are you doing this morning Will?"

He laughed, "I promised to take Charlie golfing. He thinks he's gotten good enough to beat me." He held her tightly for a minute. "Elizabeth if I don't go now, neither of us is going anywhere this morning."

She looked puzzled at this, until his meaning became clear. "Aha, well then. I will see you later my love."

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Will did not call that afternoon. He had promised to. When he left that morning he promised to call her. Elizabeth sighed, thinking about last night. How wonderful Will was, how sweet and tender and, and, and...she shivered pleasantly at the memories of what Will did. So why hasn't he called?

Elizabeth had spent most of Sunday, after church, hanging around the apartment waiting. Jane and Charlie had made plans for the day, and so Elizabeth was alone. By 4:00 she was prepared to declare Will the biggest no-good jerk ever and forget that she had ever met him. Truthfully she was on the verge of tears, thinking that after last night he should at least call. She was certain she would never speak to Will again.

That is until he knocked on her door a few moments later.

"Hi." He grinned and handed her the most enormous bouquet of flowers she had ever held.

"Hi. Thanks for the flowers but I WAS expecting a phone call..." she challenged.

"Okay." He left and ran downstairs.

Elizabeth stood frozen in shock until the phone rang.

"Hello?" Elizabeth answered.

"Is this better?" Will asked.

"Will!!!" Her shriek made the cat wake up. "What are you doing?"

"I didn't want to disappoint you by not calling. Can I come up NOW?"

Five minutes later Elizabeth opened the door again for Will. "You are the strangest man I have ever met."

"Can I assume that is a compliment? Or would you rather not have dinner with a strange guy?"

"Dinner? With you?" she actually blushed at the thought of a date.


"Okay. Do I need to change?"

Will glanced over her cut off-shorts and 'I Love NY' t-shirt and grinned, "No. I have something else in mind. Wait here a minute." He stepped into the hallway and came right back. "Dinner, a movie, and ice cream." He grinned. Elizabeth's breathing stopped momentarily.

"What's for dinner?" she recollected herself and tried to act casual.

"Chinese." She was about to tell him she loved Chinese take-out when he blurted out, " Don't be too impressed. I asked Jane this afternoon what you would like for dinner."

Elizabeth actually was impressed with his ingenuity and how charming he was being. A picnic in the living room was delightful. Will was so sweet to think of something like this. I think I am in great danger of being head over heels hopelessly in love with him. He is certainly the best looking guy I've ever had dinner with. Argh! Don't smile like that Will. You make my heart is beating too hard. Oh, I just know I'm going to blush all night.

Meanwhile Will's thought were running pretty parallel to Elizabeth's except he wasn't thinking about blushing, just worrying about sweating from nerves.

"Here can you put the ice cream away?" he asked

"What did you get?"

"Brownie Caramel, one for us and one for Jane."

Elizabeth laughed, "Oh you are just too sweet. Jane's going to love you."

What about you Elizabeth?

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They were cleaning up after eating when Will told her that George had stopped by Charlie's house earlier.


"He apologised for everything. Said he was drunk." Will looked carefully at Elizabeth.

"I don't think he was very drunk Will. He didn't act drunk, he acted mean." she said. "What did you guys do?"

"Charlie forgave him. I accepted his apology. But I don't trust him. I've known him too long to believe that he was really sincere." Will wrapped his arms around her waist. "He asked for your phone number."

"WHAT! WHY! You didn't give it to him did you?"

"Of course not. He said he wanted to apologize to you as well. That he was out of line and owed you an apology. I stopped Charlie from giving you number to him and just told him to give me any messages for you and I would see that you got them."

It was good Will had her in his arms, it prevented her from throwing breakable objects as she launched into an extended curse about George's lack of human parentage. Will laughed and interrupted her "Elizabeth you are amazing. Most women would get all faint and scared."

"I am not and never will be like most women." she answered defiantly, "Do you mind?"

"Not at all."

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After a wonderful night, it was time for Will to go. At the door he swung Elizabeth around and kissed her for a very long time.

"Uh HEM!"

"JANE!" Elizabeth and Will both blushed bright red. "We were just...that is Will...I, uh, oh.."

Jane smiled at the both. "Could you let me in please? You're blocking the doorway."

"Sure sorry," Will mumbled.

"Nice to see you awake Will. Charlie and I were, um wondering where you were last night and why you ran off so quickly this afternoon. I guess we have our answers." She looked the couple over, who while embarrassed at being caught in such a passionate embrace, had not let go of each other. Jane smirked and went into the kitchen.

"Lizzy," she called back, "Don't forget to lock the door."

"Well, I believe that is my cue to go. Good night then." Will said. He hugged her again, holding on a little longer than normal. Elizabeth relaxed and rested her head on his shoulder.



"Go home."

He looked down at her to find her smiling at him. Sigh! She is wonderful. I need to leave now! "Good night Elizabeth. I'll call you tomorrow."

She shut the door and leaned against it. So this is love. She roused herself and got ready for bed.

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20 minutes later there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Elizabeth looked out the window but could only see a black SUV, which she didn't recognize, out front.

"Elizabeth, It's Caroline Bingley, can I talk to you?" There was no answer but Caroline heard the unbolting of the door.

When it opened she was greeted with a surprising sight, Elizabeth was ready for bed. She had put on her pj's, scrubbed her face, brushed her teeth and all those things girls do to get ready for bed. "Hi."

"I'm Caroline, Charlie's sister."

"I remember." Elizabeth just waited. She was in no hurry to invite this woman in. "Do you want Jane for something?"

"No. I came to talk to you." Caroline looked demurely at her. "Look I just wanted to apologize for what I said the other night. It's been bothering me all weekend."

"It's fine." Elizabeth just wanted her to go away.

"NO, I was totally rude. I'm sorry. It's just that Will and I had been fighting all day Friday and I was just really crabby, and," Caroline sighed, "I'm afraid he's getting cold feet."

"Cold feet?"

"Yeah, I know it's normal for guys to be nervous about the wedding but he's so distant lately. I know he loves me, guess I'm just scared that he's going to do something stupid, like have a fling or something."

"I see." Elizabeth paled.

"Sometimes he's just wonderful, like this morning when we went out to breakfast and then went golfing. He was just like himself, very attentive and sweet. And then he gets all moody and distant and disappears for hours."

"You think that this means he's cheating?" Her voice was shaking, she couldn't help it. Damn, I have got to calm down before she sees that this is affecting me.

Caroline continued, trusting Elizabeth with her 'secrets.' "Well, he did this once before, got really moody and distant, and then took up with some college girl he'd just met. He even told her there was nothing between us." Caroline rubbed her hands over her face. "I had thought we had worked through our problems, but that night at the party, I just couldn't stand it, when it seemed he was starting this all over again." Caroline emitted a small sob. After a moment she collected herself. " So, I'm sorry you got caught in my bad day. I hope we can still be friends since my brother and your sister are pretty close."

"Um, sure. Thanks for apologizing and congratulations I guess." Elizabeth's emotions hit bottom. Will had lied and used her. He was getting married and she was a fling. Elizabeth suddenly needed to get Caroline out of her apartment. "Look, I'm sorry but I was getting ready for bed. I need to go. "

"Thanks for letting me talk to you. You won't tell Charlie or anyone will you. I'd hate for Will to think I'm just a silly girl." Caroline smirked.

"Sure, no problem." Elizabeth managed to shut the door and feed the cat before collapsing on her bed in tears.

Oh, Will. I thought you loved me. I really, really thought I was someone...someone special. Argh! How could you deceive me like this?

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Chapter 4

Posted on Saturday, 5 August 2000

Two months later...

Will stared out of the plane as it landed at Seattle Airport, indulging in the very dangerous art of talking to himself. When did my life become so very complicated?

Outwardly very little had in fact changed in Will's life. His business flourished, his sister had recovered from her E Coli infection and would be returning to school. He had just recently discovered that Aunt Catherine would not make an appearance at Christmas, he was safe until Easter. George was gone...

George...that's when this all started. When I beat up George, and met Elizabeth. Why am I obsessing about a small-town meaningless girl?

Because there is nothing meaningless about her.

What would you know about it?

Everything dork.

Since when?

Since you decided you love her.

I do not love her.

You thought you did two months ago.

That was before she refused to speak to me. She refused all my calls.

Oh ye of the fragile ego. You love her and you know it.

Elizabeth means nothing to me. She was just a fling. She was a gold digger who was trying to get what she could.

And she asked for what?


I'm sorry what was that?

NOTHING. She didn't ask me for anything.

Well, that blows your gold digger theory apart.

Well...why wouldn't she even speak to me when I called?

Ask her.

I tried!

Two phone calls is NOT trying. Try again.

What's the point? She'll find out I'm wealthy, and we'll start the whole, give me this, you don't love me or you would routine. It's not worth it.

Stop pouting. She was worth it 2 months ago.

She doesn't care about me.

Why should she? You called her twice in two months. What do you think SHE felt when you left for Connecticut the NEXT DAY?

Georgiana was sick! I had to go immediately.

You should have tried harder to talk to her...

I don't see why...

Then you're a fool and a knave. You need to go see her.

Who uses the term knave anymore?

You just did - you're still talking to your self.

I have got to get a life...

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"Lizzy? Lizzy talk to me. You've been moping around for weeks. What's going on?" Jane was worried. Elizabeth had been known to have her blue moods but this...Jane's instincts told her this was more than just a blue mood. Elizabeth hadn't left her room except to go to work for the last two weeks.

"Elizabeth Bennet!"

She sat up and glared at her sister. "Jane I'm fine. And stop calling me Elizabeth. You only did that when I little and in trouble, and I am no longer 6."

"No you're not. What's going on? I'm worried. This doesn't have anything to do with the phone calls from George lately does it?"

"No, he's still trying to apologize and get on my good side. I keep telling him I don't have one, but he won't quit calling. I still don't know how he got our number." Elizabeth sighed and stared out of the window. "I.. Jane did something really stupid. Something I shouldn't have." Tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"You mean Will?"

"YOU know?! How?? I mean, I guess you probably figured out that there was something going on."

"Yeah, Well, I'm not blind or stupid. First the fact that he didn't go back to Charlie's that night, and he was gone most for the next afternoon and evening. Plus I was the one who closed your door that night and saw the two of you asleep together. Not to mention that little kiss I walked in on."

"I can have no secrets from you, can I?" Elizabeth groaned. There was one secret Jane didn't know yet.

"No, besides it helps to have a confidant, and I'm always here for you Lizzy." Jane rubbed Lizzy's back soothing her agitated sister.

"Jane I..." Elizabeth sat up. She was crying. Jane hugged and made soothing noises. "Oh Jane I thought..." Elizabeth tried to calm down. "I thought Will and I had something...I thought he loved me. And now it's all a mess. He's getting married to Caroline and I'm..." She collapsed in tears.

Jane didn't quite understand she sister's mumbled ramblings, but she tried to comfort her. "Lizzy, it's not that bad. I'm sure you just misunderstood Will. He wouldn't tell you he loved you if he was marrying someone else."

"But he did Jane. He said he loved me!"

Jane looked perplexed. There was no way to make Will the good guy, he had lied to Lizzy and cheated on Caroline. "Oh, poor Caroline. Will cheated on her."

"JANE!! What about me! We...I...Damn"

"Lizzy don't swear!" Jane chastised. After a moment she spoke calmly. "Lizzy I know it's a terrible blow to have deceived yourself like this. You did know about Will and Caroline even before. I really can't believe Will would cheat like that, I never would have thought he was that kind of guy. Maybe...maybe Caroline isn't telling the whole truth about their relationship." Jane noticed Lizzy starting to cry. "Oh, Lizzy. It'll be all right. I know it's not great that you and Will slept together but maybe you can try to forget him."

"Jane, I can't ever forget him."

"Lizzy I know you're romantic and this is all very melodramatic but it would be best if you just let him go."

"I can't. Don't you get it?! I'm pregnant Jane."

Jane sat very still. "Are you sure?" Elizabeth nodded. "Is that why you've been so moody the last two weeks?"

"At first I tried to think that maybe Caroline was wrong or lying. Then, when Will high tailed it to Connecticut the next day, that says it all."

"Lizzy, he left because his sister was sick. He wanted to take care of her. Actually he couldn't stop talking about you. Charles says when he calls he asks about you." Jane began to think, "Lizzy, Will always asks about you but never even wants to speak to Caroline."

"You think maybe Will isn't marrying...Oh grrrrrrrr!" she punched her pillow in frustration. "Why doesn't he call me!"

"You hung up on him the few times he did call."

"Now I wish I had talked to him. Maybe there might have been a chance for us..." She began to stare out of the window again. "Do you know...Is he ever coming back?"

"He his, but I don't know when. He's in Seattle now on business, but he told Charles he might stop by when he was through. You have to tell him about the baby."

Elizabeth nodded and then paled, "Oh God Jane...Mom."

Jane opened her mouth and then closed it, there was nothing she could say.

"Jane mom's going to freak, completely totally freak. And Mike and Shawn and Jeremy,...crap. They're going to beat the hell out of Will. What have I done!!" she wailed.

"Elizabeth calm down!!"

It took several deep breaths before Elizabeth could calm down enough to think. "Jane. Jane, promise me you won't tell anyone, especially Charlie. I want to be the one to tell Will and the family. "

"Sure Lizzy, if that's the way you want it."

"I do. I don't think I'll tell anyone who the father is, at least not now."


"No Jane. Not now. I don't want my brother's forming a shotgun wedding party or a lynch mob. I don't want Will hurt."

After a moment Jane asked tenderly, "What about you? Aren't you getting hurt?"

Elizabeth blinked back tears. "Jane he doesn't want me. He's had two months and he's never come back. I can safely assume I didn't mean...that I was a quick fling. And in that case, I don't want anything from him. I refuse to ask for his help or use this to trap him."

"You are being irrational right now." Jane said gently. "Lizzy, you will tell him. He has a right to know, at least. And he has an obligation to help you. Don't do something else stupid because of your pride." It was only Jane who could say such things to Elizabeth and not get yelled at.

Elizabeth chewed her lip for a moment, contemplating Will. "You said he might be in town soon. I need to see him. Will you tell me if he's in town?"

"Only if you get out of your room and try to behave like a normal person." Jane swatted her with a pillow and fled laughing before Lizzy could hit her back.

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Chapter 5

Posted on Thursday, 10 August 2000

Will stopped by Charlie's house a week later and Jane, much to Elizabeth's chagrin, dragged her over there to talk to him.

"Lizzy you have to see him. Besides, maybe he's madly in love with you and he'll be so happy about the baby that he'll whisk you off into the sunset." Jane gave a melodramatic sigh and grin impertinently at Elizabeth.

"Oh Janey. You MUST be in love if you think Will and I are going to fall into each other's arm and elope into happily ever afer."

Jane looked affronted, "You mean you don't believe in love at first sight?"

"Ha...I'm not even sure I believe in love at all." Elizabeth scoffed.

Janey looked puzzled. "I think something is wrong in the universe Lizzy. I'm being impertinent and you're the staid quiet one - we've switched personalities!" Jane ducked and the pillow Lizzy chucked flew harmlessly past her head. "You missed me, sister dear. Now get dressed. WE are leaving in twenty minutes."

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Elizabeth donned her pretty navy sun dress, her favorite dress to wear when she was feeling nervous and wanted to make a good impression. Jane briefly considered making her drink a glass of wine to calm down, but dismissed the idea when she realised that while it was not particularly harmful to the baby, it might be best for Elizabeth to confront Will with a head unmuddled by alcohol.

Will's first glimpse of Elizabeth drove all rational thought out of his brain. He was smitten, besotted, in lust, sweaty palms, dry mouthed with longing, in love.

I never should have stopped trying to get in touch with her. That dress clings just right. Will get your mind out of the gutter. Still I wonder if I kissed her, would she deck me? It might be worth a black eye...

Elizabeth, while completely unaware of Will's state of mind, managed to have remarkably similar thoughts.

He is more handsome than I remember. Oh, WHY didn't I talk to him months ago? He's smiling! Oh, I forgot about his adorable dimples. I wonder if he'd mind if I just ran up and kissed him until he passed out?! I'll bet Caroline would die of shock, hmmm maybe that's not such a bad idea...

"Hi Will. It's nice to see you again," she stammered.

"Hi. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm, um fine. Yourself?" Elizabeth refused to look at him, choosing to stare at his shoes instead.

"Fine." He said.

"How's your sister. Jane said she was sick." Will smiled at her concern.

"She's better thanks."

The silence was more than they could stand but neither knew how to break it. Finally Elizabeth spoke up. "Look, about the party. I'm sorry. I never, I'm not." she sighed. "I'm sorry I wouldn't talk to you when you called."

"Why wouldn't you?" he asked softly.

"Because I knew that...that I was a fling...that it didn't mean anything to you and I was embarrassed that you thought I was just...easy." She turned away so he wouldn't see the tears forming in her eyes.

"You think it was just one of those things, right?" Will didn't think he wanted it to be one of those things. He was fairly certain he wanted Elizabeth to be more than a fling, he wanted to get to know her.

"Yeah, sure." She shrugged.

Will stared dumbly at the floor for a minute, for some reason he kept picturing his father...

Son your mother is the most extraordinary woman I have ever known. She not the most beautiful or talented, but her insides are more beautiful than anyone's. I love how her eyes sparkle when she's happy or excited, and especially when they sparkle because I've done something to make her happy. Don't be fooled into thinking you need to chase beautiful women. Women can change, get surgery, use make-up, there are all kinds of ways to appear beautiful. You need to look for someone who is alive inside. Someone with character and ideas. Someone who will challenge you but let you protect her. Don't be deceived by pretty faces, good bodies, flattery. Don't look only at her appearance. Because you will still feel just as alone unless she has something inside - a kind heart and a good mind.

Will lifted his gaze began to stare at Elizabeth.

That's all well and good, but what does this have to do with Elizabeth?

Listen cloth for brains -- you knew as soon as she made you laugh, as soon as she DIDN'T hit on you, as soon as she cursed George, as soon as you held her, you KNEW there was something special about her. And you let her go...

Will cleared his throat. "Elizabeth I've spent the last two months convincing myself that you didn't mean anything to me. And I can't. I haven't been able to think of anything else but you."

Her face registered complete surprise as she lifted her eyes, shining with hope, to his. "Really? You've missed me!?"

Will laughed, "I know. It's amazing to me as well. I mean you're not usually the type of girl I go for. You're not really beautiful, or famous. It was really hard to overlook your lack of social standing and all, but I'm so glad I could."

Apparently that was the wrong thing for Will to say, as Elizabeth froze and stepped back. Her voice was laden with sarcasm and venom. "MY LACK of class? I'm not pretty enough, or educated enough for you? Do I eat with my toes or snore in public or something? What did you compare me with? Supermodels, actresses, silly empty-headed coeds? Or perhaps it was your already existing fiancée - that charming snake of comportment and decency who treats my own sister like dirt. Oh, don't look surprised that I know all about it - your precious wife to be visited me after you left that night and told me ALL about your past flings and your cold feet. How I could have been STUPID enough to think you cared for me is a mistake I will regret for the rest of my life. But THAT is going to be my only error. I WILL NOT be your mistress, your fling, or your TOY. And I will be DAMMED if I let you corrupt this child in ANY way!!"

"I don't want..." Will shouted.

They were interrupted before either could continue, "William, Daarling. I've been looking everywhere for you. Oh, hello Liz." Caroline grabbed Will's arm. 'Honey come here. I want you to taste this dip I made. I think it's scrumptious, but JANE thinks I should add some onion. As if She would know."

"Later Caroline. I need to talk to Elizabeth." He gave her a half-hearted-go-away-smile.

"Don't be too long Will," Caroline pouted and gave his arm a little caress.

Elizabeth mumbled, "Excuse me." and ran to the bathroom. Caroline flashed a triumphant smile at Elizabeth as she left.

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Once in the bathroom, with the door safely locked, Elizabeth broke down and cried. Finally she splashed water on her face and went to find Will.

She found Will outside, with Caroline hanging on his arm. Seeing Elizabeth, Will disengaged himself and walked over slowly to her.

"You okay?"

She nodded, "Better, can we finish that conversation now? Alone." She indicated Caroline with a glare.

"Yeah, let's go inside."

He led her into the family/media room where he sat on the couch. "You've been crying. What were you talking about? What child?"

Elizabeth tried to sit but found that she was more comfortable standing, and not looking at him. "Will, I'm going to have a baby." His sudden intake of breath made her pause. Hearing nothing else from him she continued, "I'm going to keep it. I don't want anything from you. I just thought I needed to tell you. Although I'm sorry for blurting it out like that. I had hoped to break the news to you more gently."

After a poetic (and pregnant) moment of silence, "A baby?" She nodded. "And I'm the father?"

She nodded again.

"You're certain?"

"Certain that I'm pregnant or certain that your the father?" She quizzed.

"Both I guess."


"Damn." Will swore. Elizabeth paled at this, knowing it was a bad sign. They were silent for some time, wishing it were possible to read each other's thoughts. It would after all, make things much easier.

Elizabeth was about to tell him that she still loved him, she didn't care about Caroline and that she was willing to take whatever time he could give to the baby. She decided she would lay her heart on the line and hope he reciprocated even a little. But Will spoke first.

"What do you want?" Will asked. Not the best thing to say under the circumstances, in fact it was sadly crude, but considering Will's history with gold-diggers and his utter lack of insight into Elizabeth's thoughts it was a forgivable error, eventually.

"I don't want anything. I already told you that." Elizabeth said.

"You don't want ANYTHING?" Will was skeptical. Women always wanted something from him, of course this was the first time he had been presented with this approach. "You mean to tell me that you seduce me, get knocked up, and you don't want anything, no money? What's your scheme? It was Wickham - he put you up to this - it's probably his kid."

"Wickham? Who the hell is Wickham?"

"George, that guy you were all over at the picnic." This was not a forgivable error, this was stupidity and pettiness and arrogance. And Elizabeth had no intention of allowing Will to remain ignorant of his appalling lack of decency and compassion.

I...was...all over? He tried to...you were the one who pulled him off...!" Elizabeth regarded him critically for a moment. Her hand fluttered unconsciously to her stomach. "Are you always this stupid? It's not hereditary is it?"

Will started to protest but she cut him off. "NO. Just listen shut up and listen for a minute you lobotomized ape. If you TRY, you'll remember, I spent most of that day trying to get AWAY from George." she paced up and down, waving her hands at him, her voice rising with each sentence until she was shouting, "There's no scheme. I do not want ANYTHING from you. I was TRYING to retain what little I had left of my dignity after being stupidly, drunkenly seduced by YOU. I was stupid enough to dream of love at first sight. And just so there's NO further mistake or question about my behaviour, I NEVER, in my life did anything like that before you jerk!"

Between being angry at her insults and accusations, and smarting under the fact that he was wrong to accuse her of being with George, Will noticed that when her eyes flashed and her cheeks glowed in anger, she was really VERY pretty.

Being a guy, these thoughts prevented Will from thinking clearly about what she said. He was also unable, as he was a guy, keep himself from saying something equally insulting and stupid. "Yes, you're probably a little more sober when you take advantage of men."

Elizabeth glared for a moment before realizing how clueless he really was. It was too much and she began to laugh at him. "Oh (giggle) you think (giggle)(deep breath)oh dear...you poor fool."

"What's so funny?"

She stopped and pulled herself together. "You mean you have no idea that I never..."

Will slowly began to realize what she was saying. "You mean you're a..."

"Was." She corrected him with a tint of superiority in her voice.

"My God." Will sat down. "Really?"

Elizabeth glared.

Will cut her off, "I'm sorry. It's just so...you couldn't have been..."

"What do you mean I couldn't have been?" She eyed him critically. "Oh you're an expert at this hmmm? Well just to set your mind at ease -- Yes Will, I was a virgin. Now I am pregnant and yes, beyond a doubt the child is yours. I still don't want anything from you, and now I am leaving." She grabbed her purse and left. Muttering about evolution going backwards and obvious signs that the world was ending, why else would someone like HIM exist.

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Chapter 6

Posted on Friday, 11 August 2000

Will sat morosely staring at his hands, Elizabeth's words ringing through his head.

Yes Will, I was a virgin. Now I am pregnant and yes, beyond a doubt the child is yours. I still don't want anything from you, and now I am leaving."

He was beginning to pout, after all, she didn't really give him a chance to digest the 'information' before getting mad and storming out.

Once again his conscience assaulted his foolish thinking.

Cut the crap. You should be ashamed of yourself accusing her of things like that. She's a nice young girl that YOU HURT and now YOU are acting like she's at fault. GO to her!

Charlie and Caroline walked in.

"Did Liz leave?" Caroline smirked.

Will nodded.

"Will," Charlie asked, "Is everything all right? You don't look so good."

"I have to go" Will ran out.

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Lizzy was sitting in her car crying. When she saw him run out of the house she started the car.

"Elizabeth wait." Will called.

Will grabbed the car door as she tried to pull away. "Please, wait."

"Why Will?" she glared at him.

"We need to talk."

"No we don't"

"Yes, we do. You ran out."

"I was done talking."

"Then try listening Elizabeth."

"I did," She began to cry again. "I listened when you called me a liar. I listened as you told me I was mercenary slut who would sleep around, get pregnant, and blame you. I listened while you insulted me in ways I didn't even know were possible. And I listened while you told me you didn't believe I was a virgin. How much more do you want to say?"

"I'm sorry." His eyes filled with remorse and shame as she listed the horrible thing he had said to her.

She wiped her eyes. "It's a start."

Softly Will spoke, "Elizabeth, two months ago you hung up on me. You refused all of my calls, never spoke to me again, and never asked Charlie about me. Then you show up, tell me you're pregnant, that you were a virgin, which by the way I find wonderful but then I'm mortified that I was ....... . And you want me to have all the right answers? I'm sorry I don't. I don't have any answers." He brushed his hand over his eyes, hoping she didn't notice the tears.

"That all you want to say?"

"No." Will hung his head, speaking softly. The next admission was painful. "I'm really sorry about George. He's set me up before and I almost didn't realize until it was too late. I should have trusted you. I was an idiot and I admit, I thought you were mercenary. That you were mad because I didn't offer to take care of you."

"Will, that is the stupidest idea.... What could you give me that I don't already have?" she demanded. I just want your love.

"I'm just so used to other women wanting something...money, fame, status...I just wasn't thinking. I'm sorry. Please." Will tentatively reached out and touched her cheek. Elizabeth jerked away. She wasn't ready to forgive him yet. "Elizabeth, I'm sorry." This time he wasn't able to stop the tears in his eyes before she saw them.

"Get in," she said finally.


She rolled her eyes, "Get in. We'll go talk."

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They drove in silence. Will stared at Elizabeth, trying to read her face. Elizabeth kept her eyes forwards, avoiding Will's eyes. After about 15 minutes they pulled into a forest preserve park. "Come on," Elizabeth said. "Let's go walk."

Elizabeth led him down a path which wound through the woods. Everything was calm and cool.. The old towering trees provided a pleasant shade from the hot August sun. Will wondered if perhaps they were going to walk forever since Elizabeth showed no signs of slowing or stopping. Hesitantly he took her hand and stopped.

"I want to walk." she simply said, removed her hand from his and walked on. Will, having no choice, followed.

About twenty minutes later they reached a clearing tucked just off the path. Elizabeth sat down on an old fallen tree and invited Will to sit.

"Now that I am calmer we can talk." sha said as she bit her lip and blinked away tears. "I'm sorry for telling you off like that. It was uncalled for."

"No I deserved everything you said. I just surprised you didn't deck me."

"It would have felt good," she chuckled. "But it wouldn't have solved anything."

Sobering, she paused and put her thoughts in order before continuing. "At first, after you left I was angry because you used me. I hated being your quick fling, it was stupid of me to jump into bed with you so I refused your calls. I thought we could just go on and pretend nothing happened. I want you to know that I was in love with you, really."

She wiped away her tears. Will reached to put his arm around her, but she stiffened and moved away. Her voice was colder when she started speaking again. "I know you don't love me, I'd like to think that you did then.... When I first found out about the baby I wasn't going to tell you. But I knew eventually I would have to. I realised that someday the baby will want to know who it's father is and that I can't keep this secret forever. So now you know. But only Jane knows, I haven't told anyone else. My family's going to kill me as it is." The tears were flowing freely now.

Will cupped her cheek and wiped away her tears with his thumb. "What can I do for you? You just say it. I want to help." She just stared at him. "Please, forgive my horrid behaviour back at Charlie's. I should have told you what was in my heart all along...I tried earlier to say that I think you are wonderful, and strong, and so different from the phony, plastic, greedy women I usually meet."

Elizabeth couldn't help it, she chuckled. "You need to get out more if those are the only women you know." He smiled at her. "I forgive you." she whispered.

They sat and held hands for a while, not saying anything but enjoying the declared peace. Will gently leaned in and kissed her.

Elizabeth just shook her head. "Will..." Will shushed her and kissed her. Elizabeth began crying again. "Please, just stop. You can't give me..."

He resisted the urge to kiss away her protestations and instead said, "At least let me be involved. Please." Holding her close, Will searched for some argument which might sway her opinion. "Elizabeth, don't deny me my child."

What answer could she give to a request like that...

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Finally Elizabeth sniffled, "What about Caroline?"

Will looked confused, "Elizabeth this has nothing to do with Caroline, or Charlie, or even Jane. This is about you and me and OUR baby."

"But Caroline..."

"What about Caroline?"

"She's your fiancée..."

Will scrunched up HIS face. "I don't have a fiancée." Although I thinking about trying to offer YOU the position.

"Sorry, your girlfriend." Through the tears there was a distinct note of sarcasm in her voice.

"Nope. Don't have one of those either." He smiled.

"Then what's Caroline?" Elizabeth was totally confused. Why was he denying it all? What's he trying to pull?

"Charlie's sister." Will enjoyed teasing Elizabeth. Especially since, as she got frustrated and her eyes flashed.

"What's Caroline to you?" she demanded.

"To me she's Charlie's sister."

"You mean to tell me that the two of you hang all over each other, spend every minute together, and there's nothing going on?" Elizabeth looked annoyed.


"That's dumb."


"Cause one of you is playing with the other. That's just stupid, and not fair. Besides she told me that you two were getting married."

"She tells everyone that!! It doesn't make it true!!!" Will was annoyed. "Look Elizabeth, there's no relationship between Caroline and myself. SHE hangs on me -- I run the other way as fast as I can without embarrassing Charlie or myself. Caroline's been chasing me forever. I'm not interested."

"But why don't you say something to her? If you don't say anything or do anything to tell her otherwise, she'll continue to think the two of you are engaged." She stuck out her chin, daring him to contradict her.

Will was getting defensive. "Look. What would you have had me do? Be rude to her? Embarrass her in public?"

"No. But you should tell her plainly how you feel and that she should stop what she is doing."

"But that would hurt her if I were that rude."

"You'd rather hurt her by stringing her along and teasing her? Or hurt someone else who believes it?"

"And You believe it...?" Will looked at her with wonder. Elizabeth was jealous! She thought he was engaged! She wasn't rejecting him because she didn't love him, she thought HE didn't love her!

She looked skeptical. "There was NEVER anything between you and Caroline?" Will shook his head. "You're positive? And you never had ANY feelings for her?"

"Never. Well, just dislike. Does that count?" He teased Will's spirits rose when a faint smile came to her eyes.

"And she lied to me then when she came over and said that you were engaged and that I was just a fling because you had cold feet about marrying her?"

Will's face turned a brilliant shade of red. "She said WHAT!?! Never mind I heard you, I just can't believe...it's just...G-d" Will spluttered, "What will that witch try next?!"

Elizabeth backed away from him at this explosion. Will calmed down, realizing that this was NOT helping his chances with Elizabeth. "Please, believe me... She LIED to you. I have never and will never be involved with HER." he paused and understanding dawned, "IS THAT why you refused to speak to me when I called?"

She nodded.

"Elizabeth I'm sorry. For everything. I wish I HAD dealt with Caroline a long time ago. I didn't want to make Charlie choose between her and me. He's my best friend, but he's her brother and he would have to choose her. I couldn't risk losing him so it was just easier to ignore Caroline. I had no idea someone might get hurt. I NEVER wanted to hurt you. "


"Let me finish please. I don't want to talk about Caroline. It's you I want to talk about. I want to marry you, to have a family. Marry me."

It would be difficult to say who looked more surprised at this proposal.

"I can't Will. My feelings are in such a mess right now. So much has happened in the last few hours, I need to sort it all out. I'm not saying no...I just want take some time and think about it, make sure I understand everything."

"Understand that I'm not giving up the idea. At least not until you say no for certain."

"And I want you to tell Caroline to bug off. I can't marry you if everyone thinks you're marrying Caroline."

"I'll talk to her and Charlie tonight." he promised. "Can I see you tomorrow? I'm going to ask you to marry me again." He grinned in that heart stopping way that made all rational thought fly out of Elizabeth's head. She was about to agree when she remembered...mom.

"No. Tomorrow there's a family dinner at my mom's." She looked slyly at him. "MAYBE you could come to dinner? If you're serious about marrying me you should at least meet the rest of my family." The gauntlet was thrown.

Will cleared his throat, "Sure, I can do that. And just watch...they'll love me so much you'll have to marry me or you'll never hear the end of it." Will looked do sweet standing there in the woods, smiling cheekily at her, like a little boy about to misbehave and inviting her to join the fun.

Chapter 7a

Posted on Wednesday, 16 August 2000

The following afternoon Elizabeth and Jane arrived at Charlie's to pick the men up for the Bennet Family dinner. Once there, Jane and Charlie disappeared into the kitchen, ostensibly to find the thing Jane was insistent they needed to bring.

"We'll be right out Lizzy, just make yourself at home. Um Will's changing. I'm sure he'll be down in moment. Jane don't tickl..." Charlie words were lost.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and decided it was best to leave the lovebirds alone. To amuse herself while she waited, she looked around the living room. Charlie had very few books, and most were current fiction, with an emphasis on sci-fi. There were a few pictures around the room, several of Charlie and Will, even more of Jane, and one with Will and a very young girl who looked like Will. Does Will have a sister? she wondered. Finally bored with her examination of Charlie's decorating and housekeeping, Elizabeth went to find the bathroom.

As she reached for the door, it opened and Will exited, in just a towel. Elizabeth's eyes roamed over his well- toned chest and legs and she blushed at the lascivious thoughts which immediately came to her mind.

"Oh, Hi." she breathed.

"Um, Hi. I was just showering." Seeing Elizabeth in her cute little dress, Will's thoughts weren't exactly chaste either... "Charlie and I were, uh, playing basketball and well...I wanted to be presentable today, when I meet your family. Excuse me." and he hurried to get dressed before an embarrassing situation occurred.

Dressing quickly, but forgetting to comb his hair, Will rushed to find Elizabeth waiting for him in the living room. They greeted each other a bit awkwardly, trying to converse but each topic ending in a blush of stammers. Will finally took matters into his own hands. Crossing the room in two strides he wrapped Elizabeth in a firm embrace and kissed her. "I'm glad to see you." he said, smiling into her bewildered eyes.

"I...I...I can tell. I'm glad to see you as well." When she recovered her wits, Elizabeth found she was blushing furiously. Will thought she was beautiful, especially with that gleam in her eyes. With a devilish smile she reached up and wrapped her fingers in his hair. "You forgot to comb your hair." and she proceeded to run her fingers through his hair, playing with his curls. Without warning she pulled his head down and kissed him with a passion.


Will and Elizabeth stopped kissing and looked over in time to see Caroline storming out of the room.

Charlie and Jane came running out of the kitchen. "What happened?" Jane asked.

"We, um, I think we scared her. She wasn't expecting us to be here." Will said.

Elizabeth snorted and tried to hide her laughter in Will's shoulder. The sound of smashed china made everyone look up. Charlie glanced knowingly at Jane and nodded to the others.

"Lizzy, maybe you and Will should wait outside for us. We'll be right out." Jane suggested.

Elizabeth scurried outside as Caroline began to swear and slam doors. Will wisely followed Elizabeth outside.

"Oh don't be mad at me for laughing." she pleaded in between giggles.

Will start to laugh, "Mad? I'm not mad. I just wish I could have seen her face when she first walked in."

"I thought you were going to talk with her last night."

"I did." Elizabeth rolled her eyes as Will protested. "I even talked to her in front of Charlie. I told her that I would never love her and that I was sorry if I ever gave her the impression that I could ever care for her as more than a friend." Will sobered up as he told Elizabeth about the conversation. "In fact she told me she already knew that and she didn't want more than that."

"Then what was all that about?" she demanded. "And why did she lie to me earlier?"

"I wish I had an answer for you. I'm afraid Caroline is the only one who can. Last night I didn't specifically mention what she said to you. In fact I tried very hard not to bring you into the..."

Will was interrupted by Jane and Charlie coming out of the house. "She's fine. She said she was just tired and she thought we were all gone and it scared her to find someone in the house." said Charlie.

Will blushed as he confessed, "Actually she walked in on us, um that is Liz and I..."

"We were helping you look for that thing you needed to take to dinner." Elizabeth teased and raised her eyebrows as Charlie had a sudden coughing fit.

Jane smiled reassuringly as she patted Charlie on the back. "Um yeah. We should go before we're late. Problems with Caroline can wait until later."

Will looked enquiringly at Elizabeth, "What thing are you talking about?"

She filled him in on the details as they walked behind Jane & Charlie. As Will opened the car door for Elizabeth, she asked, "Well are you ready to meet my family?"

"How hard can it be?" Will asked.

Elizabeth just laughed and shook her head, You have no idea...

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In her mind Elizabeth assumed Will knew what a family dinner meant. It wasn't until Charlie asked who else would be there that Elizabeth discovered Will was woefully ignorant of 'Bennet Family Dinners.'

"Well, there's seven of us plus mom." Jane said.

"Seven children? - Like Sound of Music seven?" asked Charlie looking a little dazed.

Gee Whiz Jane don't you two ever talk? Even Will knows about our brothers and sisters. Lizzy thought.

"Yeah, only mom's Nooooo Julie Andrews. There's Michael, Jane, Shawn, me, Mary, Cathy and, Lydia. Michael and Mary are both married. And Michael has a daughter. So that's Sue and Lyndsey and Jeremy." Lizzy said.

"Mom said Aunt Philips and her three boys are coming." Jane reminded her.

Will was keeping a tally, "That's 15 people."

"No, the boys are all married and Tom and Eric have kids, so that's 6 more, so 21 people."

"Plus Uncle Mark, Aunt Faye, and Meghan, and the Lucas' so add another 7."

"Charlotte's coming?" Elizabeth asked. She explained to Will and Charlie, "The Lucas' are our neighbours. Charlotte and I have been friends since kindergarten. She's away at Yale so we don't get to see each other much. Oh, it's been ages since I've seen her."

Will was quiet. Charlie laughed, "You 're having 29 people for a family dinner?"

"Well plus you and Will, that's actually 31. And it's less than normal since the Aunt and Uncle Gardiner can't come."

"Really it's no big deal. We do this every month." Elizabeth was trying to help Will feel more comfortable. "When Dad left 10 years ago, Mom was pretty depressed. So, we thought once a month the whole family, or as many as can make it, should get together. And plus there's always a birthday or anniversary to celebrate."

Will was amazed. He and Charlie both had small families and no living parents. A large family gathering to Will was 10 people and that happened only once a year at Christmas. More than 30 people every month was mind boggling.

"This is just a family dinner?" Charlie gulped. Jane caught Elizabeth's eye and giggled.

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There was a small group of people out front when they walked up, having had to park 2 blocks away.

"There you are." called a small blonde. "I'm being sent to the store. Who's with you?"

"Cathy, this is Will and Charlie." Jane did the introductions. Elizabeth was busy being enfolded into a group hug. "Over there with Lizzy are Mary and Sue."

Lizzy soon dragged Mary and Sue over. "These are is my sisters Mary and Sue. Sue is Mike's wife. This is Will and Charlie."

Cathy looked the men over, "Do the boys know you're bringing them?"

"No. It's a surprise."

"And I thought this was going to be dull." Cathy laughed. "Try not to start the interrogation without me."

Elizabeth glanced from Charlie to Will, "Um, My brothers can be a bit protective, especially Mike, being the self-appointed head of the family."

"A BIT?" Sue exclaimed. "When Mike first brought me to a family dinner, not only did he not tell me that family meant the entire population of Ohio, but I was sat down in the midst of all these women and girls and quizzed about everything from my religious beliefs and meatloaf recipes to car repair."

"Elizabeth...I can't cook." Will said. She and Jane chuckled at his joke, Charlie was fairly certain Will wasn't totally joking. For some reason Will was acting very nervous.

All noise stopped abruptly as the group entered the family room. There were about ten people and all were VERY interested in these guests. Will involuntarily took a step back. I'm being sized up like cattle gone to market.

"We've never actually brought anyone to this before." Elizabeth whispered.

What did I get myself into? Will worried.

Jane took the lead, or rather took the advantage and escaped. She grabbed Charlie's hand and pulled him into the back yard. "Mom we're here. We'll be out back."

"Well get yourselves something to eat. I'll be out of the kitchen in a few minutes."

Elizabeth looked at Mary, "How long has she been hiding in the kitchen?'

"Not too long. Since Aunt Philips asked her when I'm going to have a baby."

"Oh yay...it's starting all ready...well, Okay let's get it over with..." She took Will's hand. "Sorry to do this to you." Elizabeth pulled him into the kitchen, "Mom? I brought someone for you to meet. This is Will."

"How do you do ma'am." Mrs. Bennet looked to be about 50. She was stirring something on the stove and his voice startled her such that she flipped the spoon and spattered the wall.

"Oh dear. Lizzy honey get me a rag please."

Elizabeth returned with an old piece of cloth which she wet down and wiped off the wall. "I've got it Mom. What is this stuff?"

"Just a mock hollandaise sauce for the asparagus"

"Is this your asparagus?"

"Yes, we had such a good crop this year." Mrs. Bennet poured the sauce into a dish and handed it to Elizabeth. "Take this outside please dear."


"Elizabeth, GO!" After she left Mrs. Bennet turned and looked William over. "Will. Hmmm. Nice to meet you. What did Lizzy say you last name was?"

"She didn't. But it's Darcy."

Mrs. Bennet glared a bit, "Well Will Darcy, how long have you been dating Lizzy?"

"Not long. A few months." he shifted uncomfortably.

"And what do you do dear?" she asked 'The Ultimate Inevitable Question.'

"I run an internet publishing business."

"Oh, you're one of those." she was clearly unimpressed.

"One of what?"

"Those fly by night entrepreneurs who are out to make a quick buck."

"No ma'am. I'm not. My business is an expansion of my father's publishing company. He asked me to take it in hand." Will crossed his arms defensively. "And I've no need to make a fast buck."

Mrs. Bennet patted his arm. "No need to get testy dear. I'm looking out for my Lizzy. I can't have my girls getting taken in by a handsome bum." Will began to think Elizabeth had a very loving, but nosy, family. Mrs. Bennet smiled charmingly at him and continued. "Now tell me where did you two meet?"

Will relaxed and answered, "At Charlie's."

"Oh, Jane's Charlie? He's so nice, and such good manners. I didn't know you knew Charlie." she gushed.

"We've been friends for almost 20 years. We met in grade school and have been friends ever since."

"I see. Well, that is a point in your favor. I like Charlie. Jane thinks he's 'beyond perfect.' This is the first time he's met the family." There was a very long pause while Mrs. Bennet finished preparing a dish and sizing Will up. "Things must be going well with you and Lizzy or she would have never subjected you to the inquisition this early. We've scared off more an one prospective fella."

Will laughed. "I've been duly warned already. Sue and Mary explained it. But I confess you don't look as fierce some as they made me believe."

"Well, it's not me you need to worry about. Lizzy's brother's are going to rake you over like they're the FBI. She must like you a lot to have brought you to family dinner." When Will remained silent she continued. "

Mrs. Bennet looked thoughtful, "Be good to her. She seems tough, but inside she's very easily hurt."

"Thank you. I'll take care of her. I promise."

Mrs. Bennet laughed. "Don't promise me, promise her. Now tell me, can you cook?"

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Chapter 7b

Posted on Tuesday, 22 August 2000

Elizabeth soon rescued Will from her mom with the assertion that he needed to eat while there was still food left.

"Oh good, ham." Elizabeth exclaimed as they lined up at the buffet to get their food. "I was expecting burgers and hot dogs again." In addition to two very large hams sliced and ready to be eaten, on the two long tables were every kind of summer food imaginable, and some strange ones too - like Aunt Philips' sweet & sour red cabbage salad.

"You don't like burgers and hot dogs?"

"It's nice to have something different." Elizabeth wrinkled her nose as she sniffed at the cabbage salad. "Well, not THAT different."

As Will was trying to think of a comment, someone came up behind and stood very close, pressing against him. He turned slightly to see a much younger version of Elizabeth admiring him.

"Lizzy," a voice cooed. "Who's your friend?"

"Lydia this is Will." Elizabeth leaned over and hissed, "Back off!"

"Oh touchy. Fine I'M going. Nice to meet you Will. Maybe I'll see you later." Lydia winked sauntered off.

"What was that?" Will asked.

"My youngest sister Lydia." Elizabeth said through gritted teeth. She glanced around and whispered, "I'm sorry about her."

"Is she always so...?" asked Will.

"What? Easy? Trampy? Slutty? Loose?" she enumerated.

"I was going to say friendly."

She laughed, "Don't minced words. She's a tramp."

"You just let her behave like that?"

"NO we don't LET her. In fact we all try to stop her." Will's assumption irritated her.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to criticize," he said quietly. She gave him a hard look.

"Yes you did. But you're right, Lyd's behaviour is terrible. She needs someone to take control and impose limits. But it has to be my mom, and she won't do it. My mom's really sweet but very... weak."

There was nothing more said on the subject until they joined Jane and Charlie.

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"Well, you survived mom." Jane said brightly.

Elizabeth sighed, "Yeah but we almost killed Lydia. Can that girl be ANY more forward?" Jane was about to admonish her but she continued, "Do you believe she actually flirted with Will in front of me!"

"Lizzy you sound jealous." Jane teased.

Elizabeth opened her mouth to reply but found nothing to say. The others chuckled at her silence and Will was pleased with this evidence of her deeper feelings for him.

"So what did you think of mom?" seeing Elizabeth's embarrassment Jane changed the subject.

"Actually she's very nice. Told me to watch out for your brothers." Will responded.

"Speaking of brothers..." Jane said, "Charlie, Will, this is Michael, Shawn and Jeremy." Jane indicated the three men who were each carrying two plates of food and intent on sitting down with them.

"The inquisition begins." joked Elizabeth.

"Nice to see you too little sister." Shawn said. He shook hands with Will and Charlie. "Shawn Bennet. This is my brother Michael and brother in law, Jeremy Stanton."

"And just what brings you over here dear brothers of mine?" teased Elizabeth.

"As if you didn't know..." Jeremy grinned. This was after his first time on the 'good' side of the inquisition. He was looking forward to inflicting a little torture on these unsuspecting guys.

"Come on Lizzy. Let's go eat with Mary and Sue. I haven't seen Lindsey yet." said Jane as she tugged on her arm.

"But we just got here." Elizabeth whined. "And besides I don't trust these guys."

"Lizzy. Go!" Mike ordered.

"Every where I go I'm being dismissed. It's enough to give a lady a complex." she huffed dramatically.

Shawn looked her over, "Well if YOU EVER become a lady...I'll be sure to watch my manners."

"Why you little..." Elizabeth smacked him on the back of the head.

"Hey! Cut it out you two." Mike grinned. "Now, IF you, ahem, ladies will excuse us, we kinda want to get down to the fun."

"Mikey..." Elizabeth pleaded. "Be NICE."

"I'm always nice." Mike's protest brought on a storm of sisterly derision.

Shawn finally gave Jane and Elizabeth a gentle push, "Get out of here so we can have our fun. I promise we'll behave."

"Behave WELL Shawn." Jane admonished as the girls went to go eat inside with their mom.

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"You know, I wouldn't exactly call this fun." Jeremy hinted.

"It's fun for us...not for them. Just be glad YOU passed." Shawn said. Jeremy grinned and slugged Shawn. This started the brother's second favorite sport...slugging each other. It was second to annoying their sisters.

Will and Charlie sat amazed, neither having a genial, teasing relationship with their siblings. All this teasing and joking and yet genuine affection between siblings. It would be accurate to say both men felt a pang of jealousy, wishing they could join in.

"All right." Mike growled, "So, Charlie let's start with you."

All things considered the questions were rather mild and Charlie's natural exuberance quickly won over the brothers. Will was not so lucky.

"So Will...ever been married? Divorced?"



"Not yet" only Charlie noticed Will pale slightly.

"Soooooo Will. What do you do?" Shawn asked.

"Right now I run an internet publishing business."

"Right Now?" alarms went off in Mike's head. "You been doing this long?"

"Only the last year or so." Will said. Shawn whistled softly and shook his head.

"What about before?" Mike continued.

"Oh, a little bit of everything I guess." Will grinned, deliberately goading Mike.

Charlie choked on his laughter as the brothers began to shift and glare at Will. "Uh, Will tell them the whole story, before they kill you." he hinted.

Will sighed and explained how after his father's death, while Will was still at school, the company had been mismanaged and plunged into debt. Will had spent over three years getting everything straightened out and solvent.

"So what's that got to do with internet publishing?" Shawn asked, being a computer-geek, was very interested.

"Interprint was a dream my father had just begun before he died. This past year I've been able to focus on that, sort of a last request I guess."

Mike, Shawn, and Jeremy stared, their minds beginning to form a measure of respect for Will.

"Any thing else?" Will asked innocently as to show his distaste for the proceedings.

"Yeah." Shawn shot back. "House or apartment?"


"Huh?" Shawn asked

"I have both, an apartment in Seattle and an house in Connecticut."


"Connecticut is my home, the apartment is for business. I have a lot of meetings in Seattle and I don't like long hotels stays."

Shawn whistled under his breath, "Does Elizabeth know all of this?"

"Not yet, I was planning to tell her tonight. Your mom knows some of it." Will looked at the other men earnestly. "Can I save you some trouble here? - I'm 27, graduated from Dartmouth and earned my MBA from Harvard Business. I have a healthy bank account, and stock portfolio. I can't cook, but Liz knows that. I've never been married, never been engaged, only dated a few women. I have one sister and three cousins. My parents are dead. And I will joyfully vow to love, honor, and cherish your sister -- if she'll have me. Anything else?"

Everyone, including Charlie, sat astonished at this pronouncement. They weren't expecting things to be this serious between Will and Elizabeth.

Finally Mike spoke. "Do you mean to tell me you're already planning to marry Lizzy?"

"I am." Will sat back. "She's thinking about it."

"Isn't it a little soon?" Jeremy asked.

Will shrugged. "Probably, but it IS her decision." he answered, trying carefully to avoid mentioning the baby. This would be easier if Elizabeth let me tell them about the baby...then again it would also be more painful...

Mike exploded, "Are you insane. How can you even THINK about marriage this soon? What the hel..." His tirade was interrupted by the return of Elizabeth.

"Problems guys?" she held a warning note in her voice. Mike rose and pulled his sister off to one side.

"He proposed to you already!"

"Yes, I was there." she was as calm as he was inflamed. "Did he also tell you I said no?"

"He said you were thinking about it." he accused.

"I am."

"Well, you better think LONG and HARD about it." Mike blustered. "Elizabeth how can you...you can't marry someone you've know for three months."

Elizabeth put her arms around his neck. "Mikey I love you dearly, but stop. It's MY decision. And there are other circumstances involved..."

Mike stared at her for a minute before understanding dawned. He grabbed her hands, "You're pregnant?"

She held tight to him "Yes. I am. Don't even think about trying to kill him." She looked into his eyes. "No one forced me to be stupid. But I was and now I have to decide what's best. ...Mikey please don't make this harder by blustering and threatening. Please."

Michael Bennet hugged his little sister tightly. "I never would have thought it of you Lizzy."

"I'll be all right. I promise Mike."

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Will watched them talking and when Mike threw a stormy glare his way, Will knew Elizabeth had told him about the baby. Deep inside Will began to fear. In just a few hours Will had found he longed to be part of this family where brothers and sisters teased and played and loved each other openly and unguarded. He wanted to create that with Elizabeth...and their baby. Now I just have to convince her to accept me.

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Chapter 8

Posted on Tuesday, 22 August 2000

Later Elizabeth found Will sitting alone in the living room. For a moment she permitted herself to daydream that they were a happy family. She sighed. Marry Will? In ten years he'll be tired of me and resentful of the child and walk out on us, just like Dad. We hardly know each other. And yet...sometimes it does seem like we are meant to be.

"Umm, Will? Jane was wondering what time you needed to leave." She spoke tentatively.

Will motioned for her to be silent and come over to him. As she approached Elizabeth saw that Will was not sitting alone; Three-year-old Lindsey was asleep in his lap.

"How on earth did that happen?" Elizabeth whispered.

"I found her playing in here and when I sat down she climbed up and demanded a story. She fell asleep about half way through. I've been afraid to move in case I wake her." Will grinned sheepishly. "It's been a long time since I've gotten to rock someone to sleep. Not since my sister was a baby."

Elizabeth gently reached down and took Lindsey from him. Will stood and stretched his cramped muscles. He watched Elizabeth carry Lindsey upstairs and decided now was the time for them to talk.

Elizabeth came back downstairs. "Well, she's still asleep. What time did you want to leave?"

Will wrapped his arms around her waist and asked, "Can we take a walk?"

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Outside the house, Will reached out and took her hand. They walked for a few minutes in silence before he finally spoke:

"Elizabeth, have you given any thought to marrying me?"

She stared mutely at him before scrunching up her face, "What? No, I'm not sure it's a good idea."

"Why?" he asked.

"Do you love me?" she looked into his eyes, trying to read the future.

He hesitated only for a second, "Yes, I love you Elizabeth."

"Enough for forever? Enough to never just walk out because you're bored? Enough to never, EVER resent this child for tying you down to me?"

Will was shocked. How was he to answer these fears? How could he reassure her when he himself couldn't see the future?

"Elizabeth, I can't see into the future, but I can tell you that I was raised to believe that marriage is a lifetime commitment. And until you came along I never even thought about forever. I've had lots, I mean LOTS of women want to marry me, but you are the first I wanted to marry. No one has ever touched my heart the way you have. You brought life to my heart. And I'll tell you something else, I had along talk with myself in Seattle. I realized that I love you and I arrived determined to find you and pursue you. I would have proposed eventually, the baby is just speeding things up."

She smiled.

"Would you like me to recite you some poetry about my love for you?" he asked.

She laughed and pulled herself up into her most regal posture. "No poetry, but you must kneel down and propose."

"In the middle of the street? Fine." Will knelt and took her hand. "Elizabeth will you now please, relieve my aching knees, rescue my heart, and consent to be my wife?"

"Umm, before I answer I need to know...what's your name?"

"What?..." he sighed and grimaced. "Fitzwilliam. You can see why I use Will."

"No, you dope. Although that is a horrid first name," she laughed. "What's your last name?"


"Very well Fitzwilliam Darcy. I would be happy to marry you." She smiled adoringly into his face. He gathered her in his arms, spun her around and kissed her. A few of the neighbours who were outside clapped and hooted and shouted congratulations.

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Thus, early on Saturday morning, a few weeks later, Will and Elizabeth arranged to be married in a small, private ceremony. They invited only her family and his sister and Charlie.

Elizabeth nervously put on her wedding dress that morning. The dress was actually a sleeveless tea length ivory silk, with a square neck, and a sleek bodice which Jane had insisted Elizabeth buy. Thanks to Jane, Elizabeth now owned the most beautiful dress she had ever seen and had a small nosegay of roses to carry. Charlie was the best man, Georgiana and Jane stood with Elizabeth, and it was Mike who walked with Elizabeth down the aisle.

Will's eyes swept over Elizabeth as she approached the altar. He liked the way the dress clung to her curves and swayed gently as she walked. His gaze lingered on her graceful neck and then up to her face. It was then, seeing the faint glow in her face and love in her eyes, that Will stopped thinking. He remembered nothing of his vows, or the church, or Elizabeth's flowers, his only memory of his own wedding would forever be the smile on her lips and in her eyes as she spoke her vows.

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Chapter 9

Posted on September , 29 September 2000

Jane surveyed the apartment before picking up her overnight bags. Satisfied with what she saw, she placed the note on the table where Lizzy and Will were certain to find it, and left.

Lizzy and Will arrived some time later, finally having escaped the commotion of their wedding reception, which was actually more a very small family dinner than any elaborate event. They found Jane's note as they entered the apartment where they were to spend the weekend, Jane having graciously decided to stay with her mom so Lizzy and Will could have some time alone. In the weeks before the wedding Will had arranged to purchase a house near Jane, but it would not be available for two weeks. Thus they were to live with Jane until then and since there was no time for them to take a proper honeymoon, Elizabeth being unable to take vacation time from her new job, Jane & Lizzy's apartment was to be the honeymoon suite and first home for the newlyweds.

Elizabeth read Jane's note:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Darcy,

My how strange it seems to call you that Lizzy.
Anyway, welcome to your honeymoon suite (ha-ha).
There's a picnic basket full of food in the fridge --
Plenty to last you through any late night snacks plus breakfast.
Don't worry, Mom did the cooking, not me.

Charlie supplied the flowers.
You can blame the 700 tea light candles
(yes I counted them), on Lydia, Cathy and Georgie
(by the way I think we've corrupted the poor girl).

No one will disturb you until Sunday night, after that - beware!


Will, recovering from the thought of his sweet baby sister being corrupted by Elizabeth's sisters, was slow to realize Elizabeth was tugging on his sleeve. Slowly they looked around the room. It was filled with flowers, little candles, and the couch was draped in a very gaudy red satin sheet. Lizzy laughed at the note on the largest bouquet:

These are for Jane!
You guys can have the rest.
Love, Charlie

"You know," Elizabeth said as she looked around the room, "a few incense sticks and we have the makings of a really fine bordello."

Will dropped the clothes he was unpacking, "How is it that you know what a bordello looks like? Fine or otherwise?"

"I have brothers," she said innocently.

"I've met your brothers: there is no way you can hoax me into believing they have ever taken you to a bordello."

"Would you believe too much TV?" She took the shirt he was struggling fold and put it on a hanger. "Here let me. I cleared some closet space for you."

"Thank you my beautiful, enchanting wife. You are an angel."

Elizabeth giggled. "Just remember that my handsome husband, when you complain that I take too long time in the bathroom, or that Jane used all the hot water."

"Well, hopefully this arrangement will only be for two weeks." Will wrapped his arms around her waist. "And this is better than staying with Charlie and Caroline."

"Definitely." Elizabeth slipped her hands around Will's neck. "Although, I think I might enjoy seeing Caroline's face the first time she walked in on us."

"You are wicked. What about poor Jane walking in on us?"

"Jane has a boyfriend of her own. Believe me I have walked in on her and Charlie making out on the couch many times. AND besides that, she likes me, so I can't offend her. "

"Caroline likes..." Will stopped and frowned. "No she doesn't like you at all. She's civil to you because Charlie and I like you."

Elizabeth laughed lightly, "Charlie has nothing to do with it my dear. It's all an act for you."

"Oh, she's not that bad." Will protested.

"Yes she is. You cannot have forgotten that it was Caroline who tried to convince me that you were in the habit of seducing co-eds when you got nervous about marrying her."

Will looked mortified and whispered, "I would have thought she stopped all that. At least she speaks nicely of you when I'm around."

"As long as you are in the room she is very sweet. But when you leave she begins her attacks. It's really bad when you've gone out of town. So far I have been called cheap, easy, tramp, gold-digger, oh and stupid. And that is before we tell her we are married. I have no doubt her tirade will shake the walls of hell." Elizabeth spoke cheerfully but deeply hoped Will would be offended and mad at Caroline's behaviour.

He was. Truthfully Will was in shock that his beloved Elizabeth was being subjected to such garbage. That she could speak lightly of it, with no malice, increased the love and respect he felt for her. Will hugged Elizabeth tightly, much to her delight. "I'm sorry. I had no idea she was so jealous. I hope she gets over it. You don't deserve her garbage, neither do Charlie or Jane."

"No we don't, but you needn't worry. Charlie doesn't let her abuse Jane when he's around. I'm sure my skin is thick enough to handle her venom."

Will buried his face into his wife's hair and absently rubbed her neck. "I've made such a mess of things," his voice thick with emotion.

"Why do you say that sweetie?"

"Your family hates me for getting you pregnant." Elizabeth started to interrupt but decided to let Will vent his frustration. He continued, "I abandon you over a stupid misunderstanding. Now Caroline is on the warpath... I just wish she'd go away because she's going to make life miserable for you and Jane, and that will make Charlie unhappy...." Will sighed and rubbed her stomach. "I only hope I don't screw up as much with our baby, but sometimes..."

Elizabeth turned around to face him, "Listen to me Will Darcy. You are not solely responsible for this child. No one forced me to sleep with you. I did so of my own free will. And I was even more responsible for that misunderstanding we had because I never gave you a chance to explain things to me. Caroline Bingley tried her best to keep us apart and now she will just have to get used to the idea that she will never be married to you, because I have no intention of ever giving you up."

"You are an amazing woman." Will felt he was just beginning to understand the depth and strengths of his new wife.

"And don't you dare forget it," Elizabeth teased.

Will laughed, "And just a little wicked."

"I'm afraid so, but you knew that before you married me so no complaining." She hugged him tightly. "So, what should we do now?"

Will laughed, "I can think of a few things you usually do on a wedding night."

"Oh REALLY! And just how do you know what to do on a wedding night? Hmmmmm??"

"I, er...well, this is..." There seemed to be no way to answer that question without inviting trouble.

"Will? Shut up and kiss me." Elizabeth grinned and Will happily complied with her request.

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The telephone roused Will from his slumber. Annoyed and confuse he stumbled out of bed to find the bathroom. When he returned to bed he suddenly realized that Elizabeth was gone. He staggered out sleepily to find his new wife watching TV and eating ice cream.

"Elizabeth? It's 1:00 am...who was calling at this hour?"

"Oh, I don't know. Jane and I always figured it must be some drunk who can't dial the phone properly."

"Does this happen every night?"

"Of course not. Come sit with me." She scooted over and patted the sofa.

"Why are you up at this hour, eating ice cream and watching.... what is that?"

She giggled, "Hogan's Heroes"

Will sat down next to her, "Personally I used to prefer Batman reruns as a kid. That and The Monkees...why the ice cream at this hour? It this a pregnancy thing?"

"No. I was hungry; we kinda skipped supper." She blushed remembering what had kept them too bury to eat supper.

Will nuzzled her neck, "I remember. Are you going to share that ice cream?"

"Share my super deluxe hot fudge sundae?"

Will ran a finger along her collarbone, "Please." He gave her his best sad puppy eyes, which were extremely impressive, and planted a kiss where his finger had been.

Lizzy sighed dramatically, "The things I do for love." She scooped some hot fudge up with her index finger and offered it to Will. Will grinned and Elizabeth felt a tingle run up her spine as he slowly licked the hot fudge off her finger. 'Hogan's Heros' was soon forgotten; but they did finish the hot fudge.....

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Jane and Charlie cuddle on the sofa in his living room. Caroline, annoyed with them for their pda and that they refused to tell her where they had been earlier, stomped out of the house in a huff. No one expected to see her until the morning.


"Hmmm?" Charlie sounded sleepy, but Jane could tell from they way he held her and stroked her hair that he was very much awake.

"Thank you for all your help today. I really appreciated it."

Charlie laughed, "All I did was get Will to the church on time and keep Caroline from finding out what was going on."

"It helped a lot to know I had you to take care of things. And you were a big help with Mike and Shawn." Jane took one of his hands and kissed it.

Charlie had really helped keep things under control at the dinner after the ceremony. During dinner Elizabeth had foolishly announced they were expecting a baby. The ensuing commotion almost got them thrown out of the restaurant. Mom had actually indulged in a fit of hysterics, proclaiming Elizabeth's immoral behaviour would surely land them all in hell. Jane was no theologian, but she was fairly certain her mom was exaggerating. Still it took several minutes Mike and Shawn actually threatened to pound Will for his 'irresponsible molestation of an innocent child.' That was when Charlie, wonderful, sweet Charlie took Mike, Shawn, Jeremy, and Will outside. Whatever he said or did worked; the five returned peaceful, with no visible bruises or broken bones. Charlie refused to tell her what happened.

"Do you think they'll be happy Charlie?"

"Will and Lizzy?" Jane question startled Charlie out of his contemplative admiration of Jane's neck.

"Yeah. I mean getting married because Lizzy's pregnant isn't the greatest way to start a marriage. You saw today how hard it's going to be for everyone to accept." Jane sighed, worried about Lizzy and Will.

Charlie began to massage her neck and shoulders, "I think that they have as good a chance as anyone to make it work. They certainly love each other and want it to work." He paused to plant a kiss on her neck causing Jane to shiver. "And I think that as people see how much they love each other, it'll matter less that they were pregnant first. Maybe they went about it all wrong but I've really never met a couple more suited to each other."


"Well, I don't want to sound cheeky or presumptuous. After all, we're not married yet."

Jane sat up and looked Charlie in the eye. "Yet?"

"Yet," he said firmly. "This hasn't been a good time to discuss it, but make no mistake, we will discuss our future marriage soon." At this point Charlie gave up admiring her neck and focused on kissing it.

Jane smiled happily thinking about her own future with a very wonderful man.

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Chapter 10

Posted on Saturday, 23 December 2000

The newlyweds settled into their own particular kind of bliss as they adapted to each other's habits and eccentricities. For Will time flew and it was soon December; time for the annual corporate and family gatherings, which since his extended family hadn't met Elizabeth, and at least half of them were unaware that she was pregnant, meant the holidays would be quite... lovely. He needed to prepare her for a less than cordial welcome. At least Georgie liked her; that was some small comfort.

Will suddenly felt exhausted. He'd been to New York and Seattle all in one week. And now he was finally home with his wife. As much as he tried to relax and focus on what Lizzy was saying the problems of the past week kept intruding. Thomas wanted to resign; try something new. The board insisted Will take the reigns. That meant finding someone else to run his company while he devoted his time to the transfer of power. It also meant a lot of travelling unless he could convince Elizabeth to move to Connecticut. He doubted that would be easy. And the topper of his week was lunch with his Aunt. Catherine was, well.... unique. Obstinate, strong-willed, utterly determined to ignore anyone who ever disagreed with her ideas, Catherine had begun lunch be berating Will about his marriage and his choice of a wife. Ignorant, scheming welfare trash Will sighed. Dessert was the worst, when Catherine "surprised' him with a visit from his old girlfriend Anne. When they were dating, Catherine had decided that Anne and Will would be the perfect couple, mostly because Anne never disagreed with Catherine and frequently called her to complain about Will's lack of commitment.

Will, I'll bet you didn't know dear Anne was in town. She's just here for a few nights. Wasn't it nice of her to take time out of her busy schedule just to see and 'old friend.'?

"Um, yeah. It is nice to see you Anne."

Anne smiled sweetly. "Well I WAS hoping someone would be available to take me out on the town." She reached over and caressed his hand.

Will took his hand back and shifted uncomfortably. "Well I'm supposed to call Elizabeth tonight."


"Oh, that's right Anne you aren't aware that Will's married now are you?" Catherine injected.

"Married? Really? How NICE." There was a small grimace as she tried to smile. "I thought we were close enough that I would have gotten an invitation."

"Well there's the thing dear. Will eloped. None of his family was invited. Though I understand that All of HER family was there."

"Georgiana was there," Will pouted. He hated being put on the spot. Especially by two women who easily ran roughshod over him.

"Oh well that's something then dear."

The rest of the meal had been Anne prying information out of him about Elizabeth and Will unable to coherently defend himself or his wife. By the end Lizzy looked very much like a gold-digging tramp and Will was a fool who married her instead of wisely paying her off. Will had been very happy to catch the next flight home and now all he wanted to do now was get some sleep and forget about Catherine and Anne.

"Will?" Lizzy's voice woke him.


"Will you'll be happy if we have a girl? Right?"

"Elizabeth I'll be happy to get some sleep." Will rolled away and pulled the covers over his head. It was a stupid move.

"WILL!" Elizabeth yanked the covers down.

"How COULD you?! Of all the insensitive mean things to say. How can you not care about our baby? I thought you wanted this baby. You just married me because you had to and now that I'm ugly and fat and crabby you don't care about me any more." She ran crying from the room, slamming the door just to be sure Will knew how upset she was with him.

Will sat up, dazed. What the hell happened? I just wanted to sleep and now Elizabeth is ticked off at me.

He decided to give her five minutes to calm down before trying to talk to her, and promptly but unintentionally fell asleep.

He woke at noon the next day, feeling refreshed but uneasy. Something was wrong. He sniffed: no smoke. Okay, the house isn't on fire. There's no noise, but then Elizabeth's at work.

He was in the shower before he remembered their fight last night, not that it was actually a fight, but Elizabeth was very upset about something. She had slammed a lot of doors and stomped around before bed, but he had been so tired. A knot formed in his stomach as he remembered falling asleep before they could talk. Elizabeth was going to kill him. Will rushed through his shower and dressed in record time.

Several phone calls later revealed that Elizabeth was not at work, she was not at Jane's or she wouldn't answer if she was, and Caroline thankfully hadn't seen her in weeks. Where was she? Will grabbed her phone book and began to call. Two hours later and all he had accomplished was to worry most of Meryton, tick off her brothers, and let his hair dry without combing it, resulting in a doofy little spiky style.

Will spent the rest of the day worrying and cleaning. At least it gave him something to do other than driving around town looking for her. Just before five that evening the bathroom sparkled right down to the grout. Will was very pleased with himself for remembering to dry the tile to avoid water spots. Elizabeth would like that. With the bathroom finished and the kitchen cupboards now alphabetized, Will began to ponder his next project when Elizabeth came home from work.

The unspoken promise that they would discuss last night hung in the air as Lizzy began dinner.

"So we leave on the 4th, right?" Lizzy looked up from their dinner preparations. Will was absently chopping tomatoes. "WILL!"


"I want chopped tomatoes." Will looked down at his handiwork, confused. "Those are smushed," she elaborated.

Will snapped, "Elizabeth if you wanted them perfect you shouldn't have insisted that I help."

"I didn't insist. You volunteered."

"Only after you stormed around and glared at me for sitting down after I got home. I remind you that I wanted to take a nap, but you had other ideas."

"Why are you trying to avoid me?!"

A small tiff between couples is expected, especially newlyweds. When coupled with raging hormones and a stressful holiday season it was rather natural for this conversation to turn ugly. And it did. Dinner was forgotten as doors slammed and voices yelled. That night ended in silence and tears, again.

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The morning broke through early. One of the few sunny days they would see now that winter was upon them. Lizzy stretched and rolled over to find an empty bed. She sighed as she recalled their fight and how Will decided to sleep on the couch. Wrapping snugly in her flannel robe, thankful that it still fit around her increasing belly, she padded downstairs to find her husband.

Will was buried deep under his blanket on the couch. The living room was the coldest room in the house and Lizzy felt a pang of remorse that he had suffered a chill during the night. Tentatively she stroked his hair and whispered, "Will?"

He fidgeted slightly and tried to roll over, forgetting that a couch is not conducive to rolling in your sleep. The sensation of falling jerked him awake just as his wife put her hands out to stop his fall.


"Morning." she smiled.

"Hey. What time is it?"


"Why are you up?"

"I missed you. I rolled over and when you weren't there I remembered... um, last night." It was impossible to stop the tears that spilled over. "I'm sorry."

"Me too." He reached up to wipe away her tears.

"I hate fighting Will."


They stared at each other, trying to read the other's thoughts, but too scared to actually give voice to any emotions or problems. Finally Lizzy stood up.

"I'll make some breakfast. Why don't you go shower." She fled before he could respond.

Will entered the kitchen a bit later to find Elizabeth humming softly as she buttered toast. Last night we couldn't even be in the same room without fighting. Will this morning be different?

He cleared his throat and her happy smile answered his fears. They would get along for now.

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During breakfast Liz reminded him of their appointment with the ob/gyn.

Will & Elizabeth arrived at the doctor's office. Technically they were there to see the nurse/midwife. Will wasn't convinced that this was a better option than a real doctor but he was quickly discovering that his new wife was a very stubborn individual.

"Come on Will. You'll like Tina. I promise."

"I'm certain she's very nice Elizabeth. I do not see why you can't use a doctor like everyone else."

"Will, we've been through this. I have been seeing Tina for years. She does everything a doctor does except surgery and write prescriptions. Tina delivered Lindsey. And Dr. Heyer has every confidence in her."

Will looked skeptical, "But this is all in a hospital right?"

"Unless you want our baby to be born at home." She hinted.

"No, we agreed. In a hospital."

"A hospital BIRTHING room."

"There's a difference?"

"OH yeah." She grabbed his hand, "Now come on! I want to see pictures!"

The ultrasound technician and Tina greeted Elizabeth and Will as they arrived.

"Hey kiddo, we are ready for you. Why don't you go with Sherry and change. I'll keep your hubby busy until you're ready for us."

Elizabeth followed Sherry down the hall. Will was a bit taken back by the homey atmosphere. First names, no waiting. Where was the sterility? Where were the busy nurses who hid behind glass windows and scowled at you?


He started at the sound of his name.

"She's doing fine. Everything is going well."

"This is all just so..." With a sweep of his arm he gestured futilely at the office.

"You're a little put out that things are more relaxed?"

"Well, yeah. I guess. It's just all so new."

Tina laughed, "You are not the first to feel that way, dearie. I expect most first-timers are in shell shock for a while. That's why I try to make things a comfortable as possible. There's enough to worry about, visiting me ought to be relaxing."

"But what about... the delivery?"

"Just Elizabeth, you, me, and a nurse. The fewer the people the calmer Elizabeth's going to be. And THAT is what matters."

"What if there are... problems?"

"We're not expecting any. Everything is progressing normally. Don't worry. Both Dr. Heyer and Dr. Rahim are on call for emergencies."

Tina led Will to a dark examining room. Elizabeth was lying on the table and Sherry was smearing some goop on her stomach. Will fidgeted nervously by his wife's side until Tina moved a small monitor and told them to look.

"That is the baby's head."

"It looks like a space alien." Lizzy pointed out.

Will just stared at the screen, mesmerized by the little beating heart.

Tina went on to point out various parts and organs, but the baby stubbornly refused to let them see what sex it was. "I guess you'll have to be surprised" she said.

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Chapter 11

Posted on Thursday, January 4, 2001

Will hated driving, absolutely hated the boredom of long roads, having to stop for gas, rest rooms breaks, food, coffee, more rest rooms breaks, and 'just to stretch' breaks. What is the point of having a jet at my disposal if I can't use it? But NO, Elizabeth was afraid to fly, and since she was now five months pregnant with his....their child... EVERYTHING was about Elizabeth. His hands gripped the steering wheel more tightly and he stared at the unending, boring highway. Speeding is caused by boredom. He thought as he glanced at the speedometer and back off the accelerator. If I get a ticket this will officially qualify as the worst day of my already stupid life.

"Will?" Despite her soft voice, Will scowled as he answered:


"Nothing." She glanced out of the window and tried to think of three reasons not to yell. Mary had suggested that technique; Lizzy thought it was worth a shot. At least it might stave off one of their inevitable arguments. She sighed and gave into the blue mood that always lurked thanks to her hormones. Maybe I should have just agreed to fly. I probably could have managed okay. And at least we wouldn't be in this mess. But HE had agreed not to fly and NOW he was mad. Well, it certainly wasn't her fault he was in such a mood.

"Will I need to use the bathroom again. Could we stop?"


"Yes Again. If I wanted to annoy you I would think of something more creative than peeing every hour," she sniped at him.

Will said nothing but pulled off at the next exit. They managed to be reasonably pleasant to each other and the bit of stretching seems to make some of the tension dissolve so that they were able to have a pleasant drive.

"Elizabeth why don't you put some music in."

"Sure. Where's the CD case?"

"In the back seat." Elizabeth smiled and reached into the back.

"Let's see what have we got: no, no. Geez Will, you have really strange taste in music."

"We've been married for three months and you're only discovering this now?"

"Well you do... Buckwheat Zydeco? What the heck is that?"

"Buckwheat is fabulous."

"Buckwheat is a Little Rascals character."

"He was. It's also a Saturday Night Live character."

She sighed, "So who is he?"

"Oh, he plays the accordion. The blues accordion."

"Blues Accordion? You've just proved my point about strange music taste."

"I don't tease you about Dixie Chicks."

"Yes you do! Every time Goodbye Earl comes on you tease me."

"They boiled him for supper! That's just sick."

Elizabeth caught a glimpse of a smirk on Will's face and suddenly they were both on the verge of a full-blown giggle fit; and it felt good.

"Will I have one thing to say to you, "Mama's in the Graveyard, Papa's in the Pen." Will flushed beet-red as she laughed triumphantly. "HA! You like that song but think 'Earl' is sick. It's a good thing I love you or I might be tempted to abuse this information."

"Do your worst woman."

"Oh just wait until tonight." Will's eyebrows shot up at the implied suggestion, until she whupped him on the arm. "No..... well at least not because of this.... I just meant that tonight you're going to become very familiar with the Dixie chicks music."

Will groaned. "How about a compromise? No Dixie Chicks and no Buckwheat. And maybe a little...." He wiggled his eyebrows again sending Lizzy into peals of laughter. Suddenly a drive that started horribly and threatened to turn into a huge fight was becoming.... fun, and Will smugly thought that maybe he was getting the hang of this married stuff.

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They reached Connecticut late that night. Will opened the passenger door and gently roused his sleeping wife.

"Are we here?" Lizzy blinked several times and stretched. "Will I thought we were driving straight through to your house. Why did we stop here?"

"This is my house."

Her eyes opened wide as she took in the 'house'.

"This is not a house." She gestured erratically. "It's a... Four-star hotel maybe, but NOT a home." Will caught her hand and helped her out

"Yes it is a house." He brought her hand to his lips. "But I want to make it a home with you."

She stared at him blankly, "Well if that isn't the sweetest thing you've ever said."

"Think I could get a job at Hallmark?"

She chuckled. There were times it was so hard to reconcile this teasing sweet man with the businessman who flew around the country and hated to discuss his feelings. Maybe after we've been married forty years I'll understand him.

The housekeeper opened the door as they reached the top step. "Mrs. Reynolds. I see you've been waiting." Will smiled apologetically.

"And it's a good thing I have. Your aunt is here."

Will sighed, "Which one?"

"Rebecca. She brought your sister."

"Damn. Oh well I guess we will just have to make the best of things. I was hoping for a day or two for Elizabeth to get to know her way around." He looked at Lizzy. "What if we sneak upstairs and save the introductions until tomorrow? It's been a very long drive."

Elizabeth smile at Mrs. Reynolds, "I'm sorry. We haven't met. I'm Elizabeth." She stuck her hand out to greet the housekeeper.

Mrs. Reynold took it gingerly and glared at Will. "I think you had better sneak up. This poor girl looks ready to drop. Go. I'll have a hot bath drawn up and keep the wolves at bay until tomorrow." She looked at Elizabeth. "We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other tomorrow. And I'll give you a crash course on this place then. Would you like a snack before bed?"

"Oh yes please, and something warm to drink."

Mrs. Reynolds laughed. "I remember what it was like being pregnant. Yes, I'll have it for you as soon as you're out of your bath. Now scoot and let this husband of your get the luggage."

"Me? Where's ..... er Peter?"

"Och! That was last year. It's Jordan now. And I've sent him off to bed. The rest of the guests will be arriving very early tomorrow and he's going to be very busy."

"Come on Will, show me what fabulous muscles you have."

Will grinned, grabbed the bags before leading his wife upstairs to their bedroom, looked back, "Thank you Mrs. Reynolds."

"My pleasure. Now go on..."

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Elizabeth woke early the next morning. Will was still sleeping as she emerged from the bathroom, showered and dressed in her most comfortable sweats. Lately she liked schlepping around in sweats since she was too big for regular clothes and too small for maternity clothes, in fact, unless you were specifically looking at her stomach you would miss her pregnancy all together. Pulling her hair into a ponytail, Lizzy decided this was as good a time as any to explore the house, or at least find the kitchen; she was hungry.

Ten minutes and four hallways later she found the kitchen and realized to her dismay that she had no idea where anything was kept in this elaborate spread. Gingerly, feeling very much like a snoop, she began opening cupboards looking to at least fix herself some tea and toast.

She had just found the tea kettle and was pulling it out of the bottom cabinet when someone began scolding her:

"Now who are YOU and just what do you think you're doing poking your nose around in my kitchen?"

Elizabeth shrieked and fell back on her rear. The owner of the voice stood towering over her, hands on hips glaring through fierce little dark eyes.

"I... I.... wanted to make some tea and toast."

"You do? Do you? Well missy this is MY kitchen and I'll thank you to get out. Breakfast is going to be at eight, just like it is every day and not before. Now get yourself back to your room and put your uniform on before Mr. Darcy or Mrs. Reynolds finds you out here. There's plenty of work for you to do." Elizabeth stood and the matron's eyes narrowed. "You're pregnant."

"Yes. I am."

"I suppose you're not married either?" the woman scanned Elizabeth's hand for a ring.

"I am so married. My fingers were swelling so I had to stop wearing my ring." At first intimidated by this bossy old woman, Elizabeth was rapidly remembering that this was now her home and she did have a right to make herself a cup of tea. And if I don't we will be moving back to Ohio very quickly. It was time to take the bull by the horns.

I sorry I don't even know your name. I'm Elizabeth. And I would still like a cup of tea and some toast."

"You'll eat when the rest of the staff eats and not before. Now go get into your uniform and start dusting the library."

"I don't think you understand. I'm not..."

They were spared further argument by the very entrance of another girl just about Elizabeth's age. "Mrs. Lynch? Mr. Darcy was asking for..... OH!" She caught sight of Elizabeth. "Beg your pardon. Mr. Darcy was wondering where you might be. He said if I found you I was to send you back to bed and let him take care of things."

"Thank you." Elizabeth paused at the door, "What's your name?"


"Hi Michelle. I'm Elizabeth. Do you think you could help me navigate these hallways again? I'm afraid if I go it alone I won't find Will until after the baby comes."

Michelle followed her out of the kitchen leaving a fuming Mrs. Lynch to storm off in search of Mrs. Reynolds. Someone needed to get that girl fired before she caused all sorts of problems.

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Will was just getting dressed when Elizabeth returned. He had obviously showered and Elizabeth grabbed a towel to dry off his hair as she began to recount her morning adventure.

"What is the name of that prison matron in the kitchen?"

"Prison?? Oh that's Mrs. Lynch. Met her already did you?"

"YES, sort of. I'm think I'm about to be fired."

"Fired? From what?"

"Your Mrs. Lynch has no very good opinion of pregnant maids who go in search of tea and toast in the early morning hours." She proceeded to recount the conversation. "I still don't think she realizes that I'm not some ignorant scullery maid."

"Oh I think she knows that." Elizabeth's eyes widened in surprise, before he continued, "We haven't had scullery maids in a hundred years."

"Argh! You know what I mean. Honestly Will.."

After a brief embrace he remembered she was probably starving. "Come on, let's get breakfast. And I'll introduce you to Mrs. Lynch before she tries to fire you again."

The meeting went well: Mrs. Lynch properly apologized and Elizabeth forgave any insult. The two were soon lost in conversation as Mrs. Lynch proudly showed off her kitchen and Elizabeth excitedly asked about the upcoming holiday meals. It would become one of the few happy memories of her trip.

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Elizabeth met Aunt Rebecca that morning. She was a forbidding lady, who looked similar to Will, with her dark hair and eyes, but that was were the similarity ended. Where Will had a teasing twinkle to his eyes, hers were shrewd and forbidding, and her dark hair was most definitely not natural. There was a forced sound to her voice as she and Elizabeth traded pleasant nothings about their trip and her impressions of Will's house and her smile often looked as if she were clenching her teeth.

Georgiana remembered Elizabeth from the wedding, asking about Jane and Charlie, and the rest of her family. Aunt Rebecca grimaced slightly as Will explained Elizabeth's large family and the 'interrogation' her brothers put him thought before they married.

"Yes, Dear. That reminds me that I have yet to even see pictures of you ceremony or your honeymoon. I do hope you brought them. I'm sure that you uncle Phil and I will want to see them and hear all about your honeymoon trip." She smiled meanly at Elizabeth behind Will's back.

"We didn't... That is the circumstances..."

"We decided to skip the big honeymoon trip Aunt Rebecca." Lizzy stepped in and rescued Will. "We had a weekend honeymoon. That seemed enough at the time."

"Oh yesssssss. I forgot your condition must have made it difficult for you to do any extensive traveling."

"I'm pregnant not dying."

"Ah but pregnancy isn't something one normally has to worry about when planning a honeymoon, is it? I just meant that your circumstances were a bit unusual. NO harm done." She waved off airily and began to query Georgiana about Will's wedding. The girl answered briefly and politely but with no real enthusiasm. Lizzy, sensing she wasn't wanted, excused herself. Will followed.

"Elizabeth? Is everything alright?"

She wanted to yell and cry NO! How can anything be all right? I'm totally unprepared for the life you lead. I do not fit in and your family seems to be more eager to point that out than to help me adjust. And I am all alone! Instead she nodded and gave him a half smile.

"I think I'm just a little tired. Maybe I'll lie down for a bit."

"It's awfully early in the day. You don't usually get tired this early." He took her hand and rubbed his thumb along her knuckles as if it would somehow give him the ability to read her mind. It didn't.

She smiled at his attempted kindness. "Really, Will. The firing squad in there was kinda hard for me. I just want to be alone for a bit."

"Okay. Why don't you call Jane."

"You're sure. It's a long distance call."

"Elizabeth this is your house. You can call anywhere. And I promise I won't even notice the charges." It was true. Mrs. Reynolds paid the bills and gave Will a monthly statement. He wouldn't even see the phone bill unless he asked.

Lizzy made her way upstairs a little happier. She missed her family and desperately wanted to talk to them. Plus, Jane always knew how to put things into perspective, make her see the good side to everyone. Now if I could only get her to visit me here.

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Georgiana Maria Catherine Darcy, at 16, was a beautiful girl with great promise of becoming and remaining a stunning woman, especially if the plastic surgeons her Aunt Catherine was fond of had their way. She had spent most of her years in boarding school and thought nothing of following her much elder and very adored brother around the globe on her summer vacation. Her grades were good, her manner pleasing and polite, and her prospects for her future were excellent. If she had one drawback it would have been the lack of close bosom friends. That was a small matter; after all she was a Darcy and a Fitzwilliam. Those two names alone would gain her access to the best schools and most exclusive organizations, she was already a member of the DAR thanks to her Fitzwilliam bloodline. She was doted upon by the rest of the family, who had felt such pity at the tiny girl who lost her parents so very early in her life. Aunt Rebecca having only sons, and Aunt Catherine being childless, were elated that they had a girl to dress properly, teach her all about the numerous and necessary charities they dabbled in, and give her a proper debut.

She looked at her brother's wife with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Elizabeth had been nice enough two months ago at the wedding, and generous to include her in the ceremony. Georgiana suspected that her brother had forced the issue and made Elizabeth include her. But that had been several months ago. Several months where her doting brother had become a stranger talking constantly about his new family. The rest of the family was mad at Will for marrying her, her classmates teased her about her brother getting 'caught' in the oldest trap in the book, and Will was never around anymore. Georgiana blamed Elizabeth and the seeds of hate grew into a strong fury. Here on her own turf that woman was NOT going to run the house and she was certainly not going to tell Georgiana Maria Catherine Darcy what to do!

None of this occurred to Elizabeth, who, still vastly overwhelmed by physical evidence of Will's wealth (it would take a lot of time before she could consider any of this as hers too), and having no experience with spoilt teenagers, save Lydia who was really more of a wild brat than a spoilt teenager, completely missed the hostility and indifference directed at her whenever she spoke to Georgiana. She had five sisters, as Sue really was a more of a sister than just her brother's wife, and they were forever getting mad and making up within the day. That was just the nature of sisters.

It came as a great shock that afternoon then, when Lizzy, finding Georgiana alone in the TV room sullenly flipping channels, sat down to get to know her and was quickly told to 'buzz off.'

"Look, I know your married to my brother. But that does not make you my sister. I don't want a sister. I'd be happy if you just went away and let me have my brother back." Georgiana spit out.

"But... I thought we could at least be friends. Sue's just as much of a sister to me as Jane... I thought we could..." Lizzy's face flushed and she tried to find the words.

"We could what? Shop for maternity clothes together? No thanks. It's bad enough you got pregnant, couldn't you just take the money and go away? Did you have to insist on marriage?" Georgiana wasn't going to give her an inch. She hated this intruder and the sooner Elizabeth realized it and packed her bags, the better the whole family would be.


"Just save it. No one wants you. Especially me. Just go back to that hickville town you crawled out from. You'll NEVER fit in here and as sooner my brother sees that and gets rid of you I will be the happiest camper in the world." Georgiana flung down the remote and stormed off.

Elizabeth curled up on the couch and cried herself to sleep.

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Author's Note: Buchwheat Zydeco IS a real musician. "Goodbye Earl" is from the Dixie Chicks and "Mama's In The Graveyard, Papa's In The Pen" is a song by Garth Brooks; but I have no idea what albums the songs are on.

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Chapter 12

Posted on Sunday, 21 January 2001

After sending Elizabeth to call Jane, Will wanted to hide. It was always easier than arguing with Georgiana, and more pleasant than Aunt Rebecca's barbs and witty comments. It would blow over soon enough; he just needed a safe place to wait it out. Will made his way to the kitchen where he found Mrs. Lynch was scurrying about preparing an elaborate lunch.

Oh, Mr. Darcy! You startled me again. Is there a problem sir?"

"No, no.... just looking for a bit of peace and quiet." His half-hearted smile told volumes about the state of things 'out there'.

Mrs. Lynch chuckled, "Yes, well that I surmised when you came in looking like a whipped puppy. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down. Jean ought to be in here soon; she'll know how to help."

Will did as told and perched at the counter reveling in the smells and warmth of the kitchen. This room above all others reminded him of being home in Ohio with Elizabeth.

"If I may say sir, I like Mrs. Darcy. I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, but she's genuinely forgiving and very sweet. I think she'll do a world of good for this family."

"Thank you Mrs. Lynch." He was interrupted by the entrance of Mrs. Reynolds; she was studying some papers and didn't even look up as she entered.

"Diana I think we ought to substitute one of these desserts. Mrs. Darcy might not feel up to such a heavy dessert after eating with that crowd. Do you think a nice sherbet?"

"Sherbet's nice, but I have a good peppermint ice cream that I think might be a better choice."

"Mrs. Reynolds?" Will's voice caused Jean Reynolds to jump in fright.

"Mr. Darcy! I'm sorry I didn't see you there."

"It's alright." Will stared morosely into his coffee cup, missing the questioning look and shrugged shoulders that passed between Diana Lynch and Jean Reynolds.

"Mrs. Reynolds what did you mean a moment ago? When you said Elizabeth might not feel well after eating with that crowd?"

Mrs. Reynolds hesitated, uncertain if she ought to apologize for her indiscreet gossiping and flee the room, or tell this young man exactly what she thought of his family treating Mrs. Darcy so shabbily. She choose the latter.

"Mr. Darcy, I've never been one to mince words with you." She regarded him carefully. Fitzwilliam Darcy might have been her employer, but she'd known and lived in the same house him since he was a toddler and that gave her a certain perspective few other people could claim. It was her considered opinion that he was deeply over his head in trouble. Someone needed to talk some sense before he did something entirely stupid. She pressed forward:

"Well, those two women, your aunts have been here regularly to check up on how I am managing the house, as if I was some ignorant neophyte who couldn't add two plus two." Here Mrs. Reynolds paused and drew a deep breath, complaining wouldn't help the argument she was trying to make. "Anyway, once they're happy that the house is standing and I haven't sold off any of the furnishings, then they sit down and invite me to have a cup of coffee with them.

"Then they gossip and I listen. Lots of times it's neighborhood coming and goings, or servants. Lately it's been all about your 'ill-advised' marriage. They have judged and condemned that poor child without ever meeting her. And both of them have made a concerted effort to portray your marriage in the worst possible light to Georgiana... Miss Darcy. I don't think I'll ever get used to her growing up... anyway, when she returned from your wedding, she was happy. She was even looking forward to living with you both this summer, after school. Then your aunts got hold of her, telling her what a horrid gold-digger the new Mrs. Darcy is, how you were trapped by doing something stupid... They even went so far as to tell Georgiana that you'd ship her off just to make your wife happy. They began plotting to remove Georgiana to one of their houses."

Shock registered on Will's face. Mrs. Reynolds was by now quite upset.

"And YOU letting all this go on under your very nose." Mrs. Lynch interjected disdainfully.

Will glared, "I don't think I need either of you to judge my life."

"Well someone needs to say SOMETHING." Mrs. Reynolds slammed her hand on the table, getting Will's undivided, though belligerent attention. "It's time you took charge of this family. And let me tell you this... Don't you dare let those harpies hurt Mrs. Darcy. That poor girl doesn't deserve to be treated like some back alley street cat."

Mrs. Reynolds paused to calm down. "Mr. Darcy, I've been around long enough to know at a glance when a person is genuine and Mrs. Darcy is. She wouldn't hurt a person for all the world. And that includes you. She's going to sit there and take all the abuse your family heaps on her and never complain to you, because she doesn't want to insult your family. It's YOUR job to keep your family from hurting her."

Will gave a weak smile, "It's been a long time since you've scolded me like that. Is it really as bad as you say?"

"It is. And it's going to get worse unless you stop them. They've already begun spreading stories around the neighborhood. It won't be long before most of your friends and acquaintances hate your wife."

"What do you suggest?"

"First I'd reassure your wife. Be strong for her and the baby."

Will stared off into space. Something had to be done but he wasn't quite sure what... yet.
"Can you arrange for a private supper for Elizabeth and I? Away from the family."

Mrs. Reynolds smiled broadly, "Certainly, but what about lunch?"

"I have to go out for a bit. Would you ask Elizabeth if she'd like lunch in her room or if she'd like to join the others?"

With Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Lynch assuring him that they would look after Mrs. Darcy's needs, Will hurried to change his clothes and left the house. He had work to do.

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Will returned that evening just before supper and summoned Mrs. Reynolds as he changed from his suit into more casual clothing.

"Everything set Mrs. R?"

"Everything is set. Supper will be served in one half hour. And you look like you are in a much better mood."

Will grinned, "How can you tell?"

"You're smiling and you don't look so beaten down."

"You are correct. I had a very good afternoon. Now where is my wife?"

"I believe I saw her lying down in the TV room earlier."

"That's odd. Well, would you see if you can find her and tell her supper is ready?"

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Mrs. Reynolds found Elizabeth still asleep on the couch in the TV room.

"Mrs. Darcy.... Mrs. Darcy."

Elizabeth woke with a start to unfamiliar surroundings. Sitting up she tried to get her bearings.

Mrs. Reynolds?... Oh, I'm in the TV room. Georgie.... With a sigh she sank down into the couch again.

"Mrs. Darcy. Supper will be served soon. I thought perhaps you ought to freshen up before." Mrs. Reynolds smiled gently.

"Please, let me stay here. I can't take anymore of.... them."

"Oh you needn't worry about the family. Mr. Darcy has arranged private meal. Just the two of you."

Elizabeth gave a genuinely happy smile. "Thank you."

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Supper was delicious and made even more so by the privacy in which it was eaten. The chatted about little things, and nothings, carefully avoiding any mention of that morning.

"Elizabeth? I'm sorry about.... earlier."

Elizabeth looked confused He couldn't know about Georgiana. Unless Georgiana had told him, and Elizabeth doubted that.

Will continued, "I know Aunt Rebecca is... hard to deal with. Actually both my aunts are. Do you think.... Could you deal with her? Or should I ask her to go?" He was scared. Will had spent his life not offending his family, doing whatever it took to keep the peace. His aunt's both tried to 'help' with the children after his mother died and frequently they were at war with each other, but only when they were not joined together against Will's father.

"Will.." she sighed. "I'll be nice. I will try my best..."

"Thank you." He sighed and closed his eyes in relief. Everything would be all right. Elizabeth would make nice to them and everyone would stop pulling at him.

"But Will?" Will's head jerked up. She had that 'dropping a bombshell' tone. Warning bells began sounding in his brain.

"Hmm?" he grunted as non-committally as possible.

"You shouldn't let them speak to your family like that."

"They are my family."

"They are part of your family. But my claim on you takes precedence. I want you to stand between them and me. I need you to do that Will."

They stared at one another for along moment, before Elizabeth left.

"I want to go take a bath to unwind. I'll see you in a bit. Okay?" She put her hand on his shoulder.

"Hm? Yeah. Okay." He squeezed her hand and she left him alone.

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Once ensconced in the warm water Elizabeth permitted herself to indulge in a good deep blue funk.

What have I gotten myself into? It's a very good thing I never met Will's family before we were married or I never would have said yes. Of course if I'd met them before we married they'd probably have talked him out of it. Why can't anything be simple!

"I wish we'd never left Ohio!" The bathroom rang with her shout and Elizabeth gave into tears again.

Dang it! I HATE these hormones. It's just not right for me to be bursting into tears all the time, or losing my temper. She threw the loofah across the room. Ooooh I wish I'd never gotten pregnant.

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Will sat in the same spot and thought for some time. There was a certain wisdom in her thinking. Certainly it would be better if HE told his aunt's to behave than if Elizabeth started a fight. He vaguely remembered his father placing himself between Will and his aunts when one of them wanted to make him do something ridiculous.

Slowly he stood and began clearing the dishes, carrying them to the kitchen.

"Mr. Darcy?!" Mrs. Lynch was still in the kitchen. "What on earth are you doing?"

"Putting the dishes in the sink?" Will suddenly realised that he'd never in his life cleared the table before marrying Elizabeth. Smiling sheepishly he placed them in the sink, "Habit I guess. At home I always.."

Mrs. Lynch chuckled, "Good for you. Don't worry. It'll be our secret." She winked and sent him away.

As he made his way back Will realised he didn't want it to be a secret. Why should he hide the best parts of his life because other people wouldn't like it? Elizabeth and the life they had built in Ohio were the best parts of him.

He found his wife in their room. She was reading a book of baby names.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi." she smiled. "Where were you?"

"I cleared the table."

"Good. Thanks for taking care of that." she returned to the book.

"Liz? Do you know I've never done that here?"

"Done what?"

"Cleared the table. I've always had people whose job it was."

She stopped reading and looked up expectantly. Will recognized that 'so are you going to get to the point look?'

He kissed her forehead, "I realised I love clearing the table. I love the life we've been building and I want very much to have that here too."

"I don't want to stay here. I want to go home."

"I know. Can you give it a try? I promise it won't be as bad after Aunt Rebecca leaves."

She nodded and began to look at her book. Will lifted her chin with his finger. He searched her eyes, "Why the long face?"

"It's just... even after she leaves there's still Georgiana."

"What about Georgiana?"

She shifted uncomfortably and chewed her lower lip. Finally she spoke, "Georgiana and I had 'words' this afternoon."

He insisted she tell him. Will looked very tired and sad when she finished her glossed over version of the events. "It's hard on her. She's jealous and maybe even a bit spoilt. I'll have a talk with her and see what I can do."

"You don't need to. It'll blow over soon enough." She didn't really believe that, but wanted to ease Will's mind. When he didn't respond she changed tactics and the subject. "So what do you think of Ian?"

Will looked confused. "Who is Ian?"

"I was thinking of that for the baby's name."

"It's.... nice."

"Nice? That's it?! Nice?"

"Well, yeah. Nice." Will shrugged.

"Well then you suggest something."


"Nancy?" Will nodded, Elizabeth stared skeptically. "Why?"

"Nancy Drew."

"You read Nancy Drew?"

"Well, sorta. I read them to Georgie. I always thought she was kinda cool."

"Humph. I liked Trixie Belden myself." She teased.

Will looked at her and said very seriously, "Lizzy, we are NOT naming the baby Trixie."

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Chapter 13

Posted on Monday, 29 January 2001

The next morning Elizabeth woke refreshed and hopeful. Will's sweetness and their time alone had renewed her determination to make things right between her and Georgiana; she just knew they could make it work and be friends, if only for Will's sake. Will. She suddenly noticed she was alone in bed. A swift glance at the clock showed the time as 5:45 am. Where'd he go? I don't remember him telling me he had to go into work so early Still, it was awfully early for him to just be up and about, but she heard no noise coming from their bathroom.

After easing herself out of bed and visiting the bathroom, Elizabeth wandered down to the kitchen. Perhaps this morning Mrs. Lynch would let her have some tea and toast before breakfast. Seeing the empty kitchen, she hesitated, before deciding to take the risk and put the kettle on.

Looking for the bread she entered the large pantry. This is larger than my kitchen at home. I wish Jane could see this.

"Mrs. Lynch?" Lizzy heard Will's voice and before she could announce her presence she heard another.

"I don't see her, but she must be around, the kettle's on. Think we can manage coffee by ourselves?"

"Oh easily," Will replied. "I've become rather domestic since Elizabeth."

"Really?" The voice laughed. "Somehow I can't picture you settled down, much less as a house husband."

"You jest, but I am. Allow me to demonstrate." She heard the sounds of clinking and thunking and assumed Will was demonstrating his newly acquired coffee-making skills. Knowing Will's propensity for spilling half of the grounds as he filled the basket, she prayed he would remember to wipe off the counter.

"I'm impressed. Marriage has obviously succeed in teaching you what fifteen years of my mother could not," the other man mocked.

"Thomas your mother could charm a snake out of its venom. But she was not cut out for raising teenage boys."

So the voice was named Thomas. Lizzy suspected this was Thomas the cousin who ran the company.

"She raised me and my brother." Thomas sounded miffed.

"Please! She shipped you both off to boarding school. AND she would have done the same for me if my father hadn't refused. Georgie's the only one of us she's ever been truly concerned about."

"Will, I hate to break it to you, but even I can see that my mother is only interested in receiving credit for Georgie's success. Why do you think she's worked so hard to get Georgie to hate... what's her name. Your wife."

Will sighed, "Elizabeth. Please try to remember it when you meet her. This whole fiasco has been hard enough. I want at least ONE of my relatives to be nice to her." There was a moment of silence and Elizabeth contemplated revealing herself but Aunt Rebecca's voice stopped her.

"I am always nice Fitzwilliam. Good morning boys. You're both up early this morning. Thomas when did you arrive?"

"Morning mother. I arrived last night rather late."

"Is your brother with you?"

"No, he already told you couldn't get leave Mother. He'll be here for Easter. Now what's this I hear you've been mean to Will's wife?"

"Humph. I'm never mean."

"Now, Mother Even I know better than that. You'd stab Father in the back if it meant one of us would marry properly."

"Oh for heaven's sake Thomas.... Stop the melodramatics. This is hardly the seventeenth century. You can marry whoever you choose."

There was a snort of laughter from Will.

"However, I DO know that there are those kinds of girls who would chase you and marry you for the status and money and then ruin you in the divorce proceedings. If I said something about a girl you were interested in, I was merely looking out for you. You know dear there are times, under certain circumstances, where a man is unable to think clearly."

"Aunt Rebecca you're going to far. Elizabeth is not a ..... gold-digger. Besides I hardly think a woman who referred to me as a lobotomized ape was chasing me."

Thomas choked on his laughter. "Oh you MUST tell me THAT story."

"Later Thomas. My point Aunt is that I happen to know Elizabeth did not marry me for my money, or my status." Will said pointedly.

"Of course not dear." Aunt Rebecca said in her most conciliatory voice. "I sure she misunderstood what I said. She's just overly sensitive. Pregnant women are dear. Of course I wouldn't expect you to know that, but they are. The girl just misunderstood what I was saying, that's all. Now if you'll excuse me I must go back to bed. It's simply much too early for me to be up."

She breezed out of the room barely missing Lizzy as she stomped out of the pantry and glared after her. Will ceased grinding his teeth and began to worry what storm would blow through now.

Thomas' first look at his cousin's wife indicated she was a petite brunette with her hair in a single plait, standing with hands on hips in overly-large pajama's and a murderous look on her face.

"Hi" He offered her his hand. "Thomas Fitzwilliam. You must be Elizabeth."

The look of death faded at his warm greeting. She smiled and offered her hand, "I'm Elizabeth. I, um. I was in the pantry looking for some bread and I.... heard. Everything." She shook Thomas' hand and then went and wrapped her arms around Will. "And YOU sir..."

Will wrapped his arms around her, nearly over turning the sugar bowl perched precariously close to his elbow. She giggled as he set everything back to rights and said: "Good Morning Elizabeth. Did you sleep well?"

"I did. At least until I woke up cold." she took his arms and wrapped them around her again.

"I'm sorry I thought I covered you after I got up."

"You covered me fine silly. I missed my heat source." She nuzzled his chest. Will grinned in such a manner that Thomas felt embarrassed.

"Why were you hiding in the pantry?" Will asked.

"Oh, I was looking for some bread to make toast and when I heard...."

"You mean you wanted to eavesdrop."

"That too." She grinned smartly and scurried to the toaster. Will came up behind her and took the bread away.

"Here. Let me. I was showing off my new skills."

Thomas spoke up, "I never would have believed that my take-out king roommate would ever learn to make coffee."

"And on good days he picks up his dirty clothes." Elizabeth teased.

"You've got him well trained I see."

"You can both stop talking like I am not here. Thomas, take your coffee and go shower. We'll talk later. And YOU madam. Get back upstairs before anyone else sees you so scandalously underdressed."

Elizabeth glanced at her flannel pj's and looked confused. "I'm not scandalously underdressed."

"You will be as soon as I'm finished with this toast."

Understanding dawned on Elizabeth and with a cheeky grin she ran upstairs.

Thomas stared after her before commenting, "Lobotomized ape?"

Will nodded, "Well at one point I said something rather stupid about her and she called me on it." Thomas Fitzwilliam thought for a moment and decided that either his cousin had made a complete idiot of himself or Elizabeth was unusually bright. All the women he knew were a bit thickheaded about Will. In fact Will could and did deliberately insult them and they still hung on.

"Smart girl. Cute too. Not your usual type though."

"My usual type?"

"You know, leggy, busty, gorgeous, plastic.... Caroline, Anne,.."

"I NEVER dated Caroline." Will glanced at him, "But no Elizabeth's not like that. Thank god."

Thomas laughed and baited Will, "You're glad she's not gorgeous?"

"Oh don't be obtuse. I'm glad she's not fake, besides, I think she's beautiful." Will crossed his arms and dared Thomas to disagree. Although Will was shorter than Thomas by an inch, and their weight was fairly close, Thomas declined the challenge with a chuckle and raised hands in mock surrender.

"I give. Like I said, she's a cute girl. How'd you ever meet her?"

"Bing." Will said.

"Nah, she's not Bing's type either." Bing liked tall and leggy and blonde, always blonde. For that matter so did Thomas.

Will chuckled, "No, but her sister is."

"A sister?" Thomas' eyes gleamed.

"No, Thomas. Bing's in love."

"When is Bing not in love with his flavor of the moment?" Thomas refilled his coffee and offered some to Will.

"I wouldn't exactly call Jane a 'flavor of the month."

"Alright then, but Bing's still in and out of love as often as you change shoes." Thomas too a long sip of his coffee, being careful not to burn his mouth.

"True.. But this one's different. Bing's talking about proposing at Christmas." This news caused Thomas to spew his mouthful of coffee.

"Christmas?!" He grabbed a towel and wiped off his shirt, "Bing??......Married?"

"Yes. Now IF you'll excuse me.... my wife is waiting." Will winked and left Thomas to ponder what it was in these sisters that made his formerly confirmed bachelor friends want to get married.

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In the early afternoon, Georgiana breezed into the lilac sitting room, her favorite room, only to find Elizabeth sitting in her chair.

"What are YOU doing in here."

Elizabeth's head jerked up from her book. She had been enjoying her solitude. The room was a quiet restful retreat, and the chair was perfectly placed close enough to a window that one could sit and just stare out of the window at the trees and sky.


Georgiana glared and spun around to the door, but Elizabeth's voice stopped her before she could leave.

"Georgie! Wait!"

Georgiana turned back to Elizabeth but said nothing.

"I... Yesterday was just a misunderstanding. I hoped we could be friends."

"Don't call me Georgie."

"Oh, I thought since Will.."

"Only my family calls me Georgie." she hissed.

Something inside of Elizabeth snapped. "What the hell is your problem Georgie? I'm not the enemy here but you insist on treating me like I'm some sort of disease carrying angel of death. What did I ever do to you? Huh? I've been as nice and welcoming as I could. My whole family adored you... but am I treated with ANY amount of kindness. NO! You've decided that I'm the enemy and it's your job to hate me. Well grow up little girl. Your brother was going to get married someday and I'm just fortunate enough that he chose me."

Georgiana's face went from shock to virulent anger as she registered what Elizabeth was saying, "He didn't choose you. He was trapped. If you hadn't been pregnant he never even would have spoken to you again. You're just not his type."

This hit Elizabeth too close to home. She was hearing her own fears voiced by someone else as an accusation. And she knew it was all true.

"You're wrong! Will loves me!"

Georgiana smirked, "Yeah, right. My brother, with a Harvard education, more money that you can count, a blood-line that reaches goes back hundreds of years, loves YOU. Well, I guess we'll have to see how much he loves you in a few years when he's tired of an ill-mannered, uncultured country bumpkin and looks for someone who understands him."

Elizabeth ran crying from the room and Georgiana felt a momentary pang of regret that she had hurt this woman. This was soon replaced by visions of having Will all to herself again; perhaps she should ask if they could go see the Nutcracker next week, just like they always had.

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Thomas was standing in the hallway and caught hold of Elizabeth as she came running out of the room.

"Hey, slow down." She tried to push past him, but he didn't let go of her arm. She was shaking and crying so hard that Thomas felt he had to do something to help.

"Come on. Let's go in here. He opened a door across the hall. It was Will's office. "Sit down here and I'll find you a tissue."

She accepted the tissue with a small smile and blew her nose, loudly. Thomas looked shocked.

"Quite a brass band." Elizabeth acknowledged. He tried to deny it but she laughed, "Don't bother. My brother's have always made my faults abundantly clear to me and anyone who would listen."

They sat for a moment in silence while tears continued to track a path down her cheeks. Finally Thomas spoke, "I, um, heard... most of it."

"Oh..." She looked dejected, beaten. Without warning she buried her face in her hands and began to sob.

"Elizabeth. It's alright. Really. It'll be alright." He said soothingly but awkwardly as he tried to pat her head.

"No.... no it won't. I just can't make everything alright." She hiccuped a little trying to clam down.

"I don't think it's you who needs to fix anything."

"But they all hate me."

"Look... as I see it, all you have to do is make Will happy. To hell with all of them." That got her to smile a little. "You know all Will talks about is how wonderful you are."

"Really?" Her smile grew.

"Yeah.... and well, stock prices."

They chuckled a bit and she sighed, "Thanks. I just... I needed some encouragement."


Something about Thomas caught her attention. After studying him for a moment she said, "You're a little bit like him you know."

"Yeah. But I'm better looking."

"Ummm. No." Thomas laid a hand over his heart and looked stunned; Elizabeth laughed at him. "But thanks. Now...I'd best get cleaned up if I'm going to face all of them for dinner tonight."

Thomas watched as she walked down the hall. Maybe marriage isn't such a bad idea after all. I wonder if she's got anymore sisters? Shaking his head at the absurdity of that thought, he went to have a word with his dear little cousin.

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When he entered, Georgiana was glaring sullenly at the wall.

"Hello Georgiana. What's up?"

She glanced at him and returned to her sullen fit.

Thomas went and stood close enough that he could speak softly, but far enough that she'd miss if she took a swing at him.

"Georgiana, do you want to talk to me about it?"

She shook her head.

"Fine, then listen: I want you to knock it off."

Georgiana spun around, shocked and angry. "There's nothing to knock off Thomas." she spat.

He eyed her for a moment, and then spoke carefully, "You know exactly what I am talking about. Don't even try to play innocent victim with me. I can't be manipulated like Will and my mother."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She stated as nobly as she could.

Thomas grabbed her by the arms, "Georgiana Darcy, stop acting like a spoilt two year old, whose favorite toy is threatened and BEHAVE yourself."

"Or what? You'll tell Will? You're NOT my father you know."

"And thank God for that. But I can't help thinking that your father would be awfully disappointed. I mean, your father wanted to and Will to be happy. But now that Will's finally found someone to love him you want to destroy that."

"Thomas..Just Bite Me." Georgie stormed out of the room, slamming the door hard enough to rattle the light fixture.

Chapter 14

Posted on Tuesday, 20 February 2001

Will stood in the back watching Elizabeth chatting happily with some guy. So fine, they were in a church. That didn't make it any easier to watch his wife laughing with that guy. Shouldn't cause a scene. Calm down. They're simply talking. He desperately tried to reason with the baser instinct which demanded he punch the guy's lights out. A few deep breaths and he was able to unclench his fists, though it did nothing for his jaw.

It was been a terrible month for them: instead of going back to Ohio after a week, Will had been forced to tell Elizabeth they would be moving here indefinitely. Then he had been working insane hours, leaving her alone with Georgiana for days on end. At least Aunt Rebecca had gone to her own home; her husband called and announce that he was lonely and she better get home before he found someone else who could throw a garden party and married her instead. Unknown to anyone else, Thomas and Will quietly sent a box of cigars to Henry Fitzwilliam and thanked him for helping them.

Will knew Elizabeth was unhappy and even lonely. She'd told him often enough. Will had hoped that going to Ohio for Christmas would soften her opinion of him. Apparently, judging by her daily visits to see this guy... this handsome, young, red-haired, jerk

"May I help you sir?" The older gentleman startled Will out of his daydreams of bloodshed and glory.

"No. Thank you..." He said through gritted teeth.

"You're waiting to see Father Jim?" Will glanced at the old man and caught the fleeting smirk on his face.

"Who?" He growled.

"I'm sorry I assumed you were waiting to speak to Father Jim after he finished speaking with Elizabeth. They'll be finished soon."

"Father... How?.... Father??"

The man laughed. "He does look a little young. But he's been one of the best priests we've ever had. Very wise for such a young man."

"A priest. She's been talking to a priest." he muttered

A few minutes later Father Jim and Elizabeth met Will as he stood in the back. Elizabeth made the necessary introductions before Father Jim hurried away for his next appointment.

"Sooo, spill it." Elizabeth said.

"Spill what?"

"Why you're here. And why you look like you've done something totally stupid." He flushed in embarrassment. How does one confess to wanting to punch a priest?

"I thought you........If I tell her what I was really thinking I'm going to be in SO much trouble. I'm here because I came home early and couldn't find you. Seth told me were here and he was to pick you up at 4:30. So I came instead."

"You were worried and wanted to know what I was doing," she accused.

"A little." he confessed.

"It's a church Will. What did you expect to find me doing?"

He shrugged. "Father Jim seems nice."

"He is. and don't change the subject."

"Sorry. I really just..."

Elizabeth took pity on her squirming husband. "I wanted someone to talk to about all of this...mess."

"Mess?" Will looked adorably confused.

"Well, moving away from everyone and everything... Your sister's hatred of me."

"Georgie doesn't hate you."

"Will.." Elizabeth sighed and remembered Jane advice from last night's phone conversation Sometimes it's better to stick to the issue and not get carried away by the battle "Fine. She doesn't hate me. But she's mean and angry and says the most awful things whenever you're not around. I think she's insecure about where she stands with you."

Will stared off into space. "Do you.... Should I try talking to her?"

"It might help. At least it will make me feel like you're on my side."

"I'm always on your side. I just don't..."

"You don't want to choose?" She added. When he nodded she continued. "It's okay. I won't ask you to choose. But it's be nice if we were all on the same side wouldn't it?"

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Early the next morning Will found his sister outside on the old tire swing. It hung from a beautiful old maple on the far edge of the east lawn. Will's grandfather had hung that for him on his fifth birthday. The old man, always busy making and doing 'things' decided that his young grandson was going to benefit from his forced retirement. Thus at aged four Will's grandfather became his best playmate. Papa Darcy built tree houses, and taught Will how to ride, and how to drive the lawn mower (he was sworn to secrecy lest his mother have a conniption fit and forbid Will to play with Papa.). In the winter they set up boxes all over the basement and played fort, and Indians, and cowboys, until the cook threatened to thrash them both if they 'raided' her 'larder' once more. And more than once the man's penchant for ice-cream resulted in Libby's Ice- Cream Parlour being overtaken by Papa, Will, and any child within shouting distance. Papa Darcy was the main reason Will was a favourite among his classmates and neighbors.

Will's Papa died two years before Georgiana was born, but as soon as she was old enough Will pushed her on the swing and told her stories about Papa. Since then, Georgie had always viewed this as her spot, so it was no surprise to find her there that morning.

"Hey kid. I thought I might find you here." He tried to keep his voice cheerful and friendly.

"Go away Will." She scowled. It was going to take more than Will being nice to make Georgie feel better. For his part Will had no intention of making Georgie feel better. NO, his intention was much more basic. Will was going to defend his wife and remind Georgiana that it was HIS choice whom he married... no one else had a say in the matter... well, except for the girl, and fortunately she said yes.

"NO Georgie. We need to have a talk. Come on." He pulled her up and led her back towards the house. Once there, Will steered her into a side room and plunked her into an overstuffed chair. Will stood n front of her with his arms crossed daring her to try and leave. Their staring contest last two minutes until Georgie broke and began examining the floor.

"Georgie, about Elizabeth.."

"What about her?" She said to the rug.

"Georgiana look at me." She glared up at him. Will tried a softer tone. "Georgie. Why is it you seem to think it's acceptable to be mean to Elizabeth?"

"I suppose SHE came crying to you about how mean I was. Well it's not true." Georgiana pouted.

"It is true. Thomas told me about his conversation with you."

She looked mulish, "I should have known he'd take her side. How can you be so blind Will? She's even using our own cousin against us. She's just a stupid tramp. Maybe the baby's not even yours and she just wants money. Did you even TRY to give her money to go away?"

Will stared at her in silence until Georgiana began to get nervous. It took an enormous amount of energy to check his temper when he finally did speak, "I never, and I DO mean NEVER want to hear you speak about her like that. YOU do not know that facts and are making judgements based upon the prejudices of Aunt Rebecca and Aunt Catherine, both of whom have tried for years to manipulate my life. I love Elizabeth. I am married to her and I am going to stay married to her. I will not give up on my wife, or any of my children just to suit the whims of someone else, and that includes YOU my dear little sister."

Georgiana may have been spoilt but she was also extremely sensitive and this speech by her own brother was tantamount to being spanked. She sniffed back her tears, but they rolled down her cheeks anyway.

Will gathered her into his arms like he did when she was a baby and would come running to his room after a nightmare. "Georgiana, I love you and you will always have a home here. Elizabeth wants to be a sister to you, and she has lots of experience being a very good sister. Give her a chance, please? For my sake?"

"I....... I'll try." She whispered.

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It rained the next several days; a hard cold rain which kept both man and beast inside as much as possible. For Elizabeth this meant long periods of intense boredom. She phoned Jane twice, read six books, and once contemplated which if the rooms could be redecorated as a nursery and playroom for when they visited. Eventually, being utterly bored, she convinced Mrs. Reynolds to let her help decorate the Christmas cookies and taught Mrs. Lynch how to make her grandmother's challah bread recipe, a gesture that was appreciated by the servants though not the family.

Georgiana made an attempt to stop hating her, though now shame and fear of rejection kept her from opening up to Elizabeth. But it was a start, and Elizabeth tried her best to draw Georgiana into conversation and friendship.

There was to be a New Year's Eve party on Saturday, a fancy dress-to-the-nines posh country club party. With some dismay Lizzy realized that she hadn't packed anything formal; truth be told the only formal she owned was a slinky red dress she'd worn for a frat formal in college, back when she was dating that moron. Even if her ever increasing bulk didn't demand a new dress the memory of the moron was enough to persuade her.

Contrary to stereotype, Elizabeth was one woman who hated shopping, even before she became the size and shape of a chipmunk with a gland problem. And this time there wouldn't be a loving sister to cajole or threaten her into buying the perfect dress. There was no one to shop with, no one to badger her into buying a dress that looked great but wasn't her normal style, no one to sit and drink coffee and gloat with over the great purchases they'd made, or complain about the money they'd overspent. She finally broke down and asked Georgiana to go shopping and was pleasantly surprised to find they got along when they both tried hard. With Georgie's help she were able to find a burgundy colored dress that in all justice, did look well with her eyes and hair, even if was obviously a maternity dress.

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New Year's Eve

I'm getting SO fat. Elizabeth scowled into the mirror. I won't be at all surprised if someone calls animal control about a beached whale.

Will came in and noticed her scowl. "What's the matter?"

"I'm fat."

Will laughed, "Where?"

"I would THINK it's obvious." She gestured around her slightly rounded stomach.

"That's the baby. It's not fat." Will looked puzzled.

Elizabeth took one look at Will: tall, handsome, tuxedo that looked molded to fit his frame... and burst into tears.

"Elizabeth, honey... what's wrong?"

"I'm just.... it's that... I'm fat. And I'm only going to get fatter, and I'm never going to find my waist again...."

Will took her into his arms and held her. Somewhere in the recesses of his mind he remembered Mike warning him about moods swings, and to say nothing when they happened, so he just held her. Soon Elizabeth sniffed away her tears and smiled. Will kissed her forehead and silently thanked God for Mike's advice.

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The room was crowded with tuxes, silks, and attitude, leaving little room for a tried pregnant woman to maneuver. If I'm this tired now, how bad am I going to feel in a couple of months?



He gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "How are you holding up?"

"Now or in general?"


"In general things are getting better. I hated quitting my job and moving here, but I understand. And Will was great flying us back to Ohio so we could spend Christmas with my family. Georgie even came."


"And she got along really well with most of my sisters. I think Lydia annoyed her. But then Lyd annoys a lot of people."

Thomas laughed. "I saw Georgie yesterday and she seems to have stopped hating you."

"We're trying. She's stopped her campaign to get Will to throw me out of the house. At times she's even sweet. We went shopping and she helped me pick out this dress."

"Ah, shopping. The great equalizer." Thomas laughed. "Well, my compliments. It's a stunning dress."


"I try."

"How about trying to find me a place to sit down."

Gallantly he took her arm and led her toward a small alcove near the entrance.

"I didn't know this was here," she said.

"On e of the benefits of being dragged here by my mother since I could walk." Thomas helped her sit in one of the oversized chairs.

"Can I get you something to drink?"

"I would love that thank you. Just water would be great."

Thomas left and Elizabeth closed her eyes.


"Oh, Georgie. Sorry. I must have dozed off." Elizabeth sat up a little straighter and smiled.

"Thomas asked me to bring this to you." she said as she handed Elizabeth her water.

"Thanks. Do you ant to sit for a minute?"


The silence was almost comfortable.

Georgie spoke first, "Elizabeth.......... I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for everything. You know, from before."

Elizabeth reached out and squeezed her hand. "It's okay. I've forgiven you, but thanks for apologizing."

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Will, searching for Elizabeth, happened upon them at the precise moment they stood and hugged. I never thought I'd see this.


He was rewarded with brilliant smiles. Elizabeth turned to grasp his hand and pull him into the hug when something went wrong.

Georgiana's hysterical crying brought a crowd of useless spectators. Those in front were able to see Will Darcy cradling his grimacing wife.

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Chapter 15

Elizabeth growled at the crowd. "It was JUST a cramp. I'm fine. Everyone can just go back to the party now.... show's over."

The crowd dispersed some as the news filtered through that there was nothing interesting to see. Will helped his wife to her chair and told Thomas to fetch her a drink.

"Fetch? Like I'm some sort of dog?" Thomas queried.

"Thomas." Elizabeth's flushed face and angry growled provided Thomas with reason enough to do as asked.

"Elizabeth are you sure you're alright?" Will asked.

"Yes. I'm fine really." Seeing that Will didn't look convinced she continued, "Look if the cramps start coming at regular intervals, then you can panic, otherwise I'm fine."

"Regular? Oh... labor."

"Ding give the man a gold star! Now can we please just go home?"

"Sure. Let me get the car while Georgie gets our coats."

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At Will's insistence Elizabeth spent New Years Day on the sofa and called her new OB the following day. Which is why it was a very grouchy Elizabeth who spent Jan. 2nd in a crowded Dr.'s office.

"Well, Elizabeth your blood pressure is up a bit."

"You try being as big as a house and sitting in a stuffy waiting room for two hours and see how your blood pressure is," she snapped.

Dr. Mangan chuckled, "Yes, well I am sorry about the wait, but Mrs. Sylverston's baby insisted on being born this morning."

Elizabeth sighed, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped life that."

"It's all right. I haven't had a mommy yet who hasn't bitten my head off at least once. Just wait another ten weeks and you'll really feel like snapping."

"Ten weeks! When you put it like that, it sounds like I'll be pregnant forever!"

"Not forever. That baby will want out soon enough. Now since your pressure's elevated I want to on bed rest. Two hours everyday on your left side."

"Two hours of laying there?!"

"Indulge me." he said dryly. "Starting tomorrow I'm scheduled to take my first vacation in five years. If you go into premature labor my wife may very well kill me." Dr. Mangan looked gently at her. "Elizabeth, I know this is hard, but we're not playing here. If we take precautions now we can keep this from becoming a serious problem later."

She sighed, "Okay. Two hours."

"Good. And I want to see you every week to check your pressure."

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As things turned out Elizabeth did not have to wait another ten weeks. Two weeks later she felt a little funny right before her appointment. Laying down helped, but of course she fell asleep and missed her appointment.

She called Dr Mangan to reschedule.

"Elizabeth. What's this?" The Doctor's booming voice replaced the nurse on the phone.

"Dr. Mangan? I was just rescheduling my appointment."

"I know. My nurse came and got me. What's this you felt funny?"

"I don't know. I just felt... odd. So I lay down for a bit, on my side, and fell asleep."

"Hmmm. I want you to come in."


"Yeah. I'll wait for you. Humor me on this one."

"Sure. See you in a bit."

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Elizabeth shifted slightly in the lazy-boy as the nurse unstrapped her from the monitor. "You can just rest and I'll have the doctor talk to you here."

Dr Mangan came in a few minutes later was very silent while he checked the read-out. He hmmm'd and umm'd a bit before finally saying:

"So what are your plans for tonight?"

Elizabeth looked suspiciously at him, "Will's coming home from Seattle, or Denver. I can't remember where he went. Anyway, I'm going to meet him after this."

Dr. Mangan shook his head, "No. You're going to the hospital. His driver can pick Will up and bring him there."

"Hospital. Why?"

"Because your numbers are way too high. I want to induce."

"Today?! Now!? But it's too early isn't it? Why can't we wait."

"Elizabeth your pressure is already 190/150 and the non-stress test is showing some fetal distress. It's safest to get you into a hospital."

"But." this was too much. Too fast. The baby wasn't full term yet.

"You're 32 weeks. It's a little early but right now if we wait both you and the baby are in danger," he said. Elizabeth studied his mask of professional compassion and wondered if he knew how frightening this news was to her.

"But I don't want to have the baby without Will."

"You won't we'll just get you set up and ready. You'll be in labor a good long time; plenty of time for Will to be driven from the airport to the hospital."

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Will was trying to sleep on the plane. It had been a horrible trip: employees quitting, others getting fired; stupid managers; shouting clients; idiot-brained programmers; and he missed Elizabeth.

They had been separated before since their marriage. There had been lots of trips, weekends in New York to take care of business. But this trip was different. Will gave up trying to sleep and stared out of the window. Why was this different? Why do I miss my wife so much more?

He reviewed the last few months and realized how much things had changed. I didn't even know Elizabeth last year. Now we act like an old married couple. And in another few weeks we'll be parents.

But that didn't explain why he missed her more than ever. He tried going over their relationship, methodically analyzing every nuance. That lasted three minutes before he as thoroughly bored. Still he wished he could shake the restlessness that had taken hold of him lately.

I shouldn't be feeling this restless. Everything is going so well.

There was his flash of insight. Everything was not going well lately. In the early days of their marriage they had been surrounded by her family. They had developed lots of friends, Will had developed lots of friendships; ones that were based on mutual interests and respect, and not based on sucking up and business contacts. They were building a home there, arguing over decorating the nursery. Now they just called a designer and let her decorate the nursery. The only good thing lately was that Georgiana and Elizabeth were getting alone almost like sisters. Will had an impetuous desire to do something drastic. He argued with himself, silently, for a few minutes:

I cannot do this! Yes I can. I WANT to do this, for my family.

I have a family in Connecticut.

I also have a family in Ohio, and they are a darn sight better than the others.

I'll be ridiculed for doing this.

Yes, but I'll be happy.

With that he pulled out his laptop and typed his letter of resignation.

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Mr. Darcy's good mood was not lost on Seth as he pulled out onto the highway. It was nice to see him looking so happy.

"Seth where are you going. This isn't the way to Pemberley."

"No sir. I've orders to take you to the hospital."

"The WHAT?!" Mr. Darcy didn't look like he was in such a good mood anymore.

"Um yes sir. Mrs Darcy had me drop her off at the hospital and then come get you. I was told to bring you straight there."

Will grabbed the cell and dialed the hospital. After several annoying minutes and one very ditzy receptionist he was finally connected to Elizabeth's room.

"Elizabeth? What's going on? Why are you in the hospital? Is everything alright? Why didn't you call me and tell me?"

"Will!! It's okay. The baby and I are fine. But we're having the baby today."

"Today?!" Will's voice cracked a bit.

"I know. It's okay really. My blood pressure is kinda high and Dr Mangan's concerned. So we have to induce labor."

"Elizabeth, concerned means taking precautions. NOT inducing labor six weeks early!" Will panicked.

"Eight weeks."


"It's eight weeks early and..."

"EIGHT weeks!? Elizabeth!"

Elizabeth started crying, "Will just shut up! I can't... I... I'm scared and I hate you yelling at me."

Will wanted to crawl into hole. His wife needed him and he was busy yelling at her. "Oh honey. I'm sorry."

He could still hear her sniffling so he continued to suck up, "Shhh. It's alright Elizabeth. I'm on my way."

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Try as he might Will was unable to make the traffic go any faster, neither could he find the button that would transform the sedate Cadillac into a helicopter. All he could do was fidget and call the hospital every five minutes. Afer a half hour Elizabeth refused to let him talk to the nurses any more. Apparently the nursing staff did not appreciate Will's directives and threaten to block his phone calls if he continued to annoy them.

Finally he arrived to find his wife flat on her back, strapped to monitors, and in a full panic attack, which did nothing to help her blood pressure.


"Hey you. What's all this?"

Elizabeth sobbed, "I'm sorry. I 'm just.... I'm terrible. And scared...."

Will hugged her and tried to help her relax. "Shhh it's okay...."

"No it's not okay. Everything's a mess. I miss Jane, and Cathy, and my mom, and Sean, and Mary and Jeremy. Will, I want to go home!"

"Okay. Okay. We will. We'll go home. But after the baby's born. Alright?"

"Okay." Elizabeth sniffed. "I hate laying here."

"Well the nurses said you need to. Here I have an idea." Will slipped off his shoes and scooted onto the bed so that his arm was under her head and his other hand was gently rubbing her side.

"Better?" He asked.

"Yeah. A little."

Dr. Mangan arrived a few minutes later. "Well are we ready to get the show on the road?"

They nodded and Dr. Mangan injected the drugs which would begin labor.

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Will paced the hospital corridor and never even noticed the arrival of midnight until just now when the doctor said Will could go see Elizabeth. It was 12:46. One hour and forty minutes since Elizabeth began having problems with her delivery and they made him leave so they could perform a c-section.

Her room was quiet and dimly lit. Will couldn't believe how pale she looked, pale and still.

Where was the vibrant woman who challenged him; teased him over his taste in music; filled every moment with passion and love. Tentatively he stroked her hair and she rolled over in her sleep. Will saw tear stains on her cheeks and let his own finally fall.

"Will?" Georgiana slipped quietly into the room. She looked worried and tired. Will hastily pulled himself together.

"Georgie, what are you doing here. You should be at the party, or home sleeping." He said quietly.

She scowled at him. "As if I would do that while you're sitting in a hospital room. Geez, Will how shallow do you think I am?"

"I..... Sorry. I just can't focus now. It's all so much."

"You should have called me. I would have been here sooner."

"I didn't.... It just happened so fast. One minute I'm on a plane and the next Elizabeth's being cut open. I haven't called anyone."

"How are they?" She asked.

"Elizabeth will be alright."

"And the baby?"

"He was born just after midnight." Will began to sob. "Oh God he's so tiny, and the doctor didn't give us much hope. He's no bigger than my hand Georgie." Will held out his hand to show her. "I could hold him just like this, except for all those wires and tubes......."

Georgie couldn't find the words so she embraced him and cried while he comforted her, his own tears pushed inside.

"What are his chances?" Georgie asked.

"Dr... Whatshername, that neonatal doctor, Wheeler. Dr. Wheeler...... She said other babies have survived this young. That he's a good size for his age."

"How big?"

"Just under four pounds."

"Will..... How.... I mean..... When was...."

"Eight weeks. Eight weeks early." Will absently stroked Elizabeth's hair.

Georgiana watched her brother for a minute and suddenly had a deep desire to flee. "Will I think I should go home. Will you be alright?"

He nodded.

"I'll be back first thing in the morning. Do you want me to bring anything?"

"No thanks. Just get some sleep Georgie." She kissed his forehead, reminding him of when he would kiss her like that when she was a baby.

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Elizabeth stirred and blinked in confusion. Her disorientation lasted only a moment, long enough for a cramp to take her by surprise. She groaned both from pain and the realization of why her abdomen hurt.

Will was at her side immediately. "Hey you're awake. Do you need anything?"

She smiled and shook her head. "I'm fine. A little thirsty."

Will held the straw to her lips and she drank a bit. "Thanks. How are you holding up?" She asked.

"Just rest. I'm fine." She nodded and drifted back to sleep. Will sat down by her side and stared blankly at the wall and wondered if God was ever going to give him a break and let him just be happy.

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Chapter 16

For two very, very long months Patrick James Darcy, held his own and grew stronger, but not without problems. He was good size for one so little, at least that's what the nurses had told Will. He had a hard time believing that any baby who was the size of his hand and had so many tubes and monitors that there was scarcely an inch of the child left untouched was doing well. But he was. The baby was holding his own and growing. There had been one serious problem with his intestines: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) was what the doctor called it, but it was treated with antibiotics and the doctors acted confident that they could avoid surgery. Will prided himself on learning the medical jargon and being able to follow the doctor's updates.

Elizabeth had been released after three days but spent every moment in the hospital with Patrick. Will was grateful that the nursery was closed each morning and evening as the doctors did rounds. He was able to convince Elizabeth to go to the cafeteria and eat. The first few days she had tried to stay all the time, until Sherry, the head nurse, gently insisted she go home and sleep at night, pointing out that if Elizabeth wore herself out and got sick they would refuse to let her see Patrick anyway. After that she would return home at least to sleep and shower.

Once her family heard about Patrick, Will and Elizabeth's house was filled with family. Everyone came for a bit to help. Jane and Charlie arrived first, bringing lots of food and presents from relatives and neighbors even Elizabeth could barely remember.

"Hello Lizzy." Jane cheerful voice sang out.

"Jane!" Elizabeth had been just sitting on the sofa staring out at the winter landscape. "Oh Jane. I'm so glad to see you."

After a long hug Jane led Lizzy back to the sofa and sat her down. "Now, tell me all about it."

"He's beautiful Jane. And so tiny. Oh and he's all arms and legs. Mrs Reynolds says that's what Will was as a baby all arms and legs. So far he's holding his own. Oh he's gained an ounce since Tuesday!" Lizzy prattled on, pouring out her heart to her beloved sister.

"I wish I could have been here for you Lizzy."

Elizabeth briefly teared up, but angrily told herself it was just hormones and to pull it together. Fortunately Jane was more observant, having had years of practice reading Lizzy's flitting emotions, and pulled her into a hug. "It's okay. I'm here now. We all are. For both of you. Charlie's with Will right now. And we'll get through this and then spoil that baby rotten. You'll see."

"Thanks Jane," she sniffled.

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They settled into a routine where Will would accompany Lizzy to the hospital and stay for a bit to talk with the doctors. When Father Jim arrived Will took that as his cue to go, leaving Elizabeth top the care of her family. Her family made certain Elizabeth took breaks and ate regularly. As Jane said, "Other than having enough people to play football games, what's the use of a big family if we don't all pitch in and help each once in a while."

Elizabeth's mom arrived next, bringing Lydia and Cathy, both of whom kept Elizabeth's spirits up with chatter about boys and clothes and things not related to hospitals. Finally Mary and Sue arrived with mysterious messages to Will from Mike, Sean, and Jeremy. Elizabeth was too concerned about baby Patrick to notice that Will seemed preoccupied.

It became a regular occurrence for Will to disappear into the office at the house and then not tell Elizabeth anything about the call. Twice he had to fly out for a day, only saying that he would be back late and not to worry. Had it not been for Patrick's latest crisis Elizabeth might have become suspicious, even jealous. But as it was Patrick was undergoing .... and Elizabeth was wrapped up in that. Will was very grateful she didn't notice his odd behavior.

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Finally, Patrick was allowed to leave the hospital. Elizabeth carefully bundled her son into his new car seat and made sure he was covered and comfy. The drive home was quiet. Will and Elizabeth were both more interested in staring at Patrick than making conversation.

Pulling up outside of Pemberley Elizabeth noted the moving van.

"Will what's the moving van for?"

"Oh boy." Will ran a hand through his hair making it stand on end. Any other time Elizabeth might have found it cute.

"Oh Boy? You move out on the DAY we bring the baby home and all you can say is 'Oh Boy'?!"

"I'm sorry that I couldn't get them to rearrange the schedule." He shrugged pathetically. "The movers insisted they needed two days."

"The movers?" she hissed. "What about me?! How much time did you think I needed to deal with this?"

"But you don't. I mean your sisters assured me that they could pack for you and it would be alright."

"My sisters? You have my sisters involved in your dirty little scheme?!"

"You were so busy at the hospital I didn't want to make you worry about packing. Sue swore she knew what stuff was yours."

Elizabeth clutched the edge of the seat in a nervous gesture. "But... I just don't understand why."

"You were unhappy here and frankly so was I. I know I should have discussed all of this with you first, but I really believe this is the best for all of us." Will appeared very pleased with himself.

"Damn you Will. How can this be good? Tell me how you think this is good." Her face paled but Elizabeth tried not to show how scared and upset she was. It wouldn't do for Will to think she was greatly affected by his decision to move her out.

"I... just did. You were so concerned about the baby. And then I realized I made the right decision when your family descended upon us. They all liked the idea. Jane and Charlie helped me pick out the place."

"Jane.... Jane knows about this." Elizabeth began to cry.

Will moved to put an arm around her, but she flinched away. Will settled for taking her hand. "Elizabeth I really don't understand why you're so upset. Can you talk to me logically?"

"Logic!" she hissed. "There's no logic in this. Don't think for one minute that I have a logical bone in my body! This deluded fantasy you have that you can just throw me out of your house without any warning and I'll accept it logically. "

"Throw you out?! Where did you get a stupid idea like that?"

"Now I'm stupid. Great. Thank you Mr Never-make-a-mistake Perfect Darcy."

"Elizabeth will you just shut up!" Will yelled. Elizabeth stopped her tirade long enough for Will to speak. "I am NOT throwing you out of the house! I am moving US back to Ohio!"

The silence in the car smothered them all until Patrick began to protest what was clearly a messy diaper.

"I.... Should go change Patrick," Elizabeth's flushed face gave away her embarrassment, and she welcomed the chance to run away and busy herself with the baby. She grabbed the baby carrier and hurried inside to the nursery.

Will found her rocking Patrick in the old chair. "Lizzy?"

She looked up, "You never call me that."

"What? Lizzy?"

"It's always Elizabeth. I like being Lizzy sometimes."

Will could see that she was crying and he knelt down next to her. "I never thought about it before."

"Are you really moving us to Ohio?"

"Yeah. I decided right before this little guy was born that the only time I was happy, really happy was when we were in Ohio with your family around. My family's okay, but yours.... They accepted me, and they came all the way out here for you... for us, when Patrick was born. I want that for us. So I talked to Jane when she was here and she and your brothers arranged most of it. I just signed the checks." Will began to gently stroke Patrick's bald head as he spoke.

"Will I'm sorry for all those things I said out there." Elizabeth's quivery smile made Will want to scoop her up and hold her. He settled on kissing her tears away as they murmured 'I'm sorry's'.

0x01 graphic

Two months later, at another Sunday dinner at mom's, Elizabeth watched proudly as newly baptized Patrick was passed around for all his aunts, uncles and assorted relatives to admire. He'd been baptized today; in the same church that had seen Elizabeth, and all her brothers and sisters, baptized and confirmed. Elizabeth was pleased for Will that at least Georgiana and Thomas had made the effort to attend, and were now being introduced to the family; from the looks of things, both were being adopted into the Bennet clan.

It occurred to Elizabeth that it had been almost a year since she first met Will Darcy. She would be hard pressed to imagine a busier twelve months. It would be a lie to suggest that the past year was wonderful; there had been too many heartaches, too many uncertainties for the year to qualify as a success. Still, If the end result were to be the same: that she would be standing here with her husband, watching her son elicit ooh's and ahh's from everyone, then she would readily acquiesce to doing it all again.

Will wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her hair. "What's going on in that brain of yours Lizzy?"

"Just thinking how wonderful things are."

"They are good aren't they." Will agreed, now paying homage to her neck.

"Would you do anything different?"

"Nope, " he muttered as he continued on his mission. Elizabeth was becoming quite distracted.

"You don't think maybe we rushed into things."

Will stopped and turned her so that they were facing one another. "Yes we did. We rushed and made some terrible mistakes. And I will always, always regret that some of those mistakes caused you pain; but I would do it all again if it meant I could be here with you today."

"I'm glad." She smiled. "What do you say we get our son and head home?"

Will grinned mischievously, "Rushing things a bit aren't you?"

"Oh no. From now on I intend to take things nice and slow."

The End


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