arcy stared at his mobile for a good ten minutes

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arcy stared at his mobile for a good ten minutes. He debated whether or not to call her. His brain told him to be reasonable and give her time, while his heart said "go man! Call her". After spending five minutes of nothingness, he picked up the mobile and dialed her number. It rang four times; when he was about to disconnect the call, a female voice answered.


"Elizabeth, darling, I'm so sorry." Darcy sighed into the phone. He didn't really expect this to work.

"I thought we were going to give each other time." She didn't sound angry so that was good, or so Darcy thought.

"God, Elizabeth you know how much I love you." He raised his voice and berated himself for it. Keep steady, man!

Elizabeth had been contemplating what to say next. She was expecting him to call, he always did. But he had to change; he couldn't keep going about thinking he could control anyone who was beneath him. The line was dead for two minutes after Darcy spoke. "Elizabeth, are you still there?" she replied, "Yes, Darcy, I'm still here. I've always been here. Do you see that? You are so frustrating at times. Of course, I love you. It would be unnatural for me not to. If you remember correctly, we were told by the fortune-teller it was written in the wind." Darcy smiled and laughed when he remembered the trip to Aruba with her and the fortune-teller that she forced him to visit. He was quite enamored of everything that was said. All except the part about not keeping the sprite down.

"Darling, but I so want to marry you." He knew he was grasping at straws here and Elizabeth sighed yet again, sort of agitatedly.

"We cannot have this conversation and especially not on the telephone. Stop hiding behind material conveniences. Listen I was just about to go out with Charlene and Annie, and I really don't want to discuss this again. Why don't you go away? Go on holiday, you've been working much too hard. Go where you can't fax, trade, phone, or drive. It will do you a world of good, honestly." She sounded extremely steadfast.

"Yeah, maybe it would be good for me. Can't make any promises though."

"Well, bye and we'll talk later, but not now." The phone went dead on Darcy's line and he stared at it with mouth wide open.

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The airplane was crowded, first class was extremely crowded and all he wanted was to get to sleep. He had taken Elizabeth's idea and decided a holiday by himself was exactly what the love doctor prescribed. He felt this emptiness inside him and he wished he could have talked Elizabeth into coming with him, but she was persistent in telling him that he needed time to think things through. He knew she loved him and he thought he knew that he loved her too. He was never passionate about anyone before Elizabeth. She elicited some sort of frenzy.

It was a stroke of luck that his best friend Bingley had married her older sister. Although, at first he didn't approve of the match, once he got to know her and her sister he warmed considerably to the idea. Precious Elizabeth. The flight attendant came by and flashed a great pearly white smile at Darcy and he tentatively smiled back. Ireland. Castles, leprechauns and ghosts. Yes, Elizabeth, I will not use any modern conveniences for your sake and I will reconcile myself.

A tall extremely beautiful woman with flaxen blonde hair sat down beside Darcy and made herself comfortable. She turned to her seat-mate and held her hand out as a gesture.

"Hello, I'm Helena." She had a thick American southern drawl, "I always introduce myself to my seat partners -- makes long and tedious flights much more interesting. And, well with your good looks, I most certainly had to introduce myself to you." Darcy looked at her all agog and thought that Americans were too opinionated. He didn't smile but held his hand out as well and thus spoke, "Darcy Fitzwilliam, pleased to meet you. I think."

She laughed at his words and then tossed her long hair on the other side of her shoulder. "So where are you off to?" She must make some conversation. "I'm off to visit some place in Ireland, oh for God's sake I'll be darned if I can remember the name of it." She did have a great smile, he admitted to himself. The accent was annoying, but then again maybe his British accent was just as annoying to her. "Lahinch!" she exclaimed, "that's where I'm going to Lahinch!"

"Well Helena, I believe we may see quite a bit of each other." He grinned at her and she smiled at him and said, "yeah, yeah", with an incredible smug smile on her face.

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arcy never expected to be charmed by this gorgeous American. Her countenance was one of easy manner, a playful disposition and wonderful acerbic wit. For two and a half hours the two of them talked about everything, from the weather, to sports, to the incredible stock market's highs these days, to whether a British actress would win an academy award. Helena gave him a brief background on herself. She was born in New Orleans, in the heart of the French Quarter. She had just competed in the Miss USA pageant, but never made it to finalist -- "Tho' I did win Miss Congeniality and won this trip!" Darcy was indeed shocked. Helena explained that she represented Louisiana and the woman who won for Massachusetts was originally born in California! She told him about the Political Science degree she received from Temple University.

Darcy had to ask her to slow down at least a dozen times, her accent became so thick he thought she was speaking a foreign language.

"You must admit hon, I mean the UK finally has some really cute young men in politics. One must admit that Tony Blair is a really happening sort of Prime Minister." Helena squealed. Darcy raised an eyebrow at her and laughed, he countered with "Yeah, but his friendship with the president could prove detrimental."

"Clinton? Oh he's a big fuddy-duddy. Who cares what he does? Obviously Hilary doesn't, so why should the world population?"

"Are those your professions, Helena, or do you take a jump on the bandwagon sort of attitude about such things?" Helena looked quizzically at him and laughed his statement off. She thought him much too serious.

"Listen Darcy, you are an incredibly handsome man, but lighten up, sweetie." She studied his face and suddenly understood all, "You're runnin' away darlin' ain't cha?" He turned and stared out the window. The fog was thicker now and he had a strong foreboding sense that he would be on this flight for longer than 2 1/2 hours.

"I hit the nail on the head with that one, so spill it. What English rose has sent you packing?"

"Helena -- Miss -- you know you haven't given me your surname."

"Johnstone, love." She replied.

"Miss Johnstone, I've just met you and you expect me to lay everything out before you. But I happen to be an extremely private person. My private life is just that - private." He nodded his head as a gesture that what he just said was final and she would get no more reply.

"I'm very sorry Mr. Fitzwilliam, but your eyes looked so forlorn and well, I just don't see any verve in your appearance; she must be one special lady..." Darcy smiled briefly, he had just thought of Elizabeth's smile and at that instant missed her horribly.

"Did she hurt you real bad, Darcy?"

Before knowing what he was saying he spoke, "No, she has not hurt me, although I can't say that about myself." Helena smiled at him and patted his hand. He continued, "She is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, present company excluded." Helena flashed a toothy grin at him. "But you and she have extremely different looks, mind you." She nodded as in agreement and he thus continued, "My cousin, Colonel, once told me that a man should never explain one woman to another woman, but with you I can - how strange! Elizabeth has the darkest of eyes and hair the color of a raven's. Her cheeks are of a peaches and cream complexion. But she refuses to marry me. After two and a half years, she doesn't think I'm ready. Imagine that: me not ready." He let out a low sigh and rubbed his temples. "How did you do it? I never talk about my life to anyone, not my sister or my cousin."

"Must be in my nature. I've always been that type of person. So Mr. Fitzwilliam... you have a sister and a cousin, do you have parents? And what regiment is the Colonel in?"

"Well yes, I have a sister who is nurse at a hospital in Yorkshire. She is twenty-four. Both parents are deceased. Mother died of breast cancer and father suffered a heart attack several days after her funereal." Helena interrupted, "How positively awful, sweetie. Forgive me I'm so, so sorry." She gently squeezed his hand.

"Don't be. It was more than 10 years ago. Now my cousin." Darcy let out a laugh that had Helena completely baffled, "Colonel, is my cousin's name. He is not in the army, navy or marines. His father was colonel in the Royal Air Force and thought he should name his youngest son appropriately, so he called him Colonel - most of the time we call him Cal. He hates the name Colonel, but it drives the women crazy! They all love him. He says it's the dimples." Darcy flashed a smile that showed he had great dimples also. The captain announced over the P.A. system that due to heavy fog they would be circling around Shannon Airport for three-quarters of an hour. Flight attendants made ready drinks for first class patrons. Darcy ordered Jameson's on the rocks and Helena ordered beer.

"I would like to hear more about Elizabeth; she sounds like one really special lady." She sipped her beer.

"Helena, I have never admired, loved, been in awe of any woman like I am with her. She is my life" He sighed as he finished his sentence. Helena smiled and drank her beer. Darcy readied himself to explain all about his rocky courtship with Elizabeth Bennet.

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harlene and Annie noticed how despondent Elizabeth was while Darcy was gone. But as they kept reminding her it was she who told him to go on holiday in the first place. No matter what they did or said or where they went, Elizabeth was in a funk and was hard-pressed to break out of it.

Charlene rang up Cal to talk some and any sense to her. And true to his word, he invited her to his parents cottage in the Cotswolds for a week. Elizabeth loved Cal like a brother and when told that Georgiana would also be of the party, she could not refuse. Cal was to pick Elizabeth up on Sunday afternoon. It was a perfect plan as it was a three hour trip from Derbyshire, and Cal would find out why Darcy and Elizabeth were estranged.

"Did you see Darcy to the airport?"

"I thought I had better not." She replied sotto voce.

"Hmm... Well Georgiana is pleased as punch to spend time with you; it really worked out well, her time off from hospital. Elizabeth's eyes brightened when Cal brought up Georgiana. She was excessively fond of Miss Darcy and worked hard to loosen Darcy's grip on his much younger sister. Darcy and Elizabeth, during the early stage of their relationship argued much about his stifling of Georgiana.

"I'm very pleased to see Georgie, since she's been away at hospital we never talk; her schedule is always so hectic." Elizabeth glanced at Cal and knew that he wanted to talk more personally, "Cal, I must tell you right off that I need time away from him; it seems that he has other feelings right now that just don't include me and until he can sort them out, we need to be apart. As much as I love him, my sticking around would be detrimental rather than helpful" She hoped that would be enough to stave off any questions, but as she thought she was wrong.

"Liz, the man is completely off his rocker for you, surely you must see that. I can tell you truthfully that I have never seen a man so completely and madly in love before. Jesus, his eyes sparkle like the Queen's jewels every time your around."

Elizabeth held her hand up to silence him then she continued, "But you must also realize that he cannot go around controlling people. I know that he was allowed every luxury in the world, but his treatment of people is horrendous. I think this trip to Ireland is perfect for him. He needs to rough it a while. Lord, Cal, he's been gone four days and I do miss him excessively, but it needed to be done."

"And George, Liz. What about George?" Elizabeth looked alarmed when Cal brought him up. Darcy's arch-enemy had been trying like the devil to woo Elizabeth away, and several times she was tempted to go with him. With his easy and playful manner, it made him a favourite among the ladies, whereas Darcy was always offending someone or something.

"I happened to see George Thursday night, when I was out with Charlene and Annie. We danced a couple of times, it was nothing. I still don't know why Darcy won't tell me what happened between the two." She pouted to him and his hands gripped the wheel tighter. His face became stony and Elizabeth knew that a change of subject was imminent.

"So what's up with you and Rachel? I thought you two got on so well." Cal sighed and answered.

"Rachel is wonderful and we do get on as you so eloquently put it. She is on the continent. She'll be joining us on Wednesday evening. Do you think she's much too young for me?" Cal's playful temper was coming back and the thickness of the air was finally receding.

"Of course, why Cal, she's just disposed of the nappies." She laughed at her attempt of a joke. Cal shook his head and laughed also. They drove companionably for about an hour before either spoke again. Elizabeth's thoughts flew naturally to Darcy and she missed him greatly and if she could, she would have called him. But he was staying where modern conveniences were unheard of.

"Liz, how's that beautiful sister of yours. Is Bingley treating her well?"

"Janice is very, very happy. Although, Henry keeps her very busy, motherhood definitely agrees with her. She has never been happier. And Bingley, well I still think he is in awe of her and the baby." If there was one thing Elizabeth loved talking about it was her sister and nephew.

"And Caroline is she excessively happy about her sister and nephew?"

"Oh Lord, what a segue, Caroline shoots daggers at Janice and I. She pays no attention to little Henry, which is a pity."

"And she hasn't quite given up on Darcy either, of course, it's just a presumption on my part." He knew he hit a nerve in Elizabeth, but silently he was still trying to find out what separated those two.

"Caroline refuses to give up, indeed. It's been over three years since he ended the relationship, and she sticks around like a bad penny. You're not supposing that Darcy would be vulnerable to her. Surely, he's made of stronger might than that." The last of the words came out hard, she sunk back into her seat and fought to keep the tears in check. He would never compromise himself in that aspect, or would he? He was never an open person and kept all of his feelings to himself. Good God! Caroline has no clue where he was now anyway. But was she certain. She thought for a moment then continued on, "Just what are you about Colonel? Toying with my emotions. I thought I was to have a nice visit. Now please enough of this inquisition. I need to rest, I'm tired." He glanced over and saw all the worry on her face.

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elena and Darcy had fixed on dinner while still in the air. She was grateful that he told her everything about Elizabeth, George, Caroline and Georgiana. She did notice a faraway look of longing in his eyes when he spoke of Elizabeth. If two people were destined for each other, it were they. But she also saw the ridiculousness in him. Did he really do the things he said. If anyone needed a lesson in love, Darcy Fitzwilliam was the ideal student. And Helena had plans.

True to his word, Darcy met Helena the next evening at eight and the two of them strolled down the dirt path to the local pub. From the outside, the pub looked unlike anything Darcy would frequent in London, But Helena persisted, then took his arm and forced him through the door. The fiddler stopped playing and everyone stopped and stared at the two strangers. Darcy blushed deeply and Helena spoke:

"H'yall, well we're not royalty so strike up the music love!" An older woman greeted the guests and showed them to a table, she took their drink order and within minutes plopped down two perfectly pulled pints of Guinness, the frothy foam was perfect and showed a shamrock. Darcy laughed because this was a far cry from the whiskey he ordered and Helena just drank up. The woman introduced herself as Moira O'Kelly and explained that she was the proprietor of the "Tam O'Shanter" and they were most welcome. Darcy and Helena both ordered the Irish stew and Moira told them the selection was the best thing in the house. Once Moira left Helena leaned closer to Darcy and spoke.

"Well, love, don't let that good drink go to waste, drink up! Drink up!"

"If you must know, I was never one for stout."

"Yeah and Arthur Guinness is turning in his grave. Take the glass, put it to those incredible lips and drink, like this." Helena showed him how it was done and in the process got some foam on her top lip. Darcy unconsciously wiped the foam off.

"I'm sorry that was too forward." His blush spread wide across his face.

"Honey, stop being a stuffed shirt and enjoy yourself. Besides I wanted to look like the "Got milk" ad anyway. Now drink up honey!" She grinned and started moving to the music.

Darcy and Helena talked companionably for several hours. He explained about his business in London. How being in charge was hard because when problems arose, they most always went to him and not the plant manager. He admitted that stress was daily part of his life. He allowed that it felt unnatural for him not to be tied to his mobile, although he did bring it with him. Two weeks of no work and no Elizabeth was going to be excruciating.

Helena delved a little into her personal background. She told him she was an only child. Had a definite stage mother who pushed her pretty daughter into contests and shows and plays. That after she didn't make finalist in Miss USA, she was definitely calling it quits and settle down to a "normal" job. Probably working in state politics in Louisiana.

"Helena you know almost everything about me, but I know nothing about you other than little things. Don't you love? Surely there must be a man out there longing for you." Now it was Helena's turn to sigh and regret getting too personal with this handsome gentleman.

"Of course I love. But I haven't quite found him yet and when I do, I tell ya, I wouldn't let him go for the whole wide world. No way sir. He would be too special for me. My schedule has not been conducive to a steady relationship so far. But I am perfectly happy to meet with handsome young men in airplanes and have them spill their guts out to me. Truly honored sir!" He sensed she was avoiding the bigger picture, but unlike her, he didn't persist.

"Well Helena, what do you say to dancing a jig? I would be most honored if you would join me."

"Well sir, I can't exactly turn down that offer now can I." She extended her hand to him and he grasped it. "You know Darcy, you are even more handsome when you're more relaxed. I think this vacation is going to do you a world of good."

"Helena I think so too. I really do think so." He grinned at her and twirled her onto the dance floor.

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The Next Day

Darcy stared at his mobile. Again, he debated whether or not he should call Elizabeth. After telling Helena all about her, he really felt the need to hear her voice. He wished he could reach out and stroke her cheek and kiss her lips. But that was impossible. She was at her flat in Kensington and he, well, was in an incredibly, magical part of the world and already felt as though he had the luck of the Irish. Darcy again lost the urge not to call, and silently made a mental note to work on his willpower during this holiday. After staring at the mobile, Darcy dialed her number. The phone rang twice when the answerphone picked up:

"Hello! You've reached Elizabeth and Lydia. We are away for the moment and will return within a week's time; kindly leave a message at the bleep." Darcy stared at the phone in shock and horror then ran furious hands through his hair. He threw the phone down and headed out of doors. He walked and walked not really sure where he was being led; however, he wasn't entirely surprised when Fate brought him to Helena's bed & breakfast. She had had this extremely calming effect on him and he wanted to talk.

Siobhan O'Malley remembered Darcy from the evening past and gladly accepted him into the sitting room while she collected Helena. Before leaving, she told him that every male guests were starting to fall very hard for the extremely outspoken American. Darcy laughed and said that he wouldn't be surprised if she found love whilst on this holiday.

Siobhan winked at him and took her leave. Darcy heard loud footsteps on the stairs and immediately arose to greet her. Helena entered the room looking distinctively different. Darcy noticed she looked years younger than her 25. Her rose-colored sweater and blue jeans with cowboy boots gave her the look of a teenager. She had her long hair pulled back in a ribbon and wore no makeup. To Darcy, she was even more breathtakingly beautiful.

"Well Darcy," she smile, "and what do I owe this honor. I thought by now my abrasive manner and southern twang would have driven you far, far, away."

"Certainly not, I assure you. I rang Elizabeth." His face darkened and Helena pointed to the chair for he to sit in. "She's gone away... for a week. I didn't know she was planning this. I thought we could talk."

"Why of course, sweetie. But don't you worry about her. She probably off visitin' her sister or friends. From what'cha told me, the girl is nuts about ya! Look last night you were extremely relaxed and had not one worry in the world. Lets loosen you up again. That stuffed shirt attitude is not very becomin' on ya. So what have you planned?"

He smiled then spoke, "Well, I thought we could check out this gorgeous, lush countryside on horseback. On my way over, I noticed some stables at the crossroads. You have been on horseback before?"

"Yes, I ride, a little."

"Well then, madam, after you." He bowed to her and she giggled at his formality. "But first sir," she tried in a really bad British accent. "I must get my baseball cap."

Darcy and Helena settled on two indigenous horses and slowly started trotting through the fields. A light mist started and brought to life all the exotic smells of the field. A scent of jasmine, lavender and heather permeated the air. Helena was completely awed by the panoramic view that lay beyond. The eight hues of green, gray, white and browns was as spectacular as she has ever seen. The hedgerows gave the scene below a perspective of never-ending rolling hills as the trees dotted the faraway landscape. "Darcy, the brochure was right. This place did fall from the Heavens." Darcy nodded in agreement and continued on checking out the wondrous sights and smells that nature had provided for them.

The ruinous monuments were a testament to the troubles and hardships that the Irish had fought for well over two hundred years. Darcy and Helena stopped by the beautiful Cliffs of Moher and tied the two horses to a post. The light mist blocked any beautiful views that would have been seen, although the rapid, raging Atlantic below made known its existence. They walked up a small pathway and trekked around the small castle. Not many visitors were there due to the weather, but Helena and Darcy looked around and enjoyed the sounds. "Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, Helena." He said softly. "Mmm." Was her only reply. They headed back to the post and untied the horses. Darcy helped her onto her horse and quickly climbed atop his. Helena signaled to Darcy where to meet her. She handled her animal expertly and raced off through the clearing. Darcy remembered her words "a little" and laughed to himself. He dug his heels into the beast and went after her.

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s soon as Elizabeth alighted from the car, she rushed into the waiting arms of Georgiana. Cal was left struggling with all the luggage.

"Who said feminism was alive and kicking?" he said and Elizabeth and Georgiana laughed at his exaggerated movements. "Yes, yes, you two get re-acquainted. I'm fine. The hernia hasn't bothered me in many, many years now!" Georgiana rolled her eyes and took Elizabeth's arm in hers and walked over to the gazebo for a private chat.

"How was the drive, Lizzy? Did Cal drive too fast?"

"No. He kept the speed down this time, too many police on the roads. How are you Georgie. London just isn't the same with you gone." She hugged her friend tightly.

"Hospital is busy, and I'm learning so much. I'm pleased that my brother took your advice and is on holiday in Ireland. It will do him a world of good, you know. I've tried to talk him into taking a holiday for over ten years but he always refused. Especially after what had...." Georgiana remembered that Darcy hadn't told Elizabeth what had happened seven years prior. Georgiana glanced at Elizabeth and braced herself to ask the one personal question she needed an answer to. "Lizzy, why didn't you accept his marriage proposal?"

"Georgiana, I love your brother with all my heart and soul, but he has to learn to respect me and my family. He cannot stay in a room longer than two minutes with my mum and he's not once in two and a half years said a word to my father."

"Lizzy, your mother despises him and your father doesn't exactly exert himself with Darcy either. He's trying." She pleaded in his defense.

"Listen Georgiana he still tells me how I was the last person in the world he ever thought he'd want to marry. He said that when he proposed! Because my family doesn't have the income that yours has, I am four steps beneath him. To your brother I should be grateful that he loves me. That's wrong Georgie. We love each other because Fate would have us. I would love your brother if he were a penniless urchin out of a Dickens novel." She placed her head in her hands and waited for Georgiana's response. "I still think he has feelings for Caroline. And I was his token girlfriend. You know the one who came from a below middle-class family. Nosy mother, distant father."

"Elizabeth that is the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard you say. My brother adores you! Surely you must see that. He can't stand Caroline and all her pettiness. You have misunderstood him. I know you have. Good grief, Lizzy he talks about you all the time!." Elizabeth was exasperated and wanted it to end immediately.

"Did you and Cal conspire to bring me here to get me to change my mind. Until your brother can prove to me that he has changed and that he can spend more than two minutes with my family, I will not consider it. I will not force my family on him. But if he wants to be my husband, he must also realize that my family are part of the package." She abruptly turned and walked away. Cal saw Georgiana shake her head and Elizabeth walk into the woods knowing she needed to be alone. Georgiana came up behind Cal muttering how obstinate and headstrong she was.

"No such luck, Gee?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"You know Cal, sometimes I feel like taking the two of them, locking them in a room together and just letting them beat the stuffing out of each other." Cal laughed and walked her towards the house.

"Does Caroline know where Darcy is?" Cal asked once inside the house.

"I don't believe so. Why do you ask?"

"Well if Caroline knew that Darcy was on holiday and in his state, who knows what she could accomplish? But..." He dropped the thought and remembered something else. "Doesn't Darcy take his mobile everywhere with him?" Georgiana caught the gleam in his eye and smiled at him.

"Indeed, it's his lifeline. Are you suggesting we have Lizzy ring him?"

"I am, cousin. I am.

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Elizabeth came down to dinner looking extremely pale.

"Are you getting enough rest Lizzy. You look much too peaked. I have some iron pills and could give you something to help you sleep?"

"No. I'm well Georgie. Just thinking too much, that's all." She smiled.

"Well in any case, I would like to check your blood pressure. I have my kit with me." Cal laughed at Georgiana "So when do we start calling you Doctor?" Georgiana shot him a look of contempt and ignored his laughter. She turned to Elizabeth when she explained, "I have been seriously considering furthering my career in the medical field. I have been under the tutelage of Mr. Harris for nine months and he says I have a lot of potential." She smiled brightly, and Cal apologized for his faux pas.

"Georgie that's wonderful! A doctor, well Darcy will be extremely proud of his shy little sister."

"Thanks Lizzy, but I haven't told him yet." She glanced slyly at Cal, and he sat back in the chair and let her run away with it. "I was going to ring him on the mobile tonight after dinner. You know he takes that bloody thing with him everywhere." Elizabeth felt as if she could have kicked herself in the head. She could call him. Yes, of course, why didn't I... Oh! Elizabeth you can be quite silly and ridiculous at times.

"Would you mind if I rang him first?" It was the first time all day Cal and Georgiana had seen a smile on her face. And her face lit up a thousand fold.

"Of course, Lizzy. I'll speak with him when your done."

Elizabeth excused herself from the table and headed into the study. She quickly dialed his number. The phone rang close to seven times before it was answered.

"Hello?" Elizabeth stifled a gasp as the woman with the funny accent answered Darcy's mobile.

"Hello," she choked out. "May I speak with Darcy please?"

"I'm sorry love. He's showering right now. Can I have him give him a message for you. He shouldn't be too much longer now."

"Georgiana. Tell him Georgiana rang." Elizabeth quickly disconnected the call. She could not control her rapid heartbeat nor the ensuing cold grip that overpowered her. Calmly, she picked the phone up again, quickly left a calculated message on the answerphone and hung up.

Several minutes went by before she realized that she had been screaming for Cal.

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Darcy came out of the bathroom fully clothed and with a big boyish grin. "Thanks for waiting for me. I'm extremely embarrassed. I don't know how that happened."

"Honey, the horse reared up and threw you off. I thought you were the expert horseman?" She teased.

"That's it. I am." He said. "I've been riding since before I was walking. And I have never been tossed off a horse in my life. I somehow suspect that horse saw that puddle and thought I needed a small bath." Darcy grinned brightly and her and she returned it. "Did I hear the mobile? I thought I did."

"Yeah, it was Georgiana."

"Oh. Oh well, I'll ring her back after dinner. So are you completely famished like I am?" She nodded her head affirmatively. "Well good. I know of a little shabeen tucked away where I've been told the food is incredible, drinks are never ending and the people are at their most friendliest."

"That sounds well and good, darlin', but don't you think we should talk. I mean you're enjoying yourself and all, but you're not looking at the big picture here regarding you and lady love. Now I don't want to have to say it sweetie, but'cha can't avoid the problem. You said earlier that you wanted to talk and you've avoided the problem all day. I'm willin to listen to ya. But'cha have to say something first. You know what I mean?" Darcy stared at her and realized that what she said was true. He promised her after dinner they could talk. He grabbed her hand and headed out the door.

"Caroline!" Darcy spat out.

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eorge listened to Elizabeth's message twice to be sure he understood what she was saying. She sounded a bit too methodical for him to be sure it was really her. She sounded pained and that disturbed him. Her message was clear -- come and get her by 10.00 am the next morning and they would go to Scotland.

His biggest obstacle, however, was Lydia. He had been trying to pawn her off to his friend Denny, but he, too, thought her too empty-headed, a great body, but absolutely no brains.

"Lyd. You have to leave. Now." George said.

"I don't wanna leave. We've been having a good time. I thought I was staying the week. What gives?" She pouted to him and rolled over on the bed. He threw her clothes at her and made reference that this friend was special. "Hey what gives? You're not that nice of a person. No, you're getting something for this gesture of goodness."

George physically dragged her out of bed and told her to dress. "Listen, I have to go away for a week or so. I'll call you when I'm back. I promise, Lyd." He leered at her as she closed the bathroom door.

George grabbing the car keys off the wall, he yelled to Lydia. "Lyd. I'm off, let yourself out. And lock the bloody door!"

"Whatever!" She yelled through the bathroom door.

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George arrived promptly at 10.00 am just as Elizabeth had instructed. He was also silently pleased that she was waiting outside when he pulled up. She quickly put her luggage into the boot of the car and then slid into the passenger side of the car. She leaned over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

The two parties did not notice Georgiana staring out the window.

"What in the world happened, babe?" George asked when Elizabeth was settled in the car.

"Oh, George can we be quiet. I just need to think."

"Sure, doll, but you have to tell me where in Scotland I'm going." He quickly glanced at her and noticed her red swollen eyes.

"Drive up to Glasgow. We'll go to my cottage. We can stop on the way and pick up some groceries." George nodded and changed the station to something more soothing. Elizabeth pushed the seat back and presently fell asleep. George slowly stroked her cheek and smiled wickedly to himself. "Well Darcy," he thought to himself. "whatever you've done now, you'd be hard-pressed to get your lovely Elizabeth back, this time."

George woke Elizabeth hours later when they were near the Scottish border. While she looked a little bit more rested, her eyes were still red and swollen. Elizabeth took his hand in hers and gently squeezed it as a manner of thanks.

"Doll, are you ready to talk?" She murmured in the negative and continued her watch out the window. The Scottish landscape was extremely breathtaking and the bright sun reflected brilliantly. Elizabeth wished for a downpour to match her emotions.

George pulled into the carpark of Ro-Jacks and Elizabeth hopped out of the car. She told him she'd make him pasta Florentine for lunch. He reminded her to pick up a bottle of chardonnay. She was back within 15 minutes and gave George the directions to her cottage. George pulled into the drive and grabbed the carrier bags from the back seat.

"George, follow me into the kitchen and then I'll show you to the room you can stay in tonight." They placed the carrier bags on the kitchen table and she took him on the tour of the cottage.

"So this is your birthday present from Darcy." He let out a low whistle, as he examined each exquisitely decorated room. The last room she showed him was his bedroom. She turned on her heel and told him that she would go hunting for some wood. Actually, Darcy had stocked a cord of wood in the shed. He offered her assistance, which was promptly refused. She reminded him that she was a woman, not helpless.

She returned with dirt on her nose and her arms overweighed with wood. George, playing his favourite role of a gentleman, relieved Elizabeth of her burden.

"Thanks, George." He started a fire and then sat on the sofa. He patted the cushion beside him, indicating where Elizabeth should sit. He slyly put his arm around her shoulders and told her that his shoulder was there for her to cry on, if she needed it.

"Don't be foolish, George. I'm going to prepare the pasta. Would you care for a drink? Over on the settee is some single malt scotch, it's Darc.... Just help yourself."

"I will thanks. Can I prepare one for you?" She nodded in agreement and he fixed her a scotch, neat. After lunch, George offered to do the washing up. Elizabeth took off for a bath and some solitude. As she entered her bedroom, her memories of Darcy came flooding back. The room was exactly as they had left it. His pyjama bottoms were carelessly strewn on the chair by her vanity. His cologne, which had spilled on the carpet, was pervasive. Her sobs became harder to stifle.

As she went into the bathroom to prepare the bath, she unconsciously used the same bubble bath that she and Darcy used when lounging around on a boring Sunday afternoon. Most Sunday afternoons at the cottage were anything but boring.

Elizabeth thought back to the day that she received the cottage as a token of his love of her. Last May 25, he picked her up from her flat and blindfolded her in the car and told her in no uncertain terms was she to remove the visor. She had no idea where he could be taking her and all her questions went unanswered. He kept the conversation light and only played the CD player as the radio would have let on to their whereabouts. Otis Redding always put them in a great mood. Once they arrived at their destination, Darcy told Elizabeth to hold tight in the car for two minutes. He ran over to her side of the car and helped her out of it.

Taking her arm companionably he led her to a narrow passage. At the foot of the path, he turned her to face him and removed her blindfold. Slowly he turned her around and in front of her stood a doll-house cottage with the biggest bow wrapped around it. The look on her face when she realized what he was giving was one that neither of them would soon forget. Her walked her to the front door and posted on the door was the deed in her name to the abode and the surrounding three acres. She squealed so loud that Darcy most definitely had to silence her with a long-lasting kiss.

He fumbled with the key in the lock as Elizabeth giggled. He gave her an eloquent look and proceeded to open the door, he went in and took stock of the dwelling. When finished, he came to where Elizabeth patiently waited and, in one exaggerated swoop, picked her up and carried her over the imaginary threshold. He looked lovingly into her eyes and wished her a very happy birthday. He gently put her down in the family room, as he called it, and then took her on the tour. The first room he showed her was her studio that he personally supervised the construction on. Elizabeth was an extremely talented painter and Darcy knew this location would break any blocks that she would encounter.

Elizabeth lowered herself into the tub and slowly allowed the steam and the aroma to remove Darcy Fitzwilliam from her thoughts; unfortunately, the wails became louder. George listened outside her door and heard the wretched sounds coming through the door.

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aroline was quite shocked by the scene she was witnessing just now. As Darcy and a woman, other than the perfect Miss Bennet, were holding hands and smiling as if they had not a care in the world. Darcy was mortified by the implications and quickly let go of Helena's hand. Helena, was extremely confused by this encounter. According to Darcy, only his family and Elizabeth knew where he was staying and she was quite certain that Elizabeth would not have told Caroline where to find him. Caroline tried smiling sweetly, but silently she was condemning George. He told her that Darcy was in Ireland feeling somewhat dejected by Elizabeth's recalcitrance.

Darcy stared with wide-eyed horror back and forth from Helena to Caroline. Helena sensed and broke the tension by introducing herself to Caroline and shaking her hand firmly. Caroline, for ceremonial reasons, accepted it.

Darcy finally spoke, "What are you doing here?" he said angrily.

"Well, if you invite me in, I will explain all."

"Very well." He said irascibly as he showed her to the sitting room.

Helena grinned at Darcy and Caroline and then said, "Darcy, you and Miss Bingley must have a lot of catching up to do. So, we can have our dinner tomorrow. Remember it's St. Patrick's Day. Miss Bingley, it's been a real pleasure. Darcy, until tomorrow." She grabbed her jacket and bounded for the door. Darcy extricated himself from Caroline and followed Helena outside.

"Just where do you think you're going?" he demanded.

"I - I believe it has something to do with being a third wheel. Talk with her and tell her once and for all that you would like to be friends, but that's all. You have to be strong right now. For Elizabeth." She added softly.

Helena turned around and started to walk away. Darcy stood there quite dumbfounded. He went after her, turned and cradled her chin in his hands. Raising her lips to his, Darcy kissed her. Helena unconsciously pulled him closer, drowning in his kisses. The heat and passion they felt overwhelmed them. Just as soon as she got her bearings, she pulled away.

Helena walked away without acknowledging what had just taken place. She realized then that her friendship with Darcy Fitzwilliam had taken a disastrous turn.

Darcy stood staring at the spot where Helena had just stood. Her scent lingered lightly. He felt intoxicated by her. Something about her made him want to kiss her. Her abrasiveness was unlike anything he had ever seen. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and remembered with a heavy heart that Caroline was patiently or impatiently waiting for him.

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Caroline had taken it upon herself to pour a glass of wine. She had been thinking of what she was to say to him. He seemed to get over Elizabeth very easily. With an American -- a gorgeous American at that. And so tall -- maybe only 3 inches shorter than Darcy. As she slowly sipped her wine, Caroline made herself more comfortable in this huge cottage of his. When Darcy holidayed, he certainly spared no expense, she thought.

Darcy came in and sat on the overstuffed-size armchair. To Caroline, he looked like he had the world on his shoulders and didn't know how to unload it. She offered him a drink, which he accepted cordially. He looked at her warily and sighed heavily. He just stared at her not making a sound. Not looking incredulous or angry, he just stared. To her, it was unbearable. His eyes, she thought, looked as though he had been shot through the heart. Caroline came here for one reason and one reason only. She wanted him back and would go to hell and back to secure that. However, she had not anticipated the scene that she came upon.

"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." Caroline said wistfully.

"What?" Darcy was amazed. Had Caroline actually said something sensible? How could she possibly have any clue to the torment he felt right now. His thoughts went to and fro - Elizabeth and Helena. Two distinctly different women. Elizabeth was -- is -- the love of his life. But Helena, sweet, sweet Helena, had not one bad bone in her body.

"Dylan Thomas. Your mood, I sensed something." She informed him. He abruptly rose and went to the liquor cabinet and poured something stronger.

"What are you doing here?" he said wearily.

"I thought I would keep you company. I remember how you get when things don't quite go your way. Elizabeth must be a fool."

"No," he hesitated, "the only fool here is myself. Now tell me again, why are you here?" He sounded more dangerous and he wanted the truth.

"Darcy, we are good for each other especially during tumultuous periods. I thought I could help you. It really is quite innocent. You don't mind my staying here for the evening. I neglected to find a hotel, and I refuse to be seen in one of those garish bed & breakfasts." His confused feelings would not allow him to argue with her even though he knew deep down that there was nothing innocent about Caroline.

Remembering that he and Helena had been on their way to dinner, Darcy asked if she would join him. Naturally she accepted most graciously. She would find everything out tonight, especially if he continued to slam down the drinks.

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Darcy awoke with more than a sledgehammer-type headache. He conveniently forgot that Caroline could most definitely drink him under four or five tables. When she started doing shots of really cheap tequila, he should have called it quits, but his emotions got the better of him and he continued. Thankfully, he was alone in his bed. He could never have reconciled the thought of waking up beside Caroline -- of all people. He turned to look at the clock and it read quarter past eleven.

"Great!" he reprimanded himself, "so much for making the most of the morning." Rolling out of his bed, he put on his robe and padded downstairs; pulled by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Darcy smiled to himself when he remembered that he didn't have to make the usual pot of mud he always made.

"Good morning, Darcy!" Caroline enthused.

"Caroline, don't you ever have a hangover? How can one person drink so much and never, ever get sick or a headache?" He shook his aching head in disbelief.

"At university I practiced. I could out drink all the men -- even the footballers and cricketers. But you -- my, oh my! You look like hell." She handed him a steaming cup of coffee and sat down on the other side of him. He looked awful. "I don't think Dylan Thomas meant for you to take his word as Gospel." She grinned at him and he grinned back. Something about her today was different. She wasn't being catty or spiteful, or better yet, all over him like usual. No, he liked this Caroline.

"You're absolutely right, he didn't. Hmm... do I smell food?"

"Yes. Now I have prepared some black and white pudding, Irish sausages, and scrambled eggs. Does that sound okay to you?" He nodded his head and she prepared a plate of food for him. They talked and ate; talked some more, very companionably for an hour. Darcy went upstairs to change, while Caroline put the dishes in the sink. He informed her that a cleaning lady did come daily to straighten up.

He came downstairs outwardly looking a like a new man, but he still had that haunted, disturbed look in the depths of his chocolate eyes, and Caroline wanted to break through that.

"Well, you look ten times better. Have you planned your day?"

"I thought I'd take the horse out that I had yesterday. And since you don't ride, why don't you go on tour of the west. The sun is out today and the Cliffs of Moher are absolutely breathtaking. I was planning on a little golf also..." He was interrupted by the ringing mobile. Caroline started. "Ignore it. It's just Georgie. I'll try her back later. I promised no modern conveniences, and the mobile is just too modern." Caroline was a little taken aback by his going off on his own, but she was in and they were getting along tolerably well. No, she thought, things were moving quite well, if slowly.

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Helena had been at the stables at 11.30 am and requested, Lulu, whom she had had the day before. As she toured the countryside and stopped to talk to some of the locals, she was amazed at how relaxed and open the Irish people were. Three of them invited her into the house for bread and tea! She continued on to the Cliffs of Moher. With the sun finally out, she hoped to get an incredible picture of the view that she had seen on the postcards.

She hitched her horse to the same post that she and Darcy had and immediately she remembered his kiss. How it had lingered on her lips even after she had walked away. She never anticipated him doing that. She didn't encourage him. Yet, she didn't exactly not want it to happen, either. No, she thought, he loves Elizabeth. This would never work.

She continued up the stone steps to the cliffs. Today it was overcrowded. Even at this early hour, the tourists were in full force. Today was St. Patrick's day, she remembered. Well, that accounts for all the tourists, she thought glumly. Another American had espied her and was working his way to her. She didn't really feel like talking to anybody right now. With her training, she could put on a convincing smile at the drop of a hat if the situation required it. She flashed him a brilliant smile, and she thought she saw him drool by her acknowledgment.

"Hi sweetie!" she said.

"I'm sorry, miss, I don't normally do this sort of thing. But weren't you in the Miss USA pageant last week?"

"Yep, Miss Louisiana. Didn't make finals though"

"Oh, I knew it was you right off. Miss Congeniality. I see why. Would you -- I mean, Miss -- can I have your autograph. The boys back home at the shop will be so jealous to know that I met a beauty pageant contestant."

"Why sure, honey!" He fumbled around for a pen and piece of paper and handed them to Helena.

"Could I also have a kiss?" He asked.

Helena rolled her eyes and leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He whistled out loud and told her that she was absolutely gorgeous and the winner had nothing compared to her. She thanked him and moved on her way.

She headed down to the post to untie Lulu. She mounted the horse and headed in the direction of the Lahinch Centre. She was about three quarters of mile away from the center of town when she saw a dark black horse heading in her direction. She noticed the rider right off and tried to turn before he could see her, but it was too late. Darcy had already started calling her name.

She smiled to him and stopped the horse in the center of a the field. He had a hard time getting his horse to stop within a mark of hers. He laughed at the way her horse whinnied when his horse came a little close. She pulled back on the reins to back Lulu up. Darcy's horse reared again, but this time he didn't fall off. He commanded the horse down. Helena's horse was still spooked and refused to stay still. Helena had to maneuver her horse around his horse.

"I'm sorry about last night. I still don't know what came over me. Helena, you looked so beautiful all day yesterday."

"I shouldn't have walked away. I was shocked to say the least. I hear you tell me over and over again how much you love Elizabeth and I know you do, sweetie. I think you're just a little confused right now. I like you, Darcy, but I was not expecting our relationship to go in that direction. You need to concentrate on Elizabeth now and I am disturbing that..." He cut her off.

"No! Absolutely not. Helena you have been more friend to me than anyone in all my 35 years have. You're a very open person. I'm not -- or wasn't -- and I like that. I like you. Elizabeth would adore you!"

"Darcy you need time to think about what you want. You want Elizabeth, but yet you kissed me. I never gave you any sign that I was interested in you. All I wanted was to help you get through a bad time. I adore our friendship, as new as it is, and I probably will adore Elizabeth...."

"Can we have that dinner tonight?" he interrupted again. She remembered Caroline.

"What about your houseguest?" Her face darkened.

"Caroline? She's been an angel." Helena looked up at him quizzically, and he quickly explained all. "And if you don't mind, she will be joining us. Please Helena?" He beamed the brightest smile that she most certainly could not refuse. She thought it most definitely had to be the dimples.

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Caroline spent the day viewing God's greatest beauties and did not enjoy it at all. This was not working for her. He should be spending the day smelling the newly bloomed flowers, sharing the rabbits hopping along the downs. Not off playing golf or riding a steed. It took her hours in a tourist-packed motorcar to tour the west coast, and by the time she headed back to the cottage, she was completely and utterly exhausted. She had been trying to plan when to make her strike during her outing, but she would relish taking it a little bit slower. Being nice was extremely tiring and fruitless.

Darcy and Helena had waited for Caroline to come in to inform her that the three of them would go back to the Tam O'Shanter for dinner. Caroline trudged upstairs muttering and cursing the American. She hopped into the shower quickly and was down by half past seven. With Caroline on one arm and Helena on the other, they made their way to the pub. The mobile rang again and again he chose to ignore it. Helena patted his arm and congratulated him on relaxing.

Helena occasionally glanced from Darcy to Caroline; Caroline did the same. Darcy was oblivious to the wheels turning in each woman's head. The sweetness in Miss Bingley's manner gave Helena pause. Caroline was curious to see how deep Miss Johnstone's claws were into him.

The two women were evidently sizing each other up; Darcy was none the wiser.

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"Cal, he's not answering. I don't know if he shut the mobile off or what?" Georgiana cried.

Cal and Georgiana had tried all day to explain to Darcy about Elizabeth's disappearance with George Wickham.

"Gee, we'll have to wait until tomorrow. Have you tried her sister, Janice. Maybe, just maybe, he brought her there?" She nodded affirmatively and told him that Janice hadn't heard from Elizabeth in days.

"It's just not like her. To go off with George. How is Darcy going to react when he finds out. He'll be furious. I'm furious! I can't believe she would runaway like this." Georgiana sobbed into Cal's shoulder.

"Shh, shh. Gee, we'll do everything we can to find her. Listen, it's dinnertime, and you haven't eaten anything all day. Why don't we see what cook has whipped up?"

"Why would she just leave like that. What happened when she called him last night?" She asked.

"I don't know, Gee. I just don't know."

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lizabeth and George spent the day companionably walking amongst the woods and groves. The fresh air seemed to revitalize her and gave her a clear perspective of her relationship troubles. George, unbelievably, did most of the listening. Elizabeth kept questioning Darcy's love for her, and George held back denouncing Darcy as a cold-hearted fool. The sun started dipping behind the mountains and nightfall was imminent. The coldness and bleakness of the sunless sky caused Elizabeth to shiver. George pulled her a little closer to him, as they made their way back to the cottage.

Elizabeth remembered that she wanted to hear the whole story of the falling out between Darcy and George, and she was willing to spend the whole night listening to his tale. George explained how he had grown up with the Fitzwilliam's as a foster son, and the natural son was intrinsically jealous of his relationship with his father.

"Over the years," he said, "Darcy became more aloof and I had a hard time trying to break through his tough exterior. We never saw eye to eye and he wished me gone. I attended the same schools as him. He got his degree in economics. I couldn't bear more after high school, so we parted ways. I didn't see him again until the funerals of his mother and father. They were my parents also; it was devastating. I was absolutely devastated; Darcy and Cal were given the guardianship of Georgiana.

The Fitzwilliams left a little provision for me in the codicil - that Darcy and I run the company together. Darcy said that until I received a degree, I would not be able to partake in the family business. I still didn't want to go to university, so he reneged on the codicil. I explained that I had no head for numbers and maybe I could do something else. He thought not and gave me money. Let's just say the guy bought me off and told me that I would never get my hands on his business. A couple of years after the death of her parents, Georgiana started rebelling -- getting drunk all the time, dabbling in drugs, and shoplifting. She even colored her hair purple at one time. She was a complete embarrassment to the family. At the age of 17, she ran away. She was gone for two months. Nobody had a clue to where she was. She materialized at Pemberley exactly two months to the date of her disappearance -- pregnant," he said very seriously.

Elizabeth gasped with horror. She could not believe this was the Georgiana she knew and loved. She felt the tears well up in her eyes and tried to blink them away. "Oh, poor Georgiana. He never told me." George looked at her incredulously and gave her a small smile.

"Georgiana fell down the steps at Pemberley. I have heard that when Darcy found out about her condition, he threatened to kill the boy who did this to her. He also became very violent toward his sister and caused her to fall. He brought on the miscarriage."

"Darcy adores Georgiana; I have never seen him raise his voice to her. He loves her at times like she was his own daughter. This is unbelievable, to say the least," she said slowly.

"Now, but seven years ago they were two very different people. When I heard about Georgiana's miscarriage, I rushed to be with her. Darcy refused to allow me into Pemberley. He said that this was family business and I had no right to be there."

"Contemptible!" Elizabeth spurted out, "you were, no -- are family. Georgiana needed all who loved her to be by her side. I never knew. I thought he was more caring than that. I guess when I think of it now, he really hasn't changed. I was just a minor diversion for him. He probably belongs with someone; someone with the likes of Caroline. I believe they are perfect for each other." She said sadly.

George positioned himself closer to her on the davenport and took one of her hands and kissed it lightly. Her heart started palpitating furtively, when she realized where this was heading. She leaned her head closer to his, and he followed her lead.

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"So, when they started naming off the final contestants, my contingent was a hootin' and a hollerin' so loud that they had to ask them on live TV to keep it down!" Darcy laughed so hard his face turned a bright red. Caroline looked bored. "And when my name wasn't called, well they all got up and left the auditorium. Twenty-five people just upped and left." She grinned.

"I've been wondering why you never made finals. Did you slip or fall? Or was your look not what they wanted?" Caroline asked cattily.

"Well there were 50 contestants. Not everyone could win. But I was selected as Miss Congeniality, so in essence I did win," she retorted. Darcy winked at her and mouthed "great job".

All three spoke on a potpourri of topics. Darcy and Helena could easily talk about the day's news, while Caroline would puff and sigh and try to get involved in the conversation. Helena tried getting Darcy to talk about Elizabeth, but Caroline quickly changed the subject. She needn't talk about her worst enemy.

"Darcy, how is sweet Georgiana doing? I haven't spoken with her in what seems like weeks." Caroline batted her eyes ferociously, and Helena had to bite her lip to keep from howling out loud.

"Georgiana is very well. I'll be ringing her tomorrow. How are Charles and Janice? Have you seen baby Henry recently?"

"They are fine, I presume. The baby is a baby. What else can I say?"

Helena interrupted, "I have two nieces and a smattering of nephews and let me tell you, hon, they are my life. I would die for them. Caroline, you should love him like he was your own. Once they start talkin' and becomin' little people, it is the most special time."

"I thought you said you were an only child?" Caroline asked primly.

"I am, but all my girlfriends' kids call me Antie Neena. I treat them just as if they were made of my own blood. I love them so much!"

"Baby Henry adores his aunt and his uncle. He will be a bruiser when he grows up. He's so smart. He knows just how to manipulate people into getting what he wants. Very smart fellow indeed!" Darcy laughed and geared the conversation to more of his liking. "Helena, I want to hear more about the beauty pageant... hmmm, let's see, one-piece or a bikini?"

"Bikini, of course."

"Black gown or black and white gown?"

"Black, off the shoulder."



"Ah, yes, that should have been quite obvious."

"Why is that, Darcy? Why should her dancing be obvious?" Caroline interjected angrily. She felt very left out of this conversation.

"I had the privilege to dance with Miss Johnstone last night. She is extremely good. Very flexible." Darcy looked at Helena as he answered Caroline's question. Helena felt uncomfortable and moved the conversation in a direction in which Miss Bingley could participate.

"Caroline, Darcy tells me that you're an assistant art collector for the British Museum. That sounds awfully interestin'. Is that what you studied at college, sweetie?"

"I went to Cambridge University with Darcy. That is how we met. I didn't go to college," she replied snidely. Darcy shot her an angry look and she softened her tone. "I received my degree in Fine Arts. But I majored in romantic languages. Mr. Fitzwilliam loved when I would talk to him in French, especially after...."

"Yes, thank you, Caroline. She speaks French and Italian quite fluently and beautifully, I may add. Well, by my clock it is nearing one o'clock. Should we call it a night?" Both women agreed. As before, the women took up each arm of his and went home.

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Elizabeth sat staring at the starless sky from her bedroom window, willing Darcy to think of her. She still had hard time comprehending the story that George told her today. Her emotions were playing games with her head and heart that before she knew that she had kissed him, it was over.

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Darcy sat staring at the star-filled sky, willing Elizabeth to think of him. His heart filled with sorrow because he did not know where Elizabeth was or if she were safe. He felt lonely bathed in the moonlight that he and Elizabeth shared on numerous occasions. A small tear formed in his eye as he remembered her kisses, her caresses and her sweet nothings.

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n Ireland and Scotland, the sun shone so brightly that the morning dew glistened like tears on the freshly blossomed wildflowers. Two lovesick humans, thinking only of each other, slept ever so fitfully. He dreamt of her peaches and cream complexion and she dreamt of his strong arms holding her so firmly as they should never let her go.

Darcy rolled out of bed groaning inwardly. It had been nearly six days since he spoke to his beloved, and he considered calling her sister to see if she was in fact staying with her. He splashed some cool water on his face to invigorate himself and headed downstairs. Caroline would never deign to wake up earlier than 8.00 am, so Darcy knew he had the cottage to himself for at least two hours. He filled the kettle with water and prepared to make tea this morning. He really enjoyed Caroline's coffee and could wait for her to make more. The paper had been delivered and he sat in the morning room waiting for the kettle to boil.

He enjoyed the silence of the house and swore he could hear Caroline's faint snores from the bedroom at the top of the stairs. Birds chirped happily, and Darcy was ready to greet the world. The paper had nothing of import in it. He checked the markets. The FTSE wasn't doing too well, but the NYSE was incredible. He could just see it reaching the 9000 mark within the next month. The dollar was certainly holding its own and, with Japan in a financial crisis, today would be a good day to do some light trading on his personal accounts. Making more money was always palatable.

He thought about the mutual fund that he had set up for Elizabeth and checked to see what the NAV was. It was underperforming this past quarter, and he realized that it was underweighted in some particular bonds and mortgage-backed securities. The commercial paper wasn't doing much and he considered selling it and investing in US Treasurys instead. It seemed to be the way to go nowadays. He made a mental note and wrote down the figures. Darcy rubbed his neck in anticipation of his day and smiled broadly to himself. He was making Elizabeth a very wealthy woman. He knew that, if Lydia found out about any of this, she would demand her fair share of the jackpot.

The hall clock chimed seven times and Darcy got up and made another cup of tea. This time, he toasted some bread and buttered it - all the while humming. He laughed to himself and thought Elizabeth would think he had lost his marbles on his holiday. He was relaxed, happy, and more in love with her than ever. He could not wait to see her, to hold her, to kiss her and of course to marry her. Family and all. This was to be a glorious day!

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Elizabeth lifted her heavy head from the pillow and groaned at the sun. She cursed the brightness of it and begged for snow or rain, either would do, in fact. She wanted her depression to register with everyone. No one should be happy if she was so miserable. The birds be damned! she thought. As she sat up in the bed, she remembered a poem and slowly started to recite it:

Sometimes the sky's too bright,
Or has too many clouds or birds,
And far away's too sharp a sun
To nourish thinking of him.
Why is my hand too blunt
To cut in front of me
My horrid images for me,
Of over-fruitful smiles,
The weightless touching of the lip
I wish to know
I cannot lift, but can,
The creature with the angel's face
Who tells me hurt,
And sees my body go
Down into misery?
No stopping. Put the smile
Where tears have come to dry.
The angel's hurt is left;
His telling burns.

Sometimes a woman's heart has salt,
Or too much blood;
I tear her breast,
And see the blood is mine,
Flowing from her, but mine,
And then I think
Perhaps the sky's too bright;
And watch my hand,
But do not follow it,
And feel the pain it gives,
But do not ache.

She slowly got out of bed and made her way into the kitchen. The house was still, exactly how she preferred it this early in the morning. She tried to shake the dream she had of Darcy last night. She had come to a decision last night that she was ready to end the relationship. Oh, she loved him. But the realization of his character and now his infidelity brought out emotions that she didn't know she had.

After having filled the tea kettle and setting it on the stove to boil, Elizabeth picked up an old magazine that had been left from another visit and began looking around the cottage wistfully. Keeping the cottage would be out of the question, even though she loved the idea of just driving up here, being well-concealed from any people and painting the groves. She could paint the same grove five times and each time it still looked different. Darcy had been her biggest collector. Shaking her head to remove him from her thoughts, Elizabeth thought to herself, You can do this. You can make it on your own. The faint sigh that marked her resignation was interrupted by the shrill call of the whistling tea kettle, which summarily brought Elizabeth back to reality.

Elizabeth settled comfortably in the sitting room on the davenport and remembered her kiss with George last night. It was unexpected. It was even interesting. But his lips didn't have the strength or softness of Darcy's. She unconsciously brought her fingers to her lips and traced the lower with her index finger. She felt a sob coming and stifled it.

George had pulled away first, not she. His look gave her much anxiety. To her, it almost looked like he was conquering something that he never thought he could conquer. Almost as if he were playing a game, and Elizabeth was the prize that two men wanted. And I'm here comparing two distinctively different men with two very different temperaments!

Elizabeth prepared more tea and looked out the window. The forest animals were waking from their slumber and foraging for food. A small fawn came close to the window and looked as if it could see Elizabeth staring at it. The eyes reminded her of Darcy and its dark coat reminded her of his colouring. A pang of absolute hurt coursed through her blood.

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Caroline came downstairs looking as if she spent hours in the bathroom. Makeup perfect and not one hair out of place. To Darcy, it was comical because his tousled hair looked unkempt and unruly. He'd seen Caroline once before fairly au naturel, and she swore he'd never see her like that again. Caroline mechanically went to the coffee machine and started making coffee. It suddenly dawned on her that he'd been up for hours and hadn't made one pot.

"Excuse me, Darcy, but why haven't you made the coffee? Don't tell me you don't know how!"

"I can't," he laughed. "No, really, what I make looks and tastes bloody awful."

"You expect me to believe that! I think its sheer laziness on your part. And if you think I'm cooking your breakfast again this morning, not a chance."

"Caroline, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"More like the wrong bed," she muttered to herself. "What time is it, anyway?"

"10 a.m."

"Can I use the mobile?"

"Certainly. If it's a private call, you can use the study," he said.

"No, it's just Bridget. You know -- see how things are going?" He nodded and continued to read the paper. Caroline reached across the table and huffed at Darcy for not handing it to her. She dialed the number and waited for an answer.

"Bridge? Bridge you sound awful... hmmm. Hmmm? Oh, no! Really? I didn't know. Mark? Rebecca?" Darcy looked over the morning paper trying to make heads or tails of the conversation she was having. Caroline acknowledged him with a shrug of her shoulders. He mouthed, "Now what?" Caroline put her hand over the mouthpiece and told him that Mark and Bridget had apparently broken up over the weekend. Bridget was caught kissing a teenager by Mark himself. Darcy had to laugh at that one. Bridget could get caught doing a lot of stupid things, but this one took the cake. Caroline finished her call and put the phone back on the table.

"I just can't believe it. Bridget and Mark. They are so in love." Darcy felt a pang of hurt and quickly raised the paper over his telltale eyes.

"Maybe they just need time apart?" He tried to rationalize. He understood the quandary that Mark must be in, and he felt bad for the old chap. His thoughts flew to Elizabeth and knew he had to call her. Just to hear her voice.

"If you think so. I'm going back to bed - I've got a sudden headache. Wake me up later?" He agreed.

"That poem that you mentioned the other night. Do you know it by memory?"

"Well, yes, Thomas has always been one of my favorite poets."

"Could you recite it for me? Now?" he asked.

"Now?" He nodded his head affirmatively. "Okay, here it goes:

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

"Caroline, you quoted me a poem about death?" He frowned.

"Well, that night you looked like death." She replied with a daring glint in her eye, "I'm off to bed. Care to join me?"

"You said you had a headache," he cracked. She grunted then turned on her heel and made her way to bed.

He picked up the mobile and started dialing Bingley. He hadn't talked to his best friend in over two weeks and felt like he had been neglecting him. The phone rang four times before Janice picked it up.


"Janice, darling, how are you?" Darcy said. Finally a rational voice.

"Oh, Darcy. Weren't quite expecting to hear from you. Are you ok?"

"Do you worry about everyone?" he said with feeling.

"I guess I do. I think it's my nurturing nature, you know, with sisters like Elizabeth and Lydia?" she joked.

"Oh, yes, of course. And speaking of Elizabeth, can I talk to her?"

"Well, no." He seemed a little taken aback by her brusqueness.

"And may I ask why?" he sounded more irate than was intended.

"Well, Darcy, if you must know, she's not here."

"Hmmm. Do you know where she is?"

"No." He wasn't having much luck. "Darcy, did you and Elizabeth quarrel?"

"Well, she did refuse my marriage proposal. I wouldn't exactly say we didn't argue, but I thought I left on good terms. She spoke with me before I left. Is there something going on that you're not telling me?"

"No. Of course, not, Darcy. You're just being a little paranoid. Elizabeth probably just needed some time to think. You should at least give her that much. She does love you." She hated lying to him. Janice knew exactly what Elizabeth had done and could not condone it, but she also didn't want to be the one to tell him either.

"Does she? Janice, she refuses to marry me. I love her more than life itself, and she can be so frustrating at times. What do I need to do?"

"Darcy, I'm sorry I can't be more help to you. Charles is at the office by the way. I'll talk to you soon. Bye." She quickly hung up the phone. Darcy sat staring at the phone now completely agitated. He would still make the most of the day. The weather was perfect and the Lahinch Golf Course was loudly calling his name.

He shut the mobile off and stuck it in the desk. He retrieved his golf clubs and headed to the course.

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It came to him suddenly. Driving the golf ball about two hundred fifty feet, it finally dawned on him. What he really needed was time alone to think. Mark and Bridget would reconcile; they always did. Darcy and Elizabeth would marry and make a lot of little babies. But did she want children, he didn't know? Did she still love him? He couldn't answer that one either. Everyone said she did, but did she just try to placate him?

Helena had been helpful, but a major diversion. His attraction to her shocked him. He was madly, passionately in love with Elizabeth. So how could he be attracted to another woman. And Caroline, oh, if Elizabeth knew about Caroline, there would be hell to pay.

The resolve was to finish the week in Ireland and then head somewhere, anywhere he could be really alone and think. To get lost in his thoughts of Elizabeth. Remembering how cryptic Janice sounded, he drove the golf ball as hard as he could, and the patrons around him congratulated him on his shot. He was inches from the hole. He walked to the hole and knocked it in. Tiger Woods eat your heart out, he thought laughingly. He really wasn't that great of a golfer, but he seemed to do fairly well when he didn't think about it too much.

He decided to tell Helena and Caroline that he would be leaving on Friday morning to an unknown destination.

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George awoke and spied Elizabeth in the study reading. He came up behind her and kissed the top of her head. She lifted her head up and smiled to him. He pulled her up and proceeded to kiss her full on the lips when she stopped him.

"No, George," she said firmly.

"Elizabeth, you can't keep fighting your feelings for me. Doll, I want you. I've wanted you for so long. God, Elizabeth, I've been in love with you for years. Don't you see that? Haven't you known that?" He took his hands and softly traced the outline of her cheeks, running his finger along her lower lip. He knew he was succeeding when she closed her eyes and allowed the sensation to consume her body. He didn't stop as he bent down to kiss her neck that she had arched back. Her images of Darcy touching her made her pulse quicken and her heart beat rapidly. She yearned for him; her body responded to Darcy's touches. She became blinded by his rich brown eyes. She focused on his eyes and saw Wickham standing in front of her. Quickly, as if she had been slapped, she came back to reality and forcefully pushed him away.

"Don't do this, George. It's not right for the both of us. You only want me because you can't stand Darcy. What better revenge on him than to take his girlfriend away. I need a friend, not a lover -- a friend. I hope you can respect that."

Hiding his smugness, he agreed, but he knew he would have her.

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Darcy summoned Helena and Caroline to the cottage for a talk later that afternoon. Caroline could stay at the cottage and he was inviting Helena to stay also, if she so chose.

"I'm leaving Friday morning, -- early. So, Caroline, you probably won't even see me at all unless you can get up before noon." He smiled at her and she sighed agitatedly. "I need to go and think things through and, frankly, I can't do that here with so many distractions." Caroline opened her mouth to speak and quickly closed it again. She could add nothing to the conversation and, though she wished him to stay, she knew it would be fruitless to try and persuade him.

"Oh, Darcy, your Elizabeth is one really lucky lady. She will see that. And regardin' my stayin' here. Well, if Miss Bingley has no objection, I think it would be interestin', I'm sure. Miss Bingley and I can roam around the countryside picking up some very eligible bachelors!" Caroline threw her a look of utter disgust and just folded her arms over her chest and sighed, yet again.

"Thank you, Helena. Miss Bingley will try to be on her best behavior," he turned to her, "won't you, Caroline?" She acquiesced.

arcy took a steamer across the North Channel and ended up at his destination in the early afternoon. He went to the car hire agency and picked up a small, but fast car. It took him roughly three hours to reach his final destination, as he was weary, hungry and lonely, he stopped at a small restaurant for a healthy repast and listened to the locals talk about the spring fling that occurred there every year. He was glad he was here and it was exactly what he needed to do.

The Scottish weather was unbelievably warm and sunny for this time of year, and he praised God for giving him such delightful weather. Darcy ordered a beer and sat back enjoying the local color of the place.

"Bloody beggar did it again. Damn crazy fool that man, he is," said the old gentleman with one arm.

"Jonah, don't talk so much nonsense when we have payin' customers here," the old woman retorted. Darcy smiled to himself and took a swig of his beer.

"Bloody beggar sold the mill right from under the feet of all those men!"

"That bloody mill was losin' money. Nah, makin' any, you old git." She exaggerated her movements, shrugging her shoulders to Darcy, who pointed to his now empty glass indicating he would like another.

"'Tis not, 'ere we've been a millin' busyness for a hundred yares, now laddie. Jus' out to make more money. Lost my bloody arm to that mill. What're you to say about that." He turned to Darcy. "If you owned that bloody mill, losin money an' such, would ya shut it?"

Darcy thought before answering, "Well, I would need to know certain things before I could answer that. Such as, why was it losing money? You lost your arm in that mill, were conditions hazardous? Who was the foreman? And was he properly protecting the people who worked in the mill and the interests of the people affected by the mill. It's not so cut and dry."

The old woman spoke first, "Hear, hear. A man who knows a bit about business, eh?"

"Well, not the mill business, ma'am."

"I've never seen you here before, traveling north?" As Darcy nodded in agreement, the old man peered at him closely and tried to see if he could recognize the stranger. He thought he did, but then realized it was probably just his old eyes playing tricks on him. "You look like someone I knew a long time ago. A very long time ago." The woman cleaned off the countertop and told him to stop making up stories. One of Jonah's favorite past times was telling old tales. "No, I've seen that face before. I'm mighty sure of it." He shook his head roughly as if he were trying to make all his memories come to the frontal lobe of his brain.

"So, what brings you up 'ere. The fresh air?" the old woman asked.

"Yes, and peace and quiet. Don't get much of that in London or Ireland for that matter," he mused.

The old man came very close to Darcy and inspected everything about him. He was nose to nose with him which startled the younger man greatly.

"It's you, isn't it?" he whispered.

Darcy looked at him incredulously, "I'm sorry, sir, but I haven't a clue as to who you are. Perhaps you are mistaking me with an old acquaintance. I've never been in this place before."

"Jonah!" yelled the woman, "leave that lad in peace. Don't you go scarin' off the payin' customers!" Darcy rose and dropped some money on the table to pay for his food and headed out the door.

"Fitzwilliam!" The old man said rememberingly. Darcy turned around slowly and walked back into the area where Jonah was standing.

"That's my last name. How do you know me?"

"Not you, you bloody fool. Your father. You're spit right from him." Darcy softened his features and smiled. The man continued, "We fought in the war together -- Korea. Good chap that man was. Never forgot us. Good, good man."

"Yes, he was. A very good man. He passed on ten years ago; days after my mother died," he said solemnly.

"Bless their souls, son." The old man stuck his hand out, "Jonah Wilson."

"Darcy Fitzwilliam, sir. An honour to meet anyone associated with my father." Darcy smiled.

"Be strong, son. Like your da'. They come around, always do." Darcy furrowed his brows together wondering what the cryptic message meant, but shrugged it off. He headed to Elizabeth's cottage for a late afternoon nap.

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Georgiana waited patiently for Cal to arrive home. He had left very early in the morning trying to get any information on Elizabeth and her whereabouts. She flicked through some old magazines, and even tried to sit down and watch Coronation Street but to no avail. She cursed Darcy for not answering his mobile.

Now with Rachel on her way, things didn't look so good. Georgiana had not the patience to deal with the juvenile musings of Miss Rachel. If she popped into a room saying "Hello, mes amis!", she thought she'd kill her. She was too protective of Cal almost to the obsessive point, and for someone so young, it might be considered perverse. But Cal felt deeply for her, and she knew that she couldn't say much to dissuade him from such a relationship. Georgiana checked the time on the clock and sighed heavily. Only four more hours until Rachel arrives, she thought glumly.

The thought of Elizabeth and Wickham together made Georgiana shudder horribly. Why didn't she stop them when she had the chance? Why would Elizabeth even go with him? The thoughts rambling through her brain were enough to give a her a headache the size of Britain. She went to her bedroom and decided a long nap is just what the doctor ordered.

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Darcy was exhausted when he arrived at the cottage. He contemplated taking a bath before crawling into the bed. He opened the door and cursed his key for sticking. Upon inspection of the cottage, he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. It looked a little tidier than he remembered leaving it. He walked into the bedroom and placed his bags down. He went into the kitchen and put the groceries into the fridge. He was shocked when he saw that the fridge was full of food. He smiled to himself and figured it out that Elizabeth was here. Fate! he thought happily. He went into the studio, and still no Elizabeth. He ran into the study, still no Elizabeth. He quietly went into the living room and there she was sleeping very soundly on the davenport.

He stared at her for some time, just watching her take shallow breaths. A small smile played on her lips, and he wondered if she was dreaming of him. He treaded quietly across the room and bent over to kiss her cheek. She smiled up at him and moaned softly. He played with her hair and whispered over and over again how much he loved her. And she still slumbered. Elizabeth looked up at him with a dazed and confused look when she started waking. His smile was one that resembled a Cheshire cat. He was holding her tightly and murmuring into her neck how much he had missed her and loved her.

"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. Time for you to awake." He said romantically.

"What are you doing here?" She asked of him, while yawning.

"I could ask the same of you. Too many distractions in Ireland. I thought by coming here, I could relax and think of you, but this is much, much better, darling. Oh, how I have missed you." He squeezed her and nuzzled her neck. She pulled away from him quite abruptly.

"You think that this is ok? You think that you can just walk in here and I'm willing to accept everything? Are you that foolish?" Darcy was astonished. He obviously had no clue as to what she was talking about and didn't think that she was making much sense right now.

"Darling, but what are you talking about? Accept what? I thought that we were ok? You're talking in riddles."

"I see. Did Georgiana send you here. I thought Cal would've shown up by now. How dare you come in here and tell me that you love me!" She yelled at him, "how dare you tell me that you had too many distractions in Ireland. Sunday night did not seem like a distraction at all. No, she sounded like a beautiful American with a drawl!" Darcy started when he listened to her.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your infidelity," she said matter-of-factly.

"My infidelity! Are you mad!" he shouted back.

"Maybe so. Maybe I was mad to get involved with someone like you. You are contemptible. Why did you never tell me about Georgiana? Why did you refuse George his inheritance?" Tears slid unchecked down her cheeks.

"Georgiana's business is hers. And since when did you take such an interest in that man!"

The man with whom they had been talking about was standing in the doorway listening to the heated argument between the two.

"Since she called me on Sunday night to come and take her away." George said dripping with malice. Darcy whirled around to face him. It took every ounce of courage not to punch his gloating face. "She called me in distress and asked me to get her. Darcy, she called me," he said vindictively.

Managing a somewhat dignified, "Get stuffed", Darcy grabbed Elizabeth's elbow and steered her into their bedroom. He slammed the door shut and paced quickly around the room. "What the hell are you doing?"

She made no reply.

"I ask you again. What the hell are you doing?" he said in a low and dangerous voice.

"I've made a decision regarding this relationship, Darcy. I want out. I can't trust you. I don't even think I know you anymore."

"You what? What lies has he been telling you? How could you possibly believe him. That man - that man is a positively useless excuse for a human being!"

"You obviously don't know him anymore, do you? George has been nothing short of a gentleman. He has been kind, attentive and interested."

"Interested in seeking a great revenge! You fell for his lies. He sweet-talked you, and your oblivious to it! I had thought more of you, Elizabeth. What have you two done? How long have the two of you been holed up here?"

"Was it a figment of my imagination that answered your mobile? Darcy, you are the pot calling the kettle black! How interested was she in you? I've told you he has been a gentleman." Darcy collapsed on the bed. He looked up at Elizabeth and understood everything. It was she who called Sunday night, not Georgiana.

"I will explain about Helena, but first would you perhaps enlighten me as to what Mr. Wickham has told you regarding his inheritance and Georgiana."

"Helena, you are on a first-name basis with her? I will gladly tell you what was said." She repeated the information that was given to her by George. Darcy at times laughed and sighed agitatedly. "What have you to say to defend yourself?"

"I say only this, Elizabeth, that had you taken the time to really listen to his story, you would have seen through the lies. You are caught in his web of deceit. You believed every word he has said. I will only add that I have inflicted nothing on that - that person," he finally spat out.

"And of Georgiana? How can you defend yourself to those charges. Did you not know that attempted murder -- even an unborn child is a criminal offense." Darcy started, then coloured.

Darcy came up behind Elizabeth and whispered ever so chillingly, "I told you Georgiana's problems were her own." He noticed her shudder and walked toward the door and then quitted the room. Any anger Darcy felt for the woman quickly turned into a blinding hatred towards the other man.

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aroline had not gone out of her way to be in the least civil towards Helena. She cursed Darcy for leaving her in this blasted country with nothing to do and with an American who she could barely comprehend. Helena, usually all politeness and easiness, even found her patience wearing quite thin around Miss Bingley. She had proposed a late lunch as a white flag to the animosity that the other woman had created. It was agreed that they would again go to the pub that they had been frequenting.

Moira was very happy to see Helena again, but she frowned at Caroline. She questioned both ladies about the missing gentleman. Caroline answered that he had pressing business matters and had to leave the country. She then dismissed Moira with a flick of her hand. The woman rolled her eyes at Helena and brought them to a table. Miss Bingley hemmed and hawed about the table and its proximity to the kitchen and it being too noisy in her estimation. Helena asked her kindly to refrain from the pettiness for one afternoon. She could have shot daggers at Helena.

"I want to know what you have planned for Mr. Fitzwilliam?" Caroline said quite determinedly.

"I'm sure I don't follow your meanin'. I don't have anythin' planned for him." Helena remarked absently, "Oh, just friendship, Caroline. But I could ask the same of you, darlin'. You've been steering any talk of Elizabeth away from him and you've been all over him like... well, like we say in Nawlins, like flies on sh...."

"I know the saying, dear," she spoke sarcastically, "however, I don't believe you. Darcy has always and will always be the man I love. Elizabeth has been a diversion of sorts. He'll come back. They always do." Helena laughed at her ease in relaying this bit of information to her. She also thought she was crazy for thinking such a way.

"Well, Darcy certainly has been diverted for a long time. Let's see, three years is it? I would have thought that if you were the woman for him, he wouldn't have proposed to Elizabeth. I don' recall his tellin' me that he proposed to you." The verbal mud fight continued.

Caroline became flustered and floundered while trying to think of something brilliant to say, "Darcy just needed time to realize that Elizabeth is not what he wanted. She's beneath him socially and economically. She paints." Helena fixed her eyes on Caroline and grimaced.

"What the hell is it with the British and class systems? Who cares what her family background is or was? I was raised by a single mother with no father in sight, and I turned out very well!" Helena became extremely angry, and Caroline quickly tried to quiet her down. "Listen Caroline, I'm tryin' here to be friends with you. But you constantly fight me, darlin'. Come let's start fresh, please?" Caroline looked at Helena and saw the sincerity in her eyes and finally gave in.

"Well, we do have to live with each other for the time being. I guess it wouldn't be all that difficult. But one thing: absolutely NO ELIZABETH! I refuse to discuss her again. I do not like her. I will never like her. I will never think of her." Helena resignedly took Caroline's hand and they shook on their newly agreed-upon truce.

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Rachel arrived wearing a beautiful cerise sheath bought exclusively at Christian LaCroix in Paris. She spent all day getting ready and looking beautiful for Cal, and he was most appreciative. When Georgiana spied the reception that Rachel received from Cal, she knew deep down that Cal had found his soul mate. Now if only my brother had as much luck, she wished.

"Oh, Gee, I had the best time in France. We went to the Arc de Triomphe, La Tour Eiffel, and I sat in Monet's Giverney! It was all so lovely. So beautifully lovely. Cal, we must go. Just you and me. It would be so romantic. The city of lights." Cal took her hand and squeezed it gently then raised it to his lips and kissed it lightly. "Where's Elizabeth? Cal said she'd be here. I was so dying to see her and Darcy," she squealed.

"Elizabeth had to go, dearest. But she did want me to kiss you on the cheek and wish you a welcome home." Cal kissed her on the cheek. "So, dear, you look positively to die for. French men and wine have done you well," he said saucily.

"Oh, Cal," she knocked him on the head with her handbag, "I only had thoughts of you, darling."

"Right," said Georgiana, "I think cook has dinner out on the terrace. Can we separate you two suffocating humans?"

"Oh, Gee, too much?" Cal said. She indicated with her fingers "just a wee bit."

Dinner went by without any kissing or hand holding by the two lovebirds, much to the gratification of Georgiana who felt uncomfortable having to witness this level of affection between other people. The three of them were talking companionably when the phone started ringing. Cal excused himself and went into the study to take the call.

"The bloody bastard, Cal. I... I can barely talk.... Kill him..... In a restaurant..... Scotland.... Elizabeth and George, are together.... I can't take......Oh, God!!!!"

"Get your wits about you, man!" Cal said urgently, "Who have you killed? Where are you?"

"Cal, George and Elizabeth, have been together for five bloody days in her cottage! How the hell can I keep my wits about me. I've killed no one yet."

"I tried to find her, Darcy. What are you doing in Scotland? We thought you were in Ireland?"

"What do you mean you tried to find her. You knew about this and didn't ring?"

"We did ring. On too many occasions, and you never answered the bloody mobile!"

"Oh, God. Cal, I thought it was Georgiana. I had a message that she called on Sunday night. Helena told me Georgiana called. I now know was Elizabeth. She thought Helena and I were... Cal, I'll kill him if he hurts her in any way. I'll bloody well kill him..."

"Darcy, where are you?" Cal asked quickly.

"I've told you, in a restaurant."

"How long will it take you to get to Pemberley? Can you make it in about 3 hours? I'll meet you there. You are not going to kill anyone, do you understand?"

"Yes. Pemberley. Three hours." Cal and Darcy rang off. Darcy hopped into the car and forced it into gear grinding them in the process. He drove maniacally down the main highway which was treacherous to maneuver at night. He replayed the fight with Elizabeth over and over again. Wishing he had told her to truth about George. Wishing he had never, ever heard of George Wickham.

Cal informed the two women of the predicament and explained in very few details what had transpired between Darcy and Elizabeth. Georgiana tried her best to talk Cal into letting her come with him, but he thought it best if she stayed and kept Rachel company. Rachel, on the other hand, was quite put out. She tilted her head and pouted to Cal. She had just arrived and already he was running out to play the superhero.

"Rachel, honey, I promise tomorrow will be for the two of us. But right now Darcy needs my help. Surely, you must see that." He pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

She sighed, "Of course, I do. I feel his pain." She smiled and pouted again. Cal could not stop looking at her inviting mouth and descended upon it. Georgiana cleared her throat and told him that he better get a move on it if he wanted to meet with Darcy before he did something he might regret. Rachel shot her a glowering look and Georgiana meekly smiled at her.

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Amazingly, Helena and Caroline finished lunch without one catty remark and the two women found that they did have some things in common. Caroline explained that most women were not friendly to her. And Helena nodded in agreement. Both women were so beautiful that most men automatically thought that they had boyfriends or lovers, so they never had many dates.

"Because I was always in this contest or that contest, many people thought I was stuck up or a snob and looked down on them. You can't imagine how far removed that is from the truth! I love people."

"I know exactly how you feel. Women hate us because we're pretty..."

"Excuse me, Caroline, are you complimenting me?" Helena interrupted in jest.

"And because we have brains." Caroline giggled. She never thought she would ever have a conversation like this in her life. And she quite enjoyed it. Helena and Caroline laughed and giggled like two crazy schoolgirls, commenting on the different people who came into the pub. Moira even got involved when one of the regulars came in quite intoxicated and couldn't stay on the barstool. As the lunch crowd turned into the dinner crowd, Caroline offered to buy a whole round of drinks for the patrons. Men came up to her and talked to her like a human being, as Helena sat back and watched as Caroline became the queen of the ball.

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Darcy and Cal showed up at Pemberley within minutes of each other. Mrs. Reynolds was shocked to see Darcy tearing through his palatial home. She welcomed him home, as he silenced her with a nod to the head while his hand gestured for her to leave. Cal was immediately shown into the library where Darcy was frantically pacing.

Cal sat in the black leather chair that Darcy and Elizabeth had picked out the year before. This was always Darcy's favorite room and refurbishing it with Elizabeth was one of the greatest joys he had ever encountered. Darcy and Cal said not one word to each other.

Darcy thrust a drink at Cal which was happily accepted. He prepared one for himself also.

"I just don't get it, Cal. He told her the same lies over and over again and she fell for it. I threw Georgiana down the stairs. I refused his inheritance. Indeed!" Darcy's face was red with rage.

"She will come around, Darcy. She'll see that his lies do not hold water."

"Women! They always fall for a tragic story and puppy dog eyes."

"It can be said the same about men, too." Cal tried to say lightheartedly.

"No. I will not let him beat me. I've come too far with her to lose her to him now. Cal, she thinks I've murdered a fetus. How do you propose I acquit myself of that charge." He sat down opposite Cal and put his face in his hands.

"By telling her the truth," he offered.


"Dammit, Darcy. She will listen to you. You have proof and what does he have? Nothing. Not one bloody bit of information to back up his lies. The manner in which you tell her, that could be problematic. We cannot have you go back to that cottage. His life is not worth yours in prison."

"Of course. But I cannot go on thinking that she and he are in that place. Doing God knows what!"

"Darcy, be real. She would not do anything to jeopardize her relationship with you. I talked to her the other day. She told me they were just friends and nothing more. You must give her that much." Darcy was up and pacing again. More agitatedly he kept cursing George Wickham. "Let me take care of everything. You put down in words what you want to say, and I'll bring it to her." Darcy looked at him gratefully and extended his hand to his cousin and keeper.

"I don't even know where to start?" he said resignedly.

Cal shook Darcy violently, "From the beginning, Dammit. I think you should go back to Ireland." Darcy made to protest, but Cal would have none of it. "I told you, I will take care of it."

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"Adrian Lukis wants to take me to Dublin!" Caroline yelped with pleasure. "Did you see how absolutely handsome he is. Much better than that Rupert Van... Oh, goodness, I forgot his name." Helena laughed with her and congratulated her on her conquest. She did agree that he was indeed very charming if not a tiny bit smarmy looking. But Caroline could knock smarmy out of the best of them.

"Hey, I thought you were gonna tell me all 'bout Bridget, Mark and the jellyfisher, Rebecca?" Caroline was so giddy that she couldn't stop giggling.

"Oh, poor Bridget. You know what, I can give you the Readers Digest version of it quickly. He wants me to go with him tonight!"

"Do ya think it's wise, Caroline? Ya jus' met him an' such."

"I will have you know that I can take care of myself, thank you very much." Helena rolled her eyes and agreed with her. Caroline could indeed take care of herself in a pinch. "Okay, now onto Bridget. Bridget worked in publishing where she was shagging her boss, Daniel. He dumped her for a plastic American. Oops, sorry. Mother and aunt Una tried desperately to fix her up with gorgeous human rights lawyer, Mark. He at the time was dating some brilliant family lawyer named Natasha. She was too lacquered for him. So he asks Bridget out on date. Bridget, the fool she is, stood him up. "

"Why?" Helena broke in.

"She was blow drying her hair. Well, Bridget quit her publishing job, you know the one where she was shagging the boss, and went to work on television as -- and get this -- a reporter. She is the worst reporter in all of England! Anyway, Bridget and Mark finally hook up, shag, date, break up, shag, date, and break up! Well, last time I heard from Bridget she caught him with Rebecca getting out of cab and his shirt was undone! She probably attacked him right in the backseat of the cab. I wouldn't put it past her though. Come to think of it, I taught her to do that!"

"Oh, poor Bridget. Any chance of their gettin' back together?" Helena asked.

"Well, he'll have some heavy explaining to do. She is devastated! Along with everyone else. I won't hear from her until Saturday. She's very busy being the world's worst reporter." Helena laughed and thanked her for the blow-by-blow report on Bridget.

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Darcy felt some return of his sanity knowing that Cal would take care of everything. It took at least six drafts before he came up with exactly what he wanted to say to her. Once finished, he franked it with the Darcy crest and handed it to Cal. He never felt so nervous in all his life. He did take Cal's advice and called for the company helicopter to take him back to Ireland. He needed to get away from Pemberley and all that reminded him of her quickly.

Beyond exhaustion and hunger, Darcy arrived at the cottage a few minutes before midnight. The cottage was dark and looked empty. He went into the sitting room, grabbed the whiskey off the settee and made his way to the bathroom upstairs for a bath. He thought the darkened house gave it atmosphere and lit candles for his bath.

Helena came home alone. She tried to dissuade Caroline from going to Dublin but, once she got it in her mind to do something, there was no changing it. She felt a little grimy and smoky, so she headed straight to her bedroom and quickly changed into shorts and a tee shirt. She went downstairs to raid the fridge, but found nothing that she wanted to eat. She had become quite fond of the sitting room and sat down in the over-stuffed chair, reading a magazine. Sleep would elude her for the time being. She couldn't really concentrate on the article she was reading and pretty much realized that it must be all the alcohol that she had drunk.

Darcy finished with his bath and knew sleep would elude him as well. So arming himself with towel, he wrapped it around his waist and headed down to the sitting room where he could read. His head was a mass of dark curls and the towel clung quite nicely to his hips.

Helena had managed to doze off but awoke with a startle when Darcy crashed into the small table he hadn't seen.

"What're you doin' here?" she asked amazed.

"I--I, well things changed suddenly. I've just come back," Helena stared at the towel, then moved her eyes up to his chest.


"Helena, I saw Elizabeth. She was with George." He paced around the room clad only in a towel. "He told her all those lies I told you about, but the difference is she believed him."

"Oh, darlin'," she thought about it, then said, "Darcy, what did you do?" He laughed at her and continued pacing. To Helena, seeing him clad in only a towel and extremely angry was damn sexy in her estimation. He came closer to the chair she was sitting at.

"I wanted to kill him and I wanted to kill her. I feel... I can't even explain how I feel." Helena got up and moved a stray curl from his eye. He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him. She thought about pulling away. But looking into his eyes and seeing the hurt and the want was even too much for her. "Oh, God, Helena. Stay with me tonight? I need you. Please?" He moved his mouth closer to hers and she accepted his kiss. He gently led her upstairs to the bedchamber.

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eorge tried to console Elizabeth after Darcy had stormed out of the cottage. When the tears had stopped, Elizabeth managed to look around her surroundings and focused her stare at George. She started laughing, which perplexed George immensely.

"Do you realize what I've just done, George?" she asked of him.

"Well... No, not really?" he said, scratching his head. She laughed again.

"I've thrown away the best thing that I've ever had. I ended a relationship that he and I put our heart and soul into for three years. And for what reason?" she added while putting her hands on her hips to give a more dramatic effect. He shook his head, still not understanding. "Because I thought he was having an affair. I chuck him because of my insecurities. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I have thrown it all away....Maybe. But there may be one thing I can do." He looked at her warily and tried to figure out what was going on in that pretty head of hers. "Can I take your car?" she asked.

"But of course. Where are we going?" he inquired

"Not you. Me. Let me wash up. You have the mobile in it, don't you? On speakerphone?" he answered affirmatively to all questions asked, but he dared not ask any more.

It took Elizabeth about twenty minutes and lots of cold water to bring down the swelling in her eyes due to all the crying she had done this week. She finally thought herself so foolish for wallowing in misery. Allowing herself to cry and sleep and sleep and cry. It was most maddening! Once she was finished, George dangled the keys at her and told her in not so subtle terms that she should be very, very careful in his car. She laughed at him and told him to get a grip.

The cool night air felt refreshing against her hot cheeks. She wanted the breeze to embrace her, so she rolled down all the windows in the car and then realized what a mistake that was and quickly closed them again. She fidgeted with the mobile and dialed her sister's number. Janice was always there to comfort her when any problems arose. The phone rang only twice before Charles answered.

"Hello, dear brother!"

"Elizabeth, where in God's name are you? Don't you know we had a foot patrol out looking for you?" he admonished.

"Dearest brother, I'm fine, honestly, but I must talk to Janice most urgently."

"Well, just to let you know, she will be giving you an earful. She has been beside herself with worry. And stop 'dearest brothering' me. It will not work!" Charles put Janice on the phone.

"Oh, Lizzy, I've been so scared. Nobody knew where you were, only that you had gone off with George. Are you really all right?" she asked lovingly.

"No, but I will be. Janice, Darcy and I have broken up." She heard Janice gasp into the phone. "Don't worry about it. I intend to mend things. Just listen to what I have to say, please?"

"Of course," she said.

"For the past two months, I have say the least, irritable, tired, no energy, weepy. His marriage proposal scared the hell out of me. It's like saying, well Elizabeth, this is it... time to grow up. Not only do I need to take care of myself, which I barely do at times, but it is also taking care of him, too. What if he decided that he doesn't love me after all... after we've been married for six months. I got cold feet. I used this dumb excuse about our parents to hold him off. And Janice, I love him. Truly, madly, and deeply, I love him. And I want to be his wife and I want to live the rest of my life with him."

"So, why are you telling this to me and not to him?" The connection on Elizabeth's end was fading in and out. "Elizabeth, can you hear me?"

"I don't know where he is?" Elizabeth said dejectedly. "He came to the cottage and we had such a row it was horrible."

"Elizabeth, what happened between Darcy and George? And where are you? Are you in a...a car?"

"Yes. I'm in a car. I took George's car to be alone. Oh, good, a restaurant. Listen, Janice, you have to help me. I need to set this right. Any pointers? I never was good with this love stuff." Janice laughed at her and remembered her previous words.

"Have you thought about taking a pregnancy test?"


"Well, your words--irritable, tired, no energy, weepy. Classic pregnancy symptoms. I say you get yourself to a chemist and do a home test. It takes no time and is very accurate. You can always have it confirmed by a physician."

"It.. I... Pregnant? It never dawned on me," she thought back about two months, remembered something, and then thought it all very possible. It would account for her mood swings. "I've just pulled out of the carpark of the restaurant. There is a Boots down the street. I'll ring you back."

Elizabeth hurriedly entered the chemist and proceeded to look for the test. This is ridiculous, she thought, you are an adult woman and this is the '90s, just go and ask the man. "Excuse me, sir. I... ah... well... Where would I find a home pregnancy test?" The chemist looked her over and frowned. She huffed at him and quickly paid for it. All she could think about was taking the test. She opted not to go back to the restaurant and quickly made her way home.

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It took Cal a little over three hours to make his way to the cottage, and he still got lost with the directions that Darcy had given him. He turned the radio on to get the football scores and was quite amazed at how well Arsenal were doing. They were number two behind Manchester Utd. Maybe they would win the Premiership Cup this year after all. He impatiently waited for the American baseball training camp scores to be read. One of his favorite pastimes was baseball. Playing it or watching it when in America was a secret hobby of his. His favorite team was the Boston Red Sox, with Vaughn hitting incredibly well in training camp; they could be on the road to that elusive World Series Championship. One thing that kept bothering Cal was the name Helena. Darcy had brought it up several times. Who the hell is Helena? he thought.

Finally, he came upon the quaint cottage and was quite annoyed to find it darkened. Here, he had spent all day in the blasted car and would it have been too much to ask that the occupants could be awake! He parked the car beside Wickham's and did all he could from not smashing the Love Bug to pieces. He went to the door and started to knock when he realized he had left the blasted letter in the car. So he trudged back to the car and grabbed the letter. Elizabeth was the first to hear the knock and quickly ran down the stairs to answer the door. Secretly praying that Darcy had come back, she was quickly taken aback when Cal smiled tiredly at her.

"Good Lord, Cal, you look exhausted!"

Her outward appearance was one that he had not expected. She seemed happy. Showing him into the study, she fixed him a mineral water with lime.

"I have come bearing a letter," he said while searching her face for any sign of despondency. "Darcy wanted me to give this to you. How are you? Are you all right?" he asked with genuine concern. She took the letter from him and fingered it slowly. She loved the Fitzwilliam crest and kept running her finger over it. To her, it was as if Darcy were standing right in front of her.

"I'm wonderful, Cal. I need to apologize for running out. It was very wrong of me but, when I called Darcy and a woman answered the phone, I just put two and two together and came up with one hundred. I overreacted." She looked down at her lap and wanted terribly to read the missive. "Would you mind, if I took this upstairs to my room and read it? I don't know how long I will be. Are you to wait for my reply?" He nodded yes and she told him to make himself comfortable.

Elizabeth settled on her bed and began the letter.

Darling Elizabeth,

What I am about to relate is very difficult. I had wanted to protect you and my sister from the evil doings of George Wickham. Do allow me to tell that my love of you is unwavering and undying. However, I must not digress and should start from the beginning.

When I was a child, my parents tried unsuccessfully to have another child. At the same time my father's steward was finding it financially and emotionally burdensome to care for a small child, as the mother had died during childbirth. My parents informed me at the age of nine that we would be taking in George Wickham, as a foster child. He would be brought up as my brother. Shortly after that, my mother became pregnant again and thankfully produced Georgiana. We all adored that beautiful little girl. George and Georgiana were close, extremely close, and I was jealous. George and I are nearly the same age and he was getting along with my blood relations better than I was. It pained me to see how people liked him just because he was the outgoing one, while I concentrated on my studies. George, with his easy-going and playful manner, endeared himself to my parents. I was left to be by myself most times. Father hardly paid much attention to me, and mother was very busy with Georgiana.

By my teens, I was able to see how conniving and calculating George was. He would hide Georgiana's dolls, blame me, and then play the hero by recovering them. He did not do well in school, but Father excused it as his trying his best. He skipped most classes and to this day, I still do not know what he was doing or to be frank who he was doing. He had quite a reputation at primary school. While at Eton, I began dating. A natural thing for a young boy becoming a man. I remember her quite clearly, her name was Julia Bowen and she was charming. She was generally well liked and her father owned a shipping business. I know that my parents were secretly hoping that an alliance would take place after I had finished up with university. She would regularly come to Pemberley to be with me during my holidays. We enjoyed each other's company and got along quite famously. We became friendly to each other, and she allowed me to do things that most young girls shouldn't allow to be done. Remember, I was young and eager. On one such occasion that she visited Pemberley, I had gone to the office with father, and mother was visiting her sister in Kent with Georgiana. George told her that I was waiting for her in the carriage house. She proceeded to go to the carriage house and, when I never materialized, she turned to leave.

Darling, what I am about to tell you is very difficult indeed. George cornered her in the carriage house, locking the door and proceeded to attack her. He beat her soundly and threatened to harm her greatly if she ever came back to Pemberley or me. She told her parents that she was attacked by a stranger and we--my father, myself, George and others in the area--looked all over for the blackguard. We never located a man with the description she gave us and gave up after two weeks. She was finally able to tell me the truth about the beating when she came to my father's funeral. George, by this time, had also conveniently disappeared and did not reappear until the reading of my father's will.

When Georgiana turned fourteen, the unthinkable happened. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had known there was a problem but never saw the doctor. With the diagnosis, we were told she had a month to live. It destroyed my father. He, who was always so robust and good and happy, turned into a depressed, melancholy person. I threw myself into work because I knew he couldn't. Watching mother wither away was something I couldn't do, which was inducement enough to work long hours at the office. Georgiana was conveniently sent to my aunt's house for the duration of my mother's illness. Father tried every resource to locate George, but to no avail. I, on the other hand, knew exactly where he was and what he was doing, but I concealed it from my father. Let George Wickham read in the paper that the woman who loved him like her own flesh and blood died wondering about him. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I had every reason to not want him around.

Before my mother died, she begged me to look after Georgie. As I was ten years her senior, I should watch that she did not take any wrong turns and that she should enjoy what life had to offer. I made the promise to my mother. She died in her sleep that night. Darling, everyone who knew my mother adored her, and losing her was the hardest thing I have ever had to endure. Georgiana went into shock and father became inconsolable. He wished himself dead. Without mother, he was nothing. Georgiana refused to go back to Aunt Catherine's, and I fought with father to keep her here, at Pemberley. Mrs. Reynolds, the Godsend she is, helped with Georgie. My father did not look well at all at the funeral. He kept swaying and couldn't keep his eyes open. I had to support him many times during the service. When we went to the family burial plot, my father asked for my forgiveness, then fell to the earth, having suffered, as we later found out a massive coronary. He died instantly.

As you know, my parents are buried together side by side, exactly the way they would have wanted. Somehow, the solicitor managed to find George for the reading of the will. And George, being the rat he is, could smell money from another continent. Needless to say, the will was a great shock to me. I was asked to run the company with him. The same man who never once even tried to understand exactly what the business was! Luckily for me, my father included in the will that George MUST finish university. That was my saving grace. He refused. He said he had no head for numbers but maybe I could create a title for him that didn't require any degree at all. I laughed at him and told him in no uncertain terms that it was not acceptable. If he wanted any share in the business, he must continue on with his education and then he would have to work for it. Again he refused. He asked for money which I gave him without one thought. He said he had a good prospect for work, but as it would include traveling he would need cash. He took the money, and I did not see him for three years.

Cal and I were given joint guardianship of Georgiana, which was a blessing in disguise, because Georgie could be a handful at times. She was a precocious teenager, but not unlike any other normal teenager, and I pride myself on that. Although she was rich, she was well grounded. She did go through that rebellious stage, coloring her hair purple and hanging out with the local kids from Lambton. When she did fall in with a rough crowd, Cal and I tried talking to her. But seventeen-year-old young ladies are not the easiest to deal with. One afternoon she went out with her friend Cynthia, who was a very amiable young lady, and I liked her a lot. Cal thought she may have had a crush on me, possible I suppose, being much older than they. She dressed normally, unlike Georgie, who took to dressing like Madonna. I thought she would be a good influence on my rebellious Georgie, as I had been calling her, lovingly, of course. I was very wrong, indeed. When Georgiana failed to come home that night, I was beside myself with worry. Cal rushed over and I had the whole town of Lambton searching every nook and cranny for her.

Elizabeth, this part is by far the most painful. Please, do not let it go further than your eyes and lips. For days, we searched all over Derbyshire for her. I had people in London and France looking for her. I hired private detectives. I had funded Scotland Yard with more than enough money and they were at my beck and call. I do not mean to sound pretentious, not at all, but my sister is and will be my life. I love her unconditionally, like a father for his daughter. For two months, I knew not where she was and it destroyed me. The business started faltering and Cal became my Rock of Gibraltar. Without him, I would have gone deeper and deeper into a depression. I accused everyone of harming my beautiful sister. Two months to the day she left, she came back. I was overjoyed, gladdened, ecstatic, and I wanted to kill her.

She came back to me beaten to a pulp. Her ribs were cracked and she was pregnant. Cal and I rushed her to hospital. You could barely see her face; it was covered in purple bruises and her nose had been broken. She couldn't cry. I cried for her. I wept tears that I didn't even know I had. Shortly after we brought her to hospital, she miscarried. She kept saying that George would take care of her and that he loved her. At the time, I didn't think anything of it. But it was Cal who managed to question her when she felt strong enough. She told him that the George was George Wickham. And that she had managed to catch up with him in Lambton where he professed an undying love of her and asked her to marry him. They ran off to London. Elizabeth, he beat my sister to within an inch of her life, and he beat her knowing that she was carrying his child.

Georgiana, luckily was able to come home after two days in hospital, and Cal and I took care of her along with Mrs. Reynolds. The day after she came home, Wickham came to Pemberley wanting to see how Georgiana was. Had Cal not been there, I would have torn his face off. He said something about wanting to know about his child. Cal informed him there would not be a child. Mrs. Reynolds called the constable to have Wickham removed.

Her recovery was slow, but she made progress as a result of the steady stream of top-drawer physical therapists and mental health administrators that we brought in. With the loving, tight-knit community of Cal, Mrs. Reynolds and me, Georgiana recovered and was admitted into nursing school. Her graduation and subsequent assignment in Yorkshire was the happiest day to date. My next happiest day would have been the day you and I wed.

Seeing you with that man was more than I could take. He could have killed my sister. I love you and will do anything to keep you from harm. Please allow me to tell you how important you are to me. I know that Cal will be waiting for you. I have given him leave to clarify any information that you desire.

Again darling, please accept my compliments for your health and happiness.

Your loving,

Elizabeth had not realized that tears had been falling down her cheeks. She found it too preposterous, but Cal was here and he would never lie to her. She really didn't know what to believe. George had never, ever tried to harm her. He had always been gentlemanly to her. The tears fazed her as she brushed them away. Her legs felt heavy and refused to get up. She unconsciously put her hand over her stomach and sighed. She knew right now that Darcy Fitzwilliam was everything to her and she would do anything, anything at all to make him understand that. She loved him and nobody else--no American or Caroline Bingley--was going to change that or take him away from her.

Forcing herself off the bed, she went to have a chat with George. She wanted to hear his answers to such charges. She knocked on George's door and waited for him. Quietly she said his name and still no answer. She carefully opened the door and noticed that he was not in his room. She loudly called his name. George quietly tapped her on the shoulder and gave her a big grin.

"You wanted me, doll?" he leered.

"Please don't look at me like that. I've received something--something I believe we need to discuss. Cal is downstairs." She watched to see his reaction, but he'd had years to steel his disposition. She sighed, and he led her into his bedroom.

Elizabeth sat down on the divan and proceeded to explain to George the information that she had received. Because his back was to her, she couldn't see his reaction. She noticed him grabbing hold of the dresser several times as she repeated certain bits of information but not all. She didn't want to elicit any anger from him. When he finally turned to face her, he seemed cool and calm.

"It pains me to ask this of you, George, because I have always thought of you as a friend, but with this new information... I.... I wouldn't want to be lied to..." She looked down at her lap and fidgeted with the bottom of her shirt.

"And you believe this information? May I please read the letter?"

"No, George, I cannot do that. I just want to hear what you have to say."

"I've been staying with you for five days and now you decide that you don't trust me?" he bellowed. Cal heard muffled noises but thought nothing of it.

"Please, George, keep your voice down. I never said that. I just want to know what happened, that is all? Please, don't get angry." George flew into a violent rage and made to grab Elizabeth's arm when she flung open the door. "George, you are acting ridiculous!" He started yelling unintelligibly at her, and Cal raced to the where the commotion was.

Elizabeth stood her ground and faced George. "I expect you to be gone, George. I'll let you stay the night. But at first light you must leave." Elizabeth motioned to Cal to go back to the other room and told him that she had everything under control. Against his better judgment, Cal did as asked and left. Elizabeth started to walk away, but George grabbed her and violently started to kiss her, biting her lip in the process. Because his strength was too much for her, she couldn't fight back. She brought up her knee and managed to hurt him enough that he released his grasp on her. His language was as foul as ever, and Cal again ran back to the bottom of the stairs. Elizabeth ducked out of his grasp and made to the top of the stairs and was about to run down them as Cal was about to come up. George seized hold of Elizabeth's arm and told Cal if he came up the stairs he would hurt her. Cal stayed at the bottom pleading with him to release her. Elizabeth, violently tried to break free, but his grasp was hard and hurt her. She took her free arm and managed a good hit across the face. He shook her roughly and flung her down the stairs.

Elizabeth lay like a heap at Cal's feet and George ran out past them. Cal couldn't tell if anything was broken, and he kept saying her name over and over again. Elizabeth was conscious enough to tell him that she hurt.

"Elizabeth -- your back, can you feel your legs?" she nodded yes, "I'm going to feel around your neck, please let me know if I hurt you." After making sure she had not broken her back or neck, he gently lifted her up to place her on the davenport. Elizabeth became hysterical and started wailing, "NO!" Cal immediately put her down and ran for his mobile in the car. He dialed emergency.

"Elizabeth, the paramedics will be here shortly. Tell me where it hurts?" She was beyond consolation now. She looked as if she were going in and out of consciousness and softly mentioned to Cal, "Please save my baby." And then darkness.

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elena turned over in the bed and heard the faint breathing of Darcy right beside her. She extricated herself from Darcy's grasp and slowly inched off the bed. She grabbed the closest thing that looked like an article of clothing. Quietly shutting the door, she noticed she had Darcy's button-down oxford and quickly put it on. Thankfully, it covered her down to mid-thigh.

Softly padding down the stairs, she made her way to the kitchen and made a strong pot of coffee. The sun had barely managed to rise; waves of guilt engulfed her. The thought of blaming it on all she had to drink infiltrated her mind many times. But she knew that was a lousy excuse. What would he be thinking? Could he be able to face her? Could she face him? Damn him, she thought, why did he have to look so good in a damn towel, anyway? A million things ran through her head and she couldn't justify one thing. Hell, she couldn't even think of a good excuse for their actions last night.

Now, Darcy, he was smooth. Put a bottle of whiskey in his hand, get dumped by the woman who completed his life, and flash those huge, incredibly dark, brown eyes. Of course, any female would melt, if she were human. She poured herself a huge cup of extra-strong, black coffee and sat down heavily at the kitchen table. The aroma and steam of the coffee seemed to perk her up, a little. Thoughts raced through her mind. After Caroline accused her of wanting Darcy, and now that it happened, she would have a flip if she found out.

Oh, Helena, you've got to fix this mess, she thought as she sighed into her coffee.

Darcy stood at the doorway watching the pensive look on her face. He dared not disturb her and looked at her for a long time. Desperately wanting to know what she was thinking, he searched her countenance for any tell-tale sign of her feelings. He had enjoyed last night. The spontaneity and passion had incredibly taken him by surprise. His actions had taken him by surprise. He had always believed in a monogamous relationship and, yes, he did feel guilt by what had taken place, but Elizabeth told him that it was over between the two. Would Helena feel as though she had been used? In a moment of weakness, did he take advantage of her? Darcy tightened the belt to his robe and proceeded to sit down across from Helena.

Helena gave him an embarrassed grin and wished him a good morning. Darcy grinned back at her and wished her the same. Putting the pleasantries aside, she prepared him a cup of black coffee.

"I'm goin' back to the bed and breakfast," she blurted out rather suddenly.

"No, you can stay here. I want you to stay here. Do you understand?" He said it rather ominously, and she questioned him with her stare. He laughed at her confusion and continued, "Oh, Helena, last night happened not because of too much drink or my being hurt or my using you... I know that's what you think. But last night occurred because I wanted it to happen. Since the first time you sat down next to me on that blasted airplane, I knew."

"I wanted to be friends with you. I thought I could help you with Elizabeth... I thought I would be able to say no to you. I tried. But you came down in that... After your bath and you looked so lost... so unbelievably..." Her voice trailed off as she got up from the table. "Needless to say, I didn't think at all," she said slightly embarrassed.

In one big swoop, he had her in his arms and softly kissed her neck. "No repercussions, Helena, none at all." He smiled at her. "Desire, want, and need. She chucked me, not t'other way around," he repeated.

"Have you ever heard of a rebound. D'ya know what a rebound is?" she asked.

"In terms of relationships?" he quipped.

"I'm not laughin' here. This is serious. And you're makin' fun of this," she broke from his embrace.

"I am not making fun of this." He sat on the chair she vacated and pulled her onto his lap. "You know, you look better in that shirt than I. But... I think I would prefer it off right now." He unbuttoned the top one and made it down three buttons before she pushed his hand away.

"This is not like you. Did you polish off the bottle before comin' down?" she responded agitatedly.

"What is like me, pray? Are you stereotyping me as a stiff-upper lip Brit? Or does my past goodness mean that I cannot have fun? Well, what?" Before Helena could answer, the mobile rang. "I thought I put it in the desk?" He released Helena and went into the other room and grabbed the phone, bringing it back into the kitchen. He motioned to Helena to stay put.

"Yes," he answered.

"Mr. Fitzwilliam, James Holryod here. I understand you've put a bid in for the McKlintock coal mine that we are closing?" Darcy sighed and mouthed, "business."

"I have. I'm sorry, you are?"

"Ah, well sir, I'm the present owner, and to be frank I didn't realize that you would... that anyone would want to own this ramshod of a mine."

"I'm having people look at it. I've made a bid; that is all. I don't understand why you rang?"

"I rang to inform you that I do not want to sell, that this mine needs to shut."

"I'm willing to offer you anything. Money is no object, I can assure you of that." Helena listened to the conversation in awe.

"Mr. Fitzwilliam, I am no idiot. I know exactly who you are. I've spoken to that Bingley chap, and he informs me that this will be a loss to you." Mr. Holryod said tightlipped.

"Perhaps, we should set up a meeting between the three of us and the lawyers and let us handle it then. Right now, I'm on holiday. I would be willing to meet with you next week? I don't have my diary in front of me, but I could have my assistant ring you with times and dates. Would that be acceptable?"

"I think not, Mr. Fitzwilliam," he huffed and quickly hung up.

Darcy stared into the phone and shrugged his shoulders. It didn't bother him at all. He would get that coal mine. Helena looked at him strangely and tried to put his character together. She realized, aside from Elizabeth and Caroline, she really didn't know him.

"What was that all about?" Helena asked.

"I put a bid in for a mine that is closing down, potentially devastating to this community's economic future. I can go in, fix all the problems that are wrong with it and then sell it."

"Ah... A complete Sir Lancelot," she said as she turned away from him to pour more coffee.

"Somewhat. A sixpence for your thoughts," Darcy whispered.

"I was thinking that maybe it's time for me to head home," she turned to face him. "I mean Louisiana."

"I'd really like for you to stay," he countered.

"I can't. You need to work things out with Elizabeth. You're meant to be with her, not this crazy broad from the southern part of the United States. It really is best," she lied and he could tell she was lying.

"What happened last night, Helena? C'mon, tell me. What bloody well happened? You know and I know. It was magical..." Helena stared at him and wanted to agree. She would give anything right now to be able to run into his arms and say yes it was magical.

"Darcy, you and I are two adults and you must know a one-night stand when you see one. Go back to Elizabeth. I'll be fine. I'll admit to you that you are one very special person and I don't go around doin' this sorta thing with just anybody. So feel honored, okay, love?"

"No, Helena, it wasn't just a one-night stand. We connected. Admit that?" he implored. Before Helena could answer again, the mobile started ringing and Darcy answered it just a little too quickly.

"Yes," he said agitatedly.

"It's Cal."


"Darcy, there's been an accident..."

Darcy interrupted, "What sort of accident. Georgie, is Georgie okay?"

"It's not Georgie, Darcy, it's... it is Elizabeth. You must come. She's been unconscious for a long time and it doesn't look good." He held off telling him about the confirmed pregnancy or of Wickham's direct association with the fall.

"Dammit, Cal, what the hell happened?"

"She tumbled down the stairs in the cottage. Listen, Georgiana and Rachel are here, and I've sent the chopper for you. Janice and Charles are on their way also. Please, you must come here quickly."

"Oh, God, Cal, tell me what happened?" he pleaded.

"I'll tell you when you get here." And with that he disconnected the call.

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Helena's words reverberated throughout the longest chopper ride of his life. One-night stand. Two adults. And now this, with Elizabeth. His poor, sweet Elizabeth. Cal had been so cryptic on the mobile. It was killing him to know what had happened. How could she just tumble down the stairs? The pilot informed him that they would be descending on top of the hospital helipad. They were given the all clear for landing. Darcy issued a thumbs up and braced himself.

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Darcy bounded down the corridor quickly looking for Cal or Georgiana. He sighted Cal talking to two inspectors and walked even more briskly to hear what was going on. Cal spotted him and shook his hand.

"Darcy, these are DI Tennyson and DI Murphy," Cal introduced.

"I'm sorry. I don't follow. Why are they here?" The two inspectors glanced at each other and then let Cal explain.

"Darcy, I didn't tell you on the mobile what happened because you would have... Well, George threw Elizabeth down the stairs. She questioned him about the letter and he flew into rage. She fought him, Darcy. She bloody well punched the guy in his face," he offered.

"What's being done to find the bastard? I'll kill him, Cal. I'll bloody kill him!" Darcy fell heavily into the chair that was right behind him and put his head into his hands. "Oh, Cal, I never should have left her there. Never. It's all my fault. I should have told her about him earlier."

Georgiana came out of Elizabeth's room and went directly to Darcy. Darcy looked up at her and was shocked to see who was beside her.

"Georgie, how is she? Can I see her?"

"Not yet. They're still doing some tests." Darcy stuck out his hand to his cousin, Nicholas Hampton.

"Nick, how are you? Since when did obstetricians start dealing in head trauma?" Nick glanced questioningly at Georgiana and she shook her head no.

"I don't deal in head trauma, Darcy. Georgie called me to come and check out Liz. Make sure everything was okay. She's a tough lady you have there. But there is something you need to know, and I'll let Georgie tell you. I must go back and check on Liz." Nick walked away and Darcy led Georgiana to a private corner in the corridor.

"What? Georgie and tell me everything. I need to know everything." Darcy said nervously.

"Well, first, she has a very serious concussion. She's not in a coma, but the longer she stays unconscious the more serious it becomes." Darcy started to interrupt, but Georgiana held her hand up to silence him. "Darcy, we performed a sonogram. Do you know what that is?" He shook his head no and she continued. "It's a picture without using radioactive waves, normally done with pregnant women who want to know the sex of their child. Well, before Elizabeth slipped into unconsciousness, she told Cal to save her baby. Janice confirmed that Elizabeth took a home pregnancy test yesterday, and we confirmed that she is twelve weeks pregnant. The fetus is viable and strong." Georgiana stared at her brother for an inordinately long time. She wasn't quite sure if he comprehended what she told him. "Darcy, did you hear me, Elizabeth is carrying your child. You're going to be a papa."

"Pregnant? Elizabeth? Georgie, I must see her. Please take me to her." Georgie took her brother's arm and led him into Elizabeth's room.

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elena contemplated her situation and readily decided on going back to the bed & breakfast. Siobhan had wisely saved her room in the event that she needed to return, which, unfortunately, came a mere twenty-four hours later. The unresolved feelings wrestled inside of her. Had Darcy not left so suddenly, she would have definitely given in to his persuasions. What had Caroline called the woman who tried to pinch Bridget's significant other, Man-of-war? No, that wasn't it. Jellyfisher. Had she turned into a jellyfisher?

The ringing mobile quickly broke through her thoughts and she ran to the kitchen to answer it. Secretly, she wished it was Darcy so she could at least say good-bye.

"Darcy?" she asked breathlessly.

"I'm afraid not, dearest. And you don't sound anything like the lovely Miss Elizabeth Bennet," the mysterious gentleman laughed.

"Sweetie, ain't you just one perceptive fella? May I ask who's calling?" She quickly scanned the kitchen for writing materials.

"How incredibly rude of me. Yes, indeed, an introduction is only proper. James Hampton. Sir James Hampton."

Helena laughed heartily at his formality and seriousness, then quickly checked her laugh upon realizing he was in earnest. "I'm very sorry, sir. I am always forgetting I'm in a different country. I'm sure I've just made a huge blunder. Could you ever accept my apology? We, Americans, just have a different way of asking. Ya know what I mean?"

"I believe I do. Now, do I receive an introduction or do I have to go through life wondering who the charming, but elusive, American was answering my cousin's mobile?" he said in jest.

"Hmm... So you're Darcy's cousin? Interesting. How do you get a title and he doesn't. From what I've seen, he's a big-time philanthropist."

"Madam, anyone can throw money around. Darcy tends to throw it around quite often, too. He's the second richest man in England. Richard Branson owns the highest honour here. He's probably somewhere in the top ten in Forbes richest men in the world rankings, and I happened to have inherited my title." He said it spitefully, and it wasn't lost on Helena. She quickly tried to steer the conversation to a more pleasant topic.

"Well, sweetie, I'm Helena. Helena Johnstone. So why're ya callin'?"

"To own the truth, Miss Johnstone. I am searching for my bride," he said soberly.

Helena laughed at his tone and mockingly said, "And why is your bride needin' lookin' after?"

Sir James raised his voice in exasperation and said icily to Helena, "Actually, Miss Johnstone, I was being quite serious. My wife disappeared a week ago, and I found out where that blasted cousin of mine was. My wife would follow that damn man to the end of the world if she could."

"I think maybe she doesn't deserve you, sweetie. I mean a woman like that. But I've been with Darcy for eleven days and I've yet to meet a Mrs. Hampton." Helena tried desperately to get back into his good graces. She didn't need this man telling Darcy that a rude woman answered his phone and then mocked him a most uncivilized way, although she did detect no love lost between this gentleman to his cousin.

"My wife," he said contemptuously, "would never condescend to call herself Lady Hampton. No, I think you would know her as Caroline Bingley." Sir James heard the loud gasp then the sound of someone trying to stifle a laugh. He thought he might have even heard her snort.

"Caroline? Married! Oh my, well... isn't this interesting. But when? When did the two of you get hitched?"

"We married a fortnight ago. Please Miss Johnstone, have you seen my wife or not?" He sounded anguished.

"Yes, yes, of course. She's here. I mean she was here. She's gone off to Dublin." Then it hit Helena, Caroline took off with another man. She informed him that if she saw Caroline she would tell her. Helena asked if he would be coming to Ireland, but he thought not. His wife would have to come back to England, and he would willingly take her back.

"Sweetie, you really love her, huh?"

"With all my heart. I just wish she knew it," he replied. Helena's wheels started working and she quickly shook her head no. She had tried with Darcy and look what happened. No, this man would have to deal with his wife himself. She would no longer give any advice, nor would she get involved. Especially with this family. What was it with them? They all had more than what most people will ever have, and they managed to throw it away for something they couldn't have. Sir James hung up with Helena promising to tell Caroline that he located her and, to ask her to please come home.

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Darcy stood at the doorway and silently watched Elizabeth sleep. She had a tranquil appearance and looked breathtakingly beautiful. Georgiana told him it would be okay for him to go to her and he slowly walked over to the chair that was placed beside the bed. He stayed in the chair not touching her, just staring for minutes until his sister intercepted his thoughts.

"You can talk to her and touch her. We encourage it," she admonished. Darcy gave her a weak smile. Georgiana told him that the technician and Nick were waiting outside to do another sonogram for him if he wished. He agreed and asked if he could have a couple of minutes alone. Georgiana said ten minutes. Then they would come back.

Darcy stroked Elizabeth's face and placed a kiss on her forehead. He took her hands and brought them to his lips and kissed them gently. Pulling back the covers, he placed his hand on her stomach, gently and softly caressing his life. His baby. Life created by the two of them growing inside of her right now. He silently willed Elizabeth to awake, and to share in the discovery of this information. He wanted right now to say everything he should have said a long time ago. How could he have been so foolish to think that any other woman could make him happy? Elizabeth was the only woman he ever needed. The only woman he really ever wanted. Her family didn't matter. What mattered was that they were happy with each other.

Exhausted, he sat in a nearby chair and remembered what he had been doing when Elizabeth was in jeopardy of losing their child and the guilt consumed him. He could have prevented this from happening. But he didn't protect her the way he said he would. She had accused him of infidelity and she was correct. And Helena. Helena who had only tried to help and told him that it was a one-night stand. His heart was heavy with the hurt he caused two women. He placed his chair closer to her bed and took her right hand into his and prayed softly for her forgiveness.

Elizabeth brought her left hand over and pushed his hair out of his eyes, "Whatever, for?" she questioned him with her stare. Upon realizing where she was, she became anxious and started crying for her baby. Georgiana and Nick along with the attending physician came running through the door, pushing Darcy aside.

The doctor shone the light to check Elizabeth's eyes and she blinked wildly. He asked her how she was feeling, but her first question was about the baby. Did she lose her baby?

"No, darling. Our child is very strong." Darcy replied happily.

Elizabeth sighed with relief and allowed the doctor to finish with the examination. It was decided that the concussion, although serious in nature, did no long-lasting damage. Other than leave her with a bump on the right side of her head, and a very serious headache. Georgiana removed the blood pressure arm band and told her everything looked good. Nick reminded Darcy about the sonogram and Elizabeth happily said yes, she would like to see it.

Nick and Georgiana excused themselves and quickly wheeled the machine in. Elizabeth mentioned she had to use the ladies, but it worked out quite nicely because the picture was clearer when the bladder was full.

Elizabeth laughed, "Yes, Georgie, that's easy for you to say, you're not about to burst." She and Darcy laughed. That gentleman situated himself on the bed to her left and propped her head gingerly on his chest and held her lovingly while waiting for the technician to set Elizabeth up. Nick plopped some gel on her belly and Elizabeth laughed at the coldness and feel of it. He ran the scanner over her stomach pointing out her kidneys and her bladder, which was extended. "I know!" she laughed again.

Then they saw it.

The small little orb blinking furiously. Darcy gasped and Elizabeth smiled and took his hand in hers. Nick pointed out the head, the heart, and the spinal cord. He told them how long it was and even gave them a due date. Darcy bent down and kissed her lips.

Georgiana told Elizabeth and Darcy she would inform everyone about Elizabeth's condition. Janice had been quite frightened and desperately wanted to see her sister.

"Oh, yes, of course, send her right in. Darcy you would not mind giving me leave to talk to my sister. Would you?"

"Certainly," he bent down to whisper in her ear. "I love you, darling." She patted his check and smiled sweetly at him. But he knew something was wrong. She was being too quiet. Was she suffering from some sort of memory loss? He kissed her cheek and escorted the three medical people out of the room.

Cal accosted Darcy and told him that the detectives still wanted an interview with Elizabeth.

"Good God, man! She has been through enough. Give her some time." He turned to the detectives and said, "Elizabeth is still not strong enough, but she'll be happy to speak with you later. Do you have any information on Wickham's whereabouts?"

DI Tennyson spoke first, "No. We think he may have gone to London. We have New Scotland Yard informed of him and there has been an all-points bulletin out. We faxed his portrait to all police on patrol. We are doing everything we can to locate him."

"Well, if you don't find him, I will. And when I get him, I will be his judge, jury and executioner!" he hissed. Darcy walked away, leaving Cal to explain that his emotions got the better of him. He wouldn't really do anything of the sort.

Nick stopped Darcy at the coffee dispenser and offered his congratulations on the baby. He then added, "You have always had one splendid girl there. The whole family has always liked her."

"Nick, it always amazes me how you and James are so different. You were always the caring one, and James could only be ruthless." He smiled.

"He was in competition with you, Darcy. And extremely jealous of you. You had wealth, power and women and all before you were thirty. He's worked hard for what he's attained now. You know he's mad about Caroline."

"Caroline Bingley? Then why the hell is she following me to..." he stopped in mid-sentence.

"She followed you? Caroline in Ireland? Darcy what are you doing, man! You have the most wonderful woman in there carrying your child. Do you need your head examined?" Nick condemned.

"She wasn't the problem." Darcy said dryly. Nick shook his head and walked away.

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Caroline sashayed into the cottage at half past four decked out in brand-new Jaeger suit, looking unbelievably gorgeous. The chapeau on her head accented the suit brilliantly and Helena marveled at her.

"Helena, darling," she while air-kissing her cheek, "Wonderful, wonderful evening. Dublin Castle decked out to the nines. Champagne was free flowing. Adrian Lukis was wonderful, but I chucked him midway. Oh, the President of Ireland was there, Mary McAleese. Brilliant, brilliant woman. Funny, smart and down-to-earth, too." Caroline plopped down on the sofa and took off her shoes and hat.

"I'm glad ya had a great time and all, but don't you think... No, I need to start again. Caroline..."

"Well, what? Out with it, Helena. You sound like a cackling hen!" she said highly exasperated.

"Okay, then. Your husband called, remember him? Lord Hampton called. He was desperately looking for you. Caroline, how could you? What do you think marriage is? A Game? Do you realize how anguished he was! How can you be so cold!"

"How on earth did he track me down here?" Caroline asked semi-rhetorically. She saw the flash in Helena's eyes and quickly tried to backpedal.

"Is that the only thing you have to say for yourself? Your husband has been crazy with worry about you. And it's probably a whole lot more than you deserve. This man, who I spoke to for just a matter of minutes, professed undying love for you and this is how you treat him? Caroline, Darcy does not love you. He hasn't loved you for a long time. When will that sink into your thick over color-processed head! He loves Elizabeth Bennet, the painter," She said sarcastically.

Helena wanted to continue, but realized it was fruitless. Caroline sat looking at her with a gawking expression on her face that would make people think she had been slapped.

Sitting down beside her, Helena took Caroline's hands into hers and quietly said, "Caroline, he seems like a very sweet man and he's absolutely crazy about you. Why don't you just give it a chance? His relationship with Darcy is tetchy as it is, but this just pushed him over the edge."

"Helena," Caroline sniffled, "I've been in love with Darcy Fitzwilliam since I was a teenager. I made sure I took the same classes as he did at Cambridge. I became his shadow. Helena, I was so mad about him, I can't describe the feeling I felt for him. The passion was so overwhelming. But it was also one-sided. When he met Elizabeth, there was this electrical field around him that he never felt around me. I hated her for that. This upstart who took his heart from me. Deep down inside, and for some unknown reason, I'll always love him," she answered wistfully.

"Caroline, don't you think that maybe, just maybe you should focus on your husband? He seems like a really good person. If I had anyone, just anyone who loved me like Darcy does his Elizabeth and Sir James does you, I would be very, very happy. Darcy, and you and Sir James have the best kind of love that anyone could ever wish for, both of you have people who love you deeply. That anyone could ever want. I've never had that." Caroline saw the loneliness and emptiness inside of Helena.

And then it came to her.

ick left the hospital late that evening and headed to his ancestral home in Somerset. Something in what Darcy had said bothered him endlessly. "She wasn't the problem." Now, anyone could find a problem with Caroline. It was in her nature to be what some people would call bothersome. But James loved her. That was what had confused him the most. How in the world could James have gone through years of Caroline's pining for Darcy and not think any less of her. Sure Darcy had money, good looks and brains. He did very well for himself and his sister. Now with Caroline showing up in Ireland with Darcy... No, he told himself, I will not be the one to tell James that.

It was very early in the morning when Nick pulled into the drive of his home. There was a light northwesterly breeze that most people would find refreshing during the better part of the day, but now Nick thought it to be ominous. The cloud cover foretold something that was out of sorts. He stayed outside looking at the clouds slowly passing over the moon. After a few minutes of this meditation, he entered the house. Noticing the light on in the study, he found James sitting with his feet propped up on the huge desk nursing a Scotch.

"It's a bit late to be drinking, you think?" Nick said breaking through James' thoughts.

"Not really, I've just started, actually. I was wondering if I could still drink into the wee hours of the morn. Like old times," he laughed. "I haven't done this in a fearful long time. So, you were on the fly today. Did a Mrs. Jones give birth to octuplets? You look like you need a drink, too. Shall I fashion one for you?" Nick nodded enthusiastically and made himself comfortable on the sofa. "I say, Nick, how many babies did you deliver today?"

"Not a one, actually. However, I do have a new patient. Are you ready for this one?"

"What?" James walked over to Nick and handed him his drink.

"Elizabeth Bennet." Nick said as James threw his head back and roared with laughter.

"I see the Fitzwilliam genes are going to continue. Where was that blasted cousin of ours? I hope he was with her when she got the news. Elizabeth having a baby. Maybe even Caroline will leave..."

"She almost lost the baby, James," Nick reproached. "It seems that Darcy and Elizabeth have been quarreling, and she took up with George Wickham. I know, amazing isn't it? Well, something happened and George threw her down the stairs at the cottage they were staying at. Darcy flew from Ireland when Cal broke the news to him. I think he was with a woman."

"Ah, yes, that would explain Miss Helena Johnstone answering Darcy's mobile." Nick furrowed his eyebrows together and looked at his brother curiously.

"Wait, am I missing something here? Who's Helena? And why are you ringing Darcy in Ireland?"

James got up from the sofa and began pacing back and forth. It was time for him to tell his brother. He immediately headed toward the window and thoughtfully looked out it for a few moments before speaking.

Without turning to face Nick, he explained all. "Caroline and I were married a fortnight ago. Then, a week ago, for no reason -- or so I thought -- other than seeing George Wickham, she took off. Mentioned something about making a mistake. When I heard that Elizabeth refused Darcy's marriage proposal, I just knew that Caroline went to him." James paused and took a big gulp of Scotch, "I called his mobile and that woman answered. An American. From the southern States. It would seem that our cousin Darcy has been inundated with women. I know what you want to say, Nick, I don't think I need to hear your ranting tonight. See the need for the Scotch?"

Nick drained his drink and quickly went back for more. "I knew you were impulsive, but this is bordering on the utmost ridiculous. Why in the world would you marry that golddigging woman? What has she ever offered you? You know how she follows Darcy around like a lovesick puppy." With news like this, he would need to drink the night or early morning away as well.

James laughed heartily as he witnessed Nick pushing back glass after glass of the Scotch, "Because I happen to love that golddigging woman. I've been in love with her since the first time I laid eyes on her. Yes, she is troublesome, vain and petty, to be sure; however, I think with a man who loves her utterly and completely, she just may see things differently. I would be willing to go to hell and back for her." he said quietly.

Nick was astonished with what he was hearing. Caroline was much too difficult a woman, and now she was part of the family.

"James, but does she love you? Could you actually stay married to a woman who didn't love you?" Nick asked tentatively.

"I will not divorce her, if that is what you are thinking. No," he shook his head, "she loves me. She hasn't quite realized it yet, but she will. When the lightbulb goes off in her perfectly coiffed head of hers, that is when she will have made me the happiest of men." James smiled at the thought, and Nick looked questioningly at him.

"I only hope you are doing the right thing, and I hope that you have not talked yourself into something that most likely will never happen. She will always have deep-rooted feelings for Darcy. Please don't delude yourself, I beg you not to." He pleaded with his brother.

"Nick, you don't understand her as well as I do. She has feelings that she is afraid to unlock. Darcy hurt her badly, and I was there to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. I was always there for her. It took her long enough to realize my motives. Our marriage is a definite love match."

"Does the name Sydney Adamson ring a bell with you?" Nick asked.

"That is not fair, Nick. Sydney was young and inexperienced. I was young and roguish. That never would have worked." Nick looked at him and said nothing. Nothing could change the determined look that James had on his face. Nick noticed that the decanter of Scotch was empty and went to the sideboard and retrieved a fresh, unopened bottle. He poured himself a double and quickly downed it before it could burn.

"Shall we drink to your nuptials, brother? No matter what happens, I will honour your decision. Luckily, her sister is already married or she'd be trying to fix me up with Louisa." Nick laughed in mock horror.

"Yes," James replied, "I don't think I could picture you with that ninny."

The two brothers conversed and drank for several more hours and as the clock struck five, the phone rang. The butler announced that a young woman who was barely perceptible was on the line for Mr. Hampton.

Thinking it was for Nick, James mused, "I hope you don't have to deliver a newborn in your drunken condition,"

"I'm not on call tonight," Nick answered as he went to the phone. "Ah, hullo, Nick Hampton here." The rattle on the other line made Nick wince in pain and pull the phone away from his ear. "I'm sorry, bad connection. Could you ring back?" he slurred.

"No! You can't hang up, sweetie, it took me nearly forty-five minutes to get through. We're having a bad storm here in Ireland. Can I speak to Mr. James Hampton, please?"

He turned to James, who was starting to nod off, and told him the phone was for him. James perked up and immediately went to it.

"Hallo. James here," he stated authoritatively.

"Hey you! Do you remember me? Helena. Helena Johnstone?" she asked inquiringly.

"Of course, I remember you. How do you do?"

"Fine. Er... um... It's stormin' real bad here, ya know? But enough of the small talk, okay? Listen, hon, Caroline has come back and she knows that you called here. She wants to go home. To you. I've ordered her tickets for the flight home. I was hoping you could meet her at the airport. That way, I know that she'll be okay." Helena waited for a response and when one wasn't forthcoming, she ventured, "I know that you're not happy with her, but I believe she has seen the error of her ways. I don't know you, sir, and I bet'cha you're a very nice man and all... I think all she needs is reassurances from you that you will take her back."

"I see," he said solemnly. "Are you to be Cyrano to my Roxanne? If you put her on the phone, Miss Johnstone, I'll give her the necessary information she requires."

Helena paused before answering, "Well, sweetie, just one teeny problem."

"Well, what?" he uttered drunkenly.

"She doesn't know I've called. I got her telephone book out of her bag and called you on my own. But she told me all these things. You see, sweetie, I don't want to get involved. I create more problems than I solve. I want to go home and I can't do that if Caroline is still here. Do you see the quandary I'm in?" The reception on the phone made it very difficult for James to exactly understand what she was asking.

"I'm sorry, Helena, but I don't see how I fit in to your 'problem'."

"No, you wouldn't. If I take Caroline to Heathrow, will you pick her up? That way I can, hopefully, take a plane back to the States. Mr. Hampton, you must. I won't tell her that you'll be there, please?" The desperation rang out in her voice and James felt almost sorry for her.

"I believe we could have a deal if and only if you give me information that I want and I can tell you about Darcy."

"You've heard from him?" she said a little too quickly. "I did wish to say goodbye, but I don't think I'll be able to," she said sadly.

"What went on between you and my cousin? And what the hell went on with my wife and my cousin?"

Helena sighed. "Nothing happened between your wife and Darcy. He is very much in love with this Elizabeth. I became a confidante to Darcy, that is all," she lied.

"Hmm... I don't believe you with regards to your story. However, I will believe you in regards to my wife. Darcy isn't that stupid. Elizabeth is fine, although she is with child, and Darcy is probably patting himself on the back congratulating himself."

Helena gasped quite loudly into the phone causing James to laugh. He would find out about this woman with whom Darcy had a liaison.

"I will be flying with Caroline to Heathrow and then catch a connecting flight to the States."

James thought a minute, then countered, "I have a better idea. Seeing that you have managed to get my wife to see the error of her ways, why don't you come and stay with us in Somerset? We have more than enough room, and a friend of Caroline's is sure to be a friend of mine. Besides, you can tell me all about your trip and how well of a confidante you were to Darcy?"

Nick shook his head when he realized what James was doing. James confirmed with Helena that he would definitely meet her at Heathrow at two.

"Well, Nicky boy, I guess I should get some sleep if I'm to see my wife." James turned on his heels and exited the study. Nick went back to the decanter and poured himself another glass.

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Heathrow was packed with tourists and other people trying to get to their specific destinations. Caroline waded her way through Terminal 1 with the ease and poise of royalty. Helena kept falling by the wayside as she would get cutoff from Caroline time and time again. Once through customs, Caroline mentioned that they would go to her flat in London. It would take about an hour to get there.

Helena tried desperately to see if anyone had spotted Caroline once they went through the doors to the people waiting for loved ones.

"Caroline, please, why are you in such a rush?"

"I hate the crush of the airport. It rattles my nerves," she huffed.

Like the dramatic parting of the Red Sea, the crowds parted on cue to show a lone man standing and waiting. Helena knew immediately it had to be Sir James. His features and height were the same as Darcy's, but his eyes smiled more. Caroline noticed him and gasped. He stood there wearing the simplest of smiles on his face that blazed with love for the woman on which it was fixed.

Caroline turned to Helena and noticed the sheepish grin on her face. "You blasted woman! How dare you meddle!" she hissed at Helena. However, as Caroline saw the smile on his face, her demeanor softened and she quickly changed her tune. "Forgive me, Helena, I really should be thanking you. It seems he is willing to give me another chance."

"Oh, Caroline. Just go to him," she reprimanded, as Caroline did as she was told. She threw her bags down and ran into his arms. James enveloped Caroline in his arms and told her over and over again how much he loved her. Caroline brought James over to Helena and made the introductions. The amazement on Helena's face, brought much laughter to Sir James and Caroline.

"So Miss Johnstone, we finally get to meet. No more talking during bad weather whilst in Ireland." he smiled.

Helena took his hand and firmly shook it. "It is an honor, Sir. I mean, I've never met royalty before. It's just a little strange." she blushed.

"I say, well, just so you know, I am not royalty, just titled and you may call me James. I find the 'sir' to be too pretentious." Helena flashed him her brilliant smile.

James brought the luggage carrier around and placed all the bags in it. He mentioned to the two women that his car was outside waiting for them. He moved ahead of the ladies and Helena turned to Caroline.

"I can't believe you! The man is drop-dead gorgeous and you were ready to throw it away for Darcy," Helena whispered.

"I thought looks weren't everything?" she said nonchalantly.

"Do you love him, Caroline?"

"Helena, when I saw that look on his face... a face that radiated all the love he felt for me and no one else... I absolutely melted. He truly loves me! And I must admit, I do love him. Very much so." she squealed. James turned around when he heard Caroline's declaration.

"Oh, Caroline, I'm very, very, happy for you."

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Helena stared at the scenery while James and Caroline quietly talked about past mistakes. The beautiful landscape that whizzed by made Helena long for home, crawfish and spicy jambalaya... The long ride to Somerset finally ended with Helena looking agape at the palatial estate that was Sir James Hampton's home. There must have been thirty-five rooms, at least, she thought.

The butler came out and had the servants take care of the luggage, while James took each lady on his arm and escorted them into the house. Tea and sandwiches were brought into the sitting room. James noticed the sadness in Helena's eyes and brought her into the conversation. A conversation that would also test the mettle of his wife and, unfortunately, sacrifice Helena. James needed to know how strongly Caroline felt for him. He started with the information he learned last night.

"So, Helena," James said, "did you tell my wife the news that I gave you earlier this morning?"

Caroline looked perplexed and shot a quizzical look to Helena.

"I haven't. I didn't think it was my duty or my obligation to do so. Why don't you tell her yourself?"

"Yes and let's see how she reacts to such wonderful news," he joked.

"Will you two stop talking as if I'm not here. What wonderful news?"

"Of course, love. Elizabeth Bennet is expecting a bundle of joy, and Nick is to be her doctor," he turned to Helena and explained, "My brother is an obstetrician."

Caroline blanched upon hearing the news, "Elizabeth is pregnant?" She turned to James and asked, "How did Nick come upon this knowledge?" She quickly tried to correct herself but had already exposed her true feelings on the matter.

James looked Caroline squarely in the eye, for he wanted to see her reactions with all the information that he had. "Elizabeth and George Wickham were together at her cottage in Scotland. There was a fight and he threw her down the stairs. Darcy is out for blood. What confuses me is where Darcy was and when he found out?"

Caroline put her tea cup down and told James about Darcy's abrupt departure Friday morning to an unknown location, leaving Caroline and Helena by themselves.

"And that is what is so confusing! Nick said something about Cal having to send the chopper to Ireland, and that he flew back Saturday morning."

"No, he left Friday. Right, Helena?" Helena turned her blushing face and took a long sip of tea. "Helena, he did leave on Friday, didn't he?"

Sir James noticed that Helena had become rattled. "I could have heard Nick wrong, but he said that Cal called him on his mobile and sent the chopper to Ireland."

"Wait! He left on Friday unless he..." Caroline stared at Helena. "He did come back, didn't he?" Helena slowly nodded her head. "Oh, I see it clearly now. You wanted Darcy all to yourself..."

"Caroline, regardless of what Helena wanted, you are my wife and it shouldn't matter to you what Darcy does." He said forcefully.

Caroline avoided eye contact and thought for a minute, then said, "Yes, you're right of course." James laughed at her.

"You're not looking at me, Caroline. You always turn away from me when you're lying to me."

"I do not!" she turned to Helena again, "But I do want to know why you neglected to tell me he came back. Well?"

James kept his eye trained on Helena for any sign of truth that she may or may not speak. If she told the truth, he could then gauge Caroline's reaction. He finally wanted her to be over that blasted man.

"It really was nothin'. When I came back to the cottage that night, we saw each other. He explained about his fight with Elizabeth and that she dumped him. He was naturally upset, and we talked. That's it." Helena turned to look out the window. James saw her close her eyes. To him, she seemed like she wanted the interrogation to end.

"But what exactly happened Friday night?" Caroline persisted.

"Caroline, please. It's not necessary."

"I think she is right, Caro. We need not know what took place. It does not concern us." James looked knowingly at Helena as she shuddered when she realized that he figured out her secret.

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fter the interrogation ended and James was satisfied that Helena was in fact hiding something, he took her on a quick tour of the mansion. Helena oohed and aahed. Due to the lateness of the hour and all parties being beyond exhaustion, James directed her to the bedchamber. He informed her of a bellpull behind the tapestry that would ring down to the servants' area should she be in want of anything. Caroline tried once more to question Helena, but she pleaded exhaustion and begged to be excused. James instructed the butler to have a warm bath prepared for Miss Johnstone. Dinner would be served in her room if it was to her liking. Taking a book from the library, she was ready to keep to herself. A television was also provided for her entertainment.

Caroline and James followed suit and instructed the staff that they would stay in their room for the evening. Nick should not be disturbed, and he should not be the one to do the disturbing, also. Caroline headed to the walk-in closet that James had already fully stocked with top designer outfits and the laciest and sexiest of sleepwear that any man could want. When Caroline brought out a slip of a nightdress, James shook his head no and asked her if he could do the honours and pick her evening wear. She capitulated, and he studiously went about his task of looking for appropriate attire for the evening.

"Pumpkin," James asked from the closet, "you wouldn't mind wearing orange tonight, would you?" Caroline laughed at him. She had already discarded her clothing and walked into the closet wearing only her underclothes. "Ah, I see. Maybe not orange." James grinned sheepishly. He walked over to her and put his hands on her face and slowly drew her lips to his.

"You're beautiful," he murmured. His kiss grew and her response was exactly what he had been hoping for. Any longing for Darcy was properly exorcised. They threw themselves upon each other madly. As they were wildly groping and pawing at each other, Caroline stared deep into his eyes and told him quite matter-of-factly, "I love you, James."

"Well, Lady Hampton?" Caroline giggled and propped herself on her side. She ran her hand up and down his chest. "Are we to give this marriage a go? Or do you still want my cousin?" Caroline feigned horror and playfully slapped his arm.

"I can safely say and hopefully, you'll believe me -- that Darcy is no longer an object of my affection. Lord Hampton, I do truly love you."

"Right, Lady Hampton, now enough talking." His eyes glinted with what was to happened next, and she gave body and soul to her husband.

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Elizabeth was kept one extra night at the hospital and slept fitfully. Her emotions were in turmoil, despite having talked at length to Janice. Unfortunately, Janice did not have all the answers and told Elizabeth that any answer she needed would have to come from Darcy and her own heart. Darcy refused to leave her side while she was still a patient and had the hospital staff bring in another bed into her room. His emotions were also in turmoil. He loved Elizabeth, but could not help feeling terribly guilty. He wished he had been stronger around Helena. With impending fatherhood, things were even more complicated and he still didn't know where he stood with Elizabeth. The memory loss had been wishful thinking on his part. However, she had been thoroughly checked by a neurosurgeon and declared completely healthy, which relieved Darcy greatly.

Janice and Charles headed back to London greatly missing their baby Henry. They didn't think that Grandma Bennet was the best person to keep him for longer than twenty-four hours. Elizabeth was released into Darcy's custody and quickly ensconced at Pemberley. Mrs. Reynolds fretted over her, and Darcy took care of her every whim. But she still hadn't talked to him at length.

Darcy phoned his mobile hoping to reach Helena and to apologize for his abrupt departure. The phone rang and rang and after several minutes a knock on the door forced him to disconnect his call.

"Come in," he said.

Elizabeth slowly opened the door and made her way to the leather chair that faced Darcy at his desk.

"Are you okay?" he asked anxiously. She cocked her head to the side and stared at him. Elizabeth had thought hard about what to say to him. Her feelings she now felt were embarrassment and ridicule, for not believing in him and instead listening to and believing Wickham's lies.

Darcy sighed tiredly and rubbed his temples when she didn't answer him. He thought about trying a different tack. He opened his mouth to speak, then quickly shut it when he realized he wasn't quite sure what he wanted or needed to say. Elizabeth held her gaze at him and saw him becoming uncomfortable.

He thought she could see right through him. She was hoping he would give a sign about their relationship.

Elizabeth gave up this style and finally spoke. "Thank you for the letter, although I don't think it produced the desired effect you had hoped for." She smiled ruefully and lowered her eyes to her lap.

A brilliant flash of distress lit his eyes. "Elizabeth, had I thought that Wickham would have retaliated against you... I never should have left you with him. I had the opportunity to get rid of him and I failed." He got up from the desk and walked around to the front where he stood before Elizabeth. "Darling, I don't know if you still want to make a go of this. I don't know if you still love me." Darcy took her small hands into his larger ones.

Elizabeth sighed. "Of course, I still love you, Darcy, but you have to talk to me. Why did you never tell me about Georgiana? If we are to be a couple, we must communicate with each other and that means the good, the bad and the ugly. Do you really think Georgie would have had a problem with my knowing about her pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage?"

"Elizabeth, I was protecting Georgiana. If you had been in my position..." He gazed at her now flat stomach and smiled. "As a matter of fact, in years to come you will find out. When you are in charge of someone else, you do everything you can to protect them. I adore my sister and what she went through was a bloody nightmare."

Tears slipped down Elizabeth's cheeks and Darcy brushed them away with his hand.

"And Helena, Darcy? You told me you would explain about her." Elizabeth whispered, keeping her gaze lowered from his eyes. She could sense his nervousness.

He felt as if he aged twenty years with that question. He took a deep breath and paced around the room, stopping every now and then to say something but then not saying it. His confused feelings did not give him the strength to admit to this woman that he did indeed sleep with Helena. He thought about it for a little longer, realizing that he didn't need to let Elizabeth know. Nobody knew but himself and Helena, and he didn't think she would tell anyone. A small smile played on his lips, and he answered Elizabeth's question.

After he finished explaining all that he thought she needed to know, he gently smiled at her. He was safe.

"Did you sleep with the beauty queen, Darcy?" To say Darcy's shock was great would have been an understatement. Elizabeth had never been this forward before.

"On what basis do you pose the question?" was his reply.

"Let's call it women's intuition. Your movements and the bang-on guilty look you carry around with you. Truthfulness is more important. If you say no, I walk out of here probably never to come back. However, if yes is your answer, I walk out of here and try to rationalize things. I've hurt you, and I'm trying to deal with that." She got up and went over to Darcy and placed a soothing hand on his arm. "I'm not perfect and you're not perfect. Nevertheless, there is a child in the mix, and the two of us must think of that first."

He turned to face her and felt all the love he ever had for her swell his heart to the point where it would burst.

"After I left you in Scotland, I contacted Cal. He said he would take care of the issue with you and bring you back to his house. He told me to go back to Ireland. Let things die down here. That night, thinking of you, I drank the better part of a bottle of whiskey. I let Helena stay at the cottage because I didn't think I'd be back. I was so hurt. Elizabeth, this is really no excuse, but it is the only thing that I can give you now. You chucked me and Helena... She is a good person, darling." He stopped and saw the steely look on her face. He ploughed on, "Helena told me in no uncertain terms that this was a one-night stand. She never expected anything of me or from me."

"And what has become of this Helena?" Pacing, Elizabeth asked through clenched teeth.

"I don't know. I left her when I heard of your accident. Elizabeth, I love you. It's always been you that I've wanted."

Elizabeth sat heavily in the chair trying to absorb all the information. She was angry, mad, and furious. She wanted to throw things and yell and make him hurt. But just looking at him, she could tell that he had beat himself up pretty badly regarding the affair. Elizabeth rubbed her stomach, giving Darcy a moment's pause before she put him at ease.

"I need time to think," she offered.

"I know."

"I don't know how long."

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "I can't lose you. You do know that," he pleaded.

"You won't lose me." With that, she left the study.

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Helena became restless and decided to explore the mansion. She turned left out of the her bedchamber and proceeded down the grand marble staircase. She came upon along corridor that was completely darkened and hesitated before continuing. As she walked further down the corridor, she heard the most beautiful piano music and drifted slowly to it. A flood of light poured through the semi-opened door. She quietly knocked, and when no one answered, she slipped into the room. She was expecting to see Caroline or Sir James playing the piano, but this room had no piano. The lights and a stereo had been left on. After the song ended, the presenter announced that she had been listening to Satie, Gymnopaedia 1. A contemporary song that she didn't know came on next.

She went to the window seat and placed her hot forehead against the cool glass.

Love is blind, as far as the eye can see. Deep and meaningless, words to me

'Too true,' she thought.

Easy lover, I need a friend. Road to nowhere, twist and turns but will this never end

Helena's thoughts went right to Darcy and the morning he left her. She wondered about him still.

Well my dear you'll know that he pleases me, but sometimes illusion ain't no revolution that ain't no release in me

Helena never allowed any emotions to bother her. Being in the cutthroat profession she had been in, had toughened her up. But she never thought she would have felt so deeply for a man that she had really barely known. She cursed herself over and over again for being weak and a ninny.

Heavy footsteps reverberated throughout the hall and she quickly tried to wipe a falling tear that coursed down her cheek. She didn't need Caroline or James to see her in this condition.

Too much of something is bad enough, but something's coming over me to make me wonder. Too much of nothing is just as tough, I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied

Nick appeared at the door and stopped short when he saw a woman on the window seat. Her silk robe had fallen carelessly off one leg. Nick's eyes were riveted momentarily to the long, shapely leg of the mystery woman. The clanking of the chardonnay bottle and the tray of cheese and crackers notified Helena that she was not alone... Helena got up and apologized for intruding upon his privacy.

"No, no intrusion. I must say I wasn't expecting anyone in here. Was the radio too loud?" I wrapped myself from around your finger

"I became stifled in the room," she answered. He glanced at her. Hold me too tight or left to linger

He held out his hand to her and introduced himself. Something fine built to last, slipped up there I guess we're running out of time too fast

"You look as though you've been crying." He said nonchalantly. Yes, my dear you know he soothes me {moves me}

"Just a little homesick. Missing the good ole U S of A," she answered too quickly. He eyed her suspiciously and sat down on the sofa.

There's no complication, there's no explanation it's just a groove in me

"Ah, yes. America. I've been to New York and Boston on conferences. Great place to visit. Don't think I could actually live there." He grinned.

"It's not quite that bad, albeit much larger than your country. But in Louisiana, the people are awfully nice."

"Indeed." Too much of something is bad enough {bad enough}, but something's coming over me to make me wonder. Too much of nothing is just as tough {just as tough}, I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied "So, are you enjoying Europe?"

"Yeah. It's very quaint, I believe is the word." She flashed her brilliant smile and his smile showed the same dimples as Darcy. Although Nick was a fair version of Darcy, the resemblance was striking. Nick's hair was a bit shorter and not as curly. He seemed to be a slightly taller also. Helena found herself staring at his features. He broke through her thoughts when he offered her a glass of wine.

"Yeah. That would be great."What part of no don't you understand {understand understand}

She took the proffered glass, and he held out cheese and crackers for her. She indulged. Normally Helena would eat the cracker and leave the cheese off.

"I understand from my cousin that you spent some time in Ireland." I want a man not a boy who thinks he can Nick stared at the stereo and turned back to Helena, who had blanched at his question.

"Yes. We spent some time together." Boy who thinks he can She looked at him helplessly with a sort of begging look for him to kindly change the subject.

"You've no doubt heard that his girlfriend is expecting?" he pushed on. She nodded.

Too much of something is bad enough {bad enough}, but something's coming over me to make me wonder. Too much of nothing is just as tough {just as tough}, I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied.

"I'm sorry if I've rubbed you the wrong way, Dr. Hampton. I won't disturb you any longer." Nick stared at her. She put down the wine glass and headed towards the door, where she abruptly stopped and petulantly said, "I don't know how to get back to my room."

He looked at her strangely. Her beauty was remarkable. Christy Brinkley came to mind when trying to describe her features. And the petulance was quite lovely. How'd he get off to a bad start?

Too much of nothing so why don't we give it a try, too much of something we're gonna be living a lie

"Helena, wait. I'll take you up to your chamber, but first let me apologize. I never should have brought him up. It's just that we all really like Liz and..." He couldn't continue.

"I know," she said softly.

"Well, we could polish off this wine. It might help you to get some sleep." Too much of nothing so why don't we give it a try, too much of something we're gonna be living a lie

The same presenter came on the radio and announced that the song they had been listening to was the SpiceGirls', Too Much from their hit movie, SpiceWorld.

Nick changed the station to something a little bit more soothing. Helena accepted his apology graciously and came back into the room. Nick told her how shocked he was to hear of his brother's marriage to Caroline. It was wholly unexpected. Nick did most of the talking and Helena did the listening.

The stately grandfather clock struck twelve. Helena feeling the power of the wine asked Nick if he could take her to the bedchamber.

"Oh, course." He offered his arm to her and explained the easiest way to find her way around the house.

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arcy hired the best private investigator to locate Wickham and had started receiving reports almost immediately. P.I. Warner was experienced in tracking down missing persons and came highly recommended from the police station in London. Within the first twenty-four hours, Wickham was seen coming out of a tart's flat. Warner gave Darcy the address and the feeling he had as he was writing it down made him sick to his stomach. Lydia!

Darcy motored off to London from Derbyshire early the next morning hoping he would confront Wickham and see him off to prison to rot. Mrs. Reynolds was given complete control over Miss Bennet's care and that lady was asked to take it easy today. She mentioned that she was planning on taking a tour of the park later in the afternoon with Georgiana.

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Darcy raced into London at breakneck speeds. He was stopped by one officer but only issued a warning. Darcy felt as though he was racing against the clock and the devil. He wasn't exactly sure how he would finally confront Wickham. He had years of anger, hatred and disdain to deal with, and he didn't feel like having Wickham's blood on his hands. Stupid Lydia, he thought. Only that girl could get herself into all sorts of trouble. How in the hell could she possibly have two level-headed sisters.

Once in London, Darcy started to relax. He knew that it was only time before he could confront George, and he relished the thought. Lydia would prove difficult. She could be quite determined when she wanted.

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The phone rang incessantly for five minutes and the woman fumbled with the receiver, "What." she said groggily.

"Hullo, babe, get ready and meet me in quarter of an hour?"

"Yeah, right. You take off for one bloody week, and I'm supposed to drop what I'm doing to meet with you. Where the hell have you been, anyway?" She pulled the blinders off her eyes and blinked at the morning sun.

"Who's with you?" he spat out angrily

Lydia turned around to the empty spot on her bed and sighed, "I've been sleeping with my teddy bear, actually," she laughed as she took the stuffed animal and tossed it off the bed.

"Good girl. I've missed you, babe. So will you meet me?"

"I guess so. Where? Can we get breakfast, I'm hungry," she whined.

"Yeah. Meet me at Turandot Square at 9.45. Have you talked to anybody, by the way?"

"Janice left a message. Seems Elizabeth had an accident, but she's fine. Other than that, no. I've been quite lonely. You'll tell me where you've been?" she pouted.

"Yeah, I'll tell you. Okay, so now you have forty minutes. Hurry." Lydia jumped out of bed and threw herself into the shower. With her thick hair, instead of blowing it dry, she carelessly put it in a tail and was done with it. She grabbed the keys off the table and started to head out the door.

Darcy surprised her at the doorway. "Good Lord, what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for George and I've heard from someone that you and he have been 'together'," he snarled at her. "And Elizabeth is at Pemberley. She said you could get clothes together for her."

"I don't exactly have time, you know. I have to meet George in," she checked her watch, "ten minutes."

"Listen, you're his ticket out of this city. He'll wait," He said forcefully, as he grabbed her arm and led her back into the flat. "This place is a pigsty."

"Yeah, well, the charwoman decided to go on holiday. What exactly happened to my sister. She tumbled down some stupid stairs and everyone goes running to her," she tossed off somewhat exasperatedly.

Darcy shot her a look of pure contempt but kept his tongue to himself. If anyone needed a verbal lashing, it was Lydia. She tore through Elizabeth's drawers and grabbed some items, stuffing them into her sister's gym bag.

"You're coming with me, Lydia," he said authoritatively.

"Like hell I am. I'm already late meeting George. I'm going nowhere with you," she headed out the door, and he ran after her and proceeded to direct her to his car.

George was nervously fumbling with the watch he had taken off his wrist. Lydia was now more than fifteen minutes late and, if she wasn't here soon, he would leave without her. The next sight was one that he had never in his wildest dreams anticipated. Darcy pulled Lydia out of the car and pushed her toward George.

George attempted to get into his car and escape a conflict with an irate Darcy, but that gentleman was just little too quick for him. Darcy grabbed George by the shirt and backed him against the car.

George took a swing at Darcy and landed a punch on his head. Darcy, now furious, held George at arm's length and hit him square on the jaw. Lydia screamed. George kicked Darcy and caused him to stumble backwards, disorienting him. Wickham came after Darcy and landed a punch on the nose. Lydia tried to help George by attacking Darcy, but he flung her off like a flea. Darcy saw red and ran into George, physically pushing him against the car again and pummeling him ferociously.

Two squadron cars came upon the scene and saw two bloodied gentlemen inches away from killing each other. George whispered into Darcy's ear, "I kissed her you know. And she enjoyed it. You were nothing to her, Darcy."

"Shut it, George, if you know what's good for you." George laughed wickedly and Darcy with all his might pulled back is balled fist and landed the best punch right in the nose. Blood squirted all over Darcy's and George's shirts. Wickham now saw the police and demanded Darcy's immediate arrest. Darcy would have very willingly gone, but the police came up and tagged Wickham with the handcuffs. Lydia screamed at the police officer telling him to arrest the other man. Darcy went to his car to get a rag out and wipe the blood that had trickled from the cut he sustained.

The officer explained the charges to Wickham. Lydia and Wickham both blanched when one of the charges was attempted murder of an unborn child.

"How the hell was I to know that she was pregnant, Darcy?"

"What about Georgiana, Wickham, when you beat her to a pulp? Or telling Elizabeth that I threw her down the stairs when I found out that YOU got her pregnant. Except you told Elizabeth that someone else was responsible. You are a lying, deceitful excuse for a human being. I hope you rot!"

Lydia sat down on the curb unable to take all of this in. "You mean Liz is pregnant and George pushed her down the stairs? And he took off with your sister who is ten years younger than he?" Darcy nodded his head. Lydia went up to George and kicked him right in the groin. Hard. Wickham winced with pain and the officer pushed him into the vehicle.

Darcy walked away and Lydia ran after. "Why didn't you tell me that he caused her accident?"

"Did it matter?"

"I think so."

"Lydia, you have cared about no one in your whole pathetic life. You only looked out for you, and even then you did it badly." Lydia started to cry.

"How are she and the baby?"

"They are well. Hopefully resting now. I must get back. Perhaps you'd like a ride back to the flat?" She nodded yes and said not one more word to Darcy on the return trip home.

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Posted on Tuesday, 28-Jul-98

Author's Note: Just a little disclaimer, I fully use the PG-13 rating and then push the envelope just a tad:) -- Laura

A Fortnight Later

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arcy stared at his mobile for a good ten minutes. He debated whether or not to ring her. He hadn't talked to her since the day she went back to her flat in Kensington. Life had returned to a semi-normal state for Darcy and Georgiana. She returned to her nursing job in Yorkshire and Darcy threw himself into purchasing the coal mine in Scotland. Elizabeth went back to painting and putting up a brave face.

He reread the invitation again and wondered what his cousin James was up to. He didn't normally request people to his house for a Spring Ball. However, the one line that caught his notice was an announcement that would be made at the Ball. Darcy recorded the date in his diary and emailed his p.a. with the necessary information, so as not to double book him for the same date. The mobile sat on the cradle as he again wondered whether or not to ring her. He finally gave up the guessing game and dialed her number.

Elizabeth picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello, darling." He smiled at the sound of her voice.

"Hi. It's been a while," she said softly.

"You wanted time. I wanted what you wanted, darling. I've received something by post today."

"Oh, the mysterious invitation to Sir James' for the Spring Ball?" She laughed at him teasingly. "You forget, Nick is my doctor."

"How are you and my daughter doing?" He laughed, enjoying this playful banter.

"Your son and I are wonderful. I heard the heartbeat the other day," she announced excitedly. "It was the most amazing thing."

"I would like to come to your visits, Elizabeth. It's important to me, too."

She hesitated a little. "I know and I want you to be there, but Nick just wanted to check everything out and give me clean bill of health. Lydia is going away tonight. Would you like to come down? I've missed you horribly and am dying to get a good look at you."

Darcy agreed with delight. "Oh, Elizabeth, I need to see you too, but you only want to see me, eh?" Elizabeth laughed. He checked his watch and tried to figure out what time would be reasonable to make it to London from Derbyshire. He figured if he left around three, he could definitely make it to her by seven or eight depending on the traffic on the motorway.

"Would you like to go out for dinner?" he asked.

"How about a decent home-cooked meal? Your favorite. I have everything I need here."

"Lovely. I love you, darling."

"I know you do."

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Caroline had managed to drive the servants crazy with the details of the Spring Ball. All people within the house were sworn to secrecy regarding the marriage nuptials that had taken place just a short month ago. James and Caroline, with the help of Helena, concocted this crazy notion of telling nobody, but celebrating by giving a ball with a small gathering of three hundred or so family and friends.

Nick found it quite trying not mentioning that his bachelor brother had finally taken the deep plunge, and hitched himself to Miss Bingley. Every time he thought of Caroline, somehow Helena would invade his thoughts. She was beautiful indeed. Their first meeting was such a disaster, but she had been quite civil and polite during chance encounters. To Nick, however, they were few and far between.

Now that James was asked to be on the task force pushing Northern Ireland Peace Accord, Nick never did get to see much of Helena. He found himself really longing to talk to her and get to know her a little better. Caroline created a monopoly on her new best friend. He couldn't count on both hands how many times he wanted to go to her bedchamber just to see her.

He sat back in his chair at the hospital and sighed. He had to figure a way to talk to her. Especially before this blasted Spring Ball when every eligible bachelor would be racing to her.

A pretty, young nurse interrupted his thoughts and brought him back to his surroundings. "Mrs. Farrelly is ready for you, sir. They've just wheeled her into the delivery area. You should go scrub up."

"How many centimeters?"

"Nine, sir." He smiled at the nurse and ruffled some papers together.

"Anesthesiologist been in to see her?" he asked.

"No, sir. She wishes to do this without the drugs." she said, leaving Nick to change into his operating scrubs.

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Darcy arrived at Elizabeth's in good time and by her expression at the door, she was very happy to see him too. Although she was covered in a mixture of cinnamon and flour from the efforts of baking his favorite cinnamon cookies, he did not hesitate to pull her to him and kiss her.

"Mmm... you taste," he thought about the right word, "very appetizing." he said cheekily. She brushed by him and headed into the kitchen. Darcy was amazed when he saw the state of the kitchen. Pots and pans strewn everywhere. Flour all over the counterspace. But the fragrant smell of cinnamon did permeate the whole flat. Elizabeth handed him a tea towel and put him to work helping her clear away the clean dishes making the sink ready for the dirty ones. He rolled up his shirtsleeves and immediately started to follow instructions.

"Darling, what is for dinner?"

"Oh, can't you smell that gorgeous aroma from the pork loin?" she said abstractedly, trying to put the cookies on a platter.

"Pork loin? With applesauce and stuffing? Delightful. I just happened to bring a wonderful red wine... what?"

She glanced at him quite eloquently: "I can't exactly have wine now, can I?" Darcy whacked his head with his hand as remembrance. She laughed heartily at him and told him that he could drink the wine. All of it.

"Elizabeth, a glass of wine is not going to hurt you or the baby. In fact, I've read that a glass of wine is quite encouraged."

"Have you? And have you started reading, What to Expect When You're Expecting, too?"

"Guilty," he said sheepishly. "I picked up a copy last week. Fascinating stuff in there. Though it does go into too much detail." He smiled.

"Well, that's good. I want to know what to expect and the too much detail is exactly what YOU should know." He moved behind her and placed his hands on her stomach and softly caressed her. She gently leaned her head against his chest and allowed the wonderful sensation of his hands on her consume her. But dinner would burn if he did not stop that now.

Dinner was a quiet affair with Darcy asking relative and sometimes useless questions; Elizabeth did allow herself a small taste of wine. After washing up and splashing each other so both were sufficiently soaked, Elizabeth went to her room to change. Darcy followed moments later. Knocking on the door, he heard her faint "come in" and opened the door.

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Nick headed out of the hospital and blinked at the rarely seen bright sun. He walked down the street and found himself face to face with the woman constantly invading his thoughts.

"Nick!" Caroline called.

"What brings you ladies to London? Caroline, you should have phoned the flat. We could've set up lunch?" Nick admonished.

"We've been shopping for the ball and with your schedule, I thought you'd be too busy. However, we are staying at James' rooms at the Dorchester for a couple of nights. James is in Belfast and not expected home until Friday. We could have lunch tomorrow?" Nick thought momentarily and stole a sly glance at Helena who had turned away.

"I happen to be off tonight. Why not tonight? I'll have my secretary set something up. How does that sound?" Helena looked at Nick and gave a small smile indicating her consent. Caroline pronounced it was a wonderful idea. They all readily agreed to an eight o'clock dinner and Caroline told him to meet them at seven for cocktails at the bar in the Dorchester.

"He seems to be softening to ya, Caroline. That's a good sign."

"Nick isn't all that bad. Just a little rough around the edges, but he has potential."

"Caroline, don't we all have potential?" Caroline laughed and linked hands with her friend again and continued on to Joseph's.

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As promised, Nick was at the bar waiting for the ladies at seven. Nursing a Scotch and soda and picking at the stale peanuts, he cautiously watched the doorway. Caroline flitted in first and quite alone.

"Sometimes I think men flock to Helena like the bee to a flower. She was stopped by some American. Another southerner," she added distastefully.

"You should have tried to save her then." He tried to say it nonchalantly, but it didn't quite come out that way.

"We can always move the reservation back to 8.30, Nick." She eyed him suspiciously.

After ten minutes had gone by, Nick felt it his duty and obligation as a gentleman to rescue Helena. Nick witnessed Helena trying to get rid of the man, but he wouldn't move on and had taken hold of her hand. Nick came up behind Helena and softly put his hand on her back. Helena turned at the warmth and gently smiled at him.

"We've been waiting. Your drink has become quite watered down," he whispered softly in her ear.

"Thank you, Dr. Hampton," She turned to the other man. "I'm sorry, but I really must go. It's been an honor meetin' another southerner. Alabama sounds wonderful, and I'm sure your wife's arthritis problem would have been more painful here in damp, foggy London."

When the man left, Helena thanked Nick. "I didn't think he would ever let me go. He actually asked me if I wanted to go up to his room! I swear some men are just pigs! They see a pretty face and bam! They think of one thing and one thing only." She stopped when the other patrons heard her ranting. "Oh Lord, I'm so sorry, Dr. Hampton, you don't need to listen to me. No one else does either. I'm sorry."

"Helena, please stop calling me Dr. Hampton, it's Nick. You are totally within your rights to rant and rave, because certain men think of one thing and one thing only," he echoed. "However, many men have never seen a woman as beautiful as you."

She blushed. "Thank you. That is the kindest thing I've ever heard."

He laughed. "You must be toying with me, Helena," he said while grinning. "You are an incredibly beautiful and intelligent woman."

"Thank you for saving me."

"It was all my pleasure."

She looked at him and saw a hint of softness in his eyes. She thought she knew what the look was, but quickly turned away and headed into the bar.

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Elizabeth was pulling a nightdress over her head when Darcy walked in. With her back to him, she was unable to observe him. Slowly, he undid the top button of his shirt then the one after that until it was completely unbuttoned, and the two sides were flapping with his movement. The cool crisp linen of the nightdress felt good against her suddenly feverish body. She sensed his movements but did not turn around.

He watched the nightdress slip over her shoulders, her arms, down past her hips and fall gently down to her ankles. He walked behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, slowly caressing the strap off her shoulder. He moved her dark hair off her back and placed it over her bare shoulder. Bending down he kissed the back of her neck -- softly, passionately, fervently. Barely audible moans came from her moist lips.

The crisp linen nightdress that just seconds before clothed her fell with a swoosh to the floor. Turning her around to face him, she brought her hands inside his shirt and slowly shed him of it, kissing his shoulder and his neck. Darcy pulled back to inspect her and her minutely bulging middle. Kneeling in front of her, he pulled her close to him and slowly pressed his lips to her stomach. Elizabeth stepped out of her nightdress and helped him with the khakis.

Wordlessly, they strolled to the queen-size bed. Gently, Darcy picked her up and cradled her in his arms. This time his lips finding hers. With a ferocity of absolute and unconditional devotion, he made love to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth lay in his arms, smiling, while he played with the curls on the top of her head.

"What are you smiling about?" he asked innocently.

"Oh, was I? Maybe I should put on a serious face or frown, perhaps." She giggled.

"Absolutely not, madam. I want you happy, happy, happy."

"Do you know what would make me very happy, Darcy?"

He shook his head.

"Marry me."

Darcy smiled broadly and kissed her head. She rolled over and propped herself on one arm. Scrunching her nose at him, she inched her way under his arm. "Marry me," she said again.

"Yes, my love. I will marry you."

"Good. Now I am happy. Darcy, I've always loved you." She turned over, closed her eyes and presently fell asleep.

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Ten days later

"I want the marquee set up two days prior to the Ball. I need light blue lights set up around the perimeter of the house. Yes, of course, I realize that this is short notice, but I phoned five times and received not one damn reply back. You can do this. I have complete faith in you. Honestly. Must hang up. I will see you two days before the actual date of the Ball. Yes. Yes. I see. Well then. Money is no object, I assure you. Right. Bye."

Caroline sighed haggardly. Three phone calls in one hour, and she still felt as though she hadn't accomplished much. James knew when Caroline planned something of this magnitude, it was better for him to stay away or at least out of sight.

Helena sat in the garden reading a book enjoying the soft breeze of a beautiful spring day. Although, the rain could be depressing at times, the lovely color of the beautiful landscape was what kept her from leaving, not to mention Caroline's entreaties to stay.

James came out to the garden and spied Helena deep in concentration with her book. Taking a seat on the chaise beside her, she put her book down and smiled to him.

"How are you, Helena?"

"I'm well. It is such a beautiful day I wanted to enjoy it before the rains came back. Your gardens are exquisite."

"Yes, I've always prided myself on the landscape of the house." He moved the chaise closer to her. "You've been quite sad lately." he observed. "I can talk Caroline into letting you go back to the States. We hold no one against their will," he said jokingly.

Helena cracked a small smile at the joke, while James returned it. She didn't really know what she wanted. The one thing she did know was that she would definitely be around for this Spring Ball when The Hamptons would finally announce their marriage.

"Ya know what? I'm quite enjoying myself here."

James smiled, then just as quickly became quite serious, a darkening expression overtaking his face. "Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet will be here for the Spring Ball. How uncomfortable will that be for you?"

Helena looked carefully at him; she raised the sunglasses off her nose and placed them on her head. "Ah, so this was the reason for this courtesy call. Still trying to find out what happened between the two us, are you?"

"I want my guests to feel comfortable, yes. Let's just say I'm not looking for a cat fight."

"Elizabeth is pregnant!" she said indignantly.

"And she is a feisty creature who will cut anyone down to the quick with that sharp wit of hers," he said hotly.

He stood up.

"James, why is it so important for you to know? Why must you constantly feel like you are in competition with him. You have Caroline, this wonderful house and happiness. Just let it go."

He looked at her blankly. "Did you have an affair with my cousin?"

Helena stared at James angrily. "Why is it so important to you?"

He sat back down. "I want to know what happened between Caroline and Darcy in Ireland. She went there for one reason. You were at the bed and breakfast, she was in the house with him -- and quite alone."

"I'm not followin' here. What does my sleepin' with your cousin have to do with Caroline?"

"Did he show any inclination towards her at all?" he demanded.


"What happened when he came back and Caroline went to Dublin?"

"He was upset and very drunk."


Helena closed her eyes. "Elizabeth ended the relationship. She told him it was over. He was very upset."

"So you took advantage of him?"


"Did you sleep with him?" he persisted.

"Yes." She said very softly.

Caroline had just come up behind the rhododendron bush when she heard voices and was about to call out to her husband and Helena, but listened to the interrogation instead.

"Good God!" Caroline's face was bright red.

James whipped around and came face to face with his shocked wife.

"Why did you do that?" Caroline said angrily. "Why did you allow it to gnaw at you?" she asked of her husband.

Helena got up quickly and spoke first. "Caroline, I'm sorry. You didn't need to hear that."

"I allowed it to torment me, Caro, because you've always compared me to him. I've always wanted you. I needed to know that you wanted me."

Caroline sat down on the chaise that Helena had just given up.

"So my friend sleeps with my ex, and my husband demands to know because it will prove my fidelity? Is that correct?"

James looked at Caroline, "Yes."

"Do you have any faith in me at all?"

"Caro, you know I..."

She cut him off. "No. No I don't. What I did was senseless, but you don't pry into someone else's business because of it." She shot a look to Helena. "If you thought for once that I didn't suspect, you're daft."

"Caroline," Helena started. "I don't even know what to say. I'm sorry."

Caroline laughed, "You're sorry for being caught up in the tangled web of this family. Instead of mooning over him, I should have forewarned you. He will always go back to Elizabeth. I wouldn't give him one more thought." she looked thoughtfully at Helena. "I knew that this had been bothering you; I think you should pay more attention to what is going on around you instead," she told her friend honestly.

"Caro, we need to talk."

She looked at her husband and sighed, suddenly tired. "I believe we do." She gave him her hand and quietly they sauntered around the park.

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Helena came in the house wiping the tears from her face. She should have really left before it had come to this. How could she possibly face these people. She wandered down the hallway hoping to get to the kitchen. How did she manage to get into such a pickle. Finding the kitchen, she poured a glass of water from the tap and sat at the table that had been scrubbed down. Taking a hard sip, the tears flowed quite freely. Yes, that was it, she could leave. The sooner the better.

Caroline spoke nothing but the truth about getting tangled in this family, and the web got tighter and tighter, until the suffocation became unbearable. Helena put her face in her hands and considered her options of leaving England and traveling back home. She spotted a figure out of the corner of her eye. She quickly tried to compose herself, but was found out.

"Helena, are you all right?"

"You always happen upon me when I'm upset. Yes, Nick, I'm fine; just very homesick."

"I don't believe you. Something is bothering you. You can tell me." He sat opposite her. She raised her eyes at him and started laughing.

"I've never seen you in this state of undress before." He looked down and realized that he was shirtless and was only wearing a pair of shorts and sneakers. His chest glistened with sweat from the hard workout.

"Well, now we're even. You didn't have much on the first night I saw you either." Helena blushed at the recollection. "A little too late to blush, dar... I've just had a workout. So now, why are you upset?"

"I'm fine, really. When did you get back from London?"

"That doesn't matter right now."

He got up and went to her. He put his hand behind her chair and knelt down beside her. She became aware of his scent and tried to push whatever thought had just popped into her head out.

"I don't believe you," he said softly. His gaze was steady upon her.

"Truly. I'm fine," she became mesmerized by his being so close.

"Helena, would you..." His fingertips accidentally brushed her neck. The thrilling impulse brought them closer together. She turned to look at him and realized that he was closer than she thought. His lips not even inches from hers. She licked her lips and tried to focus on anything but him.

"What?" she barely managed.

He looked at her, studying her and not really listening to what she had just said. He moved in closer and parted his lips to speak.

"Trust me," he whispered.

"Yes," she said slowly.

"Have dinner with me tonight?" he said huskily.

"Yes," she murmured, not understanding what had just happened.

He moved back and smiled at her. "Great. You'll feel better in no time. I promise you'll have a great time."

She took a deep breath, "A great time," she repeated. "Nothing fancy?"

"Absolutely. Nothing fancy. Wipe those tears and meet me in an hour."

True to his word, Nick took Helena to a small cafe not far from the house that allowed a bit of privacy. The music was Italian and provided the atmosphere.

Nick was slyly able to wrap his arm around her waist, and lead her to the table. Pulling the seat out for her, she thanked him and sat down comfortably.

"Would you like some wine?" he asked.

"Yes, a merlot, please."

Nick motioned to the waiter and ordered a bottle of the house merlot. Helena looked around the surroundings and thought everything delightful. A very small smile played upon her lips.

"Will you let me in on the secret."

"No secret, sweetie, just feeling much better. I owe you a big thank you."

"Absolutely not," he feigned shock. "I wanted to do this." Her face took on pinkish hue, as he smiled happily at her.

Nick kept Helena occupied throughout the evening and she quickly forgot the episode from earlier in the day. He managed to keep her amused with tales of medical school, growing up in Somerset, of old girlfriends, roommates and the like. Helena enlightened him about beauty pageants and divulged how much she hated them. She completely opened up to him and told him about life in New Orleans, on the road, and different fights that would break out among the women.

"They could be quite catty at times..." His eyes sparkled at her and she could feel the warmth rising in her cheeks. The flushed look was very becoming to her, he thought.

"Medical school wasn't quite as difficult as most people imagine. We fooled around more. James thought that I would definitely flunk out..."

"Why an obstetrician?"

"That was the biggest joke in my family... I love women." He winked at her.

"Do you like children..."

"Sometimes.... Pregnant women are easier, and I generally give in to their whims."

"Many women must love having a handsome doctor. It quite rarely happens."

"One woman was ready to leave her husband for me. When I told her that I was involved, it quickly ended her infatuation." He laughed.

After dinner, Nick took her on a stroll down by the beach. The clouds had held off all day and a nice warm breeze enveloped the both of them. They strolled leisurely, not saying a word, just enjoying the other's company.

Helena finally spoke: "I can't thank you enough for this wonderful evening. You've been a good friend." She took his hand and squeezed it.

Nick stopped and faced her. "A friend, indeed." he turned so she wouldn't see the hurt look upon his face.

"A very good friend." She said and then smiled.

"Helena, I thought... maybe we could..." he faltered. "Would you like to start heading back?" he finally said. She nodded. "Thank you, for the lovely evening."

"It was all my pleasure."

They drove in companionable silence. When he pulled into the driveway, she leaned over and quickly gave him a small kiss on the cheek. She hurried into the house, leaving him to stare after her.


Posted on Saturday, 22-Aug-98

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he final preparations were completed and all that was needed was to dress and wait for the guests to arrive. Caroline felt giddy with anticipation while Helena felt dread. It had been a month and a half since she last saw him, and he didn't know she'd be there.

James dressed with ease. Caroline had refused to allow him to see the gown that she had eventually selected, she even went as far as to keep it in Helena's bedchamber. Caroline spent what seemed to her husband an eternity in the dressing room and had an endless stream of servants bring in chilled champagne and fresh fruit. Caroline had also hired a personal stylist because for her husband, she prepared herself to be the most beautiful, alluring and sensuous woman he would see.

When a servant came by with a tray of champagne, James quickly reached up and took one for himself. A strange feeling of nervousness had come over him. Silently he wondered how people would react to the news of his marriage even though Caroline was his life and he loved her more than anything or anyone in the world. He was very certain of his choice and decision, but he still worried about the general reaction.

So lost in his thoughts, James never saw his bride exit the dressing room and stand in the doorway, blushing profusely. She had to call his name softly to get his attention. His eyes followed her sleek body in the red and black halter gown. Her hair was done in a dramatic upsweep with curly tendrils down by her ears and her midriff bespoke of hours of working out and the narrow straightness of the gown, clung tightly to her hips. He blinked his eyes several times and licked his lips. He was astonished and speechless.

Caroline walked closer to him and softly brushed against him. She took the wobbly champagne glass out of his hand and set it on the table. She held her hand out to him, which he took and pulled her very close to him. The honeysuckle scent intoxicated James as his hot breath and moist lips went right for her neck. Caroline giggled.

"Do I disappoint?" she asked, as James nuzzled her neck and decided that the Spring Ball be damned! He wanted his wife and he wanted her now.

"Caroline, you are absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful." As he fumbled with the ties of her dress, Caroline slapped his hand away. The spell snapped, and James kissed his wife sweetly.

"We should head down," he said hastily. "or I shall not be responsible for any actions that may occur within the next few minutes." Caroline laughed as she took his arm and headed downstairs with him.

Nick was already under the marquee outside drinking a glass of champagne and fiddling with the bowtie of the tuxedo. His back was turned away from the door, and had not seen the entrance of his brother and Caroline. The amazed look on his face when he did turn around made James chuckle and Caroline blush. Nick thought she looked beautiful.

The orchestra started off by playing some soft classical pieces. James had hired a very special singer to serenade Caroline later in the evening. For days, she tried to persuade him to disclose who the singer was. He would not budge, although, several times she came very close to figuring it out.

As the guests were scheduled to arrive within the half-hour, Caroline excused herself to check on last minute arrangements. James stopped a young girl carrying a tray of champagne and took two glasses. Nick put his empty one back.

Nick spoke first: "Caroline looks stunning, James, absolutely beautiful."

"I was completely astonished when I saw her too. She is a beautiful woman, but tonight she thoroughly glows."

"So when were you planning on making the big announcement? Before or after dinner?" asked Nick.

"Before dinner. Say, what think you of the general reaction?"

Nick stopped and looked at his brother. "I honestly think people are going to be shocked and taken aback. However, I think it will favorable."

"Charles is married to Liz's sister -- and the diplomat that she is -- she may be able to smooth any ruffled feathers." He leaned closer to his brother, "however, the fireworks should happen when Darcy sees Helena here." He said, nudging his brother. Nick ignored the remark.

Caroline swept into the room with the first guests of the evening, her brother Charles and Janice.

"Sir James, how wonderful to see you again, chap. I see you allowed Caroline to decorate. Exquisite job, Caroline." Charles hugged his sister, and shook James' hand. Nick gave Janice a quick peck on the cheek and shook Charles' hand.

"Caroline did a wonderful job decorating and supervising, she has quite a knack that will come in handy in the years to come." His eyes twinkled when he saw the confused look on Charles and Janice's face.

"I was very happy to see all of your hard work paid off regarding Northern Ireland. I hope that President Clinton pays a visit. I believe it would help." Charles said.

"I think any peace in Northern Ireland is more than welcomed. How long do you think the cease fire will last?" Janice asked.

"I can't really say Mrs. Bingley, but with the populace voting in three weeks, I hope it at least lasts through then. But enough talk of this, we are here to have a good time."

Charles smiled. "Of course, Sir James. So what is this announcement that will be made?"

James looked to Caroline with a sparkle in his eye and mischievously said. "You will just have to wait."

The butler came outside and announced to the party that people were starting to arrive. James wrapped his arm around Caroline's waist, and they headed to the foyer to greet their guests.

Charles turned to Nick and hoped he would give him the information he wanted. "If this concerns my sister, I do have a brotherly right to know?"

Nick smiled enigmatically. "I really can't say. You'll find out soon enough." He excused himself and went into the house.

"I think this is an engagement party, dear." Janice smiled to her husband.

"Wonderful!" Both Charles and Janice laughed.

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Helena checked over her appearance one last time. All she wanted was courage to head down the stairs and into her fate. How could she face him, and with her. She leaned back against the full-length mirror and sighed unhappily, thinking she could handle this night. She said to herself over and over again that most likely Darcy would say hello and move on. It had been well over a month. She shook those thoughts from her head.

A peaceful sense seized her when she thought of dancing with Nick. Being next him, exhilarated her. She knew her feelings for him were taking quite a turn since their dinner, but what she felt for him was strange and new. She knew she was falling in love with him.

A soft knock on the door brought Helena to her senses.

"Helena, its Caroline. May I come in?" Helena smoothed down her dress and braced her shoulders back.

"Sure sweetie," Caroline opened the door and Helena gasped. "Caroline, darlin' you look -- I can't even describe -- absolutely gorgeous!"

Caroline went over and hugged her friend. This was a friendship that had developed and bloomed, as Helena had been very therapeutic for Caroline.

"Well Helena, or shall I call you Veronica Lake?" Caroline held Helena's hands in hers and stood back to inspect the long sheath of her periwinkle dress that came up high on her throat and draped in the back. This dress clung beautifully to every inch of her tall frame. Her straight blonde hair styled just like the actress of the '40s. "This dress is perfect for you. You are going to be the topic of many a discussion tonight." Helena smiled gratefully.

"It's not my appearance or the dress," she admitted truthfully. "I think people will think I'm Kim Basinger." she joked half-heartedly.

"Helena, come on now -- chin up, shoulders back, courage up. Don't worry, I'll protect you." She whispered as Helena lightly kissed her friend's cheek and both headed downstairs. Before heading outside, she took a deep breath.

Caroline and Helena exited through the French doors leading out to the marqueed garden. James worked his way to his wife and Helena, and each took an arm. As was expected, every eligible bachelor turned and gaped at Helena when she walked by on the arm of Sir James. Helena looked around trying to spot Nick within the crush of people. She scanned the room for about three minutes and finally spotted him talking to a woman that she had never seen before.

"Who's Nick talking to?" Helena asked.

James looked around for his brother and found him. "Oh yes, that is the famous Corinne Ashworth. She and Nick were quite the couple during medical school and after. She's quite a celebrated heart surgeon."

Helena felt her heart sink and kept her eye on Nick and watched as he leaned close to Corinne and whispered something into her ear. That woman placed her hand on his cheek and smiled at what he said to her. Helena closed her eyes and turned away when James called her name.

"I would like to introduce you to Senator Mitchell, Helena. I thought you'd like to meet another American tonight." Helena spoke with the former U.S. Senator for several minutes until accosted by a young man wishing to dance with her.

When Nick heard James call Helena's name, he turned and saw the woman that had completely and utterly stolen his heart.

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Darcy and Elizabeth walked around the room upon their entrance. Elizabeth was pleasantly surprised by the beautiful decorations that detailed the gardens. Pale blue lights illumined the shrubbery.

"I'm quite shocked at the tasteful manner of the decorations. Caroline is generally not one for proper taste." Elizabeth said, however, Darcy held his tongue in check. Elizabeth quickly noticed her sister and waved to her. Darcy headed to get some refreshments.

Walking through the crowds he heard her. That laugh. Soft, yet deep -- throaty. He turned around and saw her. Helena was talking with James and Caroline and looking as gorgeous as ever.

Quickly, Darcy made his way back to Elizabeth and slowly pulled her off to the side. Running a hand through his curly hair, he said: "I don't know what she's doing here, but you're going to meet the beauty queen. I just want you to be prepared."

Elizabeth looked around the room. "Where. Where is she?"

Darcy nodded in the direction of James and Caroline. "The blonde woman in the blue." Elizabeth trained her eye in the region that Darcy was nodding. And then she saw her.

"Oh." She said quite crestfallen. Elizabeth really wasn't quite sure what to expect when she thought that she would have met Darcy's one-night stand, but drop-dead gorgeous somehow never entered the picture.

Darcy immediately saw her response, "Darling, I had her, but wanted you."

"What is she doing here?"

"I don't know, she must have come with Caroline."

"But how would she know Caroline, Darcy?" Elizabeth put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips pensively.

Darcy thought for a moment. "Caroline came to Ireland, Elizabeth. I didn't tell you because of the accident, and I didn't want to upset you more than you needed to be."

"Did anyone else show up in Ireland, Darcy?" she gave him a stern look, then quickly laughed. "You really were inundated with women weren't you?"

"I was inundated with you, Elizabeth." he said roguishly.

She patted his face. "Good answer."

"So you feel comfortable meeting her?" he asked.

"Well, it must be done."

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Caroline walked over to Charles and Janice, leaving James and Helena to themselves. James turned to Helena. "Are you enjoying yourself, dear?"

"Very much. It is a lovely party."

"Have you seen Darcy?"

She swallowed. "No. Is he here?" James tilted his head in the direction of Darcy and Elizabeth; and there she saw a beautiful petite woman with dark cascading curls, beautiful bright sparkling eyes and a countenance that spoke of complete happiness. "That is the lovely Miss Bennet. Do you have courage enough to be introduced to her?"

Helena nodded and took James' arm. He led her to the spot where Darcy and Elizabeth were talking to Cal and Rachel. Cal first spotted the gorgeous blonde and gently cleared his throat for Darcy to turn around.

"Hello, Darcy." Helena purred smoothly.

"Hello, Helena," He answered easily. "I'd like to introduce you to my fiancée, Elizabeth Bennet."

Helena looked to Elizabeth then to Darcy and with a very big smile, said very brightly, "Very nice to meet you." Helena gave Elizabeth her hand and she shook it. "Fiancée, huh?" she winked at Darcy, "Well, it's about time. I've heard wonderful accounts of you from Darcy and James."

"And all good I tell you. So Liz, how are you feeling?" James added.

"I feel wonderful, James. The baby is very active much like his papa."

"I think she means my daughter is very energetic like her mama. So Helena, how came you to be here in Somerset. I would have thought by now that Caroline would have driven you away." He laughed while James glared at him.

James watched the transaction and waited for fireworks or Darcy's stammer, but it never occurred. He watched amazingly at Helena as she commandeered the situation to her benefit.

"Caroline and I have become great friends. She really is a wonderful person."

"How long are you in England for, Miss Johnstone?" asked Elizabeth.

"Helena, please. I can't really say. Caroline begs me to stay and keeps postponing my return home." Helena saw Nick walk Corinne to the dance floor. Elizabeth noticed where her eyes had drifted to and smiled.

"Are you enjoying this part of England, Helena?" Darcy asked, trying to get her attention back.

"Very much. I've met some great people." She turned back to watch Nick and frowned slightly. "I've met with some wonderful people." she reiterated, then returned her full attention to the crowd before her. "With the way I talk, I'm surprised they haven't packed me off yet." She joked.

They all laughed as her southern accent became thicker to show what she meant. "I seem to recall that you had a hard time understanding me at first." Darcy mused.

"Actually Darcy, most of the time, I was just ignorin' ya." Laughter. She looked around for Nick again, but lost sight of him. However, she did see a person that she had been trying to avoid, "I see that I am being followed by a man that I have refused to dance with. I guess I should head in the other direction. Miss Bennet it was really nice meeting you. Honestly."

"And you, too, Miss Johnstone." Helena walked away and James took his leave shortly after by telling the crowd before him that right now was the perfect time to make his announcement.

Elizabeth turned to Darcy, "Helena is in love with Nick." she said enigmatically.

"What? How do you know that?"

"Darling, she couldn't keep her eyes off of him the whole time she was talking with us. And by the way he was staring at her, I would say it was reciprocated." She smiled knowingly.

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The Ball picked up full swing and guests were amazed at Caroline's transformation, especially around the beautiful American. She conversed easily with anybody. Many people remarked how nicely Caroline and Helena got on with each other. As Caroline was notorious for chewing up and spitting out women, this came as a genuine shock to people.

James spotted his wife and quickly walked to her side and led her out to the dance floor. Dancing to "So Near and Yet so Far", James twirled Caroline around the floor. After the dance ended, he mentioned to her lightly that he would like to make the announcement now as they could easily get everyone's attention before dinner. He walked over to the stage and spoke into the microphone, claiming the attention of the party revelers. Pulling Caroline beside him, he waited for all to be assembled.

"I want to thank all for attending this Spring Ball. I hope the three week's notice, wasn't too short of a timespan," he joked. "As many of you here tonight are wondering why I would deign to open my house and invite nearly 400 people, and most of you, I have heard through grapevines suspect that I may be quite touched in the head; however, you are probably not too far from the truth," he joked again and the crowd laughed.

"First things, I would like to thank the lovely Caro for the wonderful job she did bringing this together." James allowed the applause before speaking again. He pulled her closer to his side. "I have decided that I would like Caro to take over control of the household here, as she does a wonderful job. Nevertheless, I thought something more permanently was in order." Janice squeezed Charles' arm.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to introduce to you Lady Caroline Hampton, and we wish you to celebrate in our joy." Collective gasps and "oh mys" resounded through the garden. Helena, as well as, Nick held their breaths waiting for the response that came. Clanking champagne glasses indicating to the groom to kiss his bride.

Charles and Janice looked at each other in amazement. Darcy and Elizabeth headed over to them, not concealing their shock regarding the announcement. Nick was heading to his brother when Charles grabbed his arm.

"So when did all this take place?" Charles asked, more hurt than angry.

"They married about a month and half ago. We were sworn to secrecy," Nick turned to Darcy. "Helena brought them together, again."

"Why were they not together, Nick?" Elizabeth asked inquiringly.

"I'm not sure. Listen, I know this is hard to take in. I felt it too. But James adores Caroline; and she is very good for him and to him. From what I've seen."

Elizabeth turned to Darcy, "That means that she was married when she showed up in Ireland, right? And she never said anything?"

"Not a word," Darcy answered.

Charles started gesturing to Caroline who promptly came over to her brother.

"Oh Charles, I'm sorry you had to find out this way. We didn't want it to get out and I knew that you would be upset if I had told you earlier. It was for the best."

"Caroline, this is just so unlike you. You, who are the most meticulous and proper person I know. To elope! He'd better treat you well."

"I don't think you need to question his treatment of me. We are very happy together." Caroline turned to Darcy and Elizabeth. "I never saw you two earlier. Congratulations on your upcoming arrival. I also heard through the grapevine that you are to be married. Again accept my best wishes."

Darcy leaned into Caroline and kissed her cheek, "Congratulations, Caroline. You will make my cousin very happy." But he thought, if it's at all possible.

"I thank you, Caroline. We are very excited and happy. But this is your day." Elizabeth said noncommittally.

The parties talked for several more minutes then Nick pulled Caroline aside, "How's Helena faring?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself. I don't understand why you are avoiding her. Has she done anything to offend you?"

"Good God, no! I am so mad about her. Caroline, I love her."

"Then why did you invite Corinne?"

"We are friends. Only friends."

"Well the impression you are giving is something very different. She's been all over you, and Helena has noticed several times. She can't keep her eyes off of you."

"Jealousy," he smiled. "can be a wonderful thing."

Caroline slapped his arm, "Nick, you are incorrigible."

"Perhaps. I see that dinner is about to be called. May I escort you to your husband?"

James announced dinner and told them that they would be feasting on true imported Creole food brought in especially for the woman who helped James and Caroline find and keep each other. Chef James Brightzen from New Orleans started with spicy Jambalaya and crab fritters. As they moved on to entrees, people raved about the food, and Helena smiled as the chef would periodically come out and have her taste test the next course.

The main event for desert was Helena's all-time favorite, and Brightzen was renowned to make the best Banana's Foster. All in all, dinner was a success. Caroline, James and Helena looked as happy as ever. After dinner, people came up to Helena thanking her for introducing them to foods they normally wouldn't have eaten, especially in England.

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James noticed his surprise singer coming out to sing with the orchestra. Caroline nearly fainted when standing right in front of her congratulating her on her marriage was Natalie Cole herself.

Caroline flung herself into James' arms and barraged him with kisses. Ms. Cole informed Lady Hampton that she would sing after the next song which was being dedicated to James and Caroline.

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James asked Helena to dance after drinks and cordials were served. The two sailed across the dance floor enjoying light conversation and terrific music. In the corner, just swaying to the music, but not actually dancing, James spied Elizabeth and Darcy. He swiftly moved closer to the two of them and had a plan. As he had picked out the music list and the order in which they were to be played, his plan would be perfectly executed. And he relished in it.

"Hello, there!" James smiled brightly. Helena looked up and smiled also.

"Hello, James." Darcy scowled.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." The music ended and James inwardly smiled to himself. "Liz, fancy a dance with me?"

Elizabeth looked to Darcy and James, and then to Helena, "You're abandoning Helena, James."

"Oh come on, I would never do that to her. Darcy can dance with her. Can't you, cousin?"

Darcy looked to Elizabeth who shrugged her shoulders in assent. Darcy held out his hand to Helena as she awkwardly took it.

"What is up with him?" Darcy asked.

"You two don't seem to get on that well, I take it." She observed.

"Not quite. He's always despised me. Now probably even more because of Caroline."

"Darcy, Caroline and James are good for each other. She loves him and he adores her."

Darcy moved Helena briskly across the dance floor.

It was just one of those nights
Just one of those fabulous flights
A trip to the moon on gossamer wings
Just one of those things

Darcy turned white when he heard the words.

"Oh God, the man hates me!" he said to Helena.

James smiled serenely at Elizabeth as he moved her softly around the dance floor, when she heard the words to the song.

It was just one of those things
Just one of those crazy flings
One of those bells that now and then rings
Just one of those things

"James, you are a bastard." Elizabeth said sweetly.

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Helena walked around the gazebo and stared at the moonlit sky. Nick came up behind her slowly and placed his hand on her arm. She turned to face him and gave him the brightest smile he'd ever seen. It nearly melted his heart.

"Helena, will you dance with me?"

She smiled. "Of course." She said brightly as she held out her hand to him, but he didn't take it. She looked up at him confusedly.

"Not now, I've promised the next dance to Corinne. I'll get you when the right song comes on."

"Oh." She said while looking downwards, so he could not see the hurt and touch of jealousy that flashed through her. He brought his hand up, stroked her cheek and then very enigmatically walked away.

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Helena sat at a table and watched as the Hamptons danced to Miller's "Moonlight Serenade". She smiled beatifically at them and watched the other revelers enjoy their time with their loved ones. Darcy and Elizabeth were whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears. His smile along with hers, heating up the room. She noticed painfully that Corinne's head was placed very comfortably on Nick's shoulder. She wondered why he would ask her to dance nearly two hours before and then ignore her in that time. She felt lonelier than she had ever felt before.

The maid walked around with a full tray of champagne glasses and Helena took two. After the song ended, Nick approached Helena. She sat up straighter and finished the second glass of champagne.

The tapping of the drum started slowly. Nick looked at Helena with his heart about to explode. The swell of the violins started. "I think this is our dance." He said softly -- slowly wrapping his hand around hers and leading her out to the dance floor. Ms. Cole came closer to the microphone while the pianist played the intro. Helena carefully wrapped her arms around him making sure to leave enough room between them.

Like the beat, beat, beat of the tom-tom
When the jungle shadows fall,
Like the tick, tick, tock of the stately clock,
As it stands against the wall,
Like the drip, drip, drip, of the raindrops,
When the summer show'r is through;

Nick glided Helena across the floor. He moved his lips to her ear and sang the next line softly:

So a voice within me keeps repeating -- you, you, you;

Helena looked at Nick and smiled. He expertly moved her around the dance floor. He moved his hand to the small of her back and pulled her closer against him.

Night and day
You are the one,
Only you
Beneath the moon
And under the sun.
Whether near to me or far,
It's no matter,
Darling, where you are
I think of you
Night and day

The electricity between the two thrilled them both. He moved his arm tightly around her waist and twirled her around. She closed her eyes and readily gave in to the emotions bubbling inside of her.

Day and night
Why is it so,
That this longing for you follows
Where-ever I go?
In the roaring of the traffic's boom,
In the silence of my lonely room
I think of you
Night and day.

Helena tried to pay attention to the words that Nick was singing in her ear, but the nearness and his breath tickling her, drove her to near madness. She laid her head on his shoulder and moved closer to him.

Night and day
Under the hide of me,

Nick continued to sing into her ear, causing a rush of excitement to overtake her:

There's an
Oh, such a hungry yearning,
Burning inside of me,
And its torment won't be through—

He gently rocked her and twirled her again around the floor then accentuating the next lines seductively:

'Til you let me spend my life
Making love to you,
Day and night,
Night and Day

Ms. Cole repeated the last quartet twice; Nick wrapped his arm around her waist and without saying a word slowly led her to the gazebo.

Helena in her acute state of dizziness, leaned against the trellis in the gazebo when she spied the water fountain raining down with blue water. The moonlit night shadowed her as she ran down the garden path, Nick looked after her bewildered as he watched her go to the swing. Slowly he walked to her. Helena swung higher on the swing then flung one shoe off. Then the other. She stopped swinging when Nick came closer.

Nick laughed. "What are you doing?"

She lifted her eyes to him and then slowly brought them back down and took off her stockings. Helena discreetly put them in her purse and laid it on the railing of the gazebo. Nick started to walk over to her, but she ran away from him to the water fountain. Helena -- lifting her dress to her ankles, ran into the fountain.

"You'll ruin your beautiful gown." He called after her.

"Doesn't matter, James bought it," she laughed. She splashed around the blue water with her feet. She went further into the fountain and pulled the skirt higher up her calves. And splashed some more. Moving deeper into the fountain, she needed to pull the skirt up to her knees as the water trickling down was soaking her. Nick watched her as she splashed in the water without a care in the world. Helena stopped for a moment, looked at Nick and watched him as he spied her.

She put the pulled up skirt in one hand and held out her free hand to Nick. "Come to me," she said softly.

Nick stood still, while Helena kept her hand out to him. Mechanically, he took one shoe off then the other and removed the socks. "I'll ruin this tux."

"Come to me, Nick," she said earnestly.

Nick quickly forgot about the tux and walked stealthily to her. Taking her hand into his, he drew her to him and brought his lips to hers and kissed her. Helena dropped the skirt into the water and brought her arms around him, squeezing him, holding him and loving him. Nick kissed her lips, her cheeks, her nose, her ears and her neck.

"I love you, Helena. I've loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you." Nick said hopefully. "I love you and need you and want you."

Helena held his face in her hands and smiled to him. "It was that damn cheese and cracker shindig we had, wasn't it?" He kissed her again.

"Oh, darling, yes, cheese and crackers and Spicegirls and that bathrobe and your legs and your impertinence."

She laughed, "All of those things? Not just because I happen to be a beauty queen and would perhaps look good on your arm."

He frowned at her. It was his turn to hold her face in his hands. "Helena, you are very special to me."

"But what about Dr. Ashworth?"

"She's a friend. Just a friend." He kissed her again, more passionately.

"She didn't look like just a friend?" Helena said impertinently.

"Ah, but did she get a kiss like this?" again he kissed her.

"Oh dear Lord, no!" she teased.

James and Caroline walked down by the fountain when they saw two people in it. Caroline called out to the two and when they didn't respond, headed further down the pathway.

"Who could possibly be in the fountain?" Caroline asked.

"I think it's Nick. Possibly with Corinne? Though I don't see her as the type to frolic in a water fountain." He joked.

Helena looked over Nick's shoulder when she heard voices, but Nick continued to kiss her again. Caroline gasped at the sight of the two soaked individuals, then immediately started to laugh.

"Good grief, Helena, in the water fountain?" Helena smiled as she laid her head on Nick's shoulder.

"Caro, I think the water fountain is the best place for those two. They look as though they need a good soaking. I think they need to cool down, too. Well Nicky boy, is this the one?"

Nick turned from his brother and tightly wrapped his arm around Helena's waist, he looked into her wanting eyes and said without looking at his brother.


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Posted on Saturday, 22-Aug-98

September 3, 199-
4.36 AM

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he breathed deeply and exhaled quickly. She moved a pillow around to make her more comfortable, but it wasn't working. The pain grew steadier and steadier; it came more frequently. She hated the idea of waking her husband, especially when several false alarms had caused him to get a little angry with her. But this time it was for real, this really hurt. And she needed him.

"Dearest," she tried waking him up, "Darcy, darling, it's time." She squelched the urge to scream by biting down on the pillow. She waited for the contraction to end before she tried again. She timed it -- seven minutes.

Darcy murmured something unintelligibly and turned over. In between contractions, she tried waking him. When all else failed, she tried the last resort:


Darcy flung the sheet and duvet back and watched his wife grimace in pain.

"Good God, Elizabeth, why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

She took deep breaths as he fumbled with the telephone. "What the hell are you doing!" she cried in pain.

"Darling, I'm phoning Nick." He turned nervously to her. "Just keep breathing, darling."

"Don't tell me what to do! Bloody cheek telling me too…Darcy! rub my back." She cried.

Darcy flung the phone down and ran to his wife. After the contraction, Elizabeth told him to phone Nick. Again fumbling with the phone, he managed to dial the number and it rang several times before it was answered.

A sleepy sounding southerner drawled out a soft "hello."

"Good morning, Helena."

"Oh Darcy, hmm… What time is…" she turned to look at the clock. "ah 5.00, are you okay?"

"No, no, I'm fine, it's Elizabeth… The baby, you know."

"Oh right, I'll get Nick." Helena turned over to wake up Nick and handed him the phone.

"Darcy, is this another false alarm?" Darcy assured him it wasn't and by listening to Elizabeth in the background, he figured it couldn't have been. "Listen, go to hospital. I'll meet you there in about forty-five minutes." Nick handed the phone back to Helena and she promptly hung it up.

"So this time it's for real, huh?" she snuggled closer to him

Nick smiled. "With the way Mrs. Fitzwilliam was screaming at him, I'd say yes. It's for real." Then kissed Helena.

He sat on the edge of the bed and in the dark looked for his boxers that had been discarded the evening before. Helena sat behind him, kissing his neck and rubbing his stomach. The glint in her eye when he turned to look at her told him that he was not going to the hospital in forty-five minutes.

"You always say these things take a while. Do you have to leave right now?" she asked petulantly.

He smiled to himself and felt happier than he's ever felt. He quickly discarded the boxers again and brought her under him.

"I love you, baby." he said.

"I love you too, sweetie."

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Same day;

"Okay Liz, Just one more push."

"I can't, Nick. I'm too tired. Just reach in and grab it." She breathed.

"Liz, I can't do that. With the next contraction, you must bear down and push. Do you understand? Elizabeth, do you understand?" he said angrily.

"Nick, you don't have to yell at her." Darcy said dangerously.

"Okay, Darcy, how do you want me to do this. She's given up. That child needs to come out now!"

"Liz, you have a contraction coming. Darcy get behind her and push her up when I say so. Okay, Liz, push, push. Good girl. Relax." The contraction was too short for anything to happen and Nick frowned.

"I thought I was going to push her up?"

"Darcy, do you trust me or not? I could get another OB in here." He said in a tight voice.

"Nick, this is ridiculous." Darcy offered.

"You're right. So let me do my job."

Elizabeth during her respite started laughing, "I'm the one in pain here and you two are fighting. Oh God!"

Another contraction -- a big one came and Nick took charge and ordered the nurse to make ready the bassinet. "Good girl, Liz. Okay, I see the head. A lot of dark curly hair. Darcy, push her up. Liz, bear down, bear down. One good push… There -- you have a daughter." Nick held up the slimy child who was screaming her lungs out.

Elizabeth relaxed against Darcy's chest. He cried tears of joy. Nick laughed and pronounced her a beauty as he placed her on Elizabeth to nurse. Darcy did the customary cutting of the umbilical cord.

Several minutes went by before Nick gently explained that they needed to check the baby over before giving her back. "Liz, the nurse will wrap you in some warm blankets while we administer to her. Do you have a name?"

Darcy and Elizabeth both nodded.


"Not yet, when the family is assembled we'll tell." Darcy declared.

Nick smiled and shook his head. "Ah, that reminds me. The nurse said everyone is waiting for news." He turned to administer to the infant.

Darcy bent down and kissed his wife, "I love you more than anything in this world."

She smiled knowingly. "I know, but even more than your daughter, papa?" she laughed.

"Hmm… that's a tough one." He winked at her. "Mama, how does that sound?"

"Honestly. Very strange." She laughed again.

Nick came back and placed the baby in Elizabeth's arms. This time she was wrapped in a pink blanket with a pink hat.

"She looks like you, Elizabeth," Darcy said, while putting his finger in the baby's hand.

"She looks like an alien, actually," Elizabeth mused.

"My daughter does not look like an alien," he said indignantly.

"You're right, she looks like your Aunt Catherine." She smiled.

Darcy laughed then informed her that people were waiting outside to meet the newest addition to their family.

"But I look terrible, can't they come back?"

Nick admonished her vanity considering that not many women look glamorous after childbirth.

"Well if you put it that way. Send them all in."

And send them in, he did -- Georgiana as well as Cal, Rachel, Caroline, James, Janice, Charles and Helena came into the room bearing gifts and food for Elizabeth.

Georgiana spoke up first, "So have you two picked out a name? You've kept it such a secret."

"I know, why don't we guess?" Helena offered.

Nick put his arms around her and kissed her. "But first, can we tell them our news?" Helena gave the thumbs up.

Darcy sitting behind Elizabeth nodded his head, as did everyone else.

"Helena and I are getting married. December 31, in New Orleans." Nick smiled.

A cacophony of congratulations greeted the two and the sound of a crying child reminded them exactly why they were there.

"So, Elizabeth, what's the precious angel's name?" Helena drawled.

Darcy cleared his throat and Elizabeth softly nudged him.

"Okay, now don't laugh. We thought long and hard and we wanted a British name and one that would be distinctive…" Darcy rambled.

"Oh Darcy, that is not true at all." Elizabeth interjected lightly. "We have given her the name of Brianna Spencer Darcy Fitzwilliam."

"How lovely," Georgiana cooed. "May I hold her?" Darcy smiled and brought the baby to his sister.

Darcy returned to his place beside Elizabeth, the woman who with much determination and love and a complete willingness to give him a second chance, made his life complete.


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