Noah Wood Outline For Photoreading & Accelerated Learning doc

Outline for Photoreading and Accelerated Learning
By Noah Wood

The purpose of this course is to improve the students ability to concentrate, remove any limiting beliefs about learning, and introduce techniques such as Photoreading to improve learning ability. This is a fast paced, high density course that covers a wide variety of methods and systems. Understanding and using these ideas will
significantly accelerate your learning ability. After successfullycompleting this course, you will be able to learn more quickly, easily, and wantonly than you ever have thought possible.

Sensory Experience
1. The 5 senses and their role in experience
2. The primary 3 senses used for learning actively
3. Everything is based on these facts

Learning states
1. Facts about human body and neurology
2. Facts about child development
3. People can only accept input from their main modalities (VAKOG)
4. Everyone has all the resources they need to learn quickly through their senses

Limitations of the conscious mind (scientific)
1. Conscious mind can hold 7 +/- 2 things at once
2. You can increase the amount of information by chunking
3. An example would be mnemonics. This is a traditional learning technique.

Trance states
Natural Trance States
1. Red Light
2. Movie Theater
3. Elevator

How to use trance to learn
1. Learn in your sleep
2. Induce light confusion
3. Go a little faster than you feel comfortable
4. Be willing to make an educated guess
5. Passive and active learning

Thought Exercise
One Trial Learning
1. It only takes one time to develop a phobia
2. The person always remembers to be afraid, so it is in long term memory
3. What if you take this skill and apply it to something useful, like something you will use for the rest of your life?

Learn to trust yourself
The power of the unconscious mind
1. Things your unconscious controls
2. Information your unconscious is constantly processing
3. You use 100% of your brain, not 10%, because the rest would atrophy if you did.

The Learning Strategy
Modality words
1. Visual: See, clear, fuzzy, etc.
2. Auditory: hear, muffled, loud, etc.
3. Kinesthetic: feel, handle, rough, smooth, etc.
Usefulness of your VAK strategy
1. People have only 3 to 10 VAK strategies for everything in their life.
2. Each new context will have a new VAK. You cannot assume that one strategy works in all situations.
3. Now that you know your own strategy for learning, we can use that as leverage to learn even faster.

Find your VAK learning strategy
1. When you learn something new, how do you go about it?
2. Elicit VAK
3. Feed back VAK to make sure you get it right
4. Give an example from someone in the audience
5. Do exercise.

The Learning Attitude
Metastate the learning state
1. Metastate learning with curiosity
2. Passion for learning and accelerator states.
3. Attach good feelings with learning and learning faster
4. Learning and discipline
5. Associate into learning state
6. Staying associated in a learning state
7. Anchor learning state using a switch

Blow out limiting beliefs about reading
1. Using the work done up until now, you can already see how fast you can take in and process information
2. This method is used in taking in large amounts of book information.

Put yourself into your learning state
1. State your purpose for reading the book. This is what you want to get out of it. It can also trigger the book learning state.
2. Work this into your VAK strategy
3. Create a simple chant, or mantra that can be repeated over and over again chanted at a rate of one beat per second.
4. Work this into your VAK strategy
5. Assuming you have a V in your VAK strategy, stop there and it is time to learn photo focus

Photo focus
1. Open the book to a page with a lot of words
2. Look at the center of the book
3. Look at the book as if you are seeing it from the top of your head.
This will increase your peripheral vision.
4. Make sure you can see the four corners of the book in your peripheral vision.
5. What will happen is the two pages will create one big "blip" page and the words from each page in the middle will overlap and intersect.
This is photo focus.

The Mantra
1. After the photo focus, begin your chant
2. Say the chant to yourself at 1 beat per minute initially.
3. While staying in photo focus, turn the page at 1 beat per minute, keeping in time with your chant.
4. You are now Photoreading.

End with Completion
1. When you complete the photoreading process, close the book with a sense of completion. Nothing is left to do except process what you have learned.
2. You might notice your brain working overtime at this point. It might be a good idea to process this information later while you are sleeping.
Accessing information after photoreading
1. The inventor of this method recommends an entire day before accessing information, but at the minimum, 20 minutes are necessary.
2. Much of the information comes out spontaneously when it is appropriate. You don't know how you know it.
3. Other information comes out in the form of where in the book you can find it. You know the exact page and paragraph to look for reference.
4. With practice, the accessing part gets easier and easier.
5. Direct accessing is possible through the use of image streaming.
6. Another way, for test purposes, is to set up ideomotor responses

Ideomotor responses
1. Set up a unique signal for yes and a unique signal for no.
2. Test the signals by asking yourself questions and looking for the answer.
3. Amplify the signals until they are noticeable.
4. Ask yourself information that was in the book you photoread and get the response you want. Sometimes a picture can come to mind.

Cautions on Photoreading
1. Photoreading a book bypasses your conscious mind and is processed directly by the unconscious mind.
2. Sometimes the information can be behavioralized
3. For example, if you photoread a horror novel you might begin getting thoughts about what happened in the novel. This is natural because the brain is processing what is going on.
4. A love novel might make someone more emotional for a little while.
5. So, I recommend that you photoread things that would be useful to have either in your behavior or facts at your fingertips
6. This does not always occur, but is a caution I lend to you in my

Modeling a Person
Books versus people
1. Books have the value of pure knowledge, and your interpretation of what is written is important.
2. Sometimes you find someone that has a skill or a lot of skills that you want to have, and it is not something that you can find out how to do in a book.
3. It has been found that everyone has within them all of the resources they need to get what they want. Related to this is that if someone can do something, you can learn to do it too.

When to model
1. If someone has a skill that you would like to obtain, then study his or her strategy and structure of the skill
2. If someone has many skills you would like to obtain, then do trance identification with them.

How to model
1. Observe everything about them when they perform their skill. Notice all of the modalities when you do this. Some people perform this part in a light trance to be sure to get everything.
2. Ask them what goes on in their mind when they do something. Step through from right before the beginning to the end. Then do it for you. Remember their body posture, tonality, and tempo.
3. For light trance identification, make a picture of the person doing what you want to do perfectly. Step into the picture. Now as that person, perform the skill. You can now take this skill with you.
4. A variation is like saying "What would that person do in this situation?"

Staying Mentally Healthy
1. What to listen, feel, look for in yourself when you go too far.
2. Set up signals for you to know when your body or mind needs food or rest. You can then compensate for this, and stay healthy.
3. Nutrition and thinking - garbage in, garbage out
4. Exercise and mental attitude - the mind body connection

The Next Level
1. Reflection and moving on to the next learning level
2. There are really no limits to your learning ability. With practice, you can go beyond what you ever thought possible. When you reach a mental goal, it may be good to reward yourself for the work you did to attain that level.
3. From there, decide what would be a good direction to go next.
4. Go there. The possibilities are endless.

Learn to trust yourself
The power of the unconscious mind
1. Things your unconscious controls
2. Information your unconscious is constantly processing
3. You use 100% of your brain, not 10%, because the rest would atrophy away if you did.


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