4 Dr Faustus questions 4 students

Who is Doctor Faustus?

  1. An entertainer? Actor, director, playwright - an alter ego to Marlowe?

  2. A mad scientist? Doctor Faustus and Doctor Frankenstein?

  3. A man who is obsessed or possessed? What is his obsession?

  4. Are we like Doctor Faustus? Is Doctor Faustus then a lesson on the nature of human soul?

  5. Do you think it is a play about evil and / or play about ends, limits and boundaries?

  1. Prologue - the opening words about Faustus: `swollen with cunning'. What do we learn about Faustus nature in the Prologue? How does the Prologue foreshadow the rise and fall of Faustus? (ll. 15-28)

  2. Scene 1 Why does Faustus suspend logic and science? What does he think about aims in life? (ll. 8-28; 106-110)

  3. Scene 1 How does he try to justify his behaviour, what is his opinion about human nature and human fate? (ll. 42-50)

  4. Scene 1 What does Faustus want the spirits to do for him? Does it resemble theatre in any way? (ll. 79-97)

  1. Scene 3 Do you think evil in literature and art is usually presented as more exciting? If yes, why? How appealing is it here (also as theatre, as visual effects)?

  2. Scene 3 What does Mephastophilis' say about the nature and location of hell? (ll. 43-44; 70-76 and also Scene 5, ll. 114-125)

  3. Scene 5 Signing the pact - how is it presented? What does Faustus think of this and how does he feel about it? (ll. 1-14; 61-75)

  4. Scene 5 What does Faustus want immediately after signing the covenant? What books does Mephastophilis fetch for him? (ll. 140, 164-174; 211-215))

  5. Scene 5 A play within a play? What is presented to him later? Does the form resemble anything known from earlier forms of theatre? (ll. 260-340)

  1. Scene 7 Does the play contain any humorous or entertaining elements? What do you think is their role? Does any of this refer to current politics? (Scene 7: Faustus' travels, his visit and behaviour at the pope's court)

  2. What do you think of Faustus' behaviour at the court of the Emperor in scene 9 and at the court of the Duke and Duchess in scene 11? What has become of him?

  3. Scene 13 Faustus' final speech - what is the role of time here? (ll. 57-68, 88-96) Does Faustus mention some elements previously appearing in the play? How effective / how horrifying is the ending in terms of the visual appeal of the play?

Who is Doctor Faustus?

  1. An entertainer? Actor, director, playwright - an alter ego to Marlowe?

  2. A mad scientist? Doctor Faustus and Doctor Frankenstein?

  3. A man who is obsessed or possessed? What is his obsession?

  4. Are we like Doctor Faustus? Is Doctor Faustus then a lesson on the nature of human soul?

  5. Do you think it is a play about evil and / or play about ends, limits and boundaries?

  1. Prologue - the opening words about Faustus: `swollen with cunning'. What do we learn about Faustus nature in the Prologue? How does the Prologue foreshadow the rise and fall of Faustus? (ll. 15-28)

  2. Scene 1 Why does Faustus suspend logic and science? What does he think about aims in life? (ll. 8-28; 106-110)

  3. Scene 1 How does he try to justify his behaviour, what is his opinion about human nature and human fate? (ll. 42-50)

  4. Scene 1 What does Faustus want the spirits to do for him? Does it resemble theatre in any way? (ll. 79-97)

  1. Scene 3 Do you think evil in literature and art is usually presented as more exciting? If yes, why? How appealing is it here (also as theatre, as visual effects)?

  2. Scene 3 What does Mephastophilis' say about the nature and location of hell? (ll. 43-44; 70-76 and also Scene 5, ll. 114-125)

  3. Scene 5 Signing the pact - how is it presented? What does Faustus think of this and how does he feel about it? (ll. 1-14; 61-75)

  4. Scene 5 What does Faustus want immediately after signing the covenant? What books does Mephastophilis fetch for him? (ll. 140, 164-174; 211-215))

  5. Scene 5 A play within a play? What is presented to him later? Does the form resemble anything known from earlier forms of theatre? (ll. 260-340)

  1. Scene 7 Does the play contain any humorous or entertaining elements? What do you think is their role? Does any of this refer to current politics? (Scene 7: Faustus' travels, his visit and behaviour at the pope's court)

  2. What do you think of Faustus' behaviour at the court of the Emperor in scene 9 and at the court of the Duke and Duchess in scene 11? What has become of him?

  3. Scene 13 Faustus' final speech - what is the role of time here? (ll. 57-68, 88-96) Does Faustus mention some elements previously appearing in the play? How effective / how horrifying is the ending in terms of the visual appeal of the play?


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