A Misunderstanding of Character

A Misunderstanding of Character

By Margaret S

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Posted on Thursday, 7 September 2006

Mary sighed as she surveyed the room. Sure she was happy for her sisters, Lizzie and Jane, but her mother was driving her crazy. Suddenly, there came that shrill voice Mary has been so used to for the past weeks.

“Oh, Mary! My nerves! Oh, how can anyone be happier? Not one, not two, but three of my daughters are married! And to the greatest of men, but of course Wickham shall always be my dear favorite. Oh look Mary, so many eligible bachelors here!”

Mary inwardly sighed as she tried to feign a smile. Expect Mother to make a thinly veined reference to my marital status, Mary thought.

“And oh! Look, there is Colonel Fitzwilliam talking over there with the delightful Miss Darcy. He might be a second son, but he is the second son of an earl!” Mrs. Bennet exclaimed.

Mary glanced over the direction of the colonel and inwardly smiled. Though people might think she only sermonizes all her life, but she is quite an observant person. She might try to hide behind her sermons, but when she sits alone in a room, like she is doing right now, she can see and hear almost everything. Suddenly, she was again interrupted from her thoughts when another shrill voice called out to her.

“Miss Bennet! How nice it is to see you.” Miss Bingley exclaimed, looking like an overriped orange, Mary thought

“It is very nice to see you as well, Miss Bingley” Mary politely answered.

“Why, Miss Bennet, you don't look so pale anymore and I believe that hair quite compliments your figure. Now, you can almost be called handsome! Oh and…..” Caroline Bingley suddenly trailed off, and her bulging eyes stared over Mary's shoulders.

“Are you all right, Miss Bingley?” Mary inquired.

Miss Bingley swiftly grabbed Mary's arm and literally dragged her into a corner. Mary was dumbfounded.

“What on earth are you doing, Miss Bingley?”

“Oh, Miss Bennet, look over there!” Caroline said and pointed her finger towards a figure that just walked in. Mary looked over, and saw an overly elegant looking man standing in the hallway. He looked like a person popped right out of a fashion plate, but looked less like a dandy with simple dress patterns. He looked very tall, and had a strong, if not annoyed looking face, with curls of raven black hair messily arranged on his head. However wild he might look, he still somehow looked elegant. And, Mary had to admit, he looked very handsome.

“That's Lord Edward Stepling, Duke of Eddington!” Caroline exclaimed.

Mary only raised a brow, wanting to end thatconversation immediately. There is nothing worse than having Caroline Bingley start talking of eligible bachelors who are practicallyin love with her. “Miss Bingley, a virtuous woman would not talk so excessively of a person of the opposite sex.” Mary said.

Caroline stared at Mary for a second, and with a humph, walked to her sister to tell of the horrid Miss Bennet. However, Mary did not care, for she was relieved that she would not have to hear that piercing voice of Miss Bingley's. Soon, she slipped back to her former vocation, eavesdropping the women standing behind her whispering amongst each other.

“I cannot believe the Duke is here, and looking like the Adonis he is.” Said a girl, followed by giggles from everyone in the group.

Mary sighed, it seems almost ever single woman in here is talking about the Duke. She couldn't understand why there is so much fuss over a mere man. Really, the only thing that can recommend him is a pretty face, a title, and a fortune, none of which could tell anything about the purity of his mind and soul. In the corner of her eye, Mary saw her mother walking towards her; probably bring up the subject of marriage again. So, Mary was obliged to get out of her seat and dragged herself towards her sister and new brother-in-law.

“Well, hello there Mary”, exclaimed the new Mrs. Darcy.

“Hello Lizzy, you look well tonight.” Mary replied, meaning every word she said.

Lizzy's brows went up as she stared at Mary's compliment, she turned to her husband well, that might have been the most complimentary thing Mary has every said to me. “Thank you Mary” replied Lizzy.

“Darcy!” called out a voice.

“Stepling, clad you could make it.” Replied Mr. Darcy to the Duke, who had just reached the newly-weds. “Let me introduce you. This is my wife, Mrs. Darcy and my sister-in-law, Miss Bennet. Lizzy, Mary, this is Lord Stepling.”

The usual greetings were said, and Lord Stepling asked Mary for a dance.

“Miss Bennet, I cannot help but notice that you are looking quite bored out of your mind.” Lord Stepling said as he started to dance with Mary.

“Why should I be bored, it is two of my sisters' weddings and I hope them all the happiness.”

“But Miss Bennet, you are not answering my question, now are you?”

“Sir, I may choose which questions I may answer.” Mary replied, and gave her partner a look that usually shut up her family members, however it did not work.

“Oh, so you are admitting that you are bored, Miss Bennet.” Replied Lord Stepling accompanied by one of his own impertinent looks.

“I am not admitting anything sir, and I certainly am not admitting that I am bored. I am merely….without much to do.”

“Well, is dancing something to do then?”

“It is not the best way to spend an evening, but it is satisfactory, thanks to you sir.”

“Now Miss Bennet, are you being sardonic?”

“It is hardly a question to ask any person, especially to your dancing partner, Lord Stepling. I would think you would be a gentleman during our dance.”

“Well, now are you saying I am not a gentleman?”

“Sir, I am not implying anything.” Mary replied, glaring at the Duke.

Finally, the dreadful dance ended and Mary was obliged to be guided towards a seat by Lord Stepling. However, he did not lead her to a seat, but rather led her outside to the terrace.

“Lord Stepling, please, escort me back to my seat.” Mary said, struggling a little and trying not to look impolite at the same time. However, the Duke just dragged her to the terrace, the second time that had happened that evening. When they finally same out, he let go of Mary's arm.

“Miss Bennet, I would just like to ask, what do you have against me? Our acquaintance has been slight and short, and yet you seem to despise me.” Lord Stepling said, frowning at Mary.

Mary stared at the Duke for a long time before she replied, “Sir, it is not as if you have not provoked such a dislike. You have been impolite from the first step of the dance to the last. Not only that, you stand for everything I do not believe in.”

“And what is that?”

“Sir, are you oblivious to the attention you get from all the females in this room?” Mary said, her voice rising a little with each word. “Yet, the other gentlemen are being neglected just because the do not have your face, your title, or your fortune. But many of them have something you don't, beauty within! You might have advantages on the outside, but you have not a bit of beauty within!”

Lord Stepling dazed at her for quiet sometime while Mary's vented her anger by gazing into the night. Finally, he asked in a much quieter voice, “How do you know my character based solely on your acquaintance with me?”

“Sir, I consider myself a fine observer and I know more than enough of you to know what kind of person you are!” Mary practically hurled the words at him, and holding her head high, walked back to the ballroom. The Duke stared after her figure thoughtfully as she mixed with all the guests.

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That night, Mary laid down at her bed and thought of the ball. It was a very surprising evening for her, especially her tęte-ŕ- tętewith Lord Stepling. However, she could not help but fell a little flattered at the attention she got from the most eligible bachelor in England. Stop it Mary, how can you be as silly as this? You sound exactly like LYDIA! But…. it is quite nice to dance with a duke- STOP IT! Mary Bennet, Edward Stepling is the incarnation of everything you do not believe in, you cannot possibly appreciate talking with him! With that in her mind, she fell asleep, while a carriage left Pemberley with the exact person of her thoughts in it, thinking of the thinker herself.

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Chapter 1

Posted on Tuesday, 12 September 2006

Pempberley, 2 years later

“Congratulations Mrs. Fitzwilliam.” Mary Bennet said to the new Georgiana Fitzwilliam.

“Thank you Miss Bennet, I am so happy to see you here today.” Georgiana Fitzwilliam (nee Darcy) said, with a sincere smile.

“Yes indeed, sister” Colonel Fitzwilliam said animatedly.

Mary returned the comment with a wry smile at the Colonel's attempt to make her feel like a family. So now everyone's trying to make me happy, why didn't they do it 2 years ago?

As she walked away from the newly-weds, Mary could not help but feel a little self-pity. She has seen, if not all of them, happily married and two of them younger than her! At the age of 21, Mary was stuck at a delicate position between spinsterhood and being a wallflower. Sure, she was not as pretty as Jane, not as witty as Lizzy, not as lively as Kitty, and definitely not as coquettish as Lydia, but Mary always thought that she could win a man with her beauty, within. Yet, no matter how hard she keeps telling herself that the right man would come, none came, if not counting the shop clerks.

However Mary is in a much different place than her sisters were when they were married. They had the opportunity to meet men, but Mary had none. For two years since the year Lizzy and Jane got married, Mary had been living in a school/monastery called Madame Goodling's School for Pious Women (as a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Darcy). Though Mary learned a lot in the school, she always thought the gift was a way to get rid of her annoying habits to preach a little too much. Just then, a voice called over at her.

Miss Bennet! How nice it is to see you again!” Mrs. Caroline Gorton (nee Bingley) smiled triumphantly when she walked over to Mary, with a hand on her large stomach. “Oh, how are you Miss Bennet? I haven't seen you in so long, and as you can see, I have changed a lot! I am pregnant!”

As if I can't see that already! Mary thought as she feigned a smile. “You must be happy, Mrs. Gorton. How is your husband?”

“Mr. Gorton is now in London, on business.” Caroline replied, fully wishing to imply how rich her husband is.

“Oh, Mrs. Gorton you must excuse me, I must go.” Mary said, feigning a sorry look and hurriedly walked out of the room. She walked around a corner and squarely bumped against a man.

Mary could only stare at the man in front of her, and could only look agape.

“Well hello there, still Miss Bennet, I assume?” the Duke of Eddington asked, with a little smile clearly emphasizing the “Miss” part.

“My Lord Duke, still a bachelor, I assume?” Mary asked, holding her head high (for she was a tall person).

“As a matter of fact, I am engaged.” The Duke said, fully knowing Mary would shoot the question back at him, and laughed inside at his own trap.

“Who is the lucky lady?” Mary said, still with holding her head high without a falter at the Duke's rebuke.

“Lady Harriet Evingston, daughter of the Earl of Gaston.” The Duke replied, slightly annoyed at Mary's nonchalant response to his trap.

“Ah, I had thought you woul— ”Suddenly Mary's words were interrupted by a loud squeal from down the hall. She swirled around and found her mother coming towards her with eyes that danced with the prospect of another engaged daughter.

“Oh Mary! So this is where you escape! How delightful!” Mrs. Bennet asked with her eyes strained on the Duke. “You must introduce us!”

With a sigh, Mary obliged, “Mother, this is the Duke of Eddington who is engaged to a Lady Evingston. Your Grace, this is my mother, Mrs. Bennet.”

`Oh, engaged. Congratulations Your Grace.” Mrs. Bennet answered in a disappointed tone. After the usual small talks, Mrs. Bennet hurriedly dragged her daughter away.

“Mother! That was very impolite.” Mary said, after shaking Mrs. Bennet's hand away from her sleeve.

“Well, if he was not engaged I would have certainly left. However Mary, even if he was not engaged, I leaving would not have made much difference anyways. You should be looking for husbands among the more fitting gentlemen. Come, let me introduce you to a delightful gentleman I have just met......”

However Mary was not going to let her mother to continue insulting her and said in a cold voice. “Mother, you have insulted me enough today. I cannot let you to continue insulting me with this sad attempt at matchmaking. Now if you will excuse me, I have more to do than stand in a room with people who fill their lives with vanities.” With that, she left and thumped her way up to her room.

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Lizzy saw her sister make her way upstairs and her mother looking very much shocked. Mother and Mary together cannot mean anything good! Sighing, Lizzy told her father about the situation and walked up to Mary's chamber and knocked.

“Who is it?”

“It's me, Lizzy.”

The door was opened slowly and a little hesitantly.

“I'm sorry Lizzy, I just can't stand mother when she keeps reminding me how ugly I am.” Mary said when the sisters sat together on Mary's bed.

“Mary, you are not ugly.” Lizzy soothed, taking Mary in her arms. “I think you have beauty within.”

For a few seconds Mary remained silent. But when Lizzy looked down at her face, she saw that Mary was crying.

“Oh I'm sorry Mary, I'm so sorry.”

“It's not your fault Lizzy. It's just that I thought I could finally be able to find a person who could appreciate my beauty within but…but I can't find that person!”

“Mary, I have to admit, you are difficult at times, b-but I'm sure there will be someone to appreciate how different you are from everyone else.”

Mary looked up at her sister and sniffed.

“Now come, lighten up! I believe I have a perfect solution for you.” Lizzy said with a bright smile.

“Are you going to send me back to Madame Goodling?” Mary asked hesitantly.

“Well, no. I would like you to go to London with me and Fitzwilliam this season.”

Mary stared at her, and asked “Really? You wouldn't mind me?”

“Of course not, I would be honored to have you come.”

“Oh I will do anything to get away from Mother. Thank you Lizzy.”

That night as Mary thought about Lizzy's proposal, she could not help but think over the trip again. Of course Mary was very vulnerable when Lizzy proposed the trip, and Mary agreed without much of a thought. However, now that Mary thought about it, the trip felt more and more wrong. But there will be so much to do at London, and no more of Mother bothering you anymore. Anyways you have never been to London, but what is there to see in London anyways? Ohhhh......

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London turned out to be exactly as Mary thought it would be: dirty, disgusting, crowded, and definitely overrated. However for a split second, that usually vanity-free Mary also caught a bit of the excitement of seeing so many fashionable people (but just for a split second, of course). Suddenly she too, felt a bit of the exhilaration that most debutantes feel on their first season. However Mary soon talked herself out of such a feeling and proceeded in criticizing London.

When Mary arrived at the Darcys' townhouse, she was introduced to the housekeeper and Marie, her maid

“But Lizzy, surely I do not need a maid! What will I need her for?” Mary asked imploringly.

“Kitty and Georgiana each had their own maid to help them with dressing and such, I thought you would need one too for your season.” Lizzy answered.


“Mary dear, I'm sure you will find something to do with Marie. She is a very good maid.” With that, Lizzy left Mary alone with Marie to show her room.

When Mary was brought to her room, she could not help but feel like she did not belong in such a room. She felt out of place with her old bag and her plain unfashionable dress in such a beautiful room. But it is not like you have never felt out of place before. Mary thought with a wry smile to herself.

That night Kitty and her husband, the Viscount Bundley, came to dine with the Darcys and Mary.

“Mary dear, I must take you shopping with me tomorrow. I was thinking of taking Anna, Henry's sister with me too, since she will be coming out this season.” Kitty said during dinner.

“You have a sister Lord Bundley?” Lizzy asked.

“Yes, younger. Her name is Annabelle, which in my opinion is too much of a romantic name for a girl. She has just been presented at court by my aunt, Lady Aderline.” Lord Bundley replied.

“Oh, then she must be introduced to Mary. They could take the ton by storm.” Darcy said in a sarcastic tone. Lizzy shoot him a stern but amused look, which Darcy certainly seemed to appreciate. However Mary was not amused at all.

“I shall certainly not participate in any sort of vulgar activities such as shopping for clothes, which is only meant to cover one's body, not to show it to the world. Secondly, my dear brother, I certainly will not even think of taking the ton by shower, let alone by storm.” Mary said, defiantly.

However, Lord Bundley burst out laughing so hard that it took him quite a while before he realized no one else was sharing his humor. Kitty frowned, Lizzy looked like she was restraining herself from laughing as well, Darcy smiled an uncomfortable smile, while Mary perfectly looked horrified.

Mary looked away and only remained on the most indifferent terms with her unfortunate brother-in-law for the rest of the evening. After dinner when the party had assembled themselves in the drawing room, Lizzy led Mary into a corner.

“Mary, why are you being so difficult? You know that Lord Bundley isn't acquainted with you yet, surely you do not expect him to know your…er…seriousness about certain things. Anyways, he is your brother, your sister's husband. Surely you can forgive him.” Lizzy said to Mary, almost lecturing.

“Well, the best I can do is to be polite to him. However Lizzy, do not expect me to treat him like he is my favorite brother-in-law.”

When Kitty and Lord Bundley left that night, every differences and misunderstandings were put aside and everyone had a wonderful time, even Mary.

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Chapter 2

Posted on Tuesday, 19 September 2006

The next day at Linton Square, after Mary and Lizzy had their breakfast, the footman announced Lady Bundley and the Honorable Annabelle Belleford. In came Kitty first, looking like an honorable matron, and then came an angel. She was dressed in the height of fashion, and walked like she was floating on air. Her eyes, pure blue, looked too large for her head. Her mouth curled up in such a way that any gentleman would have fallen in love immediately and had such charming look to her that any gentleman would have proposed right then and there. At least that was what Mary thought as she looked at Miss Annabelle Belleford (sounding like a name coming right out of one of Lord Byron's poems).

However the spell was broken when the beautiful Miss Belleford started speaking (at least that was what Mary thought).

“Oh, I'm so excited about shopping today! And perhaps we may go to Hyde Park afterwards, Kitty. You know it will be the most popular hours and there will be so much handsome gentlemen there! Just think Kitty, the sun will be complimenting our looks extremely and we will greet gentlemen of our acquaintances…Oh I am absolutely thrilled to see that today is not cloudy or raining!” Miss Belleford said, practically in one breath, while at the same time darting her lovely eyes all around the room.

“Anna dear, let me introduce you to my sisters, Mrs. Darcy and Miss Bennet. Lizzy, Mary, this is my sister-in-law Annabelle.” Kitty said.

“How do you do Miss Belleford. I hope you are enjoying your stay in London.” Lizzy said kindly.

“Oh London is the most….. oh what's the right word….. thrilling place in the whole WORLD! There are so many fashionable people and I saw the Queen, the Prince Regent, and two princesses! And….”

Fortunately, Kitty stopped her by saying quietly that perhaps it would be better if Anna sat down first before they set out. Obediently, Miss Annabelle sat down and preoccupied herself with her ribbons.

“So, Mary where would you like to go today?” Kitty asked nicely.

“Actually Kitty, I believe it would be best if you just dropped me off at Hutchinton's bookstore. You know how much I detest going shopping, and I know how much you detest going to bookstores.” Mary replied, after a ship of tea.

“But Mary! What are you going to be doing in London then?” Kitty asked, distraughtly.

“Why, London houses some of the best sources for books in the world. Surely no one can get bored when there are books at present.”

Kitty groaned aloud at her sister's behavior, however she did not complain for she knew even if she succeeded in dragging Mary to a shop, Mary would probably start lecturing on how low some dresses are. Soon, Kitty dropped Mary off at Hutchinton's while she and Annabelle drove off to Madame Finé's. However, Kitty lost track of the time, and the time she and Annabelle spent in shopping soon exceeded the 1 hour and a half that she promised to Mary.

Meanwhile, Mary was crossly standing in front of Hutchington's, waiting with an arm full of books. Finally, after waiting for 30 more minutes, she said to Marie, who was laden with books as well.

“Marie, I told you with a face like Miss Belleford's and a silly head like Kitty's, time would be forgotten quite easily. Come, it is not far from Linton Square, we'll walk back.”

Marie, the poor girl, grudgingly followed her mistress. However, after walking for quite some time, her mistress stopped.

“Marie, why do you think we haven't reached Linton Square yet? We have been walking for some time now, but nothing.” After a pause, Mary asked, “Do you know where we are?”

“Ah, you are on Brooks Street, ma'am.” A silky voice said.

Mary turned around to face a man fancily dressed and with an easy air around him.

“Brooks Street? Why that is at the other side of town!” Mary said a little alarmingly.

“If you would like, I can let you ride with me in my phaeton.” The man said, pointing to a smart looking phaeton and four stylish horses.

“Would you mind? I have quite a lot of things with me.”

“Would I mind? Why would I mind riding next to an enchanting girl?” The man asked, with a big smile on his face.

Mary couldn't do anything but blush furiously at the stranger's comments.

“Oh, where are my manners. I'm Sir Anthony Burton, at your service.” Sir Anthony gallantly bowed to Mary. “And what may be your name, my lovely nymph?”

Mary, a little dazed, replied. “Mary Bennet, sir.”

“Well Miss Bennet, allow me to escort you to my phaeton then.” Sir Anthony said, giving Mary his arm.

During the ride, Sir Anthony engaged Mary in a very amiable conversation about books, and seems to drop smooth compliments every second or so. Surprisingly Mary was not disgusted by such an act of gallantry and even smiled one of her rare smiles when Sir Anthony said something very pleasant about her eyes. She was so delighted by Sir Anthony that she even felt sorry that he had to leave.

“Miss Bennet,” Sir Anthony said as he led Mary down the phaeton, “it is such with much grief that I say good-bye to you. This ride has been too short, but I hope you shall give me something to look forward to tomorrow by letting me take you for a ride to Hyde Park.”

How can anyone say no that that? “Of course, Sir Anthony. I would be delighted.”

With another bow and a smile, Sir Anthony left.

When Mary entered the Darcy's townhouse, she found Kitty and Miss Belleford in the drawing room along with Lizzie.

“Mary! There you are! You have no idea how much vexation you have caused us! Why, where were you?” Kitty franticly asked, looking a little bit like Mother.

“Well Kitty, I waited for half an hour for you in front of Hutchington's. Finally, I decided to walk to back because there seemed no prospect of you coming for me. I was then fortunate enough as to meet Sir Anthony Burton, who gave me a ride back.”

“Sir Anthony?” Lizzie asked tentatively.

“Yes, and I found him the most amiable companion.”

Lizzie stood up and brought Mary to a corner where they wouldn't be heard.

“What is the matter, Lizzy?”

“Mary, do you know who Sir Anthony is?”

“He is a gentleman.”

“Gentleman? Sir Anthony Burton is far from being a gentleman Mary. He has a very bad reputation in London. Everyone knows he is a dueling rake and a dandy!”

“Are you saying that I should stop any associations with Sir Anthony?”

After a slight hesitation, Lizzy said, “Yes.”

“Then you probably wouldn't approve of me going to a ride with him tomorrow?” Mary asked defiantly.

“I would not.”

“Who are you to tell me who I talk to Lizzy? Mother wasn't able to do so, and you are far from being Father to me! Whoever I talk to is none of your business Lizzy!” Mary said it in a harsh whisper and with another glare at Lizzy, she stomped out of the door.

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© 2006 Copyright held by the author.


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