Characteristics of young Ls

Characteristics of young Ls


-mechanic memory: remember anything catches attention(movement, pictures, understandable btr rem)

-req ind attention

-need to have fun: learn sru play

-very short attention&concentration span: cannot deliberately concentrate, only attractive

-no read nor write in MT

-require “silent period” (receptive learning): listen to lg, internalize and formulate personal grammar, more lg btr

-less inhibited, without negative attitudes

-learning by doing: diff 4 them to sit, use all their senses

-selfish uncooperative

-cannot distinguish facts from fiction

-cannot organise their learning: don't know how

-know, world governed by rules help build feeling of security

-take things literally

-curious, receptive, keen 2 learn

-use vivid imagination: get involved in stories, fairy tales, think it is real

-very egocentric: diff 2 share

-T is authority: like 2B accepted by T

-play on their own even when in group: 3y observe eo, 5y start play in small groups

-open exprs feelings&emotions: very changeable fl, react often violent, sudden laugh, cry

-can speak: ask a lot, always say the truth

-very limited notion of time, space, distance


-mechanic memory: dev deliberate memory, easy learn by heart

-can think in concrete terms

-need 2've fun

-bit longer attention and concentration span 20-25min

-dev literacy skills in MT

-may require 'silent period'

-dev inhibitions and negative attitudes

-learning by doing: get tired easily

-dev coop skills

-start distinguish facts from fiction

-problems with how to learn

-world gov by rules

-start 2 und syntax

-willing 2 learn

-use vivid imagination

-become critical of T

-like 2 play in group

-don't show emotions so spontaneously


-logical memory: can learn deliberately

-can think in abstract terms

-need 2 have fun

-longer attention&concentration span

-can R&W in MT and L2

-may need shorter silent period

-inhibited, having negative attitudes

-capable of logical reasoning

-able to work with others, strong sense of independence

-distinguish facts from fiction

-master self-study

-not so rule-dependent

-resistant to school duties

-become more realistic

-T has 2B competent not caring

-strongly affected by group: even more than by parents

LISTENING in the classroom

-Ls is skill that Ss acquire first: their ears are the main source of foreign lg

-Once sth has been said, it disappears: T have to say clearly and repeat

-Lrs can't re-listen: short concentration span, don't overload them

-some ls activities will produce movement and sound other'll calm them down

-CH concentrate&understand better when motivated and engaged in purposeful actvt

-Silent period: Ss listen 2 lg internalize it and formulate personal grammar, adapt and expand when exposed on more lg

-Y Lrs understand more than can say: can respond before can speak

-Classroom lg-EN or PL?: En should increase as time goes on

Dev strategies 4 Ls

Intelligent guesswork: background knwldg F1 work out meaning of new wrds or use info given in pict or charts

Ls strategies:

-Predicting-Ss predict what may come next and listen to check if were right

-Deduce opinion or attitude from awareness of stress, intonation or body lg

-Work out the meaning from the context

-Recognising discourse patterns and markers-1st, 2nd,next,secondly,so-give signals what is coming next in spoken txt

Purposes of Ls tasks

-2 improve general listening attitude>>4 enjoyement, 2 improve concentration, attention, span, dev memory (simon says)

-2 reinforce conceptual development>>>2 dev concepts such as colours, size, shape (stories)

-2 develop aspects lg>>2 improve prnnctn of sounds, stress, rhythm, intonation, 2 become familiar with new wrds, structural patterns (rhymes, stories)

-2 interact with others>>2 encourage CH 2 comm with others (games, surveys)

-2 provide support 4 literacy>>2 make connections btw spoken and written En by picking out wrds or sentences from spoken txt

Ls actvts
1. Ls & do: Instructions, Moving about (TPR), Put up your hand, Mime stories, Drawing, Joining dots.

2. Ls 4 detail, spec info: Identifying exer, Ls 4 mistake, Putting in order, Questionnaires, Filling gaps.

3.Ls & repeat: Rhymes, Songs, Exer (ChiWi)

4.Ls 2 stories: (create good atmosphere) Telling, Creating, Reading.

5.Independent Ls: encourage Ss to listen and read on their own, do not force

Reading-second main source of lg

What CH know about Rd?

1.Awareness and knowledge about print: print represent speech, challenge to find out how it represent sounds

2.Graphophonic knowledge: how certain sounds occur 2g4, refers 2 awareness of syllables clusters of consonants and vowels. Rhymes, Songs, Rhyming stories to develop this kind of awareness.

3.Lexical knowledge: Knowledge that certain wrds common collocate or go 2g4. Rding hihg frequency wrds dev this.

4.Syntactic knwldg:F1 CH to chunk phrases and predict what may come in sentence or story.

5.Semantic knwldg: knwldg of world experience of life and culture which helps people to have expectation of literacy events.

If CH develop these abilities they will realise they apply to new lg too, but in diff ways.

Approaches to teaching reading

1. Phonics: teaching letters of alph how they are really pronounced. Usefull 4 Ss not familiar with roman alph, not having 1-2-1 relationship btw L&S. Decontextualised

2. Look&Say: T show flash with word, say it and points the object, CH repeat. Decontextualised.

3. Whole sentence reading: teach recognition of whole sentences (meaning in themselves). They often create a story CH read when familiar all.

4.Language experience approach LEA: mk print meaningful by encouraging personal events 2B part of simple text. Pupil centred, contextualised.

Diff in Rd btw age groups:


-take longer to learn reading in L2

-oft not familiar with books

-reeding like actvt first

-picture book invaluable

-may not understand 'word'

-structure, grammar, paragraphing-mean nothing

-use only visual clue in decoding Rding


-majority able 2 read in L1

-little diff in transferring Rding skills 2 En

-less time teaching mechanics of Rding

-more focus on content

Rding techniques

1.Rd aloud: is separate different skill, not often used outside classroom

Disadvantages: stressful, unnatural, focus on lg not meaning, encourages making mistakes, listener often switch off, takes a lot of time

Advantages: easy way of correcting and practice prnnctn, good for auditory Ls 2 study, efficient way of checking homework

2.Silent Rding: remains people 4 rest of their lives.

Diff Rding materials: reading cards, home-made books, native speaker books, easy readers, picture dict, books with tapes.

Tips 4 Ts:

1. Start from easy wrds, L1 strategy of Rd

2.F1 CH mk sound-print connections, no L1 strat, print rich environment

3.Shared reading: one copy, poster, ohp


Motivation: Y Ls have strong motiv 2 learn. Ss think speaking is easy, they want immediate result. Have to give chance to speak even some En on the beginning.

Initial Stages: important that Ch leaves with some En on take away on beginning.

-vocab for basis concepts: colours, numbers, shapes(basis 4 actvt)

-simple greetings and introduction: hello, good morning, what's your name

-vocab the already know: 2 build up CH confidence by realising how much they know

-rhymes, songs: give impression of fast speaking learning

Formulaic lg - memorized routines and patterns which enable to comm with minimum linguistic competence

-simple greetings

-social En

-routines- date, weather

-classroom lg

-asking permission- can i go?

-comm strategies- i don't understand

Speaking practice

1.Controlled practice: drills, one answer, no choice

-hand in hand with presentation, important to use new lg

-very little chance that Ss make mistake

-provide basis for oral work, do not always produce real lg

2.Guided practice: choice very limited

-gives pupils some choice but is very limited

-usually done in pairs or groups

3.Free practice: children say what they want to say

-Ss focus on message content not on lg

-genuine comm, let know that we can comm in L2

-shows if pupils can or cannot use lg


-T control minimal, T organizer

-oft informal atmosphere, all Ss win

-oft game or element of activity

Total physical response method TPR

- was developed by James Asher prof psych. Coordination of speech and action. Based on how CH acquire MT: Listening, Commands, Physical response, Stress free atmosphere

Is an example of comprehension approach.

-compr abilities precede productive skills in learning lg.

-teaching speaking delayed until compr skills established

-skills acquired through listening transfer to other skills

-teaching should emphasize meaning rather than form

-reaching should minimize learner stress

The principles of TPR

1. Goals of T - Ss must enjoy learning foreign lg, tpr should reduce stress 2. Role of T and Ss - T director of Ss behavious, Ss imitators of T non verbal model, Role reversal when Ss ready to speak, Ss directing T and other Ss.3.Characteristics of teaching/learning process - modelling(T show action to Ss and perform with them), Ss demonstrate that they can understand commands by performing alone. T change some commands for Ss to dev flexibility in unders unfamiliar utterances. Later Ss learn how to read &write used commands. When they ready they are one who issue commands.4.Nature of S-T & S-S interaction - T inter with whole group or ind (T speak S respond nv), Ss ready to issue commands speak to T and other Ss 5. Dealing with Ss feelings - TPR-reduce stress. Allows Ss to speak when ready. When speaking perfection is not expected, can make mistakes, T make learning as enjoyable as possible by humrous commands 6.How is lg viewed: Just as with acquisition of the notice lg, the oral modality is primary 7.What skills & areas of lg are emphasized: Grammar, Vocab = areas. Listening, Speaking = skills 8.Role of Ss native lg: The method often introduced in Ss native lg. MT rarely used becouse meaning is made clear by movements, T knows if Ss unders by observing their actions. 9.How is evaluation accomplished: Formal evaluation can be conducted by giving commands to ind Ss. 10.T respond to Ss err: T tollerant to err, correct only major, as more advanced corr minor errs.

Teaching vocab 2 Y Lrnrs

Introducing new vocab

-nw should be presented in context familiar to CH

-use visual support - important to convey meaning, help memorize

-get them to use senses: hear, smell, see, touch, taste

= do not int more than 10w: depends on, linguistic and conceptual lvl of Ss, similarity to MT, how rich and memorable the context is, how easy it is to illustrate nw

-present nw in groups: better remember when have sth in common. Lexical sets(colours, food), Rhyming sets(pat,bat,rat), Colour sets(frog,peas,apple,grass), Grammatical sets(adj, verbs, nouns)

Techniques used to introduce nw: flashcards/posters, realia/objects, songs&rhymes, body lg/facial expressions/miming, translation, pictures/drawings/illustrations, opposites, noises, pictogram, elicitation, guessing the context.

Procedure of introducing nw: 1.Illustrate w, 2.If CH know ask him, 3.If corr use as model/say yourelf, 4.Ask class to repeat, 5.Say again if needed, 6.Ask ind to repeat, 7.Ask class again

Consolidating vocab: Picture dict, Word families, Vocab cards, Collages, Mindmaps

Vocab testing: Recall test(Ss recall En equivalent), Recognition Test(match wrds with pctrs)


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