TheBritishEmpire John Cudak knowledgequiz

The British Empire

Ex.1. Match these sovereign states to their flags:

A. 0x01 graphic

B. 0x01 graphic

C. 0x01 graphic

D. 0x01 graphic

E. 0x01 graphic

F. 0x01 graphic

G. 0x01 graphic

H. 0x01 graphic


New Zealand



the British Indian Ocean Territory

the Cook Islands

the United Kingdom


The British Empire

Ex.2. Answer the questions below.

  1. What is a didgeridoo?

    1. a coral reef in Australia

    2. a mountain in Australia

    3. a national dish in Australia

    4. an instrument of the native Australians

  1. Which side of the road do they drive on in Australia?

    1. left

    2. right

  1. What is the currency in Australia today?

    1. Australian Dollar

    2. Australian Lira

    3. Australian Pound

    4. Australian Yen

  1. What is another name for Australia?

    1. Down Under

    2. Kiwi

    3. Tasmania

    4. Uluru

  1. What is the capital of New Zealand?

    1. Auckland

    2. Melbourne

    3. Sydney

    4. Wellington

  1. How many stars are there on the flag of New Zealand?

    1. 4

    2. 5

    3. 6

    4. 7

  1. The kiwi is a bird that lives in New Zealand. What can't a kiwi do?

    1. A kiwi can't fly.

    2. A kiwi can't hear.

    3. A kiwi can't run.

    4. A kiwi can't sing.

  1. What is Aotearoa?

    1. a native word for New Zealand

    2. a group of islands in the South Pacific

    3. a name for a plant in New Zealand

    4. a name for an animal in New Zealand

  1. What nationality was the first European that landed in Australia in 1606?

    1. Dutch

    2. English

    3. French

    4. Spanish

  1. How many people live in Australia?

    1. 10 million

    2. 20 million

    3. 30 million

    4. 40 million

  1. What is another popular name for the Australians?

    1. Aussie

    2. Billabong

    3. Croc

    4. Oz

  1. What is the capital of Australia?

    1. Canberra

    2. Melbourne

    3. Sydney

    4. Wellington

  1. Is there an uninhabited territory in Australia?

    1. no

    2. yes

  1. Where do most people live in Australia?

    1. in the North and Norteast

    2. in the South and Southeast

    3. in the West and Southwest

    4. in the middle

  1. How many states are there in Australia?

    1. 4

    2. 5

    3. 6

    4. 7

  1. What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland?

    1. Belfast

    2. Cardiff

    3. Dublin

    4. London

  1. Which of the following cities does not lie in the Province of Ontario (Canada)?

    1. Edmonton

    2. London

    3. Ottawa

    4. Toronto

  1. Where is Loch Ness?

    1. England

    2. Ireland

    3. Scotland

    4. Wales

  1. Which animals are not to be found in New Zealand?

    1. geckos

    2. magpies

    3. snakes

    4. wild boars

  1. Maoris are the native people of:

    1. New Zealand

    2. South Africa

    3. India

    4. Australia

  1. The name Jamaica means the island of:

    1. water

    2. coconuts

    3. springs

    4. palm trees

  1. The animal associated with Canada is:

    1. a kangaroo

    2. a beaver

    3. an eagle

    4. a rat

  1. There is a _________on the National Flag of Canada.

    1. clover

    2. bay leaf

    3. maple leaf

    4. sugar leaf

  1. The name “Canada” comes from a native language and means:

    1. a kayak

    2. a village

    3. a sandwich

    4. a tree

  1. The first Prime Minister of Canada was:

    1. Pierre Trudeau

    2. Mike J. Fox

    3. John A. Macdonald

    4. Abraham Lincoln


Answer Key

Flags: A - New Zealand, B - Anguilla, C - Australia, D - United Kingdom, E - British Indian Ocean Territory, F - Cook Islands, G - Bermuda, H - Canada

  1. d

  2. a

  3. a

  4. a

  5. d

  6. a

  7. a

  8. a

  9. a

  10. b

  11. a

  12. a

  13. b

  14. b

  15. c

  16. c

  17. a

  18. c

  19. c

  20. a

  21. c

  22. b

  23. c

  24. b

  25. c


John Cudak ©


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