19 OnScreen B1plus Exit Test

Vocabulary & Grammar

A Choose the correct answer.

1 It is extremely .......... not to say `please' and `thank you'.

A grumpy C rude

B bossy D arrogant

2 Mary is a .......... person; she gets upset very easily.

A sensitive C sociable

B sensible D shy

3 It was difficult to see the road through the thick .......... .

A heat B leak C flow D fog

4 If you are interested in the job, fill out a(n) .......... form.

A qualification C position

B application D communication

5 The .......... received fantastic reviews for their performance.

A audience C character

B cast D hero

6 A lot of products have unnecessary .......... that leads to waste.

A packaging C packet

B equipment D pattern

7 You should always .......... your food well before swallowing it.

A digest C chew

B absorb D consume

8 Sadie's holiday was ruined when she got food .......... from eating at a restaurant.

A allergy C infection

B poisoning D disease

9 I really enjoy visiting ancient .......... when I go abroad.

A ruins C attractions

B pavilions D museums

10 Jackie is very ..........; she's always there when you need her.

A reliable C truthful

B responsible D honest

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B Choose the correct answer.

1 Angus ………. his grandparents in the country at the moment.

A visits C is visiting

B has visited D has been visiting

2 We visited a gallery ………. had an amazing display of ancient sculptures.

A whose B which C where D when

3 George ………. in films for over 20 years before he retired.

A had been acting C acted

B had acted D was acting

4 There were ………. people on the bus that I had to stand.

A such a C such

B so much D so many

5 You should take your umbrella with you because it looks like it ………. .

A is going to rain C will rain

B is raining D will be raining

6 Simon booked his tickets early ………. get a cheaper price.

A in case C so that

B for D in order to

7 ………. amazing deal this holiday is!

A So C What

B What an D How

8 I would prefer ………. dinner out tonight.

A to eat C to be eating

B eating D eat

9 Jim turned on his mobile phone ………. the aeroplane landed.

A immediately C as soon as

B just D by the time

10 I ………. my maths exam when the fire alarm went off.

A had been sitting C was sitting

B sat D had sat

11 This dress isn't ………. the first one I saw.

A as expensive as C the most expensive

B more expensive D expensive than

12 The recycling bin ………. every Monday morning starting from next week.

A has been collected C will be collected

B is collected D is being collected

13 There are ………. biscuits in the cupboard.

A some B any C the D a

14 Look at this portrait of John! He ………. last week.

A was painted C had painted it

B had it painted D would have painted it

15 Billy is taking part in a walk to raise money for ………. homeless.

A the B C an D a

16 If I had some eggs, I ………. a cake.

A bake C can bake

B could bake D should have baked

17 There weren't ………. people at the fun run because of the rain.

A many B much C some D few

18 If only I ………. more money, I could have gone on holiday with you.

A would save C saved

B had saved D could save

19 ……. Kate or Crystal can help you with the decorations.

A Both B Neither C Either D None

20 They ………. on the news that people would be evacuated from their houses because of the flood.

A said C informed

B told D advised

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C Read the text and the questions below. For each question, choose the correct answer
A, B, C or D.

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I used to feel perfectly at ease on the slopes. As an experienced skier, I had trust in my instincts and my equipment, and generally always felt in control. That all changed a few years ago, though. Now, my skis rest in my attic collecting dust, and they will remain there for the rest of my life - all because of one fateful day that nearly cost me my life.

The day started out like any other in the ski resorts where I used to train. There was a sunny sky and a cold mountain air swirling around me. I had been skiing with my friends for a few hours when I told them I was going back to the cabin for a break. Then, on my way back, I came across a very steep slope just outside the resort. I couldn't resist the challenge! Alone and at the top of what looked like the most difficult ski slope I had ever seen, I was very excited. A quarter of the way down, however, my excitement turned to panic as I felt a low but steady rumble beneath me. The snow at my feet began to tremble and although I had never been the victim of an avalanche before, I could still recognise the signs.

The next thing I knew, I was screaming with pain on a helicopter flying towards a hospital. The snow had broken my leg and had knocked me unconscious and, miraculously, five hours later, I had been rescued. I was later told that the rescue team wasn't even looking for survivors - even my friends thought I had just returned to the cabin and were calling my mobile phone to tell me about what happened. The team just happened to see my skis lying on top of the snow.

I still think about the foolish decision I made that day that almost cost me my life. First, I didn't tell my friends where I was going when I wandered off and, second, I took on a slope that was far too dangerous. My need for excitement, that rush that only extreme sports can give, had got the better of me. Now, my children are advanced skiers and I'm quite sure they would never make the same mistake I did. As for me, I surprisingly don't miss skiing that much.

I'm content to sip hot chocolate in a ski cabin rather than go out on the slopes.

1 The writer's intention in the text is to

A encourage skiers to be more cautious.

B describe a personal experience.

C explain how avalanches occur.

D give survival advice to skiers.

2 How did the rescue team find the writer?

A They searched for a signal from his mobile phone.

B They spotted some of his equipment.

C His friends told them where he was.

D They heard him screaming.

3 What does the writer say about the incident?

A The weather conditions were dangerous.

B It couldn't have been avoided.

C He wishes he could forget it.

D His carelessness caused it.

4 Nowadays, the writer feels

A happy never to ski again.

B proud to have survived the incident.

C disappointed to give up something he loved.

D worried that the same thing will happen to his children.

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D Read the text again and mark the following statements as T (true) or F (false).

1 The writer hadn't planned to ski on
his own. ……...

2 The writer felt nervous when he first
saw the steep slope. ……...

3 The writer escaped from the avalanche
without any injuries. ……...

4 The writer discourages his children
from skiing. ……...

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E Answer the following questions based on the text.

1 Why did the writer leave his friends?

2 How did the writer know that an avalanche was about to happen?

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F Choose the correct response.

1 A: Thanks for helping me study!

B: a It was my pleasure!

b When would you like my help?

2 A: What was the cause of the crash?

B: a I think it was the weather conditions.

b What a catastrophe!

3 A: Are you ready for your interview?

B: a Yes, but I'm a little nervous also.

b It's tomorrow morning.

4 A: Have you thought of seeing a therapist?

B: a It just keeps getting worse.

b I used to but it didn't help much.

5 A: What time does your flight leave?

B: a I can't wait to be relaxing on holiday.

b We depart Tuesday at 10 o'clock.

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F You will hear an interview about healthy eating. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

1 What does Amy say about crisps?

A People don't realise they are not good for them.

B The manufacturers add both salt and sugar to them.

C They contain the same amount of salt as bread.

D They are not as unhealthy as people think.

2 Amy mentions that in the foods we buy from shops

A the amount of sugar is usually listed first.

B salt appears under a different name.

C the list of ingredients is in a random order.

D there can be different kinds of sugar.

3 Amy suggests that people should

A not eat packaged food.

B limit their time in the supermarket.

C cook their own meals.

D do what is easiest for them.

4 According to Amy, a possible substitute for a mid-day treat is

A some vegetable sticks.

B a bowl of yoghurt.

C a healthy salad.

D a plate of pasta.

5 Amy recommends that listeners

A exercise as they prepare their food.

B choose things that are easy to cook.

C taste their food as they cook it.

D make a list before they go to the shops.

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H Write an answer to ONE of the questions in this part.

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You have seen an advert on a website for a summer job as an assistant at a day camp for teenagers. Write an email (120-180 words) applying for the position.

These days, more and more people are choosing to live in big cities instead of the countryside. Write an essay (120-180 words) discussing the pros and cons of living in a city.

Marks: ____




NAME: DATE: .....................................

CLASS: MARK: ------ /100

(Time: 60 minutes)


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