20 OnScreen B1plus Audioscripts

Test 1

In other news, investigators are still examining the wreckage from Saturday's plane crash of an A319 airbus into a farmer's field shortly after take-off from Northglenn Airport. Fifteen minutes into the flight, the pilot reported engine trouble to air traffic control and within minutes the plane crash landed. Crash experts confirm a fire broke out in one of the engines of the plane causing the engine to explode resulting in the crash. Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire. Eyewitness reports say the plane struggled to gain any altitude after take-off and therefore didn't crash from a great height. Emergency services arrived at the scene within minutes after the crash. They managed to put out the fire in the engines and evacuated the plane quickly. Remarkably, of the 150 people on board only two crew members were injured. Both are recovering well in hospital. Investigators expect to finish their examination of the crash site by Friday.

Test 2

Hi Mary, it's Daniel. I'm really sorry to do this to you but I have to attend an emergency meeting this afternoon so I won't be able to finish the preparations for the employee training day tomorrow. I've already arranged the catering and sorted out the employee packs, but could you check them and lay them out in the conference room ready for the morning? Also, could you transfer the projector from the third floor into the hall? The one that was in the hall broke down a couple of weeks ago and it hasn't come back from the technicians yet. Finally, can you call the people on the list that I left on the desk in the conference room to confirm that they will be coming, so we can get a final number? The new employees will arrive at 8:30 in the morning so everything needs to be done before then. They will move to the conference room at 11 o'clock. My meeting should be finished by 4 pm, so I can come back and help you then. Should you need any help before I'm done, I'm sure Jack can give you a hand. His extension number is 6959. Thanks a lot, I owe you one for this.

Test 3

Speaker 1

When I got to the edge of the bridge, I started to shake. People down below me had started a countdown, but when they reached `one' I couldn't move! I ended up climbing all the way back down the ladder and I was immediately teased by my friends. To this day, it's one of the most regretful moments of my life. I wish I had been brave enough to jump!

Speaker 2

I was learning how to surf while in Australia last year, and despite my fear of deep water I was doing a pretty good job. Then, out of nowhere, one of the biggest waves I had ever seen came creeping up behind me! It washed over me in seconds and I had no idea which direction to swim in order to resurface! Within seconds a lifeguard was by my side, but needless to say I haven't swum in deep waters since!

Speaker 3

For as long as I can remember, I was afraid of snakes. It didn't matter how big or how small; if I saw one, I would scream in a panic. Last month, though, things changed. I went on a field trip to a zoo and the guide encouraged me to hold a harmless garden snake. I tried to resist but he kept insisting and wouldn't take no for an answer. At first I was terrified, but the longer I held it the more comfortable I began to feel.

Speaker 4

I had been seeing a specialist about my social anxiety for years. One of his methods was to encourage me to visit various social settings so that I would expose myself to my fear. He insisted this method would show results, but the truth is it felt too forced. My anxiety didn't worsen, but it didn't get any better either.

Speaker 5

I used to suffer from extreme cases of unexplainable fear. However, I didn't go to a doctor or therapist to treat it. Instead, I did a little research online and found that when many people find themselves in a sudden state of panic for no logical reason, they use mental meditation. Now, if I'm ever feeling anxious or scared, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and imagine I'm on a calm beach somewhere. It immediately relaxes me.

Test 4

Stacey: Hey Ben, what are you doing now?

Ben: I'm just about to go out for a burger and chips. Would you like to come?

Stacey: I've been put off junk food since I saw a film about it last week. I didn't realise how bad it was for your body. Some people eat it all of the time, but it must surely do some damage!

Ben: I don't eat it all of the time. Besides, I do plenty of exercise to stay fit and healthy. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables the rest of the time, so I don't see any harm in having fast food every so often.

Stacey: Yes, you're right, Ben. I guess it isn't that bad to eat it once in a while. But wouldn't it be cheaper to just go home and cook something?

Ben: Of course, but I don't feel like cooking this evening, especially after the stressful day I had at the office. And, anyway, it takes so much time and effort to cook something healthy, and then you have to wash the dishes. Fast food saves time and effort; it's much easier than going home to cook.

Stacey: That's true. However, the food you cook at home would be much more nutritious than a burger and chips. Fast food is often bad quality and is filled with artificial additives and flavours, not to mention all the salt that they put on it. You can choose what to put in your meals at home. Don't you think home-cooked food is tastier anyway?

Ben: No way, I love the new Big Cheese 'n' Bacon burger. It's delicious! You should definitely try it. It has a barbeque sauce inside that I know you'll like; why don't you come with me and get one? Don't you deserve a treat?

Stacey: OK, you've convinced me. I'll treat myself to a burger, but promise me that tomorrow we will go to the gym. I always feel guilty after eating junk food.

Ben: OK, we can do that, I promise!

Exit Test

Host: Welcome back, listeners. I'm joined in the studio, now by Amy Harding, who is a nutritionist with 20 years' experience. Amy is here to talk to us about healthy eating. Amy, thanks for coming in today.

Amy: It's a pleasure, Tim.

Host: Amy, these days, most people are aware of the foods they need to avoid in order to stay healthy. I mean we all know, or at least we should, that fat, salt and sugar are not good for us. So why do you think so many of us are making the wrong choices when it comes to food?

Amy: Well, actually it can be quite difficult to keep track of your salt and sugar intake because they are added to so many of the foods that people buy.

Host: Really? Like what?

Amy: Ready-made salads, for example, often contain high levels of salt. It's also added to shop bought breads, soups, sauces and some cereals. Everyone knows that crisps are unhealthy because they contain a lot of fat and salt but they also have a fair amount of sugar, too.

Host: So, what would you recommend we do about it?

Amy: Well, always read the label. The ingredients are listed in order of amount, so if salt or sugar are high on the list, then you know there is a lot in the product. Also, with sugar, it comes in different forms such as fructose, sucrose and glucose, some of which are more harmful than others. For instance, fructose, which comes from fruit, isn't as bad for you as sucrose.

Host: This sounds very confusing. It can be difficult to know what you are eating.

Amy: It can be, but my main piece of advice when it comes to food is that it's best to make it yourself. That way, you can control exactly what goes into your body instead of processed food from the supermarket. Plus it makes it a lot easier to get your daily recommendation of fruit and vegetables.

Host: Yes, there's been a lot of talk about getting our five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

Amy: Actually, that's the old advice. Recent research has shown that we should in fact be consuming between seven and ten portions a day.

Host: Seven to ten! How can you fit that much in your diet?

Amy: If you prepare your food yourself, it's not as difficult as it sounds. Slice up a banana or sprinkle a handful of raisins in your yoghurt or cereal in the morning, or add mushrooms and tomatoes to scrambled eggs and wash it down with a glass of fruit juice. Snack on carrot or cucumber sticks during the day and make your own salad or sandwich with lettuce, cucumber and tomato for lunch. In the evening, you can make your own pasta sauce and add vegetables or make stir-fried vegetables.

Host: You make it sound easy but in practice, for most of us, it takes time.

Amy: The secret is to write down what you need before you do your shopping and not just reach for the easy option. Plus, you should remember that meals you make yourself taste better, and you use up calories as you cook. It's a win-win situation.

Host: Well, you've certainly given me food for thought.




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