1 Q12OG relnotes

Release Note

General information

Issue ID Number


Product Name

Canon iR C5-H1 v1.0 EFIGS

Issue Date

November 3, 2006

Files included in this release

File name

File size


1,003,694 bytes


45,056 bytes

Issue(s) addressed with this release

Some pages print blank when printing booklet jobs with mixed media settings.

Steps to reproduce

On and client PC, open a multi-page PDF.(The customer provided this test file)

Print the file with the following settings:

-Long edge binding

-Saddle stitch

-Front Cover : Bypass tray

-Back Cover : Bypass tray

-Booklet : On

(The customer provided a template for the print properties)

Result: Some of the pages within the booklet job are blank.



Installation instructions

  1. Download/Import the patch file “1-Q12OG.ps” with Command Workstation to the “Direct” queue.

  2. You must wait at least 60 seconds after the patch file downloaded/imported before rebooting the system. This will ensure the patch file is completely processed.

  3. Please select “Shut Down” and then “Reboot System” on the Fiery LCD.

  4. Please wait until the Fiery has come to idle and print out the configuration page.

Verify the Update Info section. It should contain the patch number 1-Q12OG.

Known Issues

Release Note Template Version 2.1


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