www.prsa.org Public Relations Society of America
www.prwatch.org Center for Media and Democracy's PR Watch
www.niri.org National Investor Relations Institute. Has comprehensive links page to IR resources.
www.iabc.com International Association of Business Communicators
www.tech.prsa.org High-tech group of PRSA
www.ama.org American Marketing Association
www.facsnet.org Resources for journalists
www.roundtable.org Communications Roundtable
www.reporters.net/ Network of resources for reporters
www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/csom/ccc/index.html Center for Corporate Citizenship
www.siu.edu/~prssa/ Public Relations Student Society of America
www.pac.org Public Affairs Council
www.corpwatch.org Corpwatch. Environmental monitoring.
http://siggraph.org Computer Graphics Group
www.naa.org/ Newspaper Association of America
www.people-press.org/ The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
www.issuemanagement.org Issues Management Council
www.marketing.org Business Marketing Association
www.womcom.org Association for Women in Communications
www.wepr.org Women Executives in Public Relations
www.nagc.com National Association of Government Communicators
www.instituteforpr.com The institute for PR
www.ire.org Investigative reporters and editors
www.freedomforum.org Freedom Forum and Newseum
www.sabew.org Society of American Business Editors and Writers
www.onlinenewsassociation.org/ Online News Association. For members of the working online press.
www.netpress.org/ Internet Press Guild. For working online journalists.
www.poynter.org Online help for journalists
www.inlandpress.org/ Inland Press Association
www.snpa.org/ Southern Newspaper Publishers Association
www.newslab.org Non-profit TV news laboratory
www.inma.org/ International Newspaper Marketing Association
www.nynpa.com/ New York Newspaper Publishers Association
www.naa.org/ Newspaper Association of America
www.interactivehq.org/ Association for Interactive Media
www.awpagesociety.com/ Arthur W. Page Society
www.prfirms.org/ Council of Public Relations firms
www.fcpra.org/ Fairfield County (CT) PR Association
www.fpratreasurecoast.com/ Florida Public Relations Association
www.facsnet.org/# Journalism Education and issues
www.newsplex.org/home.shtml Center for converged journalism
www.prcaonline.com/ Public Relations Council of Alabama
www.nspra.org/entry.htm National School Public Relations Association
http://foi.missouri.edu/ Freedom of Information Center
www.lacp.com/ League of American Communications Professionals
www.publicity.org/ Publicity Club of Chicago
www.odwyerpr.com Listings of PR firms
http://aboutpublicrelations.net/index.htm All about Public Relations
www.prplace.com PRplace.com: A well-organized and well-presented compendium of PR Resources
http://advertising.about.com/mlibrary.htm Advertising
www.nsmi.com/links.html WWW Marketing Resource Guide.
misc.business.marketing.moderated Moderated marketing discussion newsgroup.
www.ideereich.de/ PR and Corporate Communications in Germany. (In German). Dieter Herbst
www.goodwillcommunications.com Advice on not-for-profit media
www.clickz.com Web marketing column
www.wilsonweb.com/webmarket Wilson Internet Services. Web Marketing Info Center.
www.marketitright.com/ Market it Right.com
http://advertising.utexas.edu/world/ Advertising World. Link site.
www.o-a.com/online-ads.html Online advertising discussion list.
www.internet-advertising-ia.com/ Discussions on Internet advertising
www.admedia.org Links to net marketing resources
http://lamar.colostate.edu/~hallahan/j13pr.htm Public Relations links
http://members.aol.com/szgoldst/index.html Two views of the impact of technology on PR
www.doubleclick.net/ A media marketing firm that provides an in-depth learning center at this site for online advertising and marketing.
www.digitalwork.com A self-help site for PR, advertising, direct mail and more
www.allprislocal.com/index.html Local PR guide (subscription)
www.lawmarketing.com/ The Law Marketing Portal
http://silveranvil.org PRSA's online repository of public relations case histories.
www.mind-advertising.com A directory of advertisers, advertising agencies, global brands, marketing and media news in 60 countries.
www.marcommwise.com Marcommwise: A source for marketing communication knowledge.
www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/1020 PR Mania. A Swedish site that tracks advertising and PR agencies in Sweden and beyond.
www.marketing-webguide.de A marketing and PR resources site for Germany. In German, French and English.
www.suite101.com/links.cfm/public_relations A good PR links collection from Bonnie Shulman
www.iconocast.com Marketing facts and figures for the Internet marketing industry
http://netb2b.com Strategies and techniques for web marketers
www.adforum.com An international portal to the communications world
www.agencyfinder.com Advertising agency data
www.agencycompile.com Advertising agency data
www.knowthis.com/ Resources for Marketing, Advertising and Promotion
www.prfirms.org Council of Public Relations Firms. Listing of firms
www.prsa-counselors.org Agency members who are counselors of PRSA
www.weinkrantz.com/aw&ctools.html Alan Weinkrantz and Company. PR Tools and Resources.
www.prandmarketing.com PR and Marketing Network. A resource for news and strategies.
www.internetmarketinginfo.com Marketing tips for Web masters
www.writerfind.com/ A listing of PR professionals and writers in New Zealand
www.theprnetwork.com A resource site for communications professionals
www.bookmarket.com/ Book Marketing tips
www.emergingtechpr.com PR information for emerging technology companies
www.paintedcows.com/ An advertising and marketing resource
www.makemoneynow.com/ Marketing Resource site
www.revenews.com/ Guide to online revenue sharing programs
www.kresch.com/ Site promotion tools
http://aboutpublicrelations.net All About Public Relations
http://lamar.colostate.edu/~pr/ PR-education.org. Web portal to PR education
www.marketingprofs.com/ MarketingProfs.com. marketing know-how.
www.mrfire.com/profitcenter.html Promotional/Direct mail copywriting.
www.prmuseum.com/ PR Museum. Spector & Associates
http://www.yudkin.com/pubfaq.htm FAQ on publicity
http://users.pandora.be/stijn.vermeulen/home.html E-marketing links
www.adcracker.com/index.htm I-tool for creating marketing concepts
http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/eaa/ Emergence of Advertising in America. Images with database info
http://101publicrelations.com/index.html How-to articles on PR-related topics
www.yudkin.com/sampleplan.htm Sample marketing plan
www.aboutpr.com/ A small business PR resource center
www.marketingnorthamerica.com/ Comprehensive marketing services directory
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/prbytes/ PR discussion group
www.adflip.com/ An archive of classic print ads
www.complaints.com Complaints against consumer companies
www.internetprguide.com/ Internet PR Guide
http://www.hoover-ink.com/ Resource links page.
www.netpreneur.org/ Online marketing and PR advice
www.buildingbrands.com Brands and Brand Management
www.alphanetmarketing.com/Web-marketing-1.htm List of Web marketing resources
www.marketingterms.com/ Marketing Terms
www.marketingfix.com/ Marketing site
http://viral.lycos.co.uk/ Tracks viral marketing campaigns in the U.K.
www.aber.ac.uk/media/Functions/medmenu.html The Media and Communications study site
www.mediahistory.umn.edu/index2.html Media History Project
www.cyberjournalist.net/greatwork/ Examples of good cyber journalism
www.tekrati.com/ Comprehensive guide to IT analyst relations
http://theory.org.uk/main.htm Media theory
http://advertising.harpweek.com/Default.htm Examples of 19th Century advertising
http://www3.usal.es/%7Enonverbal/introduction.htm Web site for nonverbal communication
http://library.trinitydc.edu/communications.htm Communications links list
www.costik.com/pub101.html Publicity 101
www.actonvision.com/ Act on Vision
http://prfinder.newsnext.com/ Directory of PR services in the UK
www.taresearch.com/research.htm A list of marketing and research resources
www.ir101.com/ Resources on investor relations
www.communicationresearch.org/ Communication research
www.ecomplaints.com Complaints against consumer companies
www.nonprofitbasics.org/ Guide to good practices in nonprofits
www.emarketer.com emarketer. Studies on internet marketing
www.prpoint.com/articles.html PR resource material (India)
www.publicityhound.com/ Publicity tips
www.oatis.com/ Web sites for journalists
http://internetpr.pl/ Online PR discussion group (Poland)
www.octaviorojas.tk/ PR advice in Spanish
www.poynterextra.org/extra/Timeline/index.htm New Media timeline