English Skills with Readings 5e Chapter 33

33 Capital Letters

Introductory Project

Items 1-13:  You probably know a good deal about the uses of capital letters. Answering the questions below will help you check your knowledge.

 1. Write the full name of a person you know: _____________________

 2. In what city and state were you born? _____________________

 3. What is your present street address? _____________________

 4. Name a country where you would like to travel: __________________

 5. Name a school that you attended: ____________________

 6. Give the name of a store where you buy food: ____________________

 7. Name a company where someone you know works: _______________

 8. What day of the week gives you the best chance to relax? __________

 9. What holiday is your favorite? ____________________

10. What brand of toothpaste do you use? ____________________

11. Write the brand name of a candy or gum you like: _________________

12. Name a song or a television show you enjoy: ___________________

13. Write the title of a magazine you read: ___________________

Items 14-16:  Three capital letters are needed in the lines below. Underline the words that you think should be capitalized. Then write them, capitalized, in the spaces provided.

the masked man reared his silvery-white horse, waved good-bye, and rode out of town. My heart thrilled when i heard someone say, “that was the Lone Ranger. You don't see his kind much, anymore.”

14. _________________ 15. _________________ 16. _________________ 

Answers are on page 728.

Main Uses of Capital Letters

Capital letters are used with:

1 The first word in a sentence or direct quotation

2 Names of persons and the word I

3 Names of particular places

4 Names of days of the week, months, and holidays

5 Names of commercial products

6 Names of organizations such as religious and political groups, associations, companies, unions, and clubs

7 Titles of books, magazines, newspapers, articles, stories, poems, films, television shows, songs, papers that you write, and the like

Each use is illustrated on the pages that follow.

First Word in a Sentence or Direct Quotation

The panhandler touched me and asked, “Do you have any change?”

(Capitalize the first word in the (Capitalize the first word in the sentence.) direct quotation.)

“If you want a ride,” said Tawana, “get ready now. Otherwise, I'm going alone.”

(If and Otherwise are capitalized because they are the first words of sentences within a direct quotation. But get is not capitalized because it is part of the first sentence within the quotation.)

Names of Persons and the Word I

Last night I ran into Tony Curry and Lola Morrison.

Names of Particular Places

Charlotte graduated from Fargone High School in Orlando, Florida. She then moved with her parents to Bakersfield, California, and worked for a time there at Alexander's Gift House. Eventually she married and moved with her husband to the Naval Reserve Center in Atlantic County, New Jersey. She takes courses two nights a week at Stockton State College. On weekends she and her family often visit the nearby Wharton State Park and go canoeing on the Mullica River. She does volunteer work at Atlantic City Hospital in connection with the First Christian Church. In addition, she works during the summer as a hostess at Convention Hall and the Holiday Inn.

But:  Use small letters if the specific name of a place is not given.

Charlotte sometimes remembers her unhappy days in high school and at the gift shop where she worked after graduation. She did not imagine then that she would one day be going to college and doing volunteer work for a church and a hospital in the community where she and her husband live.

Names of Days of the Week, Months, and Holidays

I was angry at myself for forgetting that Sunday was Mother's Day.

During July and August, Fred works a four-day week, and he has Mondays off.

Bill still has a scar on his ankle from a cherry bomb that exploded near him on a Fourth of July and a scar on his arm where he stabbed himself with a fishhook on a Labor Day weekend.

But:  Use small letters for the seasons—summer, fall, winter, spring.

Names of Commercial Products

Clyde uses Scope mouthwash, Certs mints, and Dentyne gum to drive away the taste of the Marlboro cigarettes and White Owl cigars that he always smokes.

My sister likes to play Monopoly and Sorry; I like chess and poker; my brother likes Scrabble, baseball, and table tennis.

But:  Use small letters for the type of product (mouthwash, mints, gum, cigarettes, and so on).

Names of Organizations Such as Religious and Political Groups, Associations, Companies, Unions, and Clubs

Fred Grencher was a Lutheran for many years but converted to Catholicism when he married. Both he and his wife, Martha, are members of the Democratic Party. Both belong to the American Automobile Association. Martha works part time as a refrigerator salesperson at Sears. Fred is a mail carrier and belongs to the Postal Clerks' Union.

Tony met Lola when he was a Boy Scout and she was a Campfire Girl; she asked him to light her fire.

Titles of Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Articles, Stories, Poems, Films, Television Shows, Songs, Papers That You Write, and the Like

On Sunday Lola read the first chapter of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, a book required for her writing course. She looked through her parents' copy of the New York Times. She then read an article titled “Thinking about a Change in Your Career” and a poem titled “Some Moments Alone” in Cosmopolitan magazine. At the same time she played an old Beatles album, Abbey Road. In the evening she watched 60 Minutes on television and a movie, Sudden Impact, starring Clint Eastwood. Then from 11 P.M. to midnight she worked on a paper titled “Uses of Leisure Time in Today's Culture” for her sociology class.


Cross out the words that need capitals in the following sentences. Then write the capitalized forms of the words in the spaces provided. The number of spaces tells you how many corrections to make in each case.

Example I brush with crest toothpaste but get cavities all the time. __________

 1. A spokesperson for general motors announced that the prices of all chevrolets will rise next year.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

 2. In may 2000 mario's family moved here from brownsville, Texas.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

 3. The mild-mannered reporter named clark kent said to the Wolfman, “you'd better think twice before you mess with me, Buddy.”

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

 4. While watching television, Spencer drank four pepsis, ate an entire package of ritz crackers, and finished a bag of oreo cookies.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

 5. A greyhound bus almost ran over Tony as he was riding his yamaha to a friend's home in florida.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

 6. Before I lent my polaroid camera to Janet, I warned her, “be sure to return it by friday.”

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

 7. Before christmas George took his entire paycheck, went to sears, and bought a twenty-inch zenith color television.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

 8. On their first trip to New York City, Fred and Martha visited the empire State Building and Times square. They also saw the New York mets play at Shea Stadium.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

 9. Clyde was listening to Tina Turner's recording of “Proud mary,” Charlotte was reading an article in Reader's digest titled “let's Stop Peddling Sex,” and their son was watching sesame Street.

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

10. When a sign for a howard johnson's rest stop appeared on the turnpike, anita said, “let's stop here and stretch our legs for a bit.”

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

Other Uses of Capital Letters

Capital letters are also used with:

1 Names that show family relationships

2 Titles of persons when used with their names

3 Specific school courses

4 Languages

5 Geographic locations

6 Historical periods and events

7 Races, nations, and nationalities

8 Opening and closing of a letter

Each use is illustrated on the pages that follow.

Names That Show Family Relationships

I got Mother to baby-sit for me.

I went with Grandfather to the church service.

Uncle Carl and Aunt Lucy always enclose twenty dollars with birthday cards.

But:  Do not capitalize words like mother, father, grandmother, aunt, and so on, when they are preceded by a possessive word (my, your, his, her, our, their).

I got my mother to baby-sit for me.

I went with my grandfather to the church service.

My uncle and aunt always enclose twenty dollars with birthday cards.

Titles of Persons When Used with Their Names

I wrote to Senator Grabble and Congresswoman Punchie.

Professor Snorrel sent me to Chairperson Ruck, who sent me to Dean Rappers.

He drove to Dr. Helen Thompson's office after the cat bit him.

But:  Use small letters when titles appear by themselves, without specific names.

I wrote to my senator and my congresswoman.

The professor sent me to the chairperson, who sent me to the dean.

He drove to the doctor's office after the cat bit him.

Specific School Courses

I got an A in both Accounting I and Small Business Management, but I got a C in Human Behavior.

But:  Use small letters for general subject areas.

I enjoyed my business courses but not my psychology or language courses.


She knows German and Spanish, but she speaks mostly American slang.

Geographic Locations

I grew up in the Midwest. I worked in the East for a number of years and then moved to the West Coast.

But:  Use small letters for directions.

A new high school is being built at the south end of town.

Because I have a compass in my car, I know that I won't be going east or west when I want to go north.

Historical Periods and Events

Hector did well answering an essay question about the Second World War, but he lost points on a question about the Great Depression.

Races, Nations, and Nationalities

The research study centered on African Americans and Hispanics.

They have German knives and Danish glassware in the kitchen, an Indian wood carving in the bedroom, Mexican sculptures in the study, and an Oriental rug in the living room.

Opening and Closing of a Letter

Dear Sir:

Dear Madam:

Sincerely yours,

Truly yours,

Note:  Capitalize only the first word in a closing.


Cross out the words that need capitals in the following sentences. Then write the capitalized forms of the words in the spaces provided. The number of spaces tells you how many corrections to make in each case.

 1. Although my grandfather spoke german and polish, my mother never learned either language.

________________ ________________

 2. The chain letter began, “dear friend—You must mail twenty copies of this letter if you want good luck.”

________________ ________________

 3. Tomorrow in our history class, dr. connalley will start lecturing on the civil war.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

 4. aunt Sarah and uncle Hal, who are mormons, took us to their church services when we visited them in the midwest.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

 5. While visiting san francisco, Liza stopped in at a buddhist temple and talked to a chinese nun there.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Unnecessary Use of Capitals

Many errors in capitalization are caused by using capitals where they are not needed.


Cross out the incorrectly capitalized words in the following sentences. Then write the correct forms of the words in the spaces provided. The number of spaces tells you how many corrections to make in each sentence.

 1. The old man told the Cabdriver, “I want to go out to the Airport, and don't try to cheat me.”

________________ ________________

 2. When I see Nike Ads that say, “Just do it,” I always think, “Why should a Sneaker tell Me what to do?”

________________ ________________ ________________

 3. A front-page Newspaper story about the crash of a commercial Jet has made me nervous about my Overseas trip.

________________ ________________ ________________

 4. During a Terrible Blizzard in 1888, People froze to Death on the streets of New York.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

 5. I asked the Bank Officer at Citibank, “How do I get an identification Card to use the automatic teller machines?”

________________ ________________ ________________

Review Test 1

Cross out the words that need capitals in the following sentences. Then write the capitalized forms of the words in the spaces provided. The number of spaces tells you how many corrections to make in each sentence.

 1. wanda and i agreed to meet on saturday before the football game.

________________ ________________ ________________

 2. Between Long island and the atlantic Ocean lies a long, thin sandbar called fire island.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

 3. When I'm in the supermarket checkout line, it seems as if every magazine on display has an article called “how You Can Lose Twenty pounds in two weeks.”

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

 4. At the bookstore, each student received a free sample pack of bayer aspirin, arrid deodorant, and pert shampoo.

________________ ________________ ________________

 5. “can't you be quiet?” I pleaded. “do you always have to talk while I'm watching general hospital on television?”

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

 6. On father's day, the children drove home and took their parents out to dinner at the ramada inn.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

 7. I will work at the holly Day School on mondays and fridays for the rest of september.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

 8. glendale bank, where my sister Amber works, is paying for her night course, business accounting I.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

 9. I subscribe to one newspaper, the daily planet, and two magazines, people and glamour.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

10. On thanksgiving my brother said, “let's hurry and eat so i can go watch the football game on our new sony TV.”

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Review Test 2

On separate paper,

 1. Write seven sentences demonstrating the seven main uses of capital letters.

 2. Write eight sentences demonstrating the eight additional uses of capital letters.


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