Is money important for the military.Should military personall earn more then sivilian.
There is no doubt that money rules the World. The old proverb says `Money does not bring happiness but how can we live without money ?'. I think that money is very important for all people. Military personnel's families have to be considered as civilian families, because we have the same problems for example; how to buy food, how to buy clothes or how to get accommodation. A lot of us have to participate in NATO exercise. We have to meet friends of ours from NATO. We are expected to invite our visitors to our home or what is more, to a restaurant. We have to wear not only a uniform but smart clothes appropriate to the occasion as well. We are expected to represent our country, our culture and our honour. How can we do that with money we earn?. I think that in Poland people who serve that country like policemen, firemen and soldiers earn not enough for life expecialy military officers who do not only have to care about their families but they are representatives of our country and armed forces.