Sample Role-play
You are a tourist in Britain.
The examiner is a police officer.
Somebody has stolen your suitcase. You are reporting a theft at the police station.
Somebody stole a suitcase when you were on the bus. You must give the officer: your name/ your address and phone number of your hostel / your address in Poland.
You must tell the police officer what happened: describe the suitcase / say what was inside
You speak first.
Begin: “ Good afternoon. I want to report the theft”
You are the only witness of a car accident and now a police officer wants you to report on it.
While talking to him include information about: your personal details / make of your car and direction you were going / place and time of accident / how it happened / what you did after to help casualties.
The examiner speak first.
“ Good morning Sir!. I would like to ask you a few questions”
Have you ever been robbed / mugged / a witness of a crime?
What shouldn't people do (3 things) while driving a car?
What are the dangers of living in a big city? - advantages & disadvantages?
What people do to look after their cars?
What are the most frequent crimes committed nowadays and what can be done to improve the situation?
Where would you rather live - in a city or in a country? Why?
What means of transport is the most / the least comfortable? Why?
How do you estimate the work of Polish police?
If you were mugged what police actions would you expect to be done?