Sample Role-play
You are at the doctor's surgery.
The examiner is a doctor.
You have problems with sleeping.
Ask for advice: often tired / don't sleep too much; lots of work ( can't reduce work); describe job / no energy for exercise; medicine?; should do what?; recommend?; What type?;
can't swim
The examiner begins:
“ Hello, how can I help you?”
1.What do you do to relax after work?
2.When and why did you last go to see a doctor?
3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing regular exercises?
4.What do you think about Polish people's lifestyles?
The examiner is a doctor.
You are the patient.
Food home-made (say what)
Antibiotic / start two days ago
New antibiotic OK - how often / how long?
Ask for sick leave
Start by saying:
“Hello a doctor I feel a terrible?”
1.What do you do to keep in good condition?
2.When were you last ill? What did you do to feel better?
3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking sick leave?
4.What do you think about the Polish Health Service ?
What do you do to relax after work?
Generally I don't relax too often but if I had some time for me I would take up martial arts. Well I have trained regularly bodybuilding for two months with my personal trainer and when I have only some free time usually I go to the swimming pool with my girlfriend or my friends. That's all.
When and why did you last go to see a doctor?
I don't remember exactly when I last time to see a doctor. I'm thinking that was on December in 2006 when I came back home from Afghanistan and I had a broken leg. Exactly it's happened 29 December 2006 at about 9 o'clock p.m. on path near my home.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing regular exercises?
In my judgment the main advantages of regular doing exercises are:
firstly - protection from heart attack and other diseases;
secondly - our body becomes resistant to various illnesses, in effect we feel healthier and stronger;
what's more - we lack of sleeping problem;
however no matter what age you are:
we can catch a cold, and we are more prone to injuries;
next, we can break or twist the leg;
all in all doing regular exercises brings more benefits to our health than not doing them.
What do you think about Polish people's lifestyles?
I have only one judgment on this subject. Our lifestyles is horrible. Generally we as a nation eat too much junk food as the effect we have indigestion, this is firstly, secondly we work too much and too long as the effect we suffer from unsleeping, very often we have headache or other pains. Generally we feel lousy.
What do you do to keep in good condition?
Seriously, nothing special...
When were you last ill? What did you do to feel better?
I don't remember exactly when I was last ill, but last time I went to a doctor when I broke my right leg. It was in 2006. After surgery I must very regularly swim in the swimming pool and ride many kilometres on my bicycle.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking sick leave?
I don't have any idea but I think that too often taking sick leave influence well on health, I think, but there are disadvantages too...
What do you think about Polish Health Service?
The Polish Health Service is a very special kind of work, because every day not limit time, throughout...
to have a headache - mieć ból głowy
to have a stomach ache - mieć ból żołądka
to have a bad cough - mieć ciężki kaszel
to have a migraine - mieć migrenę
to have a broken leg - mieć złamaną nogę
to have a twisted ankle - mieć skręconą kostkę
to have a sprained ankle - mieć zwichniętą kostkę
to have a toothache - mieć ból zęba
to have a sore throat - mieć ból gardła
to have a pain in back - mieć ból w plecach
to have a cough - mieć kaszel
to have a flu - mieć grypę
to have a fever - mieć dreszcze
to have a temperature - mieć temperaturę
to have chest pains - mieć bóle w piersiach
to have an earache - mieć ból ucha
to have a pain in a side - mieć ból w boku
to have a rash on the chest - mieć wysypkę na klatce
to have spots - mieć krosty
to have a bruise - mieć siniaka
to have a black eye - mieć podbite oko
to have a lump - mieć guza
to have an indigestion - mieć nietrawność
to have painful joints - mieć ból stawów
to have blisters - mieć pęcherzyki bąble
to have a sunburn - mieć oparzenie słoneczne
to have a heart attack - mieć atak serca
to have a sunstroke - mieć porażenie słoneczne
to be hard of hearing - być słabego słuchu
to be deaf - być głuchym
to be blind - być ślepym
to be stung - być użądlonym
to be seasick - mieć chorobę morską
to be depressed - być zdesperowanym
to be constipated - być cierpiącym na zaparcie
to be tired all the time - być zmęczonym cały czas
to be allergic to… - być alergikiem na...
to be blind - być niewidomym
to be handicapped - być niepełnosprawnym (np. bez nogi)
to be overweight - być ciężkim
lose energy - tracić energię
lose appetite - tracić apetyt
lose voice - tracić głos
lose eagerness to any activities - tracić chęć do bycia aktywnym
lose weight - gubić wagę
suffer from chickenpox - cierpieć na ospę wietrzną
suffer from mumps - cierpieć z powodu świnki
suffer from pneumonia - cierpieć na zapalenie płuc
suffer from rheumatism - cierpieć na reumatyzm
suffer from an ulcer - cierpieć z powodu wrzodu
suffer from a virus - cierpieć z powodu wirusa
suffer from a bug - cierpieć z powodu wirusa
suffer from breakdown - cierpieć z powodu załamania
suffer from measles - cierpieć na odrę
suffer from german measles - cierpieć na różyczkę
suffer from ear inflammation - cierpieć na zapalenie ucha
suffer from cancer - cierpieć na raka
suffer from brain haemorrhage - cierpieć z powodu wylewu krwi do mózgu
suffer from migraine - cierpieć z powodu migreny
suffer from hangover - cierpieć z powodu kaca
feel sick - mieć nudności
feel dizzy - mieć zawroyu głowy
feel breathless - mieć duszność
feel shivery - czuć jak przechodzą dreszcze
feel faint - czuć się jakby miało się za moment zemndleć
feel bad - czuć się źle
feel lousy - czuć się kiepsko, wszawo
to fall ill - zapaść w chorobę
to faint - mdleć
to catch a cold - złapać przeziębienie
to sunburn - poparzyć się na słońcu
to extract the tooth - usuwać ząb
to drill the tooth - borować ząb
to prescribe - przepisywać (np.receptę)
to bleed - krawawić
to hurt - ranić
to injure - ranić, kaleczyć
to get food poisoning - zatrucie pokarmowe
to get a hangover - kac
a rush - wysypka
an anaemia - anemia
a heart attack - atak serca
a bronchitis - zapalenie oskrzeli
an indigestion - niestrawność
an influenza = a flu - grypa
a cold - przeziębienie
a mumps - świnka
a measles - odra
an appendicitis - zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego
sinusitis - zapalenie zatok
a fever - gorączka dreszcze
a hay fever - katar sienny
a cancer - rak, nowotwór
a fracture - złamanie, pęknięcie
a malaria - malaria
a diarrhoea - biegunka
an infectious disease - choroba zakaźna
a non-infectious disease - choroba niezakaźna
an eating disorder - zaburzenie pokarmowe
an allergy to…. - alergia na...
an infection - infekcja, zakarzenie
symptoms - objawy
a temperature - temperatura
a runny nose - katar
an examination - badanie, inspekcja
a prescription - recepta
a bandage - bandaż
eye drops - krople do oczu
a wheelchair - wózek inwalidzki
a syringe - strzykawka
an abdomen - brzuch
a face - twarz
an ankle - kostka (u nogi)
a finger - palec
a wrist -nadgarstek
skin - skóra
an arm - ramię
a shoulder - ramię (bark)
a breast - pierś
back - plecy
a cheek - policzek
an ear - ucho
lungs - płuca
a brain - mózg
a stomach - żołądek
a kidney - nerka
a liver - wątroba
muscles - mięśnie
an injury - rana, ubytek
a cut - rana cięta
a hurt - rana
a wound - rana postrzałowa
mineral supplements - dodatki
a check-up - badanie lekarskie
junk food - niezdrowa żywność
sleeping pills - tabletki nasenne
a pain killer - śrokek przeciwbólowy
an ointment - maść
a pill - tabletka
a drug - lekarstwo
a vaccine - szczepionka