Supernatural forces

Supernatural forces

We usually associate supernatural forces with something dark and nasty; with black magic or some other devil thing. Most people do not even want to talk

about it. They say that such things are "crazy stories invented by crazy people". They just do not believe in supernatural forces.

However some phenomena about which we hardly know anything have a big impact on the "real" world. They make life easier for some people and more difficult for others.

Telepathy is one of them. It enables two minds to communicate without the means of sensory perception. If pupils were able to make use of it, they would not have to spend so much time learning subjects they dislike; in case of "emergency" they would easily exchange the necessary ideas and information. By means of telepathy we could learn what other people think about us and who we can rely on.

The ability to predict the future is another mysterious thing which has attracted people's attention for ages. Especially students have always been eager to acquire this skill; they would have no difficulty in preparing for their exams then. Active and ambitious people would know which goals they should set themselves and which are unrealistic. In this way they could save a lot of energy and achieve much more than they have ever dreamt of.

Bioenergy healers, the last resort of people with incurable diseases, offering alternative kinds of treatment constitute a good example of how effective supernatural forces can be. Such healers often work miracles, although they themselves cannot explain this phenomenon.

As you can see, many good things can be done with supernatural forces. If you have them, do your best to heal the world.


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