I believe that parents are the first and most important people who play the most important role in the development of the child. Parents transmit social values, they learn to love and respect other people. Child gets from his parents the ability to live in society, acquire basic skills and knowledge about the world around him. The best teacher will not replace parents. When the school takes the child can not destroy the relationship of parents with their children. Upbringing in schools should lead to the maturation of personality. The role of the school is to know their students and their family environment. For proper maturation of the child is necessary to cooperation parents and teachers who indicate rules, norms and values. Grandparents are one of the most important people in a child's life. Grandparents connect generations. Their help in the daily chores is sometimes invaluable. In fact, grandparents can help, but they should not replace parents. The responsibility for upbringing of children rests on the parents. Grandparents always want to the best for the grandchildren. However, the impact on their upbringing have a much smaller, because parents bring up their children. They love their grandchildren very much. Contact with grandparents to grandchildren is a possibility of experiencing another kind of love than they have from their parents. This love is more sensitive, patient and understanding. The child often can talk about everything with his grandmother or grandfather.
My sisters and I, we were always surrounded by the love of their parents and grandparents. In our family the relationship are based on mutual cooperation, respect and trust. Although parents work hard they have got the time for us. In our house, everyone has got allocated their duties, for example cleaning their room or kitchen. Every free moment we spend together. We watch TV, walk or play board game. We often see the grandparents, because they live in the same village. Grandparents help us when we have got a problem, listen to our stories about the previous day, enjoy our successes. I can't imagine life without my family.
If we talk about family, we should mention the child. A lot of people wonder when the child starts to speak. Most parents says that children start to talk around twelve months of age. Children often say at the beginning: "mom" or "dad." One thing is Certain: after the first word, others come quickly. By eighteen months, most children learn about 50 words. By two , they can say 200 words. The first sentences are made up of single words. Children quickly learn to control the fall and raise your voice. These activities show differences between a question and stating. This becomes important to learn grammar. The older children, the more they learn grammar. By eighteen months, the child starts to replace the words in sentences. They learn the basic patterns of word order about two years. The older the child, the parents talk more with him. The next step in the development of speech is school.
My best friend had a baby two years ago. I am godmother her daughter. Girls speech development was and still is a fascinating experience for me. At the beginning the child communicated with the environment by shouting, after which you can recognize their needs. By the sixth month were different sounds: vowels and spółgłoski.Po a while I noticed that she understands a lot although she has not started talking. The child reacts to his name. The first syllables appeared around six months. At the end of the first year she began to speak simple words, for example: Baba, mama, tata. The child started to speak sentences, which consisted of two words around two years. I also remember that the child liked to imitate gestures, words and phrases. A girl celebrated the second birthday in December. Her speech is still developing. Everyone is happy with each new word.