Test z języka angielskiego

Test z języka angielskiego

Dla początkujących i średnio zaawansowanych

Exercise 1.
0x08 graphic

Example: Mr. Duval is from Paris.
0x08 graphic

He's French.

0x08 graphic

Miss Tanaka is from Tokyo.
0x08 graphic

Mr. Turner is from Toronto.
0x08 graphic

Mr. Manzini is from Rome.
0x08 graphic

Mr. Castano is from Madrid.
0x08 graphic

Mr. Baker is from New York.
0x08 graphic

Mr. Hodges is from London.
0x08 graphic

Miss Lopez is from Mexico.
0x08 graphic

Miss Campos is from Rio de Janeiro.
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

Exercise 2.
0x08 graphic

Example: That's my friend. His name is Ed Thompson.
0x08 graphic

My friend's name is Ed Thompson.

0x08 graphic

That's Mr. Newman. His office is very big.
0x08 graphic

This is Mr. Parker. Her husband is British.
0x08 graphic

That's my daughter. Her picture is over there.
0x08 graphic

This is my student. His book is over here.
0x08 graphic

That's Kathy. Her friend is at the door.
0x08 graphic

That's Mr. Thompson's son. His name is David.
0x08 graphic

That's Mrs. Duval. Her car is in the garage.
0x08 graphic

That's the secretary. Her typewriter is on the desk.
0x08 graphic

That's Mary's brother. His name is Tom.
0x08 graphic

That's my friend. His wife's handbag is on the table.
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

Exercise 3
0x08 graphic

Example: "Excuse me, is that my pen?"
0x08 graphic

No, thanks.
0x08 graphic

It's your pen.
0x08 graphic

No, it's my pen.

0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

1. "I'm sorry." _____
0x08 graphic

That's all right.
0x08 graphic

Here you are.
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

2. "And this is your book, right?" _____
0x08 graphic

Here it is!
0x08 graphic

It's over there.
0x08 graphic

That's right.
0x08 graphic

3. "Please give me the book!" _____
0x08 graphic

Fine, thank you.
0x08 graphic

Here you are.
0x08 graphic

Yes, please.
0x08 graphic

4. "Thank you." _____
0x08 graphic

Just fine.
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

You're welcome.
0x08 graphic

5. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" _____
0x08 graphic

There it is!
0x08 graphic

No, thanks.
0x08 graphic

Not too bad.
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

Exercise 4.
0x08 graphic

Examples: (in / at / on)
0x08 graphic

Mr. Wilson is sitting at his desk.
0x08 graphic

(to / on / in)
0x08 graphic

He's in his office.

0x08 graphic

(at / from / on)
0x08 graphic

The telephone is _______ the desk.
0x08 graphic

(under / at / to)
0x08 graphic

A piece of paper is _______ the book.
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

(in / on / of)
0x08 graphic

Mr. Wilson's name is _______ the paper.
0x08 graphic

(to / in / on)
0x08 graphic

What's that _______ the small table?
0x08 graphic

(of / in / with)
0x08 graphic

It's a cup _______ coffee.
0x08 graphic

(to / at / on)
0x08 graphic

Is that a map or a picture _______ the wall?
0x08 graphic

(on / of / from)
0x08 graphic

It's a picture _______ Mr. Wilson's family.
0x08 graphic

(at / in / to)
0x08 graphic

The secretary is standing _______ the door.
0x08 graphic

(of / from / at)
0x08 graphic

She's _______ Edinburgh, Scotland.
0x08 graphic

(on / to / in)
0x08 graphic

San Francisco is _______ the U.S.
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

Exercise 1.

0x08 graphic

Example: (arrive / ring)
0x08 graphic

When Miss Gray arrived at the office, the telephone was ringing.

0x08 graphic

(get up / have)
0x08 graphic

When Mr. Morgan ________ this morning, his wife ________ breakfast.
0x08 graphic

(watch / get home)
0x08 graphic

Peter ________ television when Elizabeth ________ from work.
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic
(check / arrive)
0x08 graphic

Mr. Schmidt ________ his bags when Mr. Manzini ________ at the airport.
0x08 graphic

(see / drink)
0x08 graphic

When I ________ you at the restaurant yesterday, you ________ a cup of coffee.
0x08 graphic

(speak / leave)
0x08 graphic

Mr. Adams ________ on the phone when Cindy ________ the office.
0x08 graphic

(walk / see)
0x08 graphic

I ________ down the street when I ________my friend Laura.
0x08 graphic

(begin / write)
0x08 graphic

When the meeting ________, Mr. Lawson ________a memo.
0x08 graphic

(talk / ask)
0x08 graphic

Mr. Benson ________about the report when someone ________ a question.
0x08 graphic

(eat / bring)
0x08 graphic

Tony and Gary ________ their salads when the waiter ________ their steaks.
0x08 graphic

(do / listen)
0x08 graphic

When David ________ his homework yesterday afternoon, his sister ________ to the radio.
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

Exercise 2.
0x08 graphic

Example: The bookstore will be open b 8 o'clock.
0x08 graphic

a) for b) until c) to

0x08 graphic

The movie started five minutes ________.
0x08 graphic

a) ago b) past c) since
0x08 graphic

We don't live in New York ________.
0x08 graphic

a) still b) never c) anymore
0x08 graphic

Mark goes out of town on business ________.
0x08 graphic

a) on time b) now and then c) anymore
0x08 graphic

It takes ________ to learn to use a word processor well.
0x08 graphic

a) all the time b) time for c) a long time
0x08 graphic

I was ________ eating when the phone rang.
0x08 graphic

a) still b) then c) during
0x08 graphic

Our friends from Canada will be here ________.
0x08 graphic

a) a week ago b) a week from now c) last week
0x08 graphic

How ________ is your next doctor's appointment?
0x08 graphic

a) soon b) late c) often
0x08 graphic

Tom meets with his boss ________.
0x08 graphic

a) during a week b) a week ago c) once a week
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

Exercise 3.
0x08 graphic

Example: The people were talking in the hall. I heard them.
0x08 graphic

I heard them talking in the hall.

0x08 graphic

The phone is ringing. I can hear it.
0x08 graphic

The woman was asking the clerk a question. We heard her.
0x08 graphic

The people were getting off the bus. Mark watched them.
0x08 graphic

Someone is calling my name. I think I hear him.
0x08 graphic

I am learning to use the word processor. I don't want anyone to watch me.
0x08 graphic

Sam was driving his new car. Everyone saw him.
0x08 graphic

The people at the next table are ordering the lunch. I hear them.
0x08 graphic

John is having dinner at Mario's. I often see him.
0x08 graphic

The children are doing homework. Mrs. Lane is watching them.
0x08 graphic

Jane was walking down the street. Did you see her?
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

Exercise 4.
0x08 graphic

Example: "Do you smoke?" I asked you if you smoked .
0x08 graphic

"I don't smoke cigars." You told me you didn't smoke cigars. "I smoke cigarettes." You said you smoked cigarettes.

0x08 graphic

1. "Do you ever work late?" I asked you _____________________.
0x08 graphic

"I don't work late on Fridays." You told me ____________________.
0x08 graphic

"I work late on Mondays." You said _______________________.
0x08 graphic

2. "Do you take the train to work?" I asked you _____________________.
0x08 graphic

"I don't take the train." You told me ____________________.
0x08 graphic

"I take the bus to work." You said _______________________.
0x08 graphic

3. "Do you sleep late?" I asked you _____________________.
0x08 graphic

"I don't sleep late during the week." You told me ____________________.
0x08 graphic

"I sleep late on Saturdays." You said _______________________.
0x08 graphic

4. "Do you know how to drive a bus?" I asked you _____________________.
0x08 graphic

"I don't know how to drive a bus." You told me ____________________.
0x08 graphic

"I know how to drive a car." You said _______________________.
0x08 graphic

5. "Do you type fast?" I asked you _____________________.
0x08 graphic

"I don't type fast." You told me ____________________.
0x08 graphic

"I type very slowly." You said _______________________.


Test z języka angielskiego (1)

Dla początkujących i średnio zaawansowanych

Exercise 1


pen / white

This is a pen

This pen is white

book / blue

radio / red

pencil / yellow

cassette player / black

piece of paper / white

Exercise 2



That's a newspaper.

Give me the newspaper, please.






Exercise 3


Is that a newspaper? Yes, it is .

Is this a newspaper? No, it is not .

What is it? (magazine) It is a magazine .

1. Is the pen red? Yes, _________

Is the pencil red? No, __________

What color is it? (blue) ______________

2. Is this a cassette player? Yes, ___________

Is that a cassette player? No, ____________

What is it? (radio) _______________

3. Is this a book? Yes, ___________

Is Time a book? No, ____________

What is it? (magazine) ________________

4. Is Berlin in Germany? Yes, ___________

Is Paris in Germany? No, ____________

Where is it? (France) _______________

5. Is Spain a country? Yes, __________

Is Rome a country? No, ___________

What is it? (city) _______________

Exercise 4


This book isn't gray.

What color is it?

This isn't a pencil.

That isn't Frankfurt.

The U.K. isn't a city.

The radio isn't green.

London isn't in Germany.

That isn't a magazine.

This isn't Mexico.

This isn't "4"

Tokyo isn't in Spain.

The cassette player isn't white.

Exercise 5


Is Orlando a big city?

It's a city, but it isn't a big city.

Is The Manchester Guardian an American newspaper?

It's a newspaper, but it isn't an American newspaper.

Is a Cadillac a small car?

Is Mrs. Duval an English teacher?

Is Canada a small country?

Is Mr. Benedetti an American student?

Is Time a Spanish magazine?

Is that a beautiful car?

Is this a red book?

Is Mr. Baker a German teacher?

Is "3" a big number?

Is Miss Newman a Berlitz student?

Exercise 6


Mr. Baker is the teacher. Who is the teacher?

New York is a city. What is New York?

Toronto is in Canada. Where is Toronto?

1. Miss Campos is a student. ________ is a student?

2. Mr. Rossi is in Rome. ________is Mr. Rossi?

3. The Times is a newspaper. ________ is The Times?

4. Tokyo is in Japan. ________ is Tokyo?

5. That's Miss Waters. _______is that?

6. The Concorde is a plane. _______is the Concorde?

7. Mrs. Jackson is standing. _______is standing?

8. Green is a beautiful color. _______ is a beautiful color?

9. Mr. Sato is in the classroom. _______ is in the classroom?

10. France is in Europe. _______ is France?

Exercise 7


7 - seven

16 __________

3 __________

14 __________

10 __________

8 __________

13 __________

6 __________

20 __________

15 __________

4 __________

9 __________

11 __________

17 __________

5 __________

19 __________

Część dla średnio zaawansowanych


Mr. Peters works for a big American company. The company has offices in London, too, and Mr. Peters goes there on business. This trip, Mr. and Mrs. Peters are both (both / each) going to go.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the Peters arrived at the ticket ______ (counter / agent) of Intercontinental Airlines to check _______ (out / in) for their flight. The ticket agent checked their ______ (porter / bags) and gave them their (boarding / smoking) passes. Mr. Peters wanted a window _______ (seat / aisle) in the non-smoking _______ (gate / section). He was able to get one because they got to the _______ (airline / airport) early. It didn't _______ (take / last) a long time to check in, and the Peters had time to get a cup of coffee at the snack (bar / store). The flight _______ (attendant / agent) showed them their seats and helped them with their ________ baggage claim check / carry-on bags). The flight left on _______ (vacation / schedule).


Exercise 60

Example: Judy can't go shopping because she has too much work.

I can't drink this coffee; it has _______ sugar in it.

They can't get a table at the restaurant because there are ________ customers.

A lot of people were standing because there weren't ________chairs.

Kathy's mother doesn't want her to drink _______ Coke.

I don't like to take the bus because there are usually ________ people.

John can't sleep when he drinks _______ coffee.

Jack didn't have ______ money to buy a house.

It is not good to eat _______ snacks.

Ed won't be able to leave early because he has _______ appointments this afternoon.

Do you have _______ cash to pay for the plane tickets?

Exercise 61

Examples: Susan will watch television after she gets home. (get)

Tom will go to the movies when he leaves work. (go)

I'll answer the telephone when it _______ again. (ring)

Miss Taylor _______ her work before she leaves the office. (finish)

Mr. Kane will go into the station after he ______ the car. (park)

The flight attendant will look at our boarding passes before we ______ the plane. (get on)

The waiter _______ you a menu after you sit down. (give)

Mr. Larson _______ to the client when he calls. (speak)

We'll have time for a cup of coffee before the meeting _______. (begin)

The secretary _______ at her desk when Mr. Franklin arrives. (be)

The Smiths will go to the gate after they _______ their bags. (check)

Anne _______ a lot of clothes when she goes shopping today. ( try on)


Mr. Crane: O.K., Barbara, I think that's everything. These memos are finished. And it's time for lunch!

Barbara: Fine, but before you leave, let's talk about that meeting with Bill Adams. Remember? He called a few days ago. He wants to see you one day next week.

Mr. Crane: Oh, that's right. I forgot all about it. I'll be free on Tuesday afternoon. Could you please call and ask him if that's all right with him?

Barbara: O.K., I'll call him right after lunch. Will there be anything else?

Mr. Crane: Yes, before I forget, will you make a copy of these memos after you type them? I'd like to show them to Mr. Wilson this afternoon. I'm meeting with him at 2:30.

Barbara: Sure, I'll type them right after lunch. I can finish typing them before 2:00, and then I'll make the copies. Is that all right?

Mr. Crane: That'll be just fine. Well, I'll see you after lunch.

Barbara: Oh, Mr. Crane. Don't forget! You have an appointment with Mrs. Kingston at 1:00.

Mr. Crane: That's right. I almost forgot! Thanks, Barbara. You never forget anything!

Exercise 62

Answer questions about the text

Are Barbara and Mr. Crane talking about a report or memos?

Are the memos finished or not?

Is it time for lunch or time to go home now?

Did a man or a woman call Mr. Crane about a meeting?

Who was it?

When did he call?

Does Mr.

ber the phone call?

When will Mr. Crane be free next week?

Is Barbara going to call Mr. Adams?

Is she going to call him before lunch or after lunch?

When is Barbara going to type the memos?

Who's going to make copies of the memos?

Is she going to make copies after she types the memos?

When will Barbara finish typing the memos?

Is Mr. Crane going to show the memos to anyone?

Who's he going to show them to?

Does Mr. Crane have an appointment with Mr. Wilson?

Does he have an appointment with Mrs. Kingston, too?

What time is the appointment with Mrs. Kingston?

Did Mr. Crane almost forget that appointment?

Exercise 63

Example: Mr. Butler's line is busy. I'll have to call back later.

I couldn't remember Paul's address, but I didn't _______ his phone number.

You don't have to ________ this word. I can tell you what it means.

We ________ go to Montreal on our next vacation.

My boss is going to ________ on business all next week.

The children always ________ the weekend.

Did anyone ________ help you carry your bags?

Miss Gray will ________ all of Mr. Kingston's appointments on his calendar.

Mr. Morgan didn't ________ his doctor's appointment until it was too late.

After I finish talking on the phone, I say "Good-bye" and ________.

Please don't ________ this form with a pencil; use a pen.

Hang up, remember, offer to, be away, forget, call back, look up, look forward to, plan to, write down, fill out


W każdy poniedziałek w internetowym wydaniu Gazety Wyborczej znajdziesz

nowy test

Odpowiedzi z języka angielskiego

Exercise 1.
0x08 graphic

She's Japanese, 2. He's Canadian, 3. He's Italian, 4. She's Spanish,
0x08 graphic

5. He's American, 6. He's British, 7. She's Mexican, 8. She's Brazilian.
0x08 graphic

Exercise 2.
0x08 graphic

Mr. Newman's office is very big
0x08 graphic

Mrs. Parker's husband is British
0x08 graphic

My daughter's picture is over there
0x08 graphic

My student's book is over here
0x08 graphic

Kathy's friend is at the door
0x08 graphic

Mr. Thompson's son's name is David
0x08 graphic

Mrs. Duval's car is in the garage
0x08 graphic

The secretary's typewriter is on the desk
0x08 graphic

Mary's brother's name is Tom
0x08 graphic

My friend's wife's handbag is on the table
0x08 graphic

Exercise 3.
0x08 graphic

a, 2. c, 3. b, 4. c 5. B
0x08 graphic

Exercise 4.
0x08 graphic

1. on, 2. under, 3. on, 4. on, 5. of, 6. on, 7. of, 8. at, 9. from, 10. in
0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

Exercise 1.

0x08 graphic

got up; was having 2. was watching; got home 3. was checking; arrived
0x08 graphic

4. saw; were drinking 5. was speaking; left 6. Was walking; saw 7. began; was writing 8. was talking; asked 9. were eating; brought 10. did; was listening
0x08 graphic

Exercise 2.
0x08 graphic

1 a, 2 c, 3 b, 4 c, 5 a, 6 b, 7 a, 8 c
0x08 graphic

Exercise 3.
0x08 graphic

I can hear it ringing
0x08 graphic

We heard her asking the clerk a question
0x08 graphic

Mark watched them getting off the bus
0x08 graphic

I think I hear him calling my name
0x08 graphic

I don't want anyone to watch me learning to use the word processor
0x08 graphic

Everyone saw him driving his new car
0x08 graphic

I hear them ordering lunch
0x08 graphic

I often see him having dinner at Mario's
0x08 graphic

Mrs. Lane is watching them doing homework
0x08 graphic

Did you see her walking down the street?
0x08 graphic

Exercise 4.
0x08 graphic

if you ever worked late; you didn't work late on Fridays; you worked late on Mondays
0x08 graphic

if you took the train to work; you didn't take the train; you took the bus to work
0x08 graphic

if you slept late; you didn't sleep late during the week; you slept late on Saturdays
0x08 graphic

if you knew how to drive a bus; you didn't know how to drive a bus; you knew how to drive a car
0x08 graphic

if you typed fast; you didn't type fast; you typed very slowly.

Odpowiedzi z języka angielskiego

Test dla początkujących i średnio zaawansowanych

Exercise 1

This is a book. The book is blue. 2. This is a radio. The radio is red. 3. This is a pencil. The pencil is yello. 4. This is a cassetee player. The cassette player is black. 5. This is a piece of paper. The piece of paper is white.

Exercise 2

That's a pencil. Give me the pencil, please. 2. That's a cassette. Give me the cassette, please. 3. That's a magazine. Give me the magazine, please. 4. That's a pen. Give me the pen, please. 5. That's a book. Give me the book, please.

Exercise 3

1. it is; it's not; it's blue. 2. It is; it's not; it's a radio. 3. It is; it's not; it's a magazine. 4. It is; it's not' it's in France. 5. It is; it's not; it's a city.

Exercise 4

1. What is it? 2. What city is it? 3. What is it? 4. What color is it? 5. Where is it? 6. What is it? 7. What country is it? 8. What number is it? 9. Where is it? 10. What color is it?

Exercise 5.

1. It's a car, but it isn't a small car. 2. She's a teacher, but she isn't an English teacher. 3. It's a country, but it isn't a small country. 4. He is a student, but he isn't an American student. 5. It's a magazine, but it isn't a Spanish magazine. 6. It's a car, but it isn't a beautiful car. 7. It's a book, but it isn't a red book. 8. He is a teacher, but he isn't a German teacher. 9. It's a number, but it isn't a big number. 10. She is a student, but she isn't a Berlitz student.

Exercise 6.

1. Who 2. Where 3. What 4. Where 5. Who 6. What 7. Who 8. What 9. Who 10. Where

Exercise 7.

1. sixteen 2. three 3. fourteen 4. ten 5. eight 6. thirteen 7. six 8. twenty 9. fifteen 10. four 11. nine 12. eleven 13. seventeen 14. five 15. nineteen

Exercise 59.

Counter; in; bags; boarding; seat; section; airport; take; bar; attendant; carry-on bags; schedule

Exercise 60.

1. too much, 2. too many, 3. enough, 4. too much, 5. too many, 6. too much, 7. enough 8. too many, 9. too many, 10. enough.

Exercise 61.

1. rings, 2. will finish, 3. parks, 4. get on, 5. will give, 6. will speak, 7. begins, 8. will be, 9. check, 10. will try on

Exercise 62.

1. They're talking about memos. 2. They're finished. 3. It's time for lunch. 4. A amn did. 5. It was Bill Adams. 6. He called a few days ago. 7. Yes, he does. 8. He'll be free on Tuesday afternoon. 9. Yes, she is. 10. She's going to call him after lunch. 11. She's going to type them right after lunch. 12. Barbara is. 13. Yes, she is. 14. She'll finish typing them before 2:00. 15. Yes, he is. 16. He's going to show them to Mr. Wilson. 17. Yes, he does. 18. Yes, he does. 19. It's at 1:00. 20. Yes, he did.

Exercise 63.

1. forget 2. look up 3. plan to 4. be away 5. look forward to 6. offer to 7. write down 8. remember 9. hang up 10. fill out


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