Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction Unstoppable Confidence Tapes Notes

Ross Jeffries Unstoppable Confidence Tapes - Notes

Tape 1, Side 1

If I want a particular frame of mind, I must rehearse it. If I want a particular result, I must rehearse it.

Power Attitude #1: Being with you is the absolute best possible choice that any woman can make.

Power Attitude #2: I never get rejected, I only discover whether a woman has good taste.

What I resist, persists. What I accept, I can use. Use your sense of humor and turn things around.

Power Attitude #3: You never know what kind of physical type a woman goes for. So you go for it powerfully and congruently.

Power Attitude #4: Never attach excess meaning to whether you get accepted or rejected.

Be consistently powerful and your consistency will pay off. It's very appealing to people to be persistent, but not pushy.

Power Principle #5: If a woman wants you a little bit, she'll want you a lot more if she has to work to get you.

Use selective reinforcement to your advantage. Willingness to walk away. Do it without being punishing or nasty. The ability to walk away from someone who's wasting your time gives you all that much more confidence to approach someone new.

Power Principle #6: It's okay to be wrong more than you're right. You'll wrong tiny, and be right humongous.


Step 1: get into a relaxed state, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, good posture, breathing

Step 2: say to yourself on the inside 3 times: “my mind will keep these commands in my memory and make everything necessary for them to happen”

Step 3: say each affirmation 3 times out loud using correct tonality

Step 4: repeat to yourself on the inside 3 times: “these commands are fulfilled.”

Step 5:

Affirmation #1: You are aggressive, direct, and powerful with the women you desire. You radiate a confidence, self-control and charm that women find irresistibly attractive.

Affirmation #2: Your mind is focused on your final outcome. You go for what you want congruently and powerfully.

You are so hilarious that the people around you can't help but laugh until their bellies hurt. You have an innately hilarious humor that can't help but shine through when you let it go.

You have such an ability to experience an incredibly intimate rapport with people that they can't help but feel completely in tune with you and smile until their face hurts.

Affirmation #4: You take immediate advantage of your opportunities with women. You swiftly establish incredible rapport, gather the information that you need, and close with aggression, power, and finesse.

Affirmation #5: You radiate a natural, easy self-acceptance that people find irresistibly attractive.

There are so many opportunities in life that you pursue those that are most in line with your quest for ultimate meaning and fulfillment. focus on only those that are the absolute best use of your time.

The universe is such an incredibly abundant place that you allow it to move you with a truly joyful, carefree spirit.

, upon discovering a new one,

Affirmation #6: You safeguard your morale and self-esteem at all times.

You are as a chameleon, with the ability to precisely calibrate yourself to any situation you might find yourself in.

You are becoming so adept at the Jedi skills of life that you have an arsenal of states, attitudes, and behaviors that allow you to effortlessly master any situation you might find yourself in.

Don't force your behavior to change. You'll find yourself just automatically doing the right thing.

Side 2

Associated State Rehearsal

Step 1: Close eyes and see 40-ft tall powerful super-confident image of myself, leaning back 20 to 30 degrees

Step 2: Turn him around, raise him up, and drop the image onto myself

Step 3: See through my 40-ft tall eyes and hear my thunderous voice

Step 4: See through those eyes a gorgeous girl I'd like to have

Step 5: Over one of her shoulders, see that powerful 40-ft tall you again. Over the other, play a movie of me and her getting it on like crazy later on in the evening.

Step 6: As you keep seeing all of this, say “Ah, look at that! I'm going to have her tonight. Let's give her a chance to get to know me.”

Step 7: Zoom in on that part of her body I really like, and hear that voice in my mind say “go for it!”

Step 8: Notice how incredibly powerful and motivated I feel.

Tape 2, Side 1

If you're going to rehearse, you want to have detail AND flexibility.

When you know you can go out any night and attract tons of beautiful women wherever you go, it gives you a lot of strength and power with any one particular woman.

Building a filmstrip

Step 1: Pick a location or context where you'd like to meet women easily and powerfully.

Step 2: Create a slide in which you get the first hint that you're in that particular situation.

Step 3, 4, 5, 6: In the next slide, see yourself in the midst of the first logical step of seducing her, smiling and having a great time with her.

After that, create another slide of the next logical step of the seduction, such as her going home with you right there or the first meeting.

Next slide: a picture of another step, like making out on the couch like crazy.

Now: a picture of the two of you passionately making love in your favorite position.

Last: a picture of the two of you passionately making love in another favorite postion.

Next Step: Connect the last and first slides into a loop, a circular filmstrip, and just see the last one right next to the first one.

Next Step: Turn the filmstrip on its side, raise it above your head, rotate it, quickly look at all the slides, and drop the filmstrip into your head.

Next Step: Go to the first slide, step into it, and see exactly what you'd see in that slide.

Go to the third slide and step in experience it.

Go to the last slide and step (or lie) into it and experience it.

Last step: Go back into the first slide, and see over one of her shoulders the 40-ft tall you, and over the other shoulder, the last slide.

Now you'll be able to seduce women in that location anytime you want! And now you can use these tools to be powerful, confident, and successful in any other area of your life!

Tape 2, Side 2

Cleaning up your past

  1. Think of a recent mistake you made w/ women

  2. Watch the 40-ft tall you in a movie theater watching a small black-and-white movie of making the mistake from beginning to end, he notices where you start making the mistake and can think of how he would've done it differently

  3. Back the movie up to an hour before the mistake happened and watch how the 40-ft tall you does it right and it comes out the way you want

  4. Go back to an hour before the first time you ever made the mistake, turn and look towards the present and see the most recent time you've done it right because you corrected it

  5. Now from an hour before the first time you ever did it, watch the 40-ft tall you doing it right, with it turning out the way you want

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5, but with an experience that's in between the other two - go to an hour before the middle experience, see it right in the past, see it right in the future, and with a sense that you've already done it right and will in the future, run through it with it turning out the way you want

  7. In the future, an hour before a time when you'll be faced with a similar situation, look back on the past 3 times you've done it right, turn back to the future, and see it coming out the way you'd want it to.

Flub-ups can be anything, even failing to recognize that the woman was a waste of time.

Apply this to all areas of dealing w/ women.

Tape 3, Side 1

“Excuse me, but would you ever go out for coffee with a guy you met at a place like this?”

“Well, that depends.”

“Great, well my name is ________.”

“Excuse me, but I'd like to ask you a question - Have you ever felt instantly comfortable talking to someone you've just met?”


“Great, well my name is __________.”

“That's a great dress you're almost wearing.”

“Ever heard the expression `A body that just won't quit'? Well yours doesn't even take a coffee break.”

1st gear: Get them laughing

2nd gear: Get them talking about themselves in a comfortable way

3rd gear: Get them really turned on

4th gear: Close the deal

(laughing) “Has anyone ever told you you're a shining example of genetic perfection?”

90-10 rule: 90% of your pleasure will come from 10% of the women you approach.

1st step: approach, get her attention, get her laughing

2nd step: introduce yourself

3rd step: get her talking about herself (ie, analyze handwriting)

Then, titillate: “When you think about how wonderful it feels to be loved by someone you truly care for, doesn't it make you really want to be with someone special again?” - Gets her to remember a time, she starts to associate it with you.

In the appropriate place.

4th Step: Closing the deal: “I think you're a really great lady, and I think you deserve the chance to go out with me and discover how much fun you can have. Can you be ready Monday night at 8 o'clock…” - making it a positive benefit to her.

(Some don't want to wait until later…)

How can I enjoy the challenges that living this adventure will give me?

Tape 3, Side 2

People are connected to each other at all times.

Reach through space and time to find your dream lover.

Step 1: Get in a relaxed state.

2) Think of the values that you'd like to share with this person - qualities of the relationship. Write them out on paper.

3) Think about the qualities she will have to have in order for the relationship to be that way. "She is…”, in great detail. You may actually begin to visualize her, but all you need is a general outline.

4) Start to feel her presence with you.

5) Focus on that feeling of being connected to this person, esp. solar plexus. As you feel that connection, imagine a cord of light going from that area of your body to that area of her body. You can even feel a “click.” Then, focus on feeling the connection in the head and groin also. Really focus on how good that feels, and feel a sense of real gratitude for having made the contact.

6) Turn up the juice by visualizing a spiral or coil spinning in your solar plexus sending out even more energy.

  1. From the perspective of her body, and from her eyes, feel the connection and look back at yourself, naming all the qualities she loves about you and feel the love she has for you.

  1. Come back to your body, feel all 3 connections, and thank her in advance for coming into your life.

You might get urges to go to new places or at new times. Follow those urges. You might be surprised to see her there.

If the person you meet isn't exactly right, it means you have to go back to the drawing board and build in additional new qualities.

You should meet the ideal person within 5 tries, especially since limiting aspects of your beliefs and personality were eliminated through the other exercises.


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